Start the week 9th October 2023

Well Guys and Gals – it’s The Reckoning – a drama about – my goodness Jimmy Saville – whose existence on the BBC has been expunged (no top of the pops repeats for Jimmy) …. What will his victims think ?

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416 Responses to Start the week 9th October 2023

  1. andyjsnape says:

    Under the heading bbc verify (before clicking on the link, then verify is removed)

    How Hamas staged Israel lightning assault no-one thought possible

    Some Hamas fighters tried to bypass the barrier completely, including by flying over it on paragliders (unverified footage showed at least seven drifting above Israel) and by boat

    Verified, but unverified. errrrrh?


  2. Eddy Booth says:

    ‘My wife and children have been kidnapped by Hamas’


    Time for Israel to obliterate the Gaza Strip, no more dainty limp wristed little strikes here and there.

    Israeli defence minister Yoav Gallant has ordered a complete blockade, including preventing food, water and power from getting in”

    Not as good as my plan, but not bad; a good old fashioned medieval siege!


  3. tomo says:


  4. tomo says:

    Mate, you’se not really helping your case there


  5. tomo says:

    Gaza News blackout incoming


  6. Eddy Booth says:

    I like this video, showing the battles waged by Muslims against the west, but somehow, a few crusades the other way, get all the limelight.


  7. vlad says:

    The liars at the BBC regularly claim, or imply, that Hamas’ terror is due to Israel’s policies in Palestine.

    In fact, antisemitism is deeply enshrined in islam, and has been since moohammad.

    Today, Iran and Hamas want nothing less than the total extermination of Israel.

    ‘It is narrated in the hadith that the Prophet said: “The Hour (apocalyptic Judgment Day) will not begin until you fight the Jews, until a Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him…’ – Sahih Bukhari (52:177)

    “Legacy of Islamic Antisemitism”:


    • JohnC says:

      I have to admit I’m enjoying watching the BBC squirm over their reporting of this. They are constantly slipping in sentences which imply something negative against Israel, but they know Hamas are 100% to blame for it all and so they must not be too obvious.

      They are desperate to start blaming Israel for something. No doubt they will let the dogs loose once the purge of Gaza gets underway proper and they have some dead Palestinian civilians to write about. They will be hoping for a school getting hit – they already reported a hospital (even though nobody was killed but we didn’t find that out until near the end).


      • Guest Who says:

        This kind of stuff is now expected but still risible.
        Why did it take Israel so long to deal with Hamas’s attack from Gaza?

        They were unprepared true, perhaps seduced by all the msm reporters in Israel conjuring up notions that Hamas operates like something out of The Wind and the Lion.


      • vlad says:

        Or they can always be complicit in faking a school hit.


        • JohnC says:

          … and the problem there vlad is that even if the BBC knew it was very likely faked or done by Hamas themselves, they would report as if it was real – but the wording would be very carefully phrased so they don’t directly say it. A favourite trick would be to quote Palestinian ‘witnesses’ who say Israel did it. But the BBC will either feed them what to say or reword it into better English to give the desired effect. I’ve seen many ‘quotes’ from the BBC which just don’t have the ring of truth of a non-English speaker because they contain certain key trigger words. In this way they can print direct lies but without accountability.

          Then – right at the end hoping most people wouldn’t read that far – they would add that they were unable to indepedently verify it.

          That is one of the ways they lie to us when it suits them.


    • tomo says:

      I seems likely that Muslims started out as Jews….

      Plenty of evidence in Yemen…

      I rather like the theory that iirc Petra in Jordan was the first “Mecca” than all early mosque mihrabs were aligned to.


      • vlad says:

        @tomo – “Muslims started out as Jews” – No, it’s much more complicated than that. Jay Smith is one of the leading scholars brave enough to investigate the origins of islam (despite numerous death threats from the Religion of Peace, naturally) and he has a ton of videos on the subject, below.
        While the jury is still out on the matter, the one certain fact is that the standard narrative as told by muslims is utterly, provably, false.

        (Watch his videos before they get him, and Ofcom takes them down.)


    • RightSide says:

      Antisemitism was the keystone as Christianity until the Rothschilds gained their power and influence in the 18th Century.

      It has only really been since the early 20th century that modern concepts like the Jews being the chosen race and their symbiance to Christiany has be pushed.


      • Lucy Pevensey says:

        That is untrue. Read Romans Chapter 11. Apostle Paul. 1st Century.


      • Square-Eyed says:


        While your Antisemtism comment may be true of the medieval Roman Catholic Church, it is wildly inaccurate in respect of the Protestant Church from the time of the Reformation. As Lucy indicates, the latter, Bible-believing church was well acquainted with the Letter to the Romans, chapters 9-11!

        Remember too that it was the regime of Oliver Cromwell that invited the Jews back to England after their long banishment.


        • Greencoat says:

          Martin Luther, the most prominent champion of the Reformation, was vehemently anti-semitic.


      • StewGreen says:

        Que ?, Jews. being the Chosen Race is in the Torah and Bible
        “The Old Testament contains two variant traditions as to when God selected Israel to be his chosen people; some passages imply the covenant was made when God led them out of Egypt, whereas others state that God had already chosen Israel at the time of Abraham and the other patriarchs.”

        Surely the whole point of Jesus, is he was sent cos “The Jews” had strayed in worship of God
        and that it was not good enough to just be a chosen people, but rather you had to follow the moral way.
        Hence Christianity be ame the way


  8. tomo says:

    Putin speaks, if only to state the obvious


    • Richard Pinder says:

      Google: “Is Trudeau a ‘Black Face idiot’ for honouring a Nazi volunteer in the house.

      Fact-Check: No, the only idiot honouring the Nazi volunteer in the house was a white faced racist called Antony Rota. Everyone else in the Canadian Parliament was a member of the “Aryan Master Race”, honouring a veteran of the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS. This was in response to Holocaust survivors calling Trudeau’s government a Fascist Regime over its medical fascism and treatment of the Truckers.



    • vlad says:

      I fact checked: Yep!


  9. Richard Pinder says:

    “Murder everyone at the BBC” – John Cleese – GB News, 8th October 2023



    • Thoughtful says:

      No sympathy with this liberal leaning fool who laid the foundations for his own hoisting on the petard. He was the main one who backed the SDP and the monster raving liberal democrats, he paved the way for woke and now his own stupidity has bitten his on the arse and he doesn’t like it, well tough – you made your bed!


  10. Guest Who says:

    BBC fave Champion is out and about with equivalencies that would make even Mishal blush.

    I can’t see her appeal but assumed she was bright if misguided, however this exchange suggests her presence in studios is more based on her green room abilities.


  11. Thoughtful says:

    The Labour conference has come up with a fantastic idea which I thoroughly approve of, that of a wealth tax.

    This will mean wealthy parasites, many of whom have lived abroad to avoid income tax will now be faced with haviung to pay for their own lunacy.

    People like Elton John, Emma Thompson, Gary Lineker, Benedict Cucumberpatch, Emma Watson, might well change their tune when they realise they have to pay for their lunatic idea.

    And while Labour are at it perhaps they could close that loophole which allows British citizens to work overseas and pay no taxes at all regardless of how much they earn !


    • Fedup2 says:

      Thoughtful- I’m in 3 minds about that – I know there is a mad stat that something like the top 10% of earners pay bigly on Income tax

      2 it would be great if wealthy liberal luvvies took the green card option

      3 cut public expenditure to cut taxes

      Obviously number 3 is not gonna happen .

      But this post makes a change from the Middle East war being fought out on the rest of the site – even with my little suggestion of focusing on bbc related issues rather than Israel …


    • Kaiser says:

      of course this would raise ZERO money
      but the projected money would have already been spent
      and everyone else would be stumping up instead


  12. BRISSLES says:

    I’m only surprised that the BBC hasn’t brought up The Sergaeants Affair from 1947. Still time I suppose.


  13. Dickie says:


  14. tomo says:


  15. Sluff says:

    BBC report.
    A kosher restaurant window in Golders Green has been smashed in overnight.
    Strangely, the police are NOT investigating it as a hate crime.

    It’s probably just some random people having a laugh who just happened to be going round with bricks the evening after the Hamas terrorists’ invasion of Israel



    • Lucy Pevensey says:


      Smashing the window of a Jewish business at a time like this seems deliberately evocative of Kristallnacht.
      It’s more that an act of vandalism, it’s terrorism.


  16. vlad says:

    To those commenters who don’t seem bothered by the islamic attacks on Jews, I would ask: guess who they’ll be coming for next? The Christians!
    And after that: Non-believers.
    So start worrying.

    Quran (3:151) – “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers.”

    Quran (8:12) – “I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”.

    A lot more where that came from:


    • Kaiser says:

      every minor victory they achieve emboldens them to raise the stakes and kill some more


  17. Dickie says:


  18. JohnC says:

    Gaza: ‘I wish I could be a normal child living with no war’

    Here we go : when the BBC cannot use facts and reason to defend their agenda, they always fall back to making it 100% empathy. That way you can sway people without having to tell them the truth.

    That will be their ‘standard’ reporting method for the upcoming clearout of terrorists from Gaza now. They won’t go anywhere near reminding us what Hamas did to totally innocent civilians to provoke such a response.

    If it suited them, the BBC would be asking those unfortunate people if they support the Hamas murdering. We know why they don’t : they would all say yes.


  19. JohnC says:

    Israel: Ashkelon hit by rockets as BBC team run for cover

    It seems to me that the modern calibre of BBC ‘journalist’ covering any conflict seem to spend majority of his/her/it’s time hiding under tables, behind cars or behind trees.

    The rest of the time they trawl the streets trying to find people in the greatest misery and suffering who can speak English.


    • Dickie says:

      Where’s Clive of Kiev when the BBC need him. Forget Ukraine. What an opportune time to be renamed Clive of Gaza.


  20. Jeff says:

    What happened over the weekend is shocking beyond belief.
    But what has been happening on the streets of Britain since then is just despicable. You know I’m horrified and shocked, but because it’s our raghead community, I’m not actually surprised. That says something…

    Is there any other group that would get such joy from seeing young people slaughtered, blown to bits, raped and gunned down, as your average Muslim? Off hand, I can’t think of any.

    They’ve been raising the roofs of the migrant centres in Greece. Manchester, Birmingham, Leicester and London have been having wild parties. These people are lower than vermin.

    And yet, every single day, boatloads of this trash turn up in mid channel and we collect them and bring them to our shores and put them up in nice hotels. What could possibly go wrong?

    As a very wise man once said, “We must be mad. Stark, staring, raving mad.”

    Tell me he was wrong…


  21. Eddy Booth says:

    “Huge pro-Hamas protests outside Israel Embassy in London. People unable to go to the embassy to pay their respects ”


  22. SpinningReith says:

    Apologies for being off-topic…
    Sir Nigel featured a chap hoping to fund a statue commemorating the anti-slavery efforts of the Royal Navy in the early/mid 19th C.
    Just think how it would annoy the Beeb, Khan, and so many others.
    I’ve sent them a few bob…


  23. vlad says:

    If anyone enjoys seeing lefties at each other’s throats… fill your boots.

    (Notice the poor coppers. ‘Oh dear, our diversity and inclusion training never prepared us for this: lefty Jews versus lefty Palestinians… who scores more on the victimhood chart? Sarge, help, we have a situation here.’)


  24. Eddy Booth says:

    Near the Israeli embassy graffiti clown couldn’t even paint the Palestinian flag properly, are they paid agitators…
    7 min 21


  25. digg says:

    If Londoners want to know where cunt Khan is headed read this and you will see that he is fully behind this madness and ultimately intends private cars only to be available for the gentry and very wealthy twats. ULEZ is just the first step. Which of course is the ultimate green ideal.

    This is feudalism returning to the UK by stealth when only the rich could hunt for instance and it was a crime for the poor to do the same. Only the richest will be able to own and drive cars by banning the poorest through sheer cost.

    Rise up now while you still can Londoners. Smash those cameras. Evict this evil, warped twat from the council.


    • vlad says:

      The C word is disgusting, but not as disgusting as the K word.


    • digg says:

      Cunt Khans net wealth is estimated at £2.8 million…with a salary of well over £140,000 a year. No problems for him then.

      The average Londoner would be lucky to gross around than 10% of those figures.


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Cars? They’ve already come for the houses in London, buy or rent is near impossible for many. Enrichers been gifted most of the cheap social housing..


  26. atlas_shrugged says:

    At 5:42 interesting comments from ex-Israeli intelligence person:


    • vlad says:

      While not endorsing conspiracy theories or false flag operations, I did immediately wonder how the best intelligence service in the world wasn’t aware of an attack on such a large scale – involving hundreds or thousands of terrorists, plus support, logistics, purchase and transport of weapons, planning over weeks if not months?


  27. Guest Who says:

    One hour on.

    Speaking for the nation.


  28. tomo says:

    nothing to add…


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Never trust an acronym…globalists infiltrated them all.


    • tomo says:


      • vlad says:

        Wow, one of them looks black.
        Trans, Lesbian AND Black!
        That must be near the very top of the minority victimhood scale.
        Good to see our lavish donations to the UN are being well spent.


        • G says:


          “Wow, one of them looks black.”

          Well, ‘half and half’ actually. I guess, fitting for half and half people. Strange depiction: black head and whiteish legs: Oh! those children and their colouring in books……….

          But hey! no one must mention even in the midst of so much, “expression of love and identity”.


      • JohnC says:

        I wonder how many ‘trans-lesbians’ there are.

        I could only find one picture on the whole internet and they don’t look like that:


        Am I even allowed to say they look like two men wearing makeup these days ?.


        • Guest Who says:

          But they do look like most building society assistant managers, so there is that.


    • JohnC says:

      (Continued from the ‘Human Rights’ post a few further up)

      All ‘human rights’ groups are throughly infested by Lefties and useless freeloaders.

      The worst of all are ‘Human Rights Watch’. They are as morally corrupt as they come. They are extremely selective about whose cause they champion. Who is causing the trouble is FAR more important than the suffering of the victims.


  29. Eddy Booth says:



    “Zelensky Asks If This Is A Bad Time To Maybe Get A Couple More Billion”

    “KYIV — Amid large-scale terrorist atrocities in Israel and an active hostage situation with Hamas, Ukrainian President Zelensky cautiously asked if now would be a bad time to maybe get a couple billion dollars of US aid.

    “So, um, I know you all are pretty busy with all the Israel stuff,” said Zelensky while nervously fidgeting with the new $40,000 Omega Speedmaster watch on his wrist. “But if it’s not too much trouble or whatever, do you all have an extra billion or maybe two or three lying around that you’re not using? I need it for, um, important war stuff.”

    “Democracy depends on it. If it’s not too much trouble.”

    Zelensky promised the additional aid would also be a huge help to Israel since it will keep his Nazi brigades busy fighting Russia instead of helping Hamas wipe out the Jews. “I really don’t even need that much,” he said. “Just a few billion. Maybe 10 or 20 billion tops. That’s all. Please and thank you.”

    “America is happy to send Zelensky whatever it needs without limit or oversight forever and ever,” said Secretary of State Antony Blinken. “Even during this dark and tragic time for the noble Hamas freedom fighters, er, I mean Israel.”

    US officials have assured Zelensky they’ll have Biden sign off on it as soon as he wakes up from his afternoon nap.”


    • vlad says:

      Woah there, Volodymyr, get to the back of the queue – there’s a pecking order, you know?

      First, the terrorists in Tehran, then the terrorists in Palestine, then Biden, then Hunter, THEN you – capiche?


    • JohnC says:

      I wonder if any of the equipment Hamas had was obtained on the black market from Ukraine.

      You can be sure we won’t be told if it was.


      • Guest Who says:

        Not by an msm who seemingly missed seeing, hearing or smelling Katushyas being launched from the hotel foyer.

        And had to tap dance quickly when the Finnish bloke broke ranks.

        The Hunter wellies will go nice with the German Helmuts and cluster bombs.


        • JohnC says:

          My favourite BBC is report is still:

          ‘Sending cluster bombs will save civilian lives by ending the war sooner’


  30. tomo says:


  31. Zephir says:

    Just build a wall around them and sell tickets to watch them destroy each other

    (I’m talking about Birmingham, Bradford and Luton)


  32. JohnC says:

    Supernova festival: How massacre unfolded from verified video and social media

    And once again ‘BBC Verify’ are verifying something which absolutely nobody thought was fake.

    Have they actually disproved anything of significance ?.

    Not bad for the 60+ staff and the £2.5 million or so of taxpayers money they cost each year.

    It’s clear they are trying to build up ‘BBC Verify’ to be the oracle of truth for now – ready to be used here and there for key items of the agenda. You can be sure we will see them regularly during the elections both here and the USA. And you can be sure their ‘findings’ will help the Left.

    I’ve noticed how many of these ‘fact checkers’ are VERY selective about what facts they ‘disprove’. I suspect some of them actually put out their fake news themselves just so they can fact-check it and infer the Right are liars.

    Because if I’ve learned anything at all since Brexit is that the ideological Left think that the end result justifies any means whatsoever which they think fit. As do Hamas of course.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Often with the BBC bias it’s a matter of reading between the lines – particularly when it comes to Israel . At the moment the BBC is careful not to describe Hamas terrorism as terrorism – it’s getting an easy time compared to what it is doing – slaughter and hostage taking – not much – any criticism of hostage taking of civilians and threats of executions .

      But things are about to change . Israel will be taking on Gaza / Hamas . The criticism of cutting off Gaza will get louder – surely the big threat to Israel is Gaza . So if Israel can’t destroy Gaza it will make it unlivable – which is where the BBC will become fully openly anti Israel with the likes of the awful Dooset and Bowen leading the charge ….

      In a way the current situation reminds me of the unquestioning fulsome support for the US after 9/11 – which the idiot bush squandered .

      In my view the sooner Israel gets on with the painful stuff the longer support will hold before weak liberal states start criticising ….
      ……. Meanwhile in Ukraine …..?

      Happy to be argued against as I realise my own ignorance …


      • JohnC says:

        I’m sure you are right Fed : nobody dare criticise Israel too much right now because they will be the bad guys – but the BBC are itching to do it – just see Bowens latest piece I reference below.

        This is the one and only chance Israel are going to get to sort these terrorists out without massive backlash from the likes of the BBC. I think it is going to be a HUGE operation. You can be sure the criticism will start in full swing sooner rather than later just as soon as the original attack story has been completely dropped for a few days – but by then it will be too late to stop them.

        I suspect the BBC are glad of the diversion from Ukraine as they have not had any actual success by Ukraine to report for a long time. All their recent reports are insignificant ’empathy’ articles demonising something Russia did which is absolutely insignificant in the context of the war.


      • Guest Who says:

        Little to lose ripping off the plaster now.

        Most major western cities are hosting ferals indulged by supportive pols, mayors and media.

        The UN has a bunch of beards who have bought the rest off, currently mourning their noble child killers and rapists.

        And Sleepy has not exactly inspired the nation behind his admin’s policy smarts, with The Squad looking a little less confident now.

        Sure, several tens of thousands will die in mostly peaceful BBC events, but hey….


        • JohnC says:

          It will interesting to see what happens on the streets of Londonistan in support of the Palestinians and how much of it the BBC actually report.


          • Fedup2 says:

            I some how think the government will ‘instruct ‘ the msm to play down show of support for Islamic terrorist gangs – Palestinian flags et al …. Luton – tower hamlets – Bradford – and the rest …


            • JohnC says:

              Fed, From what I have seen over the last 10 years, the No1 priority of the government is to prevent any civil unrest between the enrichment and the white British. This means stamping it out quietly at source before it can gain any kind of momentum.

              They know they can’t do anything about the behaviour of the enrichment so their strategy is to make sure nobody on the opposite side can gain any kind of significant traction. This is why people who start to get popular are being systematically removed and the MSM are complicit (or directed?) to not make a fuss.

              They know a very large proportion of the public are absolutely sick of it – but without a leader to bring them together, they are just complainers who can be easily managed by the likes of the BBC.

              Russel Brand and Laurence Fox are the latest – they are far from the first.


    • Guest Who says:

      Mini Springster Shazam is hilarious with what he goes after. And not.

      All from his investigative bunker on a Windows 97 PC.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Iron Dome of Israel: Aerial defense weapon wey dey stop air-strikes for di Israel Palestine conflict – See wetin you need to know
      17 May 2021
      New Informate 2 hours wey don pass



      • JohnC says:

        I always thought that ‘pidgin English’ stuff was the nearest the BBC came to an actual joke – but they are actually serious !. I do wonder why they expend such resources to entertain Nigerians.

        It’s ridiculous:
        ‘Dem design di defence system to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells.’

        Clearly no ‘translation’ for ‘defence system to intercept and destroy short-range rockets and artillery shells.’ then.


  33. JohnC says:

    Israelis, united in shock, rally behind war to punish Hamas

    And article by Hamas sympathiser, Jew hater Jeremy Bowen.

    I wouldn’t normally read his bilge, but I looked at this one for one reason : to see how much he criticises his Muslims friends compare to the criticism of Israel.

    The first think I notice is how he starts focussing on empathy. That’s a key sign that the BBC want to avoid facts.

    ‘A man standing next to the open tailgate of his hatchback pulled on a crumpled olive-green army shirt. He fished around inside the back to find his body armour, slammed the door, and went to join the rest of his reserve unit.’

    What on Earth is that doing in a report like this ?.

    Next thing he does is compare it to the war in 1973 against Egypt and Syria. It is NOTHING like that war. Not remotely comparable. Either Jeremy is ignorant of this or he wants to use as some kind of deflection. And sure enough we get:

    ‘Golda Meir, the prime minister at the time, ignored warnings that an attack was coming on a Jewish holiday, and was condemned for hubris and complacency.

    The same accusations are already being thrown at her successor Benjamin Netanyahu, by his many political enemies.

    Israel is still bitterly divided about Mr Netanyahu, whose government’s extreme right-wing agenda prompted months of protests.’

    NOTHING whatsoever to do with this terrorist attack. Shame on you Jeremy.

    And he ends with:

    ‘Over the years Israel caused immense damage and inflicted thousands of casualties on Palestinian civilians. But they had fallen into a familiar pattern and felt at times like deadly rituals.’

    Yes Jeremy. In response to terrorist attacks by those same Palestinians. A disgusting and deliberate lie by omission. What a complete ethically barren scumbag he is. 100% typical BBC.


    • Guest Who says:

      JezBo is utterly deranged.

      And totally bbc.

      He was standing with the guys a tank barrel was pointing at in a fog of war incident.

      His utter partiality getting amplified is perhaps understandable if not excusable in a supposed journalist.

      What is not is placing a raging mentally ill propagandist in charge of the most powerful pr system globally for decades.


  34. andyjsnape says:

    Bedbugs: Luton Council receives ‘alarming number’ of calls

    Phone the council? Why not take action yourselves


    • JohnC says:

      What kind of person calls the local council to deal with bed bugs ?.

      The kind who assumes the state should take care of all their problems. I wonder how many of those who called are living off benefits.


      • Fedup2 says:

        All part of the decline of Britain – helped along by the State Broadcaster – the question ‘what is the government doing to help you ?” Is there so often one expects it . Self reliance ? For get it . Self respect ? Don’t go there . Just be helpless and dependent – where s my hand out ? Why don’t I get more ?


        • Scroblene says:

          The Beeboid agenda is to keep these kidult chavs in their place, and not let them become self-reliant. The condescending attitude of the leftie approach to anyone whom they fancy is going to be a victim, whether they like it or not, is written in stone on every Beebolic cubicle partition.


      • Guest Who says:

        Maybe they are expecting police snipers?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Fumigate London!


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      To anyone buying the whipped-up hysteria by the bBC and other MSM about the ‘possible’ invasion of bedbugs from France or elsewhere. A similar question could be raised about a ‘possible’ invasion to the UK by Hamas (as they did in Israel).

      This is just to let you in on a little secret. THEY ARE ALREADY HERE!

      Will the bedbugs soon be knocking on our doors to collect the Jizya?


  35. AsISeeIt says:

    Short and poncy edition

    Our formerly happily warmongering Daily Express masthead: United with the people of Ukraine – has dropped that motto this week and instead today goes with the reverse tag line: Fears of all-out war as Israel vows revenge

    This and other media hypocrisy will be much in evidence as our western regimes try to patch this one up with a ceasefire while still promoting the prosecution of the other.

    What is the United Nations and what does it do? – asked our BBC back in September – with their favourite rhetorical prelude to pedagogical mode just asking formulation and under their favourite tag line: Climate change

    The United Nations (UN) is an international organisation which was formed in 1945 after the end of World War Two with the aim of maintaining international peace (BBC) – comes the answer.

    United Nations General Assembly leaders look for unity over crises… The problem Mr Zelensky and his Western allies face is that many leaders want the annual UN gathering to focus more on the climate crisis and their economic difficulties rather than the war in Europe. (win-win situation envisaged by our ever hopeful BBC)

    High-taxing startled meerkat look-a-like chancellor Jeremy Hunt – blessed with a personality and manner that places him too adjacent for comfort to that A.I. human simulation uncanny valley we hear so much about – he turns out to be no more than a regime placeman seat-warmer for Reeves

    Carney backs Reeves as Labour sets out its stall… Rachel Reeves has won the backing of former Bank of England chief Mark Carney (FT)

    Meanwhile, our Clive of Ukraine polishes his CV: Myrie’s ‘poncy’ BBC… Clive Myrie’s family avoided the BBC as “too posh, too poncy” and too white when he was young, the newsreader in the running to replace Huw Edwards, has said (Times) – how funny, Mr AsI used to enjoy the BBC back in the day. Now apparently our Clive and his family are happier with its output and sadly Mr AsI avoids it.

    Quick dictionary check:


    1. a pretentious, affected, or effete man.
    2. a man who lives off a prostitute’s earnings

    seek to obtain (something) without paying for it or doing anything in return
    – Licence fee, anyone?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Do I decode the myrie family as racist ? They come to what used be a white country and want to turn it third world black ?

      And we are expected to accept that ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      “Carney backs Reeves as Labour sets out its stall… Rachel Reeves has won the backing of former Bank of England chief Mark Carney (FT)”


      “..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
      “I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response


    • Up2snuff says:

      AISI, some of us can remember Dag Hammarskjöld who was Secretary General of the UN and his successor U Thant back in the days before Global Warming and long before Climate Change. These men were peacemakers and would go between opposing forces and try to negotiate ceasefires and peace treaties. Would that we had men like that heading the UN today.


  36. Guest Who says:

    The BBC Moaning Emole has a perfect host weasel called Iain, like a blazered young Jeremy Corbyn.

    So of course it leads with those beastly Israelis not respecting Hamas’ call for a ceasefire.

    Then…. What the beacon of glory that is Surkeer ‘will do’…. Appearing packed with policy. Apparently.

    “Sir Keir Starmer will make his pitch to become prime minister when he speaks at the Labour conference in Liverpool today. In an hour-long leader’s address that appears to be packed with policy, he’ll say that a win for his party in the next general election would herald a “decade of national renewal”, which suggests he’s aiming for two terms in power. He’ll set out plans to build new towns and will promise more power for mayors outside London.”

    More power for mayors in more towns with ferals roaming the streets targeting those unlikely to vote Labour.

    Got it, BBC. Crystal clear from the Reichsministry.

    Then they come for the gays.


  37. JohnC says:

    New Police Scotland chief agrees force is institutionally racist

    ‘Police Scotland’s new chief constable says she agrees that the force is guilty of institutional discrimination.’

    Not the same thing at all BBC. Another whopping lie.

    Possibly the most hypocritical thing I’ve seen on the BBC this week. The BBC are guilty of the most blatant discrimination I have seen anywhere. They are absolutely guilty of sexist discrimination and racist discimination on a daily basis.


    • MarkyMark says:

      “It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}

      “I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38


  38. Fedup2 says:


    Nice chat between Comrade Robinson and The Red Labour ‘fixer ‘ pat mcfadden – Robinson sounds so happy at his spiritual – actual home – red labour – the conference being in scum Liverpool says it all …
    And tomorrow our comrade interviews the PM is waiting – the human rights barrister – Starmer …. What a love in that will be
    … where s meesh and amol ? Gaza ? …


    • Guest Who says:

      Meesh with her tally board on the hotel roof, Jez tucked up behind the chimney, and Clive of Kviv, all in their ‘Press here for Solidarity’ low vis flak jackets… confident they will be slaughtered last.


  39. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – another day, another extinction

    This one is a bit different: apparently ‘some scientists are claiming’ (heard that one before) that plant life is under threat and we could lose up to 50% of plants, “including the ones we haven’t discovered yet” gravely intoned the News reader at 6 a.m.. That last bit suggests to me that once again the BBC has been spoofed into a fake claim. Global Warming and Climate Change were not mentioned but the BBC will have lapped this one up as a sign of Attenborough being proved right: yumans are a blight on the world, especially with COP28 only next month.


    • Scroblene says:

      I wonder how many Beeboids are licking their chubby lips at the thought of all those expenses-paid trips to the tiresome Copout bash?

      Anyone taking bets on there being more than fifty fully paid-up members of the Beebastic Agenda Society sitting there, agreeing with every nutter spouting the usual drivel about the world packing up and exploding by Christmas?

      I like this site – at least it is objective in its mission.


  40. MarkyMark says:

    BBC combine dead total for Hamas and Israel – but not Ukraine and Russia?!


    • Guest Who says:

      BBC, and its go to beacon of balance UN have a bit of a problem as Russia/Ukraine ploughs on as Gaza kicks off again. This time following actually targeted genocidal slaughter vs. collateral carelessness.

      Russia has a permanent seat, vetos, and the oil boys have long bought off credibility long ago.

      Maybe they can cobble together an Al Mugabe Brigade from Boko Haram with nice light blue helmuts to match Clive of Kyiv’s school play outfit, to mix it up with the oddly dark AA Levantine types in the snuff videos.


  41. Up2snuff says:

    TODAY Watch #2 – “Vot is point?”

    I am left impersonating that character from Radio4’s comedy spoof radio chat show hosted by Gary Bellamy. I think the character is intended to be East European and was voiced by Paul Whitehouse.

    But really I’m thinking of the BBC’s futility in sending Martha Kearney to Jerusalem when the BBC already has Yolande Knell and John Donnison there and will no doubt be joined by Jeremy Bowen a.s.a.p.. All the Bee Lady can do is link to these different correspondents from the BBC Studio in Jersualem and the Middle East Editor (Bowen) so I ask once again: “Vot is point?”


    • Guest Who says:

      Jerusalem? Not as safe as it was, guys.

      Don those sexy outfits and get in that ditch.

      JonDon patrolling the sea off Gaza in the canoe he used to ‘report’ on Aussies being beastly?

      Cockleshell Zero. Shame if he met a RiB full of brown eyed boys even less well versed in Press exemptions than tank gunners back in the day.


      • Up2snuff says:

        Guest, I guess that the BBC studio in Jerusalem has an adjacent ‘safe room’ that operates as a missile shelter should the Hamas terrorists launch another salvo from Gaza.


        • Guest Who says:

          I imagine it does. Modern Singapore HDB flats have an armoured room built in.

          I did point out to my rellies on the top floor that this might be less then useful if a drone missile takes out the void deck columns.

          Most use them to store bikes.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Up2 – you obviously missed Martha’s excellent piece on what the Hamas terrorist attack means to bee keepers …. But they can’t send all those bbc Muslim ‘journos ‘ out there can they …?
      Meanwhile here red labour is trying to keep the lid on – Diane abbot ( whip removed must be due to come out with her usual criticism of Israel and support of Islamic terrorists ) …


  42. Fedup2 says:

    Telegraph reports an outgoing blue labour minister – genrick- addressing a vigil for Israel criticising the BBC for refusing to call Hamas terrorist – terrorist … not something I’ve heard reported on the BBC .
    Surely as the State funded broadcaster the BBC should at least explain and justify this stance . But then again- the Far Left BBC has previous for being soft on terrorism – see IRA …


    • JohnC says:

      The BBC only call the far-right terrorists these days. It’s policy.

      The reason is that Muslims consider Muslim terrorists to be ‘freedom fighters’ and the BBC don;t want to offend them.

      The BBC should be morally obliged to identify ANY violent group who murder others as terrorists if they are so considered by the British government. But as we all know, the BBC has VERY selective ‘morales’.

      And they can do what they like as long as they don’t upset OFCOM. And as OFCOM know all about it but have done nothing, they are complicit.


  43. Zephir says:

    RE andyjsnape

    “Bedbugs: Luton Council receives ‘alarming number’ of calls
    Phone the council? Why not take action yourselves”

    There is currently an advert from a bunch of lawyers who want to sue councils for not dealing with mould in their homes.

    The advert features a black family (of course) all sitting on a sofa with wallpaper peeling down behind them and mould on the walls. Just sitting there, never occuring to them to get some bleach or proprietry mould cleaner and deal with it in the interim (£3.50 from Tesco).

    Then, when the lawyers number comes up one reaches for their iphone (£799).


    • andyjsnape says:

      Hello Zephir

      Previously I had a council property, and just cleaned the area in the bathroom with bleach – worked fine

      Never needed a lawyer, just a clean


  44. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Radio bbbc newcastle this morning describing these hamas lot as ‘gunmen’
    Why don’t they just say terrorists.

    Then followed a piece with Palestinian children suffering and a bloke saying not all in Gaza support Hamas.

    They are getting there, it’s mostly about Gaza suffering now with the occasional quick mention of some attack on Israelis.


  45. MarkyMark says:



    Corbyn met with Hamas boosters in UK parliament in 2015 — report
    Six months before being elected Labour leader, MP spoke to extremists who praised suicide bombers and called for attacks on British troops
    21 August 2018, 8:21 pm



    Barry Gardiner defends donations worth £500,000 from Chinese agent


    Disgraced Vaz given new role tackling corruption


    Remember how the BBC report news … terrorist is victim …

    “I am not kidding. @BBCNews website leaves the impression the Syrian suicide bomber as a victim in a ‘German blast’.” – Tarek Fatah 24jul2016

    View image on Twitter


  46. G says:

    Nice to see immigrants & others of certain persuasions settling into life in the UK. All part of ‘Multiculturism’, diversity and the benefits brought by the newcomers.

    One problem is, they bring their hatreds, violence and chipped shoulders with them. Those welcoming such people must surely not be that naïve even if Tony Bliar was in the 90’s and still is.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Batley 2023 …. 3 teachers hide in … 1985 …..

      Ahmadis suffer vicious persecution around the world. The main source of fuel for that persecution is in Pakistan, but what happens in Pakistan does not stay in Pakistan.

      I know that from my experience in the Yorkshire market town of Batley. In August 1985, when I was 11 years old, my parents organised an inter-faith meeting in the town hall. It was interrupted and disturbed when, according to West Yorkshire police,

      more than 1,000 extremists, led by Pakistani hate preachers funded by the Pakistani state, were bused in from around the country.

      The mob brutally attacked my English mother and my father, a dermatologist; my eldest brother and I; and a Welsh Ahmadi schoolteacher who was with us. My first cousin, a GP, was by chance driving through the market town that day. He saw the mob and saw his family and friends being attacked, so he stopped. He was recognised, pulled from his vehicle and savagely beaten up.


    • Up2snuff says:

      G, you forgot vibrancy. Diversity ain’t no good unless it vibrates or sumfink.


  47. Mrs Kitty says:

    I’m wondering how the bbc will cover things when Israel cranks up the gears and the screens are full of emoting women in scarves and men carrying dusty and bloody babies there’ll be secondary effects all over in major cities around the world where there’s a muslim community. Here in France it’s guaranteed that there’ll be riots and car burnings but do they have the numbers in the U.K. to start this pastime? How will the beeb cover it??


    • MarkyMark says:

      3 teachers hide in Batley for showing a drawing of Mohammed – in a civil society.


  48. atlas_shrugged says:

    Will the fake-news BBC be reporting the collapse of buildings in Gaza before the buildings actually collapse?

    The BBC did this during 9/11 when they reported that the WTC building 7 had collapsed 30 minutes before it actually collapsed with their BBC reporter in New York Jane Standley

    “We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage”

    “If we reported the building had collapsed before it had done so, it would have been an error”

    BBC your ‘errors’ are exactly why you are untrusted-news.


  49. Guest Who says:

    “Want to see your pictures featured on the #bbcqt set?📷

    We’re in London this week and would love to feature your shots of iconic local images


    Wonder what Amy Rutland or Raisin Brane MP will be sending in?

    Maybe some diverse mostly not destructive or hatey celebrations in Golders Green?