There is much outrage on the BBC and elsewhere over the Dalai Lama inviting a young boy to suck his tongue.
Fun fact: guess who else liked to suck young boys’ tongues?
Why, none other than Old Mo, the BBC’s favourite prophet.
“I saw the prophet sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire).”
Buddhists believe in reincarnation. Jimmy Savile could come back as the Dalai Llama.
Buddhist youngsters could have their prayers answered, Dalai Llama will fix it.
.@JamesClayton5 why do you and your colleagues at BBC cite an agenda-driven advocacy organization for this hate speech surge claim without disclosing to viewers and listeners the conflict of interest? Why did you change the interview subject when you were asked for evidence of…
“Part of the reason Musk might have agreed was that just a few weeks ago, Marianna Spring – the BBC’s first specialist disinformation and social media correspondent – had put together a hatchet-job on Twitter under Musk’s management. Spring, like Clayton, has a job title befitting of the BBC’s new role in international broadcasting and global class woke moralising. Where, previously, journalists uncovered conspiracies, corruption, shady dealings or corporate malfeasance, the BBC’s new shiny role is to uncover opinions that don’t match its editorial lines and ensure they don’t get reported.“
If OFCOM and dcms don’t see what is going on they are either thick or complicit.
I hope that one G. Monbiot gets the treatment eventually – as he the epitome of sneaky, sly activist “journalist”
I’m a big fan of Musk. And I’ve long took the view that activist journalists, who haven’t done their homework, should be called out by the person they’re trying to turn over. But, there’s a bit of me feeling pity for the BBC guy. His bosses will have expected blood; just not his.
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
Also of interest .. Ten most inane things in Obama’s awful speech “Otherwise, virtually everything was confused or misleading. More than that, he revealed he has no idea what he’s doing.” {washingtonpost – Jennifer Rubin – Conservative – may2013}
“Former EastEnders star Billy Murray says grandchildren nearly kidnapped”
“Mr Murray said the car was driven away quickly after his daughter’s partner shouted at them […] The force said the three men were described as being aged between mid 20s or mid 30s and all with short dark hair.”
In the original video, Murray’s daughter described them as eastern European — details that make it to the local paper but the BBC decide to leave out. In my bit of London, black Audis and Mercedes with tinted windows driven by identical looking men have become commonplace in the last 2/3 yrs. Noticing this probably constitutes a hate crime.
I feel that way in general when visiting relatives in the U.K., I almost gallop through security to get to the departure lounge, then breathing a sigh of relief in Spoons with my last indulgence of fish and chips and a pint before I fly home to the sunny South of France.
Diptheria in Britain is ‘sharply’ on the rise due to small boat crossings as scientists warn dozens of new cases have nearly all been linked to ‘incoming migrants’
Most of the cases were ‘young Afghan males’ with ‘unknown vaccination history’
It’s because our ‘consocalist’ government is not securing our borders , the only thing doing that up to now has been the weather. When that changes we will be inundated with invaders and terrorists. Then we will hear the cry , “lessons to be learned”.
The lesson that I have learned is, never to trust the Tories again . That’s why I will be voting for The Reform Party .
Men in Hijab is a movement in Iran and other parts of the Persian world in which men wear the hijab, or female headscarf, as a show of solidarity with their female relatives and wives.
“It’s prompted intense criticism on Twitter itself, mostly – but certainly not exclusively – from right-wing and far-right accounts.
What evidence is there?
But there are both in-depth studies and anecdotal evidence that suggest hate speech has been growing under Mr Musk’s tenure.”
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
"Be very careful. While U.S. officials acknowledge that there was a leak of material, some of these documents, perhaps many of them, have been altered to spread disinformation."
I think the only disinformation in those documents would be decoys to wrong-step the Russians.
But that is ‘good misinformation’ and hence doesn’t count.
I tried again to find some video of the actual fighting in Ukraine and once again I was amazed at just how tightly the whole internet is sown up by the West. Every single one is a heavily edited ‘Ukraine are winning’ piece – many showing the same old video released by the Ukrainian government. They all have some loud music accompanied by library clips of planes taking off or whatever then the thing they ‘claim’ to be showing is a 10 second blurry clip in the middle which proves nothing. They are ALL Ukraine winning.
I have to admit I am finding it interesting to live through a full-blown Western media/government propaganda campaign whilst having a backdoor to the truth via the internet. It’s absolutely astonishing how much we are being misled by the BBC AND our government.
It makes me realise just how far away from being ‘free’ we really are in the UK. We are absolutely conditioned through society these days and it’s getting a lot worse. Not much different in principle to how Muslims are forced to eat at Alans Snackbar.
A few years ago I was sat next to an ex-SAS mercenary on his way home from Syria. I asked him who were the worst between the USA and Russia. I expected him to say Russia but to my surprise he said they are about the same.
I didn’t quite believe him until this war in Ukraine – and especially after they blew up the Nord stream pipeline just before winter.
At least with Putin what you see is what you get. The USA are now bullying other countries to join in this proxy war and I don’t even trust my own government one bit to tell me the truth.
The BBC are on their own planet now. This is the perfect situation for them to use all their ways of lying (by omission, by inference etc etc) and all of their Ukraine content is now worthless.
The last thing the establishment needs is a public forum wherein the proclamations of its paid-up ‘fact-checkers’ can be debunked. In the light of Glenn #Kessler’s humiliation, expect the #BBC’s anti-#Musk campaign to go in one direction only: hyperdrive.
No doubt a raft of bilge pumped out by Karim Jean Pierre’s colleagues and obligingly regurgitated by the cubicle monkeys at Broadcasting House or wherever they are…
It could be my pc and/or internet, but the bbc have made the full Musk car crash available to watch. About five minutes in, the audio suddenly becomes incredibly loud and distorted. I’ve re-loaded it; still the same. Are they really so childish that they would purposely introduce a “technical error” the minute the interview gets interesting (I.e. not going their way)?
I’d welcome comments from more tech-savvy contributors. It could just be my set-up, but deliberate nastiness doesn’t seem unlikely.
Full audio can be found here (it was available immediately the “interview” finished), a bit variable volume but listenable. You can even get on with something else whilst listening to the no-mark from the SCbbc trying to escape.
A look at the photo will provide the definition of “smug”
“Outraged MPs call for militant junior doctor leader to be sacked after he went on HOLIDAY and couldn’t go to negotiations as his colleagues started the most disruptive strike in NHS history”
Dr Laurenson even came under fire from his uncle who said yesterday he ‘disagreed’ with his nephew’s conduct.
The uncle, also named Robert Laurenson, 72, a retired podiatrist, added: ‘They’re going on a four-day strike, what’s that about? I’ve got a hernia that’s not being treated.
‘I would like a 35 per cent increase on my pension. If they want 35 per cent, I want 35 per cent. I’ve worked 50 years in my business and come out with this, smallest house on the lane, I haven’t got a five-bedroom house.’
Name of donor: Michael Ashcroft
Address of donor: private
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights and accommodation, value £12,210.60
Destination of visit: Washington DC
Dates of visit: 4-8 December 2022
Purpose of visit: To attend the 2022 International Democracy Union Conference in Washington.
(Registered 19 December 2022)
I wonder if this story will make it to the BBC headlines, reported in the Telegraph today. It’s a good one.
Someone has been doing some digging into the 2021 census data.
It turns out that in areas where there is ahem a high level of poor English speaking e.g. certain London boroughs like Newham and Brent, there is…..wait for it…….FIVE times more transgender people than the average. This includes 1 in 67 Muslims!!!!! Are 1.5% of Muslims trans? Really?
The suggestion is that the census transgender question, whose wording the authorities shamefully delegated to, guess who, Stonewall, was so grammatically complicated (‘is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth’) that many respondents were so confused they ticked the wrong box. This sounds highly plausible.
Is it possible Stonewall guessed this? And thus arranged for a falsely higher transgender population to be identified, which would then support all the campaigning?
UK Surname Positions #1 – Smith #2 – Jones ( wiki – List of most common surnames in United Kingdom )
London shows a different picture for surnames …
3.Patel (India)
10.Khan (Pakistan)
You can also find The most common surnames county by county –
Find out yourself SpinningReith,
You can enter your name and see it’s popularity go up or down ….
With a special link provided by the the UK Government for special names such as Muhammad, Mohammed and Mohammad (other names not so special)
We do not have a definitive answer for why the variations of the name Muhammad have generally risen up the rankings over time, but there are some possible explanations.
1. The increasing size of the Muslim community in England and Wales
2. The dominance of the name in the Muslim community combined with increased diversity in names for baby boys
3. The possible increased dominance of the name in the Muslim community
4. The possible effect of popular sporting figures with the names Muhammad and Mohamed
The term such as ‘increased dominance‘ is odd, when in maths you could use the term ‘increased occurrence’ instead.
dominance – power and influence over others
occurrence – the fact or frequency of something happening
Words do have meanings and some are more emotive than others.
There’s an oft quoted saying that goes “the first as tragedy, then as farce” – that was Mr Karl Marx on France’s two Napoleons, I believe.
I’m reminded of our pair of publicly funded national TV broadcasters – BBC and Channel 4 – particularly when considering the lastest bad taste offering from the junior entity.
C4 has its friends however.
Six reasons why the privatisation of Channel 4 is a bad idea (Screen Industries Network)
Number One reason: Cultural impact – Channel 4 (C4) makes programmes other channels don’t. They do this because of their public service function and to fill niches other broadcasters can’t or won’t… A more profit driven organisation is very unlikely to have the impact on our culture that Channel 4 currently does.
I don’t know about your TV aerial but my cultural antenna starts to twitch at that last statement. Frankly I don’t particularly want my culture impacted, thank you very much.
But we get the point that Channel 4 goes where other channels may fear to tread… and that’s a good thing?
Naked fury! Flood of complaints at nude TV show with kids… Channel 4’s Naked Education aims to promote body positivity and ‘educate the nation’… naked adults strip in a ‘classroom’ has caused nearly 1,000 complaints from furious viewers (giveaway Metro) – C4 getting a frontpage publicity splash from the corporate advertiser Metro – there’s an irony there somewhere – but what’s the betting Ofcom decide the complaining audience are all uptight bigots and they can simply turn off – afterall, this isn’t a Jeremy Clarkson or indeed a GB News Mark Steyn who jollywell need a good banning.
Tragedy, then as farce? Or farce first and tragedy second?
One recalls the Monty Python BBC broadcast sketch with John Cleese as the stern schoolmaster giving a sex education lesson way back in the 1970s(?) Cleese at the front of the class beside a bed calls a woman into the room and cautions his schoolboys “Do concentrate class, I’m doing this for your benefit“. That’s what they call a farce. We could laught at that. What Channel 4 are now up to is the tragedy.
I won’t bore you with the five further reasons proposed as counter argument for privatising Channel 4. Suffice to say ‘diversity’ is mentioned and meanwhile our limp-wristed Tories appear to have whimped out of doing anything about privatisation.
The numbering of argument points is a rhetorical device rather than a science.
Six things we learned from Elon Musk interview (BBC)
Elon Musk 9 things we’ve learnt about tech titan (Times)
Do we draw the conclusion that our BBC are slower or less attentive learners than the Times? The answer my friends perhaps lies in the BBC edit suite, the cutting room floor thereof.
We’re only too accustomed to media-driven enviromental panics. The jokey Daily Star this morning cements its place at rock bottom of the BBC online press line up pile with a fine skit on the genre.
Worst shortage ever… Now we are running out of penguins… and we need Pingu poo to save the planet! Penguins are in peril and a shortage of their poo means trouble for the planet, say enviro boffins. We tell you why inside. Sort of.
This is the third in our series about four well-known men whose purposeful social engineering over the years has undermined national democracies and economies, and created fertile ground for the final realisation of their post democracy dream of a global socialist/fascist world, controlled by supranational organisations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and of course, themselves. They are George Soros (you can read Tuesday’s article here), Klaus Schwab (yesterday’s article is here), Bill Gates (today) and David Attenborough.
BILL Gates has a messiah complex. His obsession with ‘climate change’, vaccines and people control is proving dangerous for the world. Only a few weeks ago he gave voice to his latest megalomaniac plan for a global pandemic prison state. And as the past proves, what Gates wants he usually gets.
“It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during “God Save the King” than of stealing from a poor box.”
So I wrote this post on a well-known newsletter platform earlier. But Twitter Blue permits 4,000 characters now. So here it is…my first long-form post on Twitter. It's about @elonmusk and @JamesClayton5
When Clayton ‘interviewed’ Musk Shiny new BBC people
The bbc attitude to mr Musk is …. Strange … they seem to think he should behave like a politician – choosing words according to the Party HQ… but he is neither a politician nor British – he has not been bred on the welfare benefits state –
In fact – as far as the dependent BBC is concerned – he is so foreign in every way that they could never understand him .
Imagine if he was hired as a ‘consultant ‘ to fix the bbc ….
The BBC’s opinion / attitude as most here know is the definitive one as far as they are concerned – we lead – you ignorant (racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, far right) peons follow.
I gave up on The Guardian (for almost anything) a decade ago ++ and often feel like they need a punch on the nose – the BBC, unfortunately are no better and often worse.
Cancel culture … “A pub where golliwog dolls were seized by police should not be considered for “future awards or inclusion in our Good Beer Guide”, the Campaign for Real Ale (Camra) said.”
MM – I hope that planning permission was applied for and granted in order to use the metric distance, which I believe is the only instance where a solely metric distance sign may be used.
Congregants at a mosque in Turkey had been praying in the wrong direction for nearly four decades before its new imam realised the error, according to reports in Turkish media.19 Oct 2018
Much of Keir’s travel bill came from his chauffeur driven motor, which cost over £161,273, used for his London commute from leafy Kentish Town to Central London – a mere four-mile trip. First class flying and emission-intensive commuting is hardly going to help us achieve Starmer’s vision for a “stronger green and digital future, by 2030”.
To put the Labour leader’s exuberance into context, his successor Alison Saunders, who served the same five-year term, expensed £67,340 on travel. Sir Keir spent over three times as much…
‘I don’t see climate change as a risk, I see it as an opportunity’: Keir Starmer touts Labour’s green business plans
Amber Roltclock
22 November 2022
• 6 min read
Total BBC income in 2021/22 was £5.33 billion, 71% of which came from the licence fee revenues. The remaining 29% or £1.53 billion came from commercial and other activities (such as grants, royalties and rental income).9 Mar 2023
Look if the leader of the free world gets confused between the ‘ all blacks ‘ and ‘ black and tans ‘ – so what ? Its only his age / dementia talking … i will be his other gaffes wont get a BBC mention… 4 more year right paddy biden ?
While the Irish Nationalists will understand that dopey Joe is old and probably suffering from a degree of dementia. I can’t see anyone in Ireland laughing about it, such is the historic sensitivity of the Black and Tans.
EU chief’s gift to Beijing: His DNA
While other European leaders have refused to allow Chinese or Russian doctors to administer COVID swabs during visits, Charles Michel is throwing caution to the wind.
The problem the BBC has with Elon Musk is that he’s a businessman. The BBC does not understand business or businessman. Money, after all, comes from extorting cash from the public, old age pensioners etc in exchange for Government and BBC propaganda
Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension on top of salary
New BBC director-general,Tony Hall, has already been drawing his BBC pension for a year.
Trusted News Initiative led by BBC News contributed to 2 Million Excess Deaths across the West by enforcing Censorship of the Dangers of COVID Vaccination
The public was fed only information that the Ministry deemed to be “true,” but this often meant that important and potentially life-saving information was withheld.
This led to the tragic and unnecessary loss of millions of lives due to the Covid-19 injections.
This was planned. The virus was invented as the cover story for the coming financial reset. There is no SARS-CoV-2. The injection is merely the start. They need to get these things into 7 billion bodies and they won’t stop until someone or something stops them. The next fake virus is coming and the next time it will be far more serious. They will use the vaccine damaged and vaccine murdered as the cover for the ‘Marburg’ virus or avian flu or which ever fake virus they claim is circulating. Unfortunately billions will believe it. They will also use 5G to facilitate the attack as the Graphene Oxide in the body will amplify the signal and cause significant damage in the tissue.
BBC News covering the false president talking to the Irish parliament …the smell of anti English sentiment wafts from the TV …..
And the fawning adoration of this crook is just …. Nauseating …..
So we have Elon Musk looking at Twitter links with the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative. I presume Elon Musk is providing insider information to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for his antitrust lawsuit against the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative.
The purpose of the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative is to rewrite history to change the facts to fit Global doctrine. For example, “truth” is understood to mean statements like, two plus two equals five, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. And most important of all, the mRNA Jab is “Safe & Effective”
The BBC’s Trusted News Initiative labelled anything that damaged the profits of Big Pharma as misinformation. So cheap early effective treatments such as Ivermectin were labelled misinformation, and the existence of the vaccine injured was also labelled misinformation. Doctors treating real people & Scientists using real data were censored by the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative, because reality did not comply with Government propaganda & international authority.
As Mare Khan claims to be a ‘lawyer’, he should really be under some sort of pressure to understand why most normal citizens agree with councils which don’t want his Khan Piggy Bank machines!
As someone who’ll never pay a penny towards his extravagant personal driving lifestyle, I ‘m sure his stupid ideas will backfire on him, and let’s hope the sound and shockwave come from a filthy great diesel lorry while he’s climbing down from his armoured staff-car gas guzzler!
.. Political greens love magical thinking
there are reasons why the real world is different, and that big farming corps don’t use these methods
Dreams are not the same as reality.
In another item their Climate champion the weather woman Laura Tobin had FLOWN to French Guiana to do a live report from the Jupiter satellite launch
There was no actual news, cos rain had stopped the launch.
Instead of going to Australia why don’t these junior doctors go to work stacking shelves in Aldi which, according to the doctors, pays more than they are getting working as doctors.
As the mass invasion of our land goes on , will the Tory PM and his OXO Government admit failure and defeat and call a general an election ?
Anything on Al Beeb forthcoming about this ?
We need the UKIP & The Reclaim Party .
‘When there is no news, rely on the BBC’.
And what a timely remark.
At around 0740 on Toady this morning there was a very long feature with two interviewees.
The topic? A ‘TV’ series on a streaming channel (Netflix? Amazon Prime? Not sure) about the emergence of England as a country around the time of Alfred the Great. But think Game of Thrones rather than GCSE History.
Who says the BBC don’t do advertising?
Has the BBC been using licence fee money to invest in certain American media corporations? I think we should be told.
I think I will start a conspiracy theory . Try this – as the BBC reports an increased number of ‘unexplained deaths ‘ during and after the medical £ mafia go on strike ( don’t forget to clap ).
Yet the government go to the ACAS ‘table ‘ to resolve such a vital service strike …
… so maybe they are using the various NHS strikes as a smokescreen for the vaccines continuing to kill people off .
It would be sort of informative to know a bit about the unexplained dead – such as ‘ pre existing conditions ‘ or age or whatever … but I guess poor tax payers will never get these.
The 35% doctors are playing Russian roulette with the public because sooner of later something big will happen and they’ll be on holiday – at a wedding. – like their union boss
tomoMar 11, 17:54 Start the Week 10th March 2025 [img][/img] well, Mike Wendling – a two jobber deep state mouthpiece writes up JD Vance. Most of us peons…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:25 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “As a candidate for prime minister, however, he said he intended to renounce his British and Irish citizenships. Carney told…
tomoMar 11, 17:12 Start the Week 10th March 2025 I posted earlier but it deserves some repetition
tomoMar 11, 17:09 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The fall of the Daily Telegraph…. [img][/img]
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:07 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Mark Carney’s Leadership Win Smells 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter. Mark Carney will…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 17:06 Start the Week 10th March 2025 0 March 2025 261 5 0 …………………………………………… The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:55 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Why protest in China when you can wait for China to come to you …. HA HA HAH AH “Last…
AlthepalerpMar 11, 16:53 Start the Week 10th March 2025 The Great Replacement continues.. . . .
Guest WhoMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Odour test aside, I noted this too: 60% of Party members didn’t vote, but media pretends that doesn’t matter.…
MarkyMarkMar 11, 16:43 Start the Week 10th March 2025 “The scholarly literature on emotions and politics tells us that anxiety holds people back from political involvement, while enthusiasm pushes…
There is much outrage on the BBC and elsewhere over the Dalai Lama inviting a young boy to suck his tongue.
Fun fact: guess who else liked to suck young boys’ tongues?
Why, none other than Old Mo, the BBC’s favourite prophet.
“I saw the prophet sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire).”
Buddhists believe in reincarnation. Jimmy Savile could come back as the Dalai Llama.
Buddhist youngsters could have their prayers answered, Dalai Llama will fix it.
Andy should be aware that asking the BBC questions can see him blocked.
Six reactions. BBC N. America has how many on this?…
Four? Not complimentary.
The BBC opened a HYS on this interview – clearly intended for the Leftists audience to give Musk a good slagging.
I made the comment:
‘Watch the full video and see the calibre of the modern BBC.
How much are we forced to pay them ?.’
And sure enough they deleted it !!!!.
Their reason:
‘Are considered to be off-topic for the discussion or are derailing the discussion onto a different topic.’ which is a new one for me.
The comment was absolutely relevant. They truly are dirty scumbags. This sums up the Left for me.
They linked it to a twitter feed which was absolutely chock full of low IQ, nasty Leftist mob type comments.
What a farce they have become.
Classic BBC. They appear to have Mike Wendling as behind the throne shadow DG.
Pure propaganda backed by censorship at levels way beyond what they presume to lecture others upon.
Interesting quoted tweet on ITBB…
“Part of the reason Musk might have agreed was that just a few weeks ago, Marianna Spring – the BBC’s first specialist disinformation and social media correspondent – had put together a hatchet-job on Twitter under Musk’s management. Spring, like Clayton, has a job title befitting of the BBC’s new role in international broadcasting and global class woke moralising. Where, previously, journalists uncovered conspiracies, corruption, shady dealings or corporate malfeasance, the BBC’s new shiny role is to uncover opinions that don’t match its editorial lines and ensure they don’t get reported.“
If OFCOM and dcms don’t see what is going on they are either thick or complicit.
I hope that one G. Monbiot gets the treatment eventually – as he the epitome of sneaky, sly activist “journalist”
2015 ….
Least we forget how it all works … videos, words, pictures … you don’t get to choose the arrangement …
Chaos as police stop Hungary migrant train – Gavin Hewitt – BBC -Sep 2015 @53s
“… the a really distressing incident happened. A women who was carrying a small baby began crying for help (photo of lady carrying baby). One of her companions tried to help her (photo of man with women on track, riot police reaching towards them) Somehow there became a push and a shove with the police. She ended up on the railway lines (by the male refugee dragging her and the baby to the floor, but this is not said) with the riot police trying to pull her back, and this of course inflamed all the other people…”
-Gavin Hewitt – Sep 2015
Watch the video and the male refugee (companion trying to help?) drags the women and baby to the floor, by force.
Even the Mirror (03Sept2015) says “… this refugee couple cradle their tiny baby, after throwing themselves (NO! Male refugee drags women and baby onto train tracks) on train tracks as police try to take them to migrant camps in Hungary”
Gets better. Two days (05Sept2015) later the Mirror then report it as
“Refugee who dragged pregnant wife and baby son onto train track did it because ‘death would be better’”
1. BBC Version uses words and pictures to hide the video version
2. The Mirror shows the video but uses words to tell a different version
Can I suggest a little story – “Male refugee forces pregnant women refugee holding child down onto a train track, police drag him away for her safety? Riot police then lift women with child off track with tender arms.”
Words, punctuation and pauses (Obama pauses a lot) have a price … Barack Obama’s $400,000 speaking fees reveal what few want to admit {theguardian may2017}
“The reason many of us have been critical of Barack Obama’s outrageous $400,000 speaking fee is that it robs us of a fantasy: that sooner or later, the first black president was going to use his considerable powers, in or out of office, to help the economic ravages of the poor, who are disproportionately black.
That Obama’s project was or ever would be racial and economic justice was always a dream – and the sooner we let go of this and recognize Obama for who he is and what he does, the better we’ll all be.
Some people who disagree with me believe I am racist … I fantasized that he’d join us on the front lines of marches, battle for the salvation of Obamacare in ingenious ways, and maybe turn up at a Black Lives Matter event. But this was all a fantasy. …”
Also of interest .. Ten most inane things in Obama’s awful speech “Otherwise, virtually everything was confused or misleading. More than that, he revealed he has no idea what he’s doing.” {washingtonpost – Jennifer Rubin – Conservative – may2013}
Where’s the Dalai Llama when he’s needed?
“Former EastEnders star Billy Murray says grandchildren nearly kidnapped”
“Mr Murray said the car was driven away quickly after his daughter’s partner shouted at them […] The force said the three men were described as being aged between mid 20s or mid 30s and all with short dark hair.”
In the original video, Murray’s daughter described them as eastern European — details that make it to the local paper but the BBC decide to leave out. In my bit of London, black Audis and Mercedes with tinted windows driven by identical looking men have become commonplace in the last 2/3 yrs. Noticing this probably constitutes a hate crime.
Was awaiting Heathrow visit recently, and lurked in various fast food/coffee retailers until darting in to save on crushing fees.
Every double yellow, child and disabled place filled with large black engine running cars with tinted windows and ominous looking suited drivers.
Could not get back to the shires quick enough.
I feel that way in general when visiting relatives in the U.K., I almost gallop through security to get to the departure lounge, then breathing a sigh of relief in Spoons with my last indulgence of fish and chips and a pint before I fly home to the sunny South of France.
Diptheria in Britain is ‘sharply’ on the rise due to small boat crossings as scientists warn dozens of new cases have nearly all been linked to ‘incoming migrants’
Most of the cases were ‘young Afghan males’ with ‘unknown vaccination history’
It’s because our ‘consocalist’ government is not securing our borders , the only thing doing that up to now has been the weather. When that changes we will be inundated with invaders and terrorists. Then we will hear the cry , “lessons to be learned”.
The lesson that I have learned is, never to trust the Tories again . That’s why I will be voting for The Reform Party .
Their lad.
BBC seem…. selective at checking claims, especially from Labour.
Maybe worth Marianna getting a crack team together?
Men in Hijab is a movement in Iran and other parts of the Persian world in which men wear the hijab, or female headscarf, as a show of solidarity with their female relatives and wives.
They cannot let go.
Because they still think they rule.
Comments suggest otherwise.
A Wendy special.
“It’s prompted intense criticism on Twitter itself, mostly – but certainly not exclusively – from right-wing and far-right accounts.
What evidence is there?
But there are both in-depth studies and anecdotal evidence that suggest hate speech has been growing under Mr Musk’s tenure.”
What a joke they are now.
Going well then.
Flouncing because you can no longer ban folk who question you are what you say you are is also very BBC.
Keep digging, guys and gals.
Pakistan: man sentenced to death for blasphemy on Facebook
Taimoor Raza was found guilty of insulting the prophet Muhammad during an argument on social media with a counter-terrorism official
2017 11.22 BST
BBC ‘New Form of Local Democracy’ rags are funny.
Is it a woman? Could be a man with a cervix for all Sir Keir knows.
Here we go.
Mata Marianna 006 and 3/4 on it?
You can sort of bet that what is in those leaks is true when they start claiming ‘disinformation ‘.
I think the only disinformation in those documents would be decoys to wrong-step the Russians.
But that is ‘good misinformation’ and hence doesn’t count.
I tried again to find some video of the actual fighting in Ukraine and once again I was amazed at just how tightly the whole internet is sown up by the West. Every single one is a heavily edited ‘Ukraine are winning’ piece – many showing the same old video released by the Ukrainian government. They all have some loud music accompanied by library clips of planes taking off or whatever then the thing they ‘claim’ to be showing is a 10 second blurry clip in the middle which proves nothing. They are ALL Ukraine winning.
I have to admit I am finding it interesting to live through a full-blown Western media/government propaganda campaign whilst having a backdoor to the truth via the internet. It’s absolutely astonishing how much we are being misled by the BBC AND our government.
It makes me realise just how far away from being ‘free’ we really are in the UK. We are absolutely conditioned through society these days and it’s getting a lot worse. Not much different in principle to how Muslims are forced to eat at Alans Snackbar.
A few years ago I was sat next to an ex-SAS mercenary on his way home from Syria. I asked him who were the worst between the USA and Russia. I expected him to say Russia but to my surprise he said they are about the same.
I didn’t quite believe him until this war in Ukraine – and especially after they blew up the Nord stream pipeline just before winter.
At least with Putin what you see is what you get. The USA are now bullying other countries to join in this proxy war and I don’t even trust my own government one bit to tell me the truth.
The BBC are on their own planet now. This is the perfect situation for them to use all their ways of lying (by omission, by inference etc etc) and all of their Ukraine content is now worthless.
Marianna not aging well.
Hurling about phrases is all they have left.
Especially on, or from media who will punt out anything.
I bet ‘useful idiot ‘stung …
Lots of Biden stuff on front page of BBC website – but none in the “top ten read” list. BBC out of touch with the public again.
No doubt a raft of bilge pumped out by Karim Jean Pierre’s colleagues and obligingly regurgitated by the cubicle monkeys at Broadcasting House or wherever they are…
Message to Joe Soap , learn some history about Ireland before making gaffes.
It could be my pc and/or internet, but the bbc have made the full Musk car crash available to watch. About five minutes in, the audio suddenly becomes incredibly loud and distorted. I’ve re-loaded it; still the same. Are they really so childish that they would purposely introduce a “technical error” the minute the interview gets interesting (I.e. not going their way)?
I’d welcome comments from more tech-savvy contributors. It could just be my set-up, but deliberate nastiness doesn’t seem unlikely.
Full audio can be found here (it was available immediately the “interview” finished), a bit variable volume but listenable. You can even get on with something else whilst listening to the no-mark from the SCbbc trying to escape.
A look at the photo will provide the definition of “smug”
“Outraged MPs call for militant junior doctor leader to be sacked after he went on HOLIDAY and couldn’t go to negotiations as his colleagues started the most disruptive strike in NHS history”
Dr Laurenson even came under fire from his uncle who said yesterday he ‘disagreed’ with his nephew’s conduct.
The uncle, also named Robert Laurenson, 72, a retired podiatrist, added: ‘They’re going on a four-day strike, what’s that about? I’ve got a hernia that’s not being treated.
‘I would like a 35 per cent increase on my pension. If they want 35 per cent, I want 35 per cent. I’ve worked 50 years in my business and come out with this, smallest house on the lane, I haven’t got a five-bedroom house.’
Smug entitled face. Baseball bat. Some assembly required.
Name of donor: Michael Ashcroft
Address of donor: private
Estimate of the probable value (or amount of any donation): Flights and accommodation, value £12,210.60
Destination of visit: Washington DC
Dates of visit: 4-8 December 2022
Purpose of visit: To attend the 2022 International Democracy Union Conference in Washington.
(Registered 19 December 2022)
I wonder if this story will make it to the BBC headlines, reported in the Telegraph today. It’s a good one.
Someone has been doing some digging into the 2021 census data.
It turns out that in areas where there is ahem a high level of poor English speaking e.g. certain London boroughs like Newham and Brent, there is…..wait for it…….FIVE times more transgender people than the average. This includes 1 in 67 Muslims!!!!! Are 1.5% of Muslims trans? Really?
The suggestion is that the census transgender question, whose wording the authorities shamefully delegated to, guess who, Stonewall, was so grammatically complicated (‘is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth’) that many respondents were so confused they ticked the wrong box. This sounds highly plausible.
Is it possible Stonewall guessed this? And thus arranged for a falsely higher transgender population to be identified, which would then support all the campaigning?
Answers please on a postcard. In simple English.
2017 ….
UK Surname Positions #1 – Smith #2 – Jones ( wiki – List of most common surnames in United Kingdom )
London shows a different picture for surnames …
3.Patel (India)
10.Khan (Pakistan)
You can also find The most common surnames county by county –
Find out yourself SpinningReith,
You can enter your name and see it’s popularity go up or down ….
With a special link provided by the the UK Government for special names such as Muhammad, Mohammed and Mohammad (other names not so special)
We do not have a definitive answer for why the variations of the name Muhammad have generally risen up the rankings over time, but there are some possible explanations.
1. The increasing size of the Muslim community in England and Wales
2. The dominance of the name in the Muslim community combined with increased diversity in names for baby boys
3. The possible increased dominance of the name in the Muslim community
4. The possible effect of popular sporting figures with the names Muhammad and Mohamed
The term such as ‘increased dominance‘ is odd, when in maths you could use the term ‘increased occurrence’ instead.
dominance – power and influence over others
occurrence – the fact or frequency of something happening
Words do have meanings and some are more emotive than others.
We tell you why, sort of edition
There’s an oft quoted saying that goes “the first as tragedy, then as farce” – that was Mr Karl Marx on France’s two Napoleons, I believe.
I’m reminded of our pair of publicly funded national TV broadcasters – BBC and Channel 4 – particularly when considering the lastest bad taste offering from the junior entity.
C4 has its friends however.
Six reasons why the privatisation of Channel 4 is a bad idea (Screen Industries Network)
Number One reason: Cultural impact – Channel 4 (C4) makes programmes other channels don’t. They do this because of their public service function and to fill niches other broadcasters can’t or won’t… A more profit driven organisation is very unlikely to have the impact on our culture that Channel 4 currently does.
I don’t know about your TV aerial but my cultural antenna starts to twitch at that last statement. Frankly I don’t particularly want my culture impacted, thank you very much.
But we get the point that Channel 4 goes where other channels may fear to tread… and that’s a good thing?
Naked fury! Flood of complaints at nude TV show with kids… Channel 4’s Naked Education aims to promote body positivity and ‘educate the nation’… naked adults strip in a ‘classroom’ has caused nearly 1,000 complaints from furious viewers (giveaway Metro) – C4 getting a frontpage publicity splash from the corporate advertiser Metro – there’s an irony there somewhere – but what’s the betting Ofcom decide the complaining audience are all uptight bigots and they can simply turn off – afterall, this isn’t a Jeremy Clarkson or indeed a GB News Mark Steyn who jollywell need a good banning.
Tragedy, then as farce? Or farce first and tragedy second?
One recalls the Monty Python BBC broadcast sketch with John Cleese as the stern schoolmaster giving a sex education lesson way back in the 1970s(?) Cleese at the front of the class beside a bed calls a woman into the room and cautions his schoolboys “Do concentrate class, I’m doing this for your benefit“. That’s what they call a farce. We could laught at that. What Channel 4 are now up to is the tragedy.
I won’t bore you with the five further reasons proposed as counter argument for privatising Channel 4. Suffice to say ‘diversity’ is mentioned and meanwhile our limp-wristed Tories appear to have whimped out of doing anything about privatisation.
The numbering of argument points is a rhetorical device rather than a science.
Six things we learned from Elon Musk interview (BBC)
Elon Musk 9 things we’ve learnt about tech titan (Times)
Do we draw the conclusion that our BBC are slower or less attentive learners than the Times? The answer my friends perhaps lies in the BBC edit suite, the cutting room floor thereof.
We’re only too accustomed to media-driven enviromental panics. The jokey Daily Star this morning cements its place at rock bottom of the BBC online press line up pile with a fine skit on the genre.
Worst shortage ever… Now we are running out of penguins… and we need Pingu poo to save the planet! Penguins are in peril and a shortage of their poo means trouble for the planet, say enviro boffins. We tell you why inside. Sort of.
This is the third in our series about four well-known men whose purposeful social engineering over the years has undermined national democracies and economies, and created fertile ground for the final realisation of their post democracy dream of a global socialist/fascist world, controlled by supranational organisations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and of course, themselves. They are George Soros (you can read Tuesday’s article here), Klaus Schwab (yesterday’s article is here), Bill Gates (today) and David Attenborough.
BILL Gates has a messiah complex. His obsession with ‘climate change’, vaccines and people control is proving dangerous for the world. Only a few weeks ago he gave voice to his latest megalomaniac plan for a global pandemic prison state. And as the past proves, what Gates wants he usually gets.
Fawning much?
– who’s the f-ing royalty here?
The Charles III PR blitz throttles up
“It is a strange fact, but it is unquestionably true that almost any English intellectual would feel more ashamed of standing to attention during “God Save the King” than of stealing from a poor box.”
George Orwell, 1941.
The bbc attitude to mr Musk is …. Strange … they seem to think he should behave like a politician – choosing words according to the Party HQ… but he is neither a politician nor British – he has not been bred on the welfare benefits state –
In fact – as far as the dependent BBC is concerned – he is so foreign in every way that they could never understand him .
Imagine if he was hired as a ‘consultant ‘ to fix the bbc ….
The BBC’s opinion / attitude as most here know is the definitive one as far as they are concerned – we lead – you ignorant (racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, far right) peons follow.
I gave up on The Guardian (for almost anything) a decade ago ++ and often feel like they need a punch on the nose – the BBC, unfortunately are no better and often worse.
Starve the beast
Cancel culture … “A pub where golliwog dolls were seized by police should not be considered for “future awards or inclusion in our Good Beer Guide”, the Campaign for Real Ale (Camra) said.”
MECCA – women at the back!
MM – I hope that planning permission was applied for and granted in order to use the metric distance, which I believe is the only instance where a solely metric distance sign may be used.
Congregants at a mosque in Turkey had been praying in the wrong direction for nearly four decades before its new imam realised the error, according to reports in Turkish media.19 Oct 2018
The direction to pray in has changed over time – many early mosques point to Petra in Jordan iirc.
Kaffir law does not apply to them.
I wonder if that has been removed yet ? And the sign of course ..
Much of Keir’s travel bill came from his chauffeur driven motor, which cost over £161,273, used for his London commute from leafy Kentish Town to Central London – a mere four-mile trip. First class flying and emission-intensive commuting is hardly going to help us achieve Starmer’s vision for a “stronger green and digital future, by 2030”.
To put the Labour leader’s exuberance into context, his successor Alison Saunders, who served the same five-year term, expensed £67,340 on travel. Sir Keir spent over three times as much…
‘I don’t see climate change as a risk, I see it as an opportunity’: Keir Starmer touts Labour’s green business plans
Amber Roltclock
22 November 2022
• 6 min read
‘I don’t see climate change as a risk, I see it as an opportunity’…to get you plebs off the road so my chauffeur driven journey is quicker.
On the hunt for the businessmen behind a billion-dollar scam
Total BBC income in 2021/22 was £5.33 billion, 71% of which came from the licence fee revenues. The remaining 29% or £1.53 billion came from commercial and other activities (such as grants, royalties and rental income).9 Mar 2023
billion-dollar scam
The police are looking for a ‘specific’ item in the Nicola Bulley case.
Was she walking her dog when she went missing and if yes, was the dog found?
Yes AFAIK it was at the bench
Look if the leader of the free world gets confused between the ‘ all blacks ‘ and ‘ black and tans ‘ – so what ? Its only his age / dementia talking … i will be his other gaffes wont get a BBC mention… 4 more year right paddy biden ?
While the Irish Nationalists will understand that dopey Joe is old and probably suffering from a degree of dementia. I can’t see anyone in Ireland laughing about it, such is the historic sensitivity of the Black and Tans.
BBC Jeremy Vine – playing “nobody is as Irish as Obama” ha ha ha ha
Biden – I’m Irish – world goes mad.
Trump – I’m Scottish – world hides.
Eight serving and former Metropolitan Police officers have been found guilty of gross misconduct over offensive messages shared in a WhatsApp group.
The “discriminatory and offensive” messages included some that made fun of Katie Price’s disabled son.
EU chief’s gift to Beijing: His DNA
While other European leaders have refused to allow Chinese or Russian doctors to administer COVID swabs during visits, Charles Michel is throwing caution to the wind.
The problem the BBC has with Elon Musk is that he’s a businessman. The BBC does not understand business or businessman. Money, after all, comes from extorting cash from the public, old age pensioners etc in exchange for Government and BBC propaganda
Lord Tony Hall to earn £532,000 as new BBC boss by drawing pension on top of salary
New BBC director-general,Tony Hall, has already been drawing his BBC pension for a year.
By Gordonrayner
22 November 2012 • 10:00pm
Trusted News Initiative led by BBC News contributed to 2 Million Excess Deaths across the West by enforcing Censorship of the Dangers of COVID Vaccination
The public was fed only information that the Ministry deemed to be “true,” but this often meant that important and potentially life-saving information was withheld.
This led to the tragic and unnecessary loss of millions of lives due to the Covid-19 injections.
This was planned. The virus was invented as the cover story for the coming financial reset. There is no SARS-CoV-2. The injection is merely the start. They need to get these things into 7 billion bodies and they won’t stop until someone or something stops them. The next fake virus is coming and the next time it will be far more serious. They will use the vaccine damaged and vaccine murdered as the cover for the ‘Marburg’ virus or avian flu or which ever fake virus they claim is circulating. Unfortunately billions will believe it. They will also use 5G to facilitate the attack as the Graphene Oxide in the body will amplify the signal and cause significant damage in the tissue.
I always have trouble with the word ‘planned’…. But it’s an interesting theory …
If only the bBC could be packaged up with C4 thrown in as a bonus and sold off to Mr Musk.
BBC News covering the false president talking to the Irish parliament …the smell of anti English sentiment wafts from the TV …..
And the fawning adoration of this crook is just …. Nauseating …..
So we have Elon Musk looking at Twitter links with the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative. I presume Elon Musk is providing insider information to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. for his antitrust lawsuit against the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative.
The purpose of the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative is to rewrite history to change the facts to fit Global doctrine. For example, “truth” is understood to mean statements like, two plus two equals five, war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. And most important of all, the mRNA Jab is “Safe & Effective”
The BBC’s Trusted News Initiative labelled anything that damaged the profits of Big Pharma as misinformation. So cheap early effective treatments such as Ivermectin were labelled misinformation, and the existence of the vaccine injured was also labelled misinformation. Doctors treating real people & Scientists using real data were censored by the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative, because reality did not comply with Government propaganda & international authority.
Way to go Katie
“Be compliant” is the message.
As Mare Khan claims to be a ‘lawyer’, he should really be under some sort of pressure to understand why most normal citizens agree with councils which don’t want his Khan Piggy Bank machines!
As someone who’ll never pay a penny towards his extravagant personal driving lifestyle, I ‘m sure his stupid ideas will backfire on him, and let’s hope the sound and shockwave come from a filthy great diesel lorry while he’s climbing down from his armoured staff-car gas guzzler!
ITV local newsPR
“Oh look not-dig farming is magic and good for the planet ..low CO2”
.. Political greens love magical thinking
there are reasons why the real world is different, and that big farming corps don’t use these methods
Dreams are not the same as reality.
In another item their Climate champion the weather woman Laura Tobin had FLOWN to French Guiana to do a live report from the Jupiter satellite launch
There was no actual news, cos rain had stopped the launch.
She’s almost BBC staff?
Friend who inspired Shamima Begum to join IS mocks her as non-believer
I hope, in the interest of child safety, all those adults have been on a safeguarding course.
Also, bbc ‘experts’… in the licking of tongues.
Tibetan Buddhist teacher accused of sexual abuse dies
28 August 2019
An investigation commissioned by his group concluded that some followers were abused by him
“He abused an ancient spiritual tradition in order to indulge his lust for power, money and sexual gratification.”
Instead of going to Australia why don’t these junior doctors go to work stacking shelves in Aldi which, according to the doctors, pays more than they are getting working as doctors.
As the mass invasion of our land goes on , will the Tory PM and his OXO Government admit failure and defeat and call a general an election ?
Anything on Al Beeb forthcoming about this ?
We need the UKIP & The Reclaim Party .
A perfect BBC U.K. news item, including the Getty.
No tinted windows ? Innit …
Obviously he’s wound down the windows in order to watch England’s green and pleasant passing by (Easier in a left hand drive car).
When there is no news, rely on the BBC.
When there is really no news, rely on them in Wales.
‘When there is no news, rely on the BBC’.
And what a timely remark.
At around 0740 on Toady this morning there was a very long feature with two interviewees.
The topic? A ‘TV’ series on a streaming channel (Netflix? Amazon Prime? Not sure) about the emergence of England as a country around the time of Alfred the Great. But think Game of Thrones rather than GCSE History.
Who says the BBC don’t do advertising?
Has the BBC been using licence fee money to invest in certain American media corporations? I think we should be told.
I think I will start a conspiracy theory . Try this – as the BBC reports an increased number of ‘unexplained deaths ‘ during and after the medical £ mafia go on strike ( don’t forget to clap ).
Yet the government go to the ACAS ‘table ‘ to resolve such a vital service strike …
… so maybe they are using the various NHS strikes as a smokescreen for the vaccines continuing to kill people off .
It would be sort of informative to know a bit about the unexplained dead – such as ‘ pre existing conditions ‘ or age or whatever … but I guess poor tax payers will never get these.
The 35% doctors are playing Russian roulette with the public because sooner of later something big will happen and they’ll be on holiday – at a wedding. – like their union boss