Apparently there is dismay at the BBC about the appointment of the Chairman . The Chairman was , apparently , involved in financial dealings with Prime Minister Boris Johnson prior to appointment . There is no suggestion of corruption of course – and no rules were broken . But politicians make the rules …anything undermining the Far Left BBC is good for us eh?
Start the week 13 February 2023
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BBC reports that Ordance Survey is looking for new modern symbols for maps .
I’ve got one – chicken shops where Muslim men can pick up , drug and rape 12 year old white girls …. Many towns will be covered in them …. Maybe should include mosques and maadraasses too …
And Locations where illegals are housed ….
I thought it was certain kebab shops
(obviously nowhere near all)
Quite the international traveller… can I get a spelling reality check on that please?
She’s also up for some awards from the Royal Television Society. It may have slipped under the radar so helpfully she’s retweeted it 11 times.
Trafficking and abuse alert over Cop26 sex work boom
Police will be looking for signs of exploitation as the climate conference is expected to boost demand in the trade
The government has revealed plans to place the criminal burden on to those buying sex, but critics warn it may put workers at greater risk
The government has revealed plans to place the criminal burden on to those buying sex, but critics warn it may put workers at greater risk
Marcello Mega
Sunday September 19 2021, 12.01am, The Sunday Times
‘Some awards ‘ surely all the RTS awards ?- bestist fact checker ( approved only ) award ….best self publicist – shoe in …
She find a kindly Taliban elder or two, too?
And did he give her one?
This article is more than 3 years old
‘White saviours’ belong in the 1980s. Let’s keep them there
This article is more than 3 years oldGaby Hinsliff
Bare-faced and clad in jeans, clutching a rather uncertain-looking black toddler on her hip, Stacey Dooley stands beaming in the dust of a parched African landscape. At first glance you could mistake it for a gap year snapshot, destined to be pinned up somewhere in a student bedroom. Dooley is, of course, one of the breakout stars of this year’s Strictly Come Dancing, and the picture was taken in Uganda, where she is making a film for the upcoming Comic Relief. Yet as with so many gap year experiences, it isn’t entirely easy to tell who is having the more emotionally rewarding time here: the volunteer who feels privileged to have seen what they’ve seen, or the children they’re actually supposed to be helping.
What / who can you trust these days?
Man behind one of the biggest sites accused of ‘fake news’ is former BBC worker
Odious woman. Replies are good tho.
Anything ‘disinformation’ is immediately suspect.
Bill got guard bots?
No glitches, hopefully.
Keen competition.
What a shame she didn’t get a picture of the ‘top Panorama team’.
Because I guarantee that the ‘real’ workers behind the scenes and doing all the donkey work will be men.
I remember a BBC documentary about filming some fish. It had a typical over-confident BBC woman in charge whose job seemed to consist of booking boats/hotel rooms etc (all admin) and half a dozen men who had all the skill and actually did all the diving and filming.
Since that map show no mosque in the Isle of Man and only 2 in Northern Ireland it seems out of date
Scotkand mosques about 10 around Glasgow for a start, just one in Ayrshire etc.
out of date?
Mark never uploads anything post 1975!
Great Year was 1975!
USA sky border – fire missiles.
USA land border – ignore.
Based loosely on ‘events’ and ‘sources who say’, presumably?
In a novel twist, all the inhabitants are going to be played by white trannies and the Fire Dept. ladies by Eddie Izzard.
The building inspectors are yet to be cast, as the BBc is waiting until they arrive at Dover from Turkey.
The council will of course all be white Tory men.
How they going to spin the council pandering to the EU by adding the cladding..
BAFTA in the post already – a ‘dream ‘ multicultural cast – complete with a musical number and bad whitee cast as the fire brigade with their hit song ‘🎼lessons will be learnt ‘….
By ignoring it.
Will the directors cut include the scene where the saharan sub letter tips over his kerosene stove, thus igniting the entire building?
There maybe a guest slot with a new arrival-friendly MP taking delivery of a dodgy fridge.
Hello Guest
Hopefully the Grenfell bBC drama will have translators and maybe subtitles to assist the viewer understanding what people are saying
Fraudsters jailed after scamming almost £50,000 by pretending they lived with Grenfell Tower victim
05 March 2020
15 arrested over Knowley
something the media routinely label as “riot”
Yet I have doubts that it was ..seems like narrative pushing.
Occasionally football fans have a scuffle and a police van is set on fire ..but that doesn’t count as a riot
14 released pending investigations
one 19yo charged : Jared Skeete
On Liverpool Facebook there is someone with that name
who has non-white friends named Raheem Skeete. Khaleel Skeete and Jeff Skeete
Skye reported his court appearance, with black curly hair and a grey sweater.
If’n you had any high hopes for Fawlty Towers revamp….
He is allowed an opinion – that is how it works. But choose your bed fellows wisely.
BBC loving this Brian Gay park murder.
Also a chance to cram the words “she” and “her” into an article as many times as possible; there’s probably even a competition for the record…
Anyway I’ll solve this crime case:
People with his metal health condition, unfortunately, often commit suicide.
In America there a phenomenon of – death by cop – where the person purposely goes out in a hail of police bullets.
“But Police aren’t routinely armed with Ak47s in Cheshire..” I hear you say , ok.
perhaps – death by Chav?
Sunak & Hunt have no fear of losing the next election because they have to satisfy a higher master than the British Public. As a consequence, they will work assiduously with the time left to impose the WEF’s policies by overcoming any objections.
Richard Sharp: PM declines to say if he backs under fire BBC chairman
… and here’s todays new headline beating the agenda drum.
This is a complete pointless headline and has been conjured up simply so they can repeat the entire story once again and keep it current. There is nothing new in that article : it’s simply there to repeat old news.
Will OFCOM pull the BBC up for this incredible bias ?. Of course not. They want rid of him as well so a proper ‘BBC type’ can take the job.
It’s absolutely outrageous.
What also gets my goat are the activist idiots who go around claiming people like Sharp being appointed prove the BBC is right-wing.
Guessing the green card pm didn’t need to take a bung ( arrange a ‘loan guarantee “) from a ‘donor ‘- remember – Blighty is one of the least corrupt countries ( I laughed ) …
I think nut nut will have to amend his honours list ….
Mr sharp was highly qualified to chair the BBc because he could use a remote …
Not bbc
The emir of londonistan is apparently meeting ‘resistance ‘ and ‘fury’ from Londoners who are taxpayers when they realise they will be paying 12.50 for his ULEZ scheme …. Cum August.
His website is already proclaiming it – he can put cameras up in enemy boroughs whether they approve or not it seems .
But like so much in public life it is polarised between decent honest taxpayers are various benefits addicts , green types and socialists ….
I think it’s another tactic to purge the 32 boroughs of anyone who might not vote for him – as well as get the funding he desperately needs to keep his caliphate afloat …
… my car is already sold because of him . You might guess what I wish for him . …..
Starmer supports Saddick all the way
Or at least he did in January.
A few videos of plod being camped to provide emergency service access.
Be a shame if the little weasel had a bad oyster.
All part of the drive against personal choice and ownership – encourage taxpayers to risk their lives on buses … if the whole of londonistan goes ULEZ – you ll be on the receiving end within 5 years .
There is no democracy .
The Hi-Rez – 2+2=5 (Official Music Video)
.. I think it’s full of righty YouTubers doing cameos JP From AwakenWithJP is handing over his pronouns
This morning it was noticed the doors of many a TV studio were flung open to usher in a a Labour ShadCab whinger to trot out some PR to highly paid nod along anchors.
I found this from over a dozen years ago, and it’s still relevant, I guess! ‘Working’ from home allows so much frustration to spill over – on the British Citizen that is, not the10-4 skiver…
Dear Sirs,
I’m in the process of renewing my passport, and still cannot believe this.
How is it that Sky Television has my address and telephone number and knows that I bought a bleeding satellite dish from them back in 1977, and yet, the Government is still asking me where I was bloody born and on what date.
For goodness sake, do you guys do this by hand? My birth date you have on my pension book, and it is on all the income tax forms I’ve filed for the past 30 years. It is on my National Health card, my driving licence, my car insurance, on the last eight damn passports I’ve had, on all those stupid customs declaration forms I’ve had to fill out before being allowed off the plane over the last 30 years, and all those insufferable census forms.
Would somebody please take note, once and for all, that my mother’s name is Mary Anne, my father’s name is Robert and I’d be abso-fucking-lutely astounded if that ever changed between now and when I die!
I apologise, I’m really pissed off this morning. Between you an’ me, I’ve had enough of this bullshit! You send the application to my house, then you ask me for my address!
What is going on? Do you have a gang of Neanderthal arseholes workin’ there? Look at my damn picture. I just want to go and park my arse on some sandy beach somewhere. And would someone please tell me, why would you give a shit whether I plan on visiting a farm in the next 15 days? If I ever got the urge to do something weird to a chicken or a goat, believe you me, you’d be the last people I’d want to tell!
Well, I have to go now, ’cause I have to go to the other end of the poxy city to get another copy of my birth certificate, to the tune of £30. Would it be so complicated to have all the services in the same spot to assist in the issuance of a new passport the same day?? Nooooo, that’d be too damn easy and maybe makes sense. You’d rather have us running all over the place like chickens with our heads cut off, then have to find some arsehole to confirm that it’s really me on the damn picture – you know, the one where we’re not allowed to smile?! (bureaucratic morons) Hey, do you know why we couldn’t smile if we wanted to? Because we’re totally pissed off!
An Irate Citizen.
P.S. Remember what I said above about the picture and getting someone to confirm that it’s me? Well, my family has been in this country since 1776. I have served in the military for something over 30 years and have had full security clearances over 25 of those years enabling me to undertake highly secretive missions all over the world.
However, I have to get someone ‘important’ to verify who I am – you know, someone like my doctor WHO WAS BORN AND RAISED SOMEPLACE I NEVER HEARD OF!
from You Sure The Hell Should Know Who.
In a way it shows the lack of judgement of red labour . They must have known the likes of growler would be challenged over the apple products … but they must have balanced that against the ‘common touch ‘ growler appears to have when on daytime television ….
ITV local newsPR
“and at the local bird reserve less birds are present as we warm up due to Climate Change”
FFS warm ? We still have a frost most nights
and cold breeze
So the headline is NARRATIVE not truth
Just as rivers change course over the decades bird species favourite nesting spots change and flow over the decades”
We get to the actual on site bird expert
and he explains that they now get more of species X. Y, Z and less of A, B, C
One big factor is cos their has been recovery of the big birds. more smaller birds get eaten, or stay away
Oh BBC local news “We’ll be talking about whether Kittiwakes could get wiped out by a new wind farm”
A new paper has estimated that 13 million people worldwide have been killed by the COVID mRNA jabs, as of 16th January 2023. That’s twice as many as were killed by the COVID virus. Found using a causal association between excess-mortality and mRNA jabs:
Put simply, the mRNA jabs do not produce immunity to the virus. They make human cells produce spike proteins which puncture red blood cells, producing what looks like white blood clots, which cause all types of damage to all the organs of the body, producing infertility, brain damage, myocarditis, etc, and sudden death.
It also means that over a billion people alive are suffering from mRNA jab injuries.
Don’t worry – it will all come out in the public inquiry ……
…. I wouldn’t normally say this …. But maybe the public inquiry is a bit premature because stuff is still coming out …
Also – don’t laugh – this is an international issue – so the WHO would – in an uncorrupted world – hold a global inquiry …..
Think of the money big pharma must be spending making sure that can never happen …
OK I switched that video montage off
#1 I have seen the bits before
#2 I hate such brainwashing trickery of cutting up stuff and adding background music and crazy zooms
Anybody know where I can sell my old bits of gold and jewellery?
Or become a telephone mentor for a charity ?
Or buy a funeral plan ?
It’s all a result of the WokeSupremacist corps being weak and getting intimidated into refusing to advertise on GBN and TalkTV
These ads have become so annoying I have been reduced to muting the sound whenever they come on.
Funny thing was – watching GBNews in London – I used to get gold shops in Cardiff to sell my unneeded gold stuff … like wedding and engagement rings … sniff ..
I don’t think an ad should start with “you know that nice warm feeling you have………..”
Usually after six pints of Stella.
“Anybody know where I can sell my old bits of gold and jewellery?”
I think there’s a place in South Wales?
Is that that footballer
.. Peter Couch ?
Offsider input.
China says US balloons breached airspace at least 10 times
Of course they did. Finally a speck of balance in this crazy world of rhetoric, propaganda and brainwashing the Leftist media have been bombarding us with since Brexit.
Brianna Ghey’s death has left massive hole, says family
I think we can assume that the continuation of this story after 2 people have been arrested means they are white.
Unlike Sabina Nessa and all the others murdered by the enrichment where the story was instantly dropped.
Brianna is boy – transitioning, a fact which only seems to be mentioned in my newspaper.
BBC2 Only Connect
☑ Participant who looks like a freak
It’s a free world , but this prog seems to disproportionately pick them
At least the other team looked normal. The narcissistic twat with his? effing annoying mannerisms needs what my late father-in-law used to say about such people – a good kick up the arse!
Ha, ha ,ha I had exactly the same thoughts Stew. It’s frigging bizarre, they must go out looking for them on purpose!
Perhaps it’s like a Masonic thing where to get on the show you have to go through an initiation ritual to prove how away with the birds you are!
I felt embarrassed for the other team, having to take on that bunch of loons. The girl knew some stuff though, even if we had to be told “it is a very homosexual book”, as if I needed to know that.
“Dennis” with no surname was another odd one on the same team. One wonders what he has to hide.
Do Labour Lie ?
Lisa Nandy on Question Time
“I have had many a robust debate with Lee Anderson”
Lee Anderson MP
“Errr no Lisa.
I do not recall one single debate with you.
I literally have never spoken to you in my life.
Feel free to show me the proof from Hansard.
Is it now Labour policy to just make things up?
Tweet and video
Labourmob reply with whataboutery
BTW Anderson DID tell his mate lie to pretend to be a swing voter
In the Radio Nottingham interview he says everyone lies, as if he means it’s part of the political GAME
He probably learnt that when he himself was a Labour Councillor
A little hypothesis to try to understand what the hell is going on in Ukraine.
Replace the events and countries with ones closer to home in a hypothetical situation,
Imagine Southern Ireland (EIRA) deciding to absorb Northern Ireland through force of arms because they believed they “owned” it.
To achieve this they send their troops into Northern Ireland to crush any pro UK sentiment as happened to the Russian favouring and speaking population in the Donbas over the last few years.
The UK would then be forced to send in forces to oppose the “absorption” by sending an army into the region, this would be followed by calls from the Southern Irish to their mates in the EU for support and arms due to the invasion by the nasty UK.
The UK forces would lock horns with the Southern Irish to try to drive them back out of the region and back to the original border.
The EU would be obliged to send “aid” to their mates in Southern Ireland. not least because of a clandestine dislike for the UK generally.
At this point the Western World would have to pick sides. Putin being a bogey man is an easy target for the west.
The rest is just lots of people losing their lives for purely political reasons to support a bunch of people who could easily turn out to be henchmen at best
Digg … interesting … the bit you left out was the nuclear weapons and self interest ,
There’s no coherent ‘western interest ‘ every one has different exposure to making nice with ‘Southern Ireland ‘( Russia)….
But generally on the model – Russia v Ukraine – Russia has a bench of reserves – every time ukraine loses a player russia can put another ten on – and Russia can buy 10x players that Ukraine ( nato ) will pay …
How can Russia not ‘win ‘ with so many people available – all think they are fighting for mother Russia against the queer liberals in the Westv…
Train full of nasty chemicals blows up but this twerp prattles about white men in construction…
What’s below a moron on the insult menu?
Maybe it’s been brought back by stealth and it’s a requirement for new MPs at Westminster?
Lotus Eaters about Knowsley : I haven’t watched it
I thought it might start a debate
Bet their council taxes are lower under Dr. Ros.
Plus no water rates or utility bills.
All the really important news!
I know this site is about the BBC but I was unfortunate enough to catch ITV News At Ten earlier. Alright, they’re not in receipt of the licence fee but it’s every bit as awful as anything the Beeb puts out.
WH Press Secretary Karine Jean-Perre makes a jokey statement about those balloons not being ETs, so ITV show us the “Gimbal” and “Go Fast” cockpit videos from years ago purported by some to be UFOs. Really, what bearing do they have on the story?
OK they continued coverage of the Turkish earthquakes but then finished with a couple of race-baity items: Patrick Vieira whingeing about the lack of black football managers at the top level, and U.S. film director Spike Lee being made a fellow of the BFI. Lee, wearing comedy glasses, was in much the same mode and said what he really wanted to see was a black James Bond.
The undigested cherry on top of this pile of crap is anchor Tom Bradby. Full of unwarranted self-regard and sucking his breath in at every pronouncement, I really can’t bear him.
Trick – but the great thing is … if you don’t watch ITV it has an affect on their advertising revenue – the BBC needs no one .
Carolyn McCall – chief executive of ITV since 2018
McCall was born on 13 September 1961 in Bangalore, India.
On graduation she began training as a teacher, completing a year at Holland Park School. She then gained a master’s degree in politics from the University of London
‘After rising to become CEO of Guardian Newspapers Ltd (now Guardian News & Media Ltd) in August 2006,[7] she became CEO of the Guardian Media Group.’
‘She is a creator of BritBox, a subscription video service venture in partnership with the BBC ‘
I’ve noticed how ITV is every bit as bad as the BBC these days.
No surprise at all really. Clearly very politically motivated and her career at the Guardian shows us which way.
Not forgetting CEO of Easy Jet
Why do they need a fucking black James Bond. He is white FFS. Go and watch Shaft then.
TheBBC loves strong professional women right? Lyse Doucet in the rubble in Turkey after the earthquake, right? Equal to any male reporter? So why were the women being filmed in Tirkey doing nothing? Of course losing everything in the ruins is dreadful but couldn’t they find one woman active in the digging instead of old biddies being told to collapse for the camera? It happened at least a couple of times.
But I am seriously worried. They showed a man in uniform organising a hospital. I thought it was an Israeli uniform. The Israelis usually send people to disasters as they are experienced at getting people out. But the BBC on the 6pm news said that over 100 countries INCLUDING ISRAEL had sent people to help. I think the BBC are having a temporary go at briefly halting antiIsrael bias because they need evidence for a government committee that they are even handed in the Middle East. And they will publish the Balen report when?
A Global leader in the feminist movement, Naomi Wolf, banned from Twitter following an accurate tweet warning women of menstrual harms following mRNA jabs. Now watching the evil people who banned her and other journalists & scientists who researched the mRNA jabs. Looking at sacked members of the “Ministry of Truth” Yoel Roth, Anika Collier Navaroli, Vijaya Gadde and Carol Crawford talking about the dangers of “free speech”. The evil agents behind full on Stalinist type persecution of innocent Americans to collude illegally with the government to decide what can be said in America. Evil people who assisted in the injury and death of many millions of people:
Funny how there is a ‘cost of living crisis ‘but Britain can still raise £50 million to send to Turkey . Maybe it’s the Muslim brothers ….
Well at least she didn’t say the wheels on the bus go around and round?
looked at the replies
She is amazing … 4 . More . Years ….
The stupid, stupid koo thinks the USB is only possible because it is an electric bus.
Don’t you realise her mind operates at a far higher level than mere mortals like you and me ? She has the promise of being a truly Great US president – elected using the Obama / Biden method in a 110% landslide…
I hope so : they deserve her.
Unfortunately Biden is intent on starting world war 3 before his last marble drops out.
I rather enjoyed this 21 1/2 minute video.
Get woke, go broke.
With cameos of Donald J. Trump and John Wayne.
Why does the BBC not report all the nnws?
Today watch
It looks like potential candidates for the post of chairman of the BBC are popping up to cut the throat of that nice chap who got the job from his pal boris Johnson . There was no impropriety in Richard wotsit arranging a £800 000 loan guarantee for nut nut via another decent chap .
Last night dimbleby £ minor popped up on the newsnight show to monster the chairman chap and I’ve just listened to Baroness Dame Lady Patience Wheatcroft explaining that the chairman’s position is untenable even though she says nobody did anything wrong .
As I listened I mused about how Dame Patience got her gong . Did she not do anything wrong but arrange a loan for someone ?
Who nominated her for an unelected role for life where she help write laws controlling our lives .? Just a thought .
Im against the House of Lords because it is the source of corruption in the UK – and baroness patience is an example of the entitlement it engenders .
However if someone wants to offer me a peerage because I’m a good chap – I’d more than be honoured to accept it £ . My morality will always be for sale £ – alright Patience ?£
Comrade Robinson let HRH patience wittle on and on about this swamp story – but if it undermines the bbc that can only be a good thing .
Maybe the chairman can be elected ? Candidate mark steyn perhaps?
Michigan State: Three killed in shooting at university
This caught my eye as it’s a breaking story yet only made a small sub-pane on the front page. It would be a front-page, ‘Breaking news’ story on another day.
‘Sara Khadem: Top Iran chess player exiled for refusing headscarf’ gets a bigger font.
I suspected why. And sure enough, here he is:
‘Police described the suspect as “a black male, shorter in stature”.’
The ONLY reason the BBC describe a criminal as black these days is when it’s stated directly in a police statement which will stick out a mile to fact-checkers if they don’t.
One thing is 100% certain : if they tell us the criminal is black, there is no way on Earth they will identify the colour of the victims if they are white.
BBC : institutionally racist.
Today watch
Our Justin interviews some kraut woman who had – allegedly – doggie poo smeared on her face – apparently because she gave a bad review to a dance chap .
It seems smearing doggie poo on German faces triggers something in BBC types …. being stabbed with a knife – just not interested ….
Our Justin was very awake with this story . But no mention of what type of dog produced the poo . Or how to clean poo of the face … maybe YouTube has something .
Today hit rock bottom …..
Aunty cooling on Krankie’s Shangri La?
The Labour Party, their unofficial spokesmen at the BBC…indeed most of the media, were very quick to condemn the demonstrators against the asylum hotel as “Far right.” There’s not a syllable of truth in that, as far as I can see…
Several young girls have been harassed by men from the centre, while they walked to and from school. Quite understandably the local community weren’t happy with the situation. And sadly, as usual, the police, media and useless politicians took their familiar stance when young white girls are being molested by foreign men…and did sweet FA.
As for the ugly attacks on police, well…
According to eyewitnesses, a truckload of men arrived, all clad in black, wearing hoods, carrying sledgehammers and immediately set about the police. To me, this seems to have the fingerprints of Antifa all over it.
But what do the myopic media choose to see? Their regular whipping boys, the bogeymen of the far right.
That just doesn’t ring true…
Beeboid Bike Club
They do love their selfies.
Another useless product of the BBC hiring policy who is churning out complete rubbish because they have to be given something to do.
Chinese balloon sensors recovered from ocean, says US
Just having a titter at this balloon farce and the BBC’s attempts to take it seriously.
As well as put up a video of that activist black spokewoman at the White House.
But my favourite bit – after all the claims they could not shoot the first one down over the middle on nowhere in case it landed on a cow who didn’t see it coming – was this:
‘In the Lake Huron strike, the first Sidewinder missile fired by the US F-16 warplane missed its target and exploded in an unknown location’
And no BBC report is complete these days with something in the text which shows just what low calibre reporters their current recruitment rules employ:
‘Efforts are under way to collect debris from where the other objects were blown out of the sky.’
Brought to you by ‘Max Matza’ whose was also trusted to bring you other heavyweight articles such as:
‘Mars Wrigley factory fined after two workers fall into chocolate vat’
‘Man held after US congresswoman Angie Craig pours hot coffee on assailant’
The second article had that usual BBC style where you feel like they aren’t telling you everything. Sure enough, here’s the suspect the BBC failed to identify:
Délinquants sans papiers edition
Champions League final: Uefa ‘responsible’ for chaos before Liverpool v Real Madrid in Paris (BBC)
Our national broadcaster may well place the term ‘responsible’ between scare quotes – afterall, it wasn’t those Uefa officials, in their smart ties and badged blazers causing the aggro, they wouldn’t have been short of a corporate ticket or two to attend the match.
Our BBC soon doubles down on the punctuation: Uefa bears “primary responsibility” for the chaotic scenes that “almost led to disaster”… says an independent report.
Putting up a smoke screen to rival the teargas the British fans were subjected to outside Paris’s Stade de France, our BBC comes closest to naming the actual culprits with the tentative accusation – “J’Accuse…!”: large groups of locals gaining entry to the stadium and a failure to police them
Shortly after the final, a spokesperson for France’s independent police commissioner’s union… told the BBC’s Newshour that it was down to “three or four hundred French and undocumented delinquents” who had gained access to the stadium’s concourse.
So finally, in this misbegotten football cup final story, we get there. As is often the way with our BBC, blink and you’d miss it.
In other news: Nicola Bulley: Parish councillors receive vile messages, leader says (BBC) – in terms of resourceful journos attempting a new line on a story that’s had no real developments for a week (needs must) that’s a fascinating angle for our BBC to want to explore. Oh, how they dream of a more strictly policed social media and communication regime.
It’s not that the BBC aren’t ever attracted by a story with a nasty streak: Name a cockroach after your ex for Valentine’s Day (BBC)
In defence news…
The flak is heaviest over the target, as they say… balloons popping everywhere – it was like a five-year-old’s birthday party
Rishi: RAF are ready to shoot down spy balloons (Daily Mail) – one can’t help but imagine our post-diversity hiring drive flyboys and flygirls and fly-non-gender-specifics poncing about popping a ballon with eyes tight shut, wincing at the consequent loud bang.
The cockroach story pricked my interest. It’s all about expressing hate.
But it seems that according to the BBC, when women vent hate at men, it’s called ‘releasing negative energy’.
And as we all know, the Left are full to the brim with ‘negative energy’.
Julia McKenzie has a job . She is the “comedy and entertainment commissioning editor “ for BBC Radio 4.
She has been tasked with finding humour and stuff ‘from across the political spectrum by the controller and director of speech -one Mohit Bakaya .
This site should help young Julia with her task . How about a comedy sit com with Hitler and Stalin sharing a bed sit with idi amin as the landlord ? Think of all the boxes that ticks. Hitler can be played by a Muslim girl ( plenty of choice ) – Stalin can be played by a white hetero ( very limited choice ) …..
I remember years back driving home from work at 6.30 listening to comedy on R4 that did make you laugh, now R4 and all BBC stations are deleted from the radio’s pre-sets.
Ah, a national farce…
It’s obvious what the Chinese balloons are about. They are spreading the next Covid virus………….or doing a trial run
Perhaps the balloons which went awry were just the latest way of delivering Chinese takeaways to the White House.😂😂
Can’t understand why our meeeedia are getting their panties in such a bunch about spy balloons.
Probably every single digital camera in: security cameras, ANPR cameras, laptops, drones, UK government offices, etc etc is likely made in CHINNNAAAAAA.
Putting in a backdoor would be easy.
After all we all want to see a picture of Hancock with his tongue half-way down the throat of his employee. Don’t we?
Ukrainian conscription drive, to fill the trenches, not getting any coverage at the BBC, funny because they were all over the recent Russian one.
Short “press ganging” Video from Odessa:
Nato chiefs meet in bid to boost Ukraine ammunition and arms
‘Stop all this bloodshed by sending lots more weapons’
Can anybody explain to me what this conflict has to do with NATO ?.
And why is nobody asking the question ?.
IIRC, distrust of NATO was cited by Putin as a main reason for the invasion.
I’m not debating the value to the world of reducing Russia to ruins. But why do I get the feeling it’s all about regime change and someone friendly being in charge when China make a few thousand more stealth aircraft and tanks then invade Taiwan.
It worked great in Iraq : what could possibly go wrong ?.
If Ukraine lose, we all lose .
Depends what you mean by ‘lose’ taffman.
At the moment I see only 2 alternatives : Russia are ousted from ALL of Ukraine or World War 3 and nuclear weapons.
And the first one isn’t going to happen. Despite everything we have sent, Ukraine are still losing.
Our best chance is that Russia take a line somewhere down the Eastern side of Ukraine then decide it’s enough and stay there and we have the equivalent of North/South Korea.
Yes – Russian resources are huge . All that oil money plus population . The west will get fed up sooner or later and push for a ‘settlement ‘ – maybe a year or two .
Would Russia use nuclear weapons ? Just cannot see it unless putin is certain that the response is acceptable .
It is said that countries which are not is the US sphere have a more sympathetic view of what putin is doing and we do not realise that of factor it in ….
… also – if putin used nuclear weapons china might use that to trigger the inevitable attack on Taiwan …..
None of this will make Blighty a better place to be …..
I see there’s a few Companies here making big money out of supplying used Military Vehicles to Ukraine…..nothing changes in War it’s always about the money 💰 , Brief look at BBC breakfast earlier and no Surprise it’s still utterly Cr-p !
I reckon there are a lot of people questioning the ratcheting engagement of NATO. The clown Stoltenberg is merely the PR face of the outfit.
The muted coverage of “get all your citizens out of Russia!” is a worrying development.
The war fanboys are a scary crew – just a shame that people like America’s Lindsay Graham (and a few Tory weekend warrior UK MPs) can’t be shipped out to trenches in Donbas for a taster.