Bit by bit the BBC self destructs . Radio 2 loses another ‘talent’ along with his followers . Loyalty to the BBC continues to erode and our cause strengthens . Defund the Far Left Anti British agenda driven BBC .
Midweek 18 January 2023
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the calibre of MPs…. -eh?
The standard of todays politicians is deeply worrying. They are now generally as thick as planks and have no empathy with the normal population. How any MP if they have a brain can believe the utter nonsense such as a man can say he is a woman is reality means they need locked away from normal society. Everything is now woke and needs resisting strongly.
Doc – just as bad was starmer popping at the Green Card PM over ambulance times – which richi deflected with the ‘minimum strike standard legislation – which has nothing to do with daily 999 response times ….
The politicians must think we are as thick as they are . Some on here think paying more would get more intelligent politicians …as if ….just get even more corrupt ones ( see former chancellor ) – I mean – what do they spend the money on ?( even heated stables can’t cost that much ) …
I hear this often and found it difficult to believe what was presented by the Feminazi side was real, so I took the trouble to do the research and I found it’s complete tosh!
There is no proposal what so ever to allow a man to simply declare himself a woman – something the Feminazis regard as a retrograde step as they see themselves as inferior to men. Notice they have no trouble with the progressive step of a woman declaring themself male because they see the male state as superior!
The Gender Recognition Act is a mess, because the civil service interfered with the process when it was instituted, by the way this has been on the statute book for around 25 years, if you had a problem with it where have you been in all that time?
It needs reform and that reform proposal is that someone intending to undergo the legal process has to present themselves at court and declare what they are doing in front of a judge, together with the relevant paperwork proving what they are saying is true. Contrary to what the Feminazis are saying you can’t be Arthur on the weekdays and Martha at the weekend – at least not legally.
Nor can you easily undo the gender change either, something like two years needs to elapse before you can do so again.
As for the nonsense of men in womens ‘areas’ there has never been a law on the statute book about this so I can’t see what the fuss is about.
It’s all hysterical lies as far as I’m concerned. Some poor woman with alopecia and thus bald found herself confronted by Police with them having been called because some hysterical woman had reported a man in the womens bathroom.
Clearly this is a ridiculous state of affairs, the poor woman hadn’t behaved in any way threatening and the reporter should have been charged with wasting Police time!
Visits outside the UK
Name of donor: Medical Aid for Palestinians
Address of donor: 33a Islington Park Street, London N1 1QB
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights, accommodation, food and transport, total value £1,451
Destination of visit: Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel
Dates of visit: 22-27 May 2022
Purpose of visit: Fact finding visit organised by the Council for Arab-British Understanding and Medical Aid for Palestinians.
(Registered 14 June 2022)
Same IQ as her shoe size
Is that both shoes?
that might go past #fingers?
Stupid is as stupid does.
Follow up to R5’s Nihal Arthanayake, talking the other week about minorities feeling unwelcome in the countryside.
To some of the more serious comments — i.e. nationhood, a sense of belonging, the changing demographics of our cities — his response more than once is to play the dreaded ‘vibrancy’ card… which turns out to mean exotic food.
Invoking this concept has worn terribly thin over the years, but I doubt anyone in Nihal’s circle will point this out, so on he goes, fighting the good fight. His R5 show devotes hours to discussing what he and his producers clearly see as heavyweight issues — the minutiae of unconscious bias, of ‘othering’, of ‘lived experience’. But when it’s the other way round, just go and get a lamb bhuna down you… what’s not to like?
How transparent and one-dimensional the BBC have become.
– be like all those EU sanctioned continental pavement cafes we were promised back in the 1975 Common Market referendum?
Dear Nihal:
Since I won’t eat halal food, these “vibrant” places hold no appeal for me.
I still enjoy the argument that because the white population like curry they can have 10 million from the third world dumped on them …
2010 … FFS … 2010 ….
Iran has said Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, will be spared being stoned to death for adultery while leaving it unclear what fate does await her.
A case in Somalia in October 2008 attracted much attention. A girl was stoned to death before a large crowd at a football stadium.
Nihal Arthanayake 🏳️🌈🇱🇰🏴🇬🇧🇺🇦
‘The meaning of WOKE is aware of and actively attentive to important societal facts and issues (especially issues of racial and social justice)’
In front of a mic. January 2009
2,068 Following
If Vile and Evan were put in a room, who would let them out?
Let them not eat cake (with apologies to the late Marie Antoinette)
The BBC are still running the item on Nanny, sorry, ‘Prof’ Susan Jebb, the head of the Food Standards Agency, who reckons that eating cake is bad for the proles, as bad as passive smoking in fact. Telling ordinary people what they can or can’t do is a favourite staple of liberals, who yearn for feudal times when this was the norm, albeit in the New Feudalism that Klaus, Bill and George wet-dream about it will be billionaires in charge rather than lords and earls.
Needless to say, there appears to be a connection. See if you can work it out:
And here’s another bit of tittle tattle involving the nanny, courtesy of the Ultra Far Left Guardian:
OK, so there is now a black nurse called Marilyn sounding off in an interview, ranting about wanting fair pay because they have water, electricity, food etc etc to pay for, and the patients are not in a safe environment, and how 20 odd thousand pounds is not enough to live on.
Then she says she is a STUDENT nurse on the ward. WTF ??? she must have known the pay structure before starting her career but the stupid interviewer didn’t ask her that, so if it wasn’t going to pay for her water, electricity, food etc, then she should have gone into a different profession ! simples.
The analysis found 25.1% of nurses were obese compared with 14.4% of “other healthcare professionals”, which included doctors and dentists. Unregistered care workers had the highest prevalence of obesity at 31.9%.5 Dec 2017
‘Deeply worrying’ research suggests 25% of nurses in ….
Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer
MP Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Sunday 26 September 2021 13:54
I did say here several days ago when Rasheed announced his promise to end the boat migrants that instead they would restrict any further reporting of them.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
Today the BBC journalists Michael Keohan and Colin Campbell released a shocking report on the channel crossings. It showed people smugglers selling their wares brazenly in the migrant camps and many children living in unsafe and dangerous conditions, as well as—this is breathtaking—a free French public bus service that migrants can use to travel directly from the camps to the Dunkirk departure beaches. Will my right hon. Friend allow a statement on the issue of tackling the small boat crossings and the Government’s response in their work with France?
The Trusted News Initiative (TNI™) at work?
Why on earth – in the midst of the daily carnage of 100-200 soldiers being killed every day on both sides in horrific close-quarters combat and countless losses of tanks/aircraft and other helicopters – does a Ukranian helicopter crashing BY ACCIDENT warrant such a massive onslaught of reporting by the BBC ?.
They are clearly just making up whatever they can to keep updating it:
‘An analysis of images of the crash site by the BBC has not revealed any evidence of missile debris.’
So the BBC idiots have looked at the pictures and can’t see bits of a missile ?. And that warrants a main headline ???.
If any topic recently deserved such a bombardment, it was the recent exposure of corruption within the highest levels of the EU.
Where did that story go BBC ?.
I would really like to know who it is at the BBC who decides which stories get blown out of proportion and which get buried.
For JohnC – sumfink to fink about
Well, it’s a bit early for such conspiracy theories – but the scenario of it being shot down by a stinger as an act of sabotage is not at all out of the question. And they would most certainly would cover it up if it were.
Particularly as the response by the West is completely bewildering, especially the BBC concentrating so much on telling us it wasn’t a missile. Why even mention it at this stage ?. Even Boris has chimed in saying he is appalled at the loss of life. 14 people in a war zone where hundreds are being killed every day !!!. It’s insignificant. And Sleepy Joe the False President is joining in as well. He should keep quiet after what he did in Afghanistan.
Something doesn’t smell right about it at this point.
I will be looking around the internet for more information on this over the next few days.
4:30pm R4 Media Show ..yet again they kept the topic secret
.. Then it opened ‘ Our mates at Vice have been making a documentary about Tate”
one voice just did a conspiracy against Trump
The female guest just now is throwing around the words “far right”
She just made the claim
“My male friends say If you watch Tate … Tik Tok serves you up Jordan Peterson shows”
.. is that a robust claim ?
Now she Helen Lewis of The Atlantic mentions Wetherspoons, Russel Brand (saying he claims to be a victim , but he’s a millionaire)
Vice guy ” Tate cut up my interview into clips
.. chopped up and twisted”
Yes that is what you media guys do,
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement … {biasedbbc}
Ian Kirwan: Boy guilty of Redditch Asda stabbing murder
You know, if the BBC and the Left in general really wanted to report about what is absolutely broken in our society and what we should really be doing something about, they wouldn’t focus on one scumbag copper, they would be demanding something change to stop this line appearing in so many murders these days:
‘None of the four boys can be legally identified because of their ages’
Ive never understood how a law from 1974 can stand to protect the identity of killers below the age of 18?
All should be routinely named .
But it will never happen
Radio 4 has changed its bio to
Your audio friend – documentaries, news, comedy and drama on @BBCSounds”
Looks like there is gonna be another PM . The current one got caught not wearing a seat belt – clearly grounds for impeachment- specialily after his cake crime . The US wont take a convict so no Green Card . ..
A seat belt breach is not a conviction’s a penalty
.. I think
Toenails has suffered an inconvenience.
Maybe he can find a solution via The Critic Magazine?
Maybe this short-arsed little beeboid crusader could actully do some work and investigate the problem, and ask some of his mates in the awful HOC how they could solve the issue?
These whingeing little leftie upstarts at the bbc just cannot get their heads around a proper story, they either read the local rags, or ring up their mates in CNN or other dross, then cut and paste crap like this!
Seems media everywhere has questions to answer.
Perhaps the workers who run the Ukrainian rail system are hard working and patriotic?
I doubt their union is run by a communist either.
On bbc expenses? Just go to the VIP lounge.
via Breitbart
Can you imagine the howling + shrieking if this was DJT?
Isnt it funny that the advert for advertising on TV doesn’t contain any BME faces. I think that says it all.
Too difficult for a BBC droid to absorb:
Further to the earlier posts about engineers, business and #NetZero.
Britishvolt was a scam, endorsed by Boris. But I repeat myself.
The Beebs favourite organisation:
Lozza Fox
“The ULEZ scheme was instigated by Sir Dick Turpin, oops Sadiq Khan , I mean”
BBC caught out using a photoshopped image.
Don’t these propagandists and activists have any pride in their work, other than pressing on with their ideology
Yes they used the fake image, even though I’d told the reporter it was fake 10 months ago (March 5th .. March 25th)
I expected BBC would brush off a formal complaint as usual
My friend saw it used again this week
put in a complaint and for once he got a quick and proper apology
but BBC had to be pushed each step
..original March 2022 thread started with Bishop Hill asking if it was fake
and me running the checks
before I tweeted the reporter twice. She must have seen that, cos she normally gets very few replies.
Laurence had some really sleazy pansy on his show this evening, defending the right of schools to allow kids to “transform”. This bloke made my flesh crawl…
Also, in defending those deviant drag queens, who twerk in front of kids, he said, “It’s no different to what happens in panto.”
Of course it is, you revolting creature. The Ugly Sisters and Widow Twankey don’t allow children to stuff money in their stocking tops. The blokes we all enjoy seeing in panto are clear parodies of females. They’re not sinister, very dodgy geezers gyrating sexually in front of toddlers.
They’re pantomime dames, not perverts…
This bunch are perverts and get away with it nowadays.
To be verified…
But, now… by whom?
As others have observed … Justin’s agitated here… A rush…. – he clearly partakes of the ‘erb – does he enjoy a bit of nose candy too?
Justin Castro puts me in the mood for a song:
There’s a kind of hush – all over the world tonight …
Well I can dream can’t I?
Our Justin wants to limit Canadians to two drinks a week. Meanwhile in some parts of Canada Crack and Heroin are to be legalised.
This should get the bBC very excited since this is what their loos are ‘supposed’ to be used for.
As University Challenge gets more woke and politically correct, it increasingly asks questions involving females and feminine subjects, authors or musicians or artists for which few or none often know the answers. The resulting silence speaks volumes.
But a variation of this, and a new low, was reached on Monday.
The teams were tied at the gong.
A tie-breaker question was needed.
It was about ………….…netball !!!!!
‘Of the seven named positions in netball, how many begin with a letter other than G or W.?’
The Oxbridge team, with 4 women, won.
The Cardiff team, with two women and two men, lost.
Bias can take many forms. Subtle it was not.
Les Dennis: “Name a bird with a long neck.”
Contestant: “Naomi Campbell.”
Steve Harvey: “Name something that follows the word ‘pork’?”
Contestant: “Cupine.”
Jamie Theakston: “Where do you think Cambridge University is?”
Contestant: “Geography isn’t my strong point.”
Theakston: “There’s a clue in the title.”
Contestant: “Leicester.”
Jeremy Paxman: “What is another name for ‘cherrypickers’ and ‘cheesemongers’?”
Contestant: “Homosexuals.”
Paxman: “No. They’re regiments in the British Army, who will be very upset with you.”
Late 70s, Max Bygraves on Family Fortunes
Name a dangerous race?
Contestant – Arabs.
Not far wrong there, but no score.
Top answer, The Grand National.
Our NHS heroes, so deserving of huge pay rises, are at it again.
‘CCTV footage appearing to show hospital workers sleeping in a patient’s bed while he was left lying on the floor is being investigated by an NHS Trust’
The BBC might report it, but fail to join the dots. Nationalised industry. Untouchable. Unaccountable. Does what it likes.
Yes, the BBC and NHS have a lot in common.
US based stablemate of Sky News – CNBC boss’s mask slips…
Trusted News Initiative?
You can see it in his eyes, nasty, insidious, self important pr”ck, and violent and threatening, I hope this gets the exposure it deserves.
Someone should do exactly this to that lying, duplicitous Spring thing at the bbc and a few others.
I saw it done on this site, I think, to a couple of Irish journos who called anyone objecting to illegal benefit thief arrivals as “right wing” or “far right”.
The accused did not respond in any way…funny that, they demand answers when it suites them.
Lets see more of this, there are more than one type of “power” that should be held to account.
This type of power, which has so much ability to corrupt news and information, therefore societies’ opinions and values, is NEVER held to account, or, at the absolute most, only in rare, isolated incidents.
That Nish thing at the bbc springs to mind, when he finally hears what the UK public REALLY think of him and his opinions, (which are NEVER challenged at the bbc) at a private function. He did not like hearing that…..
If you see the articles about the event it will never quote what he said – only the reactions.
“stop talking about WW2, no one here was alive then”
2 minutes later
“You people colonised my ancestors”
Avi’s missed an opportunity there (a haymaker punch would’ve truly sunk the git) – but in those situations the trigger words only usually come after the goons are 20 seconds away
Hello Tomo
Would it be okay to throw acid over him, sorry thats okay if its a comment made by a lefty “comedian” jo brand
Prostitutes charge Davos attendees $2,500 a night as sex work demand booms
By Ariel Zilber
January 18, 2023
Robert F Kennedy Jr versus the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC):
Prior to the American Revolution, suppression and censorship of free speech in the American Colonies was fiercely pursued under the laws of the British Crown. Today it’s the BBC. An antitrust lawsuit, filed in a US district court in northern Texas, mentions interference in the US presidential election by the BBC. The BBC’s Director General, Tony Hall, committed the BBC in partnership with Twitter and other American media organisations, to interfere in the US presidential election by the use of propaganda and censorship.
Litigation is expensive, which raises the question: if the BBC is funded by the licence-paying public, who will foot their bill? Initially, lawyers for them will be preparing to prevent the case from being heard. But if that fails and the case proceeds, there will be legal fees for defending the case in court. And if they lose in court, there will be very considerable damages to pay, plus the adversary’s legal fees. As for the reputational damage to the corporation, that will be for the demos to decide.
I think we already know who will be paying and who will be troughing.
The BBC’s Trusted News Initiative is a partnership that includes organisations such as First Draft, Google/YouTube, Twitter, Reuters, Meta and The Washington Post. It is the only forum in the world of its kind designed to take on disinformation in real time.
It would be delightful to see every member, past and present, of the bBC’s ‘disinformation team’ on the stand so the world can
laugh atappreciate their intellect.The bBC TVL payers vs. the US legal system.
“If the trust isn’t there, we still don’t need to care”
h/t Cochran, J.
On the BBC and other chat shows, a disproportionate number of Meghan’s defenders seem to be black.
Almost as if their views are coloured by… colour!
I thought we were supposed to be colour-blind and judge a person on their character and not the colour of their skin.
Same on facebook: Almost everyone defending her are black women with a big chip on their shoulders against men.
Or should I say ‘racist misandrists who would defend her no matter what she said’.
Vlad, JohnC, absolutely right.
Blacks are more partisan than whites. They will take the side of any black in any dispute. It doesn’t matter what the facts of the case are.
There is a ton of evidence that Meghan was obnoxious to her staff, couldn’t stand being lower down the hierarchy than Kate, and told a pack of lies during the Oprah interview. There are a few intelligent blacks who realise that Meghan is not worth supporting but most blacks are not interested in arriving at the truth by objectively examining the evidence. Any time I criticise Meghan on Facebook or Twitter, about 95% of those who disagree with me are black.
Remember those shootings in America of apparently innocent, unarmed black men by racist white cops? Subsequent investigations tended to find the blacks weren’t innocent or unarmed and the cops weren’t racist or sometimes even white. Yet huge numbers of blacks would believe the liberal media’s racist narrative and come out and riot in protest. In the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, many blacks told blatant lies that Brown had said, “Hands up, don’t shoot”. That was proved to have never happened.
Taking the side of one of their own people no matter what is more important to them than hifalutin white supremacist concepts like truth or justice.
It is just one more reason why I believe whites and blacks can never live in harmony as equal citizens in the same society.
I still can’t understand why, the two and three generations after those who arrived on Windrush, still speak with a West Indian patois. They’ve been to school here, and mixed with white British born, yet most seem to have trouble speaking the language they were born to. They have trouble pronouncing “th” which may be a physical problem. Nevertheless the kids today have parents who still speak with their Caribbean heritage, yet they too went to school here.
There will always be a divide – even 100 years from now.
Now the white working class kids have started talking that way, “wiggas” is the term.
A big shock here. Jacinda is stepping down! Thank heavens for that.
She clearly saw the writing on the wall and decided to boldly run away as she found herself more and more unpopular. She had a fawning media but it could no longer protect her against the fact she and her totalitarian policies were no longer popular. She’s going by 7 February. She’s dropped her party in it.
It brings to mind the lines from ‘Evita’
“You won’t care if they love you its been done before
You’ll despair if they hate you
You’ll be drained of all energy.
All the young who’ve made it would agree.”
There should be no tears for this would-be tyrant.
In contrast, the little sh@t stirrer in Scotland loves it.
Decision made for her at the big WEF meet up ? 😀
“Edinburgh becomes first European capital to take meat off the menu in schools in bid to reduce city’s carbon footprint. The move comes days before Burns Night – the centrepiece of which is haggis.
Edinburgh is the second place in the UK after Haywards Heath Town Council. It was slammed as ‘anti-farming’ by the Scottish Countryside Alliance.”
Greens in Ecosse looking set to sweep the brain fried mad stare vote too.
“We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which furious party cries will be raised against anybody who says that cows have horns, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening mob with the news that grass is green.”
― G.K. Chesterton
That cretin is a f****** disgrace. Beyond belief that a thing like that is in a democratic parliament. Its not though – it is Sturgeons evil domain.
Jacinda Ardern: New Zealand PM to step down next month
What ??? I thought. Surely this young Lefty must be a shoo-in for the election given the incredible write-ups I’ve read on the BBC. I never saw a negative report about her.
So I checked the poll ratings and it seems Labour have been on a steady decline ever since she took office and it looks pretty clear they will lose the next election. Which is very obviously the reason she has resigned now.
Bugger me – the BBC have been lying to me yet again.
This shocking news brought to you by Tiffanie Turnbull – ‘BBC journalist and self appointed correspondent for dogs’.

How the mighty have fallen. What a joke they have become.
The rumour is that Jacinda has a cushy job in the UN lined up.
Well, not Tiffie.
Maybe they can get Richard Bacon back in as a special correspondent!
Maybe she’s got her Marching Orders from Davos? If the case, fear what will replacer her…………
Good riddance. Wish we could see the same with Sturgeon.
Online comments hope that Trudeau junior is next – but the cancer is deep
King Charles to divert Crown Estate windfall to ‘public good’
Very favourable report by the bBC, personally its a load of wind, well hopefully or turn the lights off
The BBC news is of course totally inaccurate. The Crown Estate monies do not go to King Charles or the the e Royal Family. The Crown Estate was exchanged for the Civil List payments to the Royal Family . The Crown Estate money goes to the Government (ie for the public good) and is managed by Commissioners, King Charles has no control over it so I don’t know what he’s on about.
Neither does he, but we’ve all known that for a long time now.
moggie, but what we do know is that you and I pay through the nose for these stupid windmills as part of HMG’s insane drive to NutsZero.
Those profits will see a big increase with payments from six new wind farms.
Prince Charles given €3m in cash in bags by Qatari politician, according to report
This article is more than 6 months old
Money was passed immediately to one of the prince’s charities, says Clarence House
Ah Bliss – Today Free Day
I’ve seen that the loop in NZ is ‘stepping down ‘ – so just cannot take the inevitable adoration by the BBC. I’m sure the once sane country on NZ is now as mad and divided as everywhere else thanks to her and her woke type .
Now we get the book – will it be called ‘spare’…?
If it is called that, her announcing the title will likely see dogs in Oz throwing themselves off Ayers Rock.
Spare Part
Woke Jacinda can’t take the heat. Can’t imagine the milk snatcher giving up like that.
Rejoicing in NZ for our commonwealth cousins.
BBC Moooooooooaaaaaning Eeeeeeeeemole
New Zealand PM’s surprise resignation
New Zealand PM Ardern to step down
After six years as prime minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern has announced she will be quitting. Choking up as she explained the reason behind the decision, Ms Ardern – who became the youngest female head of government in the world in 2017 – said the job had taken its toll and she no longer has “enough in the tank” to lead. The 42-year-old feels she would be doing a “disservice to New Zealand” if she continued in the post. It’s unclear what Ms Ardern will do next but she will step down as Labour Party leader no later than 7 February, a replacement will be sought and a general election will be held later in the year. Read more here.
Surprise? Only to the bbc.
Maybe she and Justin Trudeau are going to head a Global Coke Sniffing Unit.
Morning H,
One comment attributed to Mrs. T. (She may or may not have been the originator) was that “The trouble with socialism is that it only works until they run out of other peoples money”. Ardern is now seeing the results of her leadership bearing rotten fruit and is playing the “I’m very tired” card. Her and her like are destroying the world’s economies and then running away to the speaker circuit. They are never held to account, and her disasters are likely to be repeated by the next woke idiot until these countries wake up.
Below is a cut and paste from the DT about ageism in the BBC . Now the public policy of targeting ‘the young ‘ – to me – seems objectively mad – but I speak as someone no longer demeaned by the term ‘young man ‘.
It would be interesting to know the demography of those who pay the TV licence … particularly with respect to age . I suspect that older households are more likely to pay the licence tax – mainly because the olders worry more about the ‘stigma’ of getting prosecution for ‘no tv licence ‘.
Anyway – enjoy
The announcement of Ken Bruce’s defection from Radio 2 to Greatest Hits Radio is the body blow we have all been waiting for. It’s a sign of the existential crisis that has gripped the station for several years, and the latest in a long line of departures of seasoned presenters, which includes Paul O’Grady, Vanessa Feltz and Graham Norton.
Bruce, 71, has apparently left of his own accord, and clearly the BBC would have been insane to axe Britain’s most successful DJ. Nevertheless, the question of ageism has arisen, and all eyes are on Helen Thomas, head of Radio 2, who is responsible for turning the station into a Croydon nightclub circa 1996.
The change has been gradual, and has involved these aforementioned high-profile departures, as well as the end of excellent specialist shows such as Bill Kenwright’s Golden Years and Clare Teal’s The Swing & Big Band Show, and the music’s shift to appeal to 35- to 44-year-old women. (There was once a drive to recruit “mood mums” – “time-poor, family-oriented, put children first and tight for money” – a hideously patronising marketing confection which appears to have been quietly dropped.)
And while it is true that shows such as Sounds of the 60s do still exist, they are in slots that feel like a sort of ghettoisation – The Kinks and The Supremes are no longer part of the station’s raison d’être.
While this is a depressing state of affairs for anyone who remembers Radio 2 as a beacon of well-produced populism, it must also be remembered that the station is also a victim of circumstance, the product of an institution that was founded by the state and therefore for the people. They must be seen to be constantly evolving, constantly innovating, constantly trying to appeal down. Relevance is all, and a fear of fustiness prevails – although I would argue that since the BBC has 13 national stations, it can afford to serve every demographic between each of them.
Commercial radio stations have, of course, no such concerns. They are pragmatic about what they are, and have no seeming anxieties about slavishly trying to pursue youth. Scala, Greatest Hits, Absolute – none of these stations are trying to be cool. They are secure in their identities, and are ultimately driven by the bottom line. They know that it is older listeners who tune into scheduled radio, and are safe in the knowledge that advertising space can be filled by age-appropriate companies. Want a Saga Holiday, a Stannah stairlift or a Vivactive Lady Night pad? Look no further.
They also don’t have to worry about changing content, trading on a “get what you expect” mentality. This will be the case with Bruce who is, in essence, crossing to the commercial sector with the same show and its ever-popular “PopMaster” segment. They have realised one of the crucial things about music radio: that listeners seek familiarity and consistency, particularly when something is in the background. An engagement with the new is not what is required.
And what about the presenters themselves? Well, the focus in commentaries on Bruce have all mentioned salaries. But there are other factors, too. For example, if you have any sizeable sort of ego, then you are probably unsuited to the collegiate atmosphere of Broadcasting House. When Chris Evans moved to Virgin Radio UK in 2019, there were reports that he was treated like royalty. The red carpet was laid out and he was given a grand tour. There is also the fact that no one in commercial radio is questioning your modus operandi, tweaking your music tastes or making sure you fulfil a particular remit. In short, it must be liberating.
That said, there is a reputational snobbery surrounding the BBC that makes it hard to leave. Perhaps Bruce wants a quieter life, and at 71 who can blame him? Yet there is no doubt that his new show will not enjoy the same high profile over at Bauer Media, and it feels like the broadcasting equivalent of Pelé finishing his career at Tranmere Rovers.
While ageism must be a genuine concern for staff, it is ironic that despite the all-pervasive cult of youth, successful broadcasters never seem to retire – a contrast with the old days, in which presenters on radio and TV were gracefully pensioned off before they got too comfortable.
You wonder whether, in different times, Bruce would have been sent packing. Those of you with long memories will remember the bloodbath at Radio 1 in 1993 when new controller Matthew Bannister instigated the “night of the long mics”, during which time Simon Bates and Dave Lee Travis departed (as well as the swiftly repatriated Whispering Bob Harris). The BBC is an institution that has always been defined by change.
And yet, it cannot afford to alienate its listeners any more. It is time for Helen Thomas to stop making changes for change’s sake, and to start understanding the things about Radio 2 that are most cherished – which, yes, might include a wrinkly old man she feels too embarrassed to tweet about. She might even want to hold her nose and start listening to some commercial radio. For all their faults, these stations know what the listeners want.ENDS
Obviously – from the final paragraph – the author is a fan of the BBC – and hasn’t realised the hatred it has generated as the Far Left Monster it has become – ‘pop master ‘ or not ….
Government spending, evidently, is good news: Levelling up: New Eden Project among schemes to share £2bn (BBC)
Although, it’s never enough, obviously: But Labour said it was “a partial refund” on what the Tories “have stripped out of our communities” (BBC)
Then we can argue about where the cash goes: It [Labour] also said London and the South East were getting the most funding – though these are the two regions with the largest populations.
Only the Tory press fret about where the cash comes from: As Treasury suggests Hunt has NO plans to ease tax burden in Spring Budget, Conservative MPs plead with him to reconsider (Daily Mail)
Dyson: Stupid, short-sighted policies holding back economy… Growth is now a dirty word in No10, says businessman as he tells Britain to cut red tape to escape Covid inertia (Telegraph)
Yet you have to understand hoovering up tax-payer cash and gifting just a bit back is the way to cheap popularity: Charles’ £250m ‘gift’ to nation… King donates windfall from £1bn offshore wind farm deal to ‘wider public good’ (Daily Express) – more like £250m grift from the nation – the economics of wind energy is all about subsidies, grants and preferential energy pricing
The frontpage of the miserablist Guardian is rarely good fodder for laughs: 50 ways to inject more fun into January – talking of injecting fun… anyone up for a cheeky fifth Covid booster? It won’t stop you catching the Koof or passing it on – but it’s the thought that counts.
Barely anyone aged 18-49 in Ireland takes second Covid booster (Times, 4 days ago); and across the pond …booster uptake has been “pitiful”, said Neil Sehgal, an assistant professor of health policy and management at the University of Maryland School of Public Health. Antiviral uptake has been low, and few mandates on masking, vaccination and testing have resumed in the face of the winter surge, which is once again putting pressure on health systems (Guardian, 4 days ago)
But I digress.
One searches in vain for that promised January ‘fun’ on today’s Guardian frontpage: Should we limit alcohol to two drinks a week?; Nurses and ambulance staff to stage unprecedented joint strike; Carbon offsets fail to cut CO2 study finds – but they plant a few trees, so that’s good, right?
We note, however, the use of the slightly jarring phrase ‘global heating‘
Let’s play some now you see it, now you don’t with the BBC online news website frontpage – for an hour or two last night: Father of missing newborn is registered sex offender… The baby has been missing since their parents’ car broke down and caught fire on the M61 near Bolton, on 5 January… Gordon, whom she met in 2016, has been a registered sex offender in the UK since 2010, having been convicted in Florida of a rape he committed aged 14. He served some 20 years in prison in the United States before being deported to Britain – that’s the way to do it, Florida.
Strange story, which sort of turns the Harry-Meghan tale on it’s head – rich privileged white girl meets and is taken advantage of by dodgy black character on the make who happens to be the bloke in this version.
Now the story and image of Gordon are as missing as the couple.
Prince Charles to get funding from ‘blot on the landscape’ windfarms
This article is more than 10 years old
Upkeep of Clarence House and some travel costs to be paid from income on crown estate, which rents out land for turbines
‘blot on the landscape’ = money
Just noticed… the BBC’s odd phrasing: ‘The baby has been missing since their parents’ car broke down and caught fire’ – we don’t know the child’s sex so normal English (rather than lefty millennial pronoun-obsessed minority pleasing BBC English) would read: ‘since its parents’ car broke down’
The BBC’s grammatical rendering implies the couple were perhaps brother and sister who borrowed their parents’ car.
I doubt the baby is trans. The normal term for a baby whose sex is not known is “it”. There is nothing offensive in using the neuter pronoun, but the use of “they” shows how far the BBC has been taken over by the trans lobby.
Apart from the kid – make her bed and lie in it innit…
TOADY Watch #1 – how good it is to wake up to good news
The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, is to stind down because her tink is impty and she has run out of inergy to leed. I hope her successor to lead Labour is a mere male who fails and some conservatives or Conservatives take over the governance of New Zealand.
I worked as long in a fish and chip shop as I did in Parliament. I’ve had particular experiences in politics, but they’re not my only ones, and they’re not the ones that defined me. Jacinda Ardern
Probably being in politics is the worst place for me to be.
Jacinda Ardern
AOC returning to the hospitality industry with Debs Meaden?
MM, shurely there musht be some mishtake: brainyquote/authors/Jacinda Ardern
Not the BBC during the Chinese virus period the emir of londonistan imposed temporary restrictions on free travel for the over 60s on public transport between – I think – 0500 and 0900 during the week .
Well yesterday he announced that because TFL is bust – the temporary restriction is permanent – as well as announcing price hikes across TFL and increasing community charges .
As a londoner -these increases don’t really affect me – but it will cause a lot of pain to the ‘hard working commuter ‘….
And it shows that the Emir really hasn’t got the ability to run London – but the welfare addicts still voted for him of course.
Just a personal anecdote about why I hate welfare . One cold snowy morning – about 0600 – I was setting out to walk to the tube station to get into my job in central london . It was quiet .I heard a cough – I looked up and a woman was standing at a fully lit up balcony having a fag . She looked at me laughed and I heard the word ‘mug ‘ in the context of trying to go to work .
I vaguely knew of this lady – her multifathered young children – her drugs – her fights . I got to work but thought of her sitting in a warm Council flat watching daytime TV all day and living off my taxes …..that was part of my journey to being ‘Far Right’…
Hello Fed
Hopefully the women on the balcony wasn’t too cold, and could go back in doors to the heating on full
Yes – a touch of the Harry Enfield sketch ‘I am havin a fag’….
“Why can’t I have a coloured baby like all the other girls on the estate ?”
It was a “braaaahn baby”. The Harry Enfield Show would never get made today. Nor would anything else which is funny.
Ex Beeboids Rog and JO’bsworth having a shared moment.
Excusssssse me… ‘Doc’ Rog.
Maybe he and Shola could be invited on the Vile show to solve the media credibility crisis?
The title of “Doctor” is interesting. According to Wiki, he recently received an honorary Doctorate of Science from Cranfield University.
Roger Harrabin is not a scientist by his university degree, which was a low class one in English from Cambridge. He was not a Doctor until recently, so I assume this title is the ‘honoris causa’ one and not earned by any studies completed in recent years. He is 67 and lives in Hampstead.
All cited today, St. Jaq, Rog, half the BBC, likely already booked to COP 28.
Payments from Guardian News and Media Ltd, Kings Place, 90 York Way, London N1 9GU, for articles:
24 February 2022, received £100. Hours: approx. 2 hrs. (Registered 21 October 2022)
1 September 2022, received £100 for an article published on 12 August 2022. Hours: approx. 2 hrs. (Registered 21 October 2022)
15 September 2022, received £86.73 for an article published on 8 September 2022. Hours: approx. 2 hrs. (Registered 21 October 2022)
20 October 2022, received £309.74 for an article published on 7 October 2022. Hours: approx. 2 hrs. (Registered 21 October 2022)
18 November 2020, received £200 from BBC, 1 Portland Place, London W1A 1AA, for appearance on Radio 4 Any Questions. Hours: approx. 10 hrs. (Registered 10 December 2020)
Payment of £400 expected from Town and Country Planning Association, 17 Carlton House Terrace, St. James’s, London SW1Y 5AS, a charity campaigning for reform of the planning system, for speech to webinar on 15 October 2020. Hours: approx. 5 hrs. (Registered 16 October 2020)
Guest, that is NOT Caroline Lucas!
The image she shares, no. But the blue tick suggests the single Green MP is using BBC #1degreeofseparation yoof as she has net zero credibility.
Guest, now you know why I don’t do Twitter. Far too confusing for an oldie!
That would be “Dr” Harrabin the graduate in English Literature?
If I want to discuss Shakespeare I always go to a “climate scientist”.
I take it his specialty was The Tempest – which is bound to get worse because of ‘climate change’…
… funny how the BBC types want so much to change – such as the extinction of white English men – but don’t want the climate to change ….
… I like the hyperbole of ‘since records began ‘ and ‘the worst xxxxxx I’ve seen in my 40 years of xxxxxx ‘..
IMAGE WATCH- Yes a cute small kid. But just another
day after day after day, after day part of the BBC agenda
to “educate ” us, the unwashed. To let us know that we are no
longer an island in North West Europe. But have moved to the
Caribbean , with the help of Getty’s imaging. ” Teachers to strike,”
“Manchester Airport runways reopen after heavy snow”
Didn’t the global ‘warmists’ tell us our children would never see snow again ?
To be honest it’s just a dusting, but the neo Nazi’s have taught people to be afraid of anything White these days!
On balance, I think it’s more like a return to growing up in the 1940’s / 1950’s although I have not resorted to the tin bath yet.
TOADY Watch #2 – the BBC emitting CO2 so that you do not have to
Amol Rajan was co-presenting Toady this morning from Cardiff! It is a grand life as a BBC journalist, travelling far and wide, seeing the world and all at the expense of those who pay the TellyTax. Although Amol did actually go and see and interview some people on his trip way out West, but guess what? Yes, he did at one point to talk to Mark Hutchings, the BBC Wales Parliamentary reporter.
BBC = complete hypocrites over Global Warming and Climate Change.
Boris Johnson declares £1m in earnings from speaking events since leaving office
Fees from speaking engagements in the US, India and Portugal during November alone earned former PM more than £750,000
“The Times, They Are Getting Ah-Interesting”
Created by: Dylan. Peng, Soros. G, Gates. B, Schwab.K
11am BBC Radio4 BBC shout climate change about 2018 Paradise firestorm
FFS The court shouted ARSON
Blurb “In 2018 the town of Paradise in the hills of northern California was wiped out by one of the worst wildfires in California’s history.
The disaster made headlines around the world
– regarded as a symbol of *the dangers posed by climate change* ”
(The link in the tweet doesn’t work in the UK
that’s why I put the archive link above)
Ofsted boss surprised by pre-teens with smartphones
Amanda Spielman (ofsteds chief inspector) said she was “not comfortable” with younger children having unlimited internet access
I’m not comfortable with the bBC with kids
GB NEWS still can’t get their sound and ‘links’ performing properly. Studio mics don’t work, there is echoing, presenters get cut off mid sentence for the weather/next programme/. Conversations with others in their living rooms suddenly stop as the screen goes blank.
This channel has been up and running for over a year now, so have they still got school leavers manning the gallery, or amateur teccys who cant get a grip on the sound system ?
I watch because they do have grown up debates, but the incompetence in the sound department is a joke.
Coincidence, or ‘ex’ BBC sound engineers?
Beltane, funny that thought occurred to me, too, while reading Brissles’s post.
Things are none too good at the BBC. I guess a lot of the old engineers have retired and the younger ones do not know how to mic or handle the mixing desk properly. OB’s appear to be the worst affected.
Brissles – I’m done with GBNews until Mark Styne recovers and comes back ( although I suspect he might not be back ) ..
I can’t stand the shouty ‘vine types and would prefer the grown ups but they have been fired ….’s easy not to bother with … and there’s only so much dinghy footage …
Anyone looking for unintentional comedy – go look at the comments section on The Guardian about saint jesinda of NZ stuff