“Afghanistan: Final flights arriving as UK’s campaign ends” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-58377805
Dunkirk MKII ?
Cheer up lads! We came back from that and we can do it again with a good leader. As I posted here before, we should now concentrate on home security and strong border control.
The Territorial Army should be expanded to its former strength with home defence being a priority because I fear we have become a ‘Trojan Horse’ thanks to the ‘European Court of Human Rights’
Absolutely right Taffman! But who is going to organise this home security and border control? We have a government which seems only interested in picking up as many ‘refugees’ as possible and allowing them to stay in the UK, most of whom are young male Islamics of fighting age.
The Trojan Horse is already here, as well as in all other Western European countries, and is only waiting its chance to Islamify Europe, which has been its intention for more than a thousand years, and now has had its job simplified by guilt ridden European liberals, gloriously lead by Merkel.
People call me an Islamaphobe for expressing those sentiments. Too right I am! Islamaphobia is a fear of Islam, and Islam terrifies me.
As Al Beeb has now shown the real’ side of the ‘religion of peace’ through the retreat from Afghanistan, there are a lot of Woke people in this country having second thoughts about it, ie LGBGT, women’s rights, etc , including those employed by Al Beeb itself.
The threat is not fighting age Muslims. It comes from the demographics, and one can see that future in the maternity wards in London and Birmingham as an indicator.
One day we will wake up and find that the UK is no longer a Christian nation but an Islamic one.
And there lies the rub. We are not a Christian nation, and therefore will not fight to the death, as we have nothing we believe in that we will fight to the death and beyond. Muslims do.
Our beautiful cathedrals and parish churches are just a tourist attraction. They dont signify the inner spiritual strength of the nation, as they used to.
Worse still, I understood that the Church Of English is planning to abandon parishes and teach Christianity in the sitting room. Imagine the safeguarding issues that will bring. But I guess the CofE is planning to sell off churches to be converted into homes. if that doesn’t work, it has lost everythingm, selling off the family silver.
In the covid years, what has been shown up most is the lack of leadership in the Church with an Archbishop who excuses himself and takes leave when some of his flock may have needed him most.
The Christian clergy is killing faith in this country leaving committed Muslims to be the main faith in this country.
I was going to write that I was sorry but this hasn’t anything to do with the BBC but then remembered they have appointed at least two Muslims as heads of religious programming there.
The Christian clergy is killing faith in this country leaving committed Muslims to be the main faith in this country.
Yes indeed. It is tragic. If we have no faith, we will lose.
The police realise this and pay homage and respect to their future masters. They will arrest the most peaceful Christian street preacher or one in Speakers corner but will ignore violent threatening Muslims.
The critic of Islam is now the ‘villain’ in ‘much of the English-speaking world’: Bolt
You must be very pleased by all this? Every time I post here the reasons why it happens almost to a man I get responses that Politicians should not be paid a decent wage, in fact some say they shouldn’t be paid at all.
So don’t be surprised when a foreign power such as the Arabs or the CCP does pay them what they deserve and smile because you can now enjoy the consequences of your miserliness.
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
Deborah: In the covid years, what has been shown up most is the lack of leadership in the Church with an Archbishop who excuses himself and takes leave when some of his flock may have needed him most.
This was evident when Catholic priests refused to obey the dictat of the government that told them they could not offer sacrament to the dying in hospitals or homes. The priests said they were prepared to die and would go anyhow. The CoE of course caved. Their masters are the ones on earth and not God. ABC Wells when shamed, belatedly offered that he would visit, but maintained the government ban.
Ours is a civilisation where nuns and priests went into the most dangerous killing fields of WWI, almost certain of death. They went because they had to, to show that the dying in the field were not going to die alone. This is a bigger statement of who we are then anything else. I pity the poor relatives that knew that their loved ones were dying alone in a covid 19 contagion ward, and they could not offer any love, peace and solace to he dying.
Welby is a product of the rotten school which teachs immorality to its students along with some extreme left wing views. The most recent crop of Cameron Welby Johnson should be enough to show anyone that this schools has lost its way and may now be beyond saving.
Both priests at my local church contracted covid . There is a big hospital in the diocese. One priest was in the ICU for weeks close to death and is still recovering – his survival was described as a ‘miracle ‘ by medical staff . There is still Duty somewhere .
Seems the heirs of Wellington are proposing regiments composed of Afghan deserters.
Likely based on the above distinctions. Maybe folk can watch from any hills overlooking Bradford as they rush towards each other then join up to jump in cars to drive bravely around Golders Green shouting?
The Lotus-Eaters channel (not BBC, why am I not surprised?) had an interesting discussion yesterday about the massive increase in acts of violence against Jews and homosexuals. It was about this country but applies elsewhere in Europe. Guess who the culprits are.
“It comes from the demographics, and one can see that future in the maternity wards in London and Birmingham as an indicator.”
The likes of you and me and the man in the street, have had this sussed for years, and its a doomsday scenario for the UK and very shortly most of Europe. The soldiers of Islam have no need to terrorise us, they just have to breed for us to be defeated.
Its those being born now who will bear the brunt of this, and I thank God I’ve had the best of years on this planet…… ie
1. Having a good childhood in the 50’s – Mum at home with dinner and tea on the table, and looking like a poster of the 50’s wife in her summer frock.
2. Being a teenager in the 60’s with a choice of jobs, listening to great music, wearing fab (smart) clothes and not looking like a hooker, and being dated by fellas in suits on a Saturday night.
3. The Pill liberated us. The 70’s was truly the age fashion forgot – blokes in platform heels ???? Despite mortgage rates being through the roof we still got a mortgage for our first home, and made do with second hand ‘bits’. Chicken in the basket, Blue Nun and Black Tower wine, black forest gateaux was the height of sophistication.
Oh, and we could just walk to the GP surgery and took our turn in waiting to see the doctor. I could go on, but you all know what I mean.
In 1939, I was not there, but i’ve read that the general sentiment was that tough though it was, we were better off alone. This was despite we were facing an enemy with engineering and technology of no equal anywhere, and an army commanded by an officer corpe and general staff, that still has admirers. Thank God they had Hitler (Russian adventure), or the going would have been much tougher.
We were alone but we had resources of the empire. Oil from the ME, mineral resources from Africa, and men from India, Canada, Australia and NZ, and all the resources of minerals and engineering and production from the empire, that dwarfed Germany or even the USA. It would have taken another year to martial it, but win we would have.
The aftermath of Afghanistan has wrecked the solidarity of NATO. What is now in the offing is the break up of America.
The protagonists.
The Democrats are pushing that the occupation by Trump supporters of the House of Congress was an insurrection, and more deadly then Islamic terrorism and 9/11. Their push is that so-called White Supremacists and Trump supporters are guilty.
On the other side are people who believe that the 2020 election was stolen, and the occupation of the House was a justified response.
The Afghanistan debacle is now coming to the boil.
I believe that election fraud will be proved, as it is true. When Trump is re-installed a civil war will start.
When responding to Lefty frothing over the Capitol Hill fiasco, one can simply outline the storming and occupation of the Capitol buildings by Democrat supporters in 2018, which led to 293 arrests. Don’t expect a balanced and civil discussion on this matter, however.
Ironically, they were protesting the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court on the grounds that: “Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power.” (Emily Ratajkowski). Strangely, young Emily and her friends in the hypocrisy fringe have been silent on this issue during the Presidency of one Joseph Biden Jnr, who still has not accounted or apologised for the eight allegations against him for sexual assault – which remain unresolved – not to mention the numerous episodes of inappropriate conduct around underage girls and young women which continue to this day. He’s known as Creepy Joe for good reason.
The BBC treating the Imbecile with the hushed reverence he doesn’t deserve as he attends the return of the dead soldiers’ bodies from Kabul and meets their poor families.
Imagine you’re a parent, already suffering terribly, and you have to endure the final insult of the c**t (clot) who caused your child’s death poncing around for a photo op.
Did he wake up at 33 seconds into that clip. ? A number of Twitter comments ask how Americans could have voted for him ?
But of course – the majority did not vote for him .
Biden should never have been allowed anywhere near the Presidency of the Unites States of America-his background like many other such people stinks, but his stinks even more if you study his past.
Wrongly maybe in some people’s eyes that US and British Military should have left the cess pit of Afgahanistan, but I’m most certainly not, having had two sons in the Military closely associated in theatres of war. We in the UK will soon need all our Military here-Islamic power is growing-but our week politicians and compliant media will do all their power to hide this very serious issue from the mostly gullable public.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, England won a Test Match – there’s a bit of summer for you) I remember the Rochdale (was it?) Riots during Labour’s time in Government. Jack Straw got in some trouble, if I recall correctly. The lads without jobs there and without the hope of a job were of largely Indian and Pakistani descent: first, second, perhaps some third generation, and they all spoke English in vox pops with a Lancashire accent. You cannot get more British than that!
Over on your side of the country, we have Pounce, one time regular on this site and, if I recall correctly, of mixed race parentage. He no doubt speaks English with a Yorkshire accent (next best thing to Lancashire – probably) and he has sworn allegiance to Her Majesty and fought in our Army for our country. Again, you cannot get more British than that.
There are a lot of the other kind of “British” in Rochdale, still raping and pillaging, and in other cities all over the country. Meanwhile the police cars are being painted rainbow colours.
Plus free pocket money as well. If you see a Royal navy or RNLI ship or boat, you can be sure they are legitimate carriers, and will not ask you for money.
I don’t think any reader here will be under any illusion as to the evil and violence of Socialism, an ideology responsible for the ending of more human lives than any other cause, but what the Biden ‘administration’ has now done take Socialism to a new low.
The US has threatened the UK over criticism of Biden that the deluded and demented fool ‘bears grudges’ or in other words criticise him at your peril.
I am confident that this kind of threat is going to be enormously effective against a coward of the stature of Boris the bottler who will quickly fold.
Quite funny for one of his people to say that the false president has a ‘long memory ‘- he can barely remember the names of his relatives .
The monsters behind him have the memory – I think . And if they are threatening British politicians for telling the truth they can go take a flyer -eh ?
iirc he mistook somebody else for Jill on a podium early last year – and having seen the descent into gaga-dom close-up twice in the last 5 years I know that transitory lucidity is a feature of the deterioration process – that – to what’s left of my mind wholly explains Sleepy Joe’s poor appearance timekeeping..
It might be strange that the MSM hasn’t put up an expert on dementia to assess his conduct – as to whether he shows signs of it .
I , too. Have too much experience of the stages of dementia and I know what I am seeing – even in public snapshots where he is as prepared as he can be .
The effin CNN et al swines weren’t slow in wheeling out obliging quacks to “analyse” Twump on a regular basis eh?
In my not so humble opinion – Biden’s erratic timekeeping is the real giveaway.
Two years back I sat and had a cup of tea and a pleasant, lucid natter with an in-law – 45 minutes later I found her half a mile down the road stood in a hedge and she didn’t recognise me
We are quaking at the thought of facing Biden’s anger.
We had total control of Afghanistan with just a few thousand NATO soldiers in Bagram. We would then be in the centre of the power play that is hotting up with Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan and India. Instead we bottled out.
A nation that broke its oath to God and country as a start, can be expected to break its oath and cut and run in battle.
At this moment the USA is in serious danger of breaking apart. They need our help.
I disagree with you .
1 We didn’t ‘bottle out ‘ Biden did ( we should not have gone in the first place )
2 American has now proved that while the Biden mafia is in charge it cannot be relied on as an ally . Every country should note that
3 america won’t ‘break apart ‘ because it has always been divided – the only things keeping it together is the ‘dream’ and that flag .
4They don’t deserve ‘our help’ they deserve what they got with Biden
5 we should concentrate on ourselves and repel /expel boarders .
6 thank god we got out safely
I hope our forces enjoy their 10 day lock down and ‘detox’ from that job .
Nice footage of Biden checking his watch whilst watching boxes of marine body parts being bought back to the US ….
You are right. I mis-wrote in haste – America bottled out.
And that dream and the flag, was when the majority of the nation did believe in those two, as they symbolised the constitution. But the constitution was written by Christian men, largely from England, some 250 years back, while a growing minority now believes in a different type of constitution, or no constitution at all. Even those who are culturally Western, are now so far away from what was norm just 50 years ago, they are now adrift in sludge, that it would be better if they converted to Islam. Yes, its better we are alone again.
Its possible that America will continue, but not in the sense of a nation.
Bidens little anger will be nothing to the ferocity, savagery and violent brutality from those that follow the teachings of Islam that, will come across this once pleasant green country of ours-not so much if, but when. 20 years of mis-management over the enforced immigration into the UK-now a weakened indigenous democratic Christian society, stands by whilst such eveilness lurks seemingly aided by a terrified government and a dulicitous media.
When one looks at the actions of America when Democrats are in power, they do everything to negate whatever defeat Islam was dealt, by rewarding the defeated with territory, weapons, more Muslim immigration to America, and reward them with large amounts of money.
Carter, Clinton, Obama and now Biden, each after a Republican president. Tough acts by Republican presidents led to Democrat presidents who reversed any good, and rewarded Muslims with more money and more immigration to the West.
Now Biden is reversing every good Donald Trump had done by bottling the Taleban, freezing ISIS in fear, and got the Palis in a funk, while limiting Muslim immigration to America.
There are over 1,700 mosques now operational in the United Kingdom; more than enough choice for a well-placed retaliatory car bomb, or several if one feels inclined.
Sunday’s Countryfile Staffordshire at the Agricultural Show,
– eight-year-old Owen and his Limousin calf, and how will 12-year-old Myles and his Clydesdale fare?
– Adam Henson finds out what he needs to do to go green on his farm,
– Tom Heap investigates a toxic threat to dolphins, porpoises and killer whales.
PCB’s are still getting released
“UK harbour porpoises have half the pregnancy rate you’d expect”
“There only 8 killer whales in the UK and they’ve never had a calf in the 25 years we’ve been monitoring them
One of the females was found to have 100 times more of the PCBs than expected”
Adam says his farm emits 1,000T CO2 pa ..whereas the UK average is 10T per person
.. So actually his farm only emits as much as 100 people..that seems low to me
“Here we are at the neighbours farm which has an anaerobic digestor which takes food waste, makes into gas for electricity, about 6,000 homes worth
and generates some fertiliser as well”
Hmm That’s the main business of slippery guy Dale Vince
Normally waste stuff gets turned into compost to fertilise the soil., in the process some CO2 is release and some feeds the soil.
The thing about the Anaerobic digestor set up
Is that you are taking green fields and building a factory on them
which surely wouldn’t be allowed by normal planning laws.
Next item Cow methane Prof Jude Capper said UK is 60% lower than global average
and much land is no good for crops
Next with Organic Farmer : Chris Repple
with his weeding robot
It’s got a large solar panel on top
but I bet that is not enough to supply much of the power
The line “We can be net zero by 2040” was repeated a few times.
The economics of those rarely (if ever) gets explored – received wisdom from local farm people is that “food waste” is a fig leaf at best (groan). My nearest digestor has food waste trucked in from 50 miles away …
It should be a condition of any enterprise that receives more than 20% of their funding from public subsidy that they publish full and open, detailed accounts.
I’ve heard 80% of maize revenue is subsidy – it would be useful to ask the maize growers / digestor operators how public funding supports their business. I do not expect any BBC folk to ask that question….
The stupid addition of ethanol to petrol is a piss-take.
What about the enormous amounts of slurry that gets spread acrocc the fields, its stink I can assure you menas we have to close our windows on a nice day when we get one, and certainly not to put out any washing on the line, the smell inpregnates the washing. Yes I live close by a farm so have first hand knowledge-the slurry from cattle could also be put in an anaerobic digester and used as eventual fertilizer, far less stinky-and frankly the slurry could be considered as a pollutant. Initial expence for the digester can be offset by a number of Farms using the digesters and each paying a reasonable fee.
Antiques Roadshow was from Morden
It was tickbox .. most of the time a BAME was positioned over the shoulder of the presenters
One item was the Morden Mosque guys who brought down some old doors they ‘d been donated
They thought they were 400 years old but the expect put them as 18C ie 320 max maybe 220
Oh the Fiona Bruce bit
In a sea of white faces suddenly 2 black women are brought in to give their opinion.
I think it was back in the early 80’s when Huw Scully was the presenter and they took the programme abroad for a few shows. One took place in one of the Caribbean Islands, and one of the natives (can I say that?) brought one of those glossy brown teapots that many a WI branch would use, and thought he had a ‘find’. He was gently let down and told they were ten a penny, so was worthless !
This is a typical BBC feature that finds a freak example to ‘prove’ its case. How many have been anti-vaccine but not died? Doesn’t matter in the eyes of our twisted BBC. What were the other factors?
“Staffordshire Covid sceptic Marcus Birks dies in hospital”
“A Covid sceptic who was hospitalised with the virus and went on to urge other people to get vaccinated has died.”
“First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is self-isolating” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-scotland-politics-58361884
What is she hiding from?
C’mon ye canny Scotts where is your bravery ? Stay with us, this is our Great Island as well! That’s Great Britain?
Stay part of it !
My last visit to Aberdeen nightlife was like visiting a modern Hogarth Gin Lane.
I like to think Gove tried it on with “You have to let me in, I’m the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster ” – to which the savvy doorman replied in best Aberdonian delivery “and I’m the Queen of Sheba, pal – 10 quid”
PEFORMANCE not FACTS is what the media often give us
for example news items about COP26
for example media items are often a performance to show off the virtue of the broadcasters “look at us we care about black people and Afghan refugees”
… That is performance cos lots of wars in Africa are not reported properly etc.
With reference to Africa, one of the litte deceits supporting the Big Deceit of Global Warming & Climate Change is that migration is being caused by Global Warming & Climate Change when in truth it is nothing of that sort. Armed conflict, as you rightly point out, together with economic and easier-life motives are behind the illegal migration.
Biden and his operators are clearly trying to make him look strong by annoucing these successful drone strikes.
“We are confident we successfully hit the target,” he said, adding: “Secondary explosions from the vehicle indicated the presence of a substantial amount of explosive material.”
So where are the videos of these strikes ?. They would be a very powerful propaganda tool.
So now we have two drone strikes, two successful kills and no civilian casualties. And no video of either of them. And an absent President informing us all by press releases.
I get the feeling it’s not unlike H₂S poisoning – things are getting so out of whack that peoples sense of smell has been overloaded as the crazy escalates.
We are being expected to believe that the US launched a ‘drone strike’ on a vehicle packed with explosives just North of Kabul and that the subsequent explosion killed a numberr of children (something the press seems keen to highlight).
The photographic evidence however does not appear to suuport their version of events.
It’s difficult to find stills as most are short video clips which can’t easily be posted here (or I don’t know how)
Check the state of the vehicle which appears to have been burned out rather than suffering any explosive deformation, even the wooden fence to the right hand side appears undamaged.
Maybe there are still some US trained Afghans in the vicinity who carried out this attack and the US wants to protect their lives by claiming it was a drone strike.
The idea that they flew a predator drone from Qatar over Iranian airspace without it being detected and shot down is truly risible.
Thoughtful, there are obviously windows that are still intact behind the men that you see in that photograph. I’ve seen damage (albeit in a City of London street) from bomb damage (IRA detonated van) in the 1990s and it sure doesn’t look like there were any explosives in that vehicle.
.. and an attack on a moving vehicle by a missile from a drone in a built up area doesn’t add up either. There is quite a long delay between launch and impact from the height a drone flies at.
An no way that vehicle was hit by a missile. The windows on the house aren’t even broken.
We are being fed buckets of lies and misinformation by the Left to prop-up Biden.
Joe Biden’s very own Carry On Up The Khyber farce where the Taliban pulled his pants down retains top billing in many of our Bank Holiday newspapers. Whereas the nursing union’s Ooh Matron moment yesterday, when the RCN cancelled their annual conference get together – in favour of a strictly online-only series of bitching at Boris sessions – due allegedly to a sex scandal, oddly passes without further headline comment.
However, these days, we rarely have far to look for medical issues in the news. Unfortunately, genuine health concerns tend to have the good sense knocked out of them due to the experts’ media-enabled gross exaggerations.
The Guardian must think we’re all crazy: ‘An estimated 8 million people in England with mental health problems cannot get specialist help because they are not considered sick enough to qualify‘ – it gets worse: ‘It is in addition to the official waiting list for NHS mental health care which stands at 1.6 million‘ – so that’s roughly one-in-seven of us NHS England reckon need some form of mental health care.
A valid concern about health provision turns into a joke due to over playing of the hand. It is interesting to note the admission that this apparent mental stress epidemic might just have its causes in the very public health messaging so beloved of the media: ‘…as the toll of the pandemic is laid bare‘ – the medical/media establishment have well and truly medicalised the nation. I name this new land Hypochondria. Perhaps after the drone strike of covid, we could all do with a cuddle amid the carnage. But I’m pre-empting that doozy of a headline. We’ll get there.
‘Switching to a salt substitute would save thousands of lives‘ – claims the New England Medical Journal and the British Times dutifully passes on as frontpage headline another thrilling installment of heath fear mongering in this fevered atmosphere of Heath Anxiety – which is, apparently, the more PC term for hypochondria.
I’m trying to recall whether it was Ken Dodd who made the gag about his very first job being the bloke who went round all the chip shops – adding moisture to the salt cellars. I’m confused because he also mentioned long shifts at the broken biscuit factory.
In further industrial relations news one has to give credit to the Marxist perennial the Morning Star for some unacustomed humour: ‘Labour purging bakers’ leader really takes the biscuit‘ – sadly the wit ends there and unlike such promising jokey reports in the Daily Star, the dialectic soon takes over: ‘Extending Labour’s purge to trade union leaders like the BFAWU’s Ian Hodson isn’t an overzealous mistake – it is part of a plan to break the Labour Party’s link with the organised working class once and for all, writes David Rosenberg‘
And the Morning Star’s home-baked recipe for greater national productivity would appear to be more strikes and industrial action: ‘Sector-wide union pressure on pay and terms is the way to fix Britain’s supply chain problems‘
Although the Hard Left touch a nerve here in their editorial that the Right would no doubt be hauled over the proverbial coals for alluding to: ‘The government’s mooted plans to review its Shortage of Occupation list to make it easier for overseas workers in sectors such as food production and haulage to get visas is a cop-out. It’s a sop to employers who feel entitled to an endless supply of cheap labour they will not even take responsibility for training‘ – fair point comrade. Coming over here stealing our jobs.
And as luck would have it: ‘Afghan commandos could fight for Britain like Gurkhas‘ – claims the Telegraph. What, those western-equiped Afghan soldiers who instantly threw down their arms in the face of a few sandal-wearing, koran-cluching Taliban hillsmen? Quick, sign ’em up for Sandhurst before they get on their computer engineer courses.
Lots of them may be military age males, but I’m not so sure our new immigrant influx are cut out for our modern army. The primary role of soldiers, according to both the frontpage photo journalism of today’s Mail and Times would appear to be childcare: ‘A baby in the safe hands of a US marine‘; ‘Soft power. A US marine with sobbing child in Kabul. After the drone strike, a cuddle amid the carnage‘ – the Mail there with the latter more egregious toe-curler of a sub-headline.
The girls can do all our fighting for us these days: ‘Mother courage. Woman fights off mountain lion with bare hands to save child‘ (‘i’)
A feminism-friendly headline there that has something of the proverbial journalistic woman-bites-dog about it.
The ‘i’ perhaps senses it may upset enviromentalist nature lovers with that tale of feminine daring do, so compensates with: ‘In defense of wolves‘ – and no, it’s not an early Premier League relegation prediction of who might go down with the Arsenal: ‘Time to restore the reputation of loathsome beasts‘
Maybe our Afghan refugees could plug some holes in the NHS: ‘GPs paid £100 an hour to work from home‘ (Telegraph); ‘GPs who see only HALF of patients in person‘ (Daily Mail) – which half do you want to see then, doc, I’ve only washed for a stiff neck.. Ooh matron?
Toady going on about afgees having a ‘right ‘ to come to the UK. One lesson which must be learnt is to go into a country and recruit a bunch of locals who will expect to get a flat in London together with the extended family at the end of the ‘adventure ‘.
They did a job – they got paid – but after that seems to come a lifetime of rights and rewards in the UK . That is crazy – but very BBC .
So glad the flights are finished .
As for america – looking at the press – they are as concerned with hurricane Ida as the Afgee exit . ….one day to go and it will be ‘forget it ‘ time ….
The narrative seems to be the interpreters did the job because they love the West and – according to Boris – are completely loyal to our country.
Absolute 100% rubbish. They did it for the money and nothing else. Now they are going to be murdered by other Muslims for helping the infidels. When they come here, they will be 100% Muslim and they will hate us as unclean infidels just like all the others do.
taffman, perhaps Priti Useless Patel could earn the title of ‘Home Secretary’ by going to the Channel beaches and as each illegal alien steps ashore saying, “Welcome Home”
Following on from above – Nick Timothy – writing at length – too much length – about the ‘lessons from afgee ‘ comes up with fairly simple ‘learning points ‘-
1 chucking money at places ( not country ) like afgee is often wasted – particularly if box tickers get hold of it
2 assumptions made about ‘overseas aid ‘ – making -them – more like -‘us’- is just dumb muddled western woke thinking .
3 the ‘aid ‘ – ‘charity ‘ sector needs major attention …
You can hear and see this is the colonial attitude of the BBC – assuming people in other countries want to be like us and want the same as us . Views ?
Of course Muslims reject western values . We have known this for decades. Why then does the western liberal establishment continue to import millions of them into our countries?
Mr Timothy , as do so many of the commentariat, avoids stating the above obvious conclusion that logically follows from his piece but thankfully there are many readers comments which hammer that point home. As Enoch Powell said , we are literally mad to import them.
Best known for bridal wear, dressing the likes of Priyanka Chopra-Jonas and Deepika Padukone on their wedding days, Sabyasachi Mukherjee designs have been worn by many stars, including Oprah Winfrey and Sophie Turner.
He explains why he teamed up with H&M for recent collection ‘Wanderlust’.
“Coronavirus: Waning immunity and rising cases – time to worry?” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58334835
Fear, fear, fear!
Remember, that as the kids and students go back to school the more the testing the more positive results will be recorded.
Conclusion: How many people have died “of”, “with” or “linked” to Covid ? How many people have died of other illnesses because of delayed or postponed treatment?
Disinformation is surely when the media takes one special case and floats the implication that it is representative or comparable to the norm.
So we have the plight of a six-month baby reported rather than questioning why 200 young men are on a boat; or a story about the only black man to have served in a regiment etc.
Dan Snow’s daughters no doubt believe that half the Battle of Britain pilots were working-class Muslim women, an extrapolation by desire from the dozen or so daughters of wealthy men who were aircraft delivery pilots.
Notice how the BBC gives uncritical support for one of its favourites – the teaching unions – at even the slightest prospect of them having to do the job of lefty indoctrination they are paid for ?
Reported that there 30,000 new cases of Covid-how have these cases been measured-by the PCR testing? which gives out more false positives than not-therefore allowing the powers that be to play about with any figures they like to enforce the fear mongering.
I am reading this month’s SPECTATOR magazine article on immigration – and why it should worry us, just a bit. – Its not racist to worry about your country, – but it is racially ignorant to IGNORE the outcomes – as that is stupidity. But we have the BBC distorting the mirrors. None of this the loony left will admit as a problem. Tony Blair is a saint to the BBC multi-culture land.
ITS NATURAL TO BE TERRITORIAL (by Lionel Shriver)- Spectator magazine Based on two reports this summer (2021) by MIGRATION WATCH*:
In the past 20 years, foreign born residents of the UK have doubled to nine million, going from 8 per cent to 14 per cent of the population. In tandem, the white British population has fallen from 89 per cent to 79 per cent, while ethnic minorities have grown from 10 per cent to 21 per sent. Since 2001, 84 per cent of the UK population has been from immigrants and their children, rising to 90 per cent since 2017 — the majority from non- EU countries.
A third of all births have at least one foreign born parent, in parts of London; 80 per cent of births are foreign born mothers. About half of the births in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Cambridge are to foreign mothers.
A third of British children are already from ethnic minorities; in 20 years time ethnic minorities will constitute over half the students in state run schools. As of 2018 , 90 per cent of immigrants were under 45. The UK white population is far older and is destined rapidly to age and decline.
Even delivering these dry statistics is dangerous, as the implications are obvious and yet those that delight in the news keep their traps shut for fear of the media reports stating that this is nothing to worry about. After all we are just one big happy family the world over. If only that were true, there would be – no need to migrate! Most populations resent a sudden influx of foreigners, just as Mexicans resent rich Americans buying up prime waterfront properties by the beach. Its natural to resent non native peoples who arrive in vast numbers.
https://www.spectator.co.uk (Article edited for brevity.) Appeared in August (2021) edition of the Spectator..
The left now say about Biden disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan is because we (Brits) I.e Trump/Boris ‘we-got-it-all-wrong’ (US and UK) and mucked the country up. But Afghanistan was well broken well before 2001. Not that Tony Blair will take the rap for any misjudgement. Destabilising the middle east that is ALL tribal politics and local warfare tied up with the west obsessions with protecting corrupt Saudi Arabia, that holds the real power in the middle east. And of course our oil supplies. The Middle east oil is running out, another rogue state is added to the mix. Entire continents are on the move and we cannot accommodate them all.
The fact of a drastic ethnic and religious transformational shift of cultural values is hidden from the public (if listening to the BBC). With over a third of the population of London already foreign born, and rising, we should be able to voice some concern, a trace of dismay, a raised eyebrow, a small doubt that we can accommodate all of the worlds fall out.
We have a right to be irked.
Its not hard to imagine what the crime rates will be in 20 years! The BBC will of course DENY any such problems exist – we are a MULTI-CULTURAL success story!. After all the EU (according to the BBC) has no problems but one of future expansion – a socialist Europe for ALL!
They are then replaced with more, a never ending story… That is the reality.
We are only a small country. We cannot save the world from itself and we should drop the pretence of using the BBC World Service to promote propaganda to save the planet nonsense, the political – left and Islam – leave countries in war and ruins across the globe. That’s the reality.
We may in 20 years not be so charitable. The BBC will have morphed into the protectorate of Muslim values. On the plus side nobody will pay for the BBC, as nobody will be left to pay for it.
Not wishing to gloat, but, but, being in the winter of my life, no children and no living relatives, paid up funeral arrangements, I’m confident I’ll go with a self satisfying smile on my face……. Not a concern in the World!
I hope you have made a Will – otherwise anything you have goes to their State – and guess where your money will go . ….good luck – …and a life as long as you want it to be ….
Remind me why the Taliban would even target staff at an animal shelter?
Numerous news articles never even hint at a reason.
Why couldn’t they just leave the animals there, wouldn’t cost much and pay the staff to feed them.
Farthing was the only person on the flight too..
What a waste of fuel etc
There’s a good thread on the “dog fondler” over on the The Army Rumour Service (ARRSE) board.
Leaving the animals there might upset the moslems whose god tells then that dogs are bad things. I would not like to be a female veterinary surgeon in Taliban territory.
Perhaps the people who donated money to bring the animals out should have been notified that the Government or someone in power had decided to divert their money to something else. That’s the socialist way.
For further discussion on animals v people see Juliet HB who is running a people over dogs campaign on Twitter.
Perhaps blame should be directed at Biden who changed the visa rules, thus preventing the human helpers to leave.
Perhaps someone might blame the moslems for the problems too.
Philip_2, That is all so true, but we are so under the thumb of the broad liberal-left ruling class (including our government) that nothing ever gets done to stop the rot and destruction of the British nation.
I have just finished reading Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death Of Europe, which makes compelling reading, and is one of the most concerning books I have ever read. I would recommend it to anyone who is worried about our nation’s future and the future of Western civilisation and culture.
The overwhelming message is that we are in an act of wilful self-destruction, and that it is probably too late.
“….we are in an act of wilful self-destruction, and that it is probably too late.” But surely not, “we” – ‘they’ – the ruling elites’, will take us with them.
And the book was first published in 2017, four yrs ago so, yes, too late.
I wonder what will be the ‘event ‘ which finally triggers the MSM to have to address the mental state of their false president ?
Is this a repeat of FDR being unable to stand and the press never mentioned it ? Mental state is a lot more significant – as we are seeing now …
Elsewhere – I heard that North Career has fired up a nuclear reactor ( since July ) so the White House has other items on the agenda – and they truly deserve it .
R4 now : Youth food activist Christina
her family’s originally from Ethiopia
she launched the petition for free school meals out of term time – a cause taken up by Marcus Rashford.
she is seeking to challenge our reliance on fast food.
tackle the way young people like her are targeted and trapped by clever marketing aimed specifically at them
(WTF no one in my family ever buys fast food
cos it’s ten times more expensive than buying from the supermarket
Never mind Indian or Chinese I’ve never bought a fish from a fishnNchip shop, just been in McDonalds half a dozen times to use the wifi.)
As the chair of the youth board of Bite Back 2030 she knows just how effective campaigns can be. In this programme she talks to fellow board member, Barakat Omomayowa about the cyclical way that fast food joints target children and the profits they’re making from this.
With nowhere else to congregate, they’re *forced to hang out at food joints*, and all the more likely to go there if poor quality school meals leave them hungry at the end of the day
(Doh why don’t they take sandwiches instead of school meals ?)
Bite Back 2030 secured a recent victory limiting junk food advertising.
Replying to Digg below, don’t know how this appeared here.
Precisely, and they give equal credence to the slimy Kinnochio’s claims of the numbers of US/UK passport holders still there to those of the Government.
HowTF does Kinnochio know better? He doesn’t of course, he just wants to pump up the rhetoric or political reasons.
It’s not ‘our’ reliance on fast food, it’s specific to certain ethnic groups, especially here in East London. At the end of the school day, local ‘chicken shops’ (of which there are several within walking distance of each institution) are a magnet for primarily black youth, who congregate in and around them in large, noisy groups. Many are morbidly obese and the venues are almost exclusively owned and staffed by Pakistani or Bangladeshi men. I see very few white children involved in this.
One large local Catholic school schedules the lunch break for 1.10pm, yet the school day finishes at 3.10pm. Children are made to wait until the early afternoon for a meal, then are released onto the streets to go and eat again (junk) within an hour. I’ve seen the same frighteningly overweight black girl aged around 14 years stuffing her face with a burger and chips too many times to mention, and I’m disgusted that her parent/s continue to give her the money every day to sustain this. It’s immoral and dangerous to allow this relentless daily consumption of fatty, fried food – observe the prevalence of diabetes and high blood pressure within African-origin communities – however I assume that to point this out would be deemed racist. What price her future health? £1.95 with extra mayo, thanks.
All non jobs. When Gordon Brown was asked where all the jobs were to be created, as there were none but one small ‘private’ sector and it was an army of telephone sanitizers which never existed before. So in short the left ‘create’ jobs for themselves and the NHS is by far he largest job creation scheme in the world outside Russia and China.
What is worrying is that all this nonsense is being pushed by A Conservative government. Its as if Gordon Brown never left the office.
That’s just 4 people and a quarter of a million quid gone up in smoke every year (plus emoluments like inflation-proof pension of course). It’s a gravy train…
In local government as well, if you want to be important then best to recruit lots of well-paid people underneath you to make your pot not look so obscene.
I admit I don’t watch much BBC news for the sake of my sanity and blood pressure, so I might be wrong, but for all the talk of girls’ education and wimmin’s rights in Afghanistan, I haven’t heard much grown-up discussion of the geo-political fallout from the withdrawal. Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, NATO, jihadism, rare earth minerals, etc.
In future, foreign policy should be based on hard-nosed national economic and military interest, and not on educating girls so they can read the quran better.
Methinks that is one of the reasons not much publicity is given to where taxpayers (Borrowed ) money actually goes in the ‘aid ‘ budget ….
……………..and how much money has been wasted in Afgee in the last 20 years – and where it went – and who decided …….
Particularly since red tories have been in charge most of the time ….
E10 is utter f’ing crap – it’s only virtue signalling at best – but actually it’s the toxic Green toadstool on a hidden web of larceny involving hundreds of millions of pounds in subsidy from taxpayers.
Good agricultural land should be used to create food and feed the poor and hungry. To create ethanol and put in vehicles when a perfectly good and efficient fuel is available aplenty is downright inhumane, just to satisfy the vanity of the fashionable elite.
Good care of the environment should applaud people who use older cars by looking after them. Just because a newer car uses less fuel by a small %, cannot compensate for the huge expenditure in raw materials and energy in creating a new car.
A sensible Road fund tax policy can encourage looking after what we have- not just cars but everything else, and stop this absurd throw away economy.
A quick look at the photo and it is obvious that the “locals” have engineered this setup by piling up lots of rubbish and branches to look like devastation. Plus the vehicle is quite lightly damaged with no twisting of metal, just paint burns as if it had been purposely set ablaze.
Add to this the claim that 8 members of one family died in the attack including 6 children and it s the stuff of fairy tales. What are the chances of that?
Do the BBC not even consider the possibility that this might be just a set-up to tarnish the US? Lying is a noble weapon to these people.
digg, if the photo further up this thread is the vehicle hit by a drone strike and it had explosives inside there would be nothing left. During The Troubles a demonstration was set up that did the rounds of the TV stations. It showed what a pound of ‘plastique’ (plastic explosive) could do when placed within a hub cap on a wheel, let alone under a vehicle or inside a vehicle.
Not much was left.
There would also be damage in the apartment block. Lyse Doucet claimed the vehicle was outside a house and the house was damaged. Maybe she is confused? Or maybe the photo put up by Thoughtful is not the right vehicle. At a distance, in the ‘fog of war’, who knows?
The BBC LOVE lies like that if they fit the agenda.
They can write a story as if it is fact then shirk off any responsibility to OFCOM or fact checkers by saying that someone else said it.
They’ve been ramping up the use of twitter to do exactly that for months now.
Many thanks for the link. I listened through all of the exchange. So sad.
It seems to me from a variety of sources online in the US, that there is building an explosion in the current US military (and certainly vets) against Biden & Co. I wouldn’t be surprised that the last couple of weeks will shortly blast the lid of the civil war that’s brewing. Then, turn to Australia. Similarly the signs are that things are seriously stirring.
Biden, Trudeau, Morrison, Johnson, Ardern (to name a few) are in a conspiracy against their publics. It is patently obvious. Why won’t they share the eventual goal with us? We would surely ‘debate’ the issues with them alongside a lamppost, rope in readiness.
I have a couple of friends who I’ve known for 30+ years. They’re both USMC (RTD) Gunnery Sargents and are in their 60’s now. They’re both still fully qualified riflemen (what Marine ever ceases being fully qualified LOL).
They’ve looked into how to get involved with the retired forces groups who have boots on the ground in Afghan because they’re so disgusted.
They’ve both indicated a readiness to participate domestically and they believe it will come to that.
G, Macron also? Mutti has been very silent in this Afgee thing? I wonder when she will pop up and say that “Yes, the EU will take another five million migrants from Afghanistan.”
Here in Wiltshire we’re no strangers to the military. I recall an older couple, just around the corner from my parents, lost a son in Afghanistan years back – what are they thinking now?
My son once expressed a fleeting interest in joining the military… you might not like me for doing so, but I told him, honestly “I’d rather you were on the dole son.”
TWatO Watch #1 – Rory Stewart seems a mite confused
The Misinformation War is starting . Mind you those of us who are regulars on here know that the BBC go in for that 24/7/365 & 366 on many subjects, not just Afghanistan. But Taliban sources are obviously believed by Lyse Doucet as she states how the US drone strike yesterday killed a family including some young children, not so-called ‘ISIS-K’ terrorists.
Rory Stewart seemed to say that sanctions not International Aid are the things that the Taliban will be influenced by to behave as ‘nice people’. But then he suggested sanctions only work against international travellers and wealthy individuals ripping off their own people and stashing the loot away overseas. Aid does work apparently and now, post-Pandemic Britain should feed Afghanistan as well as itself and sort out the medical needs of the UK and Afghanistan too. Well, Mr Stewart, that will swallow all the International Aid Budget and more.
The Taliban are not going to play nice. They are going to play at setting up an Islamic State and running it according to Sharia Law. It’s time the BBC and Rory Stewart grasped the reality of that. Here’s another thing: there’s generally a shortage of medical use opiates in the world. That comes from the poppy. There are really only three places that grow ‘good poppy’: the Bekah valley running across Syria and into Lebanon and Afghanistan. Yes, I know Turkey, Mongolia and maybe China can grow poppy, too. But what about their own medical needs?
The rest of the world, especially ‘the West’, has not exactly got a very good relationship with President Assad and deservedly so. You can probably kiss that source goodbye. There will be plenty of warlords in Lebanon willing to grow poppy for you but they might be vulnerable to Talib pressure or higher prices for illegal (non-medical) heroin use in the West. That leaves Afghanistan. The Taliban have a couple of levers on the West as well.
Surely the new regime will have plenty on resources now and be very happy with all those 4x4s and government BMWs . Any shortages – engined by them – can be blamed on The West and happily repeated by the BBC ….
I wonder if the civil war will be caused by arguments about who gets the humvees and helicopters …?
Fed, it seems the BBC will be happy to provide their PR services. The other lever the Talib have is that they ought to know by now that they can ‘weaponise refugees’, Ed Miliband-stylee.
If Donald Trump heard Lyse Doucet’s report on TWatO, I think he might be feeling relieved that Biden ‘stole’ the Election last year. Roost. Pigeons. Homecoming. And all that.
2:15pm drama Fearing :
“A groundbreaking five-part series from exciting new writers celebrating and revealing life across the United Kingdoms in
Each episode features five short dramas by different writers”
OK at least it’s not all about London as their drama often is .
Recently they moved the drama dept to Wales, so it had lots of dramas about Wales
They do have dramas ostensibly set in Yorkshire
but often it’s a pretend Yorkshire with London actors.
Following Monday : rural Cumbria, suburban Wales, Keighley, Colchester and a Lisburn estate.
No huge signs of BBC agenda pushing
KEIGHLEY – a successful West Yorkshire businesswoman, her daughter, pushes for a more environmentally friendly business. South Asian tappay, call and response rhyming couplets accompanied by the Dholki drum, help them to resolve their differences.
• COLCHESTER : two sides of a stabbing, based on a true story.
Afghanistan: Taxi driver, shopkeeper: UK victims of Kabul attack
An Uber driver from Hampshire and a shopkeeper from north London were among those who died in the Kabul attack.
Mohammad Niazi and Musa Popal were killed after a blast shook the Afghan capital on Thursday.
Mr Popal ran the Madeena Supermarket in Hendon, north London, for more than 20 years and had travelled to Afghanistan in June with his wife to visit family.
His daughter Zohra said her mother survived the blast..Zohra, …moved to the UK to join her parents in 2014.
Mohammad Niazi – a taxi driver living in Farnborough – was also killed in the attack after he travelled to Afghanistan to help his family get inside the airport.
Friends believe his Afghan wife and children – who were thought to be having visa problems – were also killed.
One of his friends, Dinez Carnay, said Mr Niazi had told him he was flying to Afghanistan to get his family.
End quotes.
Simply another one of New Labour’s many psychological tricks on the public – remember Blair’s Brighton speech after taking office: “There is a place for all the people in New Britain, and there is a role for all the people in its creation”. No kidding. So much smoke and mirrors to obfuscate a complete remodelling of the existing perception of our national identity, which his champagne-quaffing Fabian chums had deemed surplus to requirements. He also said the British don’t fear change, which was proven absolute bollocks by the referendum result and an 80-seat Tory majority delivered by a public scared out of their wits by the prospect of Labour taking power again.
Following on from the Insane Green idiocy of the Tory ‘leader’ Boris the bottler Johnson and his move away from natural gas to hydrogen I thought I would post this video to show you what is likely to happen when this stuff leaks – as it inevitably will, and the consequences of the subsequent devestating explosion when it does.
Natural gas is explosive as we all know and there have been several instances of large areas and several properties being damaged as a consequence. It is however as nothing compared to the devastation a hydrogen explosion would result in if there was even a small leak.
The video goes into quite a bit of interesting physics about how both Hydrogen and Oxygen can co-exist without detonation, and what causes the two to suddenly react violently. If you just want the big bang skip to the lest few minutes. Decide afterwards if you think this is a safe alternative to natural gas!
TV weather people get dramatic shots by standing in the road between tall buildings where the wind channels down
People make them look like idiots by doing normal stuff a few feet away where there is no wind channel.
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StewGreenMar 8, 22:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 @Digg & @Marky there is a huge problem in the UK in that when people are presented with info in…
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Fedup2Mar 8, 21:40 Weekend 8th March 2025 Taffman – gonna keep telling peopl to vote Islamic reform ?
Fedup2Mar 8, 21:39 Weekend 8th March 2025 I wonder if Farage really thought importing a Muslim to be in charge of Reform would ‘detoxify ‘ it ?…
taffmanMar 8, 21:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Warning : We are being invaded across the English Channel from France . Our government does nothing to defend us…
Lucy PevenseyMar 8, 21:09 Weekend 8th March 2025 They just can’t get enough of their Islam. Muhammad Ziauddin Taqiyya Yusuf vets all Deform party candidates and stabbed Rupert…
MarkyMarkMar 8, 20:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 ‘Amazing atmosphere’ at Windsor Castle Iftar event https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9849q3jd2po Iftars are open to everyone, regardless of faith and background. they are…
seen elsewhere – but it resonated for me … where are the Biden fans?
“Afghanistan: Final flights arriving as UK’s campaign ends”
Dunkirk MKII ?
Cheer up lads! We came back from that and we can do it again with a good leader. As I posted here before, we should now concentrate on home security and strong border control.
The Territorial Army should be expanded to its former strength with home defence being a priority because I fear we have become a ‘Trojan Horse’ thanks to the ‘European Court of Human Rights’
Absolutely right Taffman! But who is going to organise this home security and border control? We have a government which seems only interested in picking up as many ‘refugees’ as possible and allowing them to stay in the UK, most of whom are young male Islamics of fighting age.
The Trojan Horse is already here, as well as in all other Western European countries, and is only waiting its chance to Islamify Europe, which has been its intention for more than a thousand years, and now has had its job simplified by guilt ridden European liberals, gloriously lead by Merkel.
People call me an Islamaphobe for expressing those sentiments. Too right I am! Islamaphobia is a fear of Islam, and Islam terrifies me.
As Al Beeb has now shown the real’ side of the ‘religion of peace’ through the retreat from Afghanistan, there are a lot of Woke people in this country having second thoughts about it, ie LGBGT, women’s rights, etc , including those employed by Al Beeb itself.
The threat is not fighting age Muslims. It comes from the demographics, and one can see that future in the maternity wards in London and Birmingham as an indicator.
One day we will wake up and find that the UK is no longer a Christian nation but an Islamic one.
And there lies the rub. We are not a Christian nation, and therefore will not fight to the death, as we have nothing we believe in that we will fight to the death and beyond. Muslims do.
Our beautiful cathedrals and parish churches are just a tourist attraction. They dont signify the inner spiritual strength of the nation, as they used to.
Worse still, I understood that the Church Of English is planning to abandon parishes and teach Christianity in the sitting room. Imagine the safeguarding issues that will bring. But I guess the CofE is planning to sell off churches to be converted into homes. if that doesn’t work, it has lost everythingm, selling off the family silver.
In the covid years, what has been shown up most is the lack of leadership in the Church with an Archbishop who excuses himself and takes leave when some of his flock may have needed him most.
The Christian clergy is killing faith in this country leaving committed Muslims to be the main faith in this country.
I was going to write that I was sorry but this hasn’t anything to do with the BBC but then remembered they have appointed at least two Muslims as heads of religious programming there.
The Christian clergy is killing faith in this country leaving committed Muslims to be the main faith in this country.
Yes indeed. It is tragic. If we have no faith, we will lose.
The police realise this and pay homage and respect to their future masters. They will arrest the most peaceful Christian street preacher or one in Speakers corner but will ignore violent threatening Muslims.
The critic of Islam is now the ‘villain’ in ‘much of the English-speaking world’: Bolt
You must be very pleased by all this? Every time I post here the reasons why it happens almost to a man I get responses that Politicians should not be paid a decent wage, in fact some say they shouldn’t be paid at all.
So don’t be surprised when a foreign power such as the Arabs or the CCP does pay them what they deserve and smile because you can now enjoy the consequences of your miserliness.
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers (Mayors,UK Security MP, Religious guidance)…give it up
(Islam) or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
Home Office, UK Security … Islamist …. Sajid Javid.
London Mayor, UK Prosperity … Islamist … Sadiq Khan.
CEO of Bernados, UK Children … Islamist .. Javed Khan.
Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Freedom of Religion or Belief … Islamist … Lord Ahmed.
BBC religion and ethics commissioning … Islamist … Fatima Salaria
Deborah: In the covid years, what has been shown up most is the lack of leadership in the Church with an Archbishop who excuses himself and takes leave when some of his flock may have needed him most.
This was evident when Catholic priests refused to obey the dictat of the government that told them they could not offer sacrament to the dying in hospitals or homes. The priests said they were prepared to die and would go anyhow. The CoE of course caved. Their masters are the ones on earth and not God. ABC Wells when shamed, belatedly offered that he would visit, but maintained the government ban.
Ours is a civilisation where nuns and priests went into the most dangerous killing fields of WWI, almost certain of death. They went because they had to, to show that the dying in the field were not going to die alone. This is a bigger statement of who we are then anything else. I pity the poor relatives that knew that their loved ones were dying alone in a covid 19 contagion ward, and they could not offer any love, peace and solace to he dying.
Welby is a product of the rotten school which teachs immorality to its students along with some extreme left wing views. The most recent crop of Cameron Welby Johnson should be enough to show anyone that this schools has lost its way and may now be beyond saving.
Both priests at my local church contracted covid . There is a big hospital in the diocese. One priest was in the ICU for weeks close to death and is still recovering – his survival was described as a ‘miracle ‘ by medical staff . There is still Duty somewhere .
Not forgetting the fundamental divide:
Sunni – Pakistan/Afghan Versus, Shia – Iran/Iraq/Syria.
We already have the two “Refugee” divisions in the UK. Question is, when will this inevitable conflict kick off?
Seems the heirs of Wellington are proposing regiments composed of Afghan deserters.
Likely based on the above distinctions. Maybe folk can watch from any hills overlooking Bradford as they rush towards each other then join up to jump in cars to drive bravely around Golders Green shouting?
The Lotus-Eaters channel (not BBC, why am I not surprised?) had an interesting discussion yesterday about the massive increase in acts of violence against Jews and homosexuals. It was about this country but applies elsewhere in Europe. Guess who the culprits are.
“It comes from the demographics, and one can see that future in the maternity wards in London and Birmingham as an indicator.”
The likes of you and me and the man in the street, have had this sussed for years, and its a doomsday scenario for the UK and very shortly most of Europe. The soldiers of Islam have no need to terrorise us, they just have to breed for us to be defeated.
Its those being born now who will bear the brunt of this, and I thank God I’ve had the best of years on this planet…… ie
1. Having a good childhood in the 50’s – Mum at home with dinner and tea on the table, and looking like a poster of the 50’s wife in her summer frock.
2. Being a teenager in the 60’s with a choice of jobs, listening to great music, wearing fab (smart) clothes and not looking like a hooker, and being dated by fellas in suits on a Saturday night.
3. The Pill liberated us. The 70’s was truly the age fashion forgot – blokes in platform heels ???? Despite mortgage rates being through the roof we still got a mortgage for our first home, and made do with second hand ‘bits’. Chicken in the basket, Blue Nun and Black Tower wine, black forest gateaux was the height of sophistication.
Oh, and we could just walk to the GP surgery and took our turn in waiting to see the doctor. I could go on, but you all know what I mean.
Chicken Kiev ?
Spot on.
In 1939, I was not there, but i’ve read that the general sentiment was that tough though it was, we were better off alone. This was despite we were facing an enemy with engineering and technology of no equal anywhere, and an army commanded by an officer corpe and general staff, that still has admirers. Thank God they had Hitler (Russian adventure), or the going would have been much tougher.
We were alone but we had resources of the empire. Oil from the ME, mineral resources from Africa, and men from India, Canada, Australia and NZ, and all the resources of minerals and engineering and production from the empire, that dwarfed Germany or even the USA. It would have taken another year to martial it, but win we would have.
Biden has a huge base of dead and undocumented voters. Big Tech has the names.
The aftermath of Afghanistan has wrecked the solidarity of NATO. What is now in the offing is the break up of America.
The protagonists.
The Democrats are pushing that the occupation by Trump supporters of the House of Congress was an insurrection, and more deadly then Islamic terrorism and 9/11. Their push is that so-called White Supremacists and Trump supporters are guilty.
On the other side are people who believe that the 2020 election was stolen, and the occupation of the House was a justified response.
The Afghanistan debacle is now coming to the boil.
I believe that election fraud will be proved, as it is true. When Trump is re-installed a civil war will start.
When responding to Lefty frothing over the Capitol Hill fiasco, one can simply outline the storming and occupation of the Capitol buildings by Democrat supporters in 2018, which led to 293 arrests. Don’t expect a balanced and civil discussion on this matter, however.
Ironically, they were protesting the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court on the grounds that: “Men who hurt women can no longer be placed in positions of power.” (Emily Ratajkowski). Strangely, young Emily and her friends in the hypocrisy fringe have been silent on this issue during the Presidency of one Joseph Biden Jnr, who still has not accounted or apologised for the eight allegations against him for sexual assault – which remain unresolved – not to mention the numerous episodes of inappropriate conduct around underage girls and young women which continue to this day. He’s known as Creepy Joe for good reason.
The BBC treating the Imbecile with the hushed reverence he doesn’t deserve as he attends the return of the dead soldiers’ bodies from Kabul and meets their poor families.
Imagine you’re a parent, already suffering terribly, and you have to endure the final insult of the c**t (clot) who caused your child’s death poncing around for a photo op.
Biden honours return of dead soldiers
The anger of the Mum whose son was blown up is catching fire.
Biden seems to be a person who seems to be a cold person. His eyes have a dead look that is chilling.
Checking if it’s time for his afternoon nap yet, c’mon man.
Did he wake up at 33 seconds into that clip. ? A number of Twitter comments ask how Americans could have voted for him ?
But of course – the majority did not vote for him .
A majority of dead voters, absentee voters and yet to be illegal migrant voters did vote for Biden.
Mother of Marine Killed in Kabul Blast Says Voters Who Picked Biden ‘Just Killed My Son’
The show host really did not know what to say.
Biden should never have been allowed anywhere near the Presidency of the Unites States of America-his background like many other such people stinks, but his stinks even more if you study his past.
Wrongly maybe in some people’s eyes that US and British Military should have left the cess pit of Afgahanistan, but I’m most certainly not, having had two sons in the Military closely associated in theatres of war. We in the UK will soon need all our Military here-Islamic power is growing-but our week politicians and compliant media will do all their power to hide this very serious issue from the mostly gullable public.
Simon Webb What does it mean to be British?
On the question of ‘British nationals’ etc.
What does it mean to be British ?
Owning a British passport – regardless of colour or creed, and sod the rest.
Brissles, my dear old thing (well, England won a Test Match – there’s a bit of summer for you) I remember the Rochdale (was it?) Riots during Labour’s time in Government. Jack Straw got in some trouble, if I recall correctly. The lads without jobs there and without the hope of a job were of largely Indian and Pakistani descent: first, second, perhaps some third generation, and they all spoke English in vox pops with a Lancashire accent. You cannot get more British than that!
Over on your side of the country, we have Pounce, one time regular on this site and, if I recall correctly, of mixed race parentage. He no doubt speaks English with a Yorkshire accent (next best thing to Lancashire – probably) and he has sworn allegiance to Her Majesty and fought in our Army for our country. Again, you cannot get more British than that.
There are a lot of the other kind of “British” in Rochdale, still raping and pillaging, and in other cities all over the country. Meanwhile the police cars are being painted rainbow colours.
What does it mean to be British?
The freedom to be removed from YouTube for ‘hate speech’ apparently, until sense prevails.
Plus free pocket money as well. If you see a Royal navy or RNLI ship or boat, you can be sure they are legitimate carriers, and will not ask you for money.
Easy question to answer – you don’t want any more foreigners imported thank you – please go somewhere else ….
I don’t think any reader here will be under any illusion as to the evil and violence of Socialism, an ideology responsible for the ending of more human lives than any other cause, but what the Biden ‘administration’ has now done take Socialism to a new low.
The US has threatened the UK over criticism of Biden that the deluded and demented fool ‘bears grudges’ or in other words criticise him at your peril.
I am confident that this kind of threat is going to be enormously effective against a coward of the stature of Boris the bottler who will quickly fold.
Quite funny for one of his people to say that the false president has a ‘long memory ‘- he can barely remember the names of his relatives .
The monsters behind him have the memory – I think . And if they are threatening British politicians for telling the truth they can go take a flyer -eh ?
barely remember his relatives ?
iirc he mistook somebody else for Jill on a podium early last year – and having seen the descent into gaga-dom close-up twice in the last 5 years I know that transitory lucidity is a feature of the deterioration process – that – to what’s left of my mind wholly explains Sleepy Joe’s poor appearance timekeeping..
It might be strange that the MSM hasn’t put up an expert on dementia to assess his conduct – as to whether he shows signs of it .
I , too. Have too much experience of the stages of dementia and I know what I am seeing – even in public snapshots where he is as prepared as he can be .
The effin CNN et al swines weren’t slow in wheeling out obliging quacks to “analyse” Twump on a regular basis eh?
In my not so humble opinion – Biden’s erratic timekeeping is the real giveaway.
Two years back I sat and had a cup of tea and a pleasant, lucid natter with an in-law – 45 minutes later I found her half a mile down the road stood in a hedge and she didn’t recognise me
I suspect some part of the media would have had an expert analysis of Trumps actions by now.
Fed, that suggestion would embarrass Jon Sopel, BBC North America editor, far too much.
I have often experienced transitory lucidity, and up till reading your comment I have found it encouraging.
We are quaking at the thought of facing Biden’s anger.
We had total control of Afghanistan with just a few thousand NATO soldiers in Bagram. We would then be in the centre of the power play that is hotting up with Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan and India. Instead we bottled out.
A nation that broke its oath to God and country as a start, can be expected to break its oath and cut and run in battle.
At this moment the USA is in serious danger of breaking apart. They need our help.
I disagree with you .
1 We didn’t ‘bottle out ‘ Biden did ( we should not have gone in the first place )
2 American has now proved that while the Biden mafia is in charge it cannot be relied on as an ally . Every country should note that
3 america won’t ‘break apart ‘ because it has always been divided – the only things keeping it together is the ‘dream’ and that flag .
4They don’t deserve ‘our help’ they deserve what they got with Biden
5 we should concentrate on ourselves and repel /expel boarders .
6 thank god we got out safely
I hope our forces enjoy their 10 day lock down and ‘detox’ from that job .
Nice footage of Biden checking his watch whilst watching boxes of marine body parts being bought back to the US ….
He’s replying to his watch ‘So it’s half-past Thursday is it Mickey’?
You are right. I mis-wrote in haste – America bottled out.
And that dream and the flag, was when the majority of the nation did believe in those two, as they symbolised the constitution. But the constitution was written by Christian men, largely from England, some 250 years back, while a growing minority now believes in a different type of constitution, or no constitution at all. Even those who are culturally Western, are now so far away from what was norm just 50 years ago, they are now adrift in sludge, that it would be better if they converted to Islam. Yes, its better we are alone again.
Its possible that America will continue, but not in the sense of a nation.
Thanks for a thought out reply. Its a pleasure.
Bidens little anger will be nothing to the ferocity, savagery and violent brutality from those that follow the teachings of Islam that, will come across this once pleasant green country of ours-not so much if, but when. 20 years of mis-management over the enforced immigration into the UK-now a weakened indigenous democratic Christian society, stands by whilst such eveilness lurks seemingly aided by a terrified government and a dulicitous media.
When one looks at the actions of America when Democrats are in power, they do everything to negate whatever defeat Islam was dealt, by rewarding the defeated with territory, weapons, more Muslim immigration to America, and reward them with large amounts of money.
Carter, Clinton, Obama and now Biden, each after a Republican president. Tough acts by Republican presidents led to Democrat presidents who reversed any good, and rewarded Muslims with more money and more immigration to the West.
Now Biden is reversing every good Donald Trump had done by bottling the Taleban, freezing ISIS in fear, and got the Palis in a funk, while limiting Muslim immigration to America.
There are over 1,700 mosques now operational in the United Kingdom; more than enough choice for a well-placed retaliatory car bomb, or several if one feels inclined.
Sunday’s Countryfile
Staffordshire at the Agricultural Show,
– eight-year-old Owen and his Limousin calf, and how will 12-year-old Myles and his Clydesdale fare?
– Adam Henson finds out what he needs to do to go green on his farm,
– Tom Heap investigates a toxic threat to dolphins, porpoises and killer whales.
PCB’s are still getting released
“UK harbour porpoises have half the pregnancy rate you’d expect”
“There only 8 killer whales in the UK and they’ve never had a calf in the 25 years we’ve been monitoring them
One of the females was found to have 100 times more of the PCBs than expected”
Adam says his farm emits 1,000T CO2 pa ..whereas the UK average is 10T per person
.. So actually his farm only emits as much as 100 people..that seems low to me
“Here we are at the neighbours farm which has an anaerobic digestor which takes food waste, makes into gas for electricity, about 6,000 homes worth
and generates some fertiliser as well”
Hmm That’s the main business of slippery guy Dale Vince
Normally waste stuff gets turned into compost to fertilise the soil., in the process some CO2 is release and some feeds the soil.
The thing about the Anaerobic digestor set up
Is that you are taking green fields and building a factory on them
which surely wouldn’t be allowed by normal planning laws.
Next item Cow methane Prof Jude Capper said UK is 60% lower than global average
and much land is no good for crops
Next with Organic Farmer : Chris Repple
with his weeding robot
It’s got a large solar panel on top
but I bet that is not enough to supply much of the power
The line “We can be net zero by 2040” was repeated a few times.
Next week in Scotland eating seaweed
anaerobic digestor …
The economics of those rarely (if ever) gets explored – received wisdom from local farm people is that “food waste” is a fig leaf at best (groan). My nearest digestor has food waste trucked in from 50 miles away …
It should be a condition of any enterprise that receives more than 20% of their funding from public subsidy that they publish full and open, detailed accounts.
I’ve heard 80% of maize revenue is subsidy – it would be useful to ask the maize growers / digestor operators how public funding supports their business. I do not expect any BBC folk to ask that question….
The stupid addition of ethanol to petrol is a piss-take.
What about the enormous amounts of slurry that gets spread acrocc the fields, its stink I can assure you menas we have to close our windows on a nice day when we get one, and certainly not to put out any washing on the line, the smell inpregnates the washing. Yes I live close by a farm so have first hand knowledge-the slurry from cattle could also be put in an anaerobic digester and used as eventual fertilizer, far less stinky-and frankly the slurry could be considered as a pollutant. Initial expence for the digester can be offset by a number of Farms using the digesters and each paying a reasonable fee.
Antiques Roadshow was from Morden
It was tickbox .. most of the time a BAME was positioned over the shoulder of the presenters
One item was the Morden Mosque guys who brought down some old doors they ‘d been donated
They thought they were 400 years old but the expect put them as 18C ie 320 max maybe 220
Oh the Fiona Bruce bit
In a sea of white faces suddenly 2 black women are brought in to give their opinion.
I think it was back in the early 80’s when Huw Scully was the presenter and they took the programme abroad for a few shows. One took place in one of the Caribbean Islands, and one of the natives (can I say that?) brought one of those glossy brown teapots that many a WI branch would use, and thought he had a ‘find’. He was gently let down and told they were ten a penny, so was worthless !
This is a typical BBC feature that finds a freak example to ‘prove’ its case. How many have been anti-vaccine but not died? Doesn’t matter in the eyes of our twisted BBC. What were the other factors?
“Staffordshire Covid sceptic Marcus Birks dies in hospital”
“A Covid sceptic who was hospitalised with the virus and went on to urge other people to get vaccinated has died.”
BBC Online News:
“Afghanistan: Taxi driver, shopkeeper: UK victims of Kabul attack”
Sorry, BBC. But I can’t make any sense of your report. Why were they there?
A stranger is a friend you don’t know yet, a foreigner is a British citizen who hasn’t got their paperwork sorted yet.
“Why were they there?”
For the Taliban takeover celebrations probably.
“First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is self-isolating”
What is she hiding from?
C’mon ye canny Scotts where is your bravery ? Stay with us, this is our Great Island as well! That’s Great Britain?
Stay part of it !
“Afghanistan: ‘A mission unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes'”
Churchill he aint.
“Build back better”? My @r5e!
He doesn’t look very well at all In that frontpiece photo for the video.
I see he doesn’t need to worry about competition from Gove any more – I wonder if he went for a kebab on Market Street afterwards?
My last visit to Aberdeen nightlife was like visiting a modern Hogarth Gin Lane.
I like to think Gove tried it on with “You have to let me in, I’m the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster ” – to which the savvy doorman replied in best Aberdonian delivery “and I’m the Queen of Sheba, pal – 10 quid”
Ha ha ha. Brilliant.
Michael Gove on the pull – imagine !
“What a performance” is how the saying goes
PEFORMANCE not FACTS is what the media often give us
for example news items about COP26
for example media items are often a performance to show off the virtue of the broadcasters “look at us we care about black people and Afghan refugees”
… That is performance cos lots of wars in Africa are not reported properly etc.
Stew, that is quite correct.
With reference to Africa, one of the litte deceits supporting the Big Deceit of Global Warming & Climate Change is that migration is being caused by Global Warming & Climate Change when in truth it is nothing of that sort. Armed conflict, as you rightly point out, together with economic and easier-life motives are behind the illegal migration.
Biden and his operators are clearly trying to make him look strong by annoucing these successful drone strikes.
“We are confident we successfully hit the target,” he said, adding: “Secondary explosions from the vehicle indicated the presence of a substantial amount of explosive material.”
So where are the videos of these strikes ?. They would be a very powerful propaganda tool.
So now we have two drone strikes, two successful kills and no civilian casualties. And no video of either of them. And an absent President informing us all by press releases.
Something is starting to smell bad about this.
I get the feeling it’s not unlike H₂S poisoning – things are getting so out of whack that peoples sense of smell has been overloaded as the crazy escalates.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – you’ll have to be quick because when the BBC realise …..
The BBC Picture Editor did not look too carefully at the photograph before slotting it into the space.
We are being expected to believe that the US launched a ‘drone strike’ on a vehicle packed with explosives just North of Kabul and that the subsequent explosion killed a numberr of children (something the press seems keen to highlight).
The photographic evidence however does not appear to suuport their version of events.
It’s difficult to find stills as most are short video clips which can’t easily be posted here (or I don’t know how)
Check the state of the vehicle which appears to have been burned out rather than suffering any explosive deformation, even the wooden fence to the right hand side appears undamaged.
Maybe there are still some US trained Afghans in the vicinity who carried out this attack and the US wants to protect their lives by claiming it was a drone strike.
The idea that they flew a predator drone from Qatar over Iranian airspace without it being detected and shot down is truly risible.
Thoughtful, there are obviously windows that are still intact behind the men that you see in that photograph. I’ve seen damage (albeit in a City of London street) from bomb damage (IRA detonated van) in the 1990s and it sure doesn’t look like there were any explosives in that vehicle.
.. and an attack on a moving vehicle by a missile from a drone in a built up area doesn’t add up either. There is quite a long delay between launch and impact from the height a drone flies at.
An no way that vehicle was hit by a missile. The windows on the house aren’t even broken.
We are being fed buckets of lies and misinformation by the Left to prop-up Biden.
After the drone strike, a cuddle amid the carnage
Joe Biden’s very own Carry On Up The Khyber farce where the Taliban pulled his pants down retains top billing in many of our Bank Holiday newspapers. Whereas the nursing union’s Ooh Matron moment yesterday, when the RCN cancelled their annual conference get together – in favour of a strictly online-only series of bitching at Boris sessions – due allegedly to a sex scandal, oddly passes without further headline comment.
However, these days, we rarely have far to look for medical issues in the news. Unfortunately, genuine health concerns tend to have the good sense knocked out of them due to the experts’ media-enabled gross exaggerations.
The Guardian must think we’re all crazy: ‘An estimated 8 million people in England with mental health problems cannot get specialist help because they are not considered sick enough to qualify‘ – it gets worse: ‘It is in addition to the official waiting list for NHS mental health care which stands at 1.6 million‘ – so that’s roughly one-in-seven of us NHS England reckon need some form of mental health care.
A valid concern about health provision turns into a joke due to over playing of the hand. It is interesting to note the admission that this apparent mental stress epidemic might just have its causes in the very public health messaging so beloved of the media: ‘…as the toll of the pandemic is laid bare‘ – the medical/media establishment have well and truly medicalised the nation. I name this new land Hypochondria. Perhaps after the drone strike of covid, we could all do with a cuddle amid the carnage. But I’m pre-empting that doozy of a headline. We’ll get there.
‘Switching to a salt substitute would save thousands of lives‘ – claims the New England Medical Journal and the British Times dutifully passes on as frontpage headline another thrilling installment of heath fear mongering in this fevered atmosphere of Heath Anxiety – which is, apparently, the more PC term for hypochondria.
I’m trying to recall whether it was Ken Dodd who made the gag about his very first job being the bloke who went round all the chip shops – adding moisture to the salt cellars. I’m confused because he also mentioned long shifts at the broken biscuit factory.
In further industrial relations news one has to give credit to the Marxist perennial the Morning Star for some unacustomed humour: ‘Labour purging bakers’ leader really takes the biscuit‘ – sadly the wit ends there and unlike such promising jokey reports in the Daily Star, the dialectic soon takes over: ‘Extending Labour’s purge to trade union leaders like the BFAWU’s Ian Hodson isn’t an overzealous mistake – it is part of a plan to break the Labour Party’s link with the organised working class once and for all, writes David Rosenberg‘
And the Morning Star’s home-baked recipe for greater national productivity would appear to be more strikes and industrial action: ‘Sector-wide union pressure on pay and terms is the way to fix Britain’s supply chain problems‘
Although the Hard Left touch a nerve here in their editorial that the Right would no doubt be hauled over the proverbial coals for alluding to: ‘The government’s mooted plans to review its Shortage of Occupation list to make it easier for overseas workers in sectors such as food production and haulage to get visas is a cop-out. It’s a sop to employers who feel entitled to an endless supply of cheap labour they will not even take responsibility for training‘ – fair point comrade. Coming over here stealing our jobs.
And as luck would have it: ‘Afghan commandos could fight for Britain like Gurkhas‘ – claims the Telegraph. What, those western-equiped Afghan soldiers who instantly threw down their arms in the face of a few sandal-wearing, koran-cluching Taliban hillsmen? Quick, sign ’em up for Sandhurst before they get on their computer engineer courses.
Lots of them may be military age males, but I’m not so sure our new immigrant influx are cut out for our modern army. The primary role of soldiers, according to both the frontpage photo journalism of today’s Mail and Times would appear to be childcare: ‘A baby in the safe hands of a US marine‘; ‘Soft power. A US marine with sobbing child in Kabul. After the drone strike, a cuddle amid the carnage‘ – the Mail there with the latter more egregious toe-curler of a sub-headline.
The girls can do all our fighting for us these days: ‘Mother courage. Woman fights off mountain lion with bare hands to save child‘ (‘i’)
A feminism-friendly headline there that has something of the proverbial journalistic woman-bites-dog about it.
The ‘i’ perhaps senses it may upset enviromentalist nature lovers with that tale of feminine daring do, so compensates with: ‘In defense of wolves‘ – and no, it’s not an early Premier League relegation prediction of who might go down with the Arsenal: ‘Time to restore the reputation of loathsome beasts‘
Maybe our Afghan refugees could plug some holes in the NHS: ‘GPs paid £100 an hour to work from home‘ (Telegraph); ‘GPs who see only HALF of patients in person‘ (Daily Mail) – which half do you want to see then, doc, I’ve only washed for a stiff neck.. Ooh matron?
A Sikh regiment would be a much better idea.
Competition time !!!
Headline on daily mail online : ” disgust of veterans as Joe Biden checks his watch during ceremony for Kabul dead ”
In case you have not guessed .. The competition is to find anything about this on the BBC website ! If it is there it is well hidden !!
Bonus points for answering the following question ‘ where on the website would it have been had It been Trump who had done this ! ‘
“….Joe Biden checks his watch during ceremony for Kabul dead ”
Perhaps he just realised that he put it on earlier?
Toady going on about afgees having a ‘right ‘ to come to the UK. One lesson which must be learnt is to go into a country and recruit a bunch of locals who will expect to get a flat in London together with the extended family at the end of the ‘adventure ‘.
They did a job – they got paid – but after that seems to come a lifetime of rights and rewards in the UK . That is crazy – but very BBC .
So glad the flights are finished .
As for america – looking at the press – they are as concerned with hurricane Ida as the Afgee exit . ….one day to go and it will be ‘forget it ‘ time ….
The narrative seems to be the interpreters did the job because they love the West and – according to Boris – are completely loyal to our country.
Absolute 100% rubbish. They did it for the money and nothing else. Now they are going to be murdered by other Muslims for helping the infidels. When they come here, they will be 100% Muslim and they will hate us as unclean infidels just like all the others do.
The flights may be finished but the Channel ferries have not, thanks to our so called “Home” Office.
taffman, perhaps Priti Useless Patel could earn the title of ‘Home Secretary’ by going to the Channel beaches and as each illegal alien steps ashore saying, “Welcome Home”
Following on from above – Nick Timothy – writing at length – too much length – about the ‘lessons from afgee ‘ comes up with fairly simple ‘learning points ‘-
1 chucking money at places ( not country ) like afgee is often wasted – particularly if box tickers get hold of it
2 assumptions made about ‘overseas aid ‘ – making -them – more like -‘us’- is just dumb muddled western woke thinking .
3 the ‘aid ‘ – ‘charity ‘ sector needs major attention …
You can hear and see this is the colonial attitude of the BBC – assuming people in other countries want to be like us and want the same as us . Views ?
Of course Muslims reject western values . We have known this for decades. Why then does the western liberal establishment continue to import millions of them into our countries?
Mr Timothy , as do so many of the commentariat, avoids stating the above obvious conclusion that logically follows from his piece but thankfully there are many readers comments which hammer that point home. As Enoch Powell said , we are literally mad to import them.
We are told that foreigners have more in common with us than differences.
This is true.
They want to preserve their heritage, culture, language and customs and live amongst their own, just like us.
Yet bring them here, and to become ‘like us’, they would have to reject what we hold in common, ‘our (different) roots’.
“Afghanistan: UK sceptical of Taliban safe passage pledge, says minister”
I don’t think we can accuse our present government of forward planning or for foresight ?
BBC News
Best known for bridal wear, dressing the likes of Priyanka Chopra-Jonas and Deepika Padukone on their wedding days, Sabyasachi Mukherjee designs have been worn by many stars, including Oprah Winfrey and Sophie Turner.
He explains why he teamed up with H&M for recent collection ‘Wanderlust’.
The undies at Primark Bradford not getting a slot too?
“Coronavirus: Waning immunity and rising cases – time to worry?”
Fear, fear, fear!
Remember, that as the kids and students go back to school the more the testing the more positive results will be recorded.
Conclusion: How many people have died “of”, “with” or “linked” to Covid ? How many people have died of other illnesses because of delayed or postponed treatment?
Single track rack is back, and… yes…
Seems perfectly healthy folk with no necks are prone too.
A US MSM effort had a woman so described who was big enough to be an NHS nurse exempted from Tik Tokking on upper floors.
Oh, and she liked this.
The accounts Twitter suggest are in sync fascinate.
Disinformation is surely when the media takes one special case and floats the implication that it is representative or comparable to the norm.
So we have the plight of a six-month baby reported rather than questioning why 200 young men are on a boat; or a story about the only black man to have served in a regiment etc.
Dan Snow’s daughters no doubt believe that half the Battle of Britain pilots were working-class Muslim women, an extrapolation by desire from the dozen or so daughters of wealthy men who were aircraft delivery pilots.
Notice how the BBC gives uncritical support for one of its favourites – the teaching unions – at even the slightest prospect of them having to do the job of lefty indoctrination they are paid for ?
Hospitals overflowing with maths teachers ?
Count down the days to the pension more like ….
“Vietnam lockdown adds to global coffee supply concerns”
Drink tea instead.
Just a reminder.
Currently tweeting about… Arsenal.
Lurch is on dignified stuff and hurricanes.
And this.
Makes you think, eh, media? The very spot.
Also known as the gate.
Where everybody stands.
Not reporting on dementia then ?
Why does he think his job is to stalk Trump? Hasn’t anybody told him that Bidet was installed as President? He is as pathetic as he is nasty.
Reported that there 30,000 new cases of Covid-how have these cases been measured-by the PCR testing? which gives out more false positives than not-therefore allowing the powers that be to play about with any figures they like to enforce the fear mongering.
Vile Show green room outing?
Femi probs took the pic.
I think the one on the left is Ash Sarkar.
I am reading this month’s SPECTATOR magazine article on immigration – and why it should worry us, just a bit. – Its not racist to worry about your country, – but it is racially ignorant to IGNORE the outcomes – as that is stupidity. But we have the BBC distorting the mirrors. None of this the loony left will admit as a problem. Tony Blair is a saint to the BBC multi-culture land.
ITS NATURAL TO BE TERRITORIAL (by Lionel Shriver)- Spectator magazine
Based on two reports this summer (2021) by MIGRATION WATCH*:
In the past 20 years, foreign born residents of the UK have doubled to nine million, going from 8 per cent to 14 per cent of the population. In tandem, the white British population has fallen from 89 per cent to 79 per cent, while ethnic minorities have grown from 10 per cent to 21 per sent. Since 2001, 84 per cent of the UK population has been from immigrants and their children, rising to 90 per cent since 2017 — the majority from non- EU countries.
A third of all births have at least one foreign born parent, in parts of London; 80 per cent of births are foreign born mothers. About half of the births in London, Birmingham, Manchester and Cambridge are to foreign mothers.
A third of British children are already from ethnic minorities; in 20 years time ethnic minorities will constitute over half the students in state run schools. As of 2018 , 90 per cent of immigrants were under 45. The UK white population is far older and is destined rapidly to age and decline.
* https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/
Even delivering these dry statistics is dangerous, as the implications are obvious and yet those that delight in the news keep their traps shut for fear of the media reports stating that this is nothing to worry about. After all we are just one big happy family the world over. If only that were true, there would be – no need to migrate! Most populations resent a sudden influx of foreigners, just as Mexicans resent rich Americans buying up prime waterfront properties by the beach. Its natural to resent non native peoples who arrive in vast numbers.
(Article edited for brevity.) Appeared in August (2021) edition of the Spectator..
The left now say about Biden disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan is because we (Brits) I.e Trump/Boris ‘we-got-it-all-wrong’ (US and UK) and mucked the country up. But Afghanistan was well broken well before 2001. Not that Tony Blair will take the rap for any misjudgement. Destabilising the middle east that is ALL tribal politics and local warfare tied up with the west obsessions with protecting corrupt Saudi Arabia, that holds the real power in the middle east. And of course our oil supplies. The Middle east oil is running out, another rogue state is added to the mix. Entire continents are on the move and we cannot accommodate them all.
The fact of a drastic ethnic and religious transformational shift of cultural values is hidden from the public (if listening to the BBC). With over a third of the population of London already foreign born, and rising, we should be able to voice some concern, a trace of dismay, a raised eyebrow, a small doubt that we can accommodate all of the worlds fall out.
We have a right to be irked.
Its not hard to imagine what the crime rates will be in 20 years! The BBC will of course DENY any such problems exist – we are a MULTI-CULTURAL success story!. After all the EU (according to the BBC) has no problems but one of future expansion – a socialist Europe for ALL!
They are then replaced with more, a never ending story… That is the reality.
We are only a small country. We cannot save the world from itself and we should drop the pretence of using the BBC World Service to promote propaganda to save the planet nonsense, the political – left and Islam – leave countries in war and ruins across the globe. That’s the reality.
We may in 20 years not be so charitable. The BBC will have morphed into the protectorate of Muslim values. On the plus side nobody will pay for the BBC, as nobody will be left to pay for it.
Not wishing to gloat, but, but, being in the winter of my life, no children and no living relatives, paid up funeral arrangements, I’m confident I’ll go with a self satisfying smile on my face……. Not a concern in the World!
I hope you have made a Will – otherwise anything you have goes to their State – and guess where your money will go . ….good luck – …and a life as long as you want it to be ….
That’s all well sorted!
Excellent – I’m at war with most of my family so the Will has to wait ….
Remind me why the Taliban would even target staff at an animal shelter?
Numerous news articles never even hint at a reason.
Why couldn’t they just leave the animals there, wouldn’t cost much and pay the staff to feed them.
Farthing was the only person on the flight too..
What a waste of fuel etc
There’s a good thread on the “dog fondler” over on the The Army Rumour Service (ARRSE) board.
Leaving the animals there might upset the moslems whose god tells then that dogs are bad things. I would not like to be a female veterinary surgeon in Taliban territory.
Perhaps the people who donated money to bring the animals out should have been notified that the Government or someone in power had decided to divert their money to something else. That’s the socialist way.
For further discussion on animals v people see Juliet HB who is running a people over dogs campaign on Twitter.
Perhaps blame should be directed at Biden who changed the visa rules, thus preventing the human helpers to leave.
Perhaps someone might blame the moslems for the problems too.
Philip_2, That is all so true, but we are so under the thumb of the broad liberal-left ruling class (including our government) that nothing ever gets done to stop the rot and destruction of the British nation.
I have just finished reading Douglas Murray’s The Strange Death Of Europe, which makes compelling reading, and is one of the most concerning books I have ever read. I would recommend it to anyone who is worried about our nation’s future and the future of Western civilisation and culture.
The overwhelming message is that we are in an act of wilful self-destruction, and that it is probably too late.
“….we are in an act of wilful self-destruction, and that it is probably too late.” But surely not, “we” – ‘they’ – the ruling elites’, will take us with them.
And the book was first published in 2017, four yrs ago so, yes, too late.
Biden not allowed to speak on Afghanee
I wonder what will be the ‘event ‘ which finally triggers the MSM to have to address the mental state of their false president ?
Is this a repeat of FDR being unable to stand and the press never mentioned it ? Mental state is a lot more significant – as we are seeing now …
Elsewhere – I heard that North Career has fired up a nuclear reactor ( since July ) so the White House has other items on the agenda – and they truly deserve it .
R4 now : Youth food activist Christina
her family’s originally from Ethiopia
she launched the petition for free school meals out of term time – a cause taken up by Marcus Rashford.
she is seeking to challenge our reliance on fast food.
tackle the way young people like her are targeted and trapped by clever marketing aimed specifically at them
(WTF no one in my family ever buys fast food
cos it’s ten times more expensive than buying from the supermarket
Never mind Indian or Chinese I’ve never bought a fish from a fishnNchip shop, just been in McDonalds half a dozen times to use the wifi.)
As the chair of the youth board of Bite Back 2030 she knows just how effective campaigns can be. In this programme she talks to fellow board member, Barakat Omomayowa about the cyclical way that fast food joints target children and the profits they’re making from this.
With nowhere else to congregate, they’re *forced to hang out at food joints*, and all the more likely to go there if poor quality school meals leave them hungry at the end of the day
(Doh why don’t they take sandwiches instead of school meals ?)
Bite Back 2030 secured a recent victory limiting junk food advertising.
Replying to Digg below, don’t know how this appeared here.
Precisely, and they give equal credence to the slimy Kinnochio’s claims of the numbers of US/UK passport holders still there to those of the Government.
HowTF does Kinnochio know better? He doesn’t of course, he just wants to pump up the rhetoric or political reasons.
It’s not ‘our’ reliance on fast food, it’s specific to certain ethnic groups, especially here in East London. At the end of the school day, local ‘chicken shops’ (of which there are several within walking distance of each institution) are a magnet for primarily black youth, who congregate in and around them in large, noisy groups. Many are morbidly obese and the venues are almost exclusively owned and staffed by Pakistani or Bangladeshi men. I see very few white children involved in this.
One large local Catholic school schedules the lunch break for 1.10pm, yet the school day finishes at 3.10pm. Children are made to wait until the early afternoon for a meal, then are released onto the streets to go and eat again (junk) within an hour. I’ve seen the same frighteningly overweight black girl aged around 14 years stuffing her face with a burger and chips too many times to mention, and I’m disgusted that her parent/s continue to give her the money every day to sustain this. It’s immoral and dangerous to allow this relentless daily consumption of fatty, fried food – observe the prevalence of diabetes and high blood pressure within African-origin communities – however I assume that to point this out would be deemed racist. What price her future health? £1.95 with extra mayo, thanks.
This conversation will never occur on al beeb
All non jobs. When Gordon Brown was asked where all the jobs were to be created, as there were none but one small ‘private’ sector and it was an army of telephone sanitizers which never existed before. So in short the left ‘create’ jobs for themselves and the NHS is by far he largest job creation scheme in the world outside Russia and China.
What is worrying is that all this nonsense is being pushed by A Conservative government. Its as if Gordon Brown never left the office.
That’s just 4 people and a quarter of a million quid gone up in smoke every year (plus emoluments like inflation-proof pension of course). It’s a gravy train…
In local government as well, if you want to be important then best to recruit lots of well-paid people underneath you to make your pot not look so obscene.
OT but Sir Boaty is awesome.
A 2 minute 16 gem – thank you very much . See it before HRH Attenborough complains ..
Fabulous, Guest!
Why do I have tears of laughter at the very final second…
Very good.
I admit I don’t watch much BBC news for the sake of my sanity and blood pressure, so I might be wrong, but for all the talk of girls’ education and wimmin’s rights in Afghanistan, I haven’t heard much grown-up discussion of the geo-political fallout from the withdrawal. Russia, China, Iran, Pakistan, NATO, jihadism, rare earth minerals, etc.
In future, foreign policy should be based on hard-nosed national economic and military interest, and not on educating girls so they can read the quran better.
Methinks that is one of the reasons not much publicity is given to where taxpayers (Borrowed ) money actually goes in the ‘aid ‘ budget ….
……………..and how much money has been wasted in Afgee in the last 20 years – and where it went – and who decided …….
Particularly since red tories have been in charge most of the time ….
R4 “coming up how you can be a greener energy user, with someone who runs a green energy company”
Another item is the start of E10 fuel today
Forecourt petrol will have 10% biofuel
E10 could damage garden equipment, over time, due to E10 corrosion effect
in older cars super E5 will need to be used
Will one have to filter out the bits of soya?
E10 is utter f’ing crap – it’s only virtue signalling at best – but actually it’s the toxic Green toadstool on a hidden web of larceny involving hundreds of millions of pounds in subsidy from taxpayers.
Good agricultural land should be used to create food and feed the poor and hungry. To create ethanol and put in vehicles when a perfectly good and efficient fuel is available aplenty is downright inhumane, just to satisfy the vanity of the fashionable elite.
Good care of the environment should applaud people who use older cars by looking after them. Just because a newer car uses less fuel by a small %, cannot compensate for the huge expenditure in raw materials and energy in creating a new car.
A sensible Road fund tax policy can encourage looking after what we have- not just cars but everything else, and stop this absurd throw away economy.
@ITV 9pm #Stephen the sequel of the Stephen Lawrence murder investigation 1/3
Steve Coogan : the copper
Adil Ray : the lawyer
The BBC totally sucked in by the obvious Taliban lies around the drone attack on a vehicle by the US.
A quick look at the photo and it is obvious that the “locals” have engineered this setup by piling up lots of rubbish and branches to look like devastation. Plus the vehicle is quite lightly damaged with no twisting of metal, just paint burns as if it had been purposely set ablaze.
Add to this the claim that 8 members of one family died in the attack including 6 children and it s the stuff of fairy tales. What are the chances of that?
Do the BBC not even consider the possibility that this might be just a set-up to tarnish the US? Lying is a noble weapon to these people.
digg, if the photo further up this thread is the vehicle hit by a drone strike and it had explosives inside there would be nothing left. During The Troubles a demonstration was set up that did the rounds of the TV stations. It showed what a pound of ‘plastique’ (plastic explosive) could do when placed within a hub cap on a wheel, let alone under a vehicle or inside a vehicle.
Not much was left.
There would also be damage in the apartment block. Lyse Doucet claimed the vehicle was outside a house and the house was damaged. Maybe she is confused? Or maybe the photo put up by Thoughtful is not the right vehicle. At a distance, in the ‘fog of war’, who knows?
Lies and bluster, it is after all the BBC!
The BBC LOVE lies like that if they fit the agenda.
They can write a story as if it is fact then shirk off any responsibility to OFCOM or fact checkers by saying that someone else said it.
They’ve been ramping up the use of twitter to do exactly that for months now.
‘The BBC totally sucked in by the obvious Taliban lies around the drone attack on a vehicle by the US.’
The BBC doesn’t have any history of being taken in by such lies… oh, wait a moment…
Powerful and never to be heard on al beeb
Warning: Language NSFW
Many thanks for the link. I listened through all of the exchange. So sad.
It seems to me from a variety of sources online in the US, that there is building an explosion in the current US military (and certainly vets) against Biden & Co. I wouldn’t be surprised that the last couple of weeks will shortly blast the lid of the civil war that’s brewing. Then, turn to Australia. Similarly the signs are that things are seriously stirring.
Biden, Trudeau, Morrison, Johnson, Ardern (to name a few) are in a conspiracy against their publics. It is patently obvious. Why won’t they share the eventual goal with us? We would surely ‘debate’ the issues with them alongside a lamppost, rope in readiness.
I have a couple of friends who I’ve known for 30+ years. They’re both USMC (RTD) Gunnery Sargents and are in their 60’s now. They’re both still fully qualified riflemen (what Marine ever ceases being fully qualified LOL).
They’ve looked into how to get involved with the retired forces groups who have boots on the ground in Afghan because they’re so disgusted.
They’ve both indicated a readiness to participate domestically and they believe it will come to that.
G, Macron also? Mutti has been very silent in this Afgee thing? I wonder when she will pop up and say that “Yes, the EU will take another five million migrants from Afghanistan.”
Here in Wiltshire we’re no strangers to the military. I recall an older couple, just around the corner from my parents, lost a son in Afghanistan years back – what are they thinking now?
My son once expressed a fleeting interest in joining the military… you might not like me for doing so, but I told him, honestly “I’d rather you were on the dole son.”
TWatO Watch #1 – Rory Stewart seems a mite confused
The Misinformation War is starting . Mind you those of us who are regulars on here know that the BBC go in for that 24/7/365 & 366 on many subjects, not just Afghanistan. But Taliban sources are obviously believed by Lyse Doucet as she states how the US drone strike yesterday killed a family including some young children, not so-called ‘ISIS-K’ terrorists.
Rory Stewart seemed to say that sanctions not International Aid are the things that the Taliban will be influenced by to behave as ‘nice people’. But then he suggested sanctions only work against international travellers and wealthy individuals ripping off their own people and stashing the loot away overseas. Aid does work apparently and now, post-Pandemic Britain should feed Afghanistan as well as itself and sort out the medical needs of the UK and Afghanistan too. Well, Mr Stewart, that will swallow all the International Aid Budget and more.
The Taliban are not going to play nice. They are going to play at setting up an Islamic State and running it according to Sharia Law. It’s time the BBC and Rory Stewart grasped the reality of that. Here’s another thing: there’s generally a shortage of medical use opiates in the world. That comes from the poppy. There are really only three places that grow ‘good poppy’: the Bekah valley running across Syria and into Lebanon and Afghanistan. Yes, I know Turkey, Mongolia and maybe China can grow poppy, too. But what about their own medical needs?
The rest of the world, especially ‘the West’, has not exactly got a very good relationship with President Assad and deservedly so. You can probably kiss that source goodbye. There will be plenty of warlords in Lebanon willing to grow poppy for you but they might be vulnerable to Talib pressure or higher prices for illegal (non-medical) heroin use in the West. That leaves Afghanistan. The Taliban have a couple of levers on the West as well.
Surely the new regime will have plenty on resources now and be very happy with all those 4x4s and government BMWs . Any shortages – engined by them – can be blamed on The West and happily repeated by the BBC ….
I wonder if the civil war will be caused by arguments about who gets the humvees and helicopters …?
Maybe the yanks will forget a few C17s as well ….
Fed, it seems the BBC will be happy to provide their PR services. The other lever the Talib have is that they ought to know by now that they can ‘weaponise refugees’, Ed Miliband-stylee.
If Donald Trump heard Lyse Doucet’s report on TWatO, I think he might be feeling relieved that Biden ‘stole’ the Election last year. Roost. Pigeons. Homecoming. And all that.
Lyse Doucet and Orla Guerin have two of the most irritating voices on radio. As bad as Peston.
2:15pm drama Fearing :
“A groundbreaking five-part series from exciting new writers celebrating and revealing life across the United Kingdoms in
Each episode features five short dramas by different writers”
OK at least it’s not all about London as their drama often is .
Recently they moved the drama dept to Wales, so it had lots of dramas about Wales
They do have dramas ostensibly set in Yorkshire
but often it’s a pretend Yorkshire with London actors.
Following Monday : rural Cumbria, suburban Wales, Keighley, Colchester and a Lisburn estate.
No huge signs of BBC agenda pushing
KEIGHLEY – a successful West Yorkshire businesswoman, her daughter, pushes for a more environmentally friendly business. South Asian tappay, call and response rhyming couplets accompanied by the Dholki drum, help them to resolve their differences.
• COLCHESTER : two sides of a stabbing, based on a true story.
Bring back Rumpole!
Rumpole now seems 100 years ago. Alas for England!
#5 play today was about a non-binary person in Kent
Nuttin to do wiv me!
Since the Leftoid Wokes took over, the word ‘British’ seems to now mean anyone of any culture from anywhere in the world.
Let’s test out that hypothesis.
Afghanistan: Taxi driver, shopkeeper: UK victims of Kabul attack
An Uber driver from Hampshire and a shopkeeper from north London were among those who died in the Kabul attack.
Mohammad Niazi and Musa Popal were killed after a blast shook the Afghan capital on Thursday.
Mr Popal ran the Madeena Supermarket in Hendon, north London, for more than 20 years and had travelled to Afghanistan in June with his wife to visit family.
His daughter Zohra said her mother survived the blast..Zohra, …moved to the UK to join her parents in 2014.
Mohammad Niazi – a taxi driver living in Farnborough – was also killed in the attack after he travelled to Afghanistan to help his family get inside the airport.
Friends believe his Afghan wife and children – who were thought to be having visa problems – were also killed.
One of his friends, Dinez Carnay, said Mr Niazi had told him he was flying to Afghanistan to get his family.
End quotes.
similarly “Woman” includes people born-male who self-identify as a woman
Simply another one of New Labour’s many psychological tricks on the public – remember Blair’s Brighton speech after taking office: “There is a place for all the people in New Britain, and there is a role for all the people in its creation”. No kidding. So much smoke and mirrors to obfuscate a complete remodelling of the existing perception of our national identity, which his champagne-quaffing Fabian chums had deemed surplus to requirements. He also said the British don’t fear change, which was proven absolute bollocks by the referendum result and an 80-seat Tory majority delivered by a public scared out of their wits by the prospect of Labour taking power again.
3pm news “the hurricane has now been downgraded”
..followed by yet another trailer for Tom Heaps daily eco-doom show.
Following on from the Insane Green idiocy of the Tory ‘leader’ Boris the bottler Johnson and his move away from natural gas to hydrogen I thought I would post this video to show you what is likely to happen when this stuff leaks – as it inevitably will, and the consequences of the subsequent devestating explosion when it does.
Natural gas is explosive as we all know and there have been several instances of large areas and several properties being damaged as a consequence. It is however as nothing compared to the devastation a hydrogen explosion would result in if there was even a small leak.
The video goes into quite a bit of interesting physics about how both Hydrogen and Oxygen can co-exist without detonation, and what causes the two to suddenly react violently. If you just want the big bang skip to the lest few minutes. Decide afterwards if you think this is a safe alternative to natural gas!
R101 and the Zeppelins were filled with hydrogen; enough said.
Thank you for the headsup. Very interesting.
TV weather people get dramatic shots by standing in the road between tall buildings where the wind channels down
People make them look like idiots by doing normal stuff a few feet away where there is no wind channel.