A review of BBC Funding ? To be done by the current ‘government ‘ . Well here is a hint – subscription only – you want it – you pay for it . Not the taxpayer…
Raving grandad Stanley Johnson was on @GBnews Monday 9-11pm
pushing his Net Zealotry
11 hours later he’s back on the morning show
pushing his open borders “let channel migrants work”
The two presenters pushed back
.. “but that encourages more to come, more to drown”
“Stanley Johnson onGBNews with his farmers world view that migrants all want to work picking fruit on farms.
Not sure what he expects them to do for the other 40 weeks of the year.”
Jamie Oliver’s £5million deal with Shell despite years of green campaigning
EXCLUSIVE: Jamie Oliver, who shut 12 of his 37 Jamie’s Italian restaurants last year following a £20million loss, stands accused of not taking climate change seriously
Jamie, pictured with wife Jools, has signed a deal to update food at Shell service stations (Image: UK Press via Getty Images)
At the weekend one of our contributors (apologies, I can’t remember who) mentioned that the 1960s classic TV drama, The Prisoner, was being shown on The Legend Channel. I just watched an episode while attending to a week’s ironing… Brilliant!
I remember this from my schooldays. Us kids were fascinated by it. The mystery of who was Number One (I don’t think we ever really found out). Why he’d been taken prisoner, ditto and where The Villages was. Of course these days it has a cult following.
I recall talking to my dad about it and him telling me that The Prisoner was a “dystopian fantasy” that could never really happen. I used to believe him. Now I’m not so sure…
These days we have endured mask mandates, lockdowns, “stand here…walk there…” fifteen-minute cities, people being arrested for sitting on park benches and perhaps the worst of all, grinning imbeciles standing on their doorsteps rattling pots and pans for “Our NHS”. That was truly toe curling.
I don’t think The Prisoner was a dystopian fantasy.
Recently my brother sent me a photograph of himself stood outside a nice house in London, and asked if I knew where he was. Now bearing in mind I haven’t seen the Prisoner since the 60s, I immediately knew it was the house in the opening credits where McGoohan gets into his red sports car. Brother was suitably impressed. Funny how the mind works eh ?
John, I think The Prisoner was more than just entertainment. I tend to think it was a warning about what might happen to society.
People of my vintage like to look back at those times through rose tinted spectacles. I was young and fancy free and didn’t have a care in the world. I saw things very simply. More mature and sensible folk saw ominous warning signs of creeping authoritarianism…even then…
Just an interesting aside…
In the 70s my dad used a pub that was also frequented by Patrick McGoohan’s sister…I believe she was a teacher… Apparently her brother got so much stick after The Prisoner that he upped sticks and moved to the US. Not many people know that…
As for the ending, no, me neither.
Though I do know that your hip bone is connected to your thigh bone…
It was me that posted about the Prisoner being on.
When I first watched it I thought it a bit of entertainment. Now, I think it’s really creepy, I’m gripped by it in a very strange way.
There’s one episode that particularly sticks in my mind. No 6 was lobotomised or had some sort of brain operation.
I checked, episode 11.
How about the synopsis of this episode:
‘ After waking to find the Village deserted, Number Six returns to England, but he does not know whom he can trust there.’
Patrick McGoohan was the man to see after his series ‘Danger Man’, it was a dead certainty that people would watch ‘The Prisoner’ after that!
It was made for ATV, and I really cannot remember adverts every quarter of an hour or so, but I clearly can remember going to bed with a lot of angst resting on my five-pinted shoulders, (see post passim) when Number 6 just couldn’t get away…
What surprised me was that my dad really got into the story too, and started to read The Hobbit later on, and the rest of the Tolkien stories, so he really was a bit of a fantasist back then, despite being pretty fearsome when he wanted to be!
When John Sharp was Number 2 at some stage, he nearly went bonkers as he lived just down the road from us and he and John were good pals!
In the DM there’s another article on battery fires. A mother and two children killed when the e bike they were charging at home exploded after 3 minutes and caught fire.
This follows on from the boat, with a burning e car on board, floating about for the last few days.
The fires are so intense they are extremely difficult to put out and are left to burn out by themselves.
An e bus caught fire a few hundred yards from my home and when it was eventually safely removed it left a huge black mark on the road and pavement.
As more and more e cars get on the roads here (the ones that make it on the boats because many will successfully arrive here without catching fire) the fires will surely increase. Where are the fire brigade on this.
They are usually very strict when it comes to fire regulations.
They look like they will not issue a safety certificate for the Bibby barge.
Fire is looking like a serious problem with e vehicles.
If your garage is part of your house, will you sleep soundly knowing that the battery could catch fire at any time and start a fire with aheat so intense that no extinguisher can put it out.
These vehicles are death traps so just think how many fires will be happening when there’s millions of them charging away at night and yet it appears that the fire brigade see no problem.
Maybe they will when a couple of underground car park fires set fire to a Grenfell type block of flats above.
I’d like to know if ferries and railways will insist on electric cars being flagged up on journeys. Personally, I’d be inclined to avoid any channel crossing which is carrying any electric cars.
You’ve just written the story of what could happen in the Channel Tunnel, Moggie!
Apparently, when there was that huge fire in the tunnel a few years back now, the whole caboosh was looking to collapse internally at the site and there was a colossal panic about what was going to happen.
I wouldn’t be too keen on going through the Dartford Tunnel any time now as well – then there’s the Blackwall, and the Rotherhithe and, and, and…
Still, rest assured that the latter are under the control of Mare Khaaan, so everything will be just fine, especially if you’re an exempt Muslim going to stick your bum up in the air!
I was thinking – all of the banks are trying to appear soft and woke and full of coloured people ( see the adverts ) … yet they are continuing to make huge profits but closing down high street banks – somehow this doesn’t add up .
And they know when things go bad they’ll get ‘rescued ‘ the the government – keep their bonuses and carry on as before HSBC made so much money it’s buying shares back .and chucking our doe isl dividends ( wish I still had my HSBC stock )
I am assuming many of the people being debanked are the little people who use cash, you know the baker where I buy my bread or the fish and chip van where I occasionally buy supper. The profit on these items is low and tapping my card reduces their profit. But the banks are probably taking away customers who create work for them. Get rid of cash using customers and everything can be done on line. The banks can then close the branch and job done.
Fed, the high street banks otherwise known as ‘the clearers’ have extensive property portfolios. These take some continual maintenance. In fact I know someone who does it for Barclays. If the banks close High St branches, they can make some staff redundant (that reduces a big overhead), they can sell the empty property (more cash generated) and they no longer have to maintain it, so there’s another saving. They can switch staff that they do not make redundant or offer redundancy to over to on-line banking in an existing area office.
Up2 – yes – thanks – they follow the same business model as police stations and hospital trusts – closing police stations reduces public ‘contact ‘ problems – closing hospitals reduces the number of people killed by the NHS – they die at home instead – both excellent ideas …
My point is a bit more 2 pronged subtle – 1 – they wanna appear warm woke cuddly but are instead more distant – 2 – those who took tax money to survive owe punters – taxpayers – something … I know Barclays got their money from Arabs but they nearly hit the UK taxpayer for a fix .
There s a piece in the DT about the performance of UK based banks . From a shareholder point of view it is beyond crap . But the US banks – Goldman – real returns on value for shareholders , I’ve got Lloyds – it’s crap despite 4 billion profit in the last reported quarter ….
Also BP – not the kind of results leading the scum deputy fick angee to crow about windfall taxes ….
Just responding to the comment on EVs. Why this nonsense is being pushed on us is beyond belief. I wouldn’t touch one with a barge pole. And yes where do the fire brigade stand on this? Tumbleweed I suspect. It’s like the safe and effective arm spears. These vehicles burst into flames -we have enough evidence for this-why on earth are they even being sold? They also weigh a ton and will be doing major damage to our motoring infrastructure (without paying road tax).
Also the Welsh nincompoops have announced 20mph urban limits from 17th September. I am beyond angry. One of the lobbying charities is Brake. They have a ‘vision’ of future motoring which includes. (quoted from their website)……..
That motorised vehicles are designed for the safety of people walking and cycling as well as occupants and travel below 20mph or lower and be emission free. They provide essential services officially, such as shared transport, moving our goods, emergency and social services. They are allowed only where they need to go.
I find the last sentence quite sinister. Who decides where I need to go? I find it almost impossible to drive at 20mph, and find myself checking my speedometer, instead of the road. God help me if they ULEZise Cardiff!!!
Completely agree with you. My best guess is that this is some globalised wef/soros/bilderberg type global initiative.
There are some warning signs from San Francisco here:
What makes me think this is a globalised initiative is that all cities seem to be in lockstep. So it can not be a coincidence that they all decide to do madness at the same time.
Take for example the 20mph speed limits. This is pushed supposedly to make everything safer for e.g. cyclists and pedestrians. However in the two UK cities I watch closely exceeding 20mph does not correlate with death. Where the crashes happen is mostly at junctions or where travellers cross the roads. If a bus or lorry sits on top of you then it is not speed that kills you. So it is the junctions that need sorting not 30mph speeds.
San Francisco shows that once the criminal/globalists get to decide in the the city then decline can be very very rapid – i.e. in three years all stores can start to close. Lots of fentanyl users and buses though – so there are plenty of jobs for the girls in organisations like the SS (anti-social services) and so forth.
atlas, because the 20mph limits have been introduced so quickly (pronounced prematurely) motor vehicles are not geared appropriately for 20mph speeds. If I was driving my old Fords, they would be pushing out vast amounts of unnecessary pollution because I would be having to use 2nd gear. My modern 1 litre car has gearing that pulls the car along perfectly in third gear where there is a 20mph limit and I know from my fuel consumption that the gearing is optimal for that speed.
Interesting vid from S.F.. Why don’t they use the empty shops and offices for drug/alcohol rehab programmes and housing for the homeless?
Having recently got back off holiday somewhere ‘boiling’ (actually, rather cold, wet and blustery last week), and visited a number of UK towns and cities in recent months, there seems to be a rather alarming air of ‘dystopian future’ movie set about most conurbations these days.
As for ULEZ, it’s not really the cost if you live in the sticks like us and only visit the capital now and again (although that’s annoying enough), it’s the principle of it and the hassle involved. Frankly, it just makes us inclined to pick somewhere else for a day out, where you’re not going to be charged £20 a day just for driving a little, ‘old’ (and remarkably efficient and unpolluting) diesel.
I’ve been attending an annual conference held in a hotel near Paddington for several years. A recent email about next year’s event says they’re moving the venue to the Midlands – I can see a lot more of that happening too.
None of which can be good for businesses in Khan’s (Death) Zone.
Big – where I am hit 40 today and will do the same tomorrow – although I bounce between the med and londonistan so I do heaven and hell ..
I really don’t think the emir and his people have thought through the ULEZ crap . He doesn’t care about alienating car users – he sees them as rich tories – his cycling socialists will keep him in power ….
…. But I think you are right in terms of the maths of people not wanting to ‘use ‘ London . As , sadly , a born and bred londoner I’ve watched it turn into a true cess pit – and am near to exiting it because I can .
I want to think of anything that is going to improve in London – or indeed the rest of England – I can’t see it . Population grown is out of control with associated pressures the likes of the BBC chooses not to join the dots on – eg todays message – social housing being rationed to higher earners – inevitable –
As a Londoner – London is a place to avoid – at all costs…. I feel sorry for tourists coming to London who never have contact with the white English – just a series of third workers of various types .
The economic consequences of Khan will make things worse -with the coming downturn – but maybe if the pound tanks – it might be a place cheap to visit firm€ or $ holders …
“Whodunnit? It’s all a bit murky
James Waterhouse
Russia always blames Ukraine, which rarely claims responsibility.
Kyiv’s appeared to be behind them before, but Moscow is no stranger to a false flag operation, where it stages events to justify future actions.
Russia’s also recently had to deal with a failed armed mutiny.
All a bit murky.”
You’d think BBC was employing a frivolous teenager here, but no its a middle aged man.
What false flags have Russia done?
Basically the activities in Russia by Ukraine are tantamount to war crimes and terrorism. They are going after civilians to turn them against the war, not military targets.
So how do the BBC deal with this unsavoury news ?. Simple : they say this about the people doing it:
‘Some of the alleged arsonists are said to be elderly, according to eyewitness reports and posts shared on Telegram, BBC Monitoring says.
While the motives behind the attacks are unclear, reports suggest some of those involved may have mental health issues. Others have said they were pressured by phone scammers.’
Sounds quite a lot how they excuse the Religion of Peace.
I’m not so sure -the same office block was hit on 2 successive nights suggesting a desire for low casualties as well as a ‘target ‘… naturally I’m on the full salt diet as far as ‘the truth ‘ ..
The bbc mentions “truth”, it wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the face
“As the world moves away from fossil fuels” ? Excluding
China, India, etc etc, the whole world, excluding most of the world
How about doing a report on how expensive these are, and how difficult these are to install in most houses. A bit like “green” electric cars, and terraced housing / street parking to try and charge them
Fact check: The ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ fighter pilot
Ines Eisele
05/04/2022May 4, 2022
The Ukrainian fighter pilot, celebrated on social media as a war hero, was said to have shot down several Russian aircraft — and has now died. But what’s the truth behind the myth of the “Ghost of Kyiv”?
Tricky – but if I was living in Kiev I’d be staying well away from the windows …. The pressure on Putin to respond ( whoever did it ) has got to be pretty strong ….
… elsewhere – a message is being pumped out that house prices are falling , job vacancies are decreasing and Blighty is finally heading for recession ( a year late in my calculation ) – I suspect we will be in the same position re fuel cost and inflation in thr coming winter as last time …. But maybe not so much on the government tax hand backs …..
Thursday has the next Bank of England rate decision . I reckon – no change – although ‘the city ‘ is betting on 0.25 % ….
…and wE ll be hearing about food prices going up again because of the weather …
An immigration solicitor touting for trade via TikTok for illegal migrants looking to stay in Britain by arguing a 'human rights' claim. The whole damn system is rotten to the core. pic.twitter.com/mIM3YK0wGE
Well, the bbc, to their credit, have passed on a bit of information regarding the drone attacks on Russia, namely that the US had assurances from zalensky that nato arms would not be used against Russian targets. Now, according to the clown, this response is “fair and justified”.
I made a prediction to myself a couple of months ago, my opinion only, and you have every right to agree or no.
Two months ago i predicted (To myself, only) that zalensky would be D.E.D. within three months for one of the following reasons:-
1) He has outlived his usefulness. See how he was received in Vilnius?
2) He goes rogue, disregards the US and Nato, and starts lobbing bombs at Russia. Saddam did the same when in desperation he launched cruise missiles at Israel.
I wish no ill to zalensky, and it’s only what I think is likely. He has broken both of these clauses and takes no responsibility for sending tens of thousands to die in the meat grinder of Bakhmut. He is primarily concerned with anything which makes him look brave and statesmanlike. I think in a few weeks we will be told that he has “gone to live on a farm with some old people”.
spin that, bbc. No pictures of the springster please.
FFS. bBBC excel with bloody wimmins cricket live on BBC2 just now. The Chase must be grateful for the switching viewers. Wonder what the viewing figures are.
It’s not women’s cricket as such
The wokists have made the 100 competition that each team must field one male team then a male team each day
“Eight city-based teams compete during the school summer holidays.
All men’s and women’s matches are held on the same day at the same grounds”
Some of the mens matches can only be seen on PayTV
Matt Price on ITV local newsPR prog
“The east coast resorts suffering in the cold damp weather, wettest July ever .. etc ”
“absolutely diabolical” says Skegness donkey man
“Global Warming” morphed into “Climate Change” for very obvious reasons. I expect The donkey man was just experiencing the best of Traditional British weather as indeed I am at the moment. It’s Hissing down outside.
Global Warming my arse.
Yes they needed something else to frighten the kids after the Chinese virus so they’ve slotted in ‘ weather ‘ – next I think they ll do a ‘weather – bug combo’ or shortages …
…weather anomalies’since records began ‘ and a constant rain of hyperbole keeps the papers selling and green crap industry in the money …
Next thread up in an hour – for those determined ,… second week of Simon Jacks ‘holiday ‘… how’s Huw – I wonder ? Waiting for everyone to forget ? ‘In depth Andy Windsor style ‘ interview coming up with meat eater Maitliss… ?
Apparently Arielle Free and Charlie Whatever had such a spat live on Radio 1 ( poppickers ) that someone has been removed from duty for being tired and emotional . It’s reported by the Daily Mail – obviously attempting to get down with the kids – the majority of whom can’t reed innit ….
For all those fans of the next thread – where I am a big full moon is about to rise and at local time Elon musks satellites are lined up to ‘display ‘ – so the thread may not go up until 2110 londonistan time – 851 mo time … inshala
See there was bBBC crap on tonight about heat pumps. Could never bring myself to watch this utter crap. I would assume that Rowlett did a job worthy of Herr ‘Goebbels.
Doc – I’m sure I heard that they are stopping gas boilers from 2030 ? And we all need to dig tunnels to use magna to have a bath – this green crap is well out of hand – a 2020s psychosis of a non existent threat … blimey …
Fedup – it is more than out of hand – It is lunacy that is out of control. These green nutters will have us back in caves with horses and carts. China,India must be laughing.
ScrobleneMar 12, 20:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I find this report utterly distasteful, and a disgraceful attempt to accuse President Trump for ‘causing the cartels some difficulties’…
DeborahMar 12, 20:06 Midweek 12th March 2025 Christopher Hope on GB News to a woman Labour MP, ‘Starmer has had a good couple of weeks on the…
LoobylooMar 12, 19:42 Midweek 12th March 2025 BA also shaking the collection tin down the aisle in support of it too
tomoMar 12, 18:35 Midweek 12th March 2025 20+++ years of all uses for the entire country presently sat under Lancashire and Lincolnshire – to Westminster’s eternal shame
tomoMar 12, 18:32 Midweek 12th March 2025 yes indeedy – I read “chip off the old block” Roderick James Nugent Stewart’s book Prince of the Marshes and…
AlthepalerpMar 12, 18:21 Midweek 12th March 2025 Gas at 56% currently https://grid.iamkate.com/ A gift from God.. . . . . .
vladMar 12, 17:56 Midweek 12th March 2025 And is that Florence of Arabia, as he’s affectionately known?
tomoMar 12, 17:50 Midweek 12th March 2025 hmmm… X is blocking this happy group photo for embedding [img]https://i.ibb.co/B5RQNx1K/chrome-Tx-Bc-Jns-Cz-U.png[/img] Bloke in the middle, in a suit -be like…
Eddy BoothMar 12, 17:17 Midweek 12th March 2025 “BBC Verify What footage from Kursk shows” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/c51ypekv9xwt “BBC Verify and BBC Monitoring have been looking at… the Russian military…
taffmanMar 12, 16:46 Midweek 12th March 2025 Kikuchiyo Hello, I aint seen you trolling on this site for a long time ? Where have you been?
“A bolstered response to curb migrant crossings comes into force today (Tuesday 31 January), as leadership of tackling small boats in the Channel returns to the Home Office.”
So – What do they actually do ?
Stop boats, defend and secure our borders. I think not.
Take note Richard Tice and The Reform Party !
Raving grandad Stanley Johnson was on @GBnews Monday 9-11pm
pushing his Net Zealotry
11 hours later he’s back on the morning show
pushing his open borders “let channel migrants work”
The two presenters pushed back
.. “but that encourages more to come, more to drown”
“Stanley Johnson onGBNews with his farmers world view that migrants all want to work picking fruit on farms.
Not sure what he expects them to do for the other 40 weeks of the year.”
Kay Burley getting on Newsnight next to explain her summer hols with Simpo?
I think the biggest lie here is the one which says that if the UK reaches net-zero by 2050, it will make any difference whatsoever to climate change.
That idiot clearly has no concept of the relative importance of our emissions vs those of China, the USA and India.
Jamie Oliver’s £5million deal with Shell despite years of green campaigning
EXCLUSIVE: Jamie Oliver, who shut 12 of his 37 Jamie’s Italian restaurants last year following a £20million loss, stands accused of not taking climate change seriously
Jamie, pictured with wife Jools, has signed a deal to update food at Shell service stations (Image: UK Press via Getty Images)
Tom BryantHead of Showbiz
22:14, 17 Dec 2018
This is just a quick thankyou…
At the weekend one of our contributors (apologies, I can’t remember who) mentioned that the 1960s classic TV drama, The Prisoner, was being shown on The Legend Channel. I just watched an episode while attending to a week’s ironing… Brilliant!
I remember this from my schooldays. Us kids were fascinated by it. The mystery of who was Number One (I don’t think we ever really found out). Why he’d been taken prisoner, ditto and where The Villages was. Of course these days it has a cult following.
I recall talking to my dad about it and him telling me that The Prisoner was a “dystopian fantasy” that could never really happen. I used to believe him. Now I’m not so sure…
These days we have endured mask mandates, lockdowns, “stand here…walk there…” fifteen-minute cities, people being arrested for sitting on park benches and perhaps the worst of all, grinning imbeciles standing on their doorsteps rattling pots and pans for “Our NHS”. That was truly toe curling.
I don’t think The Prisoner was a dystopian fantasy.
It was sixty years ahead of its time…
Have a holiday in Portmeirion, it is still more or less the same. You can stay in Number 6’s house.
Be seeing you !!!
Recently my brother sent me a photograph of himself stood outside a nice house in London, and asked if I knew where he was. Now bearing in mind I haven’t seen the Prisoner since the 60s, I immediately knew it was the house in the opening credits where McGoohan gets into his red sports car. Brother was suitably impressed. Funny how the mind works eh ?
Think it is Buckingham House, Pall Mall, now HQ of the RAC.
I watched it quite recently and enjoyed it very much – though it goes off the rails a bit at the end and I had no clue what was going on.
Like The Sweeney I’m watching now, it had one objective : entertainment.
Unlike the episode of the latest ‘Father Brown’ I watched on Friday. Like it was written by 6th form activists.
John, I think The Prisoner was more than just entertainment. I tend to think it was a warning about what might happen to society.
People of my vintage like to look back at those times through rose tinted spectacles. I was young and fancy free and didn’t have a care in the world. I saw things very simply. More mature and sensible folk saw ominous warning signs of creeping authoritarianism…even then…
Just an interesting aside…
In the 70s my dad used a pub that was also frequented by Patrick McGoohan’s sister…I believe she was a teacher… Apparently her brother got so much stick after The Prisoner that he upped sticks and moved to the US. Not many people know that…
As for the ending, no, me neither.
Though I do know that your hip bone is connected to your thigh bone…
If you watch the final episode (Fallout) you will see how prescient your analogy is. I wont spoil it, the whole series is on youtube , I believe
It was me that posted about the Prisoner being on.
When I first watched it I thought it a bit of entertainment. Now, I think it’s really creepy, I’m gripped by it in a very strange way.
There’s one episode that particularly sticks in my mind. No 6 was lobotomised or had some sort of brain operation.
I checked, episode 11.
How about the synopsis of this episode:
‘ After waking to find the Village deserted, Number Six returns to England, but he does not know whom he can trust there.’
Patrick McGoohan was the man to see after his series ‘Danger Man’, it was a dead certainty that people would watch ‘The Prisoner’ after that!
It was made for ATV, and I really cannot remember adverts every quarter of an hour or so, but I clearly can remember going to bed with a lot of angst resting on my five-pinted shoulders, (see post passim) when Number 6 just couldn’t get away…
What surprised me was that my dad really got into the story too, and started to read The Hobbit later on, and the rest of the Tolkien stories, so he really was a bit of a fantasist back then, despite being pretty fearsome when he wanted to be!
When John Sharp was Number 2 at some stage, he nearly went bonkers as he lived just down the road from us and he and John were good pals!
They had more number 2s than the CEOs of NatWest – number 2 reads different ways ….
At the start of each episode:
“Who is Number One?”
“You are, Number Six”
BBC idiots ‘explaining’* stuff…
The truth about heat pumps and the power needed to run them
‘Sounds like a no-brainer, doesn’t it?’
If researched broadly, no.
Using a search engine, you get the establishment view.
*You might need to go further.
End of the peer show on BBC for that Labour geezer.
It doesn’t take long researching heat-pumps to realise you don’t want one.
Ashes series drawn 2-2 with one draw due to rain.
Why have I not seen a BBC article blaming climate change yet?
Because they’re happy that England didn’t win.
In the DM there’s another article on battery fires. A mother and two children killed when the e bike they were charging at home exploded after 3 minutes and caught fire.
This follows on from the boat, with a burning e car on board, floating about for the last few days.
The fires are so intense they are extremely difficult to put out and are left to burn out by themselves.
An e bus caught fire a few hundred yards from my home and when it was eventually safely removed it left a huge black mark on the road and pavement.
As more and more e cars get on the roads here (the ones that make it on the boats because many will successfully arrive here without catching fire) the fires will surely increase. Where are the fire brigade on this.
They are usually very strict when it comes to fire regulations.
They look like they will not issue a safety certificate for the Bibby barge.
Fire is looking like a serious problem with e vehicles.
If your garage is part of your house, will you sleep soundly knowing that the battery could catch fire at any time and start a fire with aheat so intense that no extinguisher can put it out.
These vehicles are death traps so just think how many fires will be happening when there’s millions of them charging away at night and yet it appears that the fire brigade see no problem.
Maybe they will when a couple of underground car park fires set fire to a Grenfell type block of flats above.
I’d like to know if ferries and railways will insist on electric cars being flagged up on journeys. Personally, I’d be inclined to avoid any channel crossing which is carrying any electric cars.
You’ve just written the story of what could happen in the Channel Tunnel, Moggie!
Apparently, when there was that huge fire in the tunnel a few years back now, the whole caboosh was looking to collapse internally at the site and there was a colossal panic about what was going to happen.
I wouldn’t be too keen on going through the Dartford Tunnel any time now as well – then there’s the Blackwall, and the Rotherhithe and, and, and…
Still, rest assured that the latter are under the control of Mare Khaaan, so everything will be just fine, especially if you’re an exempt Muslim going to stick your bum up in the air!
Outboard motors are available in electric versions.
Stop the press : major front page exclusive by the BBC:
Hiccupping giant panda caught on camera
No doubt the kidults at the BBC coffee machine had a hoot watching it – and pandas are endangered or something so tick a box.
Our dog gets hiccups : I’ll let them know and prepare myself for the BBC film crew.
My ass gets hiccups. Better half not impressed. Pardon me for being so rude, twas not me, twas my food.
“Prosecco will be about 61p cheaper. The good news for Diane Abbott is the price of a pre-mixed gin and tonic can will also fall by 5p…”
Blue Labour Strike again …
I was thinking – all of the banks are trying to appear soft and woke and full of coloured people ( see the adverts ) … yet they are continuing to make huge profits but closing down high street banks – somehow this doesn’t add up .
And they know when things go bad they’ll get ‘rescued ‘ the the government – keep their bonuses and carry on as before HSBC made so much money it’s buying shares back .and chucking our doe isl dividends ( wish I still had my HSBC stock )
I am assuming many of the people being debanked are the little people who use cash, you know the baker where I buy my bread or the fish and chip van where I occasionally buy supper. The profit on these items is low and tapping my card reduces their profit. But the banks are probably taking away customers who create work for them. Get rid of cash using customers and everything can be done on line. The banks can then close the branch and job done.
Fed, the high street banks otherwise known as ‘the clearers’ have extensive property portfolios. These take some continual maintenance. In fact I know someone who does it for Barclays. If the banks close High St branches, they can make some staff redundant (that reduces a big overhead), they can sell the empty property (more cash generated) and they no longer have to maintain it, so there’s another saving. They can switch staff that they do not make redundant or offer redundancy to over to on-line banking in an existing area office.
Up2 – yes – thanks – they follow the same business model as police stations and hospital trusts – closing police stations reduces public ‘contact ‘ problems – closing hospitals reduces the number of people killed by the NHS – they die at home instead – both excellent ideas …
My point is a bit more 2 pronged subtle – 1 – they wanna appear warm woke cuddly but are instead more distant – 2 – those who took tax money to survive owe punters – taxpayers – something … I know Barclays got their money from Arabs but they nearly hit the UK taxpayer for a fix .
There s a piece in the DT about the performance of UK based banks . From a shareholder point of view it is beyond crap . But the US banks – Goldman – real returns on value for shareholders , I’ve got Lloyds – it’s crap despite 4 billion profit in the last reported quarter ….
Also BP – not the kind of results leading the scum deputy fick angee to crow about windfall taxes ….
Just responding to the comment on EVs. Why this nonsense is being pushed on us is beyond belief. I wouldn’t touch one with a barge pole. And yes where do the fire brigade stand on this? Tumbleweed I suspect. It’s like the safe and effective arm spears. These vehicles burst into flames -we have enough evidence for this-why on earth are they even being sold? They also weigh a ton and will be doing major damage to our motoring infrastructure (without paying road tax).
Also the Welsh nincompoops have announced 20mph urban limits from 17th September. I am beyond angry. One of the lobbying charities is Brake. They have a ‘vision’ of future motoring which includes. (quoted from their website)……..
That motorised vehicles are designed for the safety of people walking and cycling as well as occupants and travel below 20mph or lower and be emission free. They provide essential services officially, such as shared transport, moving our goods, emergency and social services. They are allowed only where they need to go.
I find the last sentence quite sinister. Who decides where I need to go? I find it almost impossible to drive at 20mph, and find myself checking my speedometer, instead of the road. God help me if they ULEZise Cardiff!!!
Completely agree with you. My best guess is that this is some globalised wef/soros/bilderberg type global initiative.
There are some warning signs from San Francisco here:
What makes me think this is a globalised initiative is that all cities seem to be in lockstep. So it can not be a coincidence that they all decide to do madness at the same time.
Take for example the 20mph speed limits. This is pushed supposedly to make everything safer for e.g. cyclists and pedestrians. However in the two UK cities I watch closely exceeding 20mph does not correlate with death. Where the crashes happen is mostly at junctions or where travellers cross the roads. If a bus or lorry sits on top of you then it is not speed that kills you. So it is the junctions that need sorting not 30mph speeds.
San Francisco shows that once the criminal/globalists get to decide in the the city then decline can be very very rapid – i.e. in three years all stores can start to close. Lots of fentanyl users and buses though – so there are plenty of jobs for the girls in organisations like the SS (anti-social services) and so forth.
In Bath the aptly named BANES council’s 20mph speed limit roll out was marred by an actual increase in accidents…
– so they disbanded it
– but left all the signage and road markings in place (just not being maintained… )
atlas, because the 20mph limits have been introduced so quickly (pronounced prematurely) motor vehicles are not geared appropriately for 20mph speeds. If I was driving my old Fords, they would be pushing out vast amounts of unnecessary pollution because I would be having to use 2nd gear. My modern 1 litre car has gearing that pulls the car along perfectly in third gear where there is a 20mph limit and I know from my fuel consumption that the gearing is optimal for that speed.
Interesting vid from S.F.. Why don’t they use the empty shops and offices for drug/alcohol rehab programmes and housing for the homeless?
Come on Calon – have dose of ULEZ – i bet theyll go for the £20 a day ..
Having recently got back off holiday somewhere ‘boiling’ (actually, rather cold, wet and blustery last week), and visited a number of UK towns and cities in recent months, there seems to be a rather alarming air of ‘dystopian future’ movie set about most conurbations these days.
As for ULEZ, it’s not really the cost if you live in the sticks like us and only visit the capital now and again (although that’s annoying enough), it’s the principle of it and the hassle involved. Frankly, it just makes us inclined to pick somewhere else for a day out, where you’re not going to be charged £20 a day just for driving a little, ‘old’ (and remarkably efficient and unpolluting) diesel.
I’ve been attending an annual conference held in a hotel near Paddington for several years. A recent email about next year’s event says they’re moving the venue to the Midlands – I can see a lot more of that happening too.
None of which can be good for businesses in Khan’s (Death) Zone.
Big – where I am hit 40 today and will do the same tomorrow – although I bounce between the med and londonistan so I do heaven and hell ..
I really don’t think the emir and his people have thought through the ULEZ crap . He doesn’t care about alienating car users – he sees them as rich tories – his cycling socialists will keep him in power ….
…. But I think you are right in terms of the maths of people not wanting to ‘use ‘ London . As , sadly , a born and bred londoner I’ve watched it turn into a true cess pit – and am near to exiting it because I can .
I want to think of anything that is going to improve in London – or indeed the rest of England – I can’t see it . Population grown is out of control with associated pressures the likes of the BBC chooses not to join the dots on – eg todays message – social housing being rationed to higher earners – inevitable –
As a Londoner – London is a place to avoid – at all costs…. I feel sorry for tourists coming to London who never have contact with the white English – just a series of third workers of various types .
The economic consequences of Khan will make things worse -with the coming downturn – but maybe if the pound tanks – it might be a place cheap to visit firm€ or $ holders …
“More drones coming, Ukraine tells Russia after skyscraper hit”
“Whodunnit? It’s all a bit murky
James Waterhouse
Russia always blames Ukraine, which rarely claims responsibility.
Kyiv’s appeared to be behind them before, but Moscow is no stranger to a false flag operation, where it stages events to justify future actions.
Russia’s also recently had to deal with a failed armed mutiny.
All a bit murky.”
You’d think BBC was employing a frivolous teenager here, but no its a middle aged man.
What false flags have Russia done?
Basically the activities in Russia by Ukraine are tantamount to war crimes and terrorism. They are going after civilians to turn them against the war, not military targets.
So how do the BBC deal with this unsavoury news ?. Simple : they say this about the people doing it:
‘Some of the alleged arsonists are said to be elderly, according to eyewitness reports and posts shared on Telegram, BBC Monitoring says.
While the motives behind the attacks are unclear, reports suggest some of those involved may have mental health issues. Others have said they were pressured by phone scammers.’
Sounds quite a lot how they excuse the Religion of Peace.
‘Why you can trust the BBC’. You can’t.
I’m not so sure -the same office block was hit on 2 successive nights suggesting a desire for low casualties as well as a ‘target ‘… naturally I’m on the full salt diet as far as ‘the truth ‘ ..
Ok so watch it on youtube.
Andrew Bridgen is on the lotuseaters today
probably not going to make it to youtube
The truth about heat pumps and the power needed to run them
The bbc mentions “truth”, it wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the face
“As the world moves away from fossil fuels” ? Excluding
China, India, etc etc, the whole world, excluding most of the world
How about doing a report on how expensive these are, and how difficult these are to install in most houses. A bit like “green” electric cars, and terraced housing / street parking to try and charge them
Install in 3rd floor flat in London?
Hello Marky Mark
Comment under the photo of the two “will help mentor students” lol
Meanwhile, stand by for Ed…
At least Kirsty sort of muttered a bit of reality.
bbc report on Ukraine drone attacks, comment as follows:-
More drones coming, Ukraine tells Russia after skyscraper hit
then later in the report..
Kyiv has either not commented on or denied any involvement in such attacks, including the latest in Moscow
So is Ukraine sending more drones, or just starting, or just made up “news”
Fact check: The ‘Ghost of Kyiv’ fighter pilot
Ines Eisele
05/04/2022May 4, 2022
The Ukrainian fighter pilot, celebrated on social media as a war hero, was said to have shot down several Russian aircraft — and has now died. But what’s the truth behind the myth of the “Ghost of Kyiv”?
Preparing for the trenches then. Should be a doddle for the Ukranians with BoJos heroic assistance
Apparently if he tosses six grenades it’s the same as an electric scooter catching fire – do the sums but show your workings …
Write six words you can spell
10/10 – see me
Tricky – but if I was living in Kiev I’d be staying well away from the windows …. The pressure on Putin to respond ( whoever did it ) has got to be pretty strong ….
… elsewhere – a message is being pumped out that house prices are falling , job vacancies are decreasing and Blighty is finally heading for recession ( a year late in my calculation ) – I suspect we will be in the same position re fuel cost and inflation in thr coming winter as last time …. But maybe not so much on the government tax hand backs …..
Thursday has the next Bank of England rate decision . I reckon – no change – although ‘the city ‘ is betting on 0.25 % ….
…and wE ll be hearing about food prices going up again because of the weather …
Yes love, fill up Britain with non-Christians and you’ll have done your bit for Allah.
I thought exactly this…
Well, the bbc, to their credit, have passed on a bit of information regarding the drone attacks on Russia, namely that the US had assurances from zalensky that nato arms would not be used against Russian targets. Now, according to the clown, this response is “fair and justified”.
I made a prediction to myself a couple of months ago, my opinion only, and you have every right to agree or no.
Two months ago i predicted (To myself, only) that zalensky would be D.E.D. within three months for one of the following reasons:-
1) He has outlived his usefulness. See how he was received in Vilnius?
2) He goes rogue, disregards the US and Nato, and starts lobbing bombs at Russia. Saddam did the same when in desperation he launched cruise missiles at Israel.
I wish no ill to zalensky, and it’s only what I think is likely. He has broken both of these clauses and takes no responsibility for sending tens of thousands to die in the meat grinder of Bakhmut. He is primarily concerned with anything which makes him look brave and statesmanlike. I think in a few weeks we will be told that he has “gone to live on a farm with some old people”.
spin that, bbc. No pictures of the springster please.
FFS. bBBC excel with bloody wimmins cricket live on BBC2 just now. The Chase must be grateful for the switching viewers. Wonder what the viewing figures are.
It’s not women’s cricket as such
The wokists have made the 100 competition that each team must field one male team then a male team each day
“Eight city-based teams compete during the school summer holidays.
All men’s and women’s matches are held on the same day at the same grounds”
Some of the mens matches can only be seen on PayTV
Sounds very male.
Surgery involved?
The SNP MP who breached the covid regs is now to be subject to a bi election . It seems 11000 of the 81000 voted for a bi election
And i thought crankie had made the SNP fireproof ….with the help of the BBC of course ..
Dem controlled, right?
Yet here the BBc gets excited about illegals not getting a daily foot massage at the spa.
Matt Price on ITV local newsPR prog
“The east coast resorts suffering in the cold damp weather, wettest July ever .. etc ”
“absolutely diabolical” says Skegness donkey man
(BBC did this item last night)
This fellow in Skegness… not by chance named Dirk?
Would the Skegness donkey man be prepared to be interviewed to explain why a ‘devilish’ issue has permeated his business on the sands?
Maybe a Beeboid could ask him whether he agreed that climate change was one of the most serious subjects to be debated in many years!
Monosyllabic answers on a picture postcard of Skeggy Pier please!
“Global Warming” morphed into “Climate Change” for very obvious reasons. I expect The donkey man was just experiencing the best of Traditional British weather as indeed I am at the moment. It’s Hissing down outside.
Global Warming my arse.
Yes they needed something else to frighten the kids after the Chinese virus so they’ve slotted in ‘ weather ‘ – next I think they ll do a ‘weather – bug combo’ or shortages …
…weather anomalies’since records began ‘ and a constant rain of hyperbole keeps the papers selling and green crap industry in the money …
Next thread up in an hour – for those determined ,… second week of Simon Jacks ‘holiday ‘… how’s Huw – I wonder ? Waiting for everyone to forget ? ‘In depth Andy Windsor style ‘ interview coming up with meat eater Maitliss… ?
Apparently Arielle Free and Charlie Whatever had such a spat live on Radio 1 ( poppickers ) that someone has been removed from duty for being tired and emotional . It’s reported by the Daily Mail – obviously attempting to get down with the kids – the majority of whom can’t reed innit ….
For all those fans of the next thread – where I am a big full moon is about to rise and at local time Elon musks satellites are lined up to ‘display ‘ – so the thread may not go up until 2110 londonistan time – 851 mo time … inshala
See there was bBBC crap on tonight about heat pumps. Could never bring myself to watch this utter crap. I would assume that Rowlett did a job worthy of Herr ‘Goebbels.
Doc – I’m sure I heard that they are stopping gas boilers from 2030 ? And we all need to dig tunnels to use magna to have a bath – this green crap is well out of hand – a 2020s psychosis of a non existent threat … blimey …
Fedup – it is more than out of hand – It is lunacy that is out of control. These green nutters will have us back in caves with horses and carts. China,India must be laughing.
Scrob – where are you ? I fixed the thread for you ….