I need to keep an eye on what the enemy is doing . So I scan the Guardian . today the frankly hare brained Zoe Williams goes on and on about the attitude she sees in the Great British Public .
Apparently she thinks The Public All support strikes – tooting horns for medical mafia – that sort of stuff .
Ok – I didn’t read all the article – but she seems to think we haven’t been suffering a socialist government for decades …
… as usual with The Guardian – any article which is ‘sensitive ‘ does not allow comments . I think someone there knows what crap this lefty comes out with and what any right thinking person would say about it .
Naturally Zoe is ‘bbc approved ‘ and shows up regularly on group think chats …
Interesting and it makes sense.
Copied from a GB News Facebook post.
Why aren’t we building enough social housing?
Here’s a brief story outlining why. A couple of years ago, a local London council was selling a plot of land at auction with planning permission for 40 flats. Each flat worth an average £350k. Total sale value before tax, etc, £14 million. The plot sold for £4.5 million, so that’s £4.5 million going to that local authority.
They were asked by socialists, why didn’t you spend the estimated £5 million estimated build cost to build them yourself?
The council’s reply. ‘Social housing allocation is based on need. If we build them, they would be filled (off the record) by 40 single mums or dads, who will inevitably be on benefits of some kind, so there would be virtually no return. We’d even miss out on 40 x council tax payments annually, and be responsible for all maintenance etc’.
So put in a nutshell, Not only would they have lost the £4.5 million they got from the sale, they would also have had to shell out £5 million to build. Meaning £9.5 million out of their funds, and THEN having to subsidise the rents of the tenants, and cover the property maintenance.
Pretty easy to see why social housing isn’t created in a time where local authority revenue is getting harder and harder to find.
Thanks – I suppose it follows on from that assertion that half the country on taxpayers ‘ cash …. It becomes a truly hard case in the circumstances you describe .
The assumption by single women that they can breed and have someone else pick up the tab is at the heart of it … as well as dinghy users having to be ‘housed ‘ at taxpayers ‘ expenses ….
I would think any local authority would be mad to build ‘social housing ‘ where I live wherever you look there is a crane …. The old ‘Homebase ‘ now has about 400 flats on it – which I think are a private build …
……and of course you cannot build ‘cheap ‘ social housing because that would be so ‘unfair’. Nope, they have to be built to private sector levels of space and comfort.
In the name of equality, you understand.
TOADY Watch #1 – complaining about the cold in Afghanistan is like complaining about the Taliban on wimmin
Lyse Doucett has gone from Kabul or Bagram (wherever she was staying) up into the mountains in Afghanistan in order to create some CO2 emissions to warm the northern hemisphere in winter. Ta. Could do with a bit of Global Warming in Kent where the easterlies come straight off the Steppe and the nor-easterlies come straight off the Arctic Circle. She has some sympthy for an Afghan man, who carries chains around his neck in the freezing cold.
Didn’t know there were men in Afghanistan. The way the BBC go on, it would be easy to get the impression there were only wimmin in that country. Well the upshot is that the vehicle Lyse was travelling must have got stuck in the snow and had to be rescued by the man carrying chains around his neck. Men have their uses in Afghanistan after all.
Amanda Platell writes that the BBC chooses to ignore the vicious Labour infighting on the subject of trans vs wimmin’s rights, preferring to deflect towards the non-story of Rishi’s seatbelt.
“Labour’s woman problem is as serious as it gets, but the BBC prefers to obsess over Rishi Sunak’s seatbelt, writes AMANDA PLATELL”
“When a female Labour MP, someone who campaigns bravely for women’s rights, comes out and says in public that the Labour Party has a ‘woman problem’, you would expect our national broadcaster to sit up and take notice. Perhaps even report the story.
Yet the BBC chose to largely ignore Rosie Duffield, MP for Canterbury, after she wrote an article on Friday for the political news website Unherd that detailed the abuse she had been subjected to by Labour MPs in a debate last week on Nicola Sturgeon’s Gender Recognition Reform Bill.”
“Vandals daub paint over new street sign renaming Black Boy Lane and locals hang posters in windows in protest as fury grows over decision to change name due to ‘racial connotations’
‘Black Boy Lane’ was controversially renamed ‘La Rose Lane’ yesterday
Vandals have already protested the move by painting over the new sign ”
Simon Webb says the lane was probably named after the Black Boy pub there, which itself was named after King Charles II. King Charles II was commonly known as the ‘Black Boy’, due to his dark hair and complexion. During Cromwell’s rule, naming pubs the Black Boy was a coded declaration of loyalty to the monarch, who was in exile.
Nothing to do with slavery.
Further attempts to eradicate our history courtesy of Khan etc. Here.
“‘This rapist decided he was no longer a man only after appearing in court on a rape charge’: Scottish MP’s fury as transgender rapist attacked two women then changed gender before trial – as it is revealed she will be held in a women’s prison
Isla Bryson was known as Adam Graham when she carried out the sex attacks
The first victim was raped in 2016 – a second woman was raped in 2019
First appeared in court as Adam Graham but stood trial as woman Isla Bryson”
Maybe the inmates will rip his tackle off and turn him into a eunuch. I presume he then just needs hollowing out to complete the transformation. I could be wrong.
“Paedophile drag queen, 39, is found dead after disappearing on a night out with friends as police probe ‘sudden and unexplained’ death.
Jeweller Darren Moore, 39, a convicted sex offender, had been reported missing after disappearing on a night out with friends.
As a teenager, and under his previous name of Darren Sewell, he was convicted of four counts of rape on a boy under the age of 16 in Barry, South Wales, and sent to a Young Offenders’ Institution for three years.
He was banned from having contact with children but in 2011 he was convicted of breaching the order by working as a gymnastics and dance tutor with children in Cardiff.
He was sentenced to a three-year sex offender’s treatment programme, a 24-month supervision order, 300 hours unpaid work and a six-month curfew on electronic tag.”
The BBC are running an exclusive about abuse in children’s’ homes in Doncaster. Fair enough. Placed in the right context, this is exactly the type of thing the media should be investigating.
But blink and you missed it- a comment from the parent of one of the children – the public cost of looking after these kids is £250,000 per year. Compare with an ordinary secondary school child who is allocated about £6000.
I think the public could justifiably ask about these costs.
But it eluded the BBC. Never interested in taxpayers money.
Some “Care Homes” are an absolute farce – in Leicester in the early 1980s the corruption was head-spinning. When a food delivery was made to one place I knew where some acquaintances worked – the staff (and their mates) rocked up and loaded their cars up.
My recollection is that CICB claims were routine and funded iirc several nice holidays…
Then, there was all the latest dark gossip about Greville Janner.
ITV local news PR long item saying local councilors are VICTIMS
The campaign is called “Debate Not Hate”
“they get abuse on social media”
claims “the police need to be more involved ”
“this hate comes from men against women and minorities”
Doh socail media trolling is a fact of life, mostly playground stuff
and indeed although accounts may be male, it is often the case that the actual person is a child often a young girl.
As ever “hurty words” are one thing adults should be able to deal with
whereas actual sexual abuse of children is a case of real victims.
Meanwhile the vast majority of UK hurt word tweets seem to come from lefties
There is a massive amount of HATE against Tories & Boris etc
Indeed the main voice in the item seems to want Farage to be banned from TV
Tune into @itvnews at 6pm tonight to hear from LGA Vice-Chair & Co-chair of the Civility in Public Life Steering Group, @OvertonMarianne discuss our #DebateNotHate campaign.
I never understand why these people set themselves up as arbiters of our values, and expect normal people to obey their fantasies.
The usual-suspect councillors I read about are either stupid, narcissitic or just plain ignorant/thick, so I ignore the dross they chuck around.
As long as our poll-tax doesn’t increase beyond inflation – I do need the bins being emptied, and a few potholes filled in, and a few cops arriving far too late – I don’t have any truck with the whole sad lot in T. Wells…
The bbc used to have studio near the station, and luckily, it was always empty when I walked past their huge window into our mammoth mis-information service…
Oh on in Lewisham as well
So this is a PR job pushed into local ITV news
LGANews: RT @LGAcomms: Tune into @itvnews at 6pm tonight to hear from LGA Vice-Chair & Co-chair of the Civility in Public Life Steering Group, @OvertonMarianne discuss our #DebateNotHate campaign.
Something doesn’t sit right for this story. The BBC are using their usual trick of relentlessly attacking someone in the headlines day after day to apply as much pressure as possible for them to quit – yet this is aimed at their own chairman.
Every time something doesn’t seem quite right and the BBC blow something up completely out of proportion like this, it’s always agenda based. So I checked him on the internet. And sure enough the other arse-cheek – The Guardian – has it in writing:
‘he was worried staff had already made up their minds about him: “White, pale, male, stale,” as he put it.’
‘… and has sought to tackle what he sees as its inherent liberal bias driving for impartiality in news.’
So there it is. They have successfully got rid of the politicians who threatened them using the same relentless bombardment and now they are doing the same to their chairman who does not share their ultimate aims. They are systematically assasinating anyone they see as a threat to their ideology. How absolutely typical of the Left they are.
It’s an absolutely scandalous abuse of power. They now know for certain OFCOM will not do anything to stop them.
Most foreigners think the BBC is a STATE broadcaster and that the government oversees it .
Actually the BBC is not a state broadcaster rather certain projects are traditionally paid for by the government* , like the World Service apart from that, it is supposed to genuinely independent.
It is overseen by the board governors ..and the government does have a say in that.
So the Board of Governers isn’t the BBC and Sharpe is NOT a BBC employee.
* (OK the government changed the rules and pulled a trick, instead of giving government money , it made it a rule that the WS is funded by the licence, So it’s like they stuck a £15 tax on the licence and used that tax money to pay for the WS)
BBC pin up US president in trouble.. no report on the BBC I’ll wager..
“At the end of last year, Mike Donilon, a senior advisor to Joe Biden, sent a very bullish memo to top Democrats. The President’s administration, he claimed, was enjoying a “strong jolt of momentum” as 2023 came around.
Having avoided disaster in the mid-term elections in November, Biden and his team were feeling vindicated. The Republicans, his opponents, won only a thin majority in the House of Representatives and were busy tearing themselves apart over that answerless question of what to do about Donald Trump. The great super-tanker that is the American economy seemed to be picking up as inflation came down. Maybe Biden’s agenda wasn’t as unpopular as its critics made out. From July to January, his poll numbers moved upwards.
Well, just three weeks into January, the mood music has changed and Team Biden is in deep trouble again. His ‘Job approval’ rate is dipping suddenly, the economy is spluttering, and the Washington talk that Biden was about to announce his candidacy for re-election in 2024 has turned towards another question: is he about to resign?
The most immediate problem is the “docudrama” – the story that the President, who presents himself as Mr Experience when it comes to national security, is guilty of recklessly leaving classified official documents lying around various properties. In normal times, the revelations could probably be brushed aside as an embarrassment. But Biden and the Democrats made such a fuss about Donald Trump’s ‘hoarding’ of sensitive files at his Mar-a-Lago that the Commander-in-Chief looks not just a numpty but a glaring hypocrite. The Department of Justice now has a special counsel digging into the President’s past, at the very moment he wanted to look ahead.
Biden’s defenders point out that, unlike Team Trump, his lawyers have co-operated fully with the relevant authorities. But the “docudrama” won’t just go away, no matter how much the White House might want it to. if investigated properly – big if, Republicans will say – the story has the potential to turn into a major scandal. The first lot of Biden-files were discovered at the Washington office of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, a “thinktank” that appears to have done a good impression of a shell company for dubious international fundraising. Founded in 2017, just after Joe Biden stopped being vice president, the Center’s existence coincided with the University of Pennsylvania (the Penn in Penn Biden) being given more than $60 million in overseas donations – much of it from China. That’s probably not something into which Joe Biden wants the Justice Department to be digging. “
Factor in Biden’s Son; Hunter Biden – missing millions laptop which was media censored from most of the media (BBC included) at the time. One wonders what next for Biden?
Kamala Harris as his vice president? She is clean of bribes (who would bother far too stupid to keep bribes quiet) and not a popular vote-winner she is already to plummet in the polls, even if they (DEMOCRATS) managed to rig the next US election (again) they would be found out – Everyone is now watching and reporting how they did it last time. Big tech helped them (the WEF).
Only DAVOS/WEF could save them, but they did that last time. And look how that turned out.
I didn’t know what to make of this story.
But as the BBC are all over it, that must be the wrong side.
I mean how exactly are they missing?
“Ms Marten is from a wealthy family, and grew up in a stately home in Dorset attending private school, university and drama school
But after meeting Gordon in 2016, she became estranged from the family, police said.”
What business is it of the police to give out her private details. So she isn’t exactly missing from her family.
“Police say the couple left their home in Eltham, south-east London, in September 2022 when Ms Marten began showing signs of pregnancy, and have since led a nomadic lifestyle.”
Police and BBC hating they can’t track everyone 24/7.
“Detectives do not know if the baby has been assessed by medical professionals since the child’s birth, or if the baby was born prematurely or went full term.”
Mistake Richard “Bigo” Barnett made was carrying some kind of tazzer walking stick, and having his photo taken with it tucked in his belt, that’s the excuse/ reason they’re using to perhaps give a very long sentence:
ZAP Hike N Strike 950,000 Volt Stun Gun Walking Stick.
Looks handy for tickling mouthy dogs and their gormless owners when out walking..
Media seem to do have been doing massive PR for Tuesday’s ELECTRICITY RATIONING teatime.
Radio Lincs this morning .isn’t it great I am an Octopus customer with a smart meter and I’ve signed up to the scheme
whereby if I reduce my teatime electricity consumption below my normal ..I get paid’
I switched over and simultaneously RadioHumberside were doing the same green biz PR but on stilts
” Here we are at the Hull University eco-project the GreenHouse
I’m with Mr X from Nigeria”
The BBC reporter then fed him leading questions so she could get him to big-up Climate Change
Presenter “so you would sign up to this scheme ?”
X “yes of course ..blah blah”
presenter ” Now here’s Miss Y from Pakistan.
Are you worried about the floods in Pakistan and Climate Change ?”
Pakistani “Yeh, Climate Change, I’m worried about the floods and we have load shedding and power cuts “
The BBC reporter failed to ask what is causing power cuts in Pakistan.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img]https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/images/ic/400xn/p0fxrn3k.jpg[/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
I need to keep an eye on what the enemy is doing . So I scan the Guardian . today the frankly hare brained Zoe Williams goes on and on about the attitude she sees in the Great British Public .
Apparently she thinks The Public All support strikes – tooting horns for medical mafia – that sort of stuff .
Ok – I didn’t read all the article – but she seems to think we haven’t been suffering a socialist government for decades …
… as usual with The Guardian – any article which is ‘sensitive ‘ does not allow comments . I think someone there knows what crap this lefty comes out with and what any right thinking person would say about it .
Naturally Zoe is ‘bbc approved ‘ and shows up regularly on group think chats …
Young people don’t hate their bodies because they are weak – but because capitalism demands it
Zoe Williams
What utter drivel. Social media has a lot to answer for. Another one of the Springster clones.
The setting is important … in a field like normal people.
Princess Eugenie pregnant with second child
Princess Beatrice is the vice president of partnerships and strategy at artificial intelligence software firm Afiniti.
Princess Eugenie works as a director at the contemporary art gallery Hauser & Wirth in London.
She began working at the gallery in 2015 and was promoted to the role of director in 2017.
Interesting and it makes sense.
Copied from a GB News Facebook post.
Why aren’t we building enough social housing?
Here’s a brief story outlining why. A couple of years ago, a local London council was selling a plot of land at auction with planning permission for 40 flats. Each flat worth an average £350k. Total sale value before tax, etc, £14 million. The plot sold for £4.5 million, so that’s £4.5 million going to that local authority.
They were asked by socialists, why didn’t you spend the estimated £5 million estimated build cost to build them yourself?
The council’s reply. ‘Social housing allocation is based on need. If we build them, they would be filled (off the record) by 40 single mums or dads, who will inevitably be on benefits of some kind, so there would be virtually no return. We’d even miss out on 40 x council tax payments annually, and be responsible for all maintenance etc’.
So put in a nutshell, Not only would they have lost the £4.5 million they got from the sale, they would also have had to shell out £5 million to build. Meaning £9.5 million out of their funds, and THEN having to subsidise the rents of the tenants, and cover the property maintenance.
Pretty easy to see why social housing isn’t created in a time where local authority revenue is getting harder and harder to find.
Thanks – I suppose it follows on from that assertion that half the country on taxpayers ‘ cash …. It becomes a truly hard case in the circumstances you describe .
The assumption by single women that they can breed and have someone else pick up the tab is at the heart of it … as well as dinghy users having to be ‘housed ‘ at taxpayers ‘ expenses ….
I would think any local authority would be mad to build ‘social housing ‘ where I live wherever you look there is a crane …. The old ‘Homebase ‘ now has about 400 flats on it – which I think are a private build …
Blimey, EG, that’s the most erudite summing up about the ‘crisis’ I’ve ever read!
Thank you!
……and of course you cannot build ‘cheap ‘ social housing because that would be so ‘unfair’. Nope, they have to be built to private sector levels of space and comfort.
In the name of equality, you understand.
TOADY Watch #1 – complaining about the cold in Afghanistan is like complaining about the Taliban on wimmin
Lyse Doucett has gone from Kabul or Bagram (wherever she was staying) up into the mountains in Afghanistan in order to create some CO2 emissions to warm the northern hemisphere in winter. Ta. Could do with a bit of Global Warming in Kent where the easterlies come straight off the Steppe and the nor-easterlies come straight off the Arctic Circle. She has some sympthy for an Afghan man, who carries chains around his neck in the freezing cold.
Didn’t know there were men in Afghanistan. The way the BBC go on, it would be easy to get the impression there were only wimmin in that country. Well the upshot is that the vehicle Lyse was travelling must have got stuck in the snow and had to be rescued by the man carrying chains around his neck. Men have their uses in Afghanistan after all.
Amanda Platell writes that the BBC chooses to ignore the vicious Labour infighting on the subject of trans vs wimmin’s rights, preferring to deflect towards the non-story of Rishi’s seatbelt.
“Labour’s woman problem is as serious as it gets, but the BBC prefers to obsess over Rishi Sunak’s seatbelt, writes AMANDA PLATELL”
“When a female Labour MP, someone who campaigns bravely for women’s rights, comes out and says in public that the Labour Party has a ‘woman problem’, you would expect our national broadcaster to sit up and take notice. Perhaps even report the story.
Yet the BBC chose to largely ignore Rosie Duffield, MP for Canterbury, after she wrote an article on Friday for the political news website Unherd that detailed the abuse she had been subjected to by Labour MPs in a debate last week on Nicola Sturgeon’s Gender Recognition Reform Bill.”
Some good news today
“Vandals daub paint over new street sign renaming Black Boy Lane and locals hang posters in windows in protest as fury grows over decision to change name due to ‘racial connotations’
‘Black Boy Lane’ was controversially renamed ‘La Rose Lane’ yesterday
Vandals have already protested the move by painting over the new sign ”
Just checking …
Phew, it’s still there.
Simon Webb says the lane was probably named after the Black Boy pub there, which itself was named after King Charles II. King Charles II was commonly known as the ‘Black Boy’, due to his dark hair and complexion. During Cromwell’s rule, naming pubs the Black Boy was a coded declaration of loyalty to the monarch, who was in exile.
Nothing to do with slavery.
Further attempts to eradicate our history courtesy of Khan etc.
“‘This rapist decided he was no longer a man only after appearing in court on a rape charge’: Scottish MP’s fury as transgender rapist attacked two women then changed gender before trial – as it is revealed she will be held in a women’s prison
Isla Bryson was known as Adam Graham when she carried out the sex attacks
The first victim was raped in 2016 – a second woman was raped in 2019
First appeared in court as Adam Graham but stood trial as woman Isla Bryson”
Maybe the inmates will rip his tackle off and turn him into a eunuch. I presume he then just needs hollowing out to complete the transformation. I could be wrong.
Perhaps the BBC could interview Nicola Sturgeon about the Scottish gender reform bill……..
“Paedophile drag queen, 39, is found dead after disappearing on a night out with friends as police probe ‘sudden and unexplained’ death.
Jeweller Darren Moore, 39, a convicted sex offender, had been reported missing after disappearing on a night out with friends.
As a teenager, and under his previous name of Darren Sewell, he was convicted of four counts of rape on a boy under the age of 16 in Barry, South Wales, and sent to a Young Offenders’ Institution for three years.
He was banned from having contact with children but in 2011 he was convicted of breaching the order by working as a gymnastics and dance tutor with children in Cardiff.
He was sentenced to a three-year sex offender’s treatment programme, a 24-month supervision order, 300 hours unpaid work and a six-month curfew on electronic tag.”
“Members of the LGBT community in Cardiff are claiming on social media that he was the victim of a vicious hate crime”
The BBC are running an exclusive about abuse in children’s’ homes in Doncaster. Fair enough. Placed in the right context, this is exactly the type of thing the media should be investigating.
But blink and you missed it- a comment from the parent of one of the children – the public cost of looking after these kids is £250,000 per year. Compare with an ordinary secondary school child who is allocated about £6000.
I think the public could justifiably ask about these costs.
But it eluded the BBC. Never interested in taxpayers money.
Some “Care Homes” are an absolute farce – in Leicester in the early 1980s the corruption was head-spinning. When a food delivery was made to one place I knew where some acquaintances worked – the staff (and their mates) rocked up and loaded their cars up.
My recollection is that CICB claims were routine and funded iirc several nice holidays…
Then, there was all the latest dark gossip about Greville Janner.
ITV local news PR long item saying local councilors are VICTIMS
The campaign is called “Debate Not Hate”
“they get abuse on social media”
claims “the police need to be more involved ”
“this hate comes from men against women and minorities”
Doh socail media trolling is a fact of life, mostly playground stuff
and indeed although accounts may be male, it is often the case that the actual person is a child often a young girl.
As ever “hurty words” are one thing adults should be able to deal with
whereas actual sexual abuse of children is a case of real victims.
Meanwhile the vast majority of UK hurt word tweets seem to come from lefties
There is a massive amount of HATE against Tories & Boris etc
Indeed the main voice in the item seems to want Farage to be banned from TV
I never understand why these people set themselves up as arbiters of our values, and expect normal people to obey their fantasies.
The usual-suspect councillors I read about are either stupid, narcissitic or just plain ignorant/thick, so I ignore the dross they chuck around.
As long as our poll-tax doesn’t increase beyond inflation – I do need the bins being emptied, and a few potholes filled in, and a few cops arriving far too late – I don’t have any truck with the whole sad lot in T. Wells…
The bbc used to have studio near the station, and luckily, it was always empty when I walked past their huge window into our mammoth mis-information service…
Oh on in Lewisham as well
So this is a PR job pushed into local ITV news
Harsh… but actually quite fair.
What is it with lefties and trains?
– did her PR person work for Jezza for a while?
Richard Sharp: BBC chairman says he will not quit over Boris Johnson loan row
Something doesn’t sit right for this story. The BBC are using their usual trick of relentlessly attacking someone in the headlines day after day to apply as much pressure as possible for them to quit – yet this is aimed at their own chairman.
Every time something doesn’t seem quite right and the BBC blow something up completely out of proportion like this, it’s always agenda based. So I checked him on the internet. And sure enough the other arse-cheek – The Guardian – has it in writing:
‘he was worried staff had already made up their minds about him: “White, pale, male, stale,” as he put it.’
‘… and has sought to tackle what he sees as its inherent liberal bias driving for impartiality in news.’
So there it is. They have successfully got rid of the politicians who threatened them using the same relentless bombardment and now they are doing the same to their chairman who does not share their ultimate aims. They are systematically assasinating anyone they see as a threat to their ideology. How absolutely typical of the Left they are.
It’s an absolutely scandalous abuse of power. They now know for certain OFCOM will not do anything to stop them.
Most foreigners think the BBC is a STATE broadcaster and that the government oversees it .
Actually the BBC is not a state broadcaster rather certain projects are traditionally paid for by the government* , like the World Service apart from that, it is supposed to genuinely independent.
It is overseen by the board governors ..and the government does have a say in that.
So the Board of Governers isn’t the BBC and Sharpe is NOT a BBC employee.
* (OK the government changed the rules and pulled a trick, instead of giving government money , it made it a rule that the WS is funded by the licence, So it’s like they stuck a £15 tax on the licence and used that tax money to pay for the WS)
BBC pin up US president in trouble.. no report on the BBC I’ll wager..
“At the end of last year, Mike Donilon, a senior advisor to Joe Biden, sent a very bullish memo to top Democrats. The President’s administration, he claimed, was enjoying a “strong jolt of momentum” as 2023 came around.
Having avoided disaster in the mid-term elections in November, Biden and his team were feeling vindicated. The Republicans, his opponents, won only a thin majority in the House of Representatives and were busy tearing themselves apart over that answerless question of what to do about Donald Trump. The great super-tanker that is the American economy seemed to be picking up as inflation came down. Maybe Biden’s agenda wasn’t as unpopular as its critics made out. From July to January, his poll numbers moved upwards.
Well, just three weeks into January, the mood music has changed and Team Biden is in deep trouble again. His ‘Job approval’ rate is dipping suddenly, the economy is spluttering, and the Washington talk that Biden was about to announce his candidacy for re-election in 2024 has turned towards another question: is he about to resign?
The most immediate problem is the “docudrama” – the story that the President, who presents himself as Mr Experience when it comes to national security, is guilty of recklessly leaving classified official documents lying around various properties. In normal times, the revelations could probably be brushed aside as an embarrassment. But Biden and the Democrats made such a fuss about Donald Trump’s ‘hoarding’ of sensitive files at his Mar-a-Lago that the Commander-in-Chief looks not just a numpty but a glaring hypocrite. The Department of Justice now has a special counsel digging into the President’s past, at the very moment he wanted to look ahead.
Biden’s defenders point out that, unlike Team Trump, his lawyers have co-operated fully with the relevant authorities. But the “docudrama” won’t just go away, no matter how much the White House might want it to. if investigated properly – big if, Republicans will say – the story has the potential to turn into a major scandal. The first lot of Biden-files were discovered at the Washington office of the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, a “thinktank” that appears to have done a good impression of a shell company for dubious international fundraising. Founded in 2017, just after Joe Biden stopped being vice president, the Center’s existence coincided with the University of Pennsylvania (the Penn in Penn Biden) being given more than $60 million in overseas donations – much of it from China. That’s probably not something into which Joe Biden wants the Justice Department to be digging. “
Factor in Biden’s Son; Hunter Biden – missing millions laptop which was media censored from most of the media (BBC included) at the time. One wonders what next for Biden?
Kamala Harris as his vice president? She is clean of bribes (who would bother far too stupid to keep bribes quiet) and not a popular vote-winner she is already to plummet in the polls, even if they (DEMOCRATS) managed to rig the next US election (again) they would be found out – Everyone is now watching and reporting how they did it last time. Big tech helped them (the WEF).
Only DAVOS/WEF could save them, but they did that last time. And look how that turned out.
“Fears missing couple and baby are sleeping in tent in icy temperatures”
I didn’t know what to make of this story.
But as the BBC are all over it, that must be the wrong side.
I mean how exactly are they missing?
“Ms Marten is from a wealthy family, and grew up in a stately home in Dorset attending private school, university and drama school
But after meeting Gordon in 2016, she became estranged from the family, police said.”
What business is it of the police to give out her private details. So she isn’t exactly missing from her family.
“Police say the couple left their home in Eltham, south-east London, in September 2022 when Ms Marten began showing signs of pregnancy, and have since led a nomadic lifestyle.”
Police and BBC hating they can’t track everyone 24/7.
“Detectives do not know if the baby has been assessed by medical professionals since the child’s birth, or if the baby was born prematurely or went full term.”
So they’re guilty untill proved innocent ..
“”Capitol rioter who posed with feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk found guilty.”
Mistake Richard “Bigo” Barnett made was carrying some kind of tazzer walking stick, and having his photo taken with it tucked in his belt, that’s the excuse/ reason they’re using to perhaps give a very long sentence:
ZAP Hike N Strike 950,000 Volt Stun Gun Walking Stick.
Looks handy for tickling mouthy dogs and their gormless owners when out walking..
Nice to be back in Blighty after recovering from the 3 week flu – here’s to the next thread -..
Media seem to do have been doing massive PR for Tuesday’s ELECTRICITY RATIONING teatime.
Radio Lincs this morning .isn’t it great I am an Octopus customer with a smart meter and I’ve signed up to the scheme
whereby if I reduce my teatime electricity consumption below my normal ..I get paid’
I switched over and simultaneously RadioHumberside were doing the same green biz PR but on stilts
” Here we are at the Hull University eco-project the GreenHouse
I’m with Mr X from Nigeria”
The BBC reporter then fed him leading questions so she could get him to big-up Climate Change
Presenter “so you would sign up to this scheme ?”
X “yes of course ..blah blah”
presenter ” Now here’s Miss Y from Pakistan.
Are you worried about the floods in Pakistan and Climate Change ?”
Pakistani “Yeh, Climate Change, I’m worried about the floods and we have load shedding and power cuts “
The BBC reporter failed to ask what is causing power cuts in Pakistan.
Go get ’em Andrew