Apparently there is dismay at the BBC about the appointment of the Chairman . The Chairman was , apparently , involved in financial dealings with Prime Minister Boris Johnson prior to appointment . There is no suggestion of corruption of course – and no rules were broken . But politicians make the rules …anything undermining the Far Left BBC is good for us eh?
Start the week 13 February 2023
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“UK ready to defend against spy balloons – Rishi Sunak”
Horse – Gate & Bolt .
Check out police drones .
Nena “99 RED Balloons”. This song has a new meaning ?
Bandwagon jumping idiot. Nowhere Starmer of course, but still the wrong side of the line.
The next election is going to have the lowest turnout in decades and Labour will win by a smaller-than-expected majority if the Tories don’t sort themselves out.
And the Leftists media will fake surprise at The Reform party doing better than anticipated. But they have no chance because they will not get any positive coverage in the run-up.
99 balloons was an anti-war song, no doubt celebrated by the same group of people who are now demanding we send lots more weapons to Ukraine.
Let’s all sing ‘It’s all gone quiet over there’. Can you hear us ‘Stop The War’ ?.
First pictures emerging from US military of unidentified object shot down over Alaska..
Sure? Word is there was a Beagle in a Camel sighted.
99 would not be complete without a closer inspection of the lyrics:
“Council tax: Millions facing 5% increases from April”
For more ex ‘Younee’ pen pushers ?
“Labour’s David Lammy promises new UK-EU security pact”
Why ? We already have NATO .
Has Mr Lammy forgotten that we voted for Brexit?
Mastermind Lammy was one of those attending the (now not so) secret conference at Ditchley Park last week.
Brexit in Peril – The secret two-day meeting between Government and Rejoiners (Part 1)
Brexit in Peril, Part 2 – The secret Government and Rejoiners’ conference last week
Facts4EU provide a useful who’s who of the attendees. This includes the repulsive Angus Lapsley who constantly advised ministers to join EU military schemes.
This isn’t going to subside until…
Ford to cut one in five jobs in the UK
The bBC opened a Have Your Say on this… Although this says jobs will go in the UK and also in Europe – some of the idiots still blame this on Brexit
This is only the beginning. Only the wealthy will be able to afford and run EV’s with charging points in their detached houses with double garages in leafy lanes.
Ordinary Joe will be simply pushed out of private car ownership and will hence pick up most of the cost and live a severely limited life,
Green describes the poorer people who will be at the sharp end of this mania as it picks up but we’ll just keep WEF-ing along until it’s a done deal.
BBC India offices searched by income tax officials
“But Gaurav Bhatia, a spokesman from Mr Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), described the BBC as the “most corrupt organisation in the world”.
Who would of thought it, the bBC maybe corrupt, or doing something illegal
I’d wouldn’t bother with the BBC’s take
I’d go straight to the Indian Minister
Union Minister Anurag Thakur
Income Tax Dept conducts surveys from time to time where irregularities are found,
& when survey is completed, they give information.
When this survey of IT will be completed, we’ll give you all that information in detail:
video and story
officials said the survey was being carried out to investigate issues related to international taxation and transfer pricing of BBC subsidiary companies, and alleged that the BBC had been served with notices in the past but was “defiant and non-compliant” and had significantly diverted its profits.
… Accusing the Congress of supporting anti-India narratives, BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia said, ” BBC is the most corrupt organisation in the world. BBC propaganda matches with Congress agenda”.
anti-Modi newspaper
Black education activists in the US want all white children to be taught to be ashamed and anxious over the activities of their white forefathers which impacted on black people.
Here’s another idea, why not at the same time teach all black children in the US to be ashamed and anxious over the almost complete lack of human progress in their forefathers lands by their forefathers, a situation which is indirectly responsible for their situation today?
… and teach them to be ashamed at the vastly disproportionate crime and murder carried out by black people.
And when they say it’s because of white racism, point them to South Africa or any other sh1thole in that region and tell them it gets 10 times worse when black people govern themselves.
Admitting a problem is the first step.
All children should be taught that without the white race the rest of them would still be living in mud huts and throwing spears to get their dinner. It’s true…
There were no cities or civilisations in darkest Africa before the arrival of the white man. Native Africans hadn’t progressed for tens of thousands of years. They were mainly nomadic tribes who, if hungry enough, could indulge in cannibalism. How quaint…
Australia was no better. The Aboriginals, for whom I have a lot of sympathy, had built nothing on the land. They would eat things that even the pottiest green zealot would turn their nose up at. Now it’s a modern thriving, industrialised first world nation with skyscrapers, lush cities and cuisine from all over the world. It’s little short of a miracle. Left to the Aboriginal people they would still be hunting with boomerangs and foraging for underground centipedes. Yummy!
The inventive genius of white people is phenomenal. That big silver bird that soars across the skies wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for white genius. Do you think a man would ever have set foot on the Moon? Don’t be silly.
The automobile, television, nearly all modern medicine, virtually all literature, art and music are the product of the white race.
Without white people the modern world doesn’t exist. Simples.
Teach them that…
You mean Wakanda isn’t real?
BBC reports that candle lit vigils are planned for boy turned girl Brianna Ghey, whose murder cannot be condoned in any circumstance.
This may confuse the statisticians. Because according to the ONS, twice as many men as women are killed by strangers in percentage terms. But the murder rate for men is two and a half times that of women. So a murder by a stranger affects ( i.e. kills) FIVE times more men than women.
A fact not mentioned by the BBC.
And no vigils for them either.
Proof? Am I a ‘Far Right’ extremist making this stuff up?
You judge.
Quite right Sluff.
I have absolutely nothing against vigils and demands for action against those who commit these murders.
It’s the gross, shameful hypocrisy and double standards of the activists behind them which I detest. The life of a normal, heterosexual white male is worthless to them. They only care about their agenda. Not the person who got killed.
I’m tired of Candle lit vigils, especially nationwide one, and here in this schoolboy park death case. there’s zero details about what exactly happened.
Kind of bigoted to jump to conclusion that Brian was innocent, solely based on his transvestism.
How do we know he wasn’t running about with a knife threatening people, and ended up getting stabbed himself.
£65,000 so far in the gofundme for the anonymous parents, not bad.
Accidents will happen
Omissions of the gentleman’s immigration status will happen too.
A normal occurrence in Londistan! My machine gun accidentally went off – good one!
When you think of someone from the UK, does that photo above spring to mind ? Not currently it doesn’t, but who knows in 100 years time.
What I find amazing is that it’s written as if it’s quite normal to have a submachine gun and was just unlucky that it went off.
Part and parcel of living in a big city.
Somebody said that once, didn’t they?
Luckily rare.
Possibly not as rare as a 1 in 10,000,000 chance of suffering an adverse medically historical reaction to your parents opting to live on a busy road in a city likely less polluted than the old place, but that is what Uzi zones are for now.
Londonistan Evening News has the story of the 6 ‘Rolex rippers’ who are pending sentences for a variety of very violent central londonistan robberies . The paper website helpfully published pictures of the vermin . Now where’s that death penalty when you want it ? ……
It seems they posed wearing stolen watches and posted pictures on social media – brains? Not so much ….
Comical thing is Rolex watches aren’t even stylish, just an ostentatious lump.
Mine never tells the time accurately …
Chinese Rolex?
Putin has a bright idea for migrants – send them to fight in Ukraine.
Wonder of Rasheed might consider sending some very experienced dinghy sailors to help his pal, Velensky
Hello GWF
I read with interest the link you mentioned
By Abdujalil Abdurasulov
“Ukraine war: Migrants in Russia forced to fight in Putin’s war”
Article then goes on to offer zero proof of forced. More like offered a Ukraine trip as an alternative to staying in prison or deportation.
The same BBC were telling us that Russia would take a very long time to train and integrate the last mobilisation.
“More 16-24-year-olds get jobs as living costs bite”
About time ! Too many kids wasting time and money getting useless degrees .
Their colleagues will see that work is financially the better choice for them .
I must point out the latest PC idiocy from the ever more woke “Vera”. The usual mixed race couple in a 98% white city, of course. A butch lesbian detective wearing a suit and tie, naturally. But an obese, wheelchair bound man working as a police sergeant? I must applaud Vera’s writers, that really does bang the gong for a new level of woke reality.
I can’t wait o see what they come up with next!
Maybe they could go left field and employ some Geordies in a show meant to be set in Newcastle? According to Vera, most Novocastrians seem to be from Manchester or Leeds, judging by their accents.
Rob, still wading my way through Silent Witness – now on Series 24, and yep there was a SIO in a wheelchair – being pushed around by his junior assistant who was shown laying down ramps at every doorway! (as if ) then there is the disabled Clarissa in a disabled chair who seems to attend scenes of crimes without the slightest problem – even an aircraft disaster in the middle of a forest. !
Moves like a Dalek whilst uttering: “Exterminate, exterminate”.
Sorry, that’s Chris Witty.
A truly equal society has been achieved when “no one is safe until no one is safe”
If denzel can fly one any one can …..
… but more seriously – if there is one job where you just cannot drop stands in order to get coloured folk doing it – it’s gotta be flying ….innit ?
Fedup the FAA recently relaxed EKG limits for heart problems on pilot medicals. Fact checkers assure us this is nothing to do with the vaxx program they were forced into.
It’s fine… have another mini packet of nuts and relax… ‘we’re all in it together’…
Terminal – maybe ‘do a GBNews’ and put one of those defibrillators in the cockpit …. No stress in piloting …
Bit like the Met’s new recruits…………..
When I’m flying I am always reassured that the pilot is a diversity hire.
Seems like a reasonable question to many, but the BBC disinformation officer isn’t keen.
Following the science? Trusted and impartial? Not any more… ‘don’t ask the wrong type of questions’ is the BBC way. They’re the thin end of the wedge to evidence and knowledge, and that just won’t do.
The Pfizer Documents Investigation Team found that the COVID vaccine is not safe and effective for pregnant women:

Wendling is on a power trip where he not only decides truth, but also who gets to ask questions.
When not blocking folk.
That the BBC has him on staff is entirely understandable.
Has he been nominated for anything too?
This guy Wendling needs to be taught the difference between democracy and nazism.
Millions of green jobs.?
. Ford to cut one in five jobs in the UK
davylars….This is the beginning of the slide to total “green” chaos. The Chinese must be rubbing their hands at massive increase in trade that this will usher in for them.
In view of the fact that Net Zero cannot and will not happen. Physically impossible. Surely some in Government know this?
World at one – the far left BBC suddenly gets enthusiastic about ‘trade ‘ when it comes to the EU and the UK outside it .
For the BBC -trade -is the only thing that matters . They had some traitor remainer called drexler going on about how being outside the EU is bad for trade .
Well maybe . But leaving the EU was and is about something more than trade – But They Just Don’t Get it .
It’s a shame the political class is doing all it can to frustrate us outside the EU- we can’t even sink dinghies in the channel ….or throw trash out of the UK …. ( yes I know the ECHR is not the EU but it’s the same mentality ) ….
Richard Sharp: BBC chairman faces fresh calls to resign
Veteran BBC broadcaster Mr Dimbleby told the BBC’s Newsnight: “What [Mr Sharp] should do honourably is fall on his sword.”
Todays installment of the campaign which will not stop until he is gone.
And once more they fabricate a headline from nothing then repeat the ENTIRE story yet again.
Another BBC witch hunt to get rid of someone they don’t want.
Where are you OFCOM ?. You have failed miserably.
OFCOM is the BBC – dimbleby wants the job – sponsored by his mate Charlie Windsor …
The outgoing bbc chairman will hang around for a while and then resign for ‘family reasons ‘and for his peerage …
Very briefly appearing on the BBC website the story about the Indian Government raiding BBC India offices over income tax fraud suspicions.
Seems to have gone now so you need to google it to find out more info.
BBC India like their mothership in this country have been engaging in a left-wing style attack on what is a fairly right-wing Indian Government and the Government appear to be hitting back, fairly or otherwise.
Of course no fears of that happening here, our BBC UK would never indulge in a sustained attack on the current Conservative government would they?
Just watched an insurance commercial on TV. Of course the usual mixed race happy family with the only white person being the father.
This commercial however breaks new ground as in this case he is simply a photo on a coffee mug and is actually dead.
Wishful thinking by the production team maybe?
One less …..
An ever growing list of companies who appear not to want business from the white man. I’m happy to oblige.
Yeah I’m fed up with being reminded my country has turned in effing Africa …. Sainsburys … ugh —-
(Cc Brigade 77 security file )
Me too : I don’t fund racist companies.
Further to Angela Rayner’s comments on profligate spending.
Every Labour Government has run the country out of money. Labour local Authorities are always profligate.
If Rayner is talking about the Civil Service, fair enough, the Tories have let it run but Labour have always had poor financial control.
If Rayner is talking about MP and Ministers expenses, Labour Politicians have always filled their boots. Look at Tony Bliar, he shredded his expenses claims so there must have been a lot to hide
Come to think of it, the Bliar expenses story doesn’t make sense. Why would he be in possession of the only copy of his expenses claims? Surely those claims would have to be submitted to the Civil Service oppo for processing so they would have a copy? I suspect collusion.
Im guessing the BBC won’t be putting up a picture of Anthony Mckrae – named campus killer from yesterday ……..
Wont find this on the BBC webshite:
or this:
Harri: The designer behind Sam Smith’s inflatable Brit Awards suit
The bBC is proud and favourable “reporting”
But all over the internet in the real world people are taking the P 🙂
Only in the bbc bubble
The Brit Awards, like the Grammys, were a grotesque freak show, at times demonic, watched by millions, feted by the BBC.
Bread and Circuses.
The fag end of a terminally diseased civilisation.
As Christianity perishes under the management of clowns like Welby and Francis, what comes next? Islam… Extreme Wokery… ever more depravity… Chinese Communism… meaningless consumerism?
Wonder if any of our glorious leaders involved but as yet undetected:
BBC News
“I think where we are in the world right now, we just want to get up there and bring some joy and positivity.”
They are quoting someone else, of course.
As the BBC reports the latest Banksy art work, does it report the latest ‘arrivals’ on the beaches at Dover ?
I am still waiting to see Rishi’s “Five Point Plan”.
“Brexit created frictions in trade, says work and pensions secretary Mel Stride”
A Tory ‘Nudge’ to get us back in to the EU ? IMHO the Tories are aiming for a BRINO .
We have not fully left !
Vote for The Reform Party next time.
Labour and by extension the BBC is anti car . Yet when ford announces the excellenf news that it is to make 2000 people unemployed it reacts with dismay . Surely less cars is good right ?
Meanwhile – burn that diesel … lots of it …destroy UlEZ zones .
Twitter account for RSPB is @Natures_Voice
Bio : Protecting habitats, saving species,
and helping to end the nature and climate *emergency*.
Nature is in crisis.
Together we can save it. 💙
DramaGreens dramaqueening
MOST of nature is going on fine
Nature is stronger than human beings
There are some problems to do with habit loss
There is no reason to panic about 1 or 2 animals here and there
Animals often have 8 in a litter and ultimately only 2 or 3 survive
Katie-jo Luxton, RSPB’s director of conservation. was on BBC local NewsPR last night
Talking about the danger windfarms pose to birds in the Flamborough and Filey area
“particularly kittiiwakes who afre REd listed”
Finally RSPB caring about birds instead of pseudo green corps who donate them money
Then the local enviro reporter comse on speaking as if he’s reading from a Wind Industry PR sheet
Spurn org have been monitoring for 40 years and they now belive more research is needed into the effect of wind industry”
.. FFS bit late now
BBC “CONSERVATIONIST believe offshore wind is vital if offshore wind is to be tackled, but thy want the windfarms monitored”
That first part is wind PR BS
The term “far right” is trending
mainly due to people saying the left are misusing it
BBC, as ever, rushed to the wrong end of this, and are now pulling a classic #1degreeofseparation attempt to keep their paw prints at distance whilst still propping the deceit up.
Folk not having it.
Yet again, the authorities are too cowardly and incompetent to deal with the primary problem (uncontrolled illegal immigration) but quick to clamp down on the secondary consequences, namely those that complain about the initial problem.
Do the public agree with condemning the protesters ?
The tweet got 72,000 views
62 Likes .. that’s less than 1 in 1,000
Many ‘save’ a tweet by ‘liking’ it.
They are in 10:10 territory again.
Maybe screaming ‘ist’ all the time a hole gets dug deeper is suffering blowback?
Perhaps there will finally be a discussion about what ‘far right ‘ commonly means .
The term has been down graded to anything ‘non approved ‘ .
Where does ‘far ‘ start and end ? What is “right” ?
I know a learned discussion is impossible because the ‘approved ‘ cannot stand the existence of anyone or thing not ‘approved ‘. …
ITV local newsPR
– Item “Here is RNLI institute launching a new inflatable boat”
– into next item “You can donate to the RNLI will the free will writong service”
– into “With the free will writing service you can donate to Mecap”
#PRtrickery #AmbulanceChasing
Next item “Dating the disabled”
Next to ” first FEMALE BLACK footballer ..Emma Clark from before 1900 born 1876
.. There’s a new play about her in Sheffield ”
It’s only on once ..this Saturday
Dunno what the theatre had on last Saturday but it was almost empty says on punter
Going to Scotland soon.
Will be passing Sheffield.
Get back, JJ.
My ears might be wrong – but I’m sure I heard an announcement that the Welsh government is freezing all road building works because it doesn’t want cars .
In the same news the bbc was lamenting Ford pulling out of the UK ( very wise ) …..
With this green lunacy in full swing any business investing in ‘non green crap ‘ business would be made to look at the UK .
The economic future looks so bleak . It’s going to turn into a great big NHS with the rump of a country attached much quicker than even a pessimist like me guessed . Sell sterling .
Guest who – I best be careful not to become a party in a defamation action – but anyone using bad words toward JKRowling must have a very good lawyer .
I hope she actions every single one – I support her view but cannot stand that hogwarts thing …
In a thread of his now deleted tweets
JK rowling replies
“Okey dokey, JJ, we’ll play it your way.
Give my regards to your solicitor!😉
Then eventually he tweets ths
Regarding the video below: what the hell is wrong with the police in this country ?????
Police side with the eco-mob: Met officer tackles a frustrated Londoner as he tries to drag an Animal Rebellion activist out of the road after angry residents confronted protesters for blocking traffic
XR tweet that the guy was arrested
Doesn’t look like in the video
He happens to be non-white and seems to be left by the police
Maybe there was later action ah yes police say he was
BTW I read it that new 2022 laws
make obstructing roads around Westminster an indictable offence
Non accountable
Threatening to the unapproved
If Care For Calais are truthful, why is the supposed lucky refugee Kamal they show , shown in image libraries provably from BEFORE their story
ie they used a stock image
Where do all these refugees get great teeth from ???
Another day – another met plod on trial for sexual assault – sucking the breast of a domestic violence victim whilst on duty
Pc Fabian Aguilar-Delgado, 40, …. No picture but you wanna guess ?
Diverse and cultural ?
Anyone caught the C4 program “Know your SH!T” ?
A tardily disguised Vegan promotion….
Eating Green stuff is the cure for all ills apparently including staggeringly and with zero proof whatsoever.. Covid!
If only we had all known!
It reminded me very much of Wild West medicine doctors who roved around selling snake oil as a cure-all-ills wonder drug.
They try to sneak into every hole as it were!
Should be called “You know its shit”
Katie Hopkins explains there is a high level notice saying that she must be cancelled
“oh, someone from higher up has said we can’t go ahead with interviewing you”
The page is so full of LGBT stuff, that if you took out the word “fire” you’d think it was a gay club or gay newspaper etc.
10:30pm GBnew “Tacking BBC Bias”