BBC is both GreenSupremacist and WokeSupremacist
It has already made programmes defending the word Woke
.. now just on Radio 4 they just had a trailer for a whole series of 15 minute progs which will run every day next week starring Matthew Syed
Woke: The Journey of a Word
Monday 13:45
1. The Scottsboro Boys
the evolution of the word ‘woke’ from its first appearance in 1938.
Tue : 2. If You’re Woke You Dig It
the evolution of a term that has become synonymous with angry debate.
Wed : 3. #StayWoke
Thu : 4. The Women’s March
Fri : 5. Where Woke Goes to Die
Previous prog Mon 23 Mar 2020 “Wokeness” has become a shorthand for one side of the culture wars.
But where did it come from? Journalist Helen Lewis uncovers the roots of woke.
How long will the bbc be in mourning after the loss the the wee midget – screw Turkey – screw the extraterrestrial weather balloons – screw Ukraine – it’s the wee midget ….
Has green card PM stopped laughing yet …. ? Will all prem games have a minute silence after taking the knee after someone died ?
SNP government’s ‘abysmal failure’ in education as pupils ditch ‘difficult’ STEM subjects
The number of people sitting exams for harder topics had decreased with important topics such as mathematics and computing science seeing a decline overall
ByJohn GloverTrainee reporter
10:02, 30 AUG 2022
“The only thing that they differed on was that Jeremy, in his heart of hearts, was a Brexiteer. And Keir Starmer, at that point, was passionately pro-Remain.”
How Jeremy Corbyn exposed his love affair with Diane Abbott – ‘She was shocked’
JEREMY CORBYN revealed he was having a love affair with his fellow Labour MP Diane Abbott in 1979 in an unusual way which left friends feeling “rather shaken”, sources close to the pair claimed.
15:12, Mon, Nov 18, 2019 | UPDATED: 10:44, Tue, Nov 19, 2019
Diane Abbott did say that Chairman Mao did more good than harm
Correct. During an episode of This Week in 2008 she said “I suppose that some people would judge that on balance Mao did more good than harm”.
My Uncle used to work in fleet sales for Vauxhall, and had a good time back then, and I used to try and get some business going in the place, several years ago now…
Not really sure why it’s gone downhill now, reading this…
Luton, a town in Bedfordshire, was crowned ‘the worst place to live in England’ in a controversial survey last week. On a visit to the town, residents spoke about what they think of the unofficial title
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjhem Chordary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjhem Chordary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjhem Chordary
Non muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim Extremists. [May 2013]
“Stacey Dooley returns to her hometown of Luton, in the UK, to investigate Muslim extremists protesting the arrest of Mona Thorney, the wife of the Stockholm bomber.”
“Go put on some clothes.”
– Muslim women wearing black Burqa talks to Stacey, who is wearing a pretty summer dress
Not matter how hard you try – Obama wins the 2014 Islamophobia Award
“Censored” begins like most pieces of drill music, a genre of rap. Dressed in black puffer jackets and balaclavas, members of the group “Zone 2”, who come from Peckham in south London, spit lines about their “opps” (enemies). But listen to the track on YouTube—where it has garnered 2.8m views—and you will notice something unusual. A ringing sound obscures certain words, such as the names of deceased gang rivals. This is probably not artistic choice. Some rappers now soften or mask their lyrics to avoid getting on the wrong side of the law.
They are not Green
They are not peaceful
And all their boats are powered primarily by Fossil fuel diesel
And they have even been fined for leaking diesel
My Op-Ed in the Washington Times today accusing Greenpeace of betraying its history and its founders by siding with wind turbines over whales on the US Atlantic coast. 400% increase in whale deaths past 6 years. $Trillions wasted on these contraptions.
I haven’t watched Pointless for ages. I presume Richard Osman is too busy writing his murder novels (they’re not bad). His replacement, Alex Brooker, is a white male but doesn’t wear a suit and his accent doesn’t appear to have been acquired at Cambridge. (Osman went there). I googled and found his had serious disabilities and had to have a leg amputated and has problems with his other limbs. I didn’t watch long enough to know whether he is any good but it would be nice to just sometimes have a white well spoken male get a job with the BBC.
Whilst typing this I am sure I have just heard on BBC that Nicola has resigned due to fatigue and frustration with only mention in passing of a query about £600,000. They have now reminded that we have had 5 Westminster prime ministers during her 8 years and she was shy by nature!
Alex has co presented Pointless with Connie Huq , Charlie Brooker’s wife
Despite sharing the same surname, Alex is not related to Black Mirror creator. Charlie Brooker
Special Saint Nicola BBC 6 pm news report live from Holyrood.
They are w****** themselves silly on her longevity bravely managing..errrr……not much and achieving……..what exactly? NHS and Education underperforming England, and taxes higher.
A certain M Thatcher ( UK PM 1979-1990) wouldn’t be losing any sleep.
TV should proportionally represent the UK, so 4% Muslim
Local ITV newsPR skips through news items
Then an item about Turkey earthquakes : with long speech from headscarfed woman.
Next long item about Yusuf Nazir a little boy who died last November probably cos of poor NHS care.
“Last November Zaheer Ahmed said he begged and begged for his nephew Yusuf Mahmud Nazir to be admitted but he wasn’t ”
Now onto long item
“anti Iraq war protester looks back”
A little child has a chance of life with a new gene therapy.
The cost is reported as £3 million a year.
This is ‘free of charge’ paid for by the NHS. There are ten other similar cases.
Question. How much should we spend on the NHS to keep how many people alive and for how long? How high should our taxes be? How low are we prepared to accept the standards of every other public sector so-called service in order to divert money only to the NHS. How many knee ops, cataract ops, hip replacements, cancer screenings could we get for how many people for the same money? Should we do this instead?
Don’t expect any answers to this crucial issue from politicians or coverage from the BBC. No, they’ll fob off the issue and in the background the waiting lists for all other treatments will be put back in order to meet the overall budge for the month/ year in question..
Unless we bottom this out we are totally f***** in perpetuity.
The dilemma about the value of providing hyper expensive treatment for A but which will deprive B of treatment – the trickiest .
Particularly when – in my view – the value of life is elastic – ranging from nothing for unborn babies – killed by the hundred each day – up to spending a million on another one ….
Emotion – of course – gets in the way . Add in the value to society of a life ? Making it even more difficult .
Personally – people should get a basic allocation of medical value then have a choice about adding to it through health insurance …. Or charity …
But then I’m a big believer in personal responsibility and provision …. And priorities . ….
The BBC were advertising ….something…..on sounds? Or iPlayer? About this issue. Talking to parents, nurses, clinicians. One group however the BBC has somehow managed to miss out.
The taxpayer.
But already we have had more discussion on this thread than has our £4 bn a year impartial nationalised broadcasting service.
If the treatment will give a child of one the chance of a healthy life for 70+ years, then the money may well be worhwhile. You would not spend £3 million to save the life of someone 80+, though that is what the government did with Covid.
Lorna Gordon in Greenock impersonating a nodding dog as a lady by a ball pool listed which socialist policies she had brought in. At the very least, Ms Gordon was encouraging the list to grow but I could believe the piece had been practiced if not written for the person who delivered it.
I feel great sympathy for Nicola Bullocks family, it must be dreadful not knowing what happened to her. But most women don’t turn to drink when they reach a certain stage of life. If women want to be treated the same as the other sex, then excuses cannot be made. I know it was the police who used the menopause reason, but the BBC are happy to repeat it.
BBC local NewsPR begins with a big trailer for their Jeremy Vine cycling item
where he says hypbolic things like
“cars should simply be banned from overtaking bicycles”
The only thing that did was demonstrate that Nicola Sturgeon had no key moments. She has been a dreadful and divisive FM, and the key aim of her political life, pseudo-independence within the EU, has not happened, and I doubt it ever will.
By any objective standard, she has left Scotland worse than she found it, and has been a complete failure. Apart from that, she did quite well.
Have you ever seen wimmin at a male strip show ? they cannot get enough, go crazy and are far more involved than men watching female strippers.
That film The Full Monty was everywhere, still is. Full Monty meaning full exposure, great for misandrist’s and faggots.
Double standards as usual.
Just accidentally watched a bit of Robert Peston on ITV news covering Nicola’s resignation. He said something along the lines that Nicoliar was the greatest UK leader in recent times, that the people of Scotland “didn’t vote for Brexit”, his Remoanerism was all too obvious, spelt out in his laboured delivery.
Political reporter or biased left winger?
Peston seems to be in the SNP and Nicoliar fan club.
‘Brianna Ghey: Boy and girl in court charged with murder
A boy and girl, both aged 15, have appeared in court charged with murdering 16-year-old Brianna Ghey who was stabbed to death in a village park.’
‘Boy detained for murder of Ian Kirwan who told teen off at supermarket
A 15-year-old boy has been detained for at least 14 years for stabbing a man to death outside an Asda store.’
Two more stories on the same day about people being stabbed to death by children too young to be identified.
And the likes of the BBC just write it down as briefly as possible and move along. Why is there no national outcry about our society which is producing so many children who carry knives and stab other people ?.
Actually we all know why. The answer goes against their social engineering agenda. The Left don’t care how many people and children get murdered in the process : the ends always justify the means to people driven by a theoretical ideology.
A ‘boy and a girl’.
But which is which and who is who?
We must be careful in these enlightened times not to offend anyone with careless use of descriptions.
Imagine the incandescent rage from Stonewall and the Leftoids if we got it wrong.
But let us remember that Saint Nicola of Sturgeon of course wants to give such boys and girls ( who are too young to be called man and woman or named in such a criminal situation) the right to determine their own gender, unfettered by annoying things like the authorities or parents.
The media state sub judice rules
and say they can’t report on a case once someone has been charged
They are selective in applying this eg the bend it against righties
I’m not one for going along with the net zero crap, but was thinking about a new car. As most of my journeys are under 30 miles I thought I would have a look at a plug in hybrid, best of both worlds. Cheap elec to charge and petrol if not. What’s not to like. Well the so called benefits are completely wiped out by the road tax as all cars over £40k (nearly all plug ins) have to pay a £300 plus supplement to the £155 road tax for 5 years. No wonder they are aiming at the fleet market as nobody with any sense will go near them
You are quiet right maxi – the BBC are just using what someone else said as the main headline.
But here’s the problem. What she said is a lie. And the BBC know it is a lie. But it suits the general narrative they are trying to push so they publish it.
They are doing it a LOT these days. Big headline lies with little quotation marks on each side which turns the whole lie into ‘something someone said’.
How many people see those quotation marks and realise it’s any idiots opinion and how many do you think just absorb the actual text ?.
Its absolutely deliberate. And you defend that as if there’s nothing wrong with it.
And after everything posted here about the lies of the BBC, you chose this one to make a stand ?. LOL.
Keep up the good work maxi. You do more damage to your far-left cause with your ridiculous cherry-picking and child-like efforts to be spiteful than you can imagine.
So why is the BBC prog calling Greta a teenager when the release date on that prog is written 03 Feb 2023
well past the time Greta was no longer a teenager ?
Cos the BBC likes Greta so much it’s actually a repeat, rebadged as if it’s new
It is NOT a new prog, but is simply a radio version of the old 18 Oct TV prog
which was made when she was still 19
Maxi chose to sneer quoting Greta saying “I’m not an angry teenager” and leaving off the rest
To mislead us into thinking was saying she’s not a teenager.
No she was a saying she is a teenager. cos it’s an old interview.
If Sturgeon jumped then could it be there is some legal stuff that was due to get her anyway ?
#2 But her quitting now is good strategy
Now it’s close enough to the election in 22 months time for the new leader to look like a fresh face
And it makes it look like the SNP are in control instead of letting the media set the agenda
The Prime Minister of the UK resigns under pressure with no proof of any wrongdoing and the BBC give it about 5 minutes. The leader of a region in the UK resigns under pressure after serious balls ups and it’s blockbuster sympathy movie time at the BBC with all the heavyweight BBC plonkers despatched to Scotland to join in with what seems almost like a wake…
And they are at a loss to understand why so many people despise them.
“Scheming Sturgeon’s snivelling resignation is proof that embracing an extreme woke agenda then calling a male rapist ‘her’ is a ticket to political oblivion. She leaves the Scottish separatism cause in tatters”
Our Justin having a nice chat with with Evette pixey cooper about the good news for sex offenders and other criminals . 18000 are being recruited to the stazi ( formerly called ‘plod ‘)
This excellent news for those wishing attack women and victimise taxpayers generally – obviously there will be no need for vetting if of the right colour …. Whitees need not apply …..
Pixey obviously identifies strongly with the far left criminal plod – but she would wouldn’t she ?
Elsewhere – the bbc has decided the SNP is having a race to take over – although it says there is no ‘front runner ‘ – bbc just loves anything with ‘race ‘ in it innit…..
And lastly – the NHS is buying 800 more ambulances to join existing queues in hospital car parks and the 999 system is being changed to an 0300 £3 a minute system with a maximum charge of £60…
We live in a time where the punishment for doing something wrong is now heavily linked to how much it contravenes the political agenda as opposed to how much harm it represents in the real world. A very dangerous thing.
We are most definitely living in the build up of the latest attempt of the socialist Left to govern the world and force everyone else live by their ideology. This one is already swimming in blood.
“Nicola Sturgeon and the politics of hatred
The ugly side of nationalism keeps exposing itself.
She told her fellow Scot Laura Kuenssberg. ‘I detest the Tories and everything they stand for, so it’s not difficult to answer that question.’
The SNP tends to be quite big on hate crime – and accusing opponents of hatred – yet here was its leader on national television identifying hate as one of her motivating political forces. What to do? ”
And don’t forget the Ginger Growler calling Tories scum with her voice dripping with hate which apparently was also perfectly acceptable to Starmer and the BBC.
The BBC educated me last week that when Leftists or women vent their hatred and/or misandry, it’s not hate – it’s ‘releasing negative emotions’.
The scale of their double standards and hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me. I’m still not sure if they are too arrogant to realise or they are such shallow, unpleasant people that they just don’t care. Though I tend to believe it’s the latter.
‘Bonkers’ NHS Charities advert that shows ‘Santa being struck down by coronavirus’ before medics save him is condemned by critics for ‘upsetting children’ and ‘looking for reasons to make this Christmas worse’
Old bearded man lies unconscious in NHS Charities-funded Christmas advert
NHS medics in full PPE are seen trying to revive him in the disturbing opening
Later revealed to be Father Christmas who has been nursed back to health
Shocked viewers believe the advert depicts Santa suffering from coronavirus
Several feared children would be traumatised thinking Santa was going to die
PUBLISHED: 00:35, 12 December 2020 | UPDATED: 18:03, 17 February 2021
Also @LittleBoats2020 are providing a public service by publishing and updating a map and list of hotels (currently 459 places) where illegal ‘migrants’ are being housed.
The intention is to keep people aware and safe – since we have no idea who these people are.
Who within our government/establishment regime has requested or repeatably requests Google to keep taking the list down?
If it is someone in this country I want to know who it is and by what authority they claim to be acting.
It is a matter of simple electoral mathematics that so as for the way to be cleared for Keir Starmer, the SNP needs to be curtailed.
Remember, folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory – if it’s true.
We couldn’t help but notice Nicola dressed all in red to say her farewell
Labour commentator Ayesha Hazarika writing in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is on it like a car bonnet: Shock resignation is a gift for Labour
The Daily Record, the Scots dizygotic twin to England’s Daily Mirror, said it wanted Labour to win when the southerner twin unashamedly backed Corbyn in 2019 – but in one of those feats of logical gymnastics typical of the left, claimed voting SNP was the best way to get Labour into Westminster – which parliament they wanted to leave. One supposes it helped newspaper sales in Scotland to follow the mood abroad, so to speak. And avoid the discomfort of falling foul of the ruling party in that one party micro state.
How very Scottish… support the cause of Independence for local economic reasons – but profit from the Union meantime.
I want my Independence – runs the Braveheart Daily Record headline this morning making Nicola sound like a greedy three-year-old
Admittedly we were rude to her, likening her looks to a 1970s children’s entertainment act involving a grown woman dressed as a schoolboy (turns out the Krankies were way ahead of their time given our present trans debate) and we even called her a lady-gnome.
‘I am a human being as well as a politician’ insists The Herald.
Keen to gauge this broadsheet liberal-looking title’s leanings we refer to an article they ran in December 2019 promisingly headed: Who are the newspapers supporting?
– we enjoyed their quote picked from the Daily Mail’s wild Scots cousin the unimaginately titled Scottish Daily Mail: “We can’t let a squalid stitch-up between a Marxist crank and a Nationalist zealot wreck the UK,” The alternative? “Only the Tories.” – frankly, when it comes to wrecking our nation it now looks to be a toss up between Tories and Labour.
Rishi, or Boris, or whoever will take some comfort from that sentiment into a future election, although our own Times are busy convincing us Sir Keir has now cleaned Labour’s Augean stables of the Corbyn nonsense – as if !
Herald writer David Leask assesing newspaper politics in 2019 has the Times down to a T: The establishment daily did not sound impressed with Mr Johnson… But it wants to see a big Tory majority. The theory? Mr Johnson will drift in to the middle ground – and retain a close relationship with the EU – if he has enough MPs to brush off extreme Brexiteers. – Bravo, sir. Some acute analysis thereabouts back in 2019.
Similarly he reads the FT: …it is backing “moderate, centrist candidates, pro-business and internationalist.” – ie corporate globalists
Sadly there’s no self-analysis from the Herald – oddly the otherwise rather insightful article garners just the one – rather pointed – comment: And The Herald?..
It is a journalist trait to count all the motes but not to notice the plank in one’s own eye.
They refuse of course to accept that she almost certainly jumped before she was pushed after her disastrous pantomimes and the shocking balls ups she has overseen like millions going missing, ships calamity, trans malarky, NHS turmoil. I could go on….
Omg 😱 Who the HELL DO THESE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE?!? Their version of 'truth' will be both political and profitable… We are being encouraged to be a mere zombified data set. Resist this shit.
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
Google’s prototype Chinese search engine had previously been labelled “disturbing” by one former employee.
Dragonfly had attracted criticism as a potential means through which Chinese authorities could censor web content and monitor citizens’ behaviour online.
In late 2018, Google seemed reluctant to confirm that development of the search engine had been completely stopped, despite growing pressure on the firm.
Over here things are censored by Google by not showing them in search results – or pushing far-Left news outlet (Guardian, BBC, FT etc) articles up to the top of the results list.
I used to be able to hide stories on Google News Stand from The Guardian, BBC and the myriad of Leftist activist news channels. Now I see I have no such option and I must watch the news they want me to see.
It’s quite amazing how often The Guardian, the BBC and CNN appear.
The Telegraph has done us a service this morning by going in hard and debunking the mythical St Nicola of Sturgeon.
Left wing, authoritarian, interventionist, woke, trans extremist, who has overseen huge rises in drug deaths, and left education and health services as near basket cases. Not to mention the Calmac ferry new-build scandal. Plus there is a £600,000 black hole in SNP finances and her husband holds a senior position.
NONE of which has been mentioned by the impartial BBC afaik.
As a weakish Republican Englishman – looking at Scottish independence – i think if the SNP / crankie had not been so agrressively anti English aka Westminster – and presented a reasoned prospect for a truly independent Scotland – including currency and how welfare would be funded – then I reckon more people might have signed up ….. if there was a credible case ….
( personally I don’t think the maths works )
But instead the hate and complete obsession – minus the demonstration of running things better – just surely damage its ‘cause …..
And she has been responsible for that ……
She has a good future though … so many pantomimes and the crankie tribute act…
… I thought that comrade Robinson almost overstepped any attempt at neutrality today in Willing on the case for Scottish ( English ) independence …. I wonder who would pay for the border wall …
I am amenable to English independence since it is the very idea of England as a nation that the globalists want to eradicate (they fear us) by breaking us up into fake ‘regions’ of the ‘United Kingdom.’
In the final analysis it is England that I want to protect.
I’m afraid you cannot watch all (including John Campbell) the unfolding information/research on the Covid event to realise that a concerted effort is underway, by Governments, to thin out the Worlds population. It appears that over half of deaths now associated with Covid are as a result of the vaccines.
No official numbers/stats can be believed now.
Think as you will.
The UN is in the WEF pocket so rule out Genocide.
“The loudspeakers began blaring at 3 a.m. on November 24, 1976, in the rural village of Uttawar, 50 miles south of New Delhi. When 34-year-old Mohammad Yaqoob heard hooves approaching, he huddled with eight villagers in their compounds. It was the ghoda police (policemen on horses), warning them of the consequences of noncompliance.
Sterilization was no longer a choice — it was a mandate.
Every man over the age of 15 was directed to assemble at a high school on the main road. For the past year, senior government administrators and police officers had been attempting to convince male villagers with more than two children to get a vasectomy. But in a country where being a man was defined by his virility, sterilization was a tough sell. Numerous misconceptions associated with vasectomies didn’t help. Some people believed the procedure caused death on the operating table; others thought they’d lose weight — or worse, their sex drives. To combat these fears, posters that extolled the pragmatism of family planning were hung throughout the village. Their messages read: “With one, two or three kids, you’ll have a happy house. Fewer kids means more food for each. Greater the number, more the hunger.”
All this focus on Scotland! Anyone would think it was important. Less than 2/3 of the population of London.
Scotland is a mere county of the United Kingdom.
JohnCMar 11, 02:30 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Hard to disagree more with much of that. It’s my opinion that the globalist EU is at the root of…
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
BBC is both GreenSupremacist and WokeSupremacist
It has already made programmes defending the word Woke
.. now just on Radio 4 they just had a trailer for a whole series of 15 minute progs which will run every day next week starring Matthew Syed
Woke: The Journey of a Word
Monday 13:45
1. The Scottsboro Boys
the evolution of the word ‘woke’ from its first appearance in 1938.
Tue : 2. If You’re Woke You Dig It
the evolution of a term that has become synonymous with angry debate.
Wed : 3. #StayWoke
Thu : 4. The Women’s March
Fri : 5. Where Woke Goes to Die
Previous prog Mon 23 Mar 2020
“Wokeness” has become a shorthand for one side of the culture wars.
But where did it come from? Journalist Helen Lewis uncovers the roots of woke.
More similar BBC previous progs
02 Sep 2022 ‘Woke’ police
The criticism of dancing police officers and rainbow police cars.
14 Jul 2022 Woke or Broke?
Evan Davis asks if firms should keep their views to themselves.
28 Nov 2020 The truth behind a ‘woke’ Instagram network (By the deceptive BBC Trending team)
Ah maybe Syed will take the non lefty view
He has previously said
BAFTA didn’t investigate allegations re Noel Clarke because they feared looking racist.
Then when it went public, they turned on Clarke to look strong on sexual abuse.
Due process scarcely matters anymore.
Wokeness is the opposite of natural justice
Woke : “A story of people not seeking to do the right thing but to avoid being seen to do the wrong thing”.
Tucker Carlson: The climate gods demand you suffer
How long will the bbc be in mourning after the loss the the wee midget – screw Turkey – screw the extraterrestrial weather balloons – screw Ukraine – it’s the wee midget ….
Has green card PM stopped laughing yet …. ? Will all prem games have a minute silence after taking the knee after someone died ?
SNP government’s ‘abysmal failure’ in education as pupils ditch ‘difficult’ STEM subjects
The number of people sitting exams for harder topics had decreased with important topics such as mathematics and computing science seeing a decline overall
ByJohn GloverTrainee reporter
10:02, 30 AUG 2022
“The only thing that they differed on was that Jeremy, in his heart of hearts, was a Brexiteer. And Keir Starmer, at that point, was passionately pro-Remain.”
How Jeremy Corbyn exposed his love affair with Diane Abbott – ‘She was shocked’
JEREMY CORBYN revealed he was having a love affair with his fellow Labour MP Diane Abbott in 1979 in an unusual way which left friends feeling “rather shaken”, sources close to the pair claimed.
15:12, Mon, Nov 18, 2019 | UPDATED: 10:44, Tue, Nov 19, 2019
Diane Abbott did say that Chairman Mao did more good than harm
Correct. During an episode of This Week in 2008 she said “I suppose that some people would judge that on balance Mao did more good than harm”.
My Uncle used to work in fleet sales for Vauxhall, and had a good time back then, and I used to try and get some business going in the place, several years ago now…
Not really sure why it’s gone downhill now, reading this…
Hmmm – maybe I do…
Luton, a town in Bedfordshire, was crowned ‘the worst place to live in England’ in a controversial survey last week. On a visit to the town, residents spoke about what they think of the unofficial title
“What’s the solution? If Muslim people are in the wrong and they are committing crimes… you know, no one is above the law.” – Stacey Dooley
“If the law of the land is Islamic, we will respect the law of the land. If it’s not Islamic (the law) then the law of the land, and those who make them, can go to hell quite honestly.” – Anjhem Chordary
“Oh my God!” – Stacey Dooley
“Because Allah says in the Koran Q33v1 ‘Fear Allah, and do not obey the disbelievers and the hypocrites. Is David Cameron a Muslim of a disbeliever? Guys?” – Anjhem Chordary
“Disbeliever!” – mumbles crowd of 5 other Muslims
“So you (a Muslim) can’t obey him. So he (David Cameron) can go to hell.” – Anjhem Chordary
Non muslims destined to go to hell, British Police Go To Hell Muslim Extremists. [May 2013]
“Stacey Dooley returns to her hometown of Luton, in the UK, to investigate Muslim extremists protesting the arrest of Mona Thorney, the wife of the Stockholm bomber.”
“Go put on some clothes.”
– Muslim women wearing black Burqa talks to Stacey, who is wearing a pretty summer dress
Not matter how hard you try – Obama wins the 2014 Islamophobia Award
Wife said it reminded her of Morroco first and last time she visited Luton
I feel for anyone confusing Stratford E15 and Stratford upon the river ….
I used to work near the former, the pond life in the river is more attractive, easier to understand and safer
R4 Media show is all about Ru Paul’s drag Race
.. as if anyone cares’s a fringe thing from libmob buubleworld
They just played a line “I love being covered in Daddies hot sauce”
.. they said “oh that line is pure pantomime, not lewd.”
You nutters, Of course it’s way more lewd than pantomime
Grime Kids cast reveal: Who stars in the coming-of-age drama?
Meet the cast of BBC Three’s Grime Kids and read all about this exciting new drama.
“Censored” begins like most pieces of drill music, a genre of rap. Dressed in black puffer jackets and balaclavas, members of the group “Zone 2”, who come from Peckham in south London, spit lines about their “opps” (enemies). But listen to the track on YouTube—where it has garnered 2.8m views—and you will notice something unusual. A ringing sound obscures certain words, such as the names of deceased gang rivals. This is probably not artistic choice. Some rappers now soften or mask their lyrics to avoid getting on the wrong side of the law.
They are not Green
They are not peaceful
And all their boats are powered primarily by Fossil fuel diesel
And they have even been fined for leaking diesel
The only thing green about them is their hair
There are no enemies on the left.
I haven’t watched Pointless for ages. I presume Richard Osman is too busy writing his murder novels (they’re not bad). His replacement, Alex Brooker, is a white male but doesn’t wear a suit and his accent doesn’t appear to have been acquired at Cambridge. (Osman went there). I googled and found his had serious disabilities and had to have a leg amputated and has problems with his other limbs. I didn’t watch long enough to know whether he is any good but it would be nice to just sometimes have a white well spoken male get a job with the BBC.
Whilst typing this I am sure I have just heard on BBC that Nicola has resigned due to fatigue and frustration with only mention in passing of a query about £600,000. They have now reminded that we have had 5 Westminster prime ministers during her 8 years and she was shy by nature!
Alex has co presented Pointless with Connie Huq , Charlie Brooker’s wife
Despite sharing the same surname, Alex is not related to Black Mirror creator. Charlie Brooker
BBC 6 pm News oh the eulogy – Nicola please don’t go – stay and continue screwing up Scotland ….. benefits for all …..
Will her trannie crap be seen as the equivalent to a real woman leaders’ poll tax ?
Special Saint Nicola BBC 6 pm news report live from Holyrood.
They are w****** themselves silly on her longevity bravely managing..errrr……not much and achieving……..what exactly? NHS and Education underperforming England, and taxes higher.
A certain M Thatcher ( UK PM 1979-1990) wouldn’t be losing any sleep.
The media.
The rest…
TV should proportionally represent the UK, so 4% Muslim
Local ITV newsPR skips through news items
Then an item about Turkey earthquakes : with long speech from headscarfed woman.
Next long item about Yusuf Nazir a little boy who died last November probably cos of poor NHS care.
“Last November Zaheer Ahmed said he begged and begged for his nephew Yusuf Mahmud Nazir to be admitted but he wasn’t ”
Now onto long item
“anti Iraq war protester looks back”
OK call me a heartless b******.
A little child has a chance of life with a new gene therapy.
The cost is reported as £3 million a year.
This is ‘free of charge’ paid for by the NHS. There are ten other similar cases.
Question. How much should we spend on the NHS to keep how many people alive and for how long? How high should our taxes be? How low are we prepared to accept the standards of every other public sector so-called service in order to divert money only to the NHS. How many knee ops, cataract ops, hip replacements, cancer screenings could we get for how many people for the same money? Should we do this instead?
Don’t expect any answers to this crucial issue from politicians or coverage from the BBC. No, they’ll fob off the issue and in the background the waiting lists for all other treatments will be put back in order to meet the overall budge for the month/ year in question..
Unless we bottom this out we are totally f***** in perpetuity.
The dilemma about the value of providing hyper expensive treatment for A but which will deprive B of treatment – the trickiest .
Particularly when – in my view – the value of life is elastic – ranging from nothing for unborn babies – killed by the hundred each day – up to spending a million on another one ….
Emotion – of course – gets in the way . Add in the value to society of a life ? Making it even more difficult .
Personally – people should get a basic allocation of medical value then have a choice about adding to it through health insurance …. Or charity …
But then I’m a big believer in personal responsibility and provision …. And priorities . ….
The BBC were advertising ….something…..on sounds? Or iPlayer? About this issue. Talking to parents, nurses, clinicians. One group however the BBC has somehow managed to miss out.
The taxpayer.
But already we have had more discussion on this thread than has our £4 bn a year impartial nationalised broadcasting service.
If the treatment will give a child of one the chance of a healthy life for 70+ years, then the money may well be worhwhile. You would not spend £3 million to save the life of someone 80+, though that is what the government did with Covid.
Lorna Gordon in Greenock impersonating a nodding dog as a lady by a ball pool listed which socialist policies she had brought in. At the very least, Ms Gordon was encouraging the list to grow but I could believe the piece had been practiced if not written for the person who delivered it.
I wonder what improvement has been made to the wee grinch ‘constuency in the years she has represented them . ?
I feel great sympathy for Nicola Bullocks family, it must be dreadful not knowing what happened to her. But most women don’t turn to drink when they reach a certain stage of life. If women want to be treated the same as the other sex, then excuses cannot be made. I know it was the police who used the menopause reason, but the BBC are happy to repeat it.
Jewish scientists in support of Andrew Bridgen
BBC local NewsPR begins with a big trailer for their Jeremy Vine cycling item
where he says hypbolic things like
“cars should simply be banned from overtaking bicycles”
Not a problem. Just drive over them instead.
Excruciating end to the BBC 6 pm news.
A slow mo run through Nicola Sturgeon’s ‘key moments’ all to a background of slushy music.
Can ANYONE remember or imagine similar cosy, fawning coverage of the resignations of Cameron, May, Johnson? No, me neither.
Appalling, bare-faced bias.
The only thing that did was demonstrate that Nicola Sturgeon had no key moments. She has been a dreadful and divisive FM, and the key aim of her political life, pseudo-independence within the EU, has not happened, and I doubt it ever will.
By any objective standard, she has left Scotland worse than she found it, and has been a complete failure. Apart from that, she did quite well.
My Android news feed has several articles following up on the Michigan school shooting.
The BBC started of in a small sub-pane and then dropped it altogether.
Contrast that with the coverage they gave the shootings when the gunman was white.
Their racist bias is now beyond ridiculous. It shows OFCOM is utterly unfit for purpose.
Well …..
“Nicola Bulley suffered with “some significant issues with alcohol” in the past which had resurfaced over recent months, police have said”
No bbc witch hunt then
Just going to run that through BBC Wimmin to English Translate.
Don’t bother, I’ll do it for you:
“All (white) men are bastards”
Have you ever seen wimmin at a male strip show ? they cannot get enough, go crazy and are far more involved than men watching female strippers.
That film The Full Monty was everywhere, still is. Full Monty meaning full exposure, great for misandrist’s and faggots.
Double standards as usual.
Just accidentally watched a bit of Robert Peston on ITV news covering Nicola’s resignation. He said something along the lines that Nicoliar was the greatest UK leader in recent times, that the people of Scotland “didn’t vote for Brexit”, his Remoanerism was all too obvious, spelt out in his laboured delivery.
Political reporter or biased left winger?
Peston seems to be in the SNP and Nicoliar fan club.
Didn’t he come out with an admission that he and his class were so disconnected from voters that they were irrelevant ?
The drugs obviously don’t work ….
Truly sickening socialist syncophancy
‘Brianna Ghey: Boy and girl in court charged with murder
A boy and girl, both aged 15, have appeared in court charged with murdering 16-year-old Brianna Ghey who was stabbed to death in a village park.’
‘Boy detained for murder of Ian Kirwan who told teen off at supermarket
A 15-year-old boy has been detained for at least 14 years for stabbing a man to death outside an Asda store.’
Two more stories on the same day about people being stabbed to death by children too young to be identified.
And the likes of the BBC just write it down as briefly as possible and move along. Why is there no national outcry about our society which is producing so many children who carry knives and stab other people ?.
Actually we all know why. The answer goes against their social engineering agenda. The Left don’t care how many people and children get murdered in the process : the ends always justify the means to people driven by a theoretical ideology.
A ‘boy and a girl’.
But which is which and who is who?
We must be careful in these enlightened times not to offend anyone with careless use of descriptions.
Imagine the incandescent rage from Stonewall and the Leftoids if we got it wrong.
But let us remember that Saint Nicola of Sturgeon of course wants to give such boys and girls ( who are too young to be called man and woman or named in such a criminal situation) the right to determine their own gender, unfettered by annoying things like the authorities or parents.
The media state sub judice rules
and say they can’t report on a case once someone has been charged
They are selective in applying this eg the bend it against righties
Here if you missed it
James Delingpole and Toby Young’s discussion on Mark, GB News and Ofcom HERE between 22:50 and 41:00.
I forced myself to the BBC Media show with the australian – greek CEO of GBNews . He sounded like he d dump anyone to get the advertisers .
It seems neil oliver is now in trouble with the board of deputies over his ‘ world government ‘ piece . Are they saying the WEF is a jewish front ?
I think they got the wrong end of the stick .
Jrm is the replacement for mark steyn . Not for me anymore – sell outs
I’m not one for going along with the net zero crap, but was thinking about a new car. As most of my journeys are under 30 miles I thought I would have a look at a plug in hybrid, best of both worlds. Cheap elec to charge and petrol if not. What’s not to like. Well the so called benefits are completely wiped out by the road tax as all cars over £40k (nearly all plug ins) have to pay a £300 plus supplement to the £155 road tax for 5 years. No wonder they are aiming at the fleet market as nobody with any sense will go near them
10pm Channel4 Tribute to Bill Gates
Is he dead?
Bill gates, the sponsor of the beeb. No conflict of interest then
Greta was born 3 Jan 2003
So why is the Radio4 promo tweet about a soft interview she did with Amol
callings her a “teenager” ?
Seems reasonable, after all she has the intellectual age of a 5 year old.
“…why is the Radio4 promo tweet about a soft interview she did with Amol
callings her a ‘teenager’ ?”
Radio4 promo tweet,
“[Greta Thunberg] ‘I’m not an angry teenager’…”
Keep up the good work, Stew.
Stew will keep up the good work of monitoring and showing the bias of the BBC .
Meanwhile you keep up the devil’s work of defending an organisation that has sunk so low .
Have you paid your Telly tax yet, or do you still
get it free?7
You are quiet right maxi – the BBC are just using what someone else said as the main headline.
But here’s the problem. What she said is a lie. And the BBC know it is a lie. But it suits the general narrative they are trying to push so they publish it.
They are doing it a LOT these days. Big headline lies with little quotation marks on each side which turns the whole lie into ‘something someone said’.
How many people see those quotation marks and realise it’s any idiots opinion and how many do you think just absorb the actual text ?.
Its absolutely deliberate. And you defend that as if there’s nothing wrong with it.
And after everything posted here about the lies of the BBC, you chose this one to make a stand ?. LOL.
Keep up the good work maxi. You do more damage to your far-left cause with your ridiculous cherry-picking and child-like efforts to be spiteful than you can imagine.
Maxi, Greta used the word teenager
The BBC then tweeted that accepting the premise
The premise is ridiculous cos she isn’t any kind of teenager.
So why is the BBC prog calling Greta a teenager when the release date on that prog is written 03 Feb 2023
well past the time Greta was no longer a teenager ?
Cos the BBC likes Greta so much it’s actually a repeat, rebadged as if it’s new
It is NOT a new prog, but is simply a radio version of the old 18 Oct TV prog
which was made when she was still 19
Maxi chose to sneer quoting Greta saying “I’m not an angry teenager” and leaving off the rest
To mislead us into thinking was saying she’s not a teenager.
No she was a saying she is a teenager. cos it’s an old interview.
If Sturgeon jumped then could it be there is some legal stuff that was due to get her anyway ?
#2 But her quitting now is good strategy
Now it’s close enough to the election in 22 months time for the new leader to look like a fresh face
And it makes it look like the SNP are in control instead of letting the media set the agenda
The Prime Minister of the UK resigns under pressure with no proof of any wrongdoing and the BBC give it about 5 minutes. The leader of a region in the UK resigns under pressure after serious balls ups and it’s blockbuster sympathy movie time at the BBC with all the heavyweight BBC plonkers despatched to Scotland to join in with what seems almost like a wake…
And they are at a loss to understand why so many people despise them.
Peston “there are arguments to be made Sturgeon is the most impressive ..”
What you will NEVER hear on the socialist bbc:
“Scheming Sturgeon’s snivelling resignation is proof that embracing an extreme woke agenda then calling a male rapist ‘her’ is a ticket to political oblivion. She leaves the Scottish separatism cause in tatters”
A summit for “The Master of the World Government” the Fuhrer of the Planet, Klaus Schwab:
Is Disney’s magic spell wearing off?
bBC mange to find a select few who think Disney is still worth watching
Go woke, go broke
Chris Evans Calls Critics of ‘Lightyear’ ‘s Gay Kiss ‘Idiots’: ‘Always Going to Be People Who Are Afraid’
Our Justin having a nice chat with with Evette pixey cooper about the good news for sex offenders and other criminals . 18000 are being recruited to the stazi ( formerly called ‘plod ‘)
This excellent news for those wishing attack women and victimise taxpayers generally – obviously there will be no need for vetting if of the right colour …. Whitees need not apply …..
Pixey obviously identifies strongly with the far left criminal plod – but she would wouldn’t she ?
Elsewhere – the bbc has decided the SNP is having a race to take over – although it says there is no ‘front runner ‘ – bbc just loves anything with ‘race ‘ in it innit…..
And lastly – the NHS is buying 800 more ambulances to join existing queues in hospital car parks and the 999 system is being changed to an 0300 £3 a minute system with a maximum charge of £60…
We live in a time where the punishment for doing something wrong is now heavily linked to how much it contravenes the political agenda as opposed to how much harm it represents in the real world. A very dangerous thing.
We are most definitely living in the build up of the latest attempt of the socialist Left to govern the world and force everyone else live by their ideology. This one is already swimming in blood.
“Nicola Sturgeon and the politics of hatred
The ugly side of nationalism keeps exposing itself.
She told her fellow Scot Laura Kuenssberg. ‘I detest the Tories and everything they stand for, so it’s not difficult to answer that question.’
The SNP tends to be quite big on hate crime – and accusing opponents of hatred – yet here was its leader on national television identifying hate as one of her motivating political forces. What to do? ”
And don’t forget the Ginger Growler calling Tories scum with her voice dripping with hate which apparently was also perfectly acceptable to Starmer and the BBC.
The BBC educated me last week that when Leftists or women vent their hatred and/or misandry, it’s not hate – it’s ‘releasing negative emotions’.
The scale of their double standards and hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me. I’m still not sure if they are too arrogant to realise or they are such shallow, unpleasant people that they just don’t care. Though I tend to believe it’s the latter.
It is the readererouting the exact same thing that strikes one most.
‘Bonkers’ NHS Charities advert that shows ‘Santa being struck down by coronavirus’ before medics save him is condemned by critics for ‘upsetting children’ and ‘looking for reasons to make this Christmas worse’
Old bearded man lies unconscious in NHS Charities-funded Christmas advert
NHS medics in full PPE are seen trying to revive him in the disturbing opening
Later revealed to be Father Christmas who has been nursed back to health
Shocked viewers believe the advert depicts Santa suffering from coronavirus
Several feared children would be traumatised thinking Santa was going to die
PUBLISHED: 00:35, 12 December 2020 | UPDATED: 18:03, 17 February 2021
Fact checks herself
Yeah – forget dodgy tax avoiding blue labour chairmen- it’s got to be ‘busgate’…
I would not bother. The viewing figures for this repulsive excuse for a news program are probably less than the number seeing it here.
Luckily no other ideologies elsewhere having any adverse effects.
Also @LittleBoats2020 are providing a public service by publishing and updating a map and list of hotels (currently 459 places) where illegal ‘migrants’ are being housed.
The intention is to keep people aware and safe – since we have no idea who these people are.
Who within our government/establishment regime has requested or repeatably requests Google to keep taking the list down?
If it is someone in this country I want to know who it is and by what authority they claim to be acting.
Scots edition
It is a matter of simple electoral mathematics that so as for the way to be cleared for Keir Starmer, the SNP needs to be curtailed.
Remember, folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory – if it’s true.
We couldn’t help but notice Nicola dressed all in red to say her farewell
Labour commentator Ayesha Hazarika writing in the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper is on it like a car bonnet: Shock resignation is a gift for Labour
The Daily Record, the Scots dizygotic twin to England’s Daily Mirror, said it wanted Labour to win when the southerner twin unashamedly backed Corbyn in 2019 – but in one of those feats of logical gymnastics typical of the left, claimed voting SNP was the best way to get Labour into Westminster – which parliament they wanted to leave. One supposes it helped newspaper sales in Scotland to follow the mood abroad, so to speak. And avoid the discomfort of falling foul of the ruling party in that one party micro state.
How very Scottish… support the cause of Independence for local economic reasons – but profit from the Union meantime.
I want my Independence – runs the Braveheart Daily Record headline this morning making Nicola sound like a greedy three-year-old
Admittedly we were rude to her, likening her looks to a 1970s children’s entertainment act involving a grown woman dressed as a schoolboy (turns out the Krankies were way ahead of their time given our present trans debate) and we even called her a lady-gnome.
‘I am a human being as well as a politician’ insists The Herald.
Keen to gauge this broadsheet liberal-looking title’s leanings we refer to an article they ran in December 2019 promisingly headed: Who are the newspapers supporting?
– we enjoyed their quote picked from the Daily Mail’s wild Scots cousin the unimaginately titled Scottish Daily Mail: “We can’t let a squalid stitch-up between a Marxist crank and a Nationalist zealot wreck the UK,” The alternative? “Only the Tories.” – frankly, when it comes to wrecking our nation it now looks to be a toss up between Tories and Labour.
Rishi, or Boris, or whoever will take some comfort from that sentiment into a future election, although our own Times are busy convincing us Sir Keir has now cleaned Labour’s Augean stables of the Corbyn nonsense – as if !
Herald writer David Leask assesing newspaper politics in 2019 has the Times down to a T: The establishment daily did not sound impressed with Mr Johnson… But it wants to see a big Tory majority. The theory? Mr Johnson will drift in to the middle ground – and retain a close relationship with the EU – if he has enough MPs to brush off extreme Brexiteers. – Bravo, sir. Some acute analysis thereabouts back in 2019.
Similarly he reads the FT: …it is backing “moderate, centrist candidates, pro-business and internationalist.” – ie corporate globalists
Sadly there’s no self-analysis from the Herald – oddly the otherwise rather insightful article garners just the one – rather pointed – comment: And The Herald?..
It is a journalist trait to count all the motes but not to notice the plank in one’s own eye.
Vote Starmer – get Blair.
As evidenced by Blair’s Foreword to this article
Makes me glad I don’t have a TV
The bBC finds some “expects” to explain why bills are going up
Pathetic organisation
Hugh not happy with the old place.
The sturgeon wake rolls on and on.
The Guardian fir instance sees it as her master stroke…
They refuse of course to accept that she almost certainly jumped before she was pushed after her disastrous pantomimes and the shocking balls ups she has overseen like millions going missing, ships calamity, trans malarky, NHS turmoil. I could go on….
Springster been briefed yet?
The Dragonfly project was an Internet search engine prototype created by Google that was designed to be compatible with China’s state censorship provisions.[1][2][3] The public learned of Dragonfly’s existence in August 2018, when The Intercept leaked an internal memo written by a Google employee about the project.[4][5] In December 2018, Dragonfly was reported to have “effectively been shut down” after a clash with members of the privacy team within Google.[6] However, according to employees, work on Dragonfly was still continuing as of March 2019, with some 100 people still allocated to it.[7]
In July 2019, Google announced that work on Dragonfly had been terminated.[8]
Google’s controversial plan to launch a censored search engine in China has been “terminated”, a company executive has said.
The project was reported to have ceased late last year but rumours that it remained active persisted.
Google’s prototype Chinese search engine had previously been labelled “disturbing” by one former employee.
Dragonfly had attracted criticism as a potential means through which Chinese authorities could censor web content and monitor citizens’ behaviour online.
In late 2018, Google seemed reluctant to confirm that development of the search engine had been completely stopped, despite growing pressure on the firm.
Work on Dragonfly at that point was “limited”, chief executive Sundar Pichai told the US House Judiciary Committee in December.
Over here things are censored by Google by not showing them in search results – or pushing far-Left news outlet (Guardian, BBC, FT etc) articles up to the top of the results list.
Hello JohnC
My Samsung phone insists I have an app called Samsung Free – its the news they want to push
Unable to delete the propaganda app, so went on the internet and managed to find out how to disable it and not allow to update on my phone
Hate where things are forced through to my mobile, but I dont want or need
I used to be able to hide stories on Google News Stand from The Guardian, BBC and the myriad of Leftist activist news channels. Now I see I have no such option and I must watch the news they want me to see.
It’s quite amazing how often The Guardian, the BBC and CNN appear.
The Telegraph has done us a service this morning by going in hard and debunking the mythical St Nicola of Sturgeon.
Left wing, authoritarian, interventionist, woke, trans extremist, who has overseen huge rises in drug deaths, and left education and health services as near basket cases. Not to mention the Calmac ferry new-build scandal. Plus there is a £600,000 black hole in SNP finances and her husband holds a senior position.
NONE of which has been mentioned by the impartial BBC afaik.
As a weakish Republican Englishman – looking at Scottish independence – i think if the SNP / crankie had not been so agrressively anti English aka Westminster – and presented a reasoned prospect for a truly independent Scotland – including currency and how welfare would be funded – then I reckon more people might have signed up ….. if there was a credible case ….
( personally I don’t think the maths works )
But instead the hate and complete obsession – minus the demonstration of running things better – just surely damage its ‘cause …..
And she has been responsible for that ……
She has a good future though … so many pantomimes and the crankie tribute act…
… I thought that comrade Robinson almost overstepped any attempt at neutrality today in Willing on the case for Scottish ( English ) independence …. I wonder who would pay for the border wall …
I am amenable to English independence since it is the very idea of England as a nation that the globalists want to eradicate (they fear us) by breaking us up into fake ‘regions’ of the ‘United Kingdom.’
In the final analysis it is England that I want to protect.
I think independence disappears when the loss of english tax money is realised – same for Wales ……
BBC Music announces new Kanye West documentary and podcast
Seems to tick a few boxes, may not be any good though
John Campbell.
I’m afraid you cannot watch all (including John Campbell) the unfolding information/research on the Covid event to realise that a concerted effort is underway, by Governments, to thin out the Worlds population. It appears that over half of deaths now associated with Covid are as a result of the vaccines.
No official numbers/stats can be believed now.
Think as you will.
The UN is in the WEF pocket so rule out Genocide.
“The loudspeakers began blaring at 3 a.m. on November 24, 1976, in the rural village of Uttawar, 50 miles south of New Delhi. When 34-year-old Mohammad Yaqoob heard hooves approaching, he huddled with eight villagers in their compounds. It was the ghoda police (policemen on horses), warning them of the consequences of noncompliance.
Sterilization was no longer a choice — it was a mandate.
Every man over the age of 15 was directed to assemble at a high school on the main road. For the past year, senior government administrators and police officers had been attempting to convince male villagers with more than two children to get a vasectomy. But in a country where being a man was defined by his virility, sterilization was a tough sell. Numerous misconceptions associated with vasectomies didn’t help. Some people believed the procedure caused death on the operating table; others thought they’d lose weight — or worse, their sex drives. To combat these fears, posters that extolled the pragmatism of family planning were hung throughout the village. Their messages read: “With one, two or three kids, you’ll have a happy house. Fewer kids means more food for each. Greater the number, more the hunger.”
I personally, remember this event vividly.
Ring any bells?
All this focus on Scotland! Anyone would think it was important. Less than 2/3 of the population of London.
Scotland is a mere county of the United Kingdom.
If the country was predominantely right-wing, they would hardly feature in our news at all.
The BBC will make mountains out of anything at all if it matches their agenda. They have no shame or ethics whatsoever.