606 Responses to Midweek 20 July 2022

  1. JohnC says:

    Just comparing the BBC’s updates on the Ukranian war and that on the youtube ‘Military and Foreign Affairs’ network and it’s hard to believe they are talking about the same thing.

    Basically what is happening can be divided into two main parts:

    1) Russia are slowly and relentlessy advancing under a huge umberella of artillery. The Ukranians are slowly being decimated and replaced by people who would not normally be used in war.

    2) The UK and the USA are giving Ukraine the advanced long range weapons and are also conducting a huge intelligence operation using drones and satellites. Then they are feeding the targets to Ukraine to hit with the advanced weapons they have been given. The only part Ukraine play is to pull the trigger – the rest is us and the USA.

    The second is the direct reason Russia just said they intend to move even further West to put Russia out of range of these new systems and more specifically the intelligence they get to aim them. You would never know that from the BBC report.

    I regularly get updates from ‘Quora’ with questions like ‘How can Russia manage to continue this war considering their losses’ followed by replies so full of hate, they would not look out of place on a BBC HYS about Boris. They are swallowing the MSM narrative hook line and sinker. They have no clue whatsoever about why this war started.

    What worries me the most is that we are being taken towards WW3 and the vast majority of people have no idea it is even happening, never mind our part in it. Of 17 ‘Ukraine War’ page articles on the BBC, only 1 even goes near what is actually happening (‘near’ meaning ‘within 100 miles’).

    And I see now that they finally admit Putin is not dying of cancer. What a shame they aren’t as concerned about the health of Biden.

    Surprisingly the BBC’s security correspondent hit the nail on the head:

    ‘Is he mad? No. He is in full control of his faculties. But he has grown steadily angrier with the West.’


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello John

      Talking of wars, remember when the bBC kept going on about the war in Syria. I guess its 100% over, or just no story to build up as if the President was being overthrown


      • JohnC says:

        Amazing how it just disappeared isn’t it andy ?.

        It was front page while their darling Obama was saving the world with the BBC and everyone encouraging ‘Arab Springs’ all over the place. Then Russia entered to help Syria and they realised it was going wrong. Next Trump got elected and did what he promised : stopped interfering and pulled American troops out.

        Then followed one of the most shameful examples of disgusting Leftist hypocrisy which is a lesson to us all about how much they care about innocent people being killed when there’s no agenda in it. They just stopped reporting it and let them die. They were literally slaughtered and the BBC ignored it.

        I have no idea how many tens of thousands of rebels and civilians were brutally killed – but I remember watching the barrel bombs on youtube and feeling dreadfuly sorry for all the people being maimed and crushed under concrete.

        Last report I saw the last of the rebels were surrounded in a Town and I think they surrendered or more likely were just wiped out.

        The lesson here is just how the Left don’t care one bit how many die or how horrifically they do it. I find this recent switch by the BBC to ‘maximum empathy’ to be particularly disgusting because they don’t care at all. I actually think the BBC hope for some trajedy to occur and they hope it involves children . Cute young girls preferably who they have pictures of holding a puppy or doll before they got killed.

        The Left are real shallow, nasty b@st@rds when you scrape off the veneer of hypocrisy. There is no limit to how low they will go.

        Chalk up one more example of Leftists ideological policy resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people. The BBC have lots of blood on their hands over this one as well.


        • BigBrotherCorporation says:

          Good post John, and I fear you’re absolutely correct in everything you say there.

          The BBC seem to be able to switch ’empathy’ (or rather, a mimicry of it) on and off at will, as suits their current purpose.

          Look how much ’empathy’ there is about the continuing knifing of teenagers in this country (usually black lads at the hands of other black lads), what about the continuing grooming and abuse of young girls (usually white, working class girls in care at the hands of Pakistani men), actually the list goes on and on.

          The hush hush, sweep it all under the rug, and redirect the public’s gaze elsewhere, hypocrisy is deafening.

          I’m alarmed we seem to be headed towards another world war too, especially as I have children approaching ‘enlistment’ age, and unlike a very large minority in their age group, mine are fit, lean, willing, and not part of some ‘untouchable’ class.


    • digg says:

      I agree totally JohnC, I tumbled to the BBC misinformation campaign quite some time back. What amazes me is the brass neck they have for simply going dumb when their reporting is shown to be at best Ill-informed and at worse sheer propaganda rubbish. They obviously think that people will forget what they were saying.


    • MarkyMark says:

      CANAKKALE, Turkey — Baykar Defense, the Turkish defense contractor where President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s son-in-law is a top director, showed some public relations savvy this week when it announced that it is donating three armed drones to Ukraine free of charge.29 Jun 2022


  2. taffman says:

    “Migrant crisis: Border Force may have made it worse – report”
    We don’t need a report to tell us that. We need a new government before it’s too late.


    • taffman says:

      That’s costing you and me £3M a day in hotel fees !
      From Cameron , May to Johnson, the Tory Government has failed to defend our borders.
      Nigel Farage did warn you.


  3. andyjsnape says:

    Insurer warns of increased fraud amid cost of living pressure

    …a rise of 25% on the same period in 2021

    Maybe fraud was investigated, and guess what they discovered more?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Andy – ironic that insurance companies investigate fraud – but the British government failed to do so on an industrial level with furlough and PPE and track and trace .

      Maybe they should have outsourced it to the insurance companies …


  4. Fedup2 says:

    BBC has discovered that things are expensive – and that disposable income has either gone or quickly eroded for a lot of people .

    I wonder why the BBC bothers ? Has any politician a remedy for everything ? That is the BBC expectation .

    Maybe the consequence will be that more people value things more – the superabundance in supermarkets becoming more ‘realistic ‘…
    ….choices and more care taken about spending ….

    Reflecting – I grew up relatively poor – and my parents worked hard and long hours for relatively little reward – just above the level – then – of welfare handouts . They also had that old fashioned view about self reliance .

    That ethic has been largely stamped out by socialists – BBC. The State must provide – nothing is the individual fault or responsibility .
    Real hardship hasn’t got going yet – there are a few months before the real crunch comes – with interest rates up another 1% at least by year end – it should be at least 2% further by 2023 …b

    The ONS has just announced that HMG spent £19.4 billion pounds in tax payers ‘ money to pay interest on money it has borrowed . This number will be going up for the foreseeable future …


  5. Sluff says:

    Toady’s new thinly veiled anti-government campaign, now that Boris has gone, is to big up the effects of inflation. Not evil in itself but of course in the way it is done.

    Today they went to the grievance capital of the world, Liverpool. First up, a man who used to spend £50 per week on petrol but now spends £40 per day. He can no longer take his kids to all their activities. Sob. Get out the hankies.

    Now petrol is expensive granted, it’s increase is from around say £1. 25 per litre to £1.85, in round numbers 50%.

    So the smallest of calculations shows that Liverpool petrol man is either talking absolute tosh or is deliberately confusing, or ( more likely) was set up by the BBC to be so. How many days does he drive? Two? But guess what? There was absolutely no challenge from the BBC’s latest highly paid non-white golden boy, Amol Rajan.

    I don’t suppose Toady will consider private sector pensioners whose inflation protection is capped at 5% ? Or those thrifty and sensible enough to have saved a little but earn under 1% interest because of the slovenliness of the Bank of England.
    No, I didn’t think so.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sluff – I have developed my personal noise filter listening to Liverpudlians wingeing . It must be genetic ….

      … I think they had some Liverpool politician who sounded like she was gonna sing the ‘ internationale’ – the endemic corruption in Liverpool was touched on just a bit ….

      I’m not sure where the BBC is going with the inflation hardship gig – apart – of course – from promising that its ‘ political party -red labour – has a magic cure ..

      But let me make a prediction . If red labour were to win a General Election in the next 24 months – the song would be that
      1 the public finances are in a mess
      2 we didn’t know how bad things are
      3 therefore we can’t do anything we promised
      4 up go taxes

      But – of course – from out point of view – the anti British Far Left BBC would be safe …


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        Liverpool is a basket case. The government has had to appoint commissioners to run the council. Under Labour, it has become a corrupt one party state.


        • MarkyMark says:

          Liverpool ‘child asylum seekers’ found to be adults
          8 December 2018


          Twenty-four asylum seekers who claimed they were children after being sent to Liverpool were found to be adults, the city’s council has said.

          The authority said another 15 asylum seekers “should have been identified as children” by the government and accommodated in London instead.

          A Home Office spokesman said age-disputed cases remain “a very challenging area”.

          Liverpool City Council wants to recover £657,000 for supporting the children.

          A council document said 39 asylum seekers sent to Liverpool by the Home Office in 2018 “have then claimed they were children”.

          The authority “had to pay for an ‘age assessment’ for each one (costing £1,500 each) that concluded that 15 were children and 24 were adults”.


  6. Fedup2 says:

    Today Madness

    Robinson and amol chatting about the effect of the press on influencing the Tory selection process – I wonder if they look in the mirror for being partly responsible for the polarisation and hate that there is now …


  7. G says:

    “Mass Psychosis” –

    I stumbled upon this gem on YT yesterday evening. 20 minutes long. It simply sets out to draw all the strands of the current madness together and present the results in a format with cartoons.

    One problem in getting beyond one’s ‘Sell By Date’ is, the mind becomes automatically honed to sniffing out negative things. I involuntarily found myself expressing that, some years ago, with the expression: “Seeing around corners before getting there”. All the ‘Stuff’ going on in the World is likewise not missed by the majority here and on that basis those will, I hope, knowingly nod in agreement with this short video.


    • MarkyMark says:

      A Times and Sunday Times Book of the Year

      ‘Douglas Murray fights the good fight for freedom of speech … A truthful look at today’s most divisive issues’ – Jordan B. Peterson

      ‘[Murray’s] latest book is beyond brilliant and should be read, must be read, by everyone’ – Richard Dawkins

      ‘How can you not know about The Madness of Crowds? It’s actually the book I’ve just finished. You can’t just not read these books, not know about them.’ – Tom Stoppard

      In his devastating new book The Madness of Crowds, Douglas Murray examines the twenty-first century’s most divisive issues: sexuality, gender, technology and race. He reveals the astonishing new culture wars playing out in our workplaces, universities, schools and homes in the names of social justice, identity politics and ‘intersectionality’.

      We are living through a postmodern era in which the grand narratives of religion and political ideology have collapsed. In their place have emerged a crusading desire to right perceived wrongs and a weaponization of identity, both accelerated by the new forms of social and news media. Narrow sets of interests now dominate the agenda as society becomes more and more tribal – and, as Murray shows, the casualties are mounting.

      Readers of all political persuasions cannot afford to ignore Murray’s masterfully argued and fiercely provocative book, in which he seeks to inject some sense into the discussion around this generation’s most complicated issues. He ends with an impassioned call for free speech, shared common values and sanity in an age of mass hysteria.


  8. AsISeeIt says:

    This old-fashioned newspaper election edition

    Victorian novels often come with chapter headings offering the reader a brief – sometimes humorous – “In which” synopsis. For example Mr. Midshipman Easy, by Frederick Marryat (1836) where the authorial abstract preamble to Chapter 3 warns: In which our hero has to wait the issue of an argument. Our latter-day teenagers might recognise these chapter summings-up or digests by their prefered term “teaser” or perhaps thay may regard such inticements to read on by the notion of “click-bait” – although the later implies a degree of dishonesty and misrepresentation on the part of the author. That is a typically journalistic sin, scarcely applicable to a traditional novelistic wordsmith such as Jerome K. Jerome and his Three Men in a Boat (1889) where the precise precis condensation of Chapter 1 introduces us to: Three Invalids… We agree that we are overworked, and need rest… George suggests the river… Original motion carried by majority of three to one – among other themes. You’ll notice these chapter headings can tend to be so pedantic and detailed that they themselves demonstrably require a modicum of condensation hereabouts. I digress. You may also notice from my pick of nineteenth century popular literary quotes we’re inching toward discussion of the present Tory leadership race.

    Chapter One. This morning’s newspaper review… “In which” MrAsISeeIt refers to Mr Amol Rajan, BBC Media editor’s article: Tory leadership: Why newspapers matter in race to be next PM

    Our hero posits: The Conservative leadership contest will be less of a social media election than recent plebiscites because it will be determined by an electorate who are still heavily influenced by newspapers. (BBC) – as markedly opposed to: Jeremy Corbyn was generally thought to have activated a very influential following on social media.

    Given that the modern journalist – we credit Mr Rajan as an exemplar of that genre – is decidedly influenced by social media – here already the BBC man sets himself apart from the Tory electorate and that electorate he finds to be a somewhat peculiar subset of the population at large: Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss – the two contenders vying to become Tory leader, and thus prime minister – have to persuade a narrow section of the population that is much more attuned to newsprint than most Britons. Being politically active by nature, and generally over 60, Conservative Party members still buy newspapers much more often than most of the public.

    In the interests of balance we’ll take a brief interim shufty at today’s decidedly non-Tory press titles Mr Rajan sidesteps in his piece: ‘Blue on blue dogfight’ as Sunak and Truss face off (Guardian) – the BBC online press review hardly side-steps here – they admired that headline so much that blue on blue dogfight makes it alongside: Advantage Truss – gleaned from the Telegraph – as their daily two part synopsis of the news synopses.

    Further scorn is thrown in the Gruan: ‘Truss voting Remain will be something Rishi will attack. He’s the underdog now and they fight dirtier’ Conservative source.

    Projection is a wonderful thing and the long shadow of Maggie Thatcher still haunts the left: Zoe Williams. Why Thatcherism still haunts the Tory party (Guardian)

    The Labour-supporting Mirror boils it down concisely for the opposition – placard-slogan-writer-style: Lightweight Lizz Truss versus Rich kid Rishi Sunak. Poor old BoJo exits stage left pursued by a bear of a punning idiom: Out of the lying man & into the dire

    The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper takes cues from the Gruan: Blue-on-blue attacks expected throughout the summer as leadership teams clash – one would like to impress on the Conservatives that it’s never a good idea to use the language of the left or to fight on their terms – it just gives more ammo to the left than the west is supplying to Ukraine: Tory right catapults Truss into final two, torpedoing early front runner Penny Mordaunt – whose camp accuses her rivals of misogynistic attacks (‘i’)

    Our Amol Rajan – taking a very typical corporate BBC line – pretends that the print press is uniformly Tory and the left has no media voice… excuse me while I laugh into my cornflakes… he observes: …this is an election which has an almost late-20th-Century feel, in terms of media.

    Then there’s an almost stunning admission and moment of self-reflection here from our Amol: Newspapers arguably matter more than Twitter, which is doing such terrible damage to journalism, not least by completely warping journalists’ perception of what the public thinks.

    What, then, of the Tory-leaning papers? – one couldn’t have put it better…

    Their final endorsements matter much less than their daily news coverage, and how that influences the campaign – again, bravo, Mr Rajan… my take exactly. I still reflect on the George Osborne-edited issues of the Evening Standard which for 364 days a year would trumpet diversity, identity politics, social justice, wokery and the like – then on election day advise the readership to vote Tory.

    The Sun and Express were both broadly supportive of Johnson for as long as they felt possible; it’s not obvious who they will endorse – let’s have a butcher’s: Farewell Dame Debs Love and miss you forever – (Sun) is the maudlin safe headline story and the Sun’s non-committal header: Liz v Rishi – rather confirms Amol’s take. The Express still looks loyal to Boris and his nonsense to me if their loopy-looking Ukraine flag-flying masthead is anything to go by: Farewell Boris: Parting shot at Rishi and a hint ‘I’ll be back’ (Express)

    The Telegraph is for the BBC THE Torygraph: …Johnson’s alma mater, has long been his most vocal backer; but turned on him as the scandals accumulated. I don’t detect from their news coverage any clear backing for a particular candidate.

    I’d venture they support Truss – gifting her a celebratory frontpage pic and Rishi is left conspicuous by his absence this morning: Foreign Secretary the favourite to defeat Sunak after Tory MPs vote her into final two (Telegraph)

    What does our Amol make of what we term the formerly patriotic Times? : …perhaps leaning towards Sunak… running… powerful endorsements from columnists. William Hague’s column this week will have been much appreciated by Sunak

    Credit to our Amol. Bang on Sir: Sunak: Pick me or lose power (Times) – perish the thought that there’s any lingering ethnic sympathy inherent thereabouts between our former chancellor and the BBC media pundit.

    The Daily Mail has been on an interesting journey in recent years, reflecting the flux in personnel at the top – our Amol avoids mention of the rather large Brexit elephant in the room.

    The Mail appears this morning to lean toward the Remain-voting, former Liberal Democrat and centrist think tank-employed hopeful: Truss: I’ll hold an emergency tax-cut budget

    Our Amol side-steps, diplomatically, any reference to the left-leaning crony-corporate globalist FT – publisher – in rather a carping tone this morning of: Truss starts as slim favourite over Sunak in two-way dash for No10

    The populist Daily Star is likewise a tricky no-go area national broadcaster-wise: Netflix boss says TV will be dead in 10yrs… Where we gonna watch repeats now then?

    And for an and finally closer… let’s not for now speculate whether the BBC soon falls victim to this sad malady: Suffocated by my own boobs (Daily Star)


    • Guest Who says:

      A mol in the BBC clearly has not connected wiv da yoof wing.


      The BME intones…

      “How teens get their news

      How do you get your news? Reading newspapers, looking through news websites or watching TV bulletins maybe? New research shows traditional media outlets are a turn-off for teenagers as more of them are getting their news from social media. Ofcom found news consumption on TikTok has increased massively over two years, and for the first time Instagram is the most popular news source among younger people. TikTok and YouTube are close behind. Read more here.”

      Speaking of boobs, Nick Robinson, and hence his dwindling audience, gets theirs from The Critic.



      • Guest Who says:

        Meanwhile Jenny from da Eastern bloc ‘analyses’ BBC styly….


        No faith in Russia, Germany scrambles for energy

        Germany’s leading energy expert says she’s living in a nightmare. What’s worse, she saw it coming. For 15 years Claudia Kemfert says she tried to warn politicians and the public that the country was too reliant on Russian energy. Until recently Germany bought more than half of its gas from Russia.

        She advised Berlin to find other sources and focus more on renewables. And she warned against the construction of the Nord Stream 1 pipeline through which Germany receives much of its gas. “That’s what I did over the last 15 years, repeating and repeating and repeating. Hoping that what’s happened now would never happen,” she says, her frustration evident. Vladimir Putin’s decision to, in effect, weaponise Russian gas exports has sent Germany into a tailspin.

        Read full article >

        Jenny Hill
        Berlin correspondent


        Looks like Stasi Mutti sold them a pup, and Vlad the Invader is untrustworthy. Who knew?

        Clearly a few more windmills would have stopped XR Bremen smashing some gas meters.

        Evident frustration abounds. Justin Rowlatt scrambling to ‘report’ once the BBC helicopter finishes with the aerial shots of BBQs.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Guest who
          I wonder if the haus Frau gets blamed at all for what she did to The West . ? She must be the most successful Russian spy since the chap who gave the bomb to comrade Stalin …
          And maybe her conduct is / was even more harmful .but she is ‘approved ‘ and therefore non for criticism …
          Speaking of which – Biden says Glasgow is in England and that he has cancer …. Another comment by the leader of the free world ignored by the BBC – no Katy and christinan for Biden /Obama


      • BRISSLES says:

        Er, in my experience the two words ‘teens’ and ‘news’ are not two words that go together.

        Teens are not interested in the news as we know it. They’re only interested in music, video games, and watching TikTok. Ask any of them a few general knowledge questions on Civics, current Headlines, or who POTUS is, and they haven’t a clue.

        They’re ok for reconfiguring a mobile phone, and not much else.


        • taffman says:

          That’s why the Welsh ‘Ashambles’ lowered the voting age to sixteen.
          I don’t think that many taffmen called for that ?
          Yet, the “Shambles” is employing more Assembly Members.
          Scrap the lot , and save money.


          • BigBrotherCorporation says:

            Was anyone really interested in the news when they were teenagers?

            I know I wasn’t, oh, I knew ‘Thatcher was evil’, because that’s what ‘everyone’ said about her (except my dad, but he was ‘old’ and ‘right wing’), and if any kid at school had been daft enough to publicly disagree and said ‘Thatcher was okay, really’ they would have got a good kicking in the playground – by the teachers as much as the other kids.

            Then we left school and some (including me) went to Uni, and stayed ‘children’ for another few years, but most went to work, and eventually, we all did, and had some tough lessons in how the real world works… and strangely enough most of us (except the couple still in a Uni time warp and public sector jobs) now vote Tory.

            My son is more interested in world politics, and more aware (thanks to social media) than I ever was at his age, but still, when I hear him and his mates talking about such things it seems incredible just how young and naive they all are… and that is why the Welsh Ashambly and the SNP and Labour and the Greens want 16 year olds to vote, because most over 18 have got too much sense to ever vote for them.

            Personally, I’d put the minimum ‘age’ at those who’ve collected and banked at least 12 consecutive pay packets. It would mean some would probably never qualify, but I don’t particularly see that as an issue.


      • Banania says:

        In my experience teenagers don’t get news from anywhere. “Wha, huh?”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Only an eff wit like Zoe airhead Williams could write that Thatcherism ‘haunting ‘ the Tory party is a bad thing. I wish it was a case of ‘possession ‘…
      I really can’t see the Conservative electorate giving much time to sunak – a dreadful chancellor – partly responsible for our weakness by uncontrolled printing of pounds – and now pretending the consequence has nothing to do with him …..
      It’s a shame there are 6? Weeks before the result comes – we don’t have 6 weeks …. For instance – the next interest rate rise will be on 4 August …


  9. Guest Who says:

    Tom vs. Today.


  10. Guest Who says:

    Forgot about this one.

    Toenails & Toilets

    The broadcast press establishment.


  11. Guest Who says:



  12. andyjsnape says:

    Heatwave to push up price of chips, say potato farmers

    why oww why does the bbc promote daily price increases


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC SOP. Based on narrative control.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Isn’t eating less chips a good thing ? Confused …


    • MarkyMark says:

      Garry Linker’s wealth drops 1%


  13. JohnC says:

    Now this reall makes me worried:

    Liz Truss: I was wrong to back Remain

    After the empathy-laden sycophantic piece yesterday by the BBC, now we get this. Sunak has gone from favourite to nobody.

    I am now certain the whole facade is following a predefined script. This stage is to ensure the members vote for Truss.

    Be afraid. Be very afraid. They are coming to take Brexit away.


    • MarkyMark says:

      She says she “wanted Boris to carry on… he did a great job with the 2019 election, he delivered Brexit, he delivered the vaccines”.

      delivered – forced on the population with fear.

      delivered Brexit – borders are porous.


  14. Fedup2 says:

    Robinson with truss – pity – the amol one would have sounded a bit less caffeined up – Robinson just cannot stop himself . Try allowing the victim / interviewee to speak – go on a bit – then listen … and follow on – maybe challenge – use the ‘some say ‘ which actually him …
    …. But no – the Vicky pollard interruption act – yer but no but ..and we don’t get far .

    I liked her comment about brexit – liked her comment about nut nut – I reckon if she sticks with that my bet is home and dry –

    As for rejoining the EU – who cares ? We have nt even left it yet …


    • pugnazious says:

      Yes…he does like interrupting a lot…and the sound of his own voice. Truss though didn’t surrender…she ploughed on and ignored him to continue her answers.

      She has just trashed 12 years of Tory economics though….ie careful, prudent management with resultant limited growth…though I think most people would think we were doing OK…..BBC already onto her for saying foolish thing…

      ‘Conservative leadership: Liz Truss says Tory economic policy choked growth’

      Interesting though….Robinson says she is wrong…and just about every ‘respectable’ economist thinks spending on borrowed money will increase inflation and thus cost of living, thus cut people’s spending, thus slow economy and growth.

      Hmmmm….so now every economist thinks borrowing is bad…how did the BBC spend 10 years telling us ‘every economist’ thought we needed to borrow to increase growth? Austerity was wicked and destroyed growth.

      You can’t say well Robinson is playing Devil’s Advocate when he is telling us that every economist thinks ‘austerity’ is actually the answer….it’s not just a philosophical, mental exercise it’s, according to Nick, now fact.

      Truss was criticised for admiring the Bank of Japan’s policies…it refused to put up interest rates whilst everyone else raised them…

      This week central banks in the US, UK and Switzerland have put up interest rates as they try to curb inflation.

      The moves come as consumers struggle with the rising cost of living.’

      Hmmm…putting up interest rates is an inflation, a cost increase, in itself…and one people can’t avoid as it hits their mortgages and they are absolutely forced to pay it. It is a cost imposed upon them that is ‘invented’ at the stroke of the pen by the governments….one that takes extra money from people and pays it into the bank accounts of the bankers….who get billions for doing nothing…the government bascially hands them a huge windfall profit.

      If that’s not inflation I don’t know what is…I’d like a choice….if prices go up I can switch to lower cost alternatives usually…from Sainsbury to Aldi, or reduce what I eat or heat etc….but the mortgage really can’t be avoided….the government forces me to pay this extra cost and is essentially picking my pocket by artificially increasing the cost of my mortgage.

      I did think Truss’ idea was that the borrowing was a one-off emergency measure to be paid off in the very long term and not, Corbyn-like, a continuing policy way of running the economy borrowing more and more like a gambler doubling down on his losses.

      And speaking of ‘gamblers’ why did Robinson insist on repeatedly calling Truss’ policy a ‘gamble’…it’s a perjorative term and purely an interpretation…he can have no idea of what economic policy willl work…all are in essence gambles and thus to single out Truss’ as such is clearly trying to make hers seem peculiarly unworkable…in contrast others must therefore be much more sound….when they are not.

      This is a technique they used on Boris…continually labelling him untrustworthy, a liar, someone who has destroyed the Public’s trust in politics [lol]…they of course forget to mention that no poltician is trustworthy and indeed that most of Robinson & Co’s interviews with politicians are based on they believe the person before them is a liar.

      Boris did not invent political mistruths…..but the BBC likes to suggest he did. Who is the liar? Who is it that sows distrust in the Institutions, who is it that undermines democracy?

      Oh…and Truss was a liberal democrat in university? Churchill was a Liberal…and then a Tory.

      OK…so Marr was ‘Red Andy’ at Uni and is if anything worse now at LBC[ How is that possible?…he was a good old lefty at the BBC]….so who can tell whether people change.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Pug – re the back of nippon – I recall that inflation is 2.5% ….

        There was also a line about truss being at greenham common – which she defended by saying she was taken there by her lefty mum and dad when she was 7 ( seven) … is that really the best worst thing they can come up with ?
        I still think a chancellor with a non Dom wife and green card – trumps – most things … and damages any claim to loyalty to Blighty sunak might profess ….
        And I reckon there is more likelihood of damage being found in sunak than truss …. Also of course there is the question of endorsement .
        If the Femi one comes out for Truss I think her prospects are strengthened bigly – but I suppose such things don’t happen unless the polls are consistent ….
        And of course Elizabeth Truss is still the Foreign `secretary whereas Sunak is a back bencher ….


  15. Guest Who says:

    He may be male, pale, stale and headed for extinction, but the BBC still platform the best nutters.


  16. Guest Who says:

    John just being BBC*

    *Fed alert on the language.


    • MarkyMark says:

      FAKE NEWS…

      BBC News Channel, 18 June 2022

      In a report about a Supreme Court ruling on the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 we said that ‘the tragedy was the worst nuclear crisis since Chernobyl, killing more than 18,000 people in Japan.’

      We should have made it clearer that the 18,000 people died as a result of the earthquake and the tsunami that hit the north eastern coast of the island of Honshu, disabling the Fukushima nuclear plant.

      While many people left their homes as a preventative measure, the World Health Organisation says there were no acute radiation injuries or deaths among the workers or the public due to exposure to radiation resulting from the Fukushima accident. The World Nuclear Association says official figures show that there were just over 2000 disaster-related deaths among evacuees from Fukushima prefecture.



    • Guest Who says:

      The difference between Toenails and Mr. Beattie is the latter might check first before punting out.

      There’s something wrong with our bloody media.


  17. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    If, as is being suggested by a few posts on here, the bbbc are looking for dirt on Truss then that’s my mind made up.
    If the bbbc are against her then I’m all for her.
    It looks like she’s the right man for the job.


  18. Fedup2 says:

    There’s not much choice but maybe she’ll develop a few convictions… and the slur going around that she might start a nuclear war has got to be a positive …

    I think the conservative members will just want to get it over and vote early – pity the voting period is so so long ….


  19. MarkyMark says:

    Google Image of day … portly figure
    Lydia Shum Din-ha or Lydia Tin Ha Sum was a Hong Kong comedian, MC, actress, and singer known for her portly figure, signature dark rimmed glasses and bouffant hairstyle. She was affectionately known to peers and fans as Fei-fei or Fei Jie. Wikipedia
    portly figure
    She was affectionately known to peers and fans as Fei-fei (肥 肥, lit. “Fat Fat” or “Fatty”) or Fei Jie (肥 姐 lit. “Fat Sister”).


  20. MarkyMark says:




  21. andyjsnape says:

    Hello Pug, I wonder if the heading was changed to “Black Culture” and lets see the result

    Racism is “only” 1 way


  22. taffman says:

    Breaking news!
    Al Beeb to pay damages to Royal Nanny ?
    Reminder to all telly licence payers – Its YOU are paying for it.
    Anything on Al Beeb about it ?
    Will Belfield be next to reap a payment ?


  23. Beltane says:

    ‘…BBC to pay damages’ – using more from their fund of other people’s money gained under duress, while continuing to provide financial security to a known criminal who would be in jail under any other circumstances.
    His ability to deceive those concerned by feigning illness is simply a continuation of a lifestyle choice.


  24. pugnazious says:

    So what’s new? This has always been the BBC’s attitude towards those who are concerned about vaccinations….from the Telegraph…

    ‘Unvaccinated, review: painfully patronising documentary treated vaccine sceptics as idiots ‘
    ‘The BBC set out to prove wrong rather than fairly represent the views of Britain’s 4m unvaccinated adults

    Unvaccinated (BBC Two) saw seven strangers invited to share a house, as if this was Big Brother sponsored by Pfizer. Prof Hannah Fry was the host, there “to discuss the issues and their views”. What this really meant was that Fry would try to change their minds by explaining to these people, in a lovely, soft tone of voice, that they were wrong.’

    The BBC does not accept that there are any grounds for fears about vaccines….despite pregnant women being told not to take the vaccine and then the advice changing…despite numerous deaths factually due to the covid vaccine….BBC presenters telling us no-one dies from it just at the time when one of their own colleagues did die due to the vaccine.

    The risks may be small but it’s not for the BBC to label anyone who has fears about the risk as conspiracy nutters and dangerous people who put us all at risk. The fact is that even if you are vaccinated you can get covid and pass it on…the vaccine’s main effect is to reduce the effects to the person who catches covid…and thus shouting that they are mad, bad and a ‘danger’ to other people, who are vaccinated, is clearly nothing less than a malicious attempt to shame and denigrate such people.

    The BBC knows full well the vaccine does not stop infections…thus the whole programme is a lie.


  25. taffman says:

    “UK heatwave: How are homeless people in Ipswich coping?”
    Couldn’t they be put into hotels? Oh I forgot, they are full of foreigners . Foreigners that are not tourists .
    Our so called “British” government cares more for foreigners than its own people and we are paying for them .


  26. andyjsnape says:

    Ukraine war: President Zelensky’s 3D projection asks tech sector for help



    • Terminal Moraine says:

      Zelensky’s been busy touting Ukraine as a destination for investment and rebuilding right from the start of the war. They were putting out PR / marketing calling to regenerate “Great Ukraine” within weeks of the Russian invasion.

      Coincidence or not, Ukraine is at the forefront of the 4th Industrial Revolution right when they’ll need to build back better. Cashless… tele-medicine… AI-powered legal system. (Yes, Federov is a WEF member.)



  27. MarkyMark says:

    Killed for blasphemy in Nigeria: ‘It felt like a spear pierced my heart’

    Killed for blasphemy in Nigeria: ‘It felt like a spear pierced my heart’
    Deborah Samuel was a 21-year-old Christian student in a college in northern Nigeria.

    A mob of classmates beat her to death after accusing her of blasphemy over a voice note she had shared on WhatsApp.

    Her mother and father told the BBC their lives have dramatically changed since her killing.

    Blasphemy laws have long been controversial in Nigeria.

    Although Nigerian law is not based on any religion, 12 states in the Muslim-majority north have Islamic courts that view blasphemy as an offence punishable by death.

    But death sentences for blasphemy have never been carried out. Instead, blasphemy allegations often lead to mob killings.

    Reporter: Ishaq Khalid

    Producer: Lina Shaikhouni

    Filming: Chukwuemeka Anyikwa



  28. taffman says:

    Any Tory MPs, Tory voters, or BBC supporters on this site ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Taffman – as you know – I am a Far Right Conservative – which means I believe in low taxes – small state – border control – fewer foreigners – self reliance – lower welfare – smaller NHS –

      You ask the question – what can I do for you ? – and if it’s about splitting the Right vote to enable the red labour in – forget it .


      • taffman says:

        Forget ‘red labour’.
        A new, truly British Party is needed .
        The only reason Boris moved ‘to get Brexit done ‘was because Nigel Farage was a threat to the then , ‘Remainer’ Tories . Most were closet Lib Dems . Remember the coalition between the Lib Dems and the Tories’ ?
        A new coalition is required ie., Right wing Conservatives, The reform Party and UKIP.
        The good people of Great Britain have been abused by totally useless governments . All true Tory voters and supporters need to wake up because the nation is getting destroyed by “Carbon Net Zero”, Crime , finance and Invasion to name but a few reasons. Time is running out !


  29. pugnazious says:

    Yet another payout by licence fee funders for another BBC blunder….well, not blunder, determined and reckless-with-the-truth attempt to get a story regardless of fact….as described by Tony Hall as the ‘Scoop of the century’….well a huge scoop of something for sure.

    What it really shows is that the reason for the licence fee, that the BBC provides unique news and programming unaffected by commercial considerations and profit, is so much Bo**cks.

    They are desperate for scoops, for sensational stories and in particular for stories that ‘do down’ their cultural, ideological and political enemies. If you’re a Tory, a Royal, a Brexiteer/’Populist’ or an Israeli the rules go out the window…all those editorial guidelines get side-lined anything goes it seems…and what’s worse is there will be a determined attempt to cover up when caught.

    The BBC is as much ‘Gutter Press’ as any Red Top…in fact worse…the Red Tops make no pretence of their virtues whilst the BBC uses its long past its sell-by-date reputation for honesty and integrity to pass off malicious lies and disinformation as truth.

    Stop the licence fee….defund the BBC’s lies and malicious smears.


  30. tomo says:

    Tucker Carlson latest

    Biden cancer and climate change


    • Fedup2 says:

      Sympathy to false president Biden . Let’s hope his cancer isn’t malignant ….. thoughts and prayers . Let’s hope he takes life a bit easier now – and maybe farms out responsibilities to karmela or former president osama.

      I wonder if the SNP has any comment on Glasgow being in England …. I suspect silence and ignorance reined . If president trump had said it we’d never hear the end of it from the BBC of SNP …. I’m guessing Biden doesn’t know what Scotland is or where it is … is it a drink ?


      • Guest Who says:

        As an aside, I have noticed all US streaming shows, historical to current, show the mucky mux in command to be constantly hitting honking great tumblers of the good stuff morning through night, in the office, bunker, etc.

        So the Whisky product guys at least are working well.


    • MarkyMark says:


      President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day 

      Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,

      You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.

      Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?

      ‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’ 


      Thank you again for contacting us,

      BBC Complaints Team


    • Banania says:

      Carlson is amazing. They will probably try to assinate him.


  31. Peter Grimes says:

    Guido has an audio piece of Toenails trying to badger Our Liz Truss, the latest Great ‘Blonde’ Hope, on the economy. When she spouts Patrick Minford as an example of a supporter of her cut tax now to stimulate the economy plans, Toenails snorts, derisively as ever, that he, Minford, is a lone Brexiteer.

    I obviously didn’t listen to Toenails’ Today propaganda programme this morning, but I would hope Our Liz pointed out that ALL of the pro-Remain Treasury economists, the MSM, Al Beeb, Ozzy Osborne, Uncle Tom Cobley and all were collectively and totally wrong in their forecasts of the impact of Brexit, and Minford has broadly been proven correct.

    Will anyone ever correct Al Beeb’s lying propagandists on air?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Diane Abbott said that Chairman Mao did more good than harm.

      Correct. During an episode of This Week in 2008 she said “I suppose that some people would judge that on balance Mao did more good than harm”.



    • Guest Who says:

      Maybe ‘Snorter’ Robinson takes over?

      ‘Toenails’ technically was his location within the Blair body of work, and whilst The BBC is doing all possible to get Labour in we need to pause before they decide who leads to do that for their interests best being served.

      At the very least he can join colleagues in media and Scots junevile MPs in teeth cleaning allegation huffy puffery.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I listened . There was an opportunity for Elizabeth to go on the offensive as comrade Robinson laid on the ‘clever me ‘ lines more and more – but she chose not to ….

      … she sounded a bit more engaged than recently and I think had been told she had to waste her time doing at least one ‘today ‘ programme just to appease the BBC .

      Unfortunately I don’t think anyone is going to do anything to reform the BBC before the election – and once the new PM is annoited the likes of scum such as Robinson will be harping on about ‘democratic legitimacy ‘ – as if that has ever mattered -( see the brexit ballot for the true value of our votes )…

      I’m waiting to see if paddy power pays out my truss bet a bit early ….

      Funny isn’t it – ? I did 4 £1 bets

      Nut nut to not be PM in 2023
      Nut nut to be out of office by 2023
      Liz truss pm 9/1
      Liz truss pm 6/1

      Even if sunak bribes the electorate I will be ‘neutral ‘ …

      Can anyone see sunak getting the gig ?


  32. tomo says:

    Police “pushing the envelope” out in the provinces… (Skegness ?)

    I wonder if the Covid regs emboldened them or made them think twice about overreach?

    = Looks like some have plumped for emboldened!


    • MarkyMark says:



    • MarkyMark says:

      Persons [F1engaging in anti-social behaviour]
      (1)If a constable in uniform has reason to believe that a person [F2has engaged, or is engaging, in anti-social behaviour] F3…, he may require that person to give his name and address to the constable.
      [F4(1A)In subsection (1) “anti-social behaviour” has the meaning given by section 2 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (ignoring subsection (2) of that section).]
      (2)Any person who—
      (a)fails to give his name and address when required to do so under subsection (1), or
      (b)gives a false or inaccurate name or address in response to a requirement under that subsection,is guilty of an offence and shall be liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not exceeding level 3 on the standard scale.



    • MarkyMark says:

      1765 …. **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one ’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.** They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765

      2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018

      1765 … **In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.**

      2018 … **which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing**


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      It’s almost as if “they” (ie the Blob) don’t want us to know what is really going on. Still, it’s a good use of police time, there’s nothing else happening is there?


  33. Guest Who says:

    I am sharing an edit of a review of a book (by a 3D printing blog, of all things, making an analogy with ideals in theory hampered by practical deliverable realities and political group think ambition) I feel is pertinent.


    Malcolm Gladwell’s the Bomber Mafia.

    The core of all bombing accuracy malarky was down to the Norden Bombsight project. At the time it ended up costing $1.5 billion.

    The man behind this bombsight idea, Carl Norden – was a Swiss engineer. He claimed his invention could “drop a bomb into a pickle barrel from 20,000 feet”.

    Big promises, but how’d it fair in reality?

    Well, this thing was a hugely complicated analogue computer. It was heavy, and needed someone highly skilled to operate it. It took into account airspeed, altitude, wind speed, direction, even curvature of the earth (sorry, flat-earthers) and other factors.

    Now in theory and testing, it had some accuracy. But the problem was, because of so many variables, in the realities of war – flying at different altitudes, faster speeds, constantly changing situations that the bombardier needed to try to adapt to.

    Most importantly, it needed a direct line of sight. So if after hours of flying you get to the bomb drop, while being beaten around by flak from anti aircraft guns – if there was a small bit of cloud, you were just using guesswork.

    So how accurate was it – did it do its job?

    Not really.

    Even on one of the most successful bombing runs it only managed to hit 10% of the bombs within a large factory – and that factory was back up and running within a few weeks.

    So it was a seriously well paid business venture.

    But why?

    Well, the reason Norden could charge so much for something that was unproven, was the magnitude of the problem.

    Because when you solve big problems, you make big money. If you can save someone time, that’s worth a lot – and if you can improve someone’s quality of life (or save a life), even more so.

    So safe to say the problem was a big one, but it was also extremely well defined.

    This clear definintion is often ignored: improve the accuracy to drop bombs on targets, dispite a multitude of factors, so you can save lives.

    Because a big problem with people solving problems, is understanding exactly what problem to solve. Might sound obvious, but it’s nearly always overlooked.

    Norden understood certain problems.

    Sometimes the solution they’ve created is on-point with the exact problem experienced, but sometimes it’s either an over simplified or over complicated solution. And then, it’s off the mark, and that’s a problem.

    Carl Norden chose a market where the competition wasn’t great, either.

    Because nothing else was that good, he could come in with their audacious claims – confidently, and people believed it. They paid up, in the hope that it would work.

    That takes clear differentiation, and confidence.

    It’s basically con artistry if you don’t.

    No bueno.


    Meet… the climate scare industry… and those, like The BBC, who hold it to account. In theory.

    And a lot of what Alinksy might call… ideological conviction. At all levels of the state.



    • MarkyMark says:

      Kill the competition?

      Trofim Denisovich Lysenko (Russian: Трофим Денисович Лысенко, IPA: [trɐˈfʲim dʲɪˈnʲisəvʲɪtɕ lɨˈsɛnkə]; Ukrainian: Трохим Денисович Лисенко, romanized: Trokhym Denysovych Lysenko, IPA: [troˈxɪm deˈnɪsowɪtʃ lɪˈsɛnko]; 29 September [O.S. 17 September] 1898 – 20 November 1976) was a Soviet agronomist and biologist. He was a strong proponent of Lamarckism, and he rejected Mendelian genetics in favor of his own idiosyncratic, pseudoscientific ideas later termed Lysenkoism.[1][2]

      In 1940, Lysenko became director of the Institute of Genetics within the USSR’s Academy of Sciences, and he used his political influence and power to suppress dissenting opinions and discredit, marginalize, and imprison his critics, elevating his anti-Mendelian theories to state-sanctioned doctrine.[3]

      Soviet scientists who refused to renounce genetics were dismissed from their posts and left destitute. Hundreds if not thousands of others were imprisoned. Several were sentenced to death as enemies of the state, including the botanist Nikolai Vavilov.[4] Lysenko’s ideas and practices contributed to the famines that killed millions of Soviet people;[4] the adoption of his methods from 1958 in the People’s Republic of China had similarly calamitous results, culminating in the Great Chinese Famine of 1959 to 1962.[4]


    • Fedup2 says:

      Did the luffewaffe by the bomb site from the Americans before 1941 ? Can’t remember …


      • Guest Who says:

        I think a read a Robert Ludlum novel about it once.

        Maybe Hermann thought $1.5B a bit steep?

        Or the US MI-complex was a bit more flush than theirs by then?

        Or the Germans were less fussed about precision?

        All I know is an admittedly very hot few days of summer weather has been projected into climate scam explosion brighter than a thousand suns, as I type in pleasant comfort again.

        And every moron politician (ie: all) I vying on twitter yo get on The BBC to discuss science stuff with Marianna.

        And several thousand highly paid guessworkers and camp followers will soon be hitting Cairo for COP27.

        To save ‘us’.

        Log store Phalanx system on order.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I know there was a project to go through the patent office searching for useful stuff to take back to the Reich – bit like the Chinese now …


    • Terminal Moraine says:

      “The method of science depends on our attempts to describe the world with simple theories: theories that are complex may become untestable, even if they happen to be true. Science may be described as the art of systematic over-simplification-the art of discerning what we may with advantage omit.”

      — Karl Popper


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      I imagine the figure of $1.5 billion is in modern, debased dollars.

      The Norden bombsight worked well in the clear skies of California, but in north-west Europe, not so much. The Americans made it a top secret device, a bit awkward when you are sending hundreds over enemy territory every day. Obviously, they ended up in German hands from crashed planes, but they were so complex and expensive that the Germans had no use for them. By 1943 their bomber campaign was over, and they were busy wasting time, money and resources on the V1 and V2, neither of which needed a bomb sight.


      • tomo says:

        Norden as I understand it figured that turning the sight into a sacred cow was a way to protect himself against the Sperry company who had a competing sight…

        Making it a “top secret” woo enhanced thingamy is a standard tactic in mil-spec land.


  34. andyjsnape says:

    BBC to pay damages to former royal nanny Tiggy Legge-Bourke

    #people trust the world most trusted


    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC to pay damages to former royal nanny Tiggy Legge-Bourke
      23 minutes ago


      The journalist returned to BBC News in 2016 and became its religion editor – but no longer works for the corporation.


      BBC pays out £2m in legal costs to Sir Cliff Richard
      This article is more than 2 years old
      Singer last year won landmark case after BBC used helicopter to film police raid on his home
      On 10 June 2019, the BBC announced that free licences for all of the over-75s would end and that, from 1 June 2020, a free licence would only be available to people in receipt of Pension Credit. Implementation of the change was delayed until 1 August 2020 because of the Covid-19 pandemic.3 May 2022


  35. MarkyMark says:



  36. Terminal Moraine says:

    This was on the home page — BBC using it to talk about the harassment women face daily: “TikTok: Video of woman harassed in Cardiff gets two million views”

    Listening to the voice, I have a few questions about a man who has no problem thinking they can buy sex from a passerby in broad daylight. Doesn’t look like the BBC will be interested in details though. Cat calls, compliments on looks or sexual assault… they all get tossed in the big box marked toxic masculinity (must be overflowing by now).



  37. MarkyMark says:

    Nord Stream: Key Russian pipeline resumes pumping gas to Europe
    By Ben Tobias

    Russia has resumed pumping gas to Europe through its biggest pipeline after warnings it could curb or halt supplies altogether.

    The Nord Stream 1 pipeline restarted following a 10-day maintenance break but at a reduced level.

    On Wednesday, the European Commission urged countries to cut gas use by 15% over the next seven months in case Russia switched off Europe’s supply.

    Russia supplied Europe with 40% of its natural gas last year.

    Even as Europe swelters through a heatwave, ministers here are painfully aware that the country doesn’t currently have enough stored gas to see it through the winter.


    • tomo says:

      Following a successful psy-op to loosen German government bladders – Ivan turned on the pump again 🙂


  38. MarkyMark says:

    Somalia drought: ‘I remember at least five children died’

    Somalia drought: ‘I remember at least five children died’
    Fardhosa is just 13 years old but has never had a proper meal.

    She’s also lived through three droughts in her short life.

    Her family have been forced to move to a displacement camp in southwest Somalia in search of food, water and shelter.

    Twenty million people in the Horn of Africa are at risk of starvation by the end of the year as the drought continues.




  39. MarkyMark says:

    Before Climate Change?



  40. Fedup2 says:

    The BBC is fond of those ‘independent inspectors ‘ a couple of days ago it was one moaning about the quality of accommodation for illegals

    Today it’s a different one going on about interpreter services …

    … what a waste of time money and jobs worth effort –

    just breed sharks …


  41. MarkyMark says:

    Yet more virtue-signalling as supposedly cash-strapped local authorities have taken to splashing cash on more LGBT rainbow road crossings. Haringey council spent £22,000 on three separate road redecorations, while crossings in Kingston and Hertfordshire bring the total to £29,000. Guido hopes the Met are continuing to run their equine homophobia courses…

    When collated with other instances exposed by the Taxpayers’ Alliance, councils have now spent in excess of £230,000 on progressive pedestrian crossings since 2019. At a time when people are struggling to make ends meet, this hardly seems like the most efficient direction of resources. Put in other terms, that’s 109,000 free school meals-worth of rainbow paint…




  42. Guest Who says:

    Usually media #wefiles ‘us’ grates, but here…



  43. digg says:

    The BBC’s behaviour over their lying smears against an ex royal nanny are off the scale compared to anything they accused Boris of.


    The BBC attack dogs were at Boris’s throat for months as part of a clear political agenda until Boris considered his position and stood down.

    I think the BBC should now be forced to consider theirs, and if not should be prosecuted at personal levels, right to the top complete with pension losses.

    No doubt the BBC will get out of jail on this by handing the Nanny a huge wad of license fee payers cash and then simply put the blindfolds back on and move on.

    This affair clearly reveals how bulletproof the BBC bigwigs consider themselves to be.


  44. Guest Who says:


    Of course.

    But it only receives iPlayer.


  45. MarkyMark says:


    Once kicked a ball about. Now talk about kicking a ball about. Still flogging spuds. BBC Sport, Walkers,
    ..Instagram garylineker
    themarque.com/profile/gary-l…Joined January 2012
    1,308 Following


  46. MarkyMark says:

    Love Island receives 3,600 Ofcom complaints in a week


    The BBC was hit with nearly 500,000 viewer complaints in just 12 months amid concerns at ‘perceived bias’. The broadcaster received 462,255 complaints in the year 2020 to 2021 which it said ‘was an increase of 93,878 on last year,’ according to its own annual report published this week.9 Jul 2021

    What were the complaints about?
    A total of 2,481 were made about Sunday’s movie night episode relating to alleged misogynistic behaviour by some of the male contestants
    An additional 427 complaints were made about Aftersun, which aired straight after the main programme
    Another 413 people complained about alleged bullying and misogynistic behaviour from some of the male contestants on Monday’s episode
    The episode on Friday last week prompted 167 complaints, the majority relating to footage of Ekin-Su and bombshell George during Casa Amor
    Some 129 complaints were also made about the 12 July episode, with the majority relating to former contestant Adam re-entering the villa and Jacques’s well-being in the lead up to and during his departure


    • Guest Who says:

      So the bbc is asked to explain relentless inaccuracy, bias, etc and gets to mostly blow it off as a % of half a million, and runs an intermedia snark about people choosing to watch a reality soft porn show and then get miffed, as if it matters


  47. Thoughtful says:

    Have a read of this and draw your own conclusions from the omitted news which I believe has been deliberately omitted for quite obvious reasons.



    • MarkyMark says:

      “We believe this is a home goal by the GM Chief Inspector as Oldham Pride has openly welcomed a police presence (uniformed and on the parade) here as reassurance of the tolerant and accepting nature of the Force to the LGBTQI community. If the police are afraid of openly attending Pride due to ‘hate crime’ – how much more those subject to gender /sexuality and other hate crime must feel – as the Police distance themselves from them!”
      “Events such as this are a fantastic opportunity for our officers to engage with the people of Greater Manchester and demonstrate our commitment to supporting those in the LGBTQ community and we will continue to do so, both in Oldham and other districts, using our GMP liveried cars and in our usual uniform. Tameside Pride for example took place last weekend, and officer engagement was very well received, with thanks for our attendance and support from the organisers.



      • Thoughtful says:

        The issue is that some one is clearly physically attacking Police Officers as a result of their attendance at these events, almost certainly the Pakistani or Bangladeshi Muslims and this is not being stated.

        What on Earth has been going on that is so serious, which has not been reported in the media to cause the very Woke GMP to withdraw its liveried cars from these towns?


  48. digg says:

    Driving home this morning I was treated to an interview between a bbeboid lady and a “bloke?” on R4 who was celebrating that it is getting much easier for males to buy and wear skirts, even hinting at a few suppliers names where they might be had.

    It’s like waking up to find that the nightmare you were having is in actual fact real life.



  49. MarkyMark says:

    HMRC has recently confirmed that up to £3.5 billion in Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) payments may have been claimed fraudulently or as a result of error and confirmed that enquiries have been opened into 27,000 “high risk” cases.



    David Cameron admits he profited from father’s Panama offshore trust
    This article is more than 6 years old
    PM sold stake in Blairmore investment fund, which featured in Panama Papers, for £31,500 four months before entering No 10


  50. Nibor says:

    World at One .

    A discussion on how effective the press are at influencing voters . The two guests were both remainers and for ‘betters “ to make decisions, not the ordinary Joe .


    • MarkyMark says:

      BBC News
      BBC One, 4 June 2022, 10.30pm

      We reported that the acclaimed British sculptor Sir Antony Gormley is to become a German citizen. We said he was giving up his British passport because of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union and that he had described the move as embarrassing and had plans for new sculptures that would reflect his view.

      In fact Sir Antony Gormley is not giving up his British nationality and has asked us to make clear the circumstances behind his application for a German passport.

      Sir Antony holds dual nationality as a result of having a German mother and has decided to apply for a German passport, which he will hold alongside his British one.

      In a statement he says he remains a proud British citizen and is grateful for the extraordinary support he has received from so many people and institutions across the UK but he is also keen to retain his links with and continue to show his work in Europe.

      We apologise for the mistake.

