A review of BBC Funding ? To be done by the current ‘government ‘ . Well here is a hint – subscription only – you want it – you pay for it . Not the taxpayer…
Now they are claiming the aliens have provided a message to our leaders and their message is that we need to depopulate the planet and fully align with the leftist agenda.
Dr. Anna Loutfi, Head of Legal at the Bad Law Project, presents a compelling argument for the abolition of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education) as it is currently taught.
When it comes to passing laws have you noticed how one way they are.
The likes of Kahn when it comes to his LTN/ulez, Sunak with his scrapping petrol cars after 2030, 20 mph zones and seemingly all other controlling laws easily happen yet when it comes to things like getting the Brexit we voted for, controlling immigration and other things we actually want there always seem to be hundreds of reasons and objections stopping them happening.
It’s always one way.
They do what they want and do everything to stop what we want.
That’s because wokists use empathy blackmail so you are an unfeeling twat if you object whereas common sense people use truth which is worth sweet FA to a lot of todays population.
It must of been a terribly hard decision for BIG BBROTHER
at the Diversity dept of the BBC to decide what the major
sports feature on the internet as I write this. Should it be the climax of the 5th test of the Ashes between England and Australia
for cis men(cricket) OR the netball match for cis women (i believe) between England and Tonga. The netball has been ruling
the roost some of the day. Earlier a live match on BBC TV
between something like Cape Verde Islands – Pitcairn
was the main feature. BUT I have to be fair right now TONGA
takes second place. Well done Big Brother,
When Israel raid Palestine terrorist havens and kill young men who are shooting at them, the BBC are very quick to plaster it over the front page (but don’t call them terrorists and don’t mention they were shooting at the Israelis).
But when those same religious nut-jobs squabble with each other in a refugee camp because Islam is riddled with different factions and in the name of their stone-age religion they murder 11 and wound over 40, you have to have eagle eyes to spot the report buried away from the main headlines.
And surely the headline should be ’11 dead and 40 injured as rival Islamist groups clash in refugee camp’.
This is one of those odd ones where things don’t quite make sense – which is always a sign the BBC are covering it up. For example half way through we get ‘heavy fighting was again reported on Monday with gun and anti-tank fire echoing through the camp.’. What ?. Sounds like a bit more than a clash.
But of course the story must be played down as it’s not helpful to the pro-Muslim, antisemetic BBC agenda.
JohnC, had a temporary assistant in one of my jobs/’careers’ who was from Lebanon. Think he came from a suburb of Beirut, was from a nominally Christian family but spoke Yiddish. He grew up in a neighbourhood where Jews, Christians and Moslems lived next to each other, children of different faiths went to school together and were friends with each other.
Then came the Lebanese Civil War in 1975 and it all changed with about one million people including families leaving Lebanon.
Interesting as it confirms what I’ve been told on other internet sites so it’s very likely true.
Basically Ukraine try to advance, have no chance to manouvre because of mine-fields then get gradually destroyed by artillery and aircraft.
None of this is reported by the BBC. Of all their distorted reporting, I would say this has been the most dishonest misrepresentation and cover-up I’ve ever seen. And that’s saying a lot when it’s the BBC and what we saw them do during the referendum.
It trashes any respect you might have for what they once were. Once you see just how far they are prepared to go to give you the ‘truth’ they want you to have, you realise you can never again trust a single thing they tell you. I might be true, it might be complete misinformation. They will do whichever suits them without a single journalistic ethic getting in the way.
We have won the Ashes, woo hoo! Well, a moral victory in that England would have probably won the Old Trafford Test but for the rain. A great final wicket to win it for Stuart Broad. Well done, England!
I wonder how many people are alive today because of stop and search.
The police must have been responsible for saving lots of lives because someone carrying a knife was stopped before using it or perhaps they stopped carrying a knife in case they were caught with one.
My guess is there must be over 100 people alive now purely because of stop and search.
Yet, the lefties are against it because those doing the crime are more likely to be stopped and they then call it racist.
More to the point Emmanuel, how many people are now dead because the guy who stabbed them was not stopped and searched ?.
When the BBC report it, we get told black males are 7 times more likely to be stopped. They don’t tell us they are also 7 times more likely to be going to stab somebody.
All of that blood is on the hands of the Lefty activists and the BBC. But they are such stupendous hypocrites, they will never admit it – even to themselves.
Wonder if I should get some posters printed off BUT will I get away with it or will I be getting an early morning knock on my front door by the “Old Bill”
BBC Test Match Special.
Commentary pair.
Sir Alastair Cook, ex England opening bat, captain, 12,000 runs.
Isa Guha, who crucially is female and non-white.
She did however play cricket, which obviously made her an ideal BBC presenter for…..errrr……Wimbledon!! ????
It is the most ridiculous nod to women’s lib/equality. Why are female presenters presenting and commentating a man’s game? I’ve noticed the opening credits/ title sequence to Test Match Special features female players. Just another bit of BBC woke nonsense.
Reposting this from letters page of DT. Something we long suspected but had no proof of was collusion between Coutts and Nat West Bank and the BBC. Well here is the link (from another writer) linking to George Soros and ‘Common Purpose’ back to the BBC.
What do you know about ‘The Octopus’ and Common Purpose and the part, it is alleged, they may have played in the activities of two ladies whose recent resignations have caused such a stir?
In another letter following the above…..I read, that it had WEF stamped all over it, googled ‘ is there a link between common purpose and WEF’? got this…“The Data for Common Purpose Initiative was featured at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2022 in Davos. A session on Strengthening Trust in Public-Private Data Exchanges and Building Responsible Data Ecosystems were held and broadcasted to stakeholders all over the world.” Scary indeed if true.
More revelations of the ‘usual suspects’ are on conservativewoman.co.uk. just reading that Alison Rose was clearly planted as a ‘Climate activist’ and I learn from other Business page postings that she was also a complete disaster at all her previous employments. You have to ask how much rot extends from the BBC? And why was she appointed? WEF, CC, DAVOS and links to the BBC. Well, well. All deniable by the BBC, of course!
Isn’t it absolutely amazing we/ they are alive at all?
Especially after the London smog, coal fires in houses, tetraethyl lead in petrol.
Rather than enjoying the cleanest air in 100 years, thanks not to Sad Dick Khan but decades of incremental improvement without any involvement from the Marxists.
Veggie – cyclist – friend of the earth – got cats – tick … there were other stereotypes but I’d better not …. Air pollution also causes coloured boys to stab each other to death . Ban cities … zero population density – close the tube …
22 dead by toxic religion … Police find more explosives in searches following Manchester bombing – Independent
By Reuters Staff
LONDON (Reuters) – Police and security services have found more explosives which could have been used in follow-up attacks to Monday’s bombing which killed 22 in Manchester, the Independent reported citing security sources.
Without even looking or knowing anything about why #BoycottCostaCoffee was trending in the UK, I KNEW the Gender Critical movement were involved. Permanently angry and aggressive – opposing ANYTHING that hints at love or inclusivity. Reject Terfism – it’s an illness ❤️🏳️⚧️🫶 pic.twitter.com/gxxLIT2jyD
I’m old enough to remember the, “Teddy Boy” era. 1950’s.
In them days they were called, “Beetle-Crushers”. History doesn’t fundamentally change although the trans/homosexual version you show might be described as ‘Trans/Homosexual/Queer Beetle Crushers”
As an extra and relevant point further to Pug’s comment about Labour pumping massive amounts of money into the NHS.
It wasn’t just the NHS that they featherbedded. It was the whole public sector.
How can we know this? Because all the recent public sector strikes about pay, including the NHS, reference the relative decline since 2010. Why 2010? Because it was the high watermark of public sector pay courtesy of Labour largesse, while many of us in the private sector at that time endured 2 years of pay freeze post the banking crisis, as company solvency and cash flow was under great stress.
An inconvenient truth totally ignored by the biased, selective memory, BBC.
That’s like me stepping across a road and saying I have spread from Lincolnshire to Yorkshire
The fire at Castle Mountain National Park (York City) did cross the state line
cos the location is situated right on the state boundary
Is it huge ? no it’s 1% of what it was, cos it’s mostly gone out
It was big 20Km by 20Km as it got to cover the whole mountain
but as soon as it drops down off the mountain onto the plains it’s stops
It has nowhere to go now
Guardian title “York fire, with zero containment Sunday evening,”
FFS Look at the Guardian photo ..it’s literally hit cactus , there’s nowt else to burn
Stew, when I first visited California they had had a dry spring and the National Park service were at pains to point out, do not discard matches or cigarettes if a smoker, and do not carelessly discard clear glass bottles or drinking glasses in the National Parks. The year was 1980.
Panorama ‘Thurrock council is having to cut everything to the bone
It went bankrupt due to investing in solar farms that were way way over valued’
.. now disability support worker is crying”
Prog is now doing emotional blackmail using Down Syndrome people speaking
..that counts as child exploitation in my book.
It’s Tory Council, concealed losses etc.
All blamed on one person Sean Clark who was told in 2018 but carried on
investing £1bn public money with one person Liam Kavanaugh
Evidence suggests he cheated council
Panorama has evidence that one solar farm was significantly overvalued ..so overpaid by £130m
solar farm money ended up funding a private jet and a yacht
replicated on a slightly smaller scale across municipalities across the country.
I wonder how many council schemes would’ve qualified for the “surcharge of councillors” treatment that Blair’s gubbermint removed from the legal controls on local government.
Locally Bath LibDem twerps have invested *borrowed* money in retail malls that by many accounts are failing badly.
My hatred for local councils is only matched by Westminster – but for fools with huge amounts of public money to pee it into a fraud like that really pushes something else .
This must be happening all over the country to a less extreme extent …. So who regulates councils – and allows them to use taxpayers ‘ cash in this way ?
Have any councillors or officials been fired / done time ? Had their assets seized ?
pug, sadly the late, great Philip Eden is no longer alive. Back when ‘we’ bought a daily print copy of the DT I used to keep cuttings of Philip Eden’s writings (from the Saturday edition, I think) and have them in a ring binder somewhere. No Global Warming and Climate Change nonsense from him.
Elon’s Twitter sends one of the accounts I mind what feels like *every* Packham related utterance on Twitter – and there’s a lot…
– no actual Packham entity is followed by that account – but I can only imagine that the followed accounts profile fits places where Packham’s Twitter account handlers want to push the prat’s utterances.
The NetZealot folk are in every prog today
There technique is to shout shout shout and that means we should take what they say as truth
GBnews examples
7:30pm Tom Burke of E3G (em it’s really his one man band)
8:30pm Nigel Nelson
9pm Stanley Johnson”Oh this debanking thing is nothing, it’s a campaign by rightists to destabilise the banks pro-freen ESG policies”
big Conspiracy Theory
nwxt “Net zero is the law we have to do it”
First published in 1982, Stanley Johnson’s The Virus is more than astonishingly prescient, with uncanny parallels to the current Covid-19 pandemic. It is also a fast-paced Cold War thriller that stands the test of time. Dr Lawrence Kaplan, one of the United States top epidemiologists, aided and abetted by the beautiful eco-warrior Stephanie Verusio, jets across the globe in a race to discover the secrets behind a deadly novel disease that threatens to wipe out half the world. A brilliant tale of geo-politics in the manner of Robert Ludlum. Funny, romantic, terrifying and totally relevant to today’s pandemic crisis, this is a dazzlingly deft page-turner.
About the Author
Stanley Johnson is an outspoken environmentalist, former MEP, and the author of 25 books including 12 non-fiction works on environmental topics, two volumes of memoir and 10 novels
On Twitter no one supports him
He’s also backing the banks
‘This ESG is a good thing . It’s important banks stop supporting fossil fuels and only fund green energy’
I’d just like to say for the record that I absolutely despise Stanley Johnson. He has the same buffoonish schtick as Boris, but he is mean to the bone. A truly vile man, and a wife beater to boot.
At least you can be consoled that the entitled father of a failed PM didn’t get the knighthood his son promised him . Even the venal corrupt honours system stopped at that – but the 29 year old boris babe still got a life peerage £££££££££……
I know the red lot will be worse but I so wanna see the back of this light red mob ….I think they are even worse because they defrauded us into voting for them …
The DT is reporting the evidence in the discipline proceedings of a very senior met plod – a commander no less – who wrote the Met drugs policy . … his sin. Alleged industrial level drug use. …
But surely – who better to write the drugs policy that a drugs user ? He could also give advice on the best kind of narcotics and their effects …
Perhaps instead of busting him – they should make him the next rank up – Drug Czar or chief constable of Liverpool …
The Co-op scandal: drugs, sex, religion … and the humiliation of a movement
Revelations about the behaviour of former Co-op Bank chairman Paul Flowers are very bad news not just for the Methodist minister, but for mutual societies in general – as well as Labour
On 13 November an acquaintance of Flowers phoned the news desk of the Mail on Sunday offering a trove of information on the Methodist minister-turned-councillor-turned-banker. Four days later the paper published, under the eye-grabbing headline “Crystal Meth Shame of Bank Chief”, three pages of allegations, including incriminating text messages and video footage, reporting on purchases of Class A substances ranging from cocaine to ketamine and his hopes for a “drug-fuelled gay orgy”.
I went to see an evening with “Mr Nice” Howard Marks some years ago in a Bath club.
He applied for the first ever position of “Drug Czar” at The Home Office and recounted the farcical and funny communications as he was well (uniquely!) qualified for the job.
“The National Health Service is the world’s oldest public health system and one of the largest employers on the planet. ”
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers. From 1 April, over £13 billion of NHS debt will be scrapped as part of a wider package of NHS reforms announced by the Health Secretary today.2 Apr 2020
Neighbourhood groups in Chelmsford, Essex speak out against the Home Office decision
Campaigners in a cathedral city have condemned the Government after the Home Office approved the acquisition of an entire luxury apartment complex to house asylum seekers.
Dozens of migrants have already moved into the 98 unit development in Chelmsford, Essex, GB News can reveal.
Ben Leo Programme Editor ‘Dan Wootton Tonight’ @GBNews Jul 30
Unbelievable. FIFA was so embarrassed
about the standard of their women’s World Cup clip that I posted,
they filed a copyright claim to get it removed
– all within an hour. 🤣
Hunter Biden… the asshole turned up at court in a 6 vehicle convoy with armed guards to try intimidating the court.
Devon Archer testimony drops Biden Junior right in it.
You will NOT see / hear it from the BBC
🧵 Devon Archer’s testimony today is bombshell: • Hunter Biden’s ex BFF testified that the value of adding Hunter Biden to Burisma’s board was “the brand” and confirmed that then-Vice President Joe Biden brought the most value to “the brand.” Archer also stated that Burisma…
Tomo, the sickening thing is that even the supposed ‘right leaning ‘ Media do not talk about this! Not one mention of the findings in Congress and the Whistleblowers against the Bidens. It is frightening to think the control there is out there for MSM worldwide. Everything Trump does is scrutanised to the finest detail but the Bidens……..
The Bidens are very simply crooks and street thugs. Robert Barnes “goes off” on that topic HERE (should jump directly to the segment but scroll to 1:00:30 if it doesn’t)
Somehow the bar to be damned in the USA is now so high that is junior was proved to a Jack the Ripper the msm would still say ‘right wing conspiracists ‘ and look squirrels ….
Bide senior is already re-elected unless they kill him and put Mrs Obama in office ( my bet ) …
No daily reports by saz smith or Katty or Christin or Sopel or bronze strumpet or the zurcher? One ….. silence
“The current heat wave is being relentlessly blamed on increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but there is a much more plausible explanation, one that is virtually endorsed by two of the world’s leading scientific organizations. It turns out that levels of water vapor in the atmosphere have dramatically increased over the last year and a half, and water vapor is well recognized as a greenhouse gas, whose heightened presence leads to higher temperatures, a mechanism that dwarfs any effect CO2 may have.
So why has atmospheric water vapor increased so dramatically? Because of a historic, gigantic volcanic eruption last year that I — probably along with you — had never heard of. The mass media ignored it because it took place 490 feet underwater in the South Pacific. “
You just know 100% this is going to be a full-on agenda piece when you see that headline.
So I read through it and it’s your usual BBC attempt to steep it in empathy to make the story much more than it really is.
For example, what’s the point of this in a news article ?
‘A canopy protects the team and the site from the weather and despite the intense sun and the occasional shower, the archaeologists’ work continues.’
‘Ghana’s coastal fishing towns, known for their colourful boats and the melodies sung by the fishermen, remain scarred by a past of European exploitation and human cruelty.’
From THREE HUNDRED YEARS AGO ???. What absolute rubbish.
I went on holiday to Ghana once. I bet a lot of people have only been once. It has nothing whatsoever except a corrupt government and fishing. Far from ‘scarring it’, Europeans were giving it income to keep it going.
And I didn’t see any happy fishermen at all. We weren’t allowed out without a guide because we would be mugged. In a market, a woman was breastfeeding in her tent and when we walked by without buying anything, she started shouting at us in a very aggressive manner.
The BBC are absolutely out of control now. Their staff are all racist/sexist activists.
The author Favour Nanoo from his own LinkIn:
‘I form part of the BBC’s talented multimedia journalists in Africa working to expand the digital growth agenda’
Statue of ‘racist’ Gandhi removed from University of Ghana
This article is more than 4 years old
Monument installed two years ago taken away in middle of night amid controversy over Gandhi’s views about Africans
It seems that HS2 is the latest splurge of our taxes to get a few worthless gongs and lordships for the elite in Khanistan, plus huge contracts for their mates.
The whole shebang reminds me of the shenanigans around Concord, The Channel Tunnel and the Dome – all having billions of our money chucked at them regardless of value.
And in the background, slowly griniding out even more of our money, we have the ridiculous global warming fiasco, false news on fossil fuels and silly trash like air pollution manics charging £12.50 a day to get to work.
Luckily, with Beeboid’s TV taxpayers hemorrhaging at a very satisfying rate, we’ll eventually get a news broadcaster which will get up on its hind legs and start really supporting the Uk Inc.
I expect to see that in five years time, after Kow-Towler and Growler have trashed the country even more and we have to start again!
As it’s the first day of the month, two lucky winners will be getting a call from NAS&I to tell them that they have won a million folding pictures of KFC3!
I’d love to see the scenario, whereby a winner rings up Coutts, and tells them that he /she now has the required amount to open an account!
The Coutts flunky would then say, ‘This is good news Sir/Madam, may we have your name, address and details please’?
The winner could then say, ‘No, piss off’, and chuck the phone down…
They’ve been on the wrong side of public opinion on major political issues for years now. But they don’t care. They think that ramming it down our throats will eventually make us think like they do.
Which is a compelling reason why that same public should not be forced to fund them.
The Dr Who admission about black people everywhere in history was a rare glimpse of truth when we were told ‘They know they are lying, but if it changes the present to be like they want then it’s justified.’. Many a Leftist ideological movement used similar excuses. Usually ending up with the extermination of those people when they DIDN’T change their views. Just ask Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin etc etc.
JohnC: “They’ve been on the wrong side of public opinion on major political issues for years now. But they don’t care. They think that ramming it down our throats will eventually make us think like they do.”
“Which is a compelling reason why that same public should not be forced to fund them.”
More true words. We are the start of the Resistance. 1940-1944 France here we come.
Pork bellies up, muskmelons down and getting down with the kids edition
On a morning when the Telegraph tells us: Want staff to read an email? Send it on Sunday
It looks as though the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror didn’t get the all-important memo from the boss: Tony Blair: We can’t solve climate change without China. Former prime minister warns Labour that it’s not worth imposing extra costs on voters with green policies (Times)
The Mirror’s persistently pro-alarmist polemic headlines bag them second place in the BBC’s online press line-up, after the FT pips them to the post and wins the game – presumably for their cricket coverage: Special delivery Broad’s final ball before retirement secures victory over Australia – and not this vital slice of hold-the-front-page market data: The EU’s production of summer fruits fell 6.3% to 8.6mn tonnes last year. This drop was largely driven by a decline in the harvesting of watermelons and muskmelons, or canteloupes…
One takes a chance and types in the term ‘muskmelons‘ and the Google machine pre-empts a question: Are cantaloupe and muskmelon the same thing? The answer: While all cantaloupes are muskmelons, not all muskmelons are cantaloupes. (Healthline)
His master’s voice
Sir Keir got the message from the boss loud and clear: Keir Starmer accused of ‘wavering on climate commitments’ Exclusive: Aid NGOs criticise government and Labour after Guardian reveals flagship climate pledge is almost impossible to meet (Guardian)
However: Young climate activists turn up the heat on Keir Starmer (BBC)
Down with the kids
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – rediscovering rave at 72 (‘i’)
And the formerly Old Labour Mirror is now well and truly right-on and down with the kids: Just stop Sunak… Fury as PM allows more oil and gas wells… He caves in to big business & Tory MPs… Critics say it won’t help keep bills down
Setting aside the fury: “Life’s but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” (Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5)
Let’s attempt to parse those Mirror subheaders somewhat. One takes the Mirror’s point as to the former office boy at Goldman Sachs, green card Sunak’s, reflexive tendency to cave in to big business. But you can hardly blame our Swindon regional district manager for bending to the will of MPs of his own party.
“I didn’t get where I am today…” you’ll recall was the favoured line of Reggie Perrin’s boss at Sunshine Desserts, C.J.
Was Rishi parachuted into No10 for his tendency to please the likes of Caroline Lucas?
Margaret Thatcher
Remembered for her shortlived “green period” in the late 1980s when she helped put the climate crisis, acid rain and pollution on the political map.
Boris Johnson
Johnson made much of his green credentials. They were in his blood, he claimed. And during his time in office, he was credited for overseeing plans to phase out petrol and diesel cars
David Cameron
Posing with huskies in the Arctic remains one of the most eye-catching images of his rise to power. Shortly after his trip, he pledged that his administration would become the “greenest government ever”
Thank you the Guardian for all the above.
Back to the Mirror – Critics say it won’t help keep bills down – there’s another prime example of the left’s refusal to accept basic supply and demand economics. You know, like they won’t acknowledge our current state of hyper-immigration might just possibly have some modicum of an impact on the excess demand for housing.
Some people will never learn
The mother driven to despair by daughter’s refusal to go to school (Daily Mail)
Whereas the Telegraph – dare one claim – is apparently learning from Mr AsI’s work herabouts correcting media headlines utilising the terms pandemic and covid as the source of various of our present woes: Lockdown ‘harmed nearly half of children’ – bang on, bravo, journos Louisa Clarance-Smith and Blathnaid Corless – you nailed it: Lockdown damaged the emotional development of almost half of children a study has shown
Meanwhile, what’s the official inquiry been up to?
Covid Inquiry has spent nearly £40m after just 23 days of hearings… Figure only includes costs up to the end of June with lawyers handed more than £20m as critics voice concern at ‘enormous waste of money’ (Telegraph)
Covid Inquiry: What have we learnt so far? In total, 69 politicians, civil servants, scientists and other experts have been asked about the UK’s planning for a pandemic and the state of the healthcare system when Covid struck. (BBC)
Watch out, you might catch Covid… at the Covid Inquiry! Officials fear people attending its hearings could contract coronavirus, guidelines suggest… Document published last night urges ‘staff and visitors’ to take lateral flow test… People also told they can wear masks if they feel ‘more comfortable’ doing so (Daily Mail)
One does notice a few poor frightened souls still wearing masks about the streets.
But many residual mask-wearers are of Chinese appearance.
You can’t blame them – if you were a China émigré, would you want to be easily identified (dare one say tracked and traced) on the streets of Britain?
Chinese ‘secret police stations’: Everything we know… Beijing denies community centres on foreign soil being used to monitor and intimidate Chinese dissidents… investigations underway in at least 12 countries, including the UK, Canada, the Netherlands and Germany. (Independent)
UK has ‘no strategy’ to tackle China threat as spies ‘aggressively’ target Britain, scathing report warns (Independent)
On a lighter note: Yorkshire pudding deviants (Daily Star); An outrageous ‘Yorkshire pudding pizza’ now exists (Mirror); Brit supermarket chain Morrisons has sacked 1,500 middle managers – but fear not, they’ve also vomited out an unholy creation that is part pizza, part Yorkshire pudding. The 6½” thing is made by filling an oversized Yorkie Pud with tomato sauce, cheese and typical pizza toppings. (The Register) – Morrisons has sacked 1,500 middle managers – opportunities, opportunities, opportunities – perhaps after his spell seat-warming for Starmer, our Rishi Sunak won’t need that green card of his all. He’d fit well in the role of a Morrisons middle manager
How common is Jam with your Yorkshire Pudding? (Reddit)
Johnson made much of his green credentials. They were in his blood, he claimed. And during his time in office, he was credited for overseeing plans to phase out petrol and diesel cars
Pops out another kid – you must stop having kids – but not those who lead the way – HA HA HA HA HA HA A
After they have dealt with the whites, a period of inter tribal shenanigans and then off to Calais for Lily and a BBC crew to tearfully follow to a Tottenham drug and machete refuge.
“A thoughtcrime is an Orwellian neologism used to describe an illegal thought. The term was popularized in the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, first published in 1949, wherein thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question Ingsoc, the ruling party.”
BBc cock a hoop this a.m. that the floating hotel may not take any asylum seekers apparently due to fire certificate not being signed off.
Some woman representing the asylum seekers say 250 would be an acceptable number.
Strange, when the structure is designed for 506 guests……..
Inter alia, they’re just trying hard to put a label on the ‘Home Working’ disaster the Government created during the, so-called, “Pandemic”. Last time I looked, most of the civil service refuses to return to their offices………….
‘Here it is better not to be born’: Cobalt mining for Big Tech is driving child labor, deaths in the Congo
Child labor, sexual assault, birth defects, abject poverty, workers buried alive: A new exposé on artisanal cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo lifts the curtain on a nightmarish world in which billions of people are unwittingly complicit. Senior climate correspondent Louise Boyle reports
I found a very rare ‘satisfied’ customer of the BBC yesterday; a certain ‘Ruth from Oxfordshire’ got what she wanted, 45 mins later after this request on TMS at 7hr 46 min mark.
Well done England and well done ‘Goldenbails’ Broad.
I only wish ‘Aggers’ would not interview failed politicians like the intellectual giant David Lammy and with vitriolic ‘celebs’ like infamously Lily Allen, a sort of Carol Vorderman without the maths..!
In the teaching of the Catholic Church, an indulgence (Latin: indulgentia, from indulgeo, ‘permit’) is “a way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins”.[1] The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes an indulgence as “a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and all of the saints”.[2]
taffman ,
Eddy Booth put up a link earlier on the massive undersea South Pacific Volcanic eruption in 2022 that’s affected the Earths weather……..seems to have been almost completely ignored by the MSM
Greta to ban all Volcanic Activity ?
When it rains it’s just wet weather, but when the sun comes out, it becomes an international climate catastrophe costing the planet trillions of pounds, or more likely giving even more of our taxes to the clever charlatans and weak politicians who shorted the industries years ago, and we’re all going to die!
Let’s face it, this country, historically, has manifested itself to be a decision-making disaster with a major absence of common sense. No joined up thinking. Prime example: Bliar. ‘Let’s open the borders to millions of foreigners’. Did anyone predict that the millions would need housing? Did anyone predict the millions needed services (water, NHS etc)? Apparently, NO, nothing.
Did anyone hear the Minister for Transport, Richard Holden interview on Today earlier? He fumbled and flustered when asked where the power would come from to fuel the EV’s in 2030. ‘Here, Richard, I can help out with an answer’
It aint gonna happen. Bleat, bleat, “we’ve allocated £950 million (yes, the 6 figure million) for the infrastructure”.
Seems to me that apart from the absolute nonsense, lies and obfuscation, the Trillions of pounds really needed will be sprung on the taxpayer later down the road. Right now, its all to do with momentum which cannot be halted.
Anyone like a bit of reality, this time in the morning?
“Mark Mills: The energy transition delusion: inescapable mineral realities”
At least some people have looked at the predictions and are not afraid to comment.
Something tells me that the Tories are thrashing about in a panic as the next GE is looming, trying every to lure their former supporters back to the party .
Now, here is an idea , “Stop the boats” and deport illegals ?
Any one agree ?
What I don’t understand is why Border Farce and RNLI Taxi Service continually picks them up every day……how do they sleep at night betraying this once Great Britain and all those that gave their Lives to keep us Free ! ….Sickening
And we are still not given any numbers on how many are drowning in a year! which belies the continued assertion that “they are risking their lives…..”. Bo….cks!
TOADY Watch #1 – Brissles, my dear old thing, this is for you as we have won the Ashes in a moral victory
Report on the News @ 6 a.m. this morning that it is reckoned that thousands are leaving Pakistan and trying to make the hazardous(!) journey to the UK. Three hundred Pakistanis may have drowned after the boat they were on sank in Greek waters.
Their advisors have finally realised the slaughter they are going to achieve next year . I don’t think they can even buy votes now .
I’m trying to think of a single achievement in their time . I won’t include brexit because that hasn’t happened and they are all in position to ‘badge up ‘ again – dump the pound and any remaining national identity and dance to the kraut tune
So why has it taken 3 weeks for them to release this picture ?.
This two or three week delay before identifying something they knew early on and it just happens to be ‘enrichment’ happens far too regularly for it to be coincidence. And it’s not just the BBC doing the cover-up : the met are just as bad.
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:23 Midweek 12th March 2025 Repeated from above … “Tony Blair holds the Keir Starmer penis , after a visit to Lord Alli’s flat.”
MarkyMarkMar 12, 16:22 Midweek 12th March 2025 Relax – UK will not allow infiltration … Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent Barry Gardiner…
StewGreenMar 12, 14:59 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s not exactly “major” Kenan Malik’s online article was correct but the problem is when he first prepared it he…
tomoMar 12, 14:28 Midweek 12th March 2025 As per detail in the Rebel News / Viva Frei YT piece I linked earlier – the CanadaChina thing is…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 14:19 Midweek 12th March 2025 Meanwhile the Tariff war between CANADA and CHINA goes on… . But no reporting on the BBC. https://www.euronews.com/business/2025/03/10/china-to-impose-retaliatory-tariffs-on-certain-canadian-imports-as-trade-war-intensifies
MarkyMarkMar 12, 14:02 Midweek 12th March 2025 Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts Published 15 February 2022 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-60383385
On the left, ‘Kow-Towler’, on the right, ‘Growler’…
Do they not know how utterly stupid they look…..
Can you claim Zoom keep-fit classes on parliamentary expenses?
mad – as in bonkers
Oh Gawd. The WEF must be getting desperate😂😂😂😂
Dr. Anna Loutfi, Head of Legal at the Bad Law Project, presents a compelling argument for the abolition of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic Education) as it is currently taught.
QDM gets the eco- lefties agitated
tomo, did he really say Saskatchewan and not ‘Saskatoon’?
Too good an opportunity to miss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9FzVhw8_bY
Some great countryside in Saskatoon. 🙂
When it comes to passing laws have you noticed how one way they are.
The likes of Kahn when it comes to his LTN/ulez, Sunak with his scrapping petrol cars after 2030, 20 mph zones and seemingly all other controlling laws easily happen yet when it comes to things like getting the Brexit we voted for, controlling immigration and other things we actually want there always seem to be hundreds of reasons and objections stopping them happening.
It’s always one way.
They do what they want and do everything to stop what we want.
That’s because wokists use empathy blackmail so you are an unfeeling twat if you object whereas common sense people use truth which is worth sweet FA to a lot of todays population.
It must of been a terribly hard decision for BIG BBROTHER
at the Diversity dept of the BBC to decide what the major
sports feature on the internet as I write this. Should it be the climax of the 5th test of the Ashes between England and Australia
for cis men(cricket) OR the netball match for cis women (i believe) between England and Tonga. The netball has been ruling
the roost some of the day. Earlier a live match on BBC TV
between something like Cape Verde Islands – Pitcairn
was the main feature. BUT I have to be fair right now TONGA
takes second place. Well done Big Brother,
When Israel raid Palestine terrorist havens and kill young men who are shooting at them, the BBC are very quick to plaster it over the front page (but don’t call them terrorists and don’t mention they were shooting at the Israelis).
But when those same religious nut-jobs squabble with each other in a refugee camp because Islam is riddled with different factions and in the name of their stone-age religion they murder 11 and wound over 40, you have to have eagle eyes to spot the report buried away from the main headlines.
Lebanon clashes: Thousands flee violence at Palestinian refugee camp
And surely the headline should be ’11 dead and 40 injured as rival Islamist groups clash in refugee camp’.
This is one of those odd ones where things don’t quite make sense – which is always a sign the BBC are covering it up. For example half way through we get ‘heavy fighting was again reported on Monday with gun and anti-tank fire echoing through the camp.’. What ?. Sounds like a bit more than a clash.
But of course the story must be played down as it’s not helpful to the pro-Muslim, antisemetic BBC agenda.
JohnC, had a temporary assistant in one of my jobs/’careers’ who was from Lebanon. Think he came from a suburb of Beirut, was from a nominally Christian family but spoke Yiddish. He grew up in a neighbourhood where Jews, Christians and Moslems lived next to each other, children of different faiths went to school together and were friends with each other.
Then came the Lebanese Civil War in 1975 and it all changed with about one million people including families leaving Lebanon.
The MSM reticence about the identity of the present fighting groups in Lebanon is pretty “off” imho.
The newsrooms know who the parties are and choose to withhold that information.
Farcical and wrong.
Interesting as it confirms what I’ve been told on other internet sites so it’s very likely true.
Basically Ukraine try to advance, have no chance to manouvre because of mine-fields then get gradually destroyed by artillery and aircraft.
None of this is reported by the BBC. Of all their distorted reporting, I would say this has been the most dishonest misrepresentation and cover-up I’ve ever seen. And that’s saying a lot when it’s the BBC and what we saw them do during the referendum.
It trashes any respect you might have for what they once were. Once you see just how far they are prepared to go to give you the ‘truth’ they want you to have, you realise you can never again trust a single thing they tell you. I might be true, it might be complete misinformation. They will do whichever suits them without a single journalistic ethic getting in the way.
We have won the Ashes, woo hoo! Well, a moral victory in that England would have probably won the Old Trafford Test but for the rain. A great final wicket to win it for Stuart Broad. Well done, England!
Reminds me of those occasions the BBC and its fellow travellers suddenly intone “only joking”.
I wonder how many people are alive today because of stop and search.
The police must have been responsible for saving lots of lives because someone carrying a knife was stopped before using it or perhaps they stopped carrying a knife in case they were caught with one.
My guess is there must be over 100 people alive now purely because of stop and search.
Yet, the lefties are against it because those doing the crime are more likely to be stopped and they then call it racist.
More to the point Emmanuel, how many people are now dead because the guy who stabbed them was not stopped and searched ?.
When the BBC report it, we get told black males are 7 times more likely to be stopped. They don’t tell us they are also 7 times more likely to be going to stab somebody.
All of that blood is on the hands of the Lefty activists and the BBC. But they are such stupendous hypocrites, they will never admit it – even to themselves.
JohnC, “They don’t tell us they are also 7 times more likely to be going to stab somebody.” and going to stab somebody who is also black!
Black Lives Don’t Matter when it comes to LeftLibbySocialists and the BBC and their views on Police Stop and Search powers.
Black Knives Matter.
Wonder if I should get some posters printed off BUT will I get away with it or will I be getting an early morning knock on my front door by the “Old Bill”
BBC Test Match Special.
Commentary pair.
Sir Alastair Cook, ex England opening bat, captain, 12,000 runs.
Isa Guha, who crucially is female and non-white.
She did however play cricket, which obviously made her an ideal BBC presenter for…..errrr……Wimbledon!! ????
Equality, BBC style.
It is the most ridiculous nod to women’s lib/equality. Why are female presenters presenting and commentating a man’s game? I’ve noticed the opening credits/ title sequence to Test Match Special features female players. Just another bit of BBC woke nonsense.
Reposting this from letters page of DT. Something we long suspected but had no proof of was collusion between Coutts and Nat West Bank and the BBC. Well here is the link (from another writer) linking to George Soros and ‘Common Purpose’ back to the BBC.
What do you know about ‘The Octopus’ and Common Purpose and the part, it is alleged, they may have played in the activities of two ladies whose recent resignations have caused such a stir?
Read more in this intriguing article –
In another letter following the above…..I read, that it had WEF stamped all over it, googled ‘ is there a link between common purpose and WEF’? got this…“The Data for Common Purpose Initiative was featured at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2022 in Davos. A session on Strengthening Trust in Public-Private Data Exchanges and Building Responsible Data Ecosystems were held and broadcasted to stakeholders all over the world.” Scary indeed if true.
More revelations of the ‘usual suspects’ are on conservativewoman.co.uk. just reading that Alison Rose was clearly planted as a ‘Climate activist’ and I learn from other Business page postings that she was also a complete disaster at all her previous employments. You have to ask how much rot extends from the BBC? And why was she appointed? WEF, CC, DAVOS and links to the BBC. Well, well. All deniable by the BBC, of course!
Marxism exist.
No idea what this is about, but Jimmy Savile, Stuart thingie, Rolf, Etc, all worked at W1A.
Doctors, eh, what are they like?
Isn’t it absolutely amazing we/ they are alive at all?
Especially after the London smog, coal fires in houses, tetraethyl lead in petrol.
Rather than enjoying the cleanest air in 100 years, thanks not to Sad Dick Khan but decades of incremental improvement without any involvement from the Marxists.
And kids playing in the asbestos fluff which used to roll down the roads from the factories…
Veggie – cyclist – friend of the earth – got cats – tick … there were other stereotypes but I’d better not …. Air pollution also causes coloured boys to stab each other to death . Ban cities … zero population density – close the tube …
Air pollutions also funds TFL which is bust …
22 dead by toxic religion … Police find more explosives in searches following Manchester bombing – Independent
By Reuters Staff
LONDON (Reuters) – Police and security services have found more explosives which could have been used in follow-up attacks to Monday’s bombing which killed 22 in Manchester, the Independent reported citing security sources.
The publication’s Thursday edition said one device had been blown up in a controlled explosion, and that security services were concerned that further bombs could have been created by a network intent on carrying out further attacks.
All according to plan.
Lucky she wasn’t called ‘paki’
Apparently Doc Marten’s joining the double mastectomy fad.
oh, ferfeckssaake
Who owns DM these days?
Doc Martens would now appear to be the footwear of choice for the self mutilated freaks….
I’m old enough to remember the, “Teddy Boy” era. 1950’s.
In them days they were called, “Beetle-Crushers”. History doesn’t fundamentally change although the trans/homosexual version you show might be described as ‘Trans/Homosexual/Queer Beetle Crushers”
The fifties style of, “Beetle Crusher” –
As an extra and relevant point further to Pug’s comment about Labour pumping massive amounts of money into the NHS.
It wasn’t just the NHS that they featherbedded. It was the whole public sector.
How can we know this? Because all the recent public sector strikes about pay, including the NHS, reference the relative decline since 2010. Why 2010? Because it was the high watermark of public sector pay courtesy of Labour largesse, while many of us in the private sector at that time endured 2 years of pay freeze post the banking crisis, as company solvency and cash flow was under great stress.
An inconvenient truth totally ignored by the biased, selective memory, BBC.
hottest july ever
Always ask “are they projecting ?”
Is Julian Bell ACCUSING others
of what he himself does ?
“Huge wildfire in California spreads to Nevada”
Oh is that scary scary ?
Look at the NASA satellite fire map
That’s like me stepping across a road and saying I have spread from Lincolnshire to Yorkshire
The fire at Castle Mountain National Park (York City) did cross the state line
cos the location is situated right on the state boundary
Is it huge ? no it’s 1% of what it was, cos it’s mostly gone out
It was big 20Km by 20Km as it got to cover the whole mountain
but as soon as it drops down off the mountain onto the plains it’s stops
It has nowhere to go now
Guardian title “York fire, with zero containment Sunday evening,”
FFS Look at the Guardian photo ..it’s literally hit cactus , there’s nowt else to burn
Stew, when I first visited California they had had a dry spring and the National Park service were at pains to point out, do not discard matches or cigarettes if a smoker, and do not carelessly discard clear glass bottles or drinking glasses in the National Parks. The year was 1980.
Sweeney! rousing the masses.
No borders – yet Ukraine borders? But Russia don’t believe in borders – oh wait – ……
Panorama ‘Thurrock council is having to cut everything to the bone
It went bankrupt due to investing in solar farms that were way way over valued’
.. now disability support worker is crying”
Prog is now doing emotional blackmail using Down Syndrome people speaking
..that counts as child exploitation in my book.
It’s Tory Council, concealed losses etc.
All blamed on one person Sean Clark who was told in 2018 but carried on
investing £1bn public money with one person Liam Kavanaugh
Evidence suggests he cheated council
Panorama has evidence that one solar farm was significantly overvalued ..so overpaid by £130m
solar farm money ended up funding a private jet and a yacht
CO2 policy is not about CO2 is it ?
replicated on a slightly smaller scale across municipalities across the country.
I wonder how many council schemes would’ve qualified for the “surcharge of councillors” treatment that Blair’s gubbermint removed from the legal controls on local government.
Locally Bath LibDem twerps have invested *borrowed* money in retail malls that by many accounts are failing badly.
Accountability is MIA
My hatred for local councils is only matched by Westminster – but for fools with huge amounts of public money to pee it into a fraud like that really pushes something else .
This must be happening all over the country to a less extreme extent …. So who regulates councils – and allows them to use taxpayers ‘ cash in this way ?
Have any councillors or officials been fired / done time ? Had their assets seized ?
“£61.45 per megawatt hour (MWh), but the average power price for the portfolio at the time was £46.92/MWh.”
current prices
Actual Previous Unit
68.71 72.73 GBP/MWh
seems like they should be quid in
Neil Oliver’s statement is almost a universal principle: “It’s not about what they say it’s about”.
pug, sadly the late, great Philip Eden is no longer alive. Back when ‘we’ bought a daily print copy of the DT I used to keep cuttings of Philip Eden’s writings (from the Saturday edition, I think) and have them in a ring binder somewhere. No Global Warming and Climate Change nonsense from him.
9pm BBC2 Part2 of Chris Packham’s new sermon
Packham can foxtrot.oscar ‘n all.
Elon’s Twitter sends one of the accounts I mind what feels like *every* Packham related utterance on Twitter – and there’s a lot…
– no actual Packham entity is followed by that account – but I can only imagine that the followed accounts profile fits places where Packham’s Twitter account handlers want to push the prat’s utterances.
just kerrapp
Packham is the most smug, self satisfied prat on TV with a face crying out for a degree of re-arrangement.
The NetZealot folk are in every prog today
There technique is to shout shout shout and that means we should take what they say as truth
GBnews examples
7:30pm Tom Burke of E3G (em it’s really his one man band)
8:30pm Nigel Nelson
9pm Stanley Johnson”Oh this debanking thing is nothing, it’s a campaign by rightists to destabilise the banks pro-freen ESG policies”
big Conspiracy Theory
nwxt “Net zero is the law we have to do it”
First published in 1982, Stanley Johnson’s The Virus is more than astonishingly prescient, with uncanny parallels to the current Covid-19 pandemic. It is also a fast-paced Cold War thriller that stands the test of time. Dr Lawrence Kaplan, one of the United States top epidemiologists, aided and abetted by the beautiful eco-warrior Stephanie Verusio, jets across the globe in a race to discover the secrets behind a deadly novel disease that threatens to wipe out half the world. A brilliant tale of geo-politics in the manner of Robert Ludlum. Funny, romantic, terrifying and totally relevant to today’s pandemic crisis, this is a dazzlingly deft page-turner.
About the Author
Stanley Johnson is an outspoken environmentalist, former MEP, and the author of 25 books including 12 non-fiction works on environmental topics, two volumes of memoir and 10 novels
Stanley Johnson “We, we, we signed up to NetZero”
Who is this “we” Stanley is speaking of ?
On Twitter no one supports him
He’s also backing the banks
‘This ESG is a good thing . It’s important banks stop supporting fossil fuels and only fund green energy’
At last.
Found a post with a bank link – even though what Boris’s dad says is complete testes.
Are the banks going on a charm offensive after the negative press recently perhaps?
Anyone else had anything similar from their bank ?
Here’s the clip which end with Stanley Johnson saying “We, we, we signed up to NetZero”
#WeFiles https://twitter.com/GBNEWS/status/1686129221226082304
Lying apparently, runs deep in the Johnson family
MARKY AT LEAST ATTRIBUTE YOUR COMMENTS ( so I don’t bother needing to read them the old stuff )
I’d just like to say for the record that I absolutely despise Stanley Johnson. He has the same buffoonish schtick as Boris, but he is mean to the bone. A truly vile man, and a wife beater to boot.
At least you can be consoled that the entitled father of a failed PM didn’t get the knighthood his son promised him . Even the venal corrupt honours system stopped at that – but the 29 year old boris babe still got a life peerage £££££££££……
I know the red lot will be worse but I so wanna see the back of this light red mob ….I think they are even worse because they defrauded us into voting for them …
All Boris’s worst qualities with none of his endearing ones.
The DT is reporting the evidence in the discipline proceedings of a very senior met plod – a commander no less – who wrote the Met drugs policy . … his sin. Alleged industrial level drug use. …
But surely – who better to write the drugs policy that a drugs user ? He could also give advice on the best kind of narcotics and their effects …
Perhaps instead of busting him – they should make him the next rank up – Drug Czar or chief constable of Liverpool …
The case continues
The Co-op scandal: drugs, sex, religion … and the humiliation of a movement
Revelations about the behaviour of former Co-op Bank chairman Paul Flowers are very bad news not just for the Methodist minister, but for mutual societies in general – as well as Labour
On 13 November an acquaintance of Flowers phoned the news desk of the Mail on Sunday offering a trove of information on the Methodist minister-turned-councillor-turned-banker. Four days later the paper published, under the eye-grabbing headline “Crystal Meth Shame of Bank Chief”, three pages of allegations, including incriminating text messages and video footage, reporting on purchases of Class A substances ranging from cocaine to ketamine and his hopes for a “drug-fuelled gay orgy”.
I went to see an evening with “Mr Nice” Howard Marks some years ago in a Bath club.
He applied for the first ever position of “Drug Czar” at The Home Office and recounted the farcical and funny communications as he was well (uniquely!) qualified for the job.
“The National Health Service is the world’s oldest public health system and one of the largest employers on the planet. ”
Health Secretary announces over £13 billion of debt will be written off as part of a major financial reset for NHS providers. From 1 April, over £13 billion of NHS debt will be scrapped as part of a wider package of NHS reforms announced by the Health Secretary today.2 Apr 2020
Neighbourhood groups in Chelmsford, Essex speak out against the Home Office decision
Campaigners in a cathedral city have condemned the Government after the Home Office approved the acquisition of an entire luxury apartment complex to house asylum seekers.
Dozens of migrants have already moved into the 98 unit development in Chelmsford, Essex, GB News can reveal.
Ben Leo Programme Editor ‘Dan Wootton Tonight’ @GBNews
Jul 30
Unbelievable. FIFA was so embarrassed
about the standard of their women’s World Cup clip that I posted,
they filed a copyright claim to get it removed
– all within an hour. 🤣
Hunter Biden… the asshole turned up at court in a 6 vehicle convoy with armed guards to try intimidating the court.
Devon Archer testimony drops Biden Junior right in it.
You will NOT see / hear it from the BBC
Tomo, the sickening thing is that even the supposed ‘right leaning ‘ Media do not talk about this! Not one mention of the findings in Congress and the Whistleblowers against the Bidens. It is frightening to think the control there is out there for MSM worldwide. Everything Trump does is scrutanised to the finest detail but the Bidens……..
The Bidens are very simply crooks and street thugs. Robert Barnes “goes off” on that topic HERE (should jump directly to the segment but scroll to 1:00:30 if it doesn’t)
Somehow the bar to be damned in the USA is now so high that is junior was proved to a Jack the Ripper the msm would still say ‘right wing conspiracists ‘ and look squirrels ….
Bide senior is already re-elected unless they kill him and put Mrs Obama in office ( my bet ) …
No daily reports by saz smith or Katty or Christin or Sopel or bronze strumpet or the zurcher? One ….. silence
Information is key – removing information is the biggest key …
Zuckerberg tells Rogan FBI warning prompted Biden laptop story censorship
26 August 2022
Carbon dioxide getting blamed, but was it water vapour all along..
“The current heat wave is being relentlessly blamed on increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but there is a much more plausible explanation, one that is virtually endorsed by two of the world’s leading scientific organizations. It turns out that levels of water vapor in the atmosphere have dramatically increased over the last year and a half, and water vapor is well recognized as a greenhouse gas, whose heightened presence leads to higher temperatures, a mechanism that dwarfs any effect CO2 may have.
So why has atmospheric water vapor increased so dramatically? Because of a historic, gigantic volcanic eruption last year that I — probably along with you — had never heard of. The mass media ignored it because it took place 490 feet underwater in the South Pacific. “
Brave cat 😺 defends family home.
‘First English slave fort in Africa’ uncovered on Ghana’s coast
You just know 100% this is going to be a full-on agenda piece when you see that headline.
So I read through it and it’s your usual BBC attempt to steep it in empathy to make the story much more than it really is.
For example, what’s the point of this in a news article ?
‘A canopy protects the team and the site from the weather and despite the intense sun and the occasional shower, the archaeologists’ work continues.’
‘Ghana’s coastal fishing towns, known for their colourful boats and the melodies sung by the fishermen, remain scarred by a past of European exploitation and human cruelty.’
From THREE HUNDRED YEARS AGO ???. What absolute rubbish.
I went on holiday to Ghana once. I bet a lot of people have only been once. It has nothing whatsoever except a corrupt government and fishing. Far from ‘scarring it’, Europeans were giving it income to keep it going.
And I didn’t see any happy fishermen at all. We weren’t allowed out without a guide because we would be mugged. In a market, a woman was breastfeeding in her tent and when we walked by without buying anything, she started shouting at us in a very aggressive manner.
The BBC are absolutely out of control now. Their staff are all racist/sexist activists.
The author Favour Nanoo from his own LinkIn:

‘I form part of the BBC’s talented multimedia journalists in Africa working to expand the digital growth agenda’
Nearly right Mr Nanoo. But it’s ‘racist agenda’.
Statue of ‘racist’ Gandhi removed from University of Ghana
This article is more than 4 years old
Monument installed two years ago taken away in middle of night amid controversy over Gandhi’s views about Africans
Fri 14 Dec 2018 06.26 GMT
It seems that HS2 is the latest splurge of our taxes to get a few worthless gongs and lordships for the elite in Khanistan, plus huge contracts for their mates.
The whole shebang reminds me of the shenanigans around Concord, The Channel Tunnel and the Dome – all having billions of our money chucked at them regardless of value.
And in the background, slowly griniding out even more of our money, we have the ridiculous global warming fiasco, false news on fossil fuels and silly trash like air pollution manics charging £12.50 a day to get to work.
Luckily, with Beeboid’s TV taxpayers hemorrhaging at a very satisfying rate, we’ll eventually get a news broadcaster which will get up on its hind legs and start really supporting the Uk Inc.
I expect to see that in five years time, after Kow-Towler and Growler have trashed the country even more and we have to start again!
(I’ll be 81 then, so fingers crossed…)!
As it’s the first day of the month, two lucky winners will be getting a call from NAS&I to tell them that they have won a million folding pictures of KFC3!
I’d love to see the scenario, whereby a winner rings up Coutts, and tells them that he /she now has the required amount to open an account!
The Coutts flunky would then say, ‘This is good news Sir/Madam, may we have your name, address and details please’?
The winner could then say, ‘No, piss off’, and chuck the phone down…
One of todays bbc campaigns
Affordable housing schemes: ‘Invisible’ renters earning £30k not eligible
If we didn’t sell all the council housing to asian landlords to only make a profit for them, then the market might be different
Maybe bbc panorama or verify could look into this??
PS no foreigners in Indian are allowed to own property, maybe we could do the same and stop loosing all the housing stock to foreigners
bbc grieving that Trump is popular
Why Trump’s poll lead went up after criminal indictments
The headline on the page before clicking on the link was
Why Trumps support has grown despite indictments – bbc has a habit of changing the heading when you get to the page. And loves the word despite
Maybe just maybe bbc, you are the ones out of touch with the public
ajs, “Maybe just maybe bbc, you are the ones out of touch with the public” and some of the MSM, also. Never has a more true word been spoken.
BBC = Out of touch, out of control, seriously out of order.
They’ve been on the wrong side of public opinion on major political issues for years now. But they don’t care. They think that ramming it down our throats will eventually make us think like they do.
Which is a compelling reason why that same public should not be forced to fund them.
The Dr Who admission about black people everywhere in history was a rare glimpse of truth when we were told ‘They know they are lying, but if it changes the present to be like they want then it’s justified.’. Many a Leftist ideological movement used similar excuses. Usually ending up with the extermination of those people when they DIDN’T change their views. Just ask Hitler, Pol Pot, Stalin etc etc.
JohnC: “They’ve been on the wrong side of public opinion on major political issues for years now. But they don’t care. They think that ramming it down our throats will eventually make us think like they do.”
“Which is a compelling reason why that same public should not be forced to fund them.”
More true words. We are the start of the Resistance. 1940-1944 France here we come.
Defund, don’t defend, the BBC
Pork bellies up, muskmelons down and getting down with the kids edition
On a morning when the Telegraph tells us: Want staff to read an email? Send it on Sunday
It looks as though the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror didn’t get the all-important memo from the boss: Tony Blair: We can’t solve climate change without China. Former prime minister warns Labour that it’s not worth imposing extra costs on voters with green policies (Times)
The Mirror’s persistently pro-alarmist polemic headlines bag them second place in the BBC’s online press line-up, after the FT pips them to the post and wins the game – presumably for their cricket coverage: Special delivery Broad’s final ball before retirement secures victory over Australia – and not this vital slice of hold-the-front-page market data: The EU’s production of summer fruits fell 6.3% to 8.6mn tonnes last year. This drop was largely driven by a decline in the harvesting of watermelons and muskmelons, or canteloupes…
One takes a chance and types in the term ‘muskmelons‘ and the Google machine pre-empts a question: Are cantaloupe and muskmelon the same thing? The answer: While all cantaloupes are muskmelons, not all muskmelons are cantaloupes. (Healthline)
His master’s voice
Sir Keir got the message from the boss loud and clear: Keir Starmer accused of ‘wavering on climate commitments’ Exclusive: Aid NGOs criticise government and Labour after Guardian reveals flagship climate pledge is almost impossible to meet (Guardian)
However: Young climate activists turn up the heat on Keir Starmer (BBC)
Down with the kids
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown – rediscovering rave at 72 (‘i’)
And the formerly Old Labour Mirror is now well and truly right-on and down with the kids: Just stop Sunak… Fury as PM allows more oil and gas wells… He caves in to big business & Tory MPs… Critics say it won’t help keep bills down
Setting aside the fury: “Life’s but a walking shadow; a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” (Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5)
Let’s attempt to parse those Mirror subheaders somewhat. One takes the Mirror’s point as to the former office boy at Goldman Sachs, green card Sunak’s, reflexive tendency to cave in to big business. But you can hardly blame our Swindon regional district manager for bending to the will of MPs of his own party.
“I didn’t get where I am today…” you’ll recall was the favoured line of Reggie Perrin’s boss at Sunshine Desserts, C.J.
Was Rishi parachuted into No10 for his tendency to please the likes of Caroline Lucas?
Margaret Thatcher
Remembered for her shortlived “green period” in the late 1980s when she helped put the climate crisis, acid rain and pollution on the political map.
Boris Johnson
Johnson made much of his green credentials. They were in his blood, he claimed. And during his time in office, he was credited for overseeing plans to phase out petrol and diesel cars
David Cameron
Posing with huskies in the Arctic remains one of the most eye-catching images of his rise to power. Shortly after his trip, he pledged that his administration would become the “greenest government ever”
Thank you the Guardian for all the above.
Back to the Mirror – Critics say it won’t help keep bills down – there’s another prime example of the left’s refusal to accept basic supply and demand economics. You know, like they won’t acknowledge our current state of hyper-immigration might just possibly have some modicum of an impact on the excess demand for housing.
Some people will never learn
The mother driven to despair by daughter’s refusal to go to school (Daily Mail)
Whereas the Telegraph – dare one claim – is apparently learning from Mr AsI’s work herabouts correcting media headlines utilising the terms pandemic and covid as the source of various of our present woes: Lockdown ‘harmed nearly half of children’ – bang on, bravo, journos Louisa Clarance-Smith and Blathnaid Corless – you nailed it: Lockdown damaged the emotional development of almost half of children a study has shown
Meanwhile, what’s the official inquiry been up to?
Covid Inquiry has spent nearly £40m after just 23 days of hearings… Figure only includes costs up to the end of June with lawyers handed more than £20m as critics voice concern at ‘enormous waste of money’ (Telegraph)
Covid Inquiry: What have we learnt so far? In total, 69 politicians, civil servants, scientists and other experts have been asked about the UK’s planning for a pandemic and the state of the healthcare system when Covid struck. (BBC)
Watch out, you might catch Covid… at the Covid Inquiry! Officials fear people attending its hearings could contract coronavirus, guidelines suggest… Document published last night urges ‘staff and visitors’ to take lateral flow test… People also told they can wear masks if they feel ‘more comfortable’ doing so (Daily Mail)
One does notice a few poor frightened souls still wearing masks about the streets.
But many residual mask-wearers are of Chinese appearance.
You can’t blame them – if you were a China émigré, would you want to be easily identified (dare one say tracked and traced) on the streets of Britain?
Chinese ‘secret police stations’: Everything we know… Beijing denies community centres on foreign soil being used to monitor and intimidate Chinese dissidents… investigations underway in at least 12 countries, including the UK, Canada, the Netherlands and Germany. (Independent)
UK has ‘no strategy’ to tackle China threat as spies ‘aggressively’ target Britain, scathing report warns (Independent)
On a lighter note: Yorkshire pudding deviants (Daily Star); An outrageous ‘Yorkshire pudding pizza’ now exists (Mirror); Brit supermarket chain Morrisons has sacked 1,500 middle managers – but fear not, they’ve also vomited out an unholy creation that is part pizza, part Yorkshire pudding. The 6½” thing is made by filling an oversized Yorkie Pud with tomato sauce, cheese and typical pizza toppings. (The Register) – Morrisons has sacked 1,500 middle managers – opportunities, opportunities, opportunities – perhaps after his spell seat-warming for Starmer, our Rishi Sunak won’t need that green card of his all. He’d fit well in the role of a Morrisons middle manager
How common is Jam with your Yorkshire Pudding? (Reddit)
Johnson made much of his green credentials. They were in his blood, he claimed. And during his time in office, he was credited for overseeing plans to phase out petrol and diesel cars
Pops out another kid – you must stop having kids – but not those who lead the way – HA HA HA HA HA HA A
Can’t wait for the Wandsworth Wolfie version from the tribe at BBC Pidgen.
After they have dealt with the whites, a period of inter tribal shenanigans and then off to Calais for Lily and a BBC crew to tearfully follow to a Tottenham drug and machete refuge.
Wimmin and kids excepted.
David Lammy will love it.
One comment so far.
‘Dylan and Huw go down the Heath’ might be popular.
“A thoughtcrime is an Orwellian neologism used to describe an illegal thought. The term was popularized in the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, first published in 1949, wherein thoughtcrime is the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question Ingsoc, the ruling party.”
BBc cock a hoop this a.m. that the floating hotel may not take any asylum seekers apparently due to fire certificate not being signed off.
Some woman representing the asylum seekers say 250 would be an acceptable number.
Strange, when the structure is designed for 506 guests……..
Mik the sceptic ,
Better use would be for local homeless and our own Veterans…..but that’s not the BBC way is it !
How many boatloads is that?
6m. 1 comment so far.
His listener getting a lot of value from Amol’s market rate.
Inter alia, they’re just trying hard to put a label on the ‘Home Working’ disaster the Government created during the, so-called, “Pandemic”. Last time I looked, most of the civil service refuses to return to their offices………….
‘Here it is better not to be born’: Cobalt mining for Big Tech is driving child labor, deaths in the Congo
Child labor, sexual assault, birth defects, abject poverty, workers buried alive: A new exposé on artisanal cobalt mining in the Democratic Republic of the Congo lifts the curtain on a nightmarish world in which billions of people are unwittingly complicit. Senior climate correspondent Louise Boyle reports
Just think, most of the labourers seen (or their families) will be seeking Reparations decades from now………..
I found a very rare ‘satisfied’ customer of the BBC yesterday; a certain ‘Ruth from Oxfordshire’ got what she wanted, 45 mins later after this request on TMS at 7hr 46 min mark.
Well done England and well done ‘Goldenbails’ Broad.
I only wish ‘Aggers’ would not interview failed politicians like the intellectual giant David Lammy and with vitriolic ‘celebs’ like infamously Lily Allen, a sort of Carol Vorderman without the maths..!
Times like this you are reminded of Lineker picking up Megharry off Kerry’s offset Lear in his 6 litre Merc… ausgezeichnet peons!
In the teaching of the Catholic Church, an indulgence (Latin: indulgentia, from indulgeo, ‘permit’) is “a way to reduce the amount of punishment one has to undergo for sins”.[1] The Catechism of the Catholic Church describes an indulgence as “a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain prescribed conditions through the action of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and all of the saints”.[2]
Anyone agree that our great British Weather confounds the weather forecasters almost every day ?
taffman ,
Eddy Booth put up a link earlier on the massive undersea South Pacific Volcanic eruption in 2022 that’s affected the Earths weather……..seems to have been almost completely ignored by the MSM
Greta to ban all Volcanic Activity ?
Charlie Farley
Ha !
Greta who?
When it rains it’s just wet weather, but when the sun comes out, it becomes an international climate catastrophe costing the planet trillions of pounds, or more likely giving even more of our taxes to the clever charlatans and weak politicians who shorted the industries years ago, and we’re all going to die!
Looking at his counter, Roger still howling at the nation’s wilderness as he did when hired by the bbc.
Let’s face it, this country, historically, has manifested itself to be a decision-making disaster with a major absence of common sense. No joined up thinking. Prime example: Bliar. ‘Let’s open the borders to millions of foreigners’. Did anyone predict that the millions would need housing? Did anyone predict the millions needed services (water, NHS etc)? Apparently, NO, nothing.
Did anyone hear the Minister for Transport, Richard Holden interview on Today earlier? He fumbled and flustered when asked where the power would come from to fuel the EV’s in 2030. ‘Here, Richard, I can help out with an answer’
It aint gonna happen. Bleat, bleat, “we’ve allocated £950 million (yes, the 6 figure million) for the infrastructure”.
Seems to me that apart from the absolute nonsense, lies and obfuscation, the Trillions of pounds really needed will be sprung on the taxpayer later down the road. Right now, its all to do with momentum which cannot be halted.
Anyone like a bit of reality, this time in the morning?
“Mark Mills: The energy transition delusion: inescapable mineral realities”
At least some people have looked at the predictions and are not afraid to comment.
“Electric cars are the future, but is the UK ready?”
If they burst into flames when on transport ships , on charge and involved in accidents……then Definitely NO !
Something tells me that the Tories are thrashing about in a panic as the next GE is looming, trying every to lure their former supporters back to the party .
Now, here is an idea , “Stop the boats” and deport illegals ?
Any one agree ?
What I don’t understand is why Border Farce and RNLI Taxi Service continually picks them up every day……how do they sleep at night betraying this once Great Britain and all those that gave their Lives to keep us Free ! ….Sickening
Charlie Farley
Britain is still Great but the woke idiots in Parliament aren’t.
And we are still not given any numbers on how many are drowning in a year! which belies the continued assertion that “they are risking their lives…..”. Bo….cks!
TOADY Watch #1 – Brissles, my dear old thing, this is for you as we have won the Ashes in a moral victory
Report on the News @ 6 a.m. this morning that it is reckoned that thousands are leaving Pakistan and trying to make the hazardous(!) journey to the UK. Three hundred Pakistanis may have drowned after the boat they were on sank in Greek waters.
Their advisors have finally realised the slaughter they are going to achieve next year . I don’t think they can even buy votes now .
I’m trying to think of a single achievement in their time . I won’t include brexit because that hasn’t happened and they are all in position to ‘badge up ‘ again – dump the pound and any remaining national identity and dance to the kraut tune
Their woke SPAD’s without any common sense and life skills have got a lot to answer for .
The answer will becoming in about 12 months time -those months will be spent plotting to get new lucrative jobs in the likes of the BBC
Image of suspect released after girl, 12, robbed at knifepoint
Here he is:

So why has it taken 3 weeks for them to release this picture ?.
This two or three week delay before identifying something they knew early on and it just happens to be ‘enrichment’ happens far too regularly for it to be coincidence. And it’s not just the BBC doing the cover-up : the met are just as bad.
Why? Well, likely they were hoping he was arrested before the need to publish a photo.