Belgium Offers Regret—but No Reparations—to Congo
King Philippe stopped short of apologizing for colonial-era atrocities, angering the Congolese opposition and diaspora.
Mohammad was born and brought up in Cardiff to a Pakistani father and Welsh mother,[3][4] going to school at Glyn Derw High School.[5] He studied Welsh and Politics at Swansea University,[6] and then attended Cardiff University for a postgraduate diploma in broadcast journalism.[7] He is a practising Muslim.[4]
He is a practising Muslim.
This claim is a recurring one among critics of Islam, so its foundation deserves close scrutiny.
Daily Mail still banging on about a missing middle class woman, an average of five to eight stories a day, only four today surprisingly.
The women opinions are out in force regarding sexism now, so my question is, how many missing men get the same coverage ?
The answer in the Daily Mail is zero, so who is the sexist here?
Here we are: (are his family and feminazis screaming for justice because the police reveal he was drinking lager ?)
“Body found in canal in hunt for missing man who failed to return home last month.
Nathan Cole was last seen in Walthamstow, north east London, on January 21 and was believed to be going to a gig in Camden to which he never showed up.
In the days after he vanished, investigators revealed he had bought four cans of lager.
I don’t think anyone on this forum is under any illusion about the state of the economy caused by Socialist excessive spending nor the fact that a deep recession possibly a depression is coming.
Just last week Simon Property Group one of the largest Shopping Mall owners along with other property investments defaulted on a $295 Million loan on an iconic Orange County California Shopping Mall.
It wouldn’t be quite so much of a story if it were a small regional property group but Simon property is an enormous company with over 250 large commercial real estate properties across the globe. The fact a company like this has to default and seek refinancing is further evidence of distress in the economy and gives the lie to Bidens State of the Union address, that the economy id doing fine.
Looks like a local woman was killed in an Exeter park then armed police took down a guy outside the Yorkshire Building Society.
“Exmouth man” in his thirties the BBC say
Earlier police had released a photo
now after arrest they say don’t speculate.
The formerly patriotic Sunday Times burnishes its liberal europhile credentials today with their headline: Johnson ‘nuisance’ on Brexit deal
Inevitably, folks, like it or not, we’re sliding back into the EU – insofar as we ever actually left it.
The Observer referencing Rishi’s Northern Ireland Protocol deal has apparently been tipped the wink by Sir Keir that: …he was taking the extraordinary step of offering Labour’s support in any parliamentary vote on the agreement – in other words he’s up for anything that inches the UK closer to the EU. As of course, as ever, are a majority of MPs across the political divide and it goes without saying so too are the permanent civil service.
One quotes from Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of politics (Care of National Review) – The Second Law: Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing. Of the Second Law, Conquest gave the Church of England and Amnesty International as examples.
Incidentaly, in respect of the likes of the latter charitable organisation today: Refugee charities ‘as bad as smugglers’ – says Lee Anderson “Red Wall Rottweiler” (Sunday Telegraph)
This Conquest chap was onto something: First Law: Everyone is conservative about what he knows best…
‘Forces too broken to defend UK’ General warns Chancellor the MoD urgently needs £3bn to be fighting fit… to replace weapons and tanks given to Ukraine (Sunday Express)
Perhaps we need to save our forces like we saved our NHS – we’ve had that flatten the sombrero…
‘This will help us delay and flatten the peak, squash that sombrero.’ Boris Johnson (quoted on ITV Twitter 12th March 2020) – flatten the Russian fur hat, anyone?
Mind you, this flattening to save it business could turn into something of a long haul as we recall BoJo: said the public can help to delay the peak of the coronavirus outbreak by self-isolating for seven days if you have a fever or persistent cough – 7 days? Ahem! Mr AsI clears his throat and simulates a stage cough. That seven day thing seemed to drag on for the better part of two years, right up until the Ukraine thing blew up – funny that, as Mr AsI likes to say.
Meanwhile, the no longer patriotic (for the UK) Sunday Times seems to think the best way for Britain to defend itself is to hunker down: Inside Zelensky’s bunker – alternative spellings are available in the media – although apparently alternative strategies other than a prolonged proxy war are not (such as a peace agreement).
Shushhhhh, what’s that I can’t hear? That’ll be the UN calling for a ceasefire.
What’s the Far-Left up to these days?: Asylum hotel disorder: Demonstrations held in Liverpool… Liverpool mayor Joanne Anderson and former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn joined the event, saying they wanted to “stand up for refugees” (BBC) – scan this report from top to bottom and the only thing referenced as ‘far’ you’ll find is: Following Saturday’s rally in Liverpool, Mr Corbyn tweeted: “We will not let the far-right divide us.” – meaning, presumably, Corbyn and the far-left from the so-called refugees.
Mr AsI noted the cost of living crisis beginning to bite yesterday with major tabloid titles giving away free loaves of bread.
Food banks at breaking point as demand hits new high (Observer)
However, the same popular stablemates today go with: 2 for 1 entry to National Trust for over 60s. Terms and conditions apply – don’t they always (Express, People & Star)
Ah, our formerly patriotic National Trust: National Trust members concerned over charity’s ‘woke agenda’… Campaigners are wrestling power away from the Trust’s chairman and board… The pushback comes amid claims the charity is succumbing to a ‘woke agenda’… the National Trust linked Churchill’s former home to the slave trade. Another incident saw National Trust volunteers forced to wear gay pride colours (Daily Mail)
Our supposedly patriotic national treasure-cherishing National Trust – which you may have imagined avoiding with a conservatiuve swerve Robert Conquet’s Second Law: Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing…
Has perhaps instead succumbed to his Third Law: The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies. Of the Third, he noted that a bureaucarcy sometimes actually IS controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies – e.g. the postwar British secret service.
A semi-secret establishment cabal smuggling us back into EU?
Remember, folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory – if it’s true.
“McCarthyism, name given to the period of time in American history that saw U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin produce a series of investigations and hearings during the 1950s in an effort to expose supposed communist infiltration of various areas of the U.S. government.”
9am local radio news
It’s not Ramadan for another month, but they had a long item
I guess earlier they had an interview with a guest about her Ramadan project and they cut it up to use as new material.
Her project is that fasting children would donate their lunch money to the foodbank.
In my world , a lot of food is still cheap
And the foodbanks are loaded with donated food
cos supermarkets get fined if they throw stuff away.
I once worked in Tescos and we threw loads away.
@Maxi the supermarket staff in various supermarkets have told me a few times there is a system of fining if their waste targets are exceeded
I’m guessing this is done by the local authorities.
I questioned them why a couple of years ago
when stuff started being reduce to 90% off
Instead of the old days where we used to bin in
cos although say 20% would end up binned
by binning it customers would end up by new stuff at full price
so that covered the costs
News stories talk about supermarkets having “signed up to waste reduction targets” and some managers pay being link to waste targets.
Food is still cheap in Britain. I am in the surpermarket everyday
I told you 4 cans of Tescos bitter costs £1.13 still
and I never pay 50p for a loaf of bread
i can usually find it discounted to 20 or 30p
as I know the shops and the times.
I just bought tonight rice noodles for 12p, bottles of Sauvignon blanc for 85p (low alcohol) , buncjhes of daffodils for 20p etc.
@Maxi there is a LANDFILL TAx in the UK
supermarkets cannot throw food away for free.
In the old days they’d shoulder the charge, but as it has increased and as they are signed up to government schemes to reduce rubbish, these days they pass waste food on to food banks etc.
I could go on with examples of cheap food.
Sure with some items supermarkets have jacked up prices crazily, but you are not forced to buy them
eg Tesco fresh ready meals are £4.50
but the frozen ones are 75p and 85p
Strange how Antifa is always around to support the establishment. It’s almost as if they’re part of it while pretending not to be.
Antifa = street thugs, officially licenced to provide muscle for Democrats in USA and Labour in UK. Avoids outrage caused by media showing regular police beating dissidents and ordinary citizens.
Dunno about Albanian language (Ship ta ray)
but the audio is out of sync on that video
I can’t tell if the normal crowd are shouting fascist at the masked socialists, this time
or whether it’s the other way round
Really looking to the BAFTA’S this evening. I do hope that
“quotas” are used to decide who wins. ” Positive Discrimination”
should be used to decide that there is a fair percentage of
diversity in the make up in the winners. Acting and entertainment
ability should not be anywhere near the main reason why awards
are given out, The BBC has just about got this approach right now.
Wouldn’t you say?
Between you and me – when I started to describe the BBC as ‘Far Left ‘ I wondered if I was being ‘extreme ‘ ….. but the more I looked at the standard BBC output the more accurate I thought ‘far left ‘ was / is …..
I know ‘Far Left ‘ when I see it .it is totalitarian – anti capitalist – anti profit – pro benefits – pro blame – anti personal responsibility – pro minority group – pro state – pro tax – anti individual – pushing of ‘approved community ‘- pro censorship – anti Christian – anti history – anti freedom – pro regulation and currently anti white ….
Far Right is defined as anything the Left says it is ,,,,
Which leads to mums and dads objecting to having a huge number of foreign males dropped on them without discussion by a socialist government such as the current – outgoing one ,
The real depression is that the next lot will be even worse . Anyone who thinks we live in a democracy are deluded….
🇫🇷 politician Jean Lassalle INSISTS Macron isn’t vaxxed. “You think they were gonna take this experimental thing?” “You realise how serious it is what you’re saying? It means they lied.” “They DID lie! 1 day the truth will come out.”
HAIR OF MYSTERY How Premier League stars are using lockdown loophole to get haircuts despite UK being shut down due to coronavirus
Marc Mayo
Published: 10:46, 8 Feb 2021Updated: 23:11, 8 Feb 2021
Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values
Justin Welby said Sharia law should never become part of the UK legal system
His predecessor Lord Williams had said Sharia law could be incorporated
Welby said British law had ‘values and assumptions’ rooted in Christian traditions
PUBLISHED: 23:28, 23 February 2018 | UPDATED: 10:04, 24 February 2018
Tice and FairFuelUK raised the idea that although Sunak should stop councils illegally ignoring ULEZ and 15 min neighbourhoods
he is deliberately letting Sadiq go crazy on ULEZ
cos ultimately it will cost Labour and Sadiq at the ballot box
Similarly Oxford council has not a single Tory councillor
It’ vastly Labour and some greens
Cumbria Police find body in a river
Not ID’d yet
but it’s the same river they searched before
“We were called today at 11:36am to reports of a body in the River Wyre, close to Rawcliffe Road.”
Interesting Twitter obsessives were shouting “body found” about 12:11pm
about 80 mins before the announcement from police
They even had photos of walkers there
They said they knew it was true cos sudden;y police were closing the road and flying a helicopter over.
So a body is found in the river Wyre after 3 weeks of the rainbow painters searching, and more professional people with state of the art equipment who also failed to find anything.
It begs the question which no one appears to be asking, if she was actually there all the time and whether the body might have been placed there after the event.
I’m afraid I can’t accept that as a potential solution. Bodies sink, but the river is very shallow, currently it’s 0.49m deep at St Michaels, the stretch of river has been searched extensively not only by Police but private teams with the state of the art kit which showed nothing was there, and now suddenly there is.
Makes you wonder what will happen with this sad case … the Lancashire constabulary hasn’t covered itself with glory – and the detective superintendent lady wearing a fetching dress at the apparently car crash press conference even made the msm today –
If the body is the lady let’s hope there is a clear cause of death …
But the problem was the police initially painted it as just a regular mother who’d vanished into thin air.
Leading logically to two conclusions: she’d had an accident near the bench and fallen in, or was abducted.
But the “truth” was she had mental health issues, meaning it now became way more likely she either just suddenly decided to leave for a new life, or committed suicide, which could explain that she walked down the river a distance herself and then then entered the water somehow..
But having said its a creepy village, and the inbreds there need investigating.
Migrants are being taught about gay sex, how to make love while pregnant and how to find the female G-spot in illustrated manuals distributed in Germany
German government issues graphic illustrations for sex education manual
All areas tackled including how to enjoy ‘the first time’ and avoiding STDs
Graphics show men coupling with one another and ‘oral sex explained’
Other topics include sexual pleasure, virginity and sex during pregnancy
PUBLISHED: 16:30, 10 March 2016 | UPDATED: 13:21, 12 March 2016
The government said the guide was necessary because many of the 1.1 million refugees who have arrived in Germany since last year received no sexual education whatsoever in their homelands
BBC’s ‘Russell Brand’ has 38 pages of search results on the £3.5bn Service.. But the search for the ‘Freiburg attack’ returns a single page (1 result), even though the case is happening now but not being reported on by the BBC.
Freiburg murder: Germans urged not to scapegoat migrants { dec2016}
… but is available on alternative news sources …
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.
“When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
– What organisation promotes/pays large wages to people who make up a sexual attack on someones granddaughter live on Radio – and then offers them more work and a news feed afterwards?
– What organisation fails to report on an ongoing case of a brutal attack which was done by an migrant.
I think GBNews just cancelled him and instructed their staff not to say anything . Lawrence fox put stuff on twitter but everyone else ?
I’m done with GBNews … it’s just msm with the coast guy
GB News is owned by All Perspectives Ltd, which is a holding company, headquartered in London. As of August 2022, All Perspectives Ltd is controlled by three significant shareholders, all of whom work for Christopher Chandler’s Dubai-based investment firm Legatum.
GB News is a free opinion based television channel in the United Kingdom. It started on 13 June 2021 on Freeview, Sky, YouView, Freesat and Virgin Media.[1] Although it is on British television, GB News is neither owned[2] nor funded[3][4][5] by British sources. Its first chairman was Andrew Neil until 13 September 2021,[6] who used to work for the BBC. The Financial Times said it would be “right-leaning”.[7] The Guardian and City A.M. said it would be like the American news television channel Fox News.[8][9]
I turned 67 in October. It’s hard to believe I’m that old—in America, most people my age are retired!
But I won’t be slowing down anytime soon. I’m still going full speed on the project I began more than two decades ago, which is to give the vast majority of my resources back to society. Although I don’t care where I rank on the list of the world’s richest people, I do know that as I succeed in giving, I will drop down and eventually off the list altogether.
I’ve always viewed my philanthropy as a way to help reduce the awful inequities I see around the world. I also feel a responsibility to give my wealth back to society in ways that do the most good for the most people. But I started looking at the world through a new lens recently—when my older daughter gave me the incredible news that I’ll become a grandfather next year.
Marky – when I read this I thought it was you saying it and was getting ready to make a bid for some of your ‘resources ‘… I’d bid for 10 million but accept 7 …. Cheers 😂
No problem – just roll up your sleeve and take this 110% effective vaccine then you can have your share.
** terms and conditions apply.
** 110% is just an estimate – might be 10%
* vaccine might have adverse effects but don’t tell anyone.
* died with covid will be on most peoples death certificates
* doctors not liable or the gov or the manufactures.
Why China’s socialist democracy is the most effective democracy
Many people in the West think that there’s no democracy in China as the country is under the rule of one Party, the Communist Party of China (CPC). The conclusion is based on the belief that democracy can only be possible under a two-party or multi-party system.
But the fact is that China’s socialist democracy has been developed based on its national context after numerous trials, just like the country’s political system. As Chinese President Xi Jinping puts it, the Chinese democracy is “the broadest, most genuine, and most effective democracy to safeguard the fundamental interests of the people.”
The people’s participation in politics is regarded as the “essence” of China’s socialist democracy.
As written in the Constitution, “state power belongs to people.” This idea, constitutes the core value of China’s political system and is well embodied in the people’s congress system as well as in the political consultative system.
“We need immigrants because they are going to pay our pensions. Let me tell you something, a shocking fact, immigrants get old as well. An amazing fact! (Laughter) Which means if you have that model, every single year, you need to import more and more immigrants becuase you need to support that.”
Multiculturalism, like drugs, is an insidious weapon. Both destroy the heart and fabric of a people. All ties to family, community, and one’s people as a whole are destroyed by these two opiates of the human mind.
The Weimar Republic of the 30s had laws against “insulting religious communities”. They were used to prosecute hundreds of Nazi agitators, including Joseph Goebbels. Did it stop them? No. It helped them.
The Nazis turned their prosecutions for hate speech to their advantage, presenting themselves as political victims and whipping up public support among aggrieved sections of German society, their future social base. Far from halting Nazism, hate speech legislation assisted it.
It is surely time every hate speech law was repealed. They are a menace to free thought and speech, and the worst tool imaginable for fighting real hatred.
REF: MP Expenses Thank you for your recent email regarding my expense as registered on the IPSA website.
As stated previously it was important last year to purchase new office equipment so that my staff could continue to perform there jobs safely from there homes.
Following this, a number of pieces of protective equipment were bought for my constituency office in order for staff to work in a safe environment when they had to go in to the office.
This included such equipment as screens to keep them safe.
Thank you again for your email.
If there is anything else I can do to assist you then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dear Darren Henry,
Can you tell me what these actual items are? Seems you have a lot of items under a generic name.
14/04/2020 Office Costs Banner March 2020 Stationery & printing £423.70
11/03/2020 Office Costs Banner February 2020 Stationery & printing £423.70
The bill consolidates existing hate crime laws but also establishes a new offence of “stirring up hatred” on the grounds of religion, sexual orientation, age, disability and transgender identity.
The bill has sparked a row about the lack of provisions for hate crimes against women – while adding in new protections for trans people.
Trans male prisoners in female prisons?? while adding in new protections for trans people.
Trans male prisoners in female prisons?? while adding in new protections for trans people.
JohnCMar 11, 01:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 They are cherished at the BBC harry. The only ones who can tick EVERY box.
harry142857Mar 11, 00:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Thanks John, sort of. I thought homosexual moslems ended up falling out of windows. What a freak. Expect old bill…
JohnCMar 11, 00:11 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] Are you surprised. His previous job: ‘Qadeer is chief diversity officer at Alexion Pharmaceuticals.’ And anyone who comes out…
harry142857Mar 11, 00:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 BBC’s HR department is led by Uzair Qadeer (Chief People Officer) and has 121 employees. Yet can’t out perverts like…
JohnCMar 10, 23:45 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Just when you think the BBC can’t get any more ridiculous and desperate in their attempts to discredit the Trump…
MarcoMar 10, 23:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I’ve been listening to Scott Ritter on you tube and his take on trump is very interesting,he thinks trump is…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 23:10 Start the Week 10th March 2025 From the Daily Mail online: “… … … According to the Telegraph, figures from the most recent BBC annual report…
Mustapha Sheikup al-BeebiMar 10, 22:28 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for 13 years, curiously enough.
FlotsamMar 10, 22:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I might be wrong. One ship, the Stena Immaculate might have been moving around at anchor due to wind and/or…
Belgium Offers Regret—but No Reparations—to Congo
King Philippe stopped short of apologizing for colonial-era atrocities, angering the Congolese opposition and diaspora.
Just turned on Radio-2 to see if there was anything light-hearted and interesting to coax me into Sunday.
The only words I heard were some woman saying ‘… we have over 200 experts on ‘how to conceive’ and there is a clinic ..’ before I turned it off.
Just checked what was on:
‘Kate Bottley and Jason Mohammad are joined by Alex Jones, Tunde Baiyewu and Binky Felstead’
WTF is that doing on Radio 2?.
The BBC is now 100% activists and has completely lost it’s way. Why should we be forced to fund it ?.
Tunde Baiyewu is the bloke from the band The Lighthouse Family
Their songs Lifted, and High have tens of millions of views in YouTube.
Binky Felstead is a reality TV star, so her agent gets her in the papers every week
This week it’s about her having pregnancy diabetes.
Not that Alex Jones eh?
Mohammad was born and brought up in Cardiff to a Pakistani father and Welsh mother,[3][4] going to school at Glyn Derw High School.[5] He studied Welsh and Politics at Swansea University,[6] and then attended Cardiff University for a postgraduate diploma in broadcast journalism.[7] He is a practising Muslim.[4]
He is a practising Muslim.
This claim is a recurring one among critics of Islam, so its foundation deserves close scrutiny.
Critics allege that Aisha was just six years old when she was betrothed to Muhammad, himself in his 50s, and only nine when the marriage was consummated.,when%20the%20marriage%20was%20consummated.
Daily Mail still banging on about a missing middle class woman, an average of five to eight stories a day, only four today surprisingly.
The women opinions are out in force regarding sexism now, so my question is, how many missing men get the same coverage ?
The answer in the Daily Mail is zero, so who is the sexist here?
Here we are: (are his family and feminazis screaming for justice because the police reveal he was drinking lager ?)
“Body found in canal in hunt for missing man who failed to return home last month.
Nathan Cole was last seen in Walthamstow, north east London, on January 21 and was believed to be going to a gig in Camden to which he never showed up.
In the days after he vanished, investigators revealed he had bought four cans of lager.
Message to BBC: We voted for Brexit . Why were you against it ?
Why are you still against it ?
I don’t think anyone on this forum is under any illusion about the state of the economy caused by Socialist excessive spending nor the fact that a deep recession possibly a depression is coming.
Just last week Simon Property Group one of the largest Shopping Mall owners along with other property investments defaulted on a $295 Million loan on an iconic Orange County California Shopping Mall.
It wouldn’t be quite so much of a story if it were a small regional property group but Simon property is an enormous company with over 250 large commercial real estate properties across the globe. The fact a company like this has to default and seek refinancing is further evidence of distress in the economy and gives the lie to Bidens State of the Union address, that the economy id doing fine.
An elderly woman murdered in a park in devon . A man in his 30s arrested . Plod puts out a request not to ‘speculate’
Obviously the online picks this up and wonders out loud whether its the usual third world import or plod again..
..or maybe theyll conceal the whole thing by getting the suspect sectioned without the need to disclose identity …
Very sad when such incidents happen – and people now assume the above without appearing abnormal
Looks like a local woman was killed in an Exeter park then armed police took down a guy outside the Yorkshire Building Society.
“Exmouth man” in his thirties the BBC say
Earlier police had released a photo
now after arrest they say don’t speculate.
A few days ago they were looking for a violent escaped prisoner
but they said on Feb 10th they’d traced him
The formerly patriotic Sunday Times burnishes its liberal europhile credentials today with their headline: Johnson ‘nuisance’ on Brexit deal
Inevitably, folks, like it or not, we’re sliding back into the EU – insofar as we ever actually left it.
The Observer referencing Rishi’s Northern Ireland Protocol deal has apparently been tipped the wink by Sir Keir that: …he was taking the extraordinary step of offering Labour’s support in any parliamentary vote on the agreement – in other words he’s up for anything that inches the UK closer to the EU. As of course, as ever, are a majority of MPs across the political divide and it goes without saying so too are the permanent civil service.
One quotes from Robert Conquest’s Three Laws of politics (Care of National Review) – The Second Law: Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing. Of the Second Law, Conquest gave the Church of England and Amnesty International as examples.
Incidentaly, in respect of the likes of the latter charitable organisation today: Refugee charities ‘as bad as smugglers’ – says Lee Anderson “Red Wall Rottweiler” (Sunday Telegraph)
This Conquest chap was onto something: First Law: Everyone is conservative about what he knows best…
‘Forces too broken to defend UK’ General warns Chancellor the MoD urgently needs £3bn to be fighting fit… to replace weapons and tanks given to Ukraine (Sunday Express)
Perhaps we need to save our forces like we saved our NHS – we’ve had that flatten the sombrero…
‘This will help us delay and flatten the peak, squash that sombrero.’ Boris Johnson (quoted on ITV Twitter 12th March 2020) – flatten the Russian fur hat, anyone?
Mind you, this flattening to save it business could turn into something of a long haul as we recall BoJo: said the public can help to delay the peak of the coronavirus outbreak by self-isolating for seven days if you have a fever or persistent cough – 7 days? Ahem! Mr AsI clears his throat and simulates a stage cough. That seven day thing seemed to drag on for the better part of two years, right up until the Ukraine thing blew up – funny that, as Mr AsI likes to say.
Meanwhile, the no longer patriotic (for the UK) Sunday Times seems to think the best way for Britain to defend itself is to hunker down: Inside Zelensky’s bunker – alternative spellings are available in the media – although apparently alternative strategies other than a prolonged proxy war are not (such as a peace agreement).
Shushhhhh, what’s that I can’t hear? That’ll be the UN calling for a ceasefire.
What’s the Far-Left up to these days?: Asylum hotel disorder: Demonstrations held in Liverpool… Liverpool mayor Joanne Anderson and former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn joined the event, saying they wanted to “stand up for refugees” (BBC) – scan this report from top to bottom and the only thing referenced as ‘far’ you’ll find is: Following Saturday’s rally in Liverpool, Mr Corbyn tweeted: “We will not let the far-right divide us.” – meaning, presumably, Corbyn and the far-left from the so-called refugees.
Mr AsI noted the cost of living crisis beginning to bite yesterday with major tabloid titles giving away free loaves of bread.
Food banks at breaking point as demand hits new high (Observer)
However, the same popular stablemates today go with: 2 for 1 entry to National Trust for over 60s. Terms and conditions apply – don’t they always (Express, People & Star)
Ah, our formerly patriotic National Trust: National Trust members concerned over charity’s ‘woke agenda’… Campaigners are wrestling power away from the Trust’s chairman and board… The pushback comes amid claims the charity is succumbing to a ‘woke agenda’… the National Trust linked Churchill’s former home to the slave trade. Another incident saw National Trust volunteers forced to wear gay pride colours (Daily Mail)
Our supposedly patriotic national treasure-cherishing National Trust – which you may have imagined avoiding with a conservatiuve swerve Robert Conquet’s Second Law: Any organization not explicitly and constitutionally right-wing will sooner or later become left-wing…
Has perhaps instead succumbed to his Third Law: The behavior of any bureaucratic organization can best be understood by assuming that it is controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies. Of the Third, he noted that a bureaucarcy sometimes actually IS controlled by a secret cabal of its enemies – e.g. the postwar British secret service.
A semi-secret establishment cabal smuggling us back into EU?
Remember, folks, it’s not a conspiracy theory – if it’s true.
Soon it will need a UK version of McCarthyism.
“McCarthyism, name given to the period of time in American history that saw U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin produce a series of investigations and hearings during the 1950s in an effort to expose supposed communist infiltration of various areas of the U.S. government.”
I’d support that provided my gallows were erected (and used for perps.) on Parliament Square.
9am local radio news
It’s not Ramadan for another month, but they had a long item
I guess earlier they had an interview with a guest about her Ramadan project and they cut it up to use as new material.
Her project is that fasting children would donate their lunch money to the foodbank.
In my world , a lot of food is still cheap
And the foodbanks are loaded with donated food
cos supermarkets get fined if they throw stuff away.
I once worked in Tescos and we threw loads away.
“In my world , a lot of food is still cheap…”
No world except your world.
“And the foodbanks are loaded with donated food…”
Cost of living: Hackney Foodbank launches emergency appeal
“…cos supermarkets get fined if they throw stuff away.”
No they don’t.
Hello maxi, you sneaked that in when no one was watching.
Give up and get a real day job.
@Maxi the supermarket staff in various supermarkets have told me a few times there is a system of fining if their waste targets are exceeded
I’m guessing this is done by the local authorities.
I questioned them why a couple of years ago
when stuff started being reduce to 90% off
Instead of the old days where we used to bin in
cos although say 20% would end up binned
by binning it customers would end up by new stuff at full price
so that covered the costs
News stories talk about supermarkets having “signed up to waste reduction targets” and some managers pay being link to waste targets.
Food is still cheap in Britain. I am in the surpermarket everyday
I told you 4 cans of Tescos bitter costs £1.13 still
and I never pay 50p for a loaf of bread
i can usually find it discounted to 20 or 30p
as I know the shops and the times.
I just bought tonight rice noodles for 12p, bottles of Sauvignon blanc for 85p (low alcohol) , buncjhes of daffodils for 20p etc.
“Food is still cheap”
Tesco’s Bitter.
Rice Noodles.
@Maxi there is a LANDFILL TAx in the UK
supermarkets cannot throw food away for free.
In the old days they’d shoulder the charge, but as it has increased and as they are signed up to government schemes to reduce rubbish, these days they pass waste food on to food banks etc.
I could go on with examples of cheap food.
Sure with some items supermarkets have jacked up prices crazily, but you are not forced to buy them
eg Tesco fresh ready meals are £4.50
but the frozen ones are 75p and 85p
Well done all! Oxford protest:
Meanwhile, in France simultaneously:
Daily Hot: A good channel for displaying all the protests in (Europe)
The Brits are slowly waking up.
Speaking in Albanian?
Antifa = street thugs, officially licenced to provide muscle for Democrats in USA and Labour in UK. Avoids outrage caused by media showing regular police beating dissidents and ordinary citizens.
Dunno about Albanian language (Ship ta ray)
but the audio is out of sync on that video
I can’t tell if the normal crowd are shouting fascist at the masked socialists, this time
or whether it’s the other way round
Really looking to the BAFTA’S this evening. I do hope that
“quotas” are used to decide who wins. ” Positive Discrimination”
should be used to decide that there is a fair percentage of
diversity in the make up in the winners. Acting and entertainment
ability should not be anywhere near the main reason why awards
are given out, The BBC has just about got this approach right now.
Wouldn’t you say?
I am now going to call the BBC “far left” as every normal person is “far right”
Between you and me – when I started to describe the BBC as ‘Far Left ‘ I wondered if I was being ‘extreme ‘ ….. but the more I looked at the standard BBC output the more accurate I thought ‘far left ‘ was / is …..
I know ‘Far Left ‘ when I see it .it is totalitarian – anti capitalist – anti profit – pro benefits – pro blame – anti personal responsibility – pro minority group – pro state – pro tax – anti individual – pushing of ‘approved community ‘- pro censorship – anti Christian – anti history – anti freedom – pro regulation and currently anti white ….
Far Right is defined as anything the Left says it is ,,,,
Which leads to mums and dads objecting to having a huge number of foreign males dropped on them without discussion by a socialist government such as the current – outgoing one ,
The real depression is that the next lot will be even worse . Anyone who thinks we live in a democracy are deluded….
HAIR OF MYSTERY How Premier League stars are using lockdown loophole to get haircuts despite UK being shut down due to coronavirus
Marc Mayo
Published: 10:46, 8 Feb 2021Updated: 23:11, 8 Feb 2021
A move that is familiar to Westminster watchers?
Quite easily transferrable to UK meejah
Wait 24 to 48 hours….
The Religion of Peace.
“‘Innocent People… Indicted and Sentenced to Death’: The Persecution of Christians, January 2023”
Family: ‘You should really flee Pakistan before they catch you. Don’t you have relatives in Britain?’
“Welcome Refugees”…………
Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values
Justin Welby said Sharia law should never become part of the UK legal system
His predecessor Lord Williams had said Sharia law could be incorporated
Welby said British law had ‘values and assumptions’ rooted in Christian traditions
PUBLISHED: 23:28, 23 February 2018 | UPDATED: 10:04, 24 February 2018
Tice and FairFuelUK raised the idea that although Sunak should stop councils illegally ignoring ULEZ and 15 min neighbourhoods
he is deliberately letting Sadiq go crazy on ULEZ
cos ultimately it will cost Labour and Sadiq at the ballot box
Similarly Oxford council has not a single Tory councillor
It’ vastly Labour and some greens
Cumbria Police find body in a river
Not ID’d yet
but it’s the same river they searched before
“We were called today at 11:36am to reports of a body in the River Wyre, close to Rawcliffe Road.”
In the river, one mile from bench.
So called search experts….
Police should arrest all local dogs walkers, that place is creepy .
Interesting Twitter obsessives were shouting “body found” about 12:11pm
about 80 mins before the announcement from police
They even had photos of walkers there
They said they knew it was true cos sudden;y police were closing the road and flying a helicopter over.
Air Ambulance helicopters routinely dispatched to corpses around here.
One has to wonder
Turning into an episode of Morse – very sad if it is as it appears ….
So a body is found in the river Wyre after 3 weeks of the rainbow painters searching, and more professional people with state of the art equipment who also failed to find anything.
It begs the question which no one appears to be asking, if she was actually there all the time and whether the body might have been placed there after the event.
“the question which no one appears to be asking,”
There are a trillion questions on Twitter. some of them sane
Dead bodies sink
and when they decompose they float back up
Marianna turned up on scene yesterday up to rubberneck
and ask why Tik Tok trolls were rubbernecking
People suggested she needs a mirror.
Springster back from the USA then?
– had hoped she might stay there for some time….
I’m afraid I can’t accept that as a potential solution. Bodies sink, but the river is very shallow, currently it’s 0.49m deep at St Michaels, the stretch of river has been searched extensively not only by Police but private teams with the state of the art kit which showed nothing was there, and now suddenly there is.
It’s just not really credible as an explanation.
Makes you wonder what will happen with this sad case … the Lancashire constabulary hasn’t covered itself with glory – and the detective superintendent lady wearing a fetching dress at the apparently car crash press conference even made the msm today –
If the body is the lady let’s hope there is a clear cause of death …
But the problem was the police initially painted it as just a regular mother who’d vanished into thin air.
Leading logically to two conclusions: she’d had an accident near the bench and fallen in, or was abducted.
But the “truth” was she had mental health issues, meaning it now became way more likely she either just suddenly decided to leave for a new life, or committed suicide, which could explain that she walked down the river a distance herself and then then entered the water somehow..
But having said its a creepy village, and the inbreds there need investigating.
Rate of river flow? Time? Start at end as well as start? Thermal imagery?
The German government is giving out this advice to Gay migrants, which shows just how warped the sickos in government really are:
Most German men will be happy to have gay sex ? Seriously?
Nice to see they are being taught some manners ….lol
Sounds like German chaps best not stand still too long near Jonnie foreigners …
Nice spoof …. Right …?
Migrants are being taught about gay sex, how to make love while pregnant and how to find the female G-spot in illustrated manuals distributed in Germany
German government issues graphic illustrations for sex education manual
All areas tackled including how to enjoy ‘the first time’ and avoiding STDs
Graphics show men coupling with one another and ‘oral sex explained’
Other topics include sexual pleasure, virginity and sex during pregnancy
PUBLISHED: 16:30, 10 March 2016 | UPDATED: 13:21, 12 March 2016
The government said the guide was necessary because many of the 1.1 million refugees who have arrived in Germany since last year received no sexual education whatsoever in their homelands
Em that migrant sex education story is from 7 years ago
Media coverage :
Website educating migrants on good sex agitates the far-right
Polina Garaev March 14, 2016
Australian TV said it’s patronising to migrants, therefore racist
BBC’s ‘Russell Brand’ has 38 pages of search results on the £3.5bn Service.. But the search for the ‘Freiburg attack’ returns a single page (1 result), even though the case is happening now but not being reported on by the BBC.
Freiburg murder: Germans urged not to scapegoat migrants { dec2016}
… but is available on alternative news sources …
The Trial of Hussein Khavari (murdered Maria Ladenburge) Becomes Even More Sordid { sep2017}
He kicked against the bicycle, which caused the girl to fall off. She screamed. He held her mouth shut. Then he strangled her with her shawl until she was unconscious.
“When I saw how pretty she was, I wanted to have sex with her.” (Hussein K.)
Apparently he thought that he had already strangled her to death. The judge questioned him concerning “sex with a dead girl,” and the offender said:
“It didn’t bother me to have sex with a dead girl.” (Hussein K.)
– What organisation promotes/pays large wages to people who make up a sexual attack on someones granddaughter live on Radio – and then offers them more work and a news feed afterwards?
– What organisation fails to report on an ongoing case of a brutal attack which was done by an migrant.
The main BBC local newsPR seemed to be PRasNews for
“Lincolnshire FA’s Football V Homophobia tournament! 🏳️🌈”
FA tweets
Have GB News issued a statement regarding Mark Steyn or is it just lies by omission?
“Why was GB called “The channel of free speech”? The only one who speaks out is Mark Steyn.” Comment from below video ….
I think GBNews just cancelled him and instructed their staff not to say anything . Lawrence fox put stuff on twitter but everyone else ?
I’m done with GBNews … it’s just msm with the coast guy
All Perspectives Ltd
GB News is owned by All Perspectives Ltd, which is a holding company, headquartered in London. As of August 2022, All Perspectives Ltd is controlled by three significant shareholders, all of whom work for Christopher Chandler’s Dubai-based investment firm Legatum.
GB News is a free opinion based television channel in the United Kingdom. It started on 13 June 2021 on Freeview, Sky, YouView, Freesat and Virgin Media.[1] Although it is on British television, GB News is neither owned[2] nor funded[3][4][5] by British sources. Its first chairman was Andrew Neil until 13 September 2021,[6] who used to work for the BBC. The Financial Times said it would be “right-leaning”.[7] The Guardian and City A.M. said it would be like the American news television channel Fox News.[8][9]
“Why did I back Tony Blair? (giving him powers to look at vaccine rollout)” – Nigel Farage
I turned 67 in October. It’s hard to believe I’m that old—in America, most people my age are retired!
But I won’t be slowing down anytime soon. I’m still going full speed on the project I began more than two decades ago, which is to give the vast majority of my resources back to society. Although I don’t care where I rank on the list of the world’s richest people, I do know that as I succeed in giving, I will drop down and eventually off the list altogether.
I’ve always viewed my philanthropy as a way to help reduce the awful inequities I see around the world. I also feel a responsibility to give my wealth back to society in ways that do the most good for the most people. But I started looking at the world through a new lens recently—when my older daughter gave me the incredible news that I’ll become a grandfather next year.
Marky – when I read this I thought it was you saying it and was getting ready to make a bid for some of your ‘resources ‘… I’d bid for 10 million but accept 7 …. Cheers 😂
No problem – just roll up your sleeve and take this 110% effective vaccine then you can have your share.
** terms and conditions apply.
** 110% is just an estimate – might be 10%
* vaccine might have adverse effects but don’t tell anyone.
* died with covid will be on most peoples death certificates
* doctors not liable or the gov or the manufactures.
LIES! I self identify as 21 … Nicola said I could!
“Are women allowed to drive in this new world there?”
HRH Crown Prince Launches the New Murabba Development Company
Why China’s socialist democracy is the most effective democracy
Many people in the West think that there’s no democracy in China as the country is under the rule of one Party, the Communist Party of China (CPC). The conclusion is based on the belief that democracy can only be possible under a two-party or multi-party system.
But the fact is that China’s socialist democracy has been developed based on its national context after numerous trials, just like the country’s political system. As Chinese President Xi Jinping puts it, the Chinese democracy is “the broadest, most genuine, and most effective democracy to safeguard the fundamental interests of the people.”
The protesters who’ve gone missing as China deepens crackdown
20 hours ago
The people’s participation in politics is regarded as the “essence” of China’s socialist democracy.
As written in the Constitution, “state power belongs to people.” This idea, constitutes the core value of China’s political system and is well embodied in the people’s congress system as well as in the political consultative system.
China’s Xi Jinping has former-president dragged out of meeting on live TV
The key word is ‘participation ‘ – in UK terms it is deluding taxpayers that they are valued ….
Dear Darren Henry,
Can you reconcile these two statements please ….
Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent.
The code also sets out the general ‘duties of members’ (to be faithful to the Queen, to uphold the law, to act in the interests of the nation and especially constituents…
£500K from a Chinese spy.
Act in the interests of the nation.
Yours sincerely,
Mr M
“We need immigrants because they are going to pay our pensions. Let me tell you something, a shocking fact, immigrants get old as well. An amazing fact! (Laughter) Which means if you have that model, every single year, you need to import more and more immigrants becuase you need to support that.”
“Douglas Murray Oxford Union Multiculturalism Brexit” 2017
Multiculturalism, like drugs, is an insidious weapon. Both destroy the heart and fabric of a people. All ties to family, community, and one’s people as a whole are destroyed by these two opiates of the human mind.
The Weimar Republic of the 30s had laws against “insulting religious communities”. They were used to prosecute hundreds of Nazi agitators, including Joseph Goebbels. Did it stop them? No. It helped them.
The Nazis turned their prosecutions for hate speech to their advantage, presenting themselves as political victims and whipping up public support among aggrieved sections of German society, their future social base. Far from halting Nazism, hate speech legislation assisted it.
It is surely time every hate speech law was repealed. They are a menace to free thought and speech, and the worst tool imaginable for fighting real hatred.
“Nadhim Zahawi argues that immigration is good for Britain” – 9 YEARS AGO.
“Reduce annual net migration to the 10s of thousands from the 100s of thousands.”
2013 Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
This article is more than 9 years old
MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables
Hey Nadhim how is the tax avoidance £ scheme going ? And how did your family make yer money ? Sniff …
REF: MP Expenses Thank you for your recent email regarding my expense as registered on the IPSA website.
As stated previously it was important last year to purchase new office equipment so that my staff could continue to perform there jobs safely from there homes.
Following this, a number of pieces of protective equipment were bought for my constituency office in order for staff to work in a safe environment when they had to go in to the office.
This included such equipment as screens to keep them safe.
Thank you again for your email.
If there is anything else I can do to assist you then please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dear Darren Henry,
Can you tell me what these actual items are? Seems you have a lot of items under a generic name.
14/04/2020 Office Costs Banner March 2020 Stationery & printing £423.70
11/03/2020 Office Costs Banner February 2020 Stationery & printing £423.70!/mp/993
Also, what are you buying from Amazon – no details of the actual item paid for … May 2020 AMAZON.CO.UK [***] £97.98 view details
Hate Crime Bill passed by Scottish Parliament as Humza Yousaf insists freedom of speech is protected
The controversial legislation was finally passed by a majority of MSPs at Holyrood tonight despite freedom of speech concerns.
ByChris McCallDeputy Political Editor
19:59, 11 MAR 2021UPDATED20:06, 11 MAR 2021
The bill consolidates existing hate crime laws but also establishes a new offence of “stirring up hatred” on the grounds of religion, sexual orientation, age, disability and transgender identity.
The bill has sparked a row about the lack of provisions for hate crimes against women – while adding in new protections for trans people.
Trans male prisoners in female prisons??
while adding in new protections for trans people.
Trans male prisoners in female prisons??
while adding in new protections for trans people.