One of the problems of listening to the radio in bed is that you fall asleep and then wake up listening to something you wouldn’t have done by choice!
The Company of Wolves
It’s Christmas Eve, and a young girl is on her way to visit her granny in the forest. She has been warned not to stray from the path but, on her way, she meets a charming huntsman who has other ideas.
At the time of writing The Bloody Chamber in the late 1970s, Angela Carter was disaffected by both sides of the feminist debate. She re-worked traditional fairy tales from her own unique, literary outsider’s point of view, putting women at the centre of the stories.
With their feisty heroines and rgiastic mash-up of beasts, shape-shifters and ghouls, her extraordinary tales are the most perfect example of her style, not just for her incomparable prose, but also in the dizzying twists and turns of perception, fantasy and myth.
Basically female radio porn, as described by Dr. Jordan Peterson here, (worth listening out for the student caught blushing!).
Sopes likely to stay with the footy a while longer.
A Pentagon spokesperson says the Pentagon is aware of reports that ten members of one Afghan family were killed following a US drone strike in Kabul, adding "we are continuing to assess the situation"
I bet the corrrespondents in the propaganda ministry of the nazi regime thought the analysis they were putting out was the truth – until the Russians arrived ; money plus status equals lies
RT is big on allegations that the Americans opened fire after the Kabul suicide attack ….
Guest, isn’t it wonderful that XR don’t even know the difference between the Natural History Museum (in Cromwell Road) and the Science Museum (in Exhibition Road) – it is quite amazing!
It can see the Great Barrier Reef, pollution in China and his ego.
This morning in @RBKC. I estimate he was doing sixty. Please, Kensington, you have wide roads — you can protect vulnerable road users from dangerous drivers.
In the hands of the media, the addition of -style to anything can reduce the language to nothing coherent.
UK special forces in particular spent the past two decades training and operating alongside elite Afghan units such as Commando Force 333
The seditious BBC has inadvertently shown why it is almost impossible for the West to fight the Taleban, ISI, Al Quaeda etc.
From the front page of the BBC webshite
‘Afghanistan: US investigates civilian deaths in Kabul strike
A US drone strike near Kabul airport ended up killing 10 members of one family, including six children, surviving relatives have told the BBC.’
This is not an issue that would worry the Taleban, ISIS and all manner of other terrorists.
But if the West cause any collateral damage whatsoever then the pacifists, Leftoids and fellow travellers are just waiting to exploit the situation. The ‘Stop the War Coalition’ organise a march and we’re back to square one. If a civilian stubs their toe then the military are castigated.
And the governments cave in and the military has to fight with one arm behind its back. And it tries. And is unsuccessful.
And so it goes. And we are where we are. With the militants, anarchists, terrorists, and Far Left in the ascendency, and right-thinking decent people cowed into inactivity, and thus unable and unwilling to act.
Meanwhile the whitewashing of the Taliban (pronounced Torlebon to show respect) continues on both the BBC news and woke GBNews where it is argued that the Torlebon respond to kindness and humanitarianism with thanks
'We knew when we were winning, when Taliban we were hunting in the day, their family knocks on our door and says thank you for saving the lives of our women.'
Former army officer Afzal Amin says humanitarian work can cut through the Taliban's 'hatred and ideology.'
Banning "fossil advertising" is of course a good start. But if we are to avoid the worst consequences of the climate crisis we cannot just strive to be "fossil free", but free from all greenhouse gas intense practices. There's no room left for loopholes and non-holistic thinking.
“Ban all greenhouse gas intensive practices.” If we take that literally we must ban drinking water. I think this is a Baldrick like plan to ensure the end of the world in 11 years.
Why has the world generated so many batshit crazies? What is worse, how come so many people give them air time?
Pug, actually it is not just humans that are the problem. I remember listening to Johnny Ball on Radio4 many years ago. Probably one of his last appearances on any BBC network or station. I think he became ‘persona non grata’ for pointing out that mosquitoes, for just one insect example, outweigh the humans on Earth by a factor of nine, yes, there are 9x as many mozzies eating us than humans eating food.
And mosquitoes breathe out CO2. Even worse, their favoured habitats give off methane gas. Methane got added to the list of nasty gases at the end of the 1990s or in the early 2000s and is said to be many times worse than CO2. You will not hear facts like that on the BBC any more.
They never mention the Eastern European forest that were felled for timber and which undercut western, regulated timber producers……and made it non profitable for the Forestry Commission.
Orwell’s resignation letter from the BBC 24.9.43
Joseph Millson reads letters by George Orwell.
BBC 24.9.43
Dear Mr Rushbrooke-Williams,
In confirmation of what I said to you in private, I want to tender my resignation from the BBC, and should be much obliged if you would forward this to the proper quarter.
I believe that in speaking to you I made my reasons clear but I should like to put them on paper lest there should be any mistake. I am not leaving because of any disagreement with BBC policy and still less on account of any kind of grievance. On the contrary I feel that throughout my association with the BBC I have been treated with the greatest generosity and allowed very great latitude. On no occasion have I been compelled to say on the air anything that I would not have said as a private individual. And I should like to take this opportunity of thanking you personally for the very understanding and generous attitude you have always shown towards my work.
I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result. I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task. Whether these broadcasts should be continued at all is for others to judge, but I myself prefer not to spend my time on them when I could be occupying myself with journalism which does produce some measureable effect. I feel that by going back to the normal work of writing and journalism I could be more useful than I am at present.
I do not know how much notice of resignation I am supposed to give. The ‘Observer’ have again raised the project of my going to North Africa. This has to be approved by the War Office and may well fall through again, but I mention it in case I should have to leave at shorter notice than would otherwise be the case. I will in any case see to it that the programmes are arranged for some time ahead.
However, given a well argued piece of reporting that makes whatever the bbc does look silly, I will stay with.
So the question “why was a car on the plane ?” is answered “why would you allow a heavily armoured vehicle packed to the rafters full of highly sensitive jamming kit, military sat coms and most likely Five Eyes crypto devices to be auctioned to Russia or China by the Taliban ?”
BBC two a strangely rushed show first done for BBC East Midlands where the rich Indian woman Sindhu Vee who used to be a City Of London banker is walking 3 rivers The Dove, Soar and The Trent
Except she didn’t walk the Trent rather she came to Newark and interviewed 3 people
One of whom was a standup paddle board anti-plastic activist
“80% of sea plastic comes from rivers” ..hmm there isn’t a lot of noticeable plastic waste floating in the Trent.
What are the paddle boarding anti-plastic activist’s, paddle boards (and paddles) made from? What about their footwear? Their clothes? The greater part of their mobile phone? The greater part of their car?….
80% of drivel comes from the BBC and the idiots they interview.
Sindhu Vee? Nope. Never heard of her, but according to wiki she’s a bit of a bBbc babe. I see she’s from India as is one of the rivers named, the Ganges. The Yamuna river, a tributary of the Ganges that runs through her Delhi birthplace, isn’t listed but is so severely polluted it is basically dead, parts of it now no more than sewage channels.
Most of the other rivers listed are in China with a couple in Africa. The Thames that flows through London where Sindhu now resides is not one of them, nor of course is either the Trent, Dove or Soar.
Now, where should Sindhu Vee really be having this discussion? In which country should XR really be holding their demonstrations? Where should the bBbc really be broadcasting/ campaigning from?
The BBC are building the pointy finger at the US over the “killing” of 10 members of a family including 6 children by a drone strike. When any fool can see that the only possible way this could have been the case is if all those 10 members were living in the boot of the the vehicle that got hit which is the only part of the vehicle damaged.
The BBC are acting like useful idiots to the Taliban.
This is a paid for by ISIS PR stunt and designed to force the US to consider stopping sending drones in or face the wrath of the hand-wringers in the West.
Pathetic that the US doesn’t just come out and rubbish the claim.
The BBC has been told 10 family members died in a US drone strike on Sunday & that some had US visas. The US says it’s ‘not in a position to dispute" the civilians deaths. On Sunday it said the target was an ISIS threat. @bbclysedoucet told me more.
GBNews was recovering after its woke appeal to BLM style kneeling. But now its viewers express anger over its simplistic people or pets approach to the rescue mission for animals. Viewers certainly better informed than the little boy expressing his outrage over the pets.
It looks like GBNews has an objective in a similar manner to BBC’s biased reports. Heavyweight Farage is also criticised for apparently towing the party line.
Come on GBNews, insist your presenters are better informed.
“Brief summary.
Our hero* was offered seats on a RAF flight out of Afg for him and his staff (many of them female)
Our hero* stamps feet, throws toys out of pram, gives dogs abuse to HMG ministers, saying: It’s me, my staff AND the dogs or nothing.
Resources are used up, time is spent trying to resolve situation while our hero* conducts social media campaign lambasting HMG.
End result,… Our hero* departs Kabul draped in cats and dogs while the female veterinary staff who originally had seats on flights sorted are abandoned to their fate under the Taliban.”
Photo from
Anybody see on Farage, GB News tonight, that interview with the correspondent in France.
It seems that according to him there is only left or far right politics. Any mention of the right was always called far right yet the left was always called left.
Final day of the US Afgee Adventure .
How will the BBC handle it ?
I reckon theyll dig out the big guns – Adie or Simpson or some one who witnessed the fall of Saigon .
Theyll also go for the easy emotional stuff of dead / desperate afgees at the airport and …
…. The inevitable failure of Operation Welcome to Benefits Land ….
Things we should know but we remain ignorant relying on the BBC.. or Facebook.. or who exactly..
‘Developers of AstraZeneca vaccine finds that vaccinated hospital personnel are acting as super-spreaders — asymptomatic but a viral load 251 TIMES that of the unvaccinated. And listener in Vietnam trapped in country and under house arrest for weeks due to COVID (only 700 deaths reported in a country of 98 MILLION in a year and a half)’
There is more to this in TCW. Why are we being lied to about Covid?
Here I learn that a simple low cost medicine does better then than all of them combined.
Ivermectin is one of the WHO’s ‘essential drugs’ which all countries should have access to. It’s very cheap as its patent has long expired; it’s one of the most-used drugs in world history; it’s extraordinarily safe; it is often life-saving against parasitic infections. It is also one of the best-established pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19, showing benefit in every stage of the disease…
Its also worth reading that Doctors have been forced to resign in not being able to use this cheap and effective remedy.
I also learn that EU compulsory ID cards are going to be called VACCINE passports and the UK has signed up to it, ignoring objections. It will be compulsory for most jobs and travel. That was in the TELEGRAPH I think.
I know from another source that the DVLC will be running the centre. So it has not much to do with NHS either. It will have all your travel details, health and (probably ‘benefits’ and banking details irrespective of a mobile phone ‘app’. What fun that will be…!
I hope I am wrong. Biden is pushing for it in the US I read. The key word is ‘mandatory’. This is in the Newspaper today alongside who is running the US?
UK Doctor Dr Tess Lawrie attempted to alert the Prime Minister to the potential of ivermectin. Her video here was pulled from YouTube within hours of posting, though it survives on Vimeo.
The video has been deleted as I write. But try later.Link was on TCW (Conservative Woman) website link above.
So follow the Science, as the Politics are clearly in play on all sides. There is strong objection to vaccination healthy children with an unknown and untested drug approved by US government (Biden is about to approve it wholesale). Expected we will have to follow, even though its not drug tested in UK. None of them are.
I still remember a German drug called THALIDOMIDE that was approved and used in the UK without proper testing. The clue to this is that all the drug companies are IMMUNE from any future prosecution (emergency powers). That is world wide. So this, is not unique to GB.
The BBC I have not mentioned but I am sure its all wonderful from their own limited point of view and why should they bother us with things we would never understand?
“Ivermectin is one of the WHO’s ‘essential drugs’ which all countries should have access to. It’s very cheap as its patent has long expired; it’s one of the most-used drugs in world history; it’s extraordinarily safe; it is often life-saving against parasitic infections. It is also one of the best-established pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19, showing benefit in every stage of the disease…”
Once upon a time Thomas the Tank Engine stories were about the working of railways, something that little boys of that time were very interested in.
According to the creators, the episodes will incorporate 26 “social-emotional, cognitive, and physical life lessons” including friendship, teamwork and self-help.
“Thomas And Friends: All Engines Go features stories that are both timeless and timely, with themes that will resonate with children, parents and care-givers alike.”
1946 schoolboy: “I want to be a train driver!”
2021 student: “I want to be a diversity, inclusivity and equality enabler!”
2040 BBC reporter: “Britain’s final train is to stop running at the end of the year. A British Rail spokesperson said that following the retirement of the last batch of drivers and engineers, the country no longer has the capability to operate any train services. A spokesperson for the governing Labour Islamic Green Party Alliance (LIGPA) welcomed the news, saying it is “One important step closer to a fully de-carbonised, de-industrialised and de-colonised country in line with UN/WEF guidelines”.
Flipping heck everything the media do is PERFORMANCE
as they do this bias by omission and hype stories up
Countryfile definitely said there is only 1 population of orcas
The three pods are in addition to a separate group, often described as the UK’s only resident pod of orcas, known as the “west coast community”.
Photographer and naturalist Hugh Harrop, of local company Shetland Wildlife, said that the idea that the UK had just one resident pod was incorrect.
We’ve now got three pods that we refer to as a Northern Isles community. thought to comprise 18 animals in total.
(Additionally transient pods are mentioned)
“Northern Scotland is also frequented by Other pods who move between Iceland, …and other areas of the Atlantic.”
Orcas get called killer whales (but they are actually giant dolphins who sometimes kill whales)
Libmob thinking : I read this in the Hull Freedom Festival schedule Theatre “Celebrating their final year *as Europeans*, island-monkeys Becca and Louise got invited to the European Capital of Culture in Malta,”
… Em Brexit didn’t cause us to become non-European ..We still are.
‘President Biden will address the American people tomorrow on his decision not to extend the US presence in Afghanistan, he has said in a statement following the final withdrawal of US troops from that country.’
Wow – how long is that now that Biden – the President of the United States – stood up in public about Afghanistan.
First he only took pre-arranged questions and still couldn’t cope. Now he’s been removed from press conferences altogether. As has the vice-President.
I fully expect this ‘address the nation’ will be pre-recorded and behind closed doors.
Joe is now quite clearly unfit to be President yet the BBC are absolutely ignoring it. No questions at all.
I would say this is the most obvious and most extreme display of BBC news being so biased, it is absolutely unfit to continue as a publicly funded state broadcaster.
We should make sure we do not let anyone forget the extent of their cover up here.
The 25th amendment is looking more and more likely – though I expect Joe will just resign when he is told to and it will all go under the carpet.
One can always argue over political policies and the differing parties will probably always argue over the most impartial reporting of those policies but there can be no argument that the BBC is blind to Biden.
‘Impartial, free and fair’ Sopel and the Bronzed Strumpet shut up shop once Trump was gone. Every anti-Trump disinformation story was given a good outing on the BBC while stories that put the Democrats in a bad light were either ignored or given a minor mention for an hour or two.
The inept actions of the US military, under Biden’s command, are going to have grave consequences throughout the West for decades to come. Forget all the fancy hi-tech stuff, (a gift to the Russia and China), the 600,000 small arms is bad enough.
It’s a pity that the US doesn’t have the equivalent of a vote of no confidence, with the potential for the whole administration to resign and to cause a new election.
BBC Moaning Emole:
n a tweet, the US Department of Defense shared – in the green tint of a night-vision camera – a photo of the last American soldier leaving Kabul airport. Officials said the final C17 aircraft took off with the US ambassador on board just after midnight, ending the 20-year presence in Afghanistan. It departed to the sound of celebratory gunfire from the Taliban, back in charge having been deposed when Nato-backed American troops entered the country in 2001. It marks the end of an evacuation that has seen more than 123,000 civilians flown out by coalition aircraft since 14 August, according to the US military.
“The military mission is over. A new diplomatic mission has begun,” says US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. The UN Security Council is urging the Taliban to allow people to leave the country. However, our chief international correspondent Lyse Doucet says: “Even after 40 years of war, I don’t think Afghans have lived through a transition that is so uncertain, that is so shrouded in darkness and that is so overcast in fear.” The international community will “push as one voice” for the safe passage of Afghans who want to leave, Prime Minister Boris Johnson says. The Taliban has promised just that to those with authorisation. Many have already fled. We hear from some of those who poured into Pakistan. “Where can I go? What can I do?” asks one despairing woman.
So a £5b, envy of the world outfit gets its ‘news’ from Twitter. No surprise there. With added Lyse. And deceit. Plus a very bbc conclusion.
This despair will doubtless manifest as a wish to leave, and via Pakistan to a noted Pakistan idiot country of aid. All papers will be lost of course, but amazingly trainers, iPhones and mobile tariffs will be secure.
While suturing a laceration on the hand of a 70-year-old Texas rancher (whose hand had caught in a gate while working cattle), a doctor and the old man were talking about Joe Biden being in the White House.
The old Texan said, “Well, ya know, Biden is a ‘post turtle’.”
Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was.
The old man said, “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a post turtle.”
The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor’s face, so he continued to explain, “You know he didn’t get there by himself, he doesn’t belong there, he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, and you just want to help the poor stupid guy get down.”
‘Calls for cyclists to pay ‘road tax’ in response to upcoming Highway Code changes’
Just saw this on social media. If it goes ahead, stand by for Jeremy Vine to be opening it to callers and using all his left-wing trickery (such as pre-arranged callers) to discredit it.
Because despite the millions he gets from the BBC, Lefties like him are always the most shallow and greedy of anybody. As we witnessed during Brexit when they realised they might be worse off. People like Soubry and Adonis used every reason they could think of. Except the real one.
“We were watching what was happening in other communities. We were watching it [the virus] getting closer,” she said.
In Wilcannia, more than 60 people have tested positive. Adjusted for population size, that’s the highest proportion for anywhere in NSW.
“We’ve been crying out for prevention. No one listened to us.”
Jesus Wept. There is no lower limit to what the BBC will write. That article is over 1,000 words long !!!.
These people knew about the virus and they didn’t care because they don’t integrate with whitey. Same as the blacks and Asians here who quite amazingly also had a disproportionately high number of cases. All due to racism from whitey if you believe the BBC.
I don’t need a government to take responsibility for me avoiding the virus. I do it myself.
As with the British establishment in general, they do not believe there is such a thing as indigenous British people. A number of years ago, the House of Commons actually voted that this was indeed the case. The official view is that we are a nation of immigrants (sic), with the population constantly changing over time: Romans one day, Vikings the next, followed by Norman French, West Indians, Pakistanis, Somalians and so on, indefinitely.
Apparently (according to the Daily Mail) the delegates arriving from COVID red list countries won’t have to self isolate for the UN COP conference in Glasgow….
Apparently if you are properly concerned about the proper issues you are not contagious. How long until this is commonplace? (Jordan Peterson)
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories indicating here that they will not increase the TV tax in line with inflation (doesn’t mean they won’t increase it at all) over the next five years.
However as readers might expect of this hopeless liberal left wing party they give every indication of supporting the TV tax as a model for the years to come with no sign of a move to subscription.
A government source said: ‘The BBC is a hugely important national institution. But equally these are hard times.
‘Nobody wants to punish the BBC but it’s got to be subject to the same efficiency savings as everyone else.’
Maybe its a plan although our current Labour Government does not display any ability in that department, only adherence to some ‘Grand Plan’ with other Western leaders to destroy the UK/Western democracies.
In the knowledge that ‘Our Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’ is haemorrhaging licensees, no increase in the license fee would result in a ‘turn of the screws’ on the BBC – annually. Perhaps a death by choking?
You wouldn’t expect it. It’s the old solidarity principle of ‘No enemies on the Left’, that led to the alliance of the Labour Party and the Communist Party back in the 1930s.
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
@GW I thought you were misleading there
cos asked if BBC were holding Biden to account you posted a Sopel tweet from Thursday night.
Yet actually that is his most recent tweet apart from 2 about Arsenal
OK it was a holiday weekend but Sopel hasn’t tweeted for 4.5 days yet he used to tweet sneers at Trump everyday.
There shouldn’t be any criticism of Biden, it’s like criticising a scorpion for being a scorpion.
The criticism should be of the terminally stupid American people who when faced with a stark choice “Make America Great Again” or destroy and diminish America chose the latter.
They knew exactly what they were voting for and what Biden was likely to do. They are the ones entirely to blame, and to make matters worse despite the crazed loons falling poll numbers, they have started to climb again as stupid Americans begin to appreciate his destruction of their country.
Thoughtful – it’s nice to see someone on this site – apart from the trolls – who think the US election was a fair one and that the majority voted for an old career politician like Biden.
The responsibility for afgee lies with those who carried out the coup – continue to report – and are now in power.
Elsewhere -I notice that some hopeless UN resolution calling on the taliban to be nice had the Chinese and Russians abstaining ….
And also with those who blatantly and deliberately misrepresented the truth in order to keep Trump out. They didn’t care one bit about how bad Biden and Harris are : they would have supported anyone.
The BBC (and their USA equivalent CNN) have plenty of blood on their hands now. It’s what you get when the Left put ideology over the real world. Lots of people end up dying.
Up to now no hard evidence has been presented to support a claim the election was rigged, which not to say it wasn’t given the rather surprising figures.
It gets worse with the Fox news piece I posted where 100K recall ballots were found in someones car ! Clearly the Dems are no strangers to rigging ballots in their favour and have no respect for democracy and the people.
Despite all that, all claims of fixed elections are as of yet unsubstantiated, and all they do is muddy the waters, giving those on the left a quick and easy dismissal of valid points by simply saying ‘conspiracy theory’ and the discussion is over.
Here it’s something of an echo chamber, but I can tell you that if you raise issues like that on other sites your points will be completely lost.
Just from following it from a distance –
1 Huge turn outs for trump rallies every day
2 someone who had delivered on election promises
3 economy and jobs
4 achieve progress in the Middle East
Compared to an old man hiding in a bunker and a token running mate with nothing behind her …
The democrats controlled counting across the states – add the MSM support – even now to that and that’s enough for me .
I admire the skill with which the coup was carried out and in some ways blame Mr Trump for not pre empting it – but I guess even he couldn’t believe they’d carry it off so easily ….
Not AK’s any more. The latest assault rifles with night vision and everything.
Anyone who tries to go back in or oppose the Taliban will meet an enemy armed to the teeth.
Well done Joe.
We note some mixed messages in the news this morning: ‘The BBC licence fee will rise by less than the rate of inflation over the next five years because ministers are concerned about hitting households with higher bills, The Times has learned‘ – the BBC there landing themselves yet another five year plan… of which they’ve now had more than Stalin.
Meanwhile: ‘Parents face new nappy tax. Government may introduce levy on disposable brands to tackle landfill crisis‘ (Daily Mail) – so we sense the restraint on BBC funding has more to do with the gifting of a very mild token sop to BBC critics than it has to do with any governmental concern about rising household bills.
The FT frets: ‘Women from ethnic minorities are “almost invisible from positions of power”, according to a charity report, and over-represented in entry-level and junior roles‘ – an interestingly-worded statement there emphasising visibilty and tokenism.
I like to run my little thought experiment when faced with such claims of implied British structural racism. Supposing we now airlifted a million-and-a-half Afghans to the UK representing roughly 2% – give or take – of our population. In a year’s time if two FTSE 100 CEO’s were not Afghans, one of them a woman, would that prove Britain was racist?
The BBC are doing all they can with the visibility thing: ‘Sam Quek. A Question of Sport is the dream job for me‘ (Daily Mirror) – I’m guessing there’s a pool of thousands of experienced pub quiz masters and mistresses out there. Her qualification: ‘“I know my stuff” Sam is the first female captain on the TV show‘
The thought occurs that maybe chaps aren’t buying newspapers as often as women these days, or writing them? I’d be interested to know the readership demographics.
We do seem to be preocupied by certain male/female breakdowns – when they fit the agenda: ‘Vaccine gender gap for under-40s. Young women 10% more likely to get jabbed than men‘ (‘i’)
The circulation failure which was the Independent once informed us: ‘The Daily Mail has a mainly female readership…‘ however, the Indie’s Hannah Fearn grumbled : ‘so why do women enjoy those ‘who won Legs-it’ headlines?‘ – This was the Mail’s jokey commentary on that March 2017 Nicola Sturgeon-Theresa May post-Brexit vote summit photo op. Penned by Sarah Vine and frankly promoted by the Mail as Mrs Michael Gove’s: ‘light-hearted verdict on the big showdown‘ – the giveaway there not to take it too seriously being the Brexit-Legs-it pun.
Apparently, Feminists, just like the Taliban and other Islamic no-fun-dermentalists, don’t do humour – maybe that’s why the right-on girls like them so much? I can envisage the lonely hearts ads now – looking for manly chap, rebellious nature, with no sense of humour, preferably no previous wives.
So come on sisters, rally to the feminism flag, why don’t you? ‘It might be an uncomfortable truth to many, but it is women who want to read (and often to write) such pieces; it is women who were motivated to hand over a few silver coins in the newsagent with that deeply old-fashioned headline‘
A certain flavour of sour grapes there methinks, since the Independent folded as an uneconomic low-circulation physical entity in 2016, disappearing from newstands and going exclusively online. But I digress.
It’s not as though there isn’t anything in the papers aimed at the ladies today. Celia Walden in the Telegraph has: ‘Why all disadvantaged pupils need a tiger headmistress‘ – there’s a rare deviation from the current de rigueur term headteacher.
We welcome the return of that hardy perennial the female celeb angst trope: ‘Arabella Weir “Mum couldn’t bear the sight of me”‘ (Telegraph)
The Sun’s frontpage is remarkable in that as the Taliban are pictured in: ‘Chilling scene in ex-Brit HQ‘ – having occupied the UK’s former police training centre in Kabul, and as one of their looted trophies they have unearthed what must be about the last ever proper British Bobbie’s helmet you’re ever likely to see.
Mixed messaging becomes a serious matter when it arises between allies: ‘Pentagon leaks blame UK for bombing deaths‘ (Times) – hey, all you British anti-Trump people out there – how’s that Joe Biden working out for you?
The FT’s Datawatch assesses US public trust in various institutions according to political leanings. Seems Democrats now like Banks and Corporations more than Republicans, which is an interesting turnaround. While Democrats love Tech and Universities.
Mind you, Pew Research either didn’t ask or the FT didn’t care to highlight what the public thought of the Media.
“The BBC licence fee will rise by less than the rate of inflation over the next five years because ministers are concerned about hitting households with higher bills,”
Not for me because I don’t pay it. Neither I hope, do all the other readers of this site ?
Nor do I watch the agenda driven trash on Al Beeb. Trust me life is much better with out it.
Celebratory gunfire by the Taliban was heard after the last US plane departed, marking the end of a controversial 20-year presence in Afghanistan.
By whom?
And has Mishal got a BBC Mostly Peaceful controversy chart of gunfire now, ranging from ‘celebratory’ through ‘trying to shoot the bloke dangling from the Blackhawk’.
OK, OK, I know it’s not the Bank Holiday Weekend any longer but that just popped into my head as a title. Greta the Great, leading Extinction Rebellion, versus The Wee Nippy, leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party. They are probably a similar size and weight. Maybe they should head into a boxing ring to settle it?
A political savvy versus one who has yet to take her geography o level, popcorn time
One who has limited insight into past climate change beyond formally recorded climate time of about 100 years who has bever been afforded educaton of other insights into past climate, tree rings, pollen deposists, iconograhy (frost on the Thames pics) oxygen isotopic changes etc
versus a nasty backbiting goblin….
Here’s what’s going on: Scientists mark the start of modern global record-keeping at roughly 137 years ago, in 1880. That’s because earlier available climate data doesn’t cover enough of the planet to get an accurate reading, according to NASA. So 2016 wasn’t just the hottest year in 137 years—it’s truly the hottest year on record. Last year also very likely broke the record for “many hundreds” of years more, according to NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt; the data just isn’t robust enough to make that statement definitively.
Larry Elder is standing against the Democrat loon in charge of California who is actively engaged in destroying the state.
Larry Elder is Black, both his parents are Black. He grew up in a majority Black neighbourhood, and yet it has not stopped the loony left in california, along with the media and big tech allies labelling the man a “White Supremecist!”
This is always the tactic of the Left now, and its the same here where anyone who dares to disagree with them is labelled as ‘racist’. In Manchester at a Gay pride rally a Gay man dared to wear an LGB alliance T shirt which apparantly believes sexual orientation is not the same as gender issues, and as a result has been labelled as ‘racist’ – how does that work? Anybody anti Gay is apparantly now ‘racist’!
Here’s a piece by Tucker Carlson on the issues there.
I suppose one could call Newsome a loon – but he’s so much more …. I’ve followed his doings a bit over the last couple of years – he deserves to be pilloried big time – he is simply awful in so many ways…
Looks like California is going to carry on the ‘stolen ( Biden ) election methodology …. Maybe the Democrat chap will get a 101% of the vote of a 101% turn out ….
Coming our way soon …( if not already ( see postal voting ‘student voting ))
Looks like sleepy Joe has struck a chord with the American people!
I wonder how much gardening of the replies has been done by Twitter?
Them ‘Merikans don’t look too happy ….
The past 17 days have seen our troops execute the largest airlift in US history. They have done it with unmatched courage, professionalism, and resolve. Now, our 20-year military presence in Afghanistan has ended.
The elephant in the room here is that Joe should have been making that statement on live TV.
This is a very serious development – and is being ignored.
If anyone wants a break from this Afghanistan misery, there are a some ‘Full Story’ articles up for you to browse on the front page:
Elizabeth Holmes : Boss who duped silicon valley (picture of woman)
The students amassing degrees to stay in Europe (picture of black woman)
Indian atheletes shine at Tokyo Paralympics (picture of Indian woman)
BBC Travel: A Gen-Z spin on a centuries-old fashion (picture of Asian woman)
Can apps move the #Metoo movement forward? (picture of woman)
Japan’s huge army of under-employed ex-housewives (picture of Japanese woman)
Campaigners call on India to outlaw marital rape (picture of Indian woman).
Anybodies fancy tickled ?.
Most wars across the world are taking place in majority-Muslim countries, with Muslims mainly fighting each other, says The Washington Post.
In 2012, there were six civil wars worldwide. All took place within Muslim countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. Of the nine rebel groups in these conflicts, seven had an Islamist ideology.
Citing the Human Security Report, it says war around the world has been declining both within and between countries, especially since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 effectively ended the Cold War.
The reasons given for persistent violent conflict among Muslims include border disputes, the Middle East’s strategic importance between East and West, and oil – the latter two sometimes inviting major powers to get involved for good or ill.
Islam, the report says, includes elements of violence, as with other religions (e.g. the “just war” theory), but what varies over time is how prominent people — both religious and political — emphasise different parts of the message
It does beg the question, is Islam a “religion” or a war organisation, attacks wide and far would suggest the answer,, even christians preaching at Hyde Park Corner are regualrly phsically assaulted by this so call reilgion
How many religions have it in their current idealogy that one has to shoot and bomb all others that do not accept your ideolgy ? churches set fire to and chrstians attacked, homosexuals and jews attacked, women raped
There is only one religion that accepts this
And you can bet your bottom dollar that, no one, but no one, will help the police or that poor assaulted person despite full knowlege of who did itwhilste wavihg ther br i sh pass port innit
“Ms Solanki said: ‘There were a group of Asian men inside the venue – one of them kept coming up to me and harassing me.
‘He seemed to have a problem with me being an Indian girl with a multi-racial group of friends. We tried to ignore him, even when he tried to spit at one of my friends.”
Fedup2Mar 9, 14:20 Weekend 8th March 2025 The threshold for ‘horror’ or ‘something must be done ‘ seems to be rising by the month . The murder…
GMar 9, 13:49 Weekend 8th March 2025 I thought the Home Office banned guns, like knives. Oh! silly me, I forgot the foreigners have their own laws…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:48 Weekend 8th March 2025 Christmas has become “holiday season” Easter has been turned into “egg hunt” Lent doesn’t even get a mention – it’s…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:35 Weekend 8th March 2025 Omar Prempeh, 32, of Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, was charged on Saturday, March 8, in connection with the death of…
Fedup2Mar 9, 13:24 Weekend 8th March 2025 Third world action in londonistan – Omar Prempeh 32 charged with shooting dead a 16 year old called Lathaniel Burrell.…
KinellMar 9, 13:21 Weekend 8th March 2025 Reading through the shocking posts on ‘In their own tweets’ and ‘In their own words’ on the home page on…
MarkyMarkMar 9, 13:11 Weekend 8th March 2025 King Charles has appointed a homeopath. Why do the elite put their faith in snake oil? This article is more…
pugnaziousMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025
wwfcMar 9, 12:50 Weekend 8th March 2025 🤣🤣🤣🤣
One of the problems of listening to the radio in bed is that you fall asleep and then wake up listening to something you wouldn’t have done by choice!
Basically female radio porn, as described by Dr. Jordan Peterson here, (worth listening out for the student caught blushing!).
Thank you. Worth hearing for more than that!
How any ‘correspondent’ or ‘editor’ at the BBC still has the front to post any ‘analysis’ these days is impressive.
Sopes likely to stay with the footy a while longer.
I bet the corrrespondents in the propaganda ministry of the nazi regime thought the analysis they were putting out was the truth – until the Russians arrived ; money plus status equals lies
RT is big on allegations that the Americans opened fire after the Kabul suicide attack ….
Guest, isn’t it wonderful that XR don’t even know the difference between the Natural History Museum (in Cromwell Road) and the Science Museum (in Exhibition Road) – it is quite amazing!
They know they have the BBC no matter what.
He has his own personal satellite.
It can see the Great Barrier Reef, pollution in China and his ego.
Van was naughty. Hope the claim was checked.
Any BBC ‘star’ who gets over £500k per annum gets their own drone ….
Reap and ye shall sow.
Thanks to the unique way the BBC is funded, they can do what they like.
In the hands of the media, the addition of -style to anything can reduce the language to nothing coherent.
The seditious BBC has inadvertently shown why it is almost impossible for the West to fight the Taleban, ISI, Al Quaeda etc.
From the front page of the BBC webshite
‘Afghanistan: US investigates civilian deaths in Kabul strike
A US drone strike near Kabul airport ended up killing 10 members of one family, including six children, surviving relatives have told the BBC.’
This is not an issue that would worry the Taleban, ISIS and all manner of other terrorists.
But if the West cause any collateral damage whatsoever then the pacifists, Leftoids and fellow travellers are just waiting to exploit the situation. The ‘Stop the War Coalition’ organise a march and we’re back to square one. If a civilian stubs their toe then the military are castigated.
And the governments cave in and the military has to fight with one arm behind its back. And it tries. And is unsuccessful.
And so it goes. And we are where we are. With the militants, anarchists, terrorists, and Far Left in the ascendency, and right-thinking decent people cowed into inactivity, and thus unable and unwilling to act.
Meanwhile the whitewashing of the Taliban (pronounced Torlebon to show respect) continues on both the BBC news and woke GBNews where it is argued that the Torlebon respond to kindness and humanitarianism with thanks
“Torlebon”, eh? “Moosslim” is another.
Did every Western soldier in Afghanistan get their own personal interpreter or does it just seem like it?
I think that some of the interpreters have their own interpreters, and so on
She certainly has an interesting way of writing stuff.
So Ban everything is her answer? Can she not create a way to use fossil fuels better?
China implement 3 child policy .. ha ha ha ha ha
Greta is a team of PR people not a person
“Ban all greenhouse gas intensive practices.” If we take that literally we must ban drinking water. I think this is a Baldrick like plan to ensure the end of the world in 11 years.
Why has the world generated so many batshit crazies? What is worse, how come so many people give them air time?
I offer you five words and a hashtag …
George Soros
New World Order
By “interesting” do you mean “clear”, and “making you want to know what comes next”?
Pug, actually it is not just humans that are the problem. I remember listening to Johnny Ball on Radio4 many years ago. Probably one of his last appearances on any BBC network or station. I think he became ‘persona non grata’ for pointing out that mosquitoes, for just one insect example, outweigh the humans on Earth by a factor of nine, yes, there are 9x as many mozzies eating us than humans eating food.
And mosquitoes breathe out CO2. Even worse, their favoured habitats give off methane gas. Methane got added to the list of nasty gases at the end of the 1990s or in the early 2000s and is said to be many times worse than CO2. You will not hear facts like that on the BBC any more.
…only she doesn’t write it – papa Svante and the committee do that
They never mention the Eastern European forest that were felled for timber and which undercut western, regulated timber producers……and made it non profitable for the Forestry Commission.
True, and now we are importing wood chips from the US East Coast to fire a so-called ‘green’ electricity genrator plant. Is it Drax? Crazy.
Orwell’s resignation letter from the BBC 24.9.43
Joseph Millson reads letters by George Orwell.
BBC 24.9.43
Dear Mr Rushbrooke-Williams,
In confirmation of what I said to you in private, I want to tender my resignation from the BBC, and should be much obliged if you would forward this to the proper quarter.
I believe that in speaking to you I made my reasons clear but I should like to put them on paper lest there should be any mistake. I am not leaving because of any disagreement with BBC policy and still less on account of any kind of grievance. On the contrary I feel that throughout my association with the BBC I have been treated with the greatest generosity and allowed very great latitude. On no occasion have I been compelled to say on the air anything that I would not have said as a private individual. And I should like to take this opportunity of thanking you personally for the very understanding and generous attitude you have always shown towards my work.
I am tendering my resignation because for some time past I have been conscious that I was wasting my own time and the public money on doing work that produces no result. I believe that in the present political situation the broadcasting of British propaganda to India is an almost hopeless task. Whether these broadcasts should be continued at all is for others to judge, but I myself prefer not to spend my time on them when I could be occupying myself with journalism which does produce some measureable effect. I feel that by going back to the normal work of writing and journalism I could be more useful than I am at present.
I do not know how much notice of resignation I am supposed to give. The ‘Observer’ have again raised the project of my going to North Africa. This has to be approved by the War Office and may well fall through again, but I mention it in case I should have to leave at shorter notice than would otherwise be the case. I will in any case see to it that the programmes are arranged for some time ahead.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Blair.
BBC4 7:30pm onwards is Agatha Christie night
yet ITV3 already started its two Agatha Christie films at 6pm
next one is 8-9pm
Twitter is oft decried.
However, given a well argued piece of reporting that makes whatever the bbc does look silly, I will stay with.
[url=]best nin album[/url]
Nice fit out. Lined with armour.
7pm BBC1 Edinburgh Tattoo
The Times choose a picture of a black drummer
ITV local news : item #1 Afghan refugees: the narrative every place has a duty to house them
Why? Sounds charitable and humane…..but did we want UK to go to Afghan in 2001?
Spot on pug
I believe the army have put down a lot of their dogs in Afghanistan – I mean hundreds.
BBC two a strangely rushed show first done for BBC East Midlands where the rich Indian woman Sindhu Vee who used to be a City Of London banker is walking 3 rivers The Dove, Soar and The Trent
Except she didn’t walk the Trent rather she came to Newark and interviewed 3 people
One of whom was a standup paddle board anti-plastic activist
“80% of sea plastic comes from rivers” ..hmm there isn’t a lot of noticeable plastic waste floating in the Trent.
What are the paddle boarding anti-plastic activist’s, paddle boards (and paddles) made from? What about their footwear? Their clothes? The greater part of their mobile phone? The greater part of their car?….
80% of drivel comes from the BBC and the idiots they interview.
Only 80%? That’s an improvement on the 90% claimed by researchers cited in this article from 2018. And from only 10 rivers as well apparently.
Sindhu Vee? Nope. Never heard of her, but according to wiki she’s a bit of a bBbc babe. I see she’s from India as is one of the rivers named, the Ganges. The Yamuna river, a tributary of the Ganges that runs through her Delhi birthplace, isn’t listed but is so severely polluted it is basically dead, parts of it now no more than sewage channels.
Most of the other rivers listed are in China with a couple in Africa. The Thames that flows through London where Sindhu now resides is not one of them, nor of course is either the Trent, Dove or Soar.
Now, where should Sindhu Vee really be having this discussion? In which country should XR really be holding their demonstrations? Where should the bBbc really be broadcasting/ campaigning from?
Oh well, maybe not the third one then.
The BBC are building the pointy finger at the US over the “killing” of 10 members of a family including 6 children by a drone strike. When any fool can see that the only possible way this could have been the case is if all those 10 members were living in the boot of the the vehicle that got hit which is the only part of the vehicle damaged.
The BBC are acting like useful idiots to the Taliban.
This is a paid for by ISIS PR stunt and designed to force the US to consider stopping sending drones in or face the wrath of the hand-wringers in the West.
Pathetic that the US doesn’t just come out and rubbish the claim.
GBNews was recovering after its woke appeal to BLM style kneeling. But now its viewers express anger over its simplistic people or pets approach to the rescue mission for animals. Viewers certainly better informed than the little boy expressing his outrage over the pets.
It looks like GBNews has an objective in a similar manner to BBC’s biased reports. Heavyweight Farage is also criticised for apparently towing the party line.
Come on GBNews, insist your presenters are better informed.
“Brief summary.

Our hero* was offered seats on a RAF flight out of Afg for him and his staff (many of them female)
Our hero* stamps feet, throws toys out of pram, gives dogs abuse to HMG ministers, saying: It’s me, my staff AND the dogs or nothing.
Resources are used up, time is spent trying to resolve situation while our hero* conducts social media campaign lambasting HMG.
End result,… Our hero* departs Kabul draped in cats and dogs while the female veterinary staff who originally had seats on flights sorted are abandoned to their fate under the Taliban.”
Photo from
Opinion from
Anybody see on Farage, GB News tonight, that interview with the correspondent in France.
It seems that according to him there is only left or far right politics. Any mention of the right was always called far right yet the left was always called left.
A common trick slipped in by the media.
This is a statement of the bleedin obvious….
Welcome to the new feudalism.
Final day of the US Afgee Adventure .
How will the BBC handle it ?
I reckon theyll dig out the big guns – Adie or Simpson or some one who witnessed the fall of Saigon .
Theyll also go for the easy emotional stuff of dead / desperate afgees at the airport and …
…. The inevitable failure of Operation Welcome to Benefits Land ….
Things we should know but we remain ignorant relying on the BBC.. or Facebook.. or who exactly..
‘Developers of AstraZeneca vaccine finds that vaccinated hospital personnel are acting as super-spreaders — asymptomatic but a viral load 251 TIMES that of the unvaccinated. And listener in Vietnam trapped in country and under house arrest for weeks due to COVID (only 700 deaths reported in a country of 98 MILLION in a year and a half)’
Israel found this out.
There is more to this in TCW.
Why are we being lied to about Covid?
Here I learn that a simple low cost medicine does better then than all of them combined.
Ivermectin is one of the WHO’s ‘essential drugs’ which all countries should have access to. It’s very cheap as its patent has long expired; it’s one of the most-used drugs in world history; it’s extraordinarily safe; it is often life-saving against parasitic infections. It is also one of the best-established pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19, showing benefit in every stage of the disease…
Its also worth reading that Doctors have been forced to resign in not being able to use this cheap and effective remedy.
Please pass it on.
The Doctors who asked the question:
All genuine Doctors have been silenced, if they object to roll out of something else we are being given.
Click to access ResignationsFrontiers.pdf
What is going on?
I also learn that EU compulsory ID cards are going to be called VACCINE passports and the UK has signed up to it, ignoring objections. It will be compulsory for most jobs and travel. That was in the TELEGRAPH I think.
I know from another source that the DVLC will be running the centre. So it has not much to do with NHS either. It will have all your travel details, health and (probably ‘benefits’ and banking details irrespective of a mobile phone ‘app’. What fun that will be…!
I hope I am wrong. Biden is pushing for it in the US I read. The key word is ‘mandatory’. This is in the Newspaper today alongside who is running the US?
UK Doctor Dr Tess Lawrie attempted to alert the Prime Minister to the potential of ivermectin. Her video here was pulled from YouTube within hours of posting, though it survives on Vimeo.
The video has been deleted as I write. But try later.Link was on TCW (Conservative Woman) website link above.
So follow the Science, as the Politics are clearly in play on all sides. There is strong objection to vaccination healthy children with an unknown and untested drug approved by US government (Biden is about to approve it wholesale). Expected we will have to follow, even though its not drug tested in UK. None of them are.
I still remember a German drug called THALIDOMIDE that was approved and used in the UK without proper testing. The clue to this is that all the drug companies are IMMUNE from any future prosecution (emergency powers). That is world wide. So this, is not unique to GB.
The BBC I have not mentioned but I am sure its all wonderful from their own limited point of view and why should they bother us with things we would never understand?
This video of Tess Lawrie seems to have been up for since Aug15th and was not deleted yet …
“Ivermectin is one of the WHO’s ‘essential drugs’ which all countries should have access to. It’s very cheap as its patent has long expired; it’s one of the most-used drugs in world history; it’s extraordinarily safe; it is often life-saving against parasitic infections. It is also one of the best-established pharmaceutical treatments for Covid-19, showing benefit in every stage of the disease…”
Keep tabs on IVM on,
Britain: – Tess Lawrie
The large pharmaceutical companies are trying to halt and or condemn the use of IVM. No prises for why.
Once upon a time Thomas the Tank Engine stories were about the working of railways, something that little boys of that time were very interested in.
1946 schoolboy: “I want to be a train driver!”
2021 student: “I want to be a diversity, inclusivity and equality enabler!”
2040 BBC reporter: “Britain’s final train is to stop running at the end of the year. A British Rail spokesperson said that following the retirement of the last batch of drivers and engineers, the country no longer has the capability to operate any train services. A spokesperson for the governing Labour Islamic Green Party Alliance (LIGPA) welcomed the news, saying it is “One important step closer to a fully de-carbonised, de-industrialised and de-colonised country in line with UN/WEF guidelines”.
Flipping heck everything the media do is PERFORMANCE
as they do this bias by omission and hype stories up
Countryfile definitely said there is only 1 population of orcas
However May 14th Telegraph quoted an expert
“We learned that actually, there are far more killer whale pods present around the north coast of Scotland and Northern Isles than previously thought,” she said.
The three pods are in addition to a separate group, often described as the UK’s only resident pod of orcas, known as the “west coast community”.
Photographer and naturalist Hugh Harrop, of local company Shetland Wildlife, said that the idea that the UK had just one resident pod was incorrect.
We’ve now got three pods that we refer to as a Northern Isles community. thought to comprise 18 animals in total.
(Additionally transient pods are mentioned)
“Northern Scotland is also frequented by Other pods who move between Iceland, …and other areas of the Atlantic.”
Orcas get called killer whales (but they are actually giant dolphins who sometimes kill whales)
Libmob thinking : I read this in the Hull Freedom Festival schedule
Theatre “Celebrating their final year *as Europeans*, island-monkeys Becca and Louise got invited to the European Capital of Culture in Malta,”
… Em Brexit didn’t cause us to become non-European ..We still are.
Many remainers are unable to comprehend the difference between Europe the continent and the EU the political organisation.
Reminds me of the student so upset by Brexit she was out protesting with her friends. When asked what the best thing the EU gave us, she said the NHS.
There is an intelligence threshold where people below it are too thick to realise how thick they are and actually think they are clever.
Peter Simple had them summed up years ago: “I’m with Jo Wilson and the Conservatives”.
What’s needed is a trusted broadcaster with a fact che…
BBC: US completes withdrawal from Afghanistan
‘President Biden will address the American people tomorrow on his decision not to extend the US presence in Afghanistan, he has said in a statement following the final withdrawal of US troops from that country.’
Wow – how long is that now that Biden – the President of the United States – stood up in public about Afghanistan.
First he only took pre-arranged questions and still couldn’t cope. Now he’s been removed from press conferences altogether. As has the vice-President.
I fully expect this ‘address the nation’ will be pre-recorded and behind closed doors.
Joe is now quite clearly unfit to be President yet the BBC are absolutely ignoring it. No questions at all.
I would say this is the most obvious and most extreme display of BBC news being so biased, it is absolutely unfit to continue as a publicly funded state broadcaster.
We should make sure we do not let anyone forget the extent of their cover up here.
The 25th amendment is looking more and more likely – though I expect Joe will just resign when he is told to and it will all go under the carpet.
One can always argue over political policies and the differing parties will probably always argue over the most impartial reporting of those policies but there can be no argument that the BBC is blind to Biden.
‘Impartial, free and fair’ Sopel and the Bronzed Strumpet shut up shop once Trump was gone. Every anti-Trump disinformation story was given a good outing on the BBC while stories that put the Democrats in a bad light were either ignored or given a minor mention for an hour or two.
The inept actions of the US military, under Biden’s command, are going to have grave consequences throughout the West for decades to come. Forget all the fancy hi-tech stuff, (a gift to the Russia and China), the 600,000 small arms is bad enough.
It’s a pity that the US doesn’t have the equivalent of a vote of no confidence, with the potential for the whole administration to resign and to cause a new election.
Perhaps the ‘free world’ should demand just that?
Yes : it’s the magnitude of the consequences which make the BBC bias here so unacceptable.
BBC Moaning Emole:
n a tweet, the US Department of Defense shared – in the green tint of a night-vision camera – a photo of the last American soldier leaving Kabul airport. Officials said the final C17 aircraft took off with the US ambassador on board just after midnight, ending the 20-year presence in Afghanistan. It departed to the sound of celebratory gunfire from the Taliban, back in charge having been deposed when Nato-backed American troops entered the country in 2001. It marks the end of an evacuation that has seen more than 123,000 civilians flown out by coalition aircraft since 14 August, according to the US military.
“The military mission is over. A new diplomatic mission has begun,” says US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken. The UN Security Council is urging the Taliban to allow people to leave the country. However, our chief international correspondent Lyse Doucet says: “Even after 40 years of war, I don’t think Afghans have lived through a transition that is so uncertain, that is so shrouded in darkness and that is so overcast in fear.” The international community will “push as one voice” for the safe passage of Afghans who want to leave, Prime Minister Boris Johnson says. The Taliban has promised just that to those with authorisation. Many have already fled. We hear from some of those who poured into Pakistan. “Where can I go? What can I do?” asks one despairing woman.
So a £5b, envy of the world outfit gets its ‘news’ from Twitter. No surprise there. With added Lyse. And deceit. Plus a very bbc conclusion.
This despair will doubtless manifest as a wish to leave, and via Pakistan to a noted Pakistan idiot country of aid. All papers will be lost of course, but amazingly trainers, iPhones and mobile tariffs will be secure.
Clearly what he has heard has been via the BBC.
Deeply emotionally.
Blubbering pols and generals might get Sopes and BS moist; doesn’t seem to tackle threats well.
Despair indeed.
BBC got its helo over Kabul yet?
While suturing a laceration on the hand of a 70-year-old Texas rancher (whose hand had caught in a gate while working cattle), a doctor and the old man were talking about Joe Biden being in the White House.
The old Texan said, “Well, ya know, Biden is a ‘post turtle’.”
Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was.
The old man said, “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a post turtle.”
The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor’s face, so he continued to explain, “You know he didn’t get there by himself, he doesn’t belong there, he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, and you just want to help the poor stupid guy get down.”
‘Calls for cyclists to pay ‘road tax’ in response to upcoming Highway Code changes’
Just saw this on social media. If it goes ahead, stand by for Jeremy Vine to be opening it to callers and using all his left-wing trickery (such as pre-arranged callers) to discredit it.
Because despite the millions he gets from the BBC, Lefties like him are always the most shallow and greedy of anybody. As we witnessed during Brexit when they realised they might be worse off. People like Soubry and Adonis used every reason they could think of. Except the real one.
If they want everybody on bikes…..the roads still have to be paid for by users. It’s quite straightforward.
Fury as Covid crisis hits Australia’s Aboriginal communities
“We were watching what was happening in other communities. We were watching it [the virus] getting closer,” she said.
In Wilcannia, more than 60 people have tested positive. Adjusted for population size, that’s the highest proportion for anywhere in NSW.
“We’ve been crying out for prevention. No one listened to us.”
Jesus Wept. There is no lower limit to what the BBC will write. That article is over 1,000 words long !!!.
These people knew about the virus and they didn’t care because they don’t integrate with whitey. Same as the blacks and Asians here who quite amazingly also had a disproportionately high number of cases. All due to racism from whitey if you believe the BBC.
I don’t need a government to take responsibility for me avoiding the virus. I do it myself.
#bbcfuryas is a very bbc kind of fury.
The BBC loves standing up for indigenous people everywhere .. Except for the indigenous British !
That’s the indigenous people who are forced to pay for it.
As with the British establishment in general, they do not believe there is such a thing as indigenous British people. A number of years ago, the House of Commons actually voted that this was indeed the case. The official view is that we are a nation of immigrants (sic), with the population constantly changing over time: Romans one day, Vikings the next, followed by Norman French, West Indians, Pakistanis, Somalians and so on, indefinitely.
Apparently (according to the Daily Mail) the delegates arriving from COVID red list countries won’t have to self isolate for the UN COP conference in Glasgow….
Apparently if you are properly concerned about the proper issues you are not contagious. How long until this is commonplace? (Jordan Peterson)
Let’s see if the BBC defends this.
The cowardly useless incompetent Tories indicating here that they will not increase the TV tax in line with inflation (doesn’t mean they won’t increase it at all) over the next five years.
However as readers might expect of this hopeless liberal left wing party they give every indication of supporting the TV tax as a model for the years to come with no sign of a move to subscription.
A government source said: ‘The BBC is a hugely important national institution. But equally these are hard times.
‘Nobody wants to punish the BBC but it’s got to be subject to the same efficiency savings as everyone else.’
Maybe its a plan although our current Labour Government does not display any ability in that department, only adherence to some ‘Grand Plan’ with other Western leaders to destroy the UK/Western democracies.
In the knowledge that ‘Our Worlds Most Trusted Broadcaster’ is haemorrhaging licensees, no increase in the license fee would result in a ‘turn of the screws’ on the BBC – annually. Perhaps a death by choking?
Is there any criticism of Biden to be heard or seen on Al Beeb?
You wouldn’t expect it. It’s the old solidarity principle of ‘No enemies on the Left’, that led to the alliance of the Labour Party and the Communist Party back in the 1930s.
Let’s just check the impartial home of holding power to account…
Seems not.
Thank you for contacting us about Beyond 100 Days on the BBC News Channel. We note and appreciate your concerns.
We can assure you that the scheduling of Beyond 100 Days has no relevance to the recent US Presidential elections. We would also highlight that you can continue to watch BBC News with Katty and Christian on the BBC New Channel.
BBC News never takes a position on any story that we cover.
We do value your feedback about this. All complaints are sent to senior management and we’ve included your points in our overnight report.
These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the company and ensures that your concerns have been seen by the right people quickly. This helps inform their decisions about current and future content.
Kind regards,
Darren Loughlin
BBC Complaints Team
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
@GW I thought you were misleading there
cos asked if BBC were holding Biden to account you posted a Sopel tweet from Thursday night.
Yet actually that is his most recent tweet apart from 2 about Arsenal
OK it was a holiday weekend but Sopel hasn’t tweeted for 4.5 days yet he used to tweet sneers at Trump everyday.
BBCnews also have not tweeted about Biden, since Thursday night.
BBCworld tweeted about Biden last Friday morning.
I wonder if Biden’s withdrawal was deliberately fast
to keep the number of refugees low.
ie it’s 100K not 5 million.
There shouldn’t be any criticism of Biden, it’s like criticising a scorpion for being a scorpion.
The criticism should be of the terminally stupid American people who when faced with a stark choice “Make America Great Again” or destroy and diminish America chose the latter.
They knew exactly what they were voting for and what Biden was likely to do. They are the ones entirely to blame, and to make matters worse despite the crazed loons falling poll numbers, they have started to climb again as stupid Americans begin to appreciate his destruction of their country.
Thoughtful – it’s nice to see someone on this site – apart from the trolls – who think the US election was a fair one and that the majority voted for an old career politician like Biden.
The responsibility for afgee lies with those who carried out the coup – continue to report – and are now in power.
Elsewhere -I notice that some hopeless UN resolution calling on the taliban to be nice had the Chinese and Russians abstaining ….
And also with those who blatantly and deliberately misrepresented the truth in order to keep Trump out. They didn’t care one bit about how bad Biden and Harris are : they would have supported anyone.
The BBC (and their USA equivalent CNN) have plenty of blood on their hands now. It’s what you get when the Left put ideology over the real world. Lots of people end up dying.
This is how the real world views the UN:
Up to now no hard evidence has been presented to support a claim the election was rigged, which not to say it wasn’t given the rather surprising figures.
It gets worse with the Fox news piece I posted where 100K recall ballots were found in someones car ! Clearly the Dems are no strangers to rigging ballots in their favour and have no respect for democracy and the people.
Despite all that, all claims of fixed elections are as of yet unsubstantiated, and all they do is muddy the waters, giving those on the left a quick and easy dismissal of valid points by simply saying ‘conspiracy theory’ and the discussion is over.
Here it’s something of an echo chamber, but I can tell you that if you raise issues like that on other sites your points will be completely lost.
Just from following it from a distance –
1 Huge turn outs for trump rallies every day
2 someone who had delivered on election promises
3 economy and jobs
4 achieve progress in the Middle East
Compared to an old man hiding in a bunker and a token running mate with nothing behind her …
The democrats controlled counting across the states – add the MSM support – even now to that and that’s enough for me .
I admire the skill with which the coup was carried out and in some ways blame Mr Trump for not pre empting it – but I guess even he couldn’t believe they’d carry it off so easily ….
At least it took a few AKs to bring America to its knees.
Not AK’s any more. The latest assault rifles with night vision and everything.
Anyone who tries to go back in or oppose the Taliban will meet an enemy armed to the teeth.
Well done Joe.
And 23000 humvees….
Extinction rebellion
Oooze planet are planet
Then bloodywell keep it. I am going to burn a couple of tyres in the garden
Protected by the poilce.
Jeremy sure to have Femi on to ignore the driver situation elsewhere too.
Luckily, the BBC has a good news story that is news…
We note some mixed messages in the news this morning: ‘The BBC licence fee will rise by less than the rate of inflation over the next five years because ministers are concerned about hitting households with higher bills, The Times has learned‘ – the BBC there landing themselves yet another five year plan… of which they’ve now had more than Stalin.
Meanwhile: ‘Parents face new nappy tax. Government may introduce levy on disposable brands to tackle landfill crisis‘ (Daily Mail) – so we sense the restraint on BBC funding has more to do with the gifting of a very mild token sop to BBC critics than it has to do with any governmental concern about rising household bills.
The FT frets: ‘Women from ethnic minorities are “almost invisible from positions of power”, according to a charity report, and over-represented in entry-level and junior roles‘ – an interestingly-worded statement there emphasising visibilty and tokenism.
I like to run my little thought experiment when faced with such claims of implied British structural racism. Supposing we now airlifted a million-and-a-half Afghans to the UK representing roughly 2% – give or take – of our population. In a year’s time if two FTSE 100 CEO’s were not Afghans, one of them a woman, would that prove Britain was racist?
The BBC are doing all they can with the visibility thing: ‘Sam Quek. A Question of Sport is the dream job for me‘ (Daily Mirror) – I’m guessing there’s a pool of thousands of experienced pub quiz masters and mistresses out there. Her qualification: ‘“I know my stuff” Sam is the first female captain on the TV show‘
The thought occurs that maybe chaps aren’t buying newspapers as often as women these days, or writing them? I’d be interested to know the readership demographics.
We do seem to be preocupied by certain male/female breakdowns – when they fit the agenda: ‘Vaccine gender gap for under-40s. Young women 10% more likely to get jabbed than men‘ (‘i’)
The circulation failure which was the Independent once informed us: ‘The Daily Mail has a mainly female readership…‘ however, the Indie’s Hannah Fearn grumbled : ‘so why do women enjoy those ‘who won Legs-it’ headlines?‘ – This was the Mail’s jokey commentary on that March 2017 Nicola Sturgeon-Theresa May post-Brexit vote summit photo op. Penned by Sarah Vine and frankly promoted by the Mail as Mrs Michael Gove’s: ‘light-hearted verdict on the big showdown‘ – the giveaway there not to take it too seriously being the Brexit-Legs-it pun.
Apparently, Feminists, just like the Taliban and other Islamic no-fun-dermentalists, don’t do humour – maybe that’s why the right-on girls like them so much? I can envisage the lonely hearts ads now – looking for manly chap, rebellious nature, with no sense of humour, preferably no previous wives.
So come on sisters, rally to the feminism flag, why don’t you? ‘It might be an uncomfortable truth to many, but it is women who want to read (and often to write) such pieces; it is women who were motivated to hand over a few silver coins in the newsagent with that deeply old-fashioned headline‘
A certain flavour of sour grapes there methinks, since the Independent folded as an uneconomic low-circulation physical entity in 2016, disappearing from newstands and going exclusively online. But I digress.
It’s not as though there isn’t anything in the papers aimed at the ladies today. Celia Walden in the Telegraph has: ‘Why all disadvantaged pupils need a tiger headmistress‘ – there’s a rare deviation from the current de rigueur term headteacher.
We welcome the return of that hardy perennial the female celeb angst trope: ‘Arabella Weir “Mum couldn’t bear the sight of me”‘ (Telegraph)
The Sun’s frontpage is remarkable in that as the Taliban are pictured in: ‘Chilling scene in ex-Brit HQ‘ – having occupied the UK’s former police training centre in Kabul, and as one of their looted trophies they have unearthed what must be about the last ever proper British Bobbie’s helmet you’re ever likely to see.
Mixed messaging becomes a serious matter when it arises between allies: ‘Pentagon leaks blame UK for bombing deaths‘ (Times) – hey, all you British anti-Trump people out there – how’s that Joe Biden working out for you?
The FT’s Datawatch assesses US public trust in various institutions according to political leanings. Seems Democrats now like Banks and Corporations more than Republicans, which is an interesting turnaround. While Democrats love Tech and Universities.
Mind you, Pew Research either didn’t ask or the FT didn’t care to highlight what the public thought of the Media.
“The BBC licence fee will rise by less than the rate of inflation over the next five years because ministers are concerned about hitting households with higher bills,”
Not for me because I don’t pay it. Neither I hope, do all the other readers of this site ?
Nor do I watch the agenda driven trash on Al Beeb. Trust me life is much better with out it.
BBC News
Celebratory gunfire by the Taliban was heard after the last US plane departed, marking the end of a controversial 20-year presence in Afghanistan.
By whom?
And has Mishal got a BBC Mostly Peaceful controversy chart of gunfire now, ranging from ‘celebratory’ through ‘trying to shoot the bloke dangling from the Blackhawk’.
I have never seen a takeaway like this.
Perhaps the new ‘British’ waiting their turn in Hong Kong?
Krankie come out of hiding yet to nut her?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – when two tribes go to war
OK, OK, I know it’s not the Bank Holiday Weekend any longer but that just popped into my head as a title. Greta the Great, leading Extinction Rebellion, versus The Wee Nippy, leader of the Scottish Nationalist Party. They are probably a similar size and weight. Maybe they should head into a boxing ring to settle it?
A political savvy versus one who has yet to take her geography o level, popcorn time
One who has limited insight into past climate change beyond formally recorded climate time of about 100 years who has bever been afforded educaton of other insights into past climate, tree rings, pollen deposists, iconograhy (frost on the Thames pics) oxygen isotopic changes etc
versus a nasty backbiting goblin….
Here’s what’s going on: Scientists mark the start of modern global record-keeping at roughly 137 years ago, in 1880. That’s because earlier available climate data doesn’t cover enough of the planet to get an accurate reading, according to NASA. So 2016 wasn’t just the hottest year in 137 years—it’s truly the hottest year on record. Last year also very likely broke the record for “many hundreds” of years more, according to NASA climate scientist Gavin Schmidt; the data just isn’t robust enough to make that statement definitively.
Larry Elder is standing against the Democrat loon in charge of California who is actively engaged in destroying the state.
Larry Elder is Black, both his parents are Black. He grew up in a majority Black neighbourhood, and yet it has not stopped the loony left in california, along with the media and big tech allies labelling the man a “White Supremecist!”
This is always the tactic of the Left now, and its the same here where anyone who dares to disagree with them is labelled as ‘racist’. In Manchester at a Gay pride rally a Gay man dared to wear an LGB alliance T shirt which apparantly believes sexual orientation is not the same as gender issues, and as a result has been labelled as ‘racist’ – how does that work? Anybody anti Gay is apparantly now ‘racist’!
Here’s a piece by Tucker Carlson on the issues there.
I suppose one could call Newsome a loon – but he’s so much more …. I’ve followed his doings a bit over the last couple of years – he deserves to be pilloried big time – he is simply awful in so many ways…
It’s what happens when the intellectual bottom 20% suddenly get a louder voice than everyone else via social media.
Looks like California is going to carry on the ‘stolen ( Biden ) election methodology …. Maybe the Democrat chap will get a 101% of the vote of a 101% turn out ….
Coming our way soon …( if not already ( see postal voting ‘student voting ))
Looks like sleepy Joe has struck a chord with the American people!
I wonder how much gardening of the replies has been done by Twitter?
Them ‘Merikans don’t look too happy ….
Make Afghanistan(Taliban) Great Again.
The elephant in the room here is that Joe should have been making that statement on live TV.
This is a very serious development – and is being ignored.
He could have signed off with ‘what time is it?’
If anyone wants a break from this Afghanistan misery, there are a some ‘Full Story’ articles up for you to browse on the front page:
Elizabeth Holmes : Boss who duped silicon valley (picture of woman)
The students amassing degrees to stay in Europe (picture of black woman)
Indian atheletes shine at Tokyo Paralympics (picture of Indian woman)
BBC Travel: A Gen-Z spin on a centuries-old fashion (picture of Asian woman)
Can apps move the #Metoo movement forward? (picture of woman)
Japan’s huge army of under-employed ex-housewives (picture of Japanese woman)
Campaigners call on India to outlaw marital rape (picture of Indian woman).
Anybodies fancy tickled ?.
John, that’s a good W-S Watch, get the label on it quick if you still have edit time. 😉
Here is Andrew Lawrence on the BBC licence fee. No swear words today
Ah and into the trap the simple minded do fall.
The BBC have not been denied a TV tax rise, quite the reverse, they have been denied an inflation matched rise which is pretty much meaningless.
For a cult that calls itself religious, they do like guns and bombs and hurting and killing people
and we are regularky asked via tv to feed their kids while they induged themselves
I prefer the lame donkeys
Islam …Mostly Peaceful.
BLM .. Mostly Tolerant.
Most wars across the world are taking place in majority-Muslim countries, with Muslims mainly fighting each other, says The Washington Post.
In 2012, there were six civil wars worldwide. All took place within Muslim countries: Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Somalia, Syria and Yemen. Of the nine rebel groups in these conflicts, seven had an Islamist ideology.
Citing the Human Security Report, it says war around the world has been declining both within and between countries, especially since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 effectively ended the Cold War.
The reasons given for persistent violent conflict among Muslims include border disputes, the Middle East’s strategic importance between East and West, and oil – the latter two sometimes inviting major powers to get involved for good or ill.
Islam, the report says, includes elements of violence, as with other religions (e.g. the “just war” theory), but what varies over time is how prominent people — both religious and political — emphasise different parts of the message
It does beg the question, is Islam a “religion” or a war organisation, attacks wide and far would suggest the answer,, even christians preaching at Hyde Park Corner are regualrly phsically assaulted by this so call reilgion
How many religions have it in their current idealogy that one has to shoot and bomb all others that do not accept your ideolgy ? churches set fire to and chrstians attacked, homosexuals and jews attacked, women raped
There is only one religion that accepts this
it is a religion of hate and intolerance
And you can bet your bottom dollar that, no one, but no one, will help the police or that poor assaulted person despite full knowlege of who did itwhilste wavihg ther br i sh pass port innit
Not a headline on the bbc, not reported at all, in fact quite a stunning silence, rather strange considrering theiruinbiased reporting of racim,
My son tells me that at venues like this the bouncers aren’t interested in getting involved. Risk of hate crime accusations?
“Ms Solanki said: ‘There were a group of Asian men inside the venue – one of them kept coming up to me and harassing me.
‘He seemed to have a problem with me being an Indian girl with a multi-racial group of friends. We tried to ignore him, even when he tried to spit at one of my friends.”
Go figure why the bbc covers this up