Today the BBC slip in another slimy project fear/we-told-you-so brexit item on their home page on how the UK can’t really feed itself and has to rely on Johnny Foreigner…
“Britain produces enough food to feed itself for only 233 days of the year, meaning we’d have run out of food on 20 August this year if we solely relied on homegrown produce.”
They don’t mention that much of the food we import cannot be grown here anyway or how much food grown here is exported so it’s a very dodgy and highly selective claim.
So to fix this I guess we are going to have to learn how to grow coconuts, pineapples, coffee, chocolate cocoa beans, oranges, bananas, rice etc. right here in the UK I guess!
Only today I bought a pack of Silver Spoon sugar which has proudly displayed on it “PRODUCED ENTIRELY IN THE UK”, presumably from sugar beet, so we are going the right way BBC!… pity about those poor sugar cane workers in the Carib who will be thus unable to export and earn as much hey and thus unable to afford to import our Lamb, Beef, Fish and Chicken etc.!
Their dose seem to be a problem with racists in this country and the bbc are obseessed with those who have a fundental objection to a medieval religion who are the perpetors of the worst kind of racism and intileoance, how can anyone have any trust with an organisation the covers up mass rape, attacks upon minoities and teasching hate and intolernch in the xrereame whilst promotime the same religion,
It’s a bit like those type of parents who are unable to see or accept that their kids are the worst in the class for bullying and rowdy behaviour Zephir!
I suspect their will never be a working educatuon system in this country whilst we have screaming , shouting children and the parents attack the teachers
That video is dated 16 Apr 2018
And come from what appears to be an Islamist account about Dawah Muslims at Speakers Corner
The previous video is dated 31 Jul 2021
and shows Hatun Tash being attacked at Speakers Corner
BTW About the woman burnt to death in Bury
9th Aug article : Why did Sarah Hussein’s death not attract anything like the interest in Sarah Everard?
The decision of Jess Brammar to delete her entire Twitter output, when it emerged she was being considered for a new job as executive news editor at the BBC was certainly curious.
They seem to be apprised of the law, left,,right, and centre, yet they seem to be far lacking in moral jugdment or simple respect for the culture or religion or any respect of the countrty they were begging to give them sanctualry because they had not the manhood to fight for their own country
The law has frequenlty been descrirberd as an ass, in this respect, I cannot fault that opionion thast gives these rascist scum Tony Blairs blessing, the bbc and most msm will activly ignorethe rapes and rac#uisr attackes
2:15pm R4 drama : a repeat from 2019
Who is the bad guy ? Who is the hero ?
– A black man who is running house where 2 Venezuelan prostitutes seem to be working.
– An enthusiastic white guy who runs the local neighbourhood watch scheme.
Tip the white guy just used the word “coloured” to describe the other guy. And then just used the phrase “our people”
You see, the black guy was merely protecting the Venezuelans from evil traffickers.
Appart from the b bc propoganda,There is always, the possibilty, like the exitance of sasquatch that every white woman needs a black husband still waitig for proof
3:30pm “Hamza Malik coaches basketball and martial arts,
… he’s based in the Mandela Centre in Leeds”
“They don’t have the facilities available to private schools and with most leisure centres closed or access restricted there’s a big loss on many levels.”
Sounds like the narrative “It’s the evil-Tories fault”
The prog is a repeat from March.
The alpaca is dead, now for the debate.
My prediction.
On present form, the BBC will take a poke at the Government.
GBNews will produce that young snot who will argue that it was right to kill it and any other animal Defra want to destroy – otherwise the world will end.
I caught the second episode of the BBC’s “Privates” this afternoon which follows the antics of one of the last contingents of National Service Army recruits in 1960.
I watched with one eye half-closed as I had a foreboding of what was to follow.
I spent a few years in the Army Cadet Force and The Junior Leaders at exactly the same time so had something, however small, to judge it by.
Well… the atmosphere and props were fairly convincing as was the depiction of the confused and fearful young blokes coming up against the steely ex-WW2 battle-hardened Segeants who’s job it was to turn them into “men”.
So at first, mildly impressed….
That was until they started to introduce some unfamiliar (or being the BBC should that be familiar) story lines…. eg; One young reluctant recruit complete with coloured wife. (Would have been very, very unusual at the time), semi-marxist recruit challenging authority (would have got very short shrift at the time). Recruit having a breakdown of some sort in hospital with the only other lady in the show, a nurse. They also managed to infer that there may be a “gay” aspect in some of the young characters which would have been almost impossible to imagine at the time.
It had the makings of an interesting look back but I suspect will degenerate further into the usual woke bullshit in the next few episodes instead of trying to tell an honest story about a particularly British time for a lot young men.
Are they minimising straight white men ?
– 9am white woman presenter
* 9:45am daily book the biography of Morecombe and Wise
10am Woman’s Hour
11am Kevin Fong about the Chinese science revolution
11:30am Alok Jha examines ARIA, the UK’s new body for cutting edge scientific research
1pm Sarah Montague’s news prog
13:45 Tom Heap’s daily eco-sermon : getting the plebs to Go Vegan
14:00 soap about useless old white countryfolk.. they crashed a yacht years ago, and kept it hidden.
4pm Repeat from 2015 about whistling women
4:30pm Tristram Hunt of the V&A museum nominates his hero, Josiah Wedgwood (they highlighted he was an anti-slaver)
6:30 Richard Osman, (he has a show on BBC2 from 6-6:30pm)
7:15pm Arts show : drama about The murder of Stephen Lawrence – the world’s only orchestra of disabled and non-disabled musicians
7:45 Stanley Baldwin’s Iron Gates
8pm Katya Adler on Angela Merkel’s legacy
9pm White man allowed on : V&A Director Tristram Hunt
11pm Fi Glover and Jane Garvey
with guest black comedienne London Hughes who was only on Woman’s Hour last month
Scores of Labour MPs have been inundated with pleas for help from thousands of constituents whose relatives have been left stranded since the UK’s final emergency airlift left Kabul following the country’s rapid fall to the Taliban. Among them are children, disabled relatives and people who face persecution due to their work, all with potential eligibility to be resettled in Britain.
7000 of them eh?
Lisa Nandy, the shadow foreign secretary, accused the government of putting lives at risk. “Even now, weeks after Kabul fell, it is appalling that the government still has no idea how many Afghans who assisted us are eligible to come to the UK, no clear criteria for determining who is eligible and no accurate picture of the numbers of Britons left behind.”
So, some Afghans, having been granted British National status having fled for their lives from war-torn Afghanistan now require rescuing, fearing for their lives, from war-torn Afghanistan having gone back for a holiday in war-torn Afghanistan from whence they previously fled fearing for their lives. Sorry, can’t join the BBC in worrying too much about this.
ITV local news
#1 Cleethorpes future plan
#2 Sarah Everhard legacy
.. no mention was made of the burned Bury woman
“next episode violence against women of colour”
“nasty people have burned a sculpture in Ponderosa Park, Sheffield on August 21st
“The sculpture was created by students to highlight the issue of violence against women”
Looks like it was made of light wood or cardboard.
#3 bad people leaving waste tents at Leeds festival
photo looks like some people were still sleeping.
#5 E10 petrol “which will considerably cut emissions”
Their favourite activist John Grant is on saying all non-essential vehicles need to be removed from the roads.
Presenter ends “E10 will make a big difference to the environment”
… no it won’t
the same cars will go on making the same dust etc.
You can’t see CO2 so it’s not changing the environment.
coming up
Exhibition about Syrian refugees in Bradford
6pm bbc tv news – the Biden fan club continues . No criticism from any one UK or US – the nearest they got was a veteran in the UK with severe injuries saying it wasn’t worth it – and – of course it wasn’t worth 1 UK cut finger – yet alone a life .
Now just leave afgee to rot and concentrate on threats at home – and eternal silence from Blair …
Hopefully when we taxpayers are propping up the Tallies with aid there will be less reporting by the BBC’s Lyce Doucet and her dreadful voice.
I see the BBC are still out there. My advice to the Tallies is to arrest them all and take them as slaves mining lithium, thus contributing to the production of batteries for the fight against fossil fuel and climate change.
Fresh off the beach I spoke to Connor Phillips about life as the BBC’s specialist disinformation reporter – and online abuse. A topic I’m investigating.
I’m lucky not to be targeted with other discriminatory hate – and to be well-supported. Women getting in touch are not.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – there wouldn’t be some propaganda in there, would there?
Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not an anti-vaxxer but I am interested in the messages that are portrayed or even promoted by our national newspapers and broadcasters. I now some fervent anti-vaxxers on-line (and conspiracy theorists, too) and have largely given up trying to get them to see sense.
There seem to be two or three messages being pushed here by the BBC. One is the obvious promotion of Covid vaccination to young people. The other is pushing the festival thing, possibly out of a BBC desire to ‘be hip’. If that’s too dated an expression (although it ought not to be, the BBC were all over Charlie Watts when the stone rolled for him no more and Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry dead these three day and still on the BBC web-site Home Page) then the BBC really do seem anxious to promote festivals to young people despite the fact that ticket prices are astronomic and a festival crowd seems to include parents and grandparents in the audience or even on the Main Stage.
The false president was due to address the Nation which didn’t vote for him at 1945 UK time – we’ve hit 2005 and no sign . If it is anything like previous times he won’t be reading and fluffing his autocue until 2300 or beyond …
It must take a lot of rehearsals to get the old boy fired up – no questions of course .
Patience, friends, Dr Frankenstein (White House physician) is having trouble adjusting the right concoction of meds for his cadaver today.
— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) August 31, 2021
Biden delivering a rambling speech trying to justify the exit from Afgee .
The Biden people don’t get it – it was not the decision to get out of Afgee – it was the manner in which it was done – together with leaving huge amounts of weaponry behind to be exported to Europe and used here …..
The BBC lives in a virtual world. During the Olympics the BBC could only show two sports at a time claiming they are short of money (again). Well you may wonder what they spend all the (Billions £) on. Salaries primarily but also on virtual reality (Dr Who specials). Its not cheap, but the BBC can afford to Not to go to Tokyo and here they explain how they do it…
With this tech, the BBC can save a fortune by not being there (at all). But it is clever, I never underestimate the BBC to make a virtual reality out of a story. Step into the BBC world of virtual reality.
Lucy PevenseyMar 9, 21:27 Weekend 8th March 2025 The plot thickens
FlotsamMar 9, 21:22 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Graham Greene wrote a brilliant novel, “The Comedians” (does anyone read books any more?). It was about a bunch of…
DeborahMar 9, 21:21 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Dr John Campbell on YouTube has reviewed some Covid vaccination research which may have indicated that the vaccine has compromised…
tomoMar 9, 21:16 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Oh yeah, that’s a good idea…
atlas_shruggedMar 9, 21:05 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Five Years On, the UK Refuses to Learn the Lessons of the Covid Catastrophe The US has changed direction…
Todays Fact.
Its BBC policy to show only BME footballers.
Today the BBC slip in another slimy project fear/we-told-you-so brexit item on their home page on how the UK can’t really feed itself and has to rely on Johnny Foreigner…
“Britain produces enough food to feed itself for only 233 days of the year, meaning we’d have run out of food on 20 August this year if we solely relied on homegrown produce.”
They don’t mention that much of the food we import cannot be grown here anyway or how much food grown here is exported so it’s a very dodgy and highly selective claim.
So to fix this I guess we are going to have to learn how to grow coconuts, pineapples, coffee, chocolate cocoa beans, oranges, bananas, rice etc. right here in the UK I guess!
Only today I bought a pack of Silver Spoon sugar which has proudly displayed on it “PRODUCED ENTIRELY IN THE UK”, presumably from sugar beet, so we are going the right way BBC!… pity about those poor sugar cane workers in the Carib who will be thus unable to export and earn as much hey and thus unable to afford to import our Lamb, Beef, Fish and Chicken etc.!
It’s the way they do it, so pathetic!
Do they mention that we can’t supply all of our own food because the population is far too high?
Geronimo put down. 6 police cars accompanied vets to take him away.
You couldn’t make it up.
Police uncovered evidence that Geronimo had connections to the far right.
The law combines with the best brains of veterinary science
It’s a racist killing. Nothing to do with him having TB or being an alpaca – they wouldn’t have murdered him if he’d been a white alpaca.
The Fail had him down ‘executed’.
Surpised that Raisin Brained Labour MP was not there saying they had been secretly married and the Chilean Embassy was now involved.
Their dose seem to be a problem with racists in this country and the bbc are obseessed with those who have a fundental objection to a medieval religion who are the perpetors of the worst kind of racism and intileoance, how can anyone have any trust with an organisation the covers up mass rape, attacks upon minoities and teasching hate and intolernch in the xrereame whilst promotime the same religion,
It’s a bit like those type of parents who are unable to see or accept that their kids are the worst in the class for bullying and rowdy behaviour Zephir!
I suspect their will never be a working educatuon system in this country whilst we have screaming , shouting children and the parents attack the teachers
Muslime intolenace, whilst the msm talk about them as victims
This is England..
That video is dated 16 Apr 2018
And come from what appears to be an Islamist account about Dawah Muslims at Speakers Corner
The previous video is dated 31 Jul 2021
and shows Hatun Tash being attacked at Speakers Corner
BTW About the woman burnt to death in Bury
9th Aug article : Why did Sarah Hussein’s death not attract anything like the interest in Sarah Everard?
Robin Aitken 19 August, 2021 Why won’t the BBC debate me?
Trying to bring large, arrogant public institutions to book is exhausting
The decision of Jess Brammar to delete her entire Twitter output, when it emerged she was being considered for a new job as executive news editor at the BBC was certainly curious.
Dr Who :
Love it.
He asks the cop’s name who replies Sergeant Berry. He then says; ‘Sergeant Berry, like the fruit’.
They seem to be apprised of the law, left,,right, and centre, yet they seem to be far lacking in moral jugdment or simple respect for the culture or religion or any respect of the countrty they were begging to give them sanctualry because they had not the manhood to fight for their own country
The law has frequenlty been descrirberd as an ass, in this respect, I cannot fault that opionion thast gives these rascist scum Tony Blairs blessing, the bbc and most msm will activly ignorethe rapes and rac#uisr attackes
2:15pm R4 drama : a repeat from 2019
Who is the bad guy ? Who is the hero ?
– A black man who is running house where 2 Venezuelan prostitutes seem to be working.
– An enthusiastic white guy who runs the local neighbourhood watch scheme.
Tip the white guy just used the word “coloured” to describe the other guy. And then just used the phrase “our people”
You see, the black guy was merely protecting the Venezuelans from evil traffickers.
Appart from the b bc propoganda,There is always, the possibilty, like the exitance of sasquatch that every white woman needs a black husband still waitig for proof
3:30pm “Hamza Malik coaches basketball and martial arts,
… he’s based in the Mandela Centre in Leeds”
“They don’t have the facilities available to private schools and with most leisure centres closed or access restricted there’s a big loss on many levels.”
Sounds like the narrative “It’s the evil-Tories fault”
The prog is a repeat from March.
The alpaca is dead, now for the debate.
My prediction.
On present form, the BBC will take a poke at the Government.
GBNews will produce that young snot who will argue that it was right to kill it and any other animal Defra want to destroy – otherwise the world will end.
Alpaca on GBN
A discussion on Twitter has emerged where opinion differs on whether it was killed, put down, or put to sleep.
I caught the second episode of the BBC’s “Privates” this afternoon which follows the antics of one of the last contingents of National Service Army recruits in 1960.
I watched with one eye half-closed as I had a foreboding of what was to follow.
I spent a few years in the Army Cadet Force and The Junior Leaders at exactly the same time so had something, however small, to judge it by.
Well… the atmosphere and props were fairly convincing as was the depiction of the confused and fearful young blokes coming up against the steely ex-WW2 battle-hardened Segeants who’s job it was to turn them into “men”.
So at first, mildly impressed….
That was until they started to introduce some unfamiliar (or being the BBC should that be familiar) story lines…. eg; One young reluctant recruit complete with coloured wife. (Would have been very, very unusual at the time), semi-marxist recruit challenging authority (would have got very short shrift at the time). Recruit having a breakdown of some sort in hospital with the only other lady in the show, a nurse. They also managed to infer that there may be a “gay” aspect in some of the young characters which would have been almost impossible to imagine at the time.
It had the makings of an interesting look back but I suspect will degenerate further into the usual woke bullshit in the next few episodes instead of trying to tell an honest story about a particularly British time for a lot young men.
Are they minimising straight white men ?
– 9am white woman presenter
* 9:45am daily book the biography of Morecombe and Wise
10am Woman’s Hour
11am Kevin Fong about the Chinese science revolution
11:30am Alok Jha examines ARIA, the UK’s new body for cutting edge scientific research
1pm Sarah Montague’s news prog
13:45 Tom Heap’s daily eco-sermon : getting the plebs to Go Vegan
14:00 soap about useless old white countryfolk.. they crashed a yacht years ago, and kept it hidden.
4pm Repeat from 2015 about whistling women
4:30pm Tristram Hunt of the V&A museum nominates his hero, Josiah Wedgwood (they highlighted he was an anti-slaver)
6:30 Richard Osman, (he has a show on BBC2 from 6-6:30pm)
7:15pm Arts show : drama about The murder of Stephen Lawrence – the world’s only orchestra of disabled and non-disabled musicians
7:45 Stanley Baldwin’s Iron Gates
8pm Katya Adler on Angela Merkel’s legacy
9pm White man allowed on : V&A Director Tristram Hunt
11pm Fi Glover and Jane Garvey
with guest black comedienne London Hughes who was only on Woman’s Hour last month
7:30pm PBS biography of Ursula Kuczynski who arrived in Britain as a Jewish REFUGEE, took to communism and gave our nuclear secrets to the Russians
8:30pm BBC1 The George Bush war room #WhiteManBad
9pm ITV show about re-uniting lost Britain’s lost familes
One of the Kop Ahmeds, no doubt.
Labour are concerned for their ‘constituents’.
Scores of Labour MPs have been inundated with pleas for help from thousands of constituents whose relatives have been left stranded since the UK’s final emergency airlift left Kabul following the country’s rapid fall to the Taliban. Among them are children, disabled relatives and people who face persecution due to their work, all with potential eligibility to be resettled in Britain.
7000 of them eh?
Lisa Nandy, the shadow foreign secretary, accused the government of putting lives at risk. “Even now, weeks after Kabul fell, it is appalling that the government still has no idea how many Afghans who assisted us are eligible to come to the UK, no clear criteria for determining who is eligible and no accurate picture of the numbers of Britons left behind.”
“Potential eligibility”?
So, some Afghans, having been granted British National status having fled for their lives from war-torn Afghanistan now require rescuing, fearing for their lives, from war-torn Afghanistan having gone back for a holiday in war-torn Afghanistan from whence they previously fled fearing for their lives. Sorry, can’t join the BBC in worrying too much about this.
ITV local news
#1 Cleethorpes future plan
#2 Sarah Everhard legacy
.. no mention was made of the burned Bury woman
“next episode violence against women of colour”
“nasty people have burned a sculpture in Ponderosa Park, Sheffield on August 21st
“The sculpture was created by students to highlight the issue of violence against women”
Looks like it was made of light wood or cardboard.
#3 bad people leaving waste tents at Leeds festival
photo looks like some people were still sleeping.
#5 E10 petrol “which will considerably cut emissions”
Their favourite activist John Grant is on saying all non-essential vehicles need to be removed from the roads.
Presenter ends “E10 will make a big difference to the environment”
… no it won’t
the same cars will go on making the same dust etc.
You can’t see CO2 so it’s not changing the environment.
coming up
Exhibition about Syrian refugees in Bradford
Ehh the Syrian photo exhibition the same prog promoted 2 months ago when the venue was Hull.
– I think you’ll find they can’t evidence that – but never mind….
PRasNews again eh?
… and they wonder why viewing figures are steadily sliding downwards?
That Sarah Everhard item : looks like ITV employ activists to do activism
6pm bbc tv news – the Biden fan club continues . No criticism from any one UK or US – the nearest they got was a veteran in the UK with severe injuries saying it wasn’t worth it – and – of course it wasn’t worth 1 UK cut finger – yet alone a life .
Now just leave afgee to rot and concentrate on threats at home – and eternal silence from Blair …
Hopefully when we taxpayers are propping up the Tallies with aid there will be less reporting by the BBC’s Lyce Doucet and her dreadful voice.
I see the BBC are still out there. My advice to the Tallies is to arrest them all and take them as slaves mining lithium, thus contributing to the production of batteries for the fight against fossil fuel and climate change.
Greta has come up with a plot twist.
From what I can see there’s some real anger about Biden’s watch checking and offhand walkaway at the Dover AFB ceremony.
The debacle in Kabul is only a small part of the picture – there’s trouble brewing and the Democrats are thinking they can brass it out…
Tinkering with the California gubernatorial recall election might just be the last straw….
Given that one persistent feature of Biden’s appearances is tardiness without explanation – the watch checking seems rather “off”
– I mean … it’s obviously not working….
The BBC, always beach fresh ready.
That girl is a saint – she is – does she have a fan club ? Her parents must be very proud – she’s like Greta s older sister ..
Gosh she is obnoxious! And “fresh off the beach” – what kind of English is that? Is she talking about fish?
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – there wouldn’t be some propaganda in there, would there?
Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not an anti-vaxxer but I am interested in the messages that are portrayed or even promoted by our national newspapers and broadcasters. I now some fervent anti-vaxxers on-line (and conspiracy theorists, too) and have largely given up trying to get them to see sense.
There seem to be two or three messages being pushed here by the BBC. One is the obvious promotion of Covid vaccination to young people. The other is pushing the festival thing, possibly out of a BBC desire to ‘be hip’. If that’s too dated an expression (although it ought not to be, the BBC were all over Charlie Watts when the stone rolled for him no more and Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry dead these three day and still on the BBC web-site Home Page) then the BBC really do seem anxious to promote festivals to young people despite the fact that ticket prices are astronomic and a festival crowd seems to include parents and grandparents in the audience or even on the Main Stage.
Me either.
Popcorn time
The false president was due to address the Nation which didn’t vote for him at 1945 UK time – we’ve hit 2005 and no sign . If it is anything like previous times he won’t be reading and fluffing his autocue until 2300 or beyond …
It must take a lot of rehearsals to get the old boy fired up – no questions of course .
Fed, does he circle back to the microphone or does he leave all that to Jen Psaki?
No questions as usual …..
Plenty of footage of the taliban wearing US kit walking around Kabul Airport . I wonder if they will rename it the
Osama Bin Ladin International ?
More likely “Mullah Omar International” ?
I confess …. I did a guffaw
Ah.. they got the kite into the thundercloud – but obviously some issues about controlling the voltage… Joe’s yelling.
Biden: “We’ve got to learn from our mistakes.”
(After saying they didn’t make any in the withdrawal.)
Biden delivering a rambling speech trying to justify the exit from Afgee .
The Biden people don’t get it – it was not the decision to get out of Afgee – it was the manner in which it was done – together with leaving huge amounts of weaponry behind to be exported to Europe and used here …..
The BBC lives in a virtual world. During the Olympics the BBC could only show two sports at a time claiming they are short of money (again). Well you may wonder what they spend all the (Billions £) on. Salaries primarily but also on virtual reality (Dr Who specials). Its not cheap, but the BBC can afford to Not to go to Tokyo and here they explain how they do it…
With this tech, the BBC can save a fortune by not being there (at all). But it is clever, I never underestimate the BBC to make a virtual reality out of a story. Step into the BBC world of virtual reality.
New thread time …..