Some things must never be said . …. The total population of Scotland is probably the equivalent of 28 London boroughs with 4 to spare ….. you d never know ….
Hello Andy
And I notice that the new Berkow gives them a disproportionate dig at the green card PM each week – not that it matters … pity the fat crofter isn’t leader any more – maybe be can do is act back in Scotland ….’the people of Scotland ‘’’’ …. Hitler would be proud …
My local londonistan paper reports a 32 year old plod with a bondage fetish getting 2 years for attacking an ex girl friend ….
… the number of plod arrested / charged / convicted / prison …is so high that the likes of the bbc don’t even bother putting them in the local news …..the attempted murder x3 machete attack in a pub did make the London local news though …. No names mentioned …
My brother in law is an ex-copper from Humberside and he said the pass mark for the entrance exam was 95%. He added that for the met, it was only 60% because of the dire quality of the people down there prepared to be police.
He also said that a few transferred up here to get away from London – but after having to deal with the kind of scumbags OUR area is full of, they usually went back.
I understand they dumped entrance exams because they wanted the approve colour in – and to overcome language issues ….. and I think they don’t go to ‘school ‘ any more – just do some on line stuff … such as
There is a green sit down on the m25 . Do you arrest the protesters or the taxpayers trying to clear the road ?
You are off duty and use your warrant card to abduct and rape a person who identifies as a woman ? Is that right or wrong ?
The green propaganda just gets ever more intensive.
I just caught the end of a Justin Rowlatt report on the BBC News channel.
He was interviewing a green enthusiast and giving her the chance to answer contrived “hostile” questions with pure greenwash.
When asked about fracking she calmly said that, if tapped, reserves would not last more than six months.
This was of course accepted by Mr Rowlatt as gospel, and left unchallenged.
She also said that surveys showed that climate change was one of the top three concerns of the British people. Again unchallenged, and again wrong.
BBC is part of Global Warming Alamism CULT
They tweeted 3 times to promote “green armbands” POLITICAL stunt at football grounds
CCBGB for #GreenFootballWeekend
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So, the Wolves manager and team celebrated Wolves reducing their carbon foot print and only using the necessary energy and fuel by wearing a green armband after this??
The Premier League players wore green armbands this weekend in their fight against climate change? I in solidarity just opened six kegs in twin push for prohibition. I'd go further in analogy but would be blocked
Stew, if Global Warming and ‘greening sport’ is so important, why is an increasing amount of sport played under floodlighting, eg. current day/night Test Match between New Zealand and MCC (England)?
Nick Robinson, co-presenting with JustRemainIn Webb, has gone all the way to Edinburgh from Salford (has he moved from Islington?) to comment on the Sturgeon resignation. What does Nick do? To talk politics and about the Sturgeon resignation, he talks to Nick Eardley. Where is Nick Eardley?
The right honourable high point for not voting blue labour next time . Shapps after a job with that sinister character next year after his political life is ended….
Shaps gave councils millions to close roads and must never be forgotten . C—t
Bill Gates recently resigned from the board of Microsoft to focus full time on philanthropy. It’s a perfect time to remember: billionaire-funded philanthropy is a public-relations scam.
BBC Africa reporter @HemansSharon just appeared on FooC
doing an item about California legal dope growers
“This scheme represents a kind of compensation for an (old) policy that disproportionately TARGETTED African-American and Latino communities”
That’s BS the law did NOT specify police should go to African-American and Latino communities ..the law was colourblind.
The word she means is AFFECTED
Those communities WERE actually more affected by old drugs policy cos they had more dealers and producers in them.
Her previous programme
I made my first Crossing Continents documentary for Radio 4 with producer Alex Last. It was broadcast on Thursday and airs again tonight at 8.30pm. Thanks to everyone who spoke to me for this programme to tell this important story #cannabis#socialequity
“’This scheme represents a kind of compensation for an (old) policy that disproportionately TARGETTED African-American and Latino communities’.
That’s BS the law did NOT specify police should go to African-American and Latino communities ..the law was colourblind.”
See what you did there… classic “bait & switch”: You quote someone talking about POLICY and then switch to talking about LAW. They are not the same.
The POLICY was to use the law to target the African-American and Latino communities. This has been well documented and is the very reason why the “Social Equity Program” was introduced.
Of this, it’s obvious you know nothing, but never mind. Keep up the good work, Stew.
Maxi tgere was no bait and switch on my part
AFAIK the policy worked as I said it did
ie policy did the normal thing of following the law.
And the reporter did the switch of claiming those areas were targeted rather than had the actual criminals
She supplied no evidence to back her claim
It was just assertion.
Maxi, What you appear to be doing is asserting that CRT critical race theory is proven
Sure many do accept it
but many others contest it
It is not universally accepted.
BTW when was working in America soon after we arrived our group was in a black neighborhood at a bus stop
A group of kind black people arrived and insisted that we move to the bus stop in front of the church, cos they said “our neighbourhood is kinda dangerous”
So I can accept that the arrest rate in that neighborhood was higher cos of actual crime.
Not merely because police were deciding to target that area.
Robin Ince 💙
Bibliomaniac, is out on 6th October. I’ll be touring bookshops. bookshops, I have plenty of dates available in 2023.
Londonrobinince.comJoined June 2009
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From Robert Spencer in ‘PJ Media’ on the BBC’s love of Shamima Begum (e.g. a documentary on R4, plus the 10-part podcast):
“… … …
The celebritization of Begum is just one episode in a long string of indications that the BBC has a deeply ingrained far-Left bias. What’s more, its notable lack of balance belies the mission statement contained in the BBC’s Royal Charter: “To act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain.” Impartial? That ship sailed for the BBC a long, long time ago. The Beeb’s fascination with Begum demonstrates beyond any lingering doubt that the once-trusted broadcaster has reduced itself to being nothing more than a propaganda arm for the hard Left, which sees any enemy of Britain and the West as an ally and friend.
The kidults bigging up this Islamic terrorist decided one day to demonstrate their power by attempting to build a public image sympathetic to her being brought to the UK to be a celebrity defendant in a terrorist trial .
Muslims in the BBC are at the route of it – and public revulsion helps our case for the ending of the so called State Broadcaster …
Honestly, is she really that important that the bBC needed to write this as if its the end of the UK. We still have the spongers in the HoCs to claim expenses, and answer to its masters in the WEF and EU
The president of the World Bank will step down from his post in June, leaving the organisation almost a year before his term was due to end.
David Malpass announced his decision on social media, without providing a specific reason for his departure.
The pick of former US President Donald Trump,
he has been criticised as a climate-change denier.
Last year, the White House rebuked him after he said he did not know if fossil fuels were driving climate change.
Attendees include director of the Centre for Media Monitoring… which is a Muslim Council of Britain project: “A major component of our work involves holding the media to account for inaccurate reporting on Muslims and Islam.”
Any invites for Christian, Jewish, Hindu etc media orgs?
Disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
“Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association chairman Adrien Berry said: ‘It is hard to see how he first passed the judicial exams and then why it has taken so long for his lack of knowledge to be exposed.”
When you give people special privilege above the law, you get no law and 1400 raped and tortured children over 16 years … ‘In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that at least 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–15, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men.’
History debunked again
‘If a demo is organised by the Socialist Worker , the media don’t describe it as *far left*
Yet they rush to use the term “far right”
Talking today to a Canadian I know with an interest in politics and definitely not a Trudeau fan, says Adern has fallen, now Krankie, and next it’s Trudeau.
When I said the elections weren’t that long ago he said things are so bad in Canada at the moment there could well be an uprising to remove him or even a revolution.
It strikes me though that many Western countries have allowed themselves to fall into the mess they are because of allowing entitled old men to lead parties to defear after defeat.
These old men have no political vision what so ever and are only in their positions by entitlement and because they want to hold onto their wealth at all costs.
And that’s it, the sum total of their political ideology starts and ends at that.
Free market capitalism is a wondeful free enterprise vision which should inspire anyone. The market doesn’t care about which race or creed or sexual identity you are if what you produce is what the market wants then you will thrive, if not you will have to either change or fail.
No one is criticising the horrible soul destroying vision of ‘equality’ and especially not equal opportunities.
Equality is the Mao Suit ! next time you hear someone mention it ask them why they aren’t wearing a Mao suit. That is the philosophy of equality, no one ever being able to aspire, to improve their lives or to rise above by virtue of hard work talent or enterprise, the best you can ever do is to be equal.
Then there is equal opportunities which has foold many sheeple into thinking it means a level playing field when it comes to jobs and promotions and fairness when it in fact means nothing of the sort and is far more sinister.
Equal opportunities means not teaching your child to read or write because that gives them an unfair advantage. It means not helping them with their homework, not hiring a private tutor or buying items which might assist their education in any way because that would give them an unfair advantage an unequal opportunity.
We hear none of this. Just old men talking about taxation and laws designed to keep the poor where they are and the rich, rich, it’s all about freezing social mobility by what ever means necessary.
How sad it is that this is reflected all over the West, and why is it that although the far Left Cameron gave honours to all the remain team the leave team including Farage got nothing at all ?
I wonder if the current state is the inheritance of the 1960s? The children of the air heads of that social change ?
On today this morning the now retired CEO of unilever was effectively spouting the sort of ani capitalist – diversity – environmentalism- social justice crap which has taken root in too many companies .
I do wonder if such an attitude is a phase or something else .
But the woke cancer is everywhere and the longer it goes on the more kids growing up will accept it as ‘normal ‘ – aided by the MSM .
Adapting too it is tricky . Rebelling against it even more difficult – and fighting it ? Becoming a casualty of cancellation or worse to come.
Liffted from Make of it what you will:
In January, Zelensky blamed Russia for the helicopter crash in Brovary, because of which the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was killed:
“War is not only on the battlefield, war has several directions. There are no more accidents. All this is the result of war. All these steps, everything that happens, missiles that hit our people, on the civilians, deaths of children…”
In response, the President of Ukraine received the following appeal from a Ukrainian woman:
“Tell me please, how can you constantly blame everyone, but not yourself? Never yourself! Everyone is always to blame, not you! What are you sitting there for? Why did you run for president of our country? To destroy our nation? Right now, that’s what it looks like!
For you, everyone else is to blame for everything. You collect all the scrap metal from all over the European Union! You make young guys who have newborn babies and pregnant wives go to the front. You changed the law, so now even sixteen year olds are conscripted, and seventeen year olds go to the hot spots. You’re even the official sponsor of fucking British scientists who dissect our guys for organs.
You bastard, your wife walks around in a 40 thousand euro raincoat, and this wasn’t even a New Year’s gift! She lies that she knows the prices in her country and claims that mackerel costs 8 hryvnia… Have some conscience, Zelensky! Haven’t you ruined everything? Are you not afraid that your children will pay for your sins?
You laugh, mock and jeer the common people, thanks to whom you became a millionaire! You’re a dollar millionaire, for fuck’s sake! Where did you get it – from the war, fucking hell, from bones! I understand that you don’t feel sorry for anyone, you bastard, but don’t you even feel sorry for your children? Just get out of Ukraine!
Take all these fuckers that you sponsored, all these Banderites… and just fuck off to Britain! People are tired of you, tired of your regime, tired of your lies, do you understand or not? You lie all the time, you brute! You’ve never told the truth! Go out now to Khreshchatyk and prove that you are in Ukraine!
Turn on the live broadcast on all social networks, kneel down, you faggot, and ask forgiveness from every mother from whom you took a son! Because you are not going to negotiate with Russia, because you are not sitting down at the negotiating table with Putin, because you are fighting until the last Ukrainian and because you are still bombing Donbass! You stinking faggot!!!”
bBC carrying on the theme, we had balloons over the US, now balloons over Ukraine
“Images circulating on social media show an unsophisticated design, with a radar-reflecting, cross-shaped structure trailing under the balloon suspended by a line” – so because the images are on line – this is fact, because images are online?? Suppose it depends if its true or not, if it fits the bBC narrative
Australia are to pillage our skilled workers – police – firefighters – medics – plumbers – engineers etc, with offers of a great wage, good lifestyle, wonderful medical care. Um, why don’t they just pitch up to the beaches of Calais – they can take their pick !!!!!
(no mention of wanting pensioners sadly – if so, I’d book my ticket today).
Ex-Chancellor Philip Hammond has bravely decided to sell his soul in public, calling for the UK-China relationship to “return to business as usual”, despite the ongoing evidence of security threats, espionage and mass human rights violations. Hammond chose to deliver this call for a renewed Golden Era in… the CCP propaganda outfit China Daily.
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Basically about a BBC journalist Lorna Acquah trying to rent a flat in London with a £1600 monthly budget.
“The bathroom stank of damp, with stained yellow tiles and sprawling patches of black mould. ”
Greasy kitchens, huge deposits long contracts etc
She’s still looking…
Naturally no mention of the elephant in the room – mass immigration causing severe overcrowding, or how the immigrants have been handed the keys to ALL the cheap social housing..
Wait untill she has to temporally live out of a hotel , only to find they’ve block booked them to the rubber dingy crowd.
Coin probably still won’t drop.
Someone I know around here recently rented a house for £400 pm
It does have a garden
but it’s really a flat
The developers
Take a normal house and make the front/back doors 2 houses then put separate door in the backroom extension with a new staircase thus 1 house becomes 3 or 4 houses
“The pair were further remanded into youth detention.
The judge set a provisional trial date for July.”
Self defence?
A happy 15 year old couple out for a romantic walk in the park, holding hands, when they were attacked by Brian, looking for trouble after being suspended from school?
He describes all the aforementioned concerns about China as “background noise” to the UK-China relationship over the past three years, and insists they’re still an essential trading partner.
“Political differences have never been and must not become an impediment to Britain’s strength. The UK’s history is one of trade-led diplomacy — a trade-first approach. We are, after all, the nation that sold boots to the Napoleonic armies while we were fighting them and ultimately defeating them. You cannot get more trade-first with that. And, quite honestly, if we only trade with people with whom we have no political differences, we can close half our ports tomorrow.”
Presumably Hammond would sell boots to China and then be only too happy to lick them…
In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of the free market. Notably, she says that “It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.” She also answers audience questions after the lecture.
“It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.”
Forgive my late appearance after a night of celebration.
Don’t let the #scummedia say otherwise – most Scots were celebrating last night.
The obituaries last night on all channels including GB News were unbelievable. I wondered which world leader had died.
Then I realised it was the wee ned! No achievements in 16 years, other than turn Scotland into the most divided and bitter nation possible. If you think Brexit tore families and friendships apart, that was nothing compared to their Campaign.
Laughable to hear the comments about Misogyny in the wake of her departure, particularly when you consider her reaction to the loss of Jo Swinton’s seat.
Not an ounce of consensus or compromise.
Simply hate.
I suspect this sudden resignation is the result of an upcoming scandal that even she couldn’t bury.
For what she has done to my country, and the image of my country, may she rot in hell.
State of education the biggest example of failure of Scottish devolution – Brian Monteith
There is no bigger example of the failure of Scottish devolution than the current state of education across our schools.
Let me be clear, the blame for the deterioration lies not with the teachers, but with politicians, in particular our politicians in Holyrood and the executive that calls itself the Scottish Government.
Ah but its all about load isn't it…last weeks episode may interest you where we talk to President of electricity ( Yes that's a job) for National Grid who helps us look into the future of power.
Giant desert solar farms might have unintended climate consequences
Turning deserts into solar energy farms could raise temperatures across the globe and cause devastating droughts in the Amazon.
Drought in the Amazon, cyclones in Vietnam
Covering 20 percent of the Sahara with solar farms raises local temperatures in the desert by 1.5 degrees Celsius, according to our model. At 50 percent coverage, the temperature increase is 2.5 degrees Celsius. This warming is eventually spread around the globe by atmosphere and ocean movement, raising the world’s average temperature by 0.16 degrees Celsius for 20 percent coverage, and 0.39 degrees Celsius for 50 percent coverage. The global temperature shift is not uniform, though — the polar regions would warm more than the tropics, increasing sea ice loss in the Arctic. This could further accelerate warming, as melting sea ice exposes dark water which absorbs much more solar energy.
This massive new heat source in the Sahara reorganizes global air and ocean circulation, affecting precipitation patterns around the world.
4th July 2019by George Turner
The BBC has set aside up to £12m to pay off the past tax liabilities of BBC presenters being pursued by HMRC for tax avoidance using personal service companies, the latest BBC annual report has revealed.
However, the National Audit Office (NAO) has questioned whether the payments are a legitimate use of BBC funds, and has issued a qualified opinion of the BBC accounts as a result.
Surely if the BBC pays its employees’ tax liabilities that is a benefit in kind on which both the employees and BBC should pay tax and National Insurance? Or are they trying to wriggle out of that as well?
IPSO’s most recent Editors’ Code review, last conducted in 2020, ultimately rejected calls to add a clause explicitly banning discriminatory content
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell, author of ‘1984’
Lithium deposits in Ukraine
“This may not be the main reason for the invasion, but undoubtedly Ukraine’s mineral wealth is one of the reasons why this country is so important to Russia,” said Rod Schoonover, former director of the Environment and Natural Resources Section of the U.S. National Intelligence Council.
A wealth confirmed by the fact that Ukrainian lithium had begun to attract global attention as early as last year, before the Russian invasion halted exploration. Last November, in fact, the Australian company European Lithium said it was close to securing the rights to two promising deposits of lithium in the region of Donetsk (eastern Ukraine) and Kirovograd, in the center of the country. In the same month, the Chinese company Chengxin Lithium has also asked for the rights on some deposits, a move that would allow China to win the first deposit in Europe.
Hammond ‘aware of risks’ over trading with China but presses on
This article is more than 3 years old
The chancellor says the UK’s open trading economy needs inward investment
Those searches were all done voluntarily and with the consent of Biden’s legal team.
Those searches were all done voluntarily and with the consent of Biden’s legal team.
Those searches were all done voluntarily and with the consent of Biden’s legal team.
During her tenure as United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton drew controversy by using a private email server for official public communications rather than using official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers. After a years-long FBI investigation, it was determined that Clinton’s server did not contain any information or emails that were clearly marked classified.[1] Federal agencies did, however, retrospectively determine that 100 emails contained information that should have been deemed classified at the time they were sent, including 65 emails deemed “Secret” and 22 deemed “Top Secret”. An additional 2,093 emails were retroactively designated confidential by the State Department.[2][3][4][5]
“A load of pomp? FEMAIL lays bare all the times Meghan Markle claimed she knew ‘NOTHING’ about the royal family before meeting Harry – as it’s revealed she wrote unflattering 2014 blog about Prince William and Kate’s wedding TWO YEARS before meeting Duke
Meghan has long claimed that she knew very little about the Royal Family
However, a post from Meghan’s now defunct website The Tig debunks her claims”
Regional centres would be set up to replace the service and “ensure the holistic needs” of patients are fully met, NHS England said, after being warned that only having one provider was “not a safe or viable long-term option”.
Talking about ethics at the BBC, proof that the BBC is run by Global Fascists or International Socialists (InterNazis).
No mainstream media interest in the 150th anniversary of Speakers Corner or the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code.
So a book called “The Nuremberg Code and Its Modern Enemies” will explore potential reasons why the 75th anniversary of the Code was almost universally ignored by the medical ethics profession and the mainstream media, and why, starting in 2020, attempts to undermine the Code’s authority have become a cottage industry for literally dozens of writers.
For a free PDF copy of “The Nuremberg Code” and when the book “The Nuremberg Code and Its Modern Enemies” is available, see this:
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
ITV local newsPR opens with grooming gang victim Sammy Woodhouse who is now winning the right that her child from rape and others can be recognized as victims
Not as the local council said children of rapists who have right to access.
They then cut to a Labour figure outside parliament.
FFS they were the ones that covered it all up.
Turkey’s ‘marry your rapist’ law has taken women’s rights right back to the 1950s
To say this is alarming is an understatement. With the president conveying this message, it will only be a matter of time before society buys into the idea that women’s rights don’t matter
Those Angel nurses – no reports of killing anyone ( above normal) in strikes so far so the A and E angels and cancer angels are withdrawing their labour …..
In April 2020, the Health Secretary announced that over £13bn of NHS debt would be written off and converted to public dividend capital (PDC). This was part of a wide range of financial measures the Government brought in for health and social care during the current pandemic.
Fraud bosses warn against manager cuts
The Health Sector Journal has today published an interview with Alex Rothwell and Richard Hampton following three years of work by the CFA Fraud Prevention Unit to identify areas of fraud risk in procurement and helping trusts close those vulnerabilities
Published: 14/11/2022
NHS hires diversity managers on £77,000 a year despite ‘war on wokery’
A government review had suggested the roles should be cut back
BBC didn’t like centrica making money – but not so much mentioning that out of the £3.3 billion only £75 million came from British Gas …. Peanuts …. The rest from global sales of petrol products ….
Conservative party leadership candidate, Liz Truss, is facing questions on her involvement in the closure of the Rough gas storage facility off the coast of East Yorkshire.
Closed in 2017, Centrica Energy at the time cited safety issues at the plant as the reason for its closure, however, the opposition is pointing out that this report came nine days after Ms Truss started as Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
Truss’ supporters deny she had any involvement in the plant’s closure and Centrica at the time said the closure was “not a decision for ministers”.
I understand you feel we should cover alleged expenses abused by MPs.
We know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or the order in which they appear. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand. We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision – various factors are at play and there’s often debate in the newsroom too.
A range of factors affect how we put together our news bulletins. Is it breaking news, or a dated story? Does it follow on from a recent event, or change our understanding of things? Is it unusual, or attracting national interest? We consider these things and also put great importance on verifying events and building up a clear picture – before reporting in a reliable and trustworthy way.
Editorial decisions are more of a judgement call, than an exact science – so you’ll even find variety from one BBC programme to the next. Time constraints, the expected audience profile and the style of each bulletin or current affairs programme can all play a part.
Nevertheless, we appreciate the feedback that our viewers and listeners give us when they feel a story has been overlooked or marginalised.
All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we have included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.
Complaint Summary: Follow up UK MP expenses of 2009 – MP paid £65K
Full Complaint: Dear BBC £3.5 billion paid under threat of prison complaints department,
Could you revisit the 2009 UK MP expenses again, I would not like to find out that MPs like Tony Blair have ran to the shredder prior to your investigations.
Here are some details, can you use Journalists who are avoiding the BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker Pay Gap and see why an MP on £77K salary tops up their money with a job giving them £65K extra a year.
Maybe find other MPs on such amazing schemes and why they are getting free tickets to concerts when they have so much cash sloshing around in their MP expenses accounts.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
p.s. I also see that MPs claim their MP Office BBC TV Licenses Tax on their expenses, thus the UK tax payer has to pay their own TV License and their MP’s TV License. Might want to consider stopping this for the 650 MPs.
The reference I made to a woman’s “prime” this morning was inartful and irrelevant, as colleagues and loved ones have pointed out, and I regret it. A woman’s age doesn't define her either personally or professionally. I have countless women in my life who prove that every day.
honest, fearless conversations … ha ha ha
honest, fearless conversations … ha ha ha
I truly believe my new book “This Is The Fire”will help heal America. These are the honest, fearless conversations I have with my friends & family about racism. It’s inspired by James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time. Please click this link to preorder.
honest, fearless conversations … ha ha ha
honest, fearless conversations … ha ha ha
The “black book” of Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy financier and now-accused child sex trafficker, is a smorgasbord of high-profile, powerful people, including Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, Britain’s Prince Andrew and former Prime Minister Tony Blair, and convicted sex assailant and comedian Bill Cosby, Epstein’s former neighbor.
Then there’s supermarket mogul Ron Burkle, Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton, former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and John Kerry, late Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, media titan Rupert Murdoch, and movie director Woody Allen, New York magazine notes in a new article detailing the contents of Epstein’s private phone book and private plane’s flight logs.
The article contains summaries of Epstein’s relationships with various well-heeled people whose names appear in those documents including President Donald Trump, who once called Epstein a “terrific guy” in an interview with New York, and Bill Clinton, who traveled multiple times on Epstein’s plane.
Grant Shapps admits mistake (LIE) over pseudonym
The prime minister says he has “full confidence” in Tory party chairman Grant Shapps, despite his admitting to having “screwed up” over using a pseudonym after being elected to Parliament.
Absolutely nonsense take. By this reasoning Blair & Brown should have been kicked out the party too. Just say that you hate & fear basic social democracy and be done with it.
Seems that the Obama administration is now saying the 3 UFOs shot down by the heroic USAF at the weekend were not Chinese spy devices .
It’s possible that they were not balloons – maybe it was the first shots in an inter galactic war.
Funny isn’t it ? All those science fiction stories about what would happen if aliens turned up – now we know – they’d be designated as Chinese and shot down ….
Actually, the US media was quite critical of Fetterman's debate performance, and whether he was being honest about his health -more so than PA voters it turned out.
BBC crew + Katty backpedalling there on Fetterman I feel – totally medically unfit for any elected office being dragged along by a very ambitious wife.
Joe Biden has a stutter I’m told in addition to being a robust and sharp 80 year old.
BREAKING: Fetterman checks himself into Walter Reed for clinical depression
Fetterman is a warning signal for anyone not of the welfare party thinking of running . He demonstrated that the Obama Biden method of fixing elections still works and will work again in 2 years time .
It is absolutely improper for the BBC to pay contractors tax liabilities. There are two parties to these contracts and it has always been the case that the contractor makes good the tax shortfall because they have money that’s been invoiced and paid. The BBC will be liable for unpaid employers NI and possibly penalties.
I do however have some sympathy with the idea that companies can “employ” people on a freelance basis and people to work in whatever way they want. HMRC have gradually whittled these freedoms away, I think there have been test cases in the Courts.
A piece from the Daily Telegraph about BBC funding –
The director-general of the BBC has said it is “truly amazing” that the broadcaster is “pulling off” forcing households to pay the licence fee.
Speaking to staff at a meeting on Tuesday, Tim Davie said it was “glorious” that the BBC had “better budgets than some of the commercial operators” and did not “need to make a profit on everything”.
“It’s truly amazing what we’re pulling off by the way,” he said. “That most households are pretty happy paying a licence being a forced payment. It’s amazing what we’re pulling off.”
Mr Davie’s comments come a week after Richard Sharp – the BBC chairman who has faced calls to resign over his friendship with Boris Johnson, the former prime minister – branded the £159 annual licence fee “anachronistic”, pointing out that those prosecuted for non-payment are disproportionately female.
The BBC’s future funding model is currently under review after a report by peers last year said the licence fee was “regressive” and should be replaced with a “viable alternative”.
Snippets from a recording of the one-hour meeting, seen by The Telegraph, show the BBC boss speaking candidly to staff at BBC South as journalists prepare to strike over cuts to local BBC radio services.
There is also internal upset over the decision to merge the BBC News channel and BBC World News, halving the number of presenters as a result.
Speaking about the licence fee settlement – the agreement with the Government on how much BBC users can be charged – Mr Davie, 55, said: “We’ve got to be careful at the BBC in terms of our message to the outside world.
“People think we’re the cat with the cream at the moment and I know it doesn’t feel like that internally and I really am very sensitive about saying that.”
Insisting that both ITV and Sky are “in crisis”, Mr Davie said: “Our budgets are slightly better than some of the commercial operators and the lovely thing is we can play long term as well, we don’t need to make a profit on everything which is glorious.”
‘People are switching off’
Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the former Tory party leader, said the comments reflected the “arrogance” of the BBC.
“People don’t actually think the BBC gives them what they want,” he said. “People are switching off. They are fed up getting spoon-fed this very central London, wokeish, apologetic view of their country.”
Peter Bone, the Tory MP for Wellingborough, added: “The comments seem to be from a parallel universe.
“My constituents hate being forced to pay a tax for a TV service that most of them don’t want. If the BBC is as good as he says it is, then surely he won’t mind it being a subscription service?”
Mr Davie also addressed the issue of bias. He said: “There’s a whole load of waffle talked about, you know, the Left. It’s not largely a Left or Right thing at the moment, it’s social issues, it’s rural affairs, what you think about the countryside, what you think about climate change, what you think about diversity.”
Describing the BBC as “incredibly important to democracy”, he also suggested that corporation staff are underpaid – saying: “We’re in a fight for something, that’s why you work for the BBC, that’s why people take less money coming here.”
In Sept 2021, Mr Davie’s annual salary rose from £450,000 to £525,000, an increase of 16.6 per cent. It came after pensioners lost free television licences as the corporation sought to make £1 billion worth of cuts.
“You know I get extremely well paid,” he added. “But everyone in my top team takes a lot less money that they can get.
“The BBC pyramid is actually not that bureaucratic compared to most. I can feel it at times but it’s me, 12 at the top, 60 very senior people, 300, then 1,000 line managers.”
The former marketing director’s appointment to succeed Tony Hall in 2020 raised eyebrows, because he has no career history in journalism.
After working for Pepsi, as well as Proctor and Gamble, he joined the BBC in 2005. He controversially recommended that 6 Music be shut down when he was director of audio and music in 2010.
Tim Davie defends local radio cuts
Joking that “I’m on my 16th sec of state”, he invited staff to ask him whatever they liked, including: “What the hell are we going to do about what’s happened with the chairman?”
Mr Sharp has become embroiled in a row over how a distant family member came to secure an £800,000 loan for Mr Johnson while he was prime minister.
Appearing to address the proposed cuts to BBC local radio, Mr Davie insisted: “No one loves radio more than me but look at the Rajars,” referring to the official listening ratings body.
“I say it with a heavy heart but we’re just not going to be able to deliver that through linear radio alone. No one can.”
Quoting an unnamed newspaper executive who said stories with “BBC, trans or royal” in the title got more clicks, he added: “The quickest way of getting reach is, you know, cat falling off fridge.”
A BBC spokesman said: “Tim Davie has been speaking to teams across the BBC about the organisation’s strategy, alongside taking questions from staff. It’s not unusual for these topics – among many others – to be raised in internal discussions.
“In talking with BBC teams, Tim regularly discusses the privilege of having the licence fee; the continued need to deliver outstanding content and distinctive journalism; the challenging circumstances facing the media industry, including the BBC; and the fact that the BBC can take creative risks that are harder for others to do.
“The commercial media sector generally pays staff more than the BBC does, however many people work at the BBC because they believe in public service and have access to great opportunities.”ENDS
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:40 Start the Week 10th March 2025 As I have little faith in all media, I read around. On occasion I get a laugh. ‘Throng’.
Some things must never be said . …. The total population of Scotland is probably the equivalent of 28 London boroughs with 4 to spare ….. you d never know ….
Hello Fedup
Just googled the SNP, and how many MPS in the House of Commons, 45 MPS. Not a bad percentage, seems far too many, based on the population of Scotland
Hello Andy
And I notice that the new Berkow gives them a disproportionate dig at the green card PM each week – not that it matters … pity the fat crofter isn’t leader any more – maybe be can do is act back in Scotland ….’the people of Scotland ‘’’’ …. Hitler would be proud …
My local londonistan paper reports a 32 year old plod with a bondage fetish getting 2 years for attacking an ex girl friend ….
… the number of plod arrested / charged / convicted / prison …is so high that the likes of the bbc don’t even bother putting them in the local news …..the attempted murder x3 machete attack in a pub did make the London local news though …. No names mentioned …
My brother in law is an ex-copper from Humberside and he said the pass mark for the entrance exam was 95%. He added that for the met, it was only 60% because of the dire quality of the people down there prepared to be police.
He also said that a few transferred up here to get away from London – but after having to deal with the kind of scumbags OUR area is full of, they usually went back.
Every Gumtree page a month ago had a recruiting advert for the Met
I understand they dumped entrance exams because they wanted the approve colour in – and to overcome language issues ….. and I think they don’t go to ‘school ‘ any more – just do some on line stuff … such as
There is a green sit down on the m25 . Do you arrest the protesters or the taxpayers trying to clear the road ?
You are off duty and use your warrant card to abduct and rape a person who identifies as a woman ? Is that right or wrong ?
Show your workings ….
John189 wrote
BBC is part of Global Warming Alamism CULT
They tweeted 3 times to promote “green armbands” POLITICAL stunt at football grounds
CCBGB for #GreenFootballWeekend
Thread #1 got 54 Likes
One reply
Thread #2 got 34 Likes
Thread #3 got 66 Likes
Something strange Sport Bible got 1014 LIkes
yet all comments go against them
Are they buying their Likes ?
Similar for the Liverpool FC tweet
Story :–?format=jpg&name=medium
Maybe they can on,y ever play in bright daylight …..
Stew, if Global Warming and ‘greening sport’ is so important, why is an increasing amount of sport played under floodlighting, eg. current day/night Test Match between New Zealand and MCC (England)?
Well Fed..
they won’t be able to play in the daylight during winter as these things are on the pitch..
Lighting rigs to provide artificial sunlight in winter for the grass on the pitch , Etihad Stadium Manchester City UK
Maybe luminous ball , lines , goals – and players kitted with head lights ….. spurs still wouldn’t turn up for the first half …
TOADY Watch #1 – yer just gotta larff!
Nick Robinson, co-presenting with JustRemainIn Webb, has gone all the way to Edinburgh from Salford (has he moved from Islington?) to comment on the Sturgeon resignation. What does Nick do? To talk politics and about the Sturgeon resignation, he talks to Nick Eardley. Where is Nick Eardley?
In London!
Good God!
As Mark Steyn would ask – is this venality or laziness or something altogether more sinister?
Huge 20:1 ratio there
Shapps tweet got 55 Likes vs 1,023 replies
The reply
“Nobody thinks our energy policy is any of Bill Gate’s business.”
The right honourable high point for not voting blue labour next time . Shapps after a job with that sinister character next year after his political life is ended….
Shaps gave councils millions to close roads and must never be forgotten . C—t
With all that’s going on (detrimental to the people) throughout the Western World, I’ll go for, “more sinister”
What’s that in Latin?
He should be fixing my bloody Windows critical error
Bill Gates recently resigned from the board of Microsoft to focus full time on philanthropy. It’s a perfect time to remember: billionaire-funded philanthropy is a public-relations scam.
Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past
Re-posted because I couldn’t even see it on my PC, let alone the iPad, and it looked as though it might have more to reveal. It did.
World Bank, Gates Foundation, DFID Join Forces to Improve Education Quality Around the World
BBC Africa reporter @HemansSharon just appeared on FooC
doing an item about California legal dope growers
“This scheme represents a kind of compensation for an (old) policy that disproportionately TARGETTED African-American and Latino communities”
That’s BS the law did NOT specify police should go to African-American and Latino communities ..the law was colourblind.
The word she means is AFFECTED
Those communities WERE actually more affected by old drugs policy cos they had more dealers and producers in them.
Her previous programme
“’This scheme represents a kind of compensation for an (old) policy that disproportionately TARGETTED African-American and Latino communities’.
That’s BS the law did NOT specify police should go to African-American and Latino communities ..the law was colourblind.”
See what you did there… classic “bait & switch”: You quote someone talking about POLICY and then switch to talking about LAW. They are not the same.
The POLICY was to use the law to target the African-American and Latino communities. This has been well documented and is the very reason why the “Social Equity Program” was introduced.
Of this, it’s obvious you know nothing, but never mind. Keep up the good work, Stew.
Maxi tgere was no bait and switch on my part
AFAIK the policy worked as I said it did
ie policy did the normal thing of following the law.
And the reporter did the switch of claiming those areas were targeted rather than had the actual criminals
She supplied no evidence to back her claim
It was just assertion.
Maxi, What you appear to be doing is asserting that CRT critical race theory is proven
Sure many do accept it
but many others contest it
It is not universally accepted.
BTW when was working in America soon after we arrived our group was in a black neighborhood at a bus stop
A group of kind black people arrived and insisted that we move to the bus stop in front of the church, cos they said “our neighbourhood is kinda dangerous”
So I can accept that the arrest rate in that neighborhood was higher cos of actual crime.
Not merely because police were deciding to target that area.
Next FooC item Sao Tome dreams of being an oil state
.. oh they are allowed to do it, but the UK isn’t
So BBC presenter show us your extreme anti Tory feelings
without showing us your extreme anti Tory feelings
Gav Esler is always a hoot for why he was employed.
Robin Ince 💙
Bibliomaniac, is out on 6th October. I’ll be touring bookshops. bookshops, I have plenty of dates available in 2023.
Londonrobinince.comJoined June 2009
5,566 Following
From Robert Spencer in ‘PJ Media’ on the BBC’s love of Shamima Begum (e.g. a documentary on R4, plus the 10-part podcast):
“… … …
The celebritization of Begum is just one episode in a long string of indications that the BBC has a deeply ingrained far-Left bias. What’s more, its notable lack of balance belies the mission statement contained in the BBC’s Royal Charter: “To act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain.” Impartial? That ship sailed for the BBC a long, long time ago. The Beeb’s fascination with Begum demonstrates beyond any lingering doubt that the once-trusted broadcaster has reduced itself to being nothing more than a propaganda arm for the hard Left, which sees any enemy of Britain and the West as an ally and friend.
… … …”
The kidults bigging up this Islamic terrorist decided one day to demonstrate their power by attempting to build a public image sympathetic to her being brought to the UK to be a celebrity defendant in a terrorist trial .
Muslims in the BBC are at the route of it – and public revulsion helps our case for the ending of the so called State Broadcaster …
Nicola Sturgeon resignation: Where does it leave the future of the UK?
Honestly, is she really that important that the bBC needed to write this as if its the end of the UK. We still have the spongers in the HoCs to claim expenses, and answer to its masters in the WEF and EU
Absolutely zero sense of proportion. Just a small corner of the UK.
Leaves us in a hell of a better place now that the vile hag is going.
Only CorrectThink is allowed
The president of the World Bank will step down from his post in June, leaving the organisation almost a year before his term was due to end.
David Malpass announced his decision on social media, without providing a specific reason for his departure.
The pick of former US President Donald Trump,
he has been criticised as a climate-change denier.
Last year, the White House rebuked him after he said he did not know if fossil fuels were driving climate change.
He later apologised for the remarks.
News is done with dramatic pauses “3 point 3 billion pounds !”
Em Centrica profits mostly come from abroad
whereas the BBC itself sucks “3 point 3 billion pounds !” per year off the British public directly is so upset about the cold it is asking £3.50 to heat up the planet.
Or something.
So much explained.
Its like a rogues gallery of nazi criminals.
“The Future of News”
Attendees include director of the Centre for Media Monitoring… which is a Muslim Council of Britain project: “A major component of our work involves holding the media to account for inaccurate reporting on Muslims and Islam.”
Any invites for Christian, Jewish, Hindu etc media orgs?
Bogus qualifications not checked
Disability TRUMPS Ability. Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
“Immigration Law Practitioners’ Association chairman Adrien Berry said: ‘It is hard to see how he first passed the judicial exams and then why it has taken so long for his lack of knowledge to be exposed.”
When you give people special privilege above the law, you get no law and 1400 raped and tortured children over 16 years … ‘In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that at least 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–15, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men.’
History debunked again
‘If a demo is organised by the Socialist Worker , the media don’t describe it as *far left*
Yet they rush to use the term “far right”
Talking today to a Canadian I know with an interest in politics and definitely not a Trudeau fan, says Adern has fallen, now Krankie, and next it’s Trudeau.
When I said the elections weren’t that long ago he said things are so bad in Canada at the moment there could well be an uprising to remove him or even a revolution.
It strikes me though that many Western countries have allowed themselves to fall into the mess they are because of allowing entitled old men to lead parties to defear after defeat.
These old men have no political vision what so ever and are only in their positions by entitlement and because they want to hold onto their wealth at all costs.
And that’s it, the sum total of their political ideology starts and ends at that.
Free market capitalism is a wondeful free enterprise vision which should inspire anyone. The market doesn’t care about which race or creed or sexual identity you are if what you produce is what the market wants then you will thrive, if not you will have to either change or fail.
No one is criticising the horrible soul destroying vision of ‘equality’ and especially not equal opportunities.
Equality is the Mao Suit ! next time you hear someone mention it ask them why they aren’t wearing a Mao suit. That is the philosophy of equality, no one ever being able to aspire, to improve their lives or to rise above by virtue of hard work talent or enterprise, the best you can ever do is to be equal.
Then there is equal opportunities which has foold many sheeple into thinking it means a level playing field when it comes to jobs and promotions and fairness when it in fact means nothing of the sort and is far more sinister.
Equal opportunities means not teaching your child to read or write because that gives them an unfair advantage. It means not helping them with their homework, not hiring a private tutor or buying items which might assist their education in any way because that would give them an unfair advantage an unequal opportunity.
We hear none of this. Just old men talking about taxation and laws designed to keep the poor where they are and the rich, rich, it’s all about freezing social mobility by what ever means necessary.
How sad it is that this is reflected all over the West, and why is it that although the far Left Cameron gave honours to all the remain team the leave team including Farage got nothing at all ?
Guess at the latest WEF meet up they decided to replace the “in your face” politicians with a different brand but with exact same agenda of course.
I wonder if the current state is the inheritance of the 1960s? The children of the air heads of that social change ?
On today this morning the now retired CEO of unilever was effectively spouting the sort of ani capitalist – diversity – environmentalism- social justice crap which has taken root in too many companies .
I do wonder if such an attitude is a phase or something else .
But the woke cancer is everywhere and the longer it goes on the more kids growing up will accept it as ‘normal ‘ – aided by the MSM .
Adapting too it is tricky . Rebelling against it even more difficult – and fighting it ? Becoming a casualty of cancellation or worse to come.
Maybe only true hardship will cure it…
Not bbc, but best use of ‘promising footballer’ yet.
Liffted from Make of it what you will:
In January, Zelensky blamed Russia for the helicopter crash in Brovary, because of which the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine was killed:
“War is not only on the battlefield, war has several directions. There are no more accidents. All this is the result of war. All these steps, everything that happens, missiles that hit our people, on the civilians, deaths of children…”
In response, the President of Ukraine received the following appeal from a Ukrainian woman:
“Tell me please, how can you constantly blame everyone, but not yourself? Never yourself! Everyone is always to blame, not you! What are you sitting there for? Why did you run for president of our country? To destroy our nation? Right now, that’s what it looks like!
For you, everyone else is to blame for everything. You collect all the scrap metal from all over the European Union! You make young guys who have newborn babies and pregnant wives go to the front. You changed the law, so now even sixteen year olds are conscripted, and seventeen year olds go to the hot spots. You’re even the official sponsor of fucking British scientists who dissect our guys for organs.
You bastard, your wife walks around in a 40 thousand euro raincoat, and this wasn’t even a New Year’s gift! She lies that she knows the prices in her country and claims that mackerel costs 8 hryvnia… Have some conscience, Zelensky! Haven’t you ruined everything? Are you not afraid that your children will pay for your sins?
You laugh, mock and jeer the common people, thanks to whom you became a millionaire! You’re a dollar millionaire, for fuck’s sake! Where did you get it – from the war, fucking hell, from bones! I understand that you don’t feel sorry for anyone, you bastard, but don’t you even feel sorry for your children? Just get out of Ukraine!
Take all these fuckers that you sponsored, all these Banderites… and just fuck off to Britain! People are tired of you, tired of your regime, tired of your lies, do you understand or not? You lie all the time, you brute! You’ve never told the truth! Go out now to Khreshchatyk and prove that you are in Ukraine!
Turn on the live broadcast on all social networks, kneel down, you faggot, and ask forgiveness from every mother from whom you took a son! Because you are not going to negotiate with Russia, because you are not sitting down at the negotiating table with Putin, because you are fighting until the last Ukrainian and because you are still bombing Donbass! You stinking faggot!!!”
Russian balloons over Kyiv in new wave of attacks
bBC carrying on the theme, we had balloons over the US, now balloons over Ukraine
“Images circulating on social media show an unsophisticated design, with a radar-reflecting, cross-shaped structure trailing under the balloon suspended by a line” – so because the images are on line – this is fact, because images are online?? Suppose it depends if its true or not, if it fits the bBC narrative
Banksy Margate Valentine’s Day artwork piece removed again
Apparently she has a broken tooth and a swollen eye – maybe just a closed eye and maybe just a gap in the teeth!
Anyone seen any reports on this on any BBC news or webshite or MSM
Australia are to pillage our skilled workers – police – firefighters – medics – plumbers – engineers etc, with offers of a great wage, good lifestyle, wonderful medical care. Um, why don’t they just pitch up to the beaches of Calais – they can take their pick !!!!!
(no mention of wanting pensioners sadly – if so, I’d book my ticket today).
Good luck to them – i d be gone in a flash . I thought all the english speaking doctors go to aus anyway . ..
Ex-Chancellor Philip Hammond has bravely decided to sell his soul in public, calling for the UK-China relationship to “return to business as usual”, despite the ongoing evidence of security threats, espionage and mass human rights violations. Hammond chose to deliver this call for a renewed Golden Era in… the CCP propaganda outfit China Daily.
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
Philip Hammond accepts £2,000 watch from Saudi sheikh, despite ban on donating expensive gifts
“Exhausting, costly, miserable: My search to rent a one-bed flat”
Basically about a BBC journalist Lorna Acquah trying to rent a flat in London with a £1600 monthly budget.
“The bathroom stank of damp, with stained yellow tiles and sprawling patches of black mould. ”
Greasy kitchens, huge deposits long contracts etc
She’s still looking…
Naturally no mention of the elephant in the room – mass immigration causing severe overcrowding, or how the immigrants have been handed the keys to ALL the cheap social housing..
Wait untill she has to temporally live out of a hotel , only to find they’ve block booked them to the rubber dingy crowd.
Coin probably still won’t drop.
Cost of living: Artist living in converted skip in Bermondsey
Someone I know around here recently rented a house for £400 pm
It does have a garden
but it’s really a flat
The developers
Take a normal house and make the front/back doors 2 houses then put separate door in the backroom extension with a new staircase thus 1 house becomes 3 or 4 houses
‘Brianna Ghey: Boy and girl in court charged with murder’
“The pair were further remanded into youth detention.
The judge set a provisional trial date for July.”
Self defence?
A happy 15 year old couple out for a romantic walk in the park, holding hands, when they were attacked by Brian, looking for trouble after being suspended from school?
He describes all the aforementioned concerns about China as “background noise” to the UK-China relationship over the past three years, and insists they’re still an essential trading partner.
“Political differences have never been and must not become an impediment to Britain’s strength. The UK’s history is one of trade-led diplomacy — a trade-first approach. We are, after all, the nation that sold boots to the Napoleonic armies while we were fighting them and ultimately defeating them. You cannot get more trade-first with that. And, quite honestly, if we only trade with people with whom we have no political differences, we can close half our ports tomorrow.”
Presumably Hammond would sell boots to China and then be only too happy to lick them…
In the lecture, Rand admonishes American businessmen for apologizing for capitalism and for, in some cases, directly funding detractors of the free market. Notably, she says that “It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.” She also answers audience questions after the lecture.
“It is a moral crime to give money to support your own destroyers.”
Forgive my late appearance after a night of celebration.
Don’t let the #scummedia say otherwise – most Scots were celebrating last night.
The obituaries last night on all channels including GB News were unbelievable. I wondered which world leader had died.
Then I realised it was the wee ned! No achievements in 16 years, other than turn Scotland into the most divided and bitter nation possible. If you think Brexit tore families and friendships apart, that was nothing compared to their Campaign.
Laughable to hear the comments about Misogyny in the wake of her departure, particularly when you consider her reaction to the loss of Jo Swinton’s seat.
Not an ounce of consensus or compromise.
Simply hate.
I suspect this sudden resignation is the result of an upcoming scandal that even she couldn’t bury.
For what she has done to my country, and the image of my country, may she rot in hell.
State of education the biggest example of failure of Scottish devolution – Brian Monteith
There is no bigger example of the failure of Scottish devolution than the current state of education across our schools.
By Brian Monteith
28th Jun 2021, 4:55am
Let me be clear, the blame for the deterioration lies not with the teachers, but with politicians, in particular our politicians in Holyrood and the executive that calls itself the Scottish Government.
Thatch – you held back a bit there 😜
Probably a wee bit of the Merlot talking 🙂
BTW Jonathan Amos @BBCAmos tweeted
As he promoted his article with a graph that does “overstate the impact” of solar
Comparing a CAPACITY count of wind/solar vs fossil fuel electricity
is like comparing a headcount of mice vs elephants.
Feb7 th debunk
Be nice to see Amos survive on solar “capacity” at this time of year.
Funny how the BBC don’t use quotation marks on renewables capacity.
Small (tiny) potato really in the forest of mendacity they cultivate.
And here is noted engineer Debs talking a load.
Then there is the eye watering cost and battery life.
For some.
Unless used for 15 minute trips.
Deborah Meaden runs holiday parks. Her views on EVs or green crap are of no more value than next door’s cat’s.
She always triggers the Harry Enfield version ….
Giant desert solar farms might have unintended climate consequences
Turning deserts into solar energy farms could raise temperatures across the globe and cause devastating droughts in the Amazon.
Drought in the Amazon, cyclones in Vietnam
Covering 20 percent of the Sahara with solar farms raises local temperatures in the desert by 1.5 degrees Celsius, according to our model. At 50 percent coverage, the temperature increase is 2.5 degrees Celsius. This warming is eventually spread around the globe by atmosphere and ocean movement, raising the world’s average temperature by 0.16 degrees Celsius for 20 percent coverage, and 0.39 degrees Celsius for 50 percent coverage. The global temperature shift is not uniform, though — the polar regions would warm more than the tropics, increasing sea ice loss in the Arctic. This could further accelerate warming, as melting sea ice exposes dark water which absorbs much more solar energy.
This massive new heat source in the Sahara reorganizes global air and ocean circulation, affecting precipitation patterns around the world.
The bolt on para is always a laugh.
4th July 2019by George Turner
The BBC has set aside up to £12m to pay off the past tax liabilities of BBC presenters being pursued by HMRC for tax avoidance using personal service companies, the latest BBC annual report has revealed.
However, the National Audit Office (NAO) has questioned whether the payments are a legitimate use of BBC funds, and has issued a qualified opinion of the BBC accounts as a result.
Surely if the BBC pays its employees’ tax liabilities that is a benefit in kind on which both the employees and BBC should pay tax and National Insurance? Or are they trying to wriggle out of that as well?
Trust and independence that the bbc inspires takes a lot to inculcate.
BBC TMI working its magic.
It’s an intention that is not yet law
Hence our trusting the media to hold such things to proper account, as they have been known to do, historically.
“The omission is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of the historian to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books.” – George Orwell, author of ‘1984’
Lithium deposits in Ukraine
“This may not be the main reason for the invasion, but undoubtedly Ukraine’s mineral wealth is one of the reasons why this country is so important to Russia,” said Rod Schoonover, former director of the Environment and Natural Resources Section of the U.S. National Intelligence Council.
A wealth confirmed by the fact that Ukrainian lithium had begun to attract global attention as early as last year, before the Russian invasion halted exploration. Last November, in fact, the Australian company European Lithium said it was close to securing the rights to two promising deposits of lithium in the region of Donetsk (eastern Ukraine) and Kirovograd, in the center of the country. In the same month, the Chinese company Chengxin Lithium has also asked for the rights on some deposits, a move that would allow China to win the first deposit in Europe.
Check the influence of China on UK Universities and the cowardice of the Tory party in adopting Chinese Communist ideology rather than challenging it
Hammond ‘aware of risks’ over trading with China but presses on
This article is more than 3 years old
The chancellor says the UK’s open trading economy needs inward investment
Those searches were all done voluntarily and with the consent of Biden’s legal team.
Those searches were all done voluntarily and with the consent of Biden’s legal team.
Those searches were all done voluntarily and with the consent of Biden’s legal team.
During her tenure as United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton drew controversy by using a private email server for official public communications rather than using official State Department email accounts maintained on federal servers. After a years-long FBI investigation, it was determined that Clinton’s server did not contain any information or emails that were clearly marked classified.[1] Federal agencies did, however, retrospectively determine that 100 emails contained information that should have been deemed classified at the time they were sent, including 65 emails deemed “Secret” and 22 deemed “Top Secret”. An additional 2,093 emails were retroactively designated confidential by the State Department.[2][3][4][5]
More Nutmeg lies laid bare:
“A load of pomp? FEMAIL lays bare all the times Meghan Markle claimed she knew ‘NOTHING’ about the royal family before meeting Harry – as it’s revealed she wrote unflattering 2014 blog about Prince William and Kate’s wedding TWO YEARS before meeting Duke
Meghan has long claimed that she knew very little about the Royal Family
However, a post from Meghan’s now defunct website The Tig debunks her claims”
Prince Harry: ‘I want you to hear the truth from me’
My Drag Dad helped me become a queen at 15
NHS to close Tavistock gender identity clinic for children
This article is more than 6 months old
Tavistock and Portman trust’s clinic to shut, with two services set up in hospitals in London and north-west England
Regional centres would be set up to replace the service and “ensure the holistic needs” of patients are fully met, NHS England said, after being warned that only having one provider was “not a safe or viable long-term option”.
Talking about ethics at the BBC, proof that the BBC is run by Global Fascists or International Socialists (InterNazis).
No mainstream media interest in the 150th anniversary of Speakers Corner or the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg Code.
So a book called “The Nuremberg Code and Its Modern Enemies” will explore potential reasons why the 75th anniversary of the Code was almost universally ignored by the medical ethics profession and the mainstream media, and why, starting in 2020, attempts to undermine the Code’s authority have become a cottage industry for literally dozens of writers.
For a free PDF copy of “The Nuremberg Code” and when the book “The Nuremberg Code and Its Modern Enemies” is available, see this:
Speakers Corner 150 year celebration was June 27th
GBnews reported it
1765 …. In a republic worthy of name, freedom to publish one’s thoughts is a citizen’s natural right.They may use a pen or their voice, and should not be prevented from writing any more than speaking …That is the law in England, a monarchical country, where people are freer than elsewhere because they are more enlightened. – Voltaire, Republican Ideas, 1765
2018 … In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing. Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire. Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY – UK South Yorkshire Police, 2018
ITV local newsPR opens with grooming gang victim Sammy Woodhouse who is now winning the right that her child from rape and others can be recognized as victims
Not as the local council said children of rapists who have right to access.
They then cut to a Labour figure outside parliament.
FFS they were the ones that covered it all up.
6:10pm Long misleading item about Rishi being tough on poor dinghy divers
by Amrit Birdit doing PR for the ITV show later tonight.
‘Oh here they are at the foodbank they only get £10/week when they are in hotels
Doh their food is provided free at the hotel’
Send aid ….
Turkey’s ‘marry your rapist’ law has taken women’s rights right back to the 1950s
To say this is alarming is an understatement. With the president conveying this message, it will only be a matter of time before society buys into the idea that women’s rights don’t matter
Sara Tor
Thursday 23 January 2020 17:03
Those Angel nurses – no reports of killing anyone ( above normal) in strikes so far so the A and E angels and cancer angels are withdrawing their labour …..
…. Don’t . Forget . To . clap 👏
In April 2020, the Health Secretary announced that over £13bn of NHS debt would be written off and converted to public dividend capital (PDC). This was part of a wide range of financial measures the Government brought in for health and social care during the current pandemic.
Fraud bosses warn against manager cuts
The Health Sector Journal has today published an interview with Alex Rothwell and Richard Hampton following three years of work by the CFA Fraud Prevention Unit to identify areas of fraud risk in procurement and helping trusts close those vulnerabilities
Published: 14/11/2022
NHS hires diversity managers on £77,000 a year despite ‘war on wokery’
A government review had suggested the roles should be cut back
BBC didn’t like centrica making money – but not so much mentioning that out of the £3.3 billion only £75 million came from British Gas …. Peanuts …. The rest from global sales of petrol products ….
Conservative party leadership candidate, Liz Truss, is facing questions on her involvement in the closure of the Rough gas storage facility off the coast of East Yorkshire.
Closed in 2017, Centrica Energy at the time cited safety issues at the plant as the reason for its closure, however, the opposition is pointing out that this report came nine days after Ms Truss started as Chief Secretary to the Treasury.
Truss’ supporters deny she had any involvement in the plant’s closure and Centrica at the time said the closure was “not a decision for ministers”.
Worth the licence fee alone.
Reference CAS-5141940-GLNRS4
Thank you for contacting us about BBC News.
I understand you feel we should cover alleged expenses abused by MPs.
We know that not everyone will agree with our choices on which stories to cover, or the order in which they appear. Our news editors make these complex decisions, based on the editorial merit of all the stories at hand. We accept that not everyone will agree with each decision – various factors are at play and there’s often debate in the newsroom too.
A range of factors affect how we put together our news bulletins. Is it breaking news, or a dated story? Does it follow on from a recent event, or change our understanding of things? Is it unusual, or attracting national interest? We consider these things and also put great importance on verifying events and building up a clear picture – before reporting in a reliable and trustworthy way.
Editorial decisions are more of a judgement call, than an exact science – so you’ll even find variety from one BBC programme to the next. Time constraints, the expected audience profile and the style of each bulletin or current affairs programme can all play a part.
Nevertheless, we appreciate the feedback that our viewers and listeners give us when they feel a story has been overlooked or marginalised.
All complaints are sent to senior management and programme makers every morning and we have included your points in this overnight report. These reports are among the most widely read sources of feedback in the BBC and ensures that your complaint has been seen by the right people quickly.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact us.
Kind regards
James Kelly
BBC Complaints Team
. . . .
Complaint Summary: Follow up UK MP expenses of 2009 – MP paid £65K
Full Complaint: Dear BBC £3.5 billion paid under threat of prison complaints department,
Could you revisit the 2009 UK MP expenses again, I would not like to find out that MPs like Tony Blair have ran to the shredder prior to your investigations.
Here are some details, can you use Journalists who are avoiding the BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker Pay Gap and see why an MP on £77K salary tops up their money with a job giving them £65K extra a year.
Maybe find other MPs on such amazing schemes and why they are getting free tickets to concerts when they have so much cash sloshing around in their MP expenses accounts.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
1) Look into what he produces for £65K a year. 2) Look at who owns the company and other players – Tony Blair is linked to it. 3) Find other MPs doing the same. 4) Ensure they are paying taxes on the extra money. 5) Maybe interview them and ask some questions rather than how they feel today? For a head start you can find the details on : THEY WORK FOR YOU COMPANIES HOUSE Good luck and let me know how you get on.
p.s. I also see that MPs claim their MP Office BBC TV Licenses Tax on their expenses, thus the UK tax payer has to pay their own TV License and their MP’s TV License. Might want to consider stopping this for the 650 MPs.
Her Netflix, however…
honest, fearless conversations … ha ha ha
honest, fearless conversations … ha ha ha
I truly believe my new book “This Is The Fire”will help heal America. These are the honest, fearless conversations I have with my friends & family about racism. It’s inspired by James Baldwin’s The Fire Next Time. Please click this link to preorder.
honest, fearless conversations … ha ha ha
honest, fearless conversations … ha ha ha
Original source for story about alleged 2 Iraqi child rapists in Sweden
Mode of transport intrigues.
Check out these names.
The “black book” of Jeffrey Epstein, a wealthy financier and now-accused child sex trafficker, is a smorgasbord of high-profile, powerful people, including Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton, Britain’s Prince Andrew and former Prime Minister Tony Blair, and convicted sex assailant and comedian Bill Cosby, Epstein’s former neighbor.
Then there’s supermarket mogul Ron Burkle, Clinton’s daughter Chelsea Clinton, former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger and John Kerry, late Saudi arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi, media titan Rupert Murdoch, and movie director Woody Allen, New York magazine notes in a new article detailing the contents of Epstein’s private phone book and private plane’s flight logs.
The article contains summaries of Epstein’s relationships with various well-heeled people whose names appear in those documents including President Donald Trump, who once called Epstein a “terrific guy” in an interview with New York, and Bill Clinton, who traveled multiple times on Epstein’s plane.
Grant Shapps admits mistake (LIE) over pseudonym
The prime minister says he has “full confidence” in Tory party chairman Grant Shapps, despite his admitting to having “screwed up” over using a pseudonym after being elected to Parliament.
admits mistake (LIE)
admits mistake (LIE)
admits mistake (LIE)
Deborah Meaden is involved too.
I look forward to Sir Keir giving the same advice to our so called National Broadcaster
That’s a lot of peroxide gathering.
Springster headed back?
Ban Makeup – save the planet.
Wow. The amount of hot air generated here will be enough to power a few more balloons over the US airspace.
Seems that the Obama administration is now saying the 3 UFOs shot down by the heroic USAF at the weekend were not Chinese spy devices .
It’s possible that they were not balloons – maybe it was the first shots in an inter galactic war.
Funny isn’t it ? All those science fiction stories about what would happen if aliens turned up – now we know – they’d be designated as Chinese and shot down ….
Certainly would have made ‘The Day The Earth Stood Still’ shorter.
Speaking of an excess of peroxide…
TMI wagon circling.
BBC crew + Katty backpedalling there on Fetterman I feel – totally medically unfit for any elected office being dragged along by a very ambitious wife.
Joe Biden has a stutter I’m told in addition to being a robust and sharp 80 year old.
Fetterman is a warning signal for anyone not of the welfare party thinking of running . He demonstrated that the Obama Biden method of fixing elections still works and will work again in 2 years time .
4 more years for Obama Biden ….
It is absolutely improper for the BBC to pay contractors tax liabilities. There are two parties to these contracts and it has always been the case that the contractor makes good the tax shortfall because they have money that’s been invoiced and paid. The BBC will be liable for unpaid employers NI and possibly penalties.
I do however have some sympathy with the idea that companies can “employ” people on a freelance basis and people to work in whatever way they want. HMRC have gradually whittled these freedoms away, I think there have been test cases in the Courts.
A piece from the Daily Telegraph about BBC funding –
The director-general of the BBC has said it is “truly amazing” that the broadcaster is “pulling off” forcing households to pay the licence fee.
Speaking to staff at a meeting on Tuesday, Tim Davie said it was “glorious” that the BBC had “better budgets than some of the commercial operators” and did not “need to make a profit on everything”.
“It’s truly amazing what we’re pulling off by the way,” he said. “That most households are pretty happy paying a licence being a forced payment. It’s amazing what we’re pulling off.”
Mr Davie’s comments come a week after Richard Sharp – the BBC chairman who has faced calls to resign over his friendship with Boris Johnson, the former prime minister – branded the £159 annual licence fee “anachronistic”, pointing out that those prosecuted for non-payment are disproportionately female.
The BBC’s future funding model is currently under review after a report by peers last year said the licence fee was “regressive” and should be replaced with a “viable alternative”.
Snippets from a recording of the one-hour meeting, seen by The Telegraph, show the BBC boss speaking candidly to staff at BBC South as journalists prepare to strike over cuts to local BBC radio services.
There is also internal upset over the decision to merge the BBC News channel and BBC World News, halving the number of presenters as a result.
Speaking about the licence fee settlement – the agreement with the Government on how much BBC users can be charged – Mr Davie, 55, said: “We’ve got to be careful at the BBC in terms of our message to the outside world.
“People think we’re the cat with the cream at the moment and I know it doesn’t feel like that internally and I really am very sensitive about saying that.”
Insisting that both ITV and Sky are “in crisis”, Mr Davie said: “Our budgets are slightly better than some of the commercial operators and the lovely thing is we can play long term as well, we don’t need to make a profit on everything which is glorious.”
‘People are switching off’
Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the former Tory party leader, said the comments reflected the “arrogance” of the BBC.
“People don’t actually think the BBC gives them what they want,” he said. “People are switching off. They are fed up getting spoon-fed this very central London, wokeish, apologetic view of their country.”
Peter Bone, the Tory MP for Wellingborough, added: “The comments seem to be from a parallel universe.
“My constituents hate being forced to pay a tax for a TV service that most of them don’t want. If the BBC is as good as he says it is, then surely he won’t mind it being a subscription service?”
Mr Davie also addressed the issue of bias. He said: “There’s a whole load of waffle talked about, you know, the Left. It’s not largely a Left or Right thing at the moment, it’s social issues, it’s rural affairs, what you think about the countryside, what you think about climate change, what you think about diversity.”
Describing the BBC as “incredibly important to democracy”, he also suggested that corporation staff are underpaid – saying: “We’re in a fight for something, that’s why you work for the BBC, that’s why people take less money coming here.”
In Sept 2021, Mr Davie’s annual salary rose from £450,000 to £525,000, an increase of 16.6 per cent. It came after pensioners lost free television licences as the corporation sought to make £1 billion worth of cuts.
“You know I get extremely well paid,” he added. “But everyone in my top team takes a lot less money that they can get.
“The BBC pyramid is actually not that bureaucratic compared to most. I can feel it at times but it’s me, 12 at the top, 60 very senior people, 300, then 1,000 line managers.”
The former marketing director’s appointment to succeed Tony Hall in 2020 raised eyebrows, because he has no career history in journalism.
After working for Pepsi, as well as Proctor and Gamble, he joined the BBC in 2005. He controversially recommended that 6 Music be shut down when he was director of audio and music in 2010.
Tim Davie defends local radio cuts
Joking that “I’m on my 16th sec of state”, he invited staff to ask him whatever they liked, including: “What the hell are we going to do about what’s happened with the chairman?”
Mr Sharp has become embroiled in a row over how a distant family member came to secure an £800,000 loan for Mr Johnson while he was prime minister.
Appearing to address the proposed cuts to BBC local radio, Mr Davie insisted: “No one loves radio more than me but look at the Rajars,” referring to the official listening ratings body.
“I say it with a heavy heart but we’re just not going to be able to deliver that through linear radio alone. No one can.”
Quoting an unnamed newspaper executive who said stories with “BBC, trans or royal” in the title got more clicks, he added: “The quickest way of getting reach is, you know, cat falling off fridge.”
A BBC spokesman said: “Tim Davie has been speaking to teams across the BBC about the organisation’s strategy, alongside taking questions from staff. It’s not unusual for these topics – among many others – to be raised in internal discussions.
“In talking with BBC teams, Tim regularly discusses the privilege of having the licence fee; the continued need to deliver outstanding content and distinctive journalism; the challenging circumstances facing the media industry, including the BBC; and the fact that the BBC can take creative risks that are harder for others to do.
“The commercial media sector generally pays staff more than the BBC does, however many people work at the BBC because they believe in public service and have access to great opportunities.”ENDS