I very much fear as Simon Webb does on his
” History Debunked” YouTube channel that was has
happened in Israel could well be the catalyst for
very serious consequences . Even World War 3. That
is if it hasn’t already started.
I have this terrible feeling that Hamas is being used as
a proxy , not only for Iran , but also Russia and even
China. I believe that Russia is very capable of using tactical
nuclear weapons in Ukraine . And will use the war
between the Palestinians and Israel as a way in to do this.
As they did in 1956 when they used the Suez crisis to march
into Hungary. And China could also attack Taiwan . And then
we will have World War 3.
Of course the great majority in the news rooms of the BBC
are Corbynistas. And Jeremy Bowen and Orla Guerin will
willingly do their bidding in support of Hamas.
For sure Iran are behind it, but I rate Putin as a brutal warmonger and a tactical liar – but one thing I don’t think he is is a hypocrite. I don’t think he would arm Islamic terrorists.
As for nuclear weapons, Russia have made it clear when they would use them. The real danger there is if the USA start testing those red-lines when it’s clear the conventional war is lost. I fear what the USA will do a lot more in this respect than what Russia will do.
The China-Taiwan thing is a big part of the reason for the war in Ukraine. The USA want to bleed Russia dry (using the blood of Ukranians) while they can because you can be sure they will side with China if war breaks out over Taiwan.
The BBC don’t care about any of that : for some bizarre reason I cannot fathom, they are 100% committed to support BAME over white people. And this is despite Islamics views on the most sensitive BBC activist topics such as mysogyny and homophobia – which lays bare their stupendous double-standards when it suits them.
Such is their hatred of white, Brexit-voting Britain.
Foscari, I think some other things have to be in place before The Battle of Megiddo. Firstly, the Temple needs to be rebuilt in Jerusalem and the Jews need to start worshipping there. Secondly, the Man of Disobedience needs to arise. Thirdly, the Man of Disobedience needs to make a Peace Covenant that is reneged upon. Finally, the Man of Disobedience needs to demand to be worshipped in the re-built Temple in the place of God.
At that point, armies from the north (and maybe the East) start to travel to Israel and the whole of Israel calls upon God to save them. That is my understanding of Scripture but it may be faulty. There is a good place to know, not far from you, where the Elders and congregation love the Jewish people and who study and search and preach the Scriptures. When I was a Londoner (OK, I still am but I’m a slightly unwilling IDP, (note to Fed, IDP=UN terminology for Internally Displaced Person) it was known as Bridge Lane Chapel but now it is called ‘The Bridge’ and the sermons are available on-line @ https://bridgelane.org.uk/sermons .
If you have ever been in Golders Green on a weekday you may have encountered their people. By the way, Tony Pearce their lead Elder is not an easy listen: he has a mouth that produces excessive saliva which he sucks away while inches from the microphone. He’s also having radio-therapy at the moment.
I pulled an inherited book off my bookshelves the other day as I have only dipped into it and never read it from cover to cover. But it is a queue of books to read. It is titled ‘Brief Outlines of Things to Come’ and is a collection of essays by other students of, and writers on, eschatology by Theodore H. Epp. It was published by Moody Books in 1952! Moody is a Bible College in the USA and I think, Theodore Epp may have been a lecturer or Professor there.
I agree that this conflict has the possiblity of spreading although I note that Israel, iirc, was on the point of agreeing a Treaty with Saudi Arabia. I think Bashar al Assad may well be favourably disposed toward Israel although he has – significantly, in my view – given a base to to the Russians in a Syrian port. The TWotWee today had Jonny Dymond presenting and he “didn’t want to be political” but was and slurred Bibi Netanyahu who the BBC dislike/hate for being a Conservative. Significantly, it was suggested by an American contributor to TWotWee that the IDF (Fed, IDF=Israeli Defence Force) may not just go after Hamas in Gaza but also take the opportunity to tackle Hizbollah in Lebanon.
Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, including occupied Palestinian territory, is a reckless threat to peace. The British Government must condemn this dangerous act and work for a just and viable settlement of the conflict.
Every warped beeboid, and I include their Muslim employees who are probably numerous who has ever expressed support for Hamas however tacit should be made to attend the funerals of the innocent citizens of Israel including women and children who have been mercilessly butchered on the streets in their own towns by marauding ruthless nutters who have been egged on and given succour by the BBC.
As for the despicable Corbyn, he should be deported to Israel to stand charges of interfering with the affairs of a sovereign state and insurrection and thrown into jail. He has a lot of this blood on his hands.
I hope he sleeps soundly tonight while those many Israelis who have lost innocent and loved family members weep.
No, they are innocent, faultless, ‘God’s chosen’ people!
There are so many lies and falsehoods about Israel and the ‘Jews’ (who aren’t even the original Jews) that it would take days to try to unravel to you the propaganda you have been fed about them and their history.
I am amazed at the blanket support here for Israel and for the harsh suggestions from posters such as yourself in how the Jews should deal with Hamas.
You all rail against Muslims immigration, the BBC bias, transgender, etc, but when it comes to Israel it’s Newspeak 101.
It’s the old story. If you question the lies of the second world war you are sent to prison for it in Germany and it is coming here. To discover who rules you, ask who you cannot criticise. The Israeli govt is a gangster govt. but you cannot say it.
Back in the day, Grand Mufti of Palestine – Haj Amin el Husseini supported the German WW2 nazis.
Nothing much changes
Israel is just about to de-nazify the place, same job Putin is doing with his idiot neighbours..
True, he supported them in order to remove the Jews from Palestine. Just like Ireland did supported the Nazis against us. And the Indians with the Japanese again against us.
We in the UK supported the Nazi’s too. Seen the pic of the royal family doing the Nazi salute? We (and the rest of the civilized world) supported them right up until they started to threaten our empire. The tide of change came when a bankrupt Churchill was backed by a Jewish banker to wage war against the Germans.
TBH, I struggle to reply to your post because it is naive. Palestine is not Nazi or Communist but Muslim and they are all as bad as one another.
Ireland did indeed support the Nazis but some of its sons were the first to volunteer to fight with Britain when we stood alone and paid a horrible price after the war when they went home to Ireland.
No, Ireland did not ‘support the Nazis’ in WW2 – the facts:
Thousands of Irish people served in the British armed forces.
The Irish Govt. arrested German agents sent into Ireland.
German airmen who landed in Ireland were held as POWs.
British airmen who landed in Ireland were sent back to the UK
The British and Irish shared intel all through the war.
The Irish Govt. could not justify entering the war against German occupiers while Britain still held the six counties.
Nonetheless, of all the neutral nations, Ireland was the most supportive to the allied cause – and the only one to underline its support with the blood of its sons and daughters.
But – this is all history, water under the bridge. Today our thoughts and prayers are with Israel.
That’s a strawman argument. Ireland did support the Nazi’s in numerous ways, just as they supported the Allies. They backed both sides.
I used it as an example to illustrate a point which was that Palestine backed the Nazi’s to expel the Jews, in a similar way Ireland did not commit to the Allies because of British occupation.
“We in the UK”? I think not .. pre war there was attraction in Germany being rebuilt – and no one wanted a repeat of the Great War – but eventually the reality of nazi germany came out …
This is simply not true. but common misinformation. But where would the world be without Israel’s innovations in medicine , science and technology and humanitarian work eg in water and electricity support for over I million drought stricken Africans
Meanwhile, around the world, folks’ daughters are invited out of their huts, or whisked away from their homes, to a new form of democracy, while keeping up with the Joneses types are ushered up stairwells or made less comfy to the back of mopeds or given awesome short lived views of cities from special vantage points. Some close to Israel.
Left side techniques involve all sorts of quaint stuff. Misinformation, telling it often enough, false flags…
At this juncture, in a war, one side using non uniformed squads behind the lines to kill civilians is very Nazi. As is invoking it every which way post to post.
As anyone looking at this site might note – over the time I’ve been moderating – I’ve been happy to allow other subjects / issues be aired apart from the anti British Far Left Pro EU biased BBC ….
But when it comes to people comparing different sorts of States – or even different sorts of Terrorism – maybe that’s for somewhere else .
But if there is anyone monitoring either the Reform Conference, the red labour Conference – the coverage of the BBC with both as well as coverage of the Middle East War or the Ukrainian War – I’m sure there would be plenty happy .
And I know feelings views get very very strong ….please treat this as an advisory …
Fed, well said, Sir! You and I are different flavours of Christian but worship Ha Maschiah Yeshua in a nominally Christian country on the Christian Sabbath.
Right, think you are wrong in what you post about Israel. This site has a lot of fair minded folk posting here – get a load of the name – so it is natural that we should be on the side of Israel who are the under-dogs in terms of numbers of their enemies who wish to do them harm.
In addition many of the posters here are Christians and are grateful to Israel for what they have given to the world: salvation through and in the Lord Jesus Christ who is a righteous Jew who fulfilled The Law in its entirety. Some of those who post on here are Jewish. I know one or two are. It is one of the things that attracted me to this web-site, its support for Israel despite what the BBC say about Israel.
Yes, technically you can say the apostles Jewish, but in realty they were a sect of Judaism.
Even though some of the books of the New Testament are attributed to some of the disciples, there is no proof they actually wrote them.
Here is an esteemed Rabbi giving his thoughts
The New Testament was written in Greek and most of it is the letters between those early Christians. The Jews had little to nothing to do with it and the books attributed to the aposoles are just that – attributions.
My support for Israel comes from what they are fighting against. Barbaric savages who would slit all their throats in their sleep if they got the chance. Just try to imagine what he Muslims would do if THEY had the power. Every Jew would be dead.
I welcome comments like yours RightSide because it makes me examine my own opinion. And in this case it remains unchanged.
Also he Rightside didn’t read my comment on my previous thread
which contained criticism of Israel culture.
I see over simplistic arguments in posts above
Palestinians are not automatically Muslim, there are Christians and Druze too
The area they traditionally lived is not just West Bank and Gazza but includesl and in other countries later taken over by Arab immigrants
Arabs and Muslim Palestinians are pretty different
Countries who were neutral in WW2 were often not simply able to make a free choice.
Sometimes their citizens and secretly their governments helped the Allies .
The Nazis actively tried to exterminate a race.. to compare them to modern governments is wrong
Such simple labelling of the Israeli government is considered anti-Semitic
yet that government has plenty of faults.
The foundation of modern Israel was done by terrorism against the British and others etc.
@digg and others were posting earlier that Israel should wipe Palestine off the map. That is pretty similar to what the Nazi’s wanted to do.
The point of my posts were to bring balance to a string of incredibly biased posts.
This site rallies endlessly against ‘wokeism’ and far-left rightly pointing out the hypocrisy of many of their actions, yet give Israel a complete free pass.
“The Nazis actively tried to exterminate a race.. to compare them to modern governments is wrong
Such simple labelling of the Israeli government is considered anti-Semitic”
No, it is not. Israel is exactly like post-1938 Germany. A better comparison is super-apartheid.
Rightside you are poorly informed. Palestinians are not a race of people. They are Jordanian Arabs who could be accomodated in the exceedingly wealthy Arab world.
Palestinians are not an ethnic group and never have been.
“Palestine” was the name the Romans gave to a middle-eastern region of their empire. The former Roman province of Judea and Samaria.
Palestine is no more a nation or a race than Anatolia or Mesopotamia.
The modern “Palestinians” are terrorists who were given land [Gaza] by the Israelis in 2005.
Land for peace.
“The term “Palestine” (in Latin, Palæstina) is thought to have been a term coined by the Ancient Greeks for the area of land occupied by the Philistines, although there are other explanations.” wikipedia
This is a little painful, but “Rightside you are poorly informed” was written, so…
Again, this is a strawman argument.
Other posters have called for the extermination of the Palestinians. whether the Palestinians are a race or not, that is beside the point.
There is little point me countering your other ‘arguments’ especially this “The modern “Palestinians” are terrorists who were given land [Gaza] by the Israelis in 2005.”
Also, “Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination”. That exactly describes Israel. It is so much worse than the South African one. There is absolutely no integration and a huge wall surrounding the area.
Im not say the Arabs are saints but I am saying that the Zionist most definitely are not.
I wouldn’t say the library newsletter is super woke but there are some tickbox stuff among the conventional stuff
“Black History Month : This year the theme of Black History Month is the celebration of black women who have made remarkable contributions
In recognition of this, we are celebrating books written by women of colour with a book display in Central Library throughout the whole of October. ”
“Workshop : Writing Diverse Characters:” the writer there looks like a woman pretending to be a man
There’s near blanket coverage of the big new thing today – but I think the concise, succinct, summary at the bottom left-hand corner spot on the frontpage of the Star on Sunday will suffice: Israel: It’s war
Any further comment would seem superfluous.
There’s somewhat of a return to form for Sunday Times in-house cartoonist Newman, who has of late leaned left (as has his alma mater – both daily and Sunday editions) and consequently failed to amuse. This morning he sketches some speaker chap at the Labour Party Conference announcing:“People say I lack vision, but I can’t see it myself” – we take that characterless cartoon of a nondescript featureless man in red tie and grey suit to be Keir Starmer – assuming of course given the refence to sightlessness David Blunkett hasn’t made a guest appearance?
Blunkett’s gone a bit hang ’em and flog ’em recently – treading on some Tory law and order toes?: DAVID BLUNKETT: Accepting lawlessness in any form is a road to disaster – that’s why we must get tough with shop thieves (Daily Mail)
But Blunkett had best keep his distance from the Tory Party Conference: Suella Braverman stands on Guide dog’s tail at Tory party conference (Northern Echo)
Inevitably… the apology: Suella Braverman apologises ‘to all dogs out there’ after unfortunate incident (Mirror) – one has to admire that particular example of ministerial insincerity.
Cruella de Vil, indeed. The relentlessly anti-Tory Mirror daren’t crack a smile: Suella Braverman was branded the ‘darling’ of the Tory conference despite being photoed stepping on a dog (Mirror)
Keir Starmer to announce generous benefits increases – funded by windfall tax on media over-use of the word ‘despite’?
Mr AsI still likes to imagine shrinking violet centrist Sunak channelling Rudyard Kipling in regard to his home secretary’s tough talk: “You’re a braver man than I am, Gunga Din!”
We’re all too well accumstomed to news of the demise of high street retail big names: Wilko: End of a fabulous ride for shop that sold it all (BBC)
But you know we may be circling the plug hole (economically speaking) as big name banks begin to teeter. Ace cartoonist Matt of the Telegraph draws a pair of execs in the c-suite at the oh-so woke Metro Bank:“Things are so difficult here that we’ve asked Nigel Farage if he’d like to open an account”
Metro Bank ‘prevents gender-critical parents’ group from opening account’… Metro Bank refused to open a new business account for Our Duty, a group of more than 2,000 parents who believe that it is harmful for transgender children to undergo a medical transition. (Telegraph, July 2023); ‘What goes around comes around!’ Nigel Farage blasts troubled Metro Bank after ‘Brexit Party debanking’… The bank’s shares sank by as much as a third after reports it needed to raise up to £600m. (GB News, 2 days ago)
Is it possible that karma might be a right-leaning thing with traditional conservative values?
In news of traditional English legend travesties: Woke Robyn Hood Gets 1.2 IMDb Rating: Director X Blasts ‘Racist’ Fans… Show follows fearless heroine Robyn Loxley and anti-authoritarian masked hip-hop band… released in Canada and it’s getting clobbered by the ratings… Robyn Hood series features a woke female person of color as a “contemporary re-imagining” of Robin Hood who takes on a rich blond white dude as the villain along with a white dude sheriff as a villain. (a welcome debut hereabouts for Cosmic Book News)
Meanwhile Sir Keir of Sherwood does that rob from the rich to give to the poor act: Labour mulls retrun of student grants funded by richer graduates… the prospect of a raid on middle-class graduates to fund the scheme is likely to be contentious (Telegraph); Keir’s £1.5bn plan to save NHS… The Labour leader plans to offer medics generous overtime to slash record waiting lists – funded by £1.5bn raised from crackdown on tax breaks for the super-rich (Sunday People)
What did he say? Keir reckons our woke dedicated socialistic and heroic doorstep-clapped and pot-banged NHS staff will work extra – in response to mere cash incentives?
I think I must have missed a page or two in the mythical selfless public sector mythogical narrative story.
Keir and Klan are the new breed of politician, where getting the social media team to issue wibble every 5’ on a #tellitoftenenough basis might stick with the brain dead, so long as the media don’t query anything.
Here we have ‘BBC Verify’ using all their resources to verify various videos for us (just using Google no doubt) that Hamas have indeed attacked Israel.
Worth every penny : I was doubting it even happened myself.
For no reason whatsoever, they include the caption from one of the pictures they ‘verified’:
‘This has appeared on snapchat captioned, “our heroes remove the wire from the border”.’
It is unsurprising if still depressing the number of cosy lefties already conflating failure to get planning permission with targeting civilians and desecrating murder victims.
Some even suggesting a group hug in a public place to show those dastardly Israelis just how much they had it coming to them.
Be a real shame if one of their quaintly descriptive freedom fighters just saw a bunch of white gays and strolled in amongst them sporting a rucksack.
What a shame people like the BBC don’t show it’s idiot audience some pictures of what these Muslim terrorist groups actually do to innocent civilians – and what is very significant is that they really, really WANT to do it.
It would put the poor little lambs into a state of shock. They must be kept ignorant to protect the agenda.
They are desperately trying to build up it’s credibility ready for the elections next year andy.
They will sprinkle ‘normal ones’ here and there – but every one involving Tories , Trump or anything else involving their core agendas will only make the news if they fit the narrative.
First we had the LibDem conference the other week and I commented on how the general theme of the BBC ‘Live Update’ headlines was how they were bascially all criticising the Tories.
Then I watched the BBC headlines for the Tory party conference last week and they were completely dull. They usually meandered away from the conference itself to side-line policy or something about Sunak. I intended to keep a record of some – but they were so flat I didn’t bother.
Now we have the Labour conference and wow – what a difference:
Angela Rayner: Labour’s big-hitter who beat the odds
Rapturous welcome for Rayner’s pre-election rallying cry
Rayner promises new workers’ rights within first 100 days
Rayner pledges more affordable homes
Labour has never been so unified – Rayner
Rayner takes pot-shots at Tory ministers
Union jacks prominent in conference branding
What a joke.
This is the woman who said:
“We cannot get any worse than a bunch of scum, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, absolute vile … banana republic, vile, nasty, Etonian … piece of scum,” she said at the event, before adding that she had “held back a little”.
Just imagine what the BBC would have done with that if someone like JRM or Boris had said it about Labour. Instead she got a free pass.
I researched this a while back and discovered it is actual BBC policy not to call them terrorists.
The reason was from a demand by the head of BBC in Saudia Arabia. He claimed ‘one mans terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’ and it might offend Muslims to call other Muslim’s terrorists.
So now in the bizarre bubble which is the BBC, only the far-right are called terrorists. Muslim terrorists are called ‘militants’ or ‘fighters’.
“Hamas as a whole, or in some cases its military wing, is designated a terrorist group by Israel, the United States, the European Union and the UK, as well as other powers.”
As an editor, that designation is not editorial policy. In this case, the BBC are doing the right thing – maybe for the wrong reasons – but still, it is correct.
Every single quote above is linked to the Jewish Chronicle. Are you ADL?
Bit late in the day for someone from blue Labour to notice the bias of the BBC eh ? But with a bit of luck this war on Israel will highlight what the BBC is …
And they’ll be so eager to criticise the Israeli response …
Looking at the non MSM news feeds, seems cities like London, Birmingham and Manchester are now basking in the glorious diversity smiled upon by various MPs, mayors, media, and getting in community spokespeople or ambassadors to issue dark warnings if anyone in the West dares think wrong thoughts given who is in our midst currently celebrating murder, rape and torture back in the old country.
Surkeer has a few dusky MPs of ovary running the friendly solidarity efforts at rallies, as Corbyn seems keen to keep a low profile.
Hamas is a juvenile mob cult and they obviously think that acting like utter bastards to the Israelis will gain them support in the Muslim World. This will probably be true to some extent but only within the demented savages in those Countries, including the UK.
However they will also have to face the outrage of many other civilised countries and groups and can now expect to be turned into international pariahs. The EU and The US should kick this off by isolating Iran and any of its buddies who provide help to these maniacs, totally…… no trade, no travel, no contact. Let them shrivel in their shithole mediaeval, brutal, barbaric societies.
Also steps should be put in motion to convene a court of atrocities similar to the post WW2 Nazi trials and every convicted Hamas twat dealt the full force of the international law as full on crimes against humanity.
I am sure something like MOSAD could identify and round up many of those responsible and ship them to The Hague.
“Three Little Birds is an upcoming British historical drama television series written by Lenny Henry in collaboration with Russell T Davies.”
“. . .the six-part series is based on Henry’s mother Winifred’s experiences arriving in Britain from Jamaica as part of the Windrush generation in 1957.”
Because there just isn’t enough of this kind of thing on British TV these days.
“Escaping crime in Jamaica where life it terrible?”
Jamaica BANS music and TV broadcasts which glorify criminal activity, violence, drug use or guns
Govt worried criminality is an accepted feature of Jamaican culture and society
Ban targets criminal activity, violence, drug use, scamming and weapons
Jamaica has highest murder rate in Latin America and the Caribbean last year
Ban has received criticism for silencing parts of society affected by crime
There really is plenty of Palestinian telly… I wonder why the western MSM choose not to show us what’s being broadcast?
No bi-lingual people reporting what the Hamas peeps are showing / saying and doing on their own media channels?
I’d hazard a guess because most of it is bloodthirsty, murderous, raving psychopathic spouting that would instantly loose any sympathy so assiduously built up by the BBC et al.
Obviously some horrified Glastonbury goers have been seeing some stuff from the Supernova Festival that they won’t broadcast….
It absolutely is. Mostly ‘God is Great’ meaning ‘Allah supports what we do’. I remember them all chanting it on a video once while they cut a Westerners head off.
I can deal with all that. What I can’t compute is why the BBC support and protect them by making sure we don’t find out the truth.
Is it really just so they can use them as ‘victims’ against the Right ?. Or maybe that plus the virtue-signalling value of ‘victims of white oppression’.
In some ways it’s a good thing because it shows the Left’s extreme hypocrisy. They willfully ignore all the mysoginy, the homophobia and all the other distasteful things these people do based on a stone-age religion. Right down to halal meat which should be legally separated into a special area so we all know if we are buying it.
Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black?
Politicians have rounded on the BBC after staff seemingly doctored the image
the swivel-eyed drooling obsessive hatery on show is epic… as is thoroughly brutish behaviour towards captured soldiers and non-combatants …
But yes… chanting the name of god figures prominently -could usefully be translated into english and allowed to play out over BBC1 every evening on the 6 to 7 pm slot.
The Flag of the Peoples Democrat Socialist Republic of America
The socialist “One party state” will send Republicans to Gulags, to be vaccinated, and then deprogrammed by CIA nudge units into voting Democrat. And then use modern social engineering techniques to make them love, adore and worship the heroic, glorious and wonderful, Hillary Clinton, as a God.
Corbyn met with Hamas boosters in UK parliament in 2015 — report
Six months before being elected Labour leader, MP spoke to extremists who praised suicide bombers and called for attacks on British troops
21 August 2018
I hope every single one of those bloody brain-dead morons is now trying to wipe any memory that they joined in with this tribal flag waving shit-show. They disgust me more than I could ever say!
“A number of people requested copies of the report under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The BBC rejected these requests on the grounds that the report fell under a derogation in the FOI Act”
Qatar has been accused of supporting Hamas, the Palestinian group designated as a terrorist organization by a number of countries.[6] Qatar denies these allegations, stating that it does not support Hamas’ political position, and that its policy is to help facilitate constructive engagement between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.[7]
Qatar was the only country that endorsed Hamas for ousting the Palestinian Authority from the Gaza Strip in 2007.[83] Shortly after, Qatar publicly pledged $250 million in aid for Gaza, devastated after the Israeli war, and soon rose as a lead actor in the Palestinian conflict.[83] The relation between the Gulf country and the terrorist group was reinforced especially between 2008 and 2009 after several expression of mutual support, and especially after Qatar condemned the Gaza blockade.[83][84]
Former Qatari Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani was the first head of state who visited Gaza after Hamas took power, in 2012. On that occasion, the Qatari ruler announced that Qatar would have devolved $400 million for aid and reconstruction works. So far, Qatar has disbursed over $1 billion to the rebuilding efforts, thereby ranking as the biggest donor for the Gaza strip.[83][84]
You only hear about the ones they report – not the ones that got through …
“The US has sent roughly 1.1 million bullets seized from Iran last year to Ukraine, its military has said.
The US Central Command (Centcom), which oversees operations in the Middle East, says the rounds were confiscated from a ship bound for Yemen in December.” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-67014218
“Current national threat level
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.” https://www.mi5.gov.uk/threat-levels
“British support for a ‘Jewish national home’ in Palestine originated in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 which promised to protect the civic and religious rights of Palestinians, but not their political rights. Fearing displacement in their own country, Palestinians resisted British policy through non-violent diplomatic means, such as boycott and civil disobedience, and in 1936, by force of arms. Palestinians sought to stem mass Jewish immigration to the region, which peaked as a result of persecution in Germany and Poland. The Palestinian leadership organised under the ‘Arab Higher Committee’ launched a General Strike in 1936, which escalated toward revolt. By September 1936, two divisions of the British Army were deployed to restore order.”
In 1937 the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husayni, the leading Arab politician in Palestine, relaunched the Arab revolt against Britain and aligned himself with Germany during the war.
When UK worried about immigration – into a different country – ha ha ha ha
“Arguably GCHQ’s biggest success during the work on the Palestine Mandate was that on illegal immigration into the region – communications intelligence was typically derived from intercept of tracked vessels transiting European waters. Almost all these ships were detained and their passengers interned in Cyprus.”
4.1 Asylum
There were 78,768 asylum applications (main applicants only) in the UK in the year ending June 2023, 19% more than the number in the year ending June 2022. This is higher than at the time of the European migration crisis (36,546 in the UK in year ending June 2016) and is the highest number of applications for 2 decades.
“All one knew was that every quarter astronomical numbers of boots were produced on paper, while perhaps half the population of Oceania went barefoot.”
2021 … “HATE preacher Anjem Choudary has finally got a real job – and has stopped claiming the £73-a-week benefits he dubbed the “Jihadi Seeker’s Allowance”. The cleric is looking after a charity’s account after more than three years of looking for employment. And the 54-year-old says he’s looking forward to keeping busy.13 Oct 2021″
2023 …. Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’
54-year-old says he’s looking forward to keeping busy
calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
SUCKERS – 54-year-old says he’s looking forward to keeping busy
THE TRUTH – calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
“Overall, males represented 87% of small boat arrivals in 2022. This proportion is similar to the proportion of males each year from 2018 to 2021.
Since January 2018, 76% of arrivals have been adult males aged 18 and over. Around one sixth (16%) have been children aged 17 and under (see table Irr_02c).”
StewGreenMar 7, 01:28 Midweek 5th March 2025 “Mental Health” probably Unless he is is white British , which means he’s a far far far right bigoted TERRORIST
StewGreenMar 7, 01:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 The #BiasedBBC news dept is really a PR org to promote the London Lib-Supremacist causes See how their England “news”…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:59 Midweek 5th March 2025 Poppy Atkinson – 10 – was the little girl killed by a car yesterday . The killer – 40 -…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:37 Midweek 5th March 2025 BTW James Goddard tweeted about this case at 10pm last night That is well before anyone else picked up on…
Fedup2Mar 6, 22:26 Midweek 5th March 2025 Not BBC On YouTube there is a 10 part series called ‘first among equals ‘ which is a 1986 TV…
StewGreenMar 6, 22:24 Midweek 5th March 2025 @Marky isn’t your second graphic deceptive ? Your post is about NATO but that graphic appears to be the growth…
KaiserMar 6, 22:21 Midweek 5th March 2025 oddly I came across exactly the same suggestion in the daily sceptics chats this morning
StewGreenMar 6, 22:19 Midweek 5th March 2025 Afghan CHILD rapist in Falkirk I just saw the British Stand video from the morning I see someone mentioned the…
FlotsamMar 6, 21:39 Midweek 5th March 2025 There could be plusses to Charles III being Islamic. Camilla in a burqua.
Fedup2Mar 6, 21:13 Midweek 5th March 2025 No – I don’t know – but if the primary purpose / duty – of the firm is to keep…
Astonishing casualty rate of eagles vs. wind turbines…
I wondered of they’ve been keeping them in a freezer of that’s all fresh kill?
I very much fear as Simon Webb does on his
” History Debunked” YouTube channel that was has
happened in Israel could well be the catalyst for
very serious consequences . Even World War 3. That
is if it hasn’t already started.
I have this terrible feeling that Hamas is being used as
a proxy , not only for Iran , but also Russia and even
China. I believe that Russia is very capable of using tactical
nuclear weapons in Ukraine . And will use the war
between the Palestinians and Israel as a way in to do this.
As they did in 1956 when they used the Suez crisis to march
into Hungary. And China could also attack Taiwan . And then
we will have World War 3.
Of course the great majority in the news rooms of the BBC
are Corbynistas. And Jeremy Bowen and Orla Guerin will
willingly do their bidding in support of Hamas.
Interesting theory Foscari but not one I share.
For sure Iran are behind it, but I rate Putin as a brutal warmonger and a tactical liar – but one thing I don’t think he is is a hypocrite. I don’t think he would arm Islamic terrorists.
As for nuclear weapons, Russia have made it clear when they would use them. The real danger there is if the USA start testing those red-lines when it’s clear the conventional war is lost. I fear what the USA will do a lot more in this respect than what Russia will do.
The China-Taiwan thing is a big part of the reason for the war in Ukraine. The USA want to bleed Russia dry (using the blood of Ukranians) while they can because you can be sure they will side with China if war breaks out over Taiwan.
The BBC don’t care about any of that : for some bizarre reason I cannot fathom, they are 100% committed to support BAME over white people. And this is despite Islamics views on the most sensitive BBC activist topics such as mysogyny and homophobia – which lays bare their stupendous double-standards when it suits them.
Such is their hatred of white, Brexit-voting Britain.
Foscari, I think some other things have to be in place before The Battle of Megiddo. Firstly, the Temple needs to be rebuilt in Jerusalem and the Jews need to start worshipping there. Secondly, the Man of Disobedience needs to arise. Thirdly, the Man of Disobedience needs to make a Peace Covenant that is reneged upon. Finally, the Man of Disobedience needs to demand to be worshipped in the re-built Temple in the place of God.
At that point, armies from the north (and maybe the East) start to travel to Israel and the whole of Israel calls upon God to save them. That is my understanding of Scripture but it may be faulty. There is a good place to know, not far from you, where the Elders and congregation love the Jewish people and who study and search and preach the Scriptures. When I was a Londoner (OK, I still am but I’m a slightly unwilling IDP, (note to Fed, IDP=UN terminology for Internally Displaced Person) it was known as Bridge Lane Chapel but now it is called ‘The Bridge’ and the sermons are available on-line @ https://bridgelane.org.uk/sermons .
If you have ever been in Golders Green on a weekday you may have encountered their people. By the way, Tony Pearce their lead Elder is not an easy listen: he has a mouth that produces excessive saliva which he sucks away while inches from the microphone. He’s also having radio-therapy at the moment.
I pulled an inherited book off my bookshelves the other day as I have only dipped into it and never read it from cover to cover. But it is a queue of books to read. It is titled ‘Brief Outlines of Things to Come’ and is a collection of essays by other students of, and writers on, eschatology by Theodore H. Epp. It was published by Moody Books in 1952! Moody is a Bible College in the USA and I think, Theodore Epp may have been a lecturer or Professor there.
I agree that this conflict has the possiblity of spreading although I note that Israel, iirc, was on the point of agreeing a Treaty with Saudi Arabia. I think Bashar al Assad may well be favourably disposed toward Israel although he has – significantly, in my view – given a base to to the Russians in a Syrian port. The TWotWee today had Jonny Dymond presenting and he “didn’t want to be political” but was and slurred Bibi Netanyahu who the BBC dislike/hate for being a Conservative. Significantly, it was suggested by an American contributor to TWotWee that the IDF (Fed, IDF=Israeli Defence Force) may not just go after Hamas in Gaza but also take the opportunity to tackle Hizbollah in Lebanon.
The big question, as ever, is what will Iran do?
What will Iran do?
I was coming to that.
The BBC consistently stokes antisemitism and anti-Israeli sentiment.
Blood on your hands, Beeb, blood on your hands.
vlad, you are right and Dymond and TWotWee gave a lot of airtime to a campaigner on behalf of Gaza but talked over the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem.
And that my friends tells you all you need to know about this absolute piece of shit!
Funny isn’t it ? We’ve been on the Brink with Ukraine – and now the risk has increased even more … makes Cuba look like a .. something
Every warped beeboid, and I include their Muslim employees who are probably numerous who has ever expressed support for Hamas however tacit should be made to attend the funerals of the innocent citizens of Israel including women and children who have been mercilessly butchered on the streets in their own towns by marauding ruthless nutters who have been egged on and given succour by the BBC.
As for the despicable Corbyn, he should be deported to Israel to stand charges of interfering with the affairs of a sovereign state and insurrection and thrown into jail. He has a lot of this blood on his hands.
I hope he sleeps soundly tonight while those many Israelis who have lost innocent and loved family members weep.
Hmm, cause Israel has never done anything wrong.
No, they are innocent, faultless, ‘God’s chosen’ people!
There are so many lies and falsehoods about Israel and the ‘Jews’ (who aren’t even the original Jews) that it would take days to try to unravel to you the propaganda you have been fed about them and their history.
I am amazed at the blanket support here for Israel and for the harsh suggestions from posters such as yourself in how the Jews should deal with Hamas.
You all rail against Muslims immigration, the BBC bias, transgender, etc, but when it comes to Israel it’s Newspeak 101.
It’s the old story. If you question the lies of the second world war you are sent to prison for it in Germany and it is coming here. To discover who rules you, ask who you cannot criticise. The Israeli govt is a gangster govt. but you cannot say it.
Back in the day, Grand Mufti of Palestine – Haj Amin el Husseini supported the German WW2 nazis.
Nothing much changes
Israel is just about to de-nazify the place, same job Putin is doing with his idiot neighbours..
True, he supported them in order to remove the Jews from Palestine. Just like Ireland did supported the Nazis against us. And the Indians with the Japanese again against us.
We in the UK supported the Nazi’s too. Seen the pic of the royal family doing the Nazi salute? We (and the rest of the civilized world) supported them right up until they started to threaten our empire. The tide of change came when a bankrupt Churchill was backed by a Jewish banker to wage war against the Germans.
TBH, I struggle to reply to your post because it is naive. Palestine is not Nazi or Communist but Muslim and they are all as bad as one another.
There are no good guys. No even us Brits.
Ireland did indeed support the Nazis but some of its sons were the first to volunteer to fight with Britain when we stood alone and paid a horrible price after the war when they went home to Ireland.
No, Ireland did not ‘support the Nazis’ in WW2 – the facts:
Thousands of Irish people served in the British armed forces.
The Irish Govt. arrested German agents sent into Ireland.
German airmen who landed in Ireland were held as POWs.
British airmen who landed in Ireland were sent back to the UK
The British and Irish shared intel all through the war.
PS: I hope Hamas perish to Hell.
Did Eire ever apologise for the national shame of staying neutral whilst the Germans took Europe apart ?
The Irish Govt. could not justify entering the war against German occupiers while Britain still held the six counties.
Nonetheless, of all the neutral nations, Ireland was the most supportive to the allied cause – and the only one to underline its support with the blood of its sons and daughters.
But – this is all history, water under the bridge. Today our thoughts and prayers are with Israel.
That’s a strawman argument. Ireland did support the Nazi’s in numerous ways, just as they supported the Allies. They backed both sides.
I used it as an example to illustrate a point which was that Palestine backed the Nazi’s to expel the Jews, in a similar way Ireland did not commit to the Allies because of British occupation.
“We in the UK”? I think not .. pre war there was attraction in Germany being rebuilt – and no one wanted a repeat of the Great War – but eventually the reality of nazi germany came out …
I agree. Imagine if the holocaust never happened – there would be no Israel as we know it today.
This is simply not true. but common misinformation. But where would the world be without Israel’s innovations in medicine , science and technology and humanitarian work eg in water and electricity support for over I million drought stricken Africans
Same with the Nazis, except they probably contributed more to human technological development than anybody since the Victorians.
In fact, Israel today is about as close to a Nazi state of the modern era that one can get.
Meanwhile, around the world, folks’ daughters are invited out of their huts, or whisked away from their homes, to a new form of democracy, while keeping up with the Joneses types are ushered up stairwells or made less comfy to the back of mopeds or given awesome short lived views of cities from special vantage points. Some close to Israel.
Left side techniques involve all sorts of quaint stuff. Misinformation, telling it often enough, false flags…
My belief in free speech means I cannot object to what Rightside has posted. However he reveals himself for what he is in every vile line.
Not vile, just objective. Explain then, the almost unwavering support for Israel here?
Pray tell, what am I that I reveal myself to be? A racist? A xenophobe? A transphobe? A homophobe? Or am I anti-semantic – shock horror.
Can be all the first of the list, but dare to say anything against Israel and I’m a Nazi now.
To my surprise, the BBC have reported the conflict in quite a liberal way.
I almost forget liberal use of semantics.
At this juncture, in a war, one side using non uniformed squads behind the lines to kill civilians is very Nazi. As is invoking it every which way post to post.
As anyone looking at this site might note – over the time I’ve been moderating – I’ve been happy to allow other subjects / issues be aired apart from the anti British Far Left Pro EU biased BBC ….
But when it comes to people comparing different sorts of States – or even different sorts of Terrorism – maybe that’s for somewhere else .
But if there is anyone monitoring either the Reform Conference, the red labour Conference – the coverage of the BBC with both as well as coverage of the Middle East War or the Ukrainian War – I’m sure there would be plenty happy .
And I know feelings views get very very strong ….please treat this as an advisory …
Fed, well said, Sir! You and I are different flavours of Christian but worship Ha Maschiah Yeshua in a nominally Christian country on the Christian Sabbath.
Right, think you are wrong in what you post about Israel. This site has a lot of fair minded folk posting here – get a load of the name – so it is natural that we should be on the side of Israel who are the under-dogs in terms of numbers of their enemies who wish to do them harm.
In addition many of the posters here are Christians and are grateful to Israel for what they have given to the world: salvation through and in the Lord Jesus Christ who is a righteous Jew who fulfilled The Law in its entirety. Some of those who post on here are Jewish. I know one or two are. It is one of the things that attracted me to this web-site, its support for Israel despite what the BBC say about Israel.
Jesus was killed by the Jews, no?
Jesus is a Jew, as where all but one of the New Testament writers
Jesus was a Jew from Judah, not Israel.
Yes, technically you can say the apostles Jewish, but in realty they were a sect of Judaism.
Even though some of the books of the New Testament are attributed to some of the disciples, there is no proof they actually wrote them.
Here is an esteemed Rabbi giving his thoughts
The New Testament was written in Greek and most of it is the letters between those early Christians. The Jews had little to nothing to do with it and the books attributed to the aposoles are just that – attributions.
Who called you a Nazi ?.
My support for Israel comes from what they are fighting against. Barbaric savages who would slit all their throats in their sleep if they got the chance. Just try to imagine what he Muslims would do if THEY had the power. Every Jew would be dead.
I welcome comments like yours RightSide because it makes me examine my own opinion. And in this case it remains unchanged.
“You all.” Very telling choice of words.
Also he Rightside didn’t read my comment on my previous thread
which contained criticism of Israel culture.
I see over simplistic arguments in posts above
Palestinians are not automatically Muslim, there are Christians and Druze too
The area they traditionally lived is not just West Bank and Gazza but includesl and in other countries later taken over by Arab immigrants
Arabs and Muslim Palestinians are pretty different
Countries who were neutral in WW2 were often not simply able to make a free choice.
Sometimes their citizens and secretly their governments helped the Allies .
The Nazis actively tried to exterminate a race.. to compare them to modern governments is wrong
Such simple labelling of the Israeli government is considered anti-Semitic
yet that government has plenty of faults.
The foundation of modern Israel was done by terrorism against the British and others etc.
@digg and others were posting earlier that Israel should wipe Palestine off the map. That is pretty similar to what the Nazi’s wanted to do.
The point of my posts were to bring balance to a string of incredibly biased posts.
This site rallies endlessly against ‘wokeism’ and far-left rightly pointing out the hypocrisy of many of their actions, yet give Israel a complete free pass.
“The Nazis actively tried to exterminate a race.. to compare them to modern governments is wrong
Such simple labelling of the Israeli government is considered anti-Semitic”
No, it is not. Israel is exactly like post-1938 Germany. A better comparison is super-apartheid.
An apartheid state with Arab citizens eh?
Rightside you are poorly informed. Palestinians are not a race of people. They are Jordanian Arabs who could be accomodated in the exceedingly wealthy Arab world.
Palestinians are not an ethnic group and never have been.
“Palestine” was the name the Romans gave to a middle-eastern region of their empire. The former Roman province of Judea and Samaria.
Palestine is no more a nation or a race than Anatolia or Mesopotamia.
The modern “Palestinians” are terrorists who were given land [Gaza] by the Israelis in 2005.
Land for peace.
“The term “Palestine” (in Latin, Palæstina) is thought to have been a term coined by the Ancient Greeks for the area of land occupied by the Philistines, although there are other explanations.” wikipedia
This is a little painful, but “Rightside you are poorly informed” was written, so…
Again, this is a strawman argument.
Other posters have called for the extermination of the Palestinians. whether the Palestinians are a race or not, that is beside the point.
There is little point me countering your other ‘arguments’ especially this “The modern “Palestinians” are terrorists who were given land [Gaza] by the Israelis in 2005.”
This might help though: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Palestine
Also, “Apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation and discrimination”. That exactly describes Israel. It is so much worse than the South African one. There is absolutely no integration and a huge wall surrounding the area.
Im not say the Arabs are saints but I am saying that the Zionist most definitely are not.
I wouldn’t say the library newsletter is super woke but there are some tickbox stuff among the conventional stuff
“Black History Month : This year the theme of Black History Month is the celebration of black women who have made remarkable contributions
In recognition of this, we are celebrating books written by women of colour with a book display in Central Library throughout the whole of October. ”
“Workshop : Writing Diverse Characters:” the writer there looks like a woman pretending to be a man
Kids workshop “Go Green at the library”
The meaning of the words ‘privilege’ and ‘vulnerable’ used by politically correct woke people:
White = Privilege = The privilege of having a higher IQ
Black = Vulnerable = A nice word used instead of ‘inferior’
If they were having that conversation in Sudan Rylan would be flying off the nearest tall building.
Yes, but he would be interviewed by the BBC once he hit the ground
There’s near blanket coverage of the big new thing today – but I think the concise, succinct, summary at the bottom left-hand corner spot on the frontpage of the Star on Sunday will suffice: Israel: It’s war
Any further comment would seem superfluous.
There’s somewhat of a return to form for Sunday Times in-house cartoonist Newman, who has of late leaned left (as has his alma mater – both daily and Sunday editions) and consequently failed to amuse. This morning he sketches some speaker chap at the Labour Party Conference announcing: “People say I lack vision, but I can’t see it myself” – we take that characterless cartoon of a nondescript featureless man in red tie and grey suit to be Keir Starmer – assuming of course given the refence to sightlessness David Blunkett hasn’t made a guest appearance?
Blunkett’s gone a bit hang ’em and flog ’em recently – treading on some Tory law and order toes?: DAVID BLUNKETT: Accepting lawlessness in any form is a road to disaster – that’s why we must get tough with shop thieves (Daily Mail)
But Blunkett had best keep his distance from the Tory Party Conference: Suella Braverman stands on Guide dog’s tail at Tory party conference (Northern Echo)
Inevitably… the apology: Suella Braverman apologises ‘to all dogs out there’ after unfortunate incident (Mirror) – one has to admire that particular example of ministerial insincerity.
Cruella de Vil, indeed. The relentlessly anti-Tory Mirror daren’t crack a smile: Suella Braverman was branded the ‘darling’ of the Tory conference despite being photoed stepping on a dog (Mirror)
Keir Starmer to announce generous benefits increases – funded by windfall tax on media over-use of the word ‘despite’?
Mr AsI still likes to imagine shrinking violet centrist Sunak channelling Rudyard Kipling in regard to his home secretary’s tough talk: “You’re a braver man than I am, Gunga Din!”
We’re all too well accumstomed to news of the demise of high street retail big names: Wilko: End of a fabulous ride for shop that sold it all (BBC)
But you know we may be circling the plug hole (economically speaking) as big name banks begin to teeter. Ace cartoonist Matt of the Telegraph draws a pair of execs in the c-suite at the oh-so woke Metro Bank: “Things are so difficult here that we’ve asked Nigel Farage if he’d like to open an account”
Metro Bank ‘prevents gender-critical parents’ group from opening account’… Metro Bank refused to open a new business account for Our Duty, a group of more than 2,000 parents who believe that it is harmful for transgender children to undergo a medical transition. (Telegraph, July 2023); ‘What goes around comes around!’ Nigel Farage blasts troubled Metro Bank after ‘Brexit Party debanking’… The bank’s shares sank by as much as a third after reports it needed to raise up to £600m. (GB News, 2 days ago)
Is it possible that karma might be a right-leaning thing with traditional conservative values?
In news of traditional English legend travesties: Woke Robyn Hood Gets 1.2 IMDb Rating: Director X Blasts ‘Racist’ Fans… Show follows fearless heroine Robyn Loxley and anti-authoritarian masked hip-hop band… released in Canada and it’s getting clobbered by the ratings… Robyn Hood series features a woke female person of color as a “contemporary re-imagining” of Robin Hood who takes on a rich blond white dude as the villain along with a white dude sheriff as a villain. (a welcome debut hereabouts for Cosmic Book News)
Meanwhile Sir Keir of Sherwood does that rob from the rich to give to the poor act: Labour mulls retrun of student grants funded by richer graduates… the prospect of a raid on middle-class graduates to fund the scheme is likely to be contentious (Telegraph); Keir’s £1.5bn plan to save NHS… The Labour leader plans to offer medics generous overtime to slash record waiting lists – funded by £1.5bn raised from crackdown on tax breaks for the super-rich (Sunday People)
What did he say? Keir reckons our woke dedicated socialistic and heroic doorstep-clapped and pot-banged NHS staff will work extra – in response to mere cash incentives?
I think I must have missed a page or two in the mythical selfless public sector mythogical narrative story.
Has Carol PneumoBoobs ‘opened up’ on anything in particular after her latest BBC studio outing?
Keir and Klan are the new breed of politician, where getting the social media team to issue wibble every 5’ on a #tellitoftenenough basis might stick with the brain dead, so long as the media don’t query anything.
Clive of Kviv gears up for the big one.
Distressing footage of Hamas assault on Israel verified
Here we have ‘BBC Verify’ using all their resources to verify various videos for us (just using Google no doubt) that Hamas have indeed attacked Israel.
Worth every penny : I was doubting it even happened myself.
For no reason whatsoever, they include the caption from one of the pictures they ‘verified’:
‘This has appeared on snapchat captioned, “our heroes remove the wire from the border”.’
It is unsurprising if still depressing the number of cosy lefties already conflating failure to get planning permission with targeting civilians and desecrating murder victims.
Some even suggesting a group hug in a public place to show those dastardly Israelis just how much they had it coming to them.
Be a real shame if one of their quaintly descriptive freedom fighters just saw a bunch of white gays and strolled in amongst them sporting a rucksack.
What a shame people like the BBC don’t show it’s idiot audience some pictures of what these Muslim terrorist groups actually do to innocent civilians – and what is very significant is that they really, really WANT to do it.
It would put the poor little lambs into a state of shock. They must be kept ignorant to protect the agenda.
Hello JohnC
I was looking at the bbc website and keep seeing bbc verify 🙁
Useless organisation, past its sell by date
They are desperately trying to build up it’s credibility ready for the elections next year andy.
They will sprinkle ‘normal ones’ here and there – but every one involving Tories , Trump or anything else involving their core agendas will only make the news if they fit the narrative.
Wimmins rights groups have demanded a ceasefire as wimmin war reporters are scared of bangs:
“Shocking moment missile strike on Palestinian tower is captured on live TV broadcast of conflict with Israel – leaving distressed reporter screaming”
PTSD and pension for life?
Um, where is Tony Blair? Is he on holiday? Not like him to be quiet on such an event in the Middle East.
Probably been bought off by oil money to keep out of this one, Tone.
Why does he let such bad things happen?
Changing the subject, slightly.
Roll Up, Roll UP, all you need to know about Kier Starmer and the next Communist Government !!!
Starmer & The World Economic Forum.
Will the BBC be in attendance when Rich Sunak hands the Red Baton over to Starmer. Look forward to the photo’s.
Nothing on the bbbc.
“If the Palestinians gave up their weapons there would be no more war. If the Israelis gave up their weapons there would be no more Israelis “
Maybe they could both give up their weapons and see which God wins in the sky?
Will the real Surkeer stand up?
William Hill betting shops attack winner.
utter dirtbags
First we had the LibDem conference the other week and I commented on how the general theme of the BBC ‘Live Update’ headlines was how they were bascially all criticising the Tories.
Then I watched the BBC headlines for the Tory party conference last week and they were completely dull. They usually meandered away from the conference itself to side-line policy or something about Sunak. I intended to keep a record of some – but they were so flat I didn’t bother.
Now we have the Labour conference and wow – what a difference:
Angela Rayner: Labour’s big-hitter who beat the odds
Rapturous welcome for Rayner’s pre-election rallying cry
Rayner promises new workers’ rights within first 100 days
Rayner pledges more affordable homes
Labour has never been so unified – Rayner
Rayner takes pot-shots at Tory ministers
Union jacks prominent in conference branding
What a joke.
This is the woman who said:
“We cannot get any worse than a bunch of scum, homophobic, racist, misogynistic, absolute vile … banana republic, vile, nasty, Etonian … piece of scum,” she said at the event, before adding that she had “held back a little”.
Just imagine what the BBC would have done with that if someone like JRM or Boris had said it about Labour. Instead she got a free pass.
BBC very angry about this Palestinian flag being flown at the Tory conference by Jacob Rees-Mogg.
I researched this a while back and discovered it is actual BBC policy not to call them terrorists.
The reason was from a demand by the head of BBC in Saudia Arabia. He claimed ‘one mans terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter’ and it might offend Muslims to call other Muslim’s terrorists.
So now in the bizarre bubble which is the BBC, only the far-right are called terrorists. Muslim terrorists are called ‘militants’ or ‘fighters’.
Stephen Pollard
Editor-at-large @JewishChron
Well he would say that wouldn’t he.
Lord Pickles: “Our chum” Sir Eric Pickles to step down as MP
Stephen Pollard: Jewish Chronicle newspaper
I much as I despise the BBC, and this issue they are mostly presenting a balanced report…
“Hamas as a whole, or in some cases its military wing, is designated a terrorist group by Israel, the United States, the European Union and the UK, as well as other powers.”
As an editor, that designation is not editorial policy. In this case, the BBC are doing the right thing – maybe for the wrong reasons – but still, it is correct.
Every single quote above is linked to the Jewish Chronicle. Are you ADL?
Bit late in the day for someone from blue Labour to notice the bias of the BBC eh ? But with a bit of luck this war on Israel will highlight what the BBC is …
And they’ll be so eager to criticise the Israeli response …
Looking at the non MSM news feeds, seems cities like London, Birmingham and Manchester are now basking in the glorious diversity smiled upon by various MPs, mayors, media, and getting in community spokespeople or ambassadors to issue dark warnings if anyone in the West dares think wrong thoughts given who is in our midst currently celebrating murder, rape and torture back in the old country.
Surkeer has a few dusky MPs of ovary running the friendly solidarity efforts at rallies, as Corbyn seems keen to keep a low profile.
Bad day to be named Bacon.
Notice the odd phrasing. Best to keep things vague.
You can be quite sure the BBC are going through the motions with gritted teeth waiting for some Hamas deaths to virtue-signal over.
They simply cannot report the facts any more. Emapthy is more important to the current BBC reporters than any life. Just look what they have up now:
‘A dead body lies on the road to Ashkelon.
We can hear rockets overhead, as military vehicles speed past and helicopters circle above us.
On our drive down, we saw two men being held by armed police, partially stripped and blindfolded.’
No news in that whatsoever.
And the front-page headline has ‘Hundreds have died on both sides’ as if all is equal.
Only one side has right on their side here BBC. And not the side you support. Yet again the BBC are on the wrong side of public opinion.
Hamas is a juvenile mob cult and they obviously think that acting like utter bastards to the Israelis will gain them support in the Muslim World. This will probably be true to some extent but only within the demented savages in those Countries, including the UK.
However they will also have to face the outrage of many other civilised countries and groups and can now expect to be turned into international pariahs. The EU and The US should kick this off by isolating Iran and any of its buddies who provide help to these maniacs, totally…… no trade, no travel, no contact. Let them shrivel in their shithole mediaeval, brutal, barbaric societies.
Also steps should be put in motion to convene a court of atrocities similar to the post WW2 Nazi trials and every convicted Hamas twat dealt the full force of the international law as full on crimes against humanity.
I am sure something like MOSAD could identify and round up many of those responsible and ship them to The Hague.
demented eh?
– that’s rather dignifying Hamas goons and deflecting responsibility onto a medical condition.
Mosques to be protected by UK police and LIVE AID for Palestine by Bono – “Don’t look back in anger, send money to buy bombs!”
Neither about the BBC or the news of the day.
“Three Little Birds is an upcoming British historical drama television series written by Lenny Henry in collaboration with Russell T Davies.”
“. . .the six-part series is based on Henry’s mother Winifred’s experiences arriving in Britain from Jamaica as part of the Windrush generation in 1957.”
Because there just isn’t enough of this kind of thing on British TV these days.
“Escaping crime in Jamaica where life it terrible?”
Jamaica BANS music and TV broadcasts which glorify criminal activity, violence, drug use or guns
Govt worried criminality is an accepted feature of Jamaican culture and society
Ban targets criminal activity, violence, drug use, scamming and weapons
Jamaica has highest murder rate in Latin America and the Caribbean last year
Ban has received criticism for silencing parts of society affected by crime
PUBLISHED: 13:29, 13 October 2022
Twitter advert popped up yesterday lromoting Lenny Henry’s children’s book
which features black child super heroes as well as I think white ones
There really is plenty of Palestinian telly… I wonder why the western MSM choose not to show us what’s being broadcast?
No bi-lingual people reporting what the Hamas peeps are showing / saying and doing on their own media channels?
I’d hazard a guess because most of it is bloodthirsty, murderous, raving psychopathic spouting that would instantly loose any sympathy so assiduously built up by the BBC et al.
Obviously some horrified Glastonbury goers have been seeing some stuff from the Supernova Festival that they won’t broadcast….
It absolutely is. Mostly ‘God is Great’ meaning ‘Allah supports what we do’. I remember them all chanting it on a video once while they cut a Westerners head off.
I can deal with all that. What I can’t compute is why the BBC support and protect them by making sure we don’t find out the truth.
Is it really just so they can use them as ‘victims’ against the Right ?. Or maybe that plus the virtue-signalling value of ‘victims of white oppression’.
In some ways it’s a good thing because it shows the Left’s extreme hypocrisy. They willfully ignore all the mysoginy, the homophobia and all the other distasteful things these people do based on a stone-age religion. Right down to halal meat which should be legally separated into a special area so we all know if we are buying it.
BBC appoints first Muslim head of religious programming
This article is more than 14 years old
Channel 4’s Aaqil Ahmed will be only second non-Christian to hold head of religion role in BBC’s history
Why did the BBC manipulate this genuine photograph of white voter’s hand to make it black?
Politicians have rounded on the BBC after staff seemingly doctored the image
PUBLISHED: 22:45, 25 August 2023
The BBC’s religious department has been full of crazy trash for as long as I’ve been paying any attention to it.
That is true as well!
the swivel-eyed drooling obsessive hatery on show is epic… as is thoroughly brutish behaviour towards captured soldiers and non-combatants …
But yes… chanting the name of god figures prominently -could usefully be translated into english and allowed to play out over BBC1 every evening on the 6 to 7 pm slot.
The Flag of the Peoples Democrat Socialist Republic of America
The socialist “One party state” will send Republicans to Gulags, to be vaccinated, and then deprogrammed by CIA nudge units into voting Democrat. And then use modern social engineering techniques to make them love, adore and worship the heroic, glorious and wonderful, Hillary Clinton, as a God.
Corbyn met with Hamas boosters in UK parliament in 2015 — report
Six months before being elected Labour leader, MP spoke to extremists who praised suicide bombers and called for attacks on British troops
21 August 2018
I hope every single one of those bloody brain-dead morons is now trying to wipe any memory that they joined in with this tribal flag waving shit-show. They disgust me more than I could ever say!
It’s simple – you say you support the struggle not the implementation.
Mao did more good than harm (c) Diane Abbott
April 2023 Diane Abbott suspended by Labour after suggesting Jewish people do not face racism
David Cameron savages Jeremy Corbyn on Hamas ‘friends’
Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim …
“I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016
View image on Twitter
“A number of people requested copies of the report under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. The BBC rejected these requests on the grounds that the report fell under a derogation in the FOI Act”
F1 in Qatar ….
Qatar has been accused of supporting Hamas, the Palestinian group designated as a terrorist organization by a number of countries.[6] Qatar denies these allegations, stating that it does not support Hamas’ political position, and that its policy is to help facilitate constructive engagement between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority.[7]
Qatar was the only country that endorsed Hamas for ousting the Palestinian Authority from the Gaza Strip in 2007.[83] Shortly after, Qatar publicly pledged $250 million in aid for Gaza, devastated after the Israeli war, and soon rose as a lead actor in the Palestinian conflict.[83] The relation between the Gulf country and the terrorist group was reinforced especially between 2008 and 2009 after several expression of mutual support, and especially after Qatar condemned the Gaza blockade.[83][84]
Former Qatari Emir Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani was the first head of state who visited Gaza after Hamas took power, in 2012. On that occasion, the Qatari ruler announced that Qatar would have devolved $400 million for aid and reconstruction works. So far, Qatar has disbursed over $1 billion to the rebuilding efforts, thereby ranking as the biggest donor for the Gaza strip.[83][84]
You only hear about the ones they report – not the ones that got through …
“The US has sent roughly 1.1 million bullets seized from Iran last year to Ukraine, its military has said.
The US Central Command (Centcom), which oversees operations in the Middle East, says the rounds were confiscated from a ship bound for Yemen in December.”
Thought this would go up?
“Current national threat level
The threat to the UK (England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland) from terrorism is SUBSTANTIAL.”
“British support for a ‘Jewish national home’ in Palestine originated in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 which promised to protect the civic and religious rights of Palestinians, but not their political rights. Fearing displacement in their own country, Palestinians resisted British policy through non-violent diplomatic means, such as boycott and civil disobedience, and in 1936, by force of arms. Palestinians sought to stem mass Jewish immigration to the region, which peaked as a result of persecution in Germany and Poland. The Palestinian leadership organised under the ‘Arab Higher Committee’ launched a General Strike in 1936, which escalated toward revolt. By September 1936, two divisions of the British Army were deployed to restore order.”
In 1937 the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Amin al-Husayni, the leading Arab politician in Palestine, relaunched the Arab revolt against Britain and aligned himself with Germany during the war.
When UK worried about immigration – into a different country – ha ha ha ha
“Arguably GCHQ’s biggest success during the work on the Palestine Mandate was that on illegal immigration into the region – communications intelligence was typically derived from intercept of tracked vessels transiting European waters. Almost all these ships were detained and their passengers interned in Cyprus.”
Hey! BBC! This is what racism really looks like…..
Hundreds raped, abducted, dead, mutilated….children…. old people… women…. By 100% solid gold vicious racists….
Not stop and searched….not looked at in a funny way…
Panorama opportunity?
No I thought not!
Not qualifying as BBC victims I guess!
Brexit not quite working …
4.1 Asylum
There were 78,768 asylum applications (main applicants only) in the UK in the year ending June 2023, 19% more than the number in the year ending June 2022. This is higher than at the time of the European migration crisis (36,546 in the UK in year ending June 2016) and is the highest number of applications for 2 decades.
“All one knew was that every quarter astronomical numbers of boots were produced on paper, while perhaps half the population of Oceania went barefoot.”
from order-order.com
Lawerance Fox said he’d never sleep with a terrorist – remove his job!
No mention that the dead males get 72 virgins in paradise to ‘shag’ as they see fit.
The hypocrisy around all of these people sickens me.
Iranians are no longer able to use the free text messaging service WhatsApp, JTA reports, because the app was recently bought by Facebook, which is run by Mark Zuckerberg, who is Jewish.
72 TRANS LGBT virgins?
The real problem here is that they actually believe they will get them as they murder some innocent civilians hoping they get killed in the act.
Because conveniently enough, they have to die while murdering to get the virgins.
Thick as sh1t.
Maybe the UK gov could stop paying them?
2021 … “HATE preacher Anjem Choudary has finally got a real job – and has stopped claiming the £73-a-week benefits he dubbed the “Jihadi Seeker’s Allowance”. The cleric is looking after a charity’s account after more than three years of looking for employment. And the 54-year-old says he’s looking forward to keeping busy.13 Oct 2021″
2023 …. Anjem Choudary calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Hate preacher said Harry’s claim he killed 25 Taliban was a ‘wake-up call’ for Muslims everywhere to ‘end the occupation of foreign forces’
54-year-old says he’s looking forward to keeping busy
calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
SUCKERS – 54-year-old says he’s looking forward to keeping busy
THE TRUTH – calls Duke of Sussex a ‘Muslim killer’ and calls on jihadis to retaliate
Importing a confused set of people …
“Overall, males represented 87% of small boat arrivals in 2022. This proportion is similar to the proportion of males each year from 2018 to 2021.
Since January 2018, 76% of arrivals have been adult males aged 18 and over. Around one sixth (16%) have been children aged 17 and under (see table Irr_02c).”