Well Guys and Gals – it’s The Reckoning – a drama about – my goodness Jimmy Saville – whose existence on the BBC has been expunged (no top of the pops repeats for Jimmy) …. What will his victims think ?
Start the week 9th October 2023
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News at Ten
BBC One, 26 September 2023
In the introduction to a report about the growing number of under-18s who are vaping, there was a reference to smoking and vaping being illegal for under-18s. It is in fact illegal for under-18s to buy, rather than consume, tobacco products or vapes and we should have made this clear.
Israel Border – Iron Dome of Israel.
UK Border – meh.
“Stop the Boats” ?
Rishi Sunak has suggested that the English Channel crossings problem is too “complex” to allow him to fulfil his promise to stop the small boats by the next general election.
Tel Aviv: Iron Dome filmed intercepting barrage of rockets over Israel
The msm ignore the fact Gaza share a border with Egypt.
Heavily fortified for a reason.
Saudi Arabia: Mass Killings of Migrants at Yemen Border
Systematic Abuses of Ethiopians May Amount to Crimes Against Humanityhttps://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/21/saudi-arabia-mass-killings-migrants-yemen-border
Did anyone notice Rachael Reeve’s hair during her speech at the Labour Party non event yesterday. Wow! A film star’s immaculate hair do, must have cost a fortune, or perhaps a wig? Perhaps it’s an item from her woman suit outfit?
She took a leaf out of Smarmer’s book of how to speak for a long time without actually saying anything of significance
Sounded like a female “Adolph” behind that podium.
Dickie, that’s what I thought. Took me back to the last days of New Labour when Shirls (still alive then) and MadHattie had speeches relayed via BBC R4 way back in the day when it used to be on in the Snuffy household all day long. Listening to each on different occasions, a chill ran down my back and I felt like I had been at a Nuremburg Rally in the 1930s.
Kamala Harris delivers speech in Florida
I was waiting for the echo + reverberation to crescendo into noise.
That said – the crowd seemed like trained seals!
Laudable sentiment imho but I don’t see our public sector bureaucrats being up for any implementation …
German court upholds its ban on comedian’s Erdogan poem
10 February 2017
The bbc think they are experts
Why did it take Israel so long to deal with Hamas’s attack from Gaza?
In the bbc bubble they have all the answers!
Maybe the likes of the bbc should have gone in and sorted this out themselves, instead of being experts on the sideline
Only the BBC could stoop this low…
Front page this morning they suddenly raise a story re SAS accused of killing Afghan innocent.civilians.
In the light of the Muslim savages who committed unspeakable atrocities in Israel, the purpose and timing of this story is so obviously a deliberate and desperate attempt to divert the mantra from Muslim bad to Muslim victims.
LGBT in Afghan … Bacha bāzī (Persian: بچه بازی, lit. ’boy play’)[1] is a slang term used in Afghanistan,[2][3] Pakistan and in the history of Turkestan for a custom involving child sexual abuse by older men of young adolescent males or boys, called dancing boys, often involving sexual slavery and child prostitution.[4] Though outlawed, bacha bazi is still practiced in certain regions of Afghanistan.[5][6][3] Force and coercion are common, and security officials of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan stated they were unable to end such practices and that many of the men involved in bacha bazi are powerful and well-armed warlords.[7][8][9]
I have to say I was surprised to see bands of trannies on the streets of Karachi
Hello Digg
Certain people can never do any wrong.
ie knife crime
ie being stopped by the police
ie religion of peace
bbc helps to bring down a bank with its “reporting”
Metro Bank has a limited future, claims co-founder
Why stick your nose in if its not going to help the situation
We live in interesting times
Marky Steyn – “If the USA goes to war with China, then USA will be paying China interest payments on debt so paying for their own destruction.”
Good second video and I agree with him.
I wonder if the impartial BBC will do one of their stunning and brave investigations into the direct link between the imbecilic Biden’s unfreezing of billions of dollars of Iranian assets since he took office (and 6 billion just a few days ago) and the supply of weapons and logistics by Iran to Hamas?
Probably not.
(It’s possible that Biden doesn’t even understand what’s going on, and that the policy of appeasement is that of the muslim Obama, the malign power behind the throne.)
It seems the Foreign Secretary has ‘advised ‘ the BBC to call Hamas terrorists – terrorists – but the BBC has no plan to ‘review ‘ guidelines …
…ok – I know it is sick to think it – but in a way it does our cause good – if right minded people see what Hamas Islamic terrorists have been / are doing – whilst the BBC refers to them as ‘militants ‘ or ‘fighters’ then more people will wake up .
And maybe someone might do well to leak the balen report …
I believe the BBC was subverted by the Far Left / Islam long ago – and we see the results all the time – or ‘24/7’ as the kidults say …
Corbyn – Homous are our friends and a great dip to!
That’s a good point, Fed.
My admittedly unscientific feeling scanning social media is that a lot more people are beginning to wake up. I thought the video of Shani Louk’s corpse with its horribly twisted knee made a deep impression on a lot of people and it may be an image that goes down in history. The world is seeing not just the barbarity of Hamas but the warped mentality of the BBC in not being on the side of democratic and decent Israel.
Hamas have made a propaganda error this time filming their own atrocities against Israelis rather than filming the Palestinian victims of Israeli bombing. Of course the useful idiots in the Western media are still taking their side but I detect an angry backlash amongst the public. I think they are beginning to see through the lies of the media.
I’m surprised no one has objected to the term ‘ Hamas Gunmen’ being sexist and perhaps should be referred to in that ( ridiculous ) adoption of ‘batter ‘ instead of batsman … so the BBC would use ‘ Hamas Gunners ‘….
… listening to the BBC … they can’t wait to accuse Israel of ‘over reacting ‘.
Maybe just tell Gaza to go to Egypt and then flatten it …. Certainly make a bigger border zone … but I don’t know the detail .
Yes, the language police too seem to have had an intelligence failure.
And what about transgender representation in the military wing of Hamas? Have Queers For Palestine confronted them about that? Transterrorists are terrorists after all.
Yeah, we’re hearing the phrase “over-reacting” a lot. And demands for the Israeli response to be “proportionate”. That’s not on.
In war the goal is to defeat the enemy. Something these BBC pussies don’t understand. Israel needs to go further and utterly eradicate Hamas.
Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 hoping this would satisfy the Palestinians. But it didn’t. They voted in a terrorist organisation and became an existential threat to Israel. The Palestinians won’t be happy until they have wiped Israel off the map. How can Israel deal with such people?
President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day
Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,
You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.
Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?
‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’
Thank you again for contacting us,
BBC Complaints Team
Charming eh?
Go Brandon – BBC report!
Las Vegas Sphere: Could London get its own sphere soon?
Doubt it, but definitely the skyline will be dotted with mosques that you can be sure of 🙁
Sphere to stop stabbings? STAB-LEZ zones only £12.50.
More a bubble. A Zil one.
What does applauding a gormless twerp like Miliband make you?
Further up the page Markymark has put a picture of the Gaza Egypt border.
Where are all the lefties who hate borders and think everyone should be allowed in anywhere.
Trumps border, hated by the left.
Our (ha ha ha) border with thousands freely popping over to live here for ever.
If Egypt pulled the border down and let anybody from Gaza in what would happen.
The left have a very childlike view thinking all will be lollipops and roses but in the real world it would mean death, destruction and genocide.
When you think of it, the left believing things like men can be women if they decide it and all the other ridiculous things they seem to think are true, then what must their IQs be.
They are obviously brainwashed but I can’t believe that my generation would ever accept the rubbish they are being taught.
I can’t understand them.
You don’t have to understand them – just know that the struggle is continuous.
“..I’m slightly amazed at our colleagues (Simon Schama BBC@£200K) ability to get big laughs on gang rape…I’m not much of a feminist but I draw the line at the 3 year old getting raped, and the seven year old getting gang raped in a basement. (audience claps)” – Mark Steyn {youtube The Munk debate @4:46}
Simon Schama BBC@£200K – I knew I’d seen that name Schama before. This is what Simon said earlier to ignite Mark Steyn’s response ….
“…I’m just struck by how obsessed by sex these two guys (Farage/Steyn) are, it’s a bit sad really… (audience laughs, Simon smiles)” – Simon Schama (£200K BBC Salary) {youtube The Munk debate @2:00}
Suggest you watch the whole debate…to form your own opinion of Simon “BBC on 200K” Schama, whose salary is from a TV Tax extracted from people who are struggling in the UK, a license that had 180,000 (near Simon’s Wage) prosecuted due to none payment. And sent 70 people to jail.
I live in Woodside Park in North London. There is a synagogue
very near to Woodside Park tube station. It has 24 hour
security. The security is even stronger when parents are
taking their toddlers to the Kindergarten . On Saturdays and
on Jewish festivals there are at least six security guards on duty.
Whom do you think security is protecting them from ?
Mr Smith? Mrs Jones? Mr McDonald? Mrs Fitzpatrick? Mr Patel? Mrs Gupta? Mr Singh? Mr Hayashi, Mrs Sato?
No. You would of found at least 5000 of them outside the
Israeli Embassy last night. That is whom the
4 year old kids and worshippers need protection from !!
No no no foscari.
Terrorism: Police concern over teen far-right extremism
THIS is what the BBC call terrorism.
‘Det Supt Gareth Rees said police could not “arrest our way out of” the issue.’
It has the word ‘terrorist’ or ‘terrorism’ in it 15 times !.
But of course closer inspection shows they have just shared information on the internet.
No doubt their ‘far-right terrorism’ is inspired by acts like we have just seen in Israel and how the BBC refuse to call it what it is.
Yet for Hamas we only ever see it if it is in apostrophes as a quote.
This is how shameful the BBC – and the Leftist agenda they follow – have become.
Hello JohnC
This is why the likes of the bbc no longer relates to the average Brit, other than the sheep that follow its every word
As you say, I can’t find references to any terror offences in that article other than being a member of a banned group, talking online, downloading bomb making instructions (I remember flicking through The Anarchist’s Cookbook in Foyle’s on Charing Cross Road, too) and owning a Nazi dagger and an SS hat.
The article tells you:
On Wednesday, Luca Benincasa, 20, from Cardiff, “was locked up after admitting to being a member of a neo-Nazi group.”
Benincasa was sentenced to nine years and three months in prison at Winchester Crown Court in Hampshire on Wednesday for being a “prominent” member of the banned neo-Nazi group Feuerkrieg Division.
The bit I’ve put in quotes is a link to this from 25th January:
Benincasa was sentenced for a range of offences, including downloading indecent images of children. They don’t mention that in their ‘far-right extremism’ story.
Foscari, I know that synagogue well. But in every synagogue there are instructions on what to do if there is an attack eg keep the doors locked, call the police (except what do I think they might do except when asked and handed the phones by the attackers, take photos and hand the phones back to them). I know small synagogues where the gates are kept locked, 3 coded locks on the doors and cctv is a given.
For Jews, security at the synagogue has always been considered necessary, more so if there is an event for children there. Non Jewish visitors are amazed at the security. The police and civic leaders will say the risk is the Far Right. Somehow I don’t think so.
Just to add, to show how personal what is happening in Israel is. Many years ago I worked one summer on a kibbutz as a volunteer. l have just read on the Daily Mail website that 20 babies there have just been decapitated by Hamas. I wonder if it will be reported by the BBC.
Foscari, I used to live near an Orthodox synagogue in North London and would walk past on my commute in to work five days a week. It was a surprise and a bit of a shock to find an armed guard standing outside during the 1980s Palestinian intifada.
We should all be hammering home on every forum we post on the effects of ‘diversity’ regarding the reaction to what is happening in the Middle East.
Diversity is the failed policy which took over from the failed policy of multiculturalism (funny how you never hear that word these days) which took over the failed policy of integration.
Socialism is an horrific and murderous Satanic religion which has killed more people than any other cause even malaria since the two have co-existed. It constantly fails in its policies, but when it inevitably does the reaction is always the same – to blame someone else often with fatal consequences.
You will hear today words such as ‘racist’ or ‘far right’ to describe a mythical and shadowy group which is ill defined and doesn’t really exist. In the Soviet Union it was counter revolutionaries.
Socialists are incapable of taking responsibilty, are full of hate and violence and also incapable of producing anything contructive. We see them today glorying in the fight for South Africa, we don’t see a single one going there to sort out the mess they caused. Now they have moved on to destroying Israel in the same manner, and that’s all they can do, destroy everything they come into contact with. They haven’t a positive or constructive thought in their heads, and will never produce anything of value.
‘In a letter written on March 19, 1944, Ayn Rand remarked: “Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Socialism are only superficial variations of the same monstrous theme—collectivism.” ‘
“Fascism, Nazism, Communism and Socialism………
and Globalism
and feminism
Para one – Yes, certainly!
Para two – Blair
Para three – Blair
Para four – Blair
They’ve just said on BBC News at One that Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf’s parents-in-law are trapped in Gaza.
A British head of government’s fam are visiting in Islamic terror central.
You couldn’t make it up.
*Edited, I originally wrote his parents.
Perhaps seeking some new ideas to separate Scotland from the UK.
It was on the website yesterday.
“Humza Yousaf said his wife’s parents, who live in Dundee, travelled to Gaza to see her father’s sick mother.”
BBC never criticise Egypt for not letting the Gaza people cross their border.
Perhaps seeking some new ideas to separate Scotland from the UK.
Anyone think Scottish money might be going to to Palestine?
In the back of an RV?
Wish useless was there. Maybe get shot of him.
The situation throughout the world is bad. Comrades, we need to hear celebrities singing Imagine. See if you can make it to the end. But do read the comments
GWF – moderator warning – if you are going to put up stuff like that you need a far better health warning ….i made about 6 seconds😎 😢for this one the imogi thing is appropriate – yuk
When our daughters were about ten, they’d use their skipping ropes to pretend to be singers on the TV…
All these kids – well, the few seconds of listening I could bear – sure need to get skipping and perhaps think about doing some real work instead of being complete prats!
Yuk no thanks I’ll have the Banshees playing their song Israel
From when the BBC had good music shows
Siouxsie And The Banshees – Israel (Something Else, Dec. 15, 1980)
Paris attacks: The story behind the pianist who drove 400 miles to play ‘Imagine’ outside the Bataclan
Davide Martello heard the news while watching the France v Germany match on TV
Jess Denham
Monday 16 November 2015 09:3
Surely a correographed interruption at the start of the Starmer speech … nice touch ..
Glitter bombing is a “thing?” I’ve never heard of it before. Wikipedia has already updated their page to include the Starmer incident.
“Glitter bombing is an act of protest in which activists throw glitter on people at public events. Glitter bombers have frequently been motivated by, though not limited to, their targets’ rape apologism or opposition to same-sex marriage.”
Ha ha ha!
Here’s the end of Labour’s conference dance, starring Starmer, Reeves, Abbott, and other sundry leftovers/hangers-on…
The Glitter Bug!
Don’t Labourites all go and get sloshed after the red flag stuff, then go home and prepare for government, or is that the LimpDems?
I suppose I should try and keep up, but can’t be arsed, as they’re all on the same cheeks of said arse!
Watching starmer – first 30 minutes of nothing but air – first policy – end non dom and blow the cash on the NHS . ….
… he was going on about ‘ mission government ‘ – god knows what that is … but at least 2 shadow ministers have talked about ‘ setting up units ‘ as a solution to stuff – just dross .
Not so much about the truly dire public finances ….and the consequences…
He got to 45 long minutes before announcing’ new towns’ ( for immigrants)
I got to the hour before Starmer talked about ‘british Energy ‘ to be based in Scotland. I bet a lot of people ( like me ) were just willing him to finish . … he has no charisma- no charm- no humour – no informality .., very much like sunak …which says a lot about things as they are
Labour conference: Wrong to say that only women have a cervix, says Keir Starmer
MP Rosie Duffield staying away from Brighton gathering over online threats
Andrew Woodcock
Political Editor
Sunday 26 September 2021 13:54
Meanwhile the likes of Beff and fellow impartial political scribes are going through tissue boxes every few minutes.
‘I hated being the story’: Sky News’s Beth Rigby on her own Covid Partygate scandal
The Sky News political editor offered her resignation after being caught attending Kay Burley’s 60th birthday party whilst London was under Tier 2 coronavirus restrictions.
Diversity Built Palestine?
That picture is absolutely racist and a disrespectful insult to the VAST majority of people who built Britain, who are white and who lived poor lives while they did it. My grandad was one of them who spent the last years of his life in a rocking chair because his body was basically worn out.
It’s not often my own government disgust me so much. Well done Sunak. And the BBC who played such a large role in putting him there.
History teaching resources for History Key Stage 2 – The Victorians – with lesson plans. Topics include: life as a Victorian chimney-sweep, Victorian servants, Victorian railways, famous Victorians, Victorian inventions, Queen Victoria, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Victorian children.
Got her ‘Bama beanie too, like The BBC babes.
May I ask
Liverpool are you still working with Dr Mennah Elwan who mocked Israelis fleeing a massacre:
“If it was your home, you would stay & fight. You wouldn’t just run away.”
She also supported the Hamas atrocities & added “there are no civilians in Israel.”
Some doubt as to her status, whereabouts, etc, so maybe one for BBC Cover Up?
Certainly actual enriching engineers and doctors also being psycho faith jobs is a poor look, as Glasgow Airport Arrivals showed.
Speaking of BBC Cover Up, JezBo hooked up with all the corpse shroud twitchers he partied with back in the day?
It was allegedly used in the vicinity of Al Karama Towers in the Gaza Strip.
If true, this is another war crime.
Listed as an ‘investigative reporter’.
The ‘unverified reports’ points to a career ar Panorama, sources say.
The last line is… quaint. Might get him an invite from Shamim Begum’s mum as a real catch.
BBC Question Time this Thursday is going to be interesting. Have they already got it set up as they did after 9/11 ?
Guessing… Raisin Brane MP, and this champion charmer at the very least.
“Journalists know what they’re doing when they conflate protests against the Israeli occupation, and attacks on civilians in Gaza, with support for Hamas. But they’re confident that the rules of fair coverage don’t apply to Palestinians, or the British left who stand with them.”
That is a fair bit of conflation right there, dear.
To repeat, I had assumed she was bright if misguided, but comes across as utterly incompetent in debate. The comments are… deserved.
So what was it that saw her catch The BBC eye?
Possibly the mayors of London, Brum and Manchester… The Scots FM… for panel balance?
Hopefully an audience rammed with Mohammed Tipladys will ensure all goes to plan.
Maybe the BBC could filter them out and ask them why they are there?
The BBC like the phrase “Bombardment” of Gaza
Wondering about moving to Herefordshire. Watching Escape to the Country I thought about the ethnic mix of the county. I live just inside Bedfordshire where around 64% identify as white British, compare that to Herefordshire where the number is 98.2% with Cumbria a close second. Recorded numbers of ethnics are around the 0.2% in these areas. That’ll do me !
The immigrants make their way north, having no desire to assimilate to French culture, but continuing to demand a First World standard of living, even as they flout laws, do not produce, and murder French citizens, such as factory bosses and shopkeepers, as well as the ordinary people who do not welcome them. They are also joined by the immigrants who already reside in Europe, as well as various left-wing and anarchist groups. Across the West, more and more migrants arrive and have children, rapidly growing to outnumber whites. In a matter of months, the white West has been overrun and pro-immigrant governments have been established, while the white people are ordered to share their houses and flats with the immigrants.
Funnily enough Brissles, I was talking about this earlier today (in Biggleswade market square)
I go on many country walks and am constantly surprised at the many small rural hamlets and villages around Bedfordshire, I drove through Ireland yesterday after an afternoon in a pub garden in Old Warden, and a walk to the lake in Stanford Wood, and lunch in a pub garden in Ickwell last week.
We walk around Hexton, Yielden, Roxton, Ampthill, Clophill, Woburn, Dunstable Downs, Sharpenhoe Clappers, Sutton to name a few.
I think you will find that Luton and Bedford have skewed the statistic you mentioned and never see a dusky face on my travels, but there are so many beautiful places in Bedfordshire.
Did you go to the Steam Fair at the weekend ? I suspect there was a distinct lack of hip bloody hop and bhangra bands playing ?
Zeph, I live so close to the Steam Fair that visitors use my road as a cut through rather than the designated car park. ! and your assertion is right, ethnics are very thin on the ground at these events. Yes Luton and Bedford do ‘up’the statistics, but as has been mentioned on here before, whoever sees ethnics in any number out for a stroll in the countryside ? Now if I was to venture into deepest Hitchin and Letchworth…..
I also love Norfolk and Suffolk, so my choice, apart from a nice village like Ashwell, or the many others in Herts and Beds, or the beautiful Saffron Waldon, if I were so minded, would be rural Suffolk or Norfolk with relatively easy access to somewhere like Norwich.
Beccles is nice.
Luckily Elon is on it.
I wonder if all those who say The BBC is doing something right because they are dissed by all sides are still on Mastadon?
Starmer’s conference speech got off to a glittering start, although it didn’t contain anything we didn’t already know. Guido gives you the main points…
Build on the “grey belt” to expand home ownership, build on the “grey belt” with a total aim of 1.5 million over 5 years. The only officially new policy…
Use money from the scrapped non-dom tax status for the NHS.
VAT on private schools to pay for extra state school services. If only it would actually raise any money…
Invest for more policemen.
NHS needs reform, can’t be kept “on a pedestal“.
“National Wealth Fund” with private sector, part-owned by the state.
New “generation” of technical colleges.
State-owned green energy company to provide “Great British energy“. Channelling Joe Biden…
A “real living wage, which is good for growth“.
Ending zero-hours contracts.
Starmer wants voters to think of him as Attlee and Blair spliced together. For someone claiming to represent the “fire of change” Keir’s speech sounded like it was meant to reassure Tory voters…
Ok, politics.
Has a few folk stirred up.
Ah, diversity.
Policies you hear at Green Party conference that you won’t hear at Labour Party conference #lab23
💷 A wealth tax – we have taxed on wealth?!
🏘️ Scrap right to buy – so no one owns anyting?
🚰 Renationalise utilities – including pick fords again?
🏳️⚧️ Self ID of gender – free cervix on the NHS
👨👩👧👦 Scrap 2 child benefit cap – extend it to 8 islamic 6 year old wives
🇪🇺 Work to rejoin the EU – we are still joined!
🗳️ Giving migrants right to vote – and prisoners!
Afghanistan, 2001–2002
United States and other NATO countries used large numbers of cluster munitions during the initial stage of the operation. 1,228 cluster bombs containing 248,056 bomblets were used by the Coalition.
A lot of ‘calls for’ from the usually suspect brigade, like Corbyn, especially as Hamas suddenly twigged it may have raped and murdered a sleeping dragon’s family.
Be interesting who trots out the desire for peace now at QT.
This might frame context.
BBC “Unprecedented attack by Hamas”
Top of Twitter (courtesy of Hermitage Barracks I suspect)
Hollow really doesn’t do it justice
Yes, a man with a plan:
Plan A: say anything that will get you elected, promise anything that will get you votes
Plan B: as above, plus gagging Abbot and the gobby Rayner bints in the weeks prior to the election.
There’s a face made for radio
and a voice made for silent movies.
Eddie’s looking more and more like Jo Brand.
Face like a bulldog licking pee of a thistle
Starmer Glitter:
“D’you wanna be in my gang, my gang?”
Is that BLM official?
I don’t know, but it’s exactly the sort of cr*p the neo-marxist, anti-western, anti-white racists would say, when they’re not Burning, Looting and Murdering or embezzling the money white libtards threw at them.
BLM board meeting:
“Any high end trainer shops in Gaza ? big screen TV shops ?
OK lets get over there”
Got to be careful for things like this because that statement is truly disgusting and should be unacceptable to all civilised people with it being in such full support for the brutal terrorist murder of so many people.
It could be a right-wing fake – even more likely a Left-wing ‘plant’ intended to be exposed as a right-wing fake. Then scumbag trolls such as maxi use it on forums like this.
I did say that Clive of Kiev would soon become Clive of Gaza. Seems I was right. BBC 6 o’clock news.
I just thought Kate Adie had been in the sun too long
I’ve just heard the Israelis had deployed Mossad and other units to Ukraine which dissapointed Russia as they had protected Israel from infiltration via Syria which they largely control.
I’ve heard that Turkey has been responsible for training these Jihadi’s along with Iran and that such a thing was not previously considered possible.
I can only conclude absolute incompetence on behalf of the IDF with the Iron Dome system switched off, and security at a minimum because of Yom Kippur hence no security at the borders.
Worse that Israeli intelligence was informed of the attack by the Egyptians and ignored it.
Bidens corrupt regime insisted Israel supplied the Ukrainians with 155mm ammunition, and now has very little, and the USA cannot supply any.
It would not surprise me if the Russians decided to allow Hezballah a free hand given the betrayal Netanyahu has perpetrated. Rumour control says they haven’t really been involved but opening up a second front would be very advantageous to the Russians given the appalling state the US economy is in right now.
How many wars on Bidens regime ? how many during Trumps ?
And don’t forget the Afghanistan bloodbath which was directly the fault of Biden overruling the Generals for his own political gain.
Complete of course with another free-pass from the MSM such as the BBC – who were very willing to go along with blaming Trump for it.
Zephir, DJT is a businessman and, therefore, a negotiator. If he isn’t re-elected or imprisoned he should be the next Secretary-General of the UN as he would do a far better job than the waster that has the post right now. I remember how North Korea was threatening to nuke the USA west coast some time in 2016/17. Trump went out to N.K. and ‘charmed the socks off’ the President there, as well as the leadership of South Korea and Japan.
Correct, it is worth watching:
Neatly forgotten by the bbc and msm
“Peace sells, but who’s buying ? “
Israeli guard down seems rather out of character – but then .. I saw this:
BBC doesn’t like Britain and its white history.
R4 4pm The Mandate was coincidentally a prog about the British Mandate in Palestine from the 1920s.
It followed the BBC habit of finding Whitey British man guilty of all the worlds bad deeds
“The British used human shields, making sure the front of trains held Palestinians”
Yes cos the trains were being attacked by Palestinian terrorists.
It’s not the same as Saddam Hussein’s attacking army using human shields.
Later the reporter led his witness who was only a child at the time. “I think I remember you telling me the British rounded up the villagers”
4:30pm first a trailer.. The BBC is doing a modern version of the Indian classic The Mahabharata
.. I would have thought Indian media which serve its 1 billion population do enough Indian drama , why does British peoples TV poll tax money need to be used.
4:31pm Book prog . guests
Rhys Stephenson a black CBBC presenter
and Esther Manito a female Lebanese comedian (She’s a bit like Sharon Tate)
ITV local news still promoting charities that need PR
Now it’s a black guy who does online financial advice videos
(Reporter Lauren Hall)
Top news, front page headline:
Keir Starmer promises decade of renewal under Labour
Complete with a HYS and lots of people telling us not to vote Tory under any circumstances.
It really is beyond ridiculous now : The BBC don’t even try to hide their bias when the stakes are as high as this.
This is as ‘positive’ as they got for Sunak:
1. He owned HS2 cancellation
‘ … He promised to spend all of the money saved on local transport improvements, trams, buses rail, roads – many, many roads.’
So does that mean the BBC support HS2 now ?. Or just because Sunak has cancelled some of it ?.
As I doubt anyone at the BBC or in OFCOM vote Tory, nobody is going to complain.
Not BBC – but just look what a complete bell-end Ed Balls is.
No wonder he did well in the Labour party.
This is my testimony of the most disgusting biased BBC sewage.
On BBC London at 1830. There was a trailer about a young man who survived the Hamas atrocity at the pop festival in Israel, and his father who is a surgeon in North London.
In the trailer, the father is seen saying something like…….. ‘ the people who have been murdered’. At that point the sound is edited out but the visuals continue ( in error???) for another two seconds. I am sure, by lip reading, he says ‘by the terrorists’. So he has said ….‘people who have been murdered by the terrorists’. So the BBC tried to edit out ‘by the terrorists’ but forgot the visuals.
In the actual report both the audio and visuals are edited out after ‘people who have been murdered’.
So here we have clear evidence of the depths of intellectual depravity by the BBC writ large. Hamas may be regarded as terrorists, even by the UN, but to the bottleless, spineless, useless, pro-Palestinian biased BBC, the top priority is to ensure they are not regarded as terrorists,
BBC muzzies objecting to UK foreign policy.
Should be a clause about that when they or their fathers were bowing and scraping to get into the UK
They often make mistakes like that these days. I am assuming it’s because their entire staff are now useless idiots who got taken on to fit the quotas – after being interviewed by a clueless young ‘team leader’ with little actual experience and was taken on for the same reasons.
A while back the enrichment in Londonistan were looting somewhere or others. The BBC blurred out every face in the foreground to such an extent that you could not identify the colour of the person. Except of course they missed the one stood behind them whose face was still perfectly visible.
I noticed a lunchtime item about people in Israel who had ‘died ‘ whereas those in Gaza had ‘been killed ‘ … I admired the cleverness of the bias by language
I think the BBC won’t change the language of what Hamas Islamic terrorism is and will stick with ‘fighters ‘ … this is because those in the BBC might become targets of …. Terrorists … or is it ‘insurgents ‘? Or fighters or gun men …. Gun persons – persons who are fighters who identify as … men …
Always, always the innocent that suffer:
And how do Christians fare in the middle East ? in any muslim country ?
And who is telling their stories in the MSM ?
“Earlier this year, Open Doors USA issued its annual report on religious persecution around the world. The most difficult and dangerous place for Christians in 2022 is now Afghanistan. That’s not perhaps a surprise, given that Afghanistan is ruled by an Islamic Sunni fundamentalist group, the Taliban, who have made a name for themselves antagonizing religious minorities.
Perhaps more surprising and arresting is the fact that seven out of the top ten countries on Open Doors USA’s 2022 World Watch List have a significant Muslim population and a level of Islamic radicalism. In truth, there are very few Muslim countries—or countries with large Muslim populations—where Christians can avoid intimidation, harassment, or violence. For example, almost 80 percent of all Christians killed in 2021 were in Nigeria (about 53 percent of which is Muslim), and another 11 percent were killed Pakistan, which is about 95 percent Muslim.
In practically every Muslim-majority country—from Morocco on the northwest coast of Africa to supposedly secular and democratic Indonesia in Southeast Asia—blasphemy laws on the books deter criticism of Islam and are often used as weapons against Christian minorities. A few years ago, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, the Christian governor of Jakarta, Indonesia, was found guilty of blasphemy and sentenced to prison time. The list of countries in which apostasy from Islam (and only Islam) is a capital offense includes Sudan, Afghanistan, Brunei, Mauritania, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. These are all self-identifying Muslim nations.”
So none of the people arrested were terrorists then.
Like the teenager shot by Israelis a few months back. We weren’t told he was behind a wall shooting at them.
I’m sure there is plenty of blame to go between both sides – but experience tells me which side are likely to be the most violent – by a factor of 100.
Yes the antics of Israelis wrt to displacing locals needs addressing – and indignation is an appropriate reaction. Sometimes – often even the Israelis haven’t / don’t behave well at all towards their neighbours – but also they don’t get much credit when they do behave well… Simon Webb’s piece on Gaza is worth a view.
I looked at the rest of DDN vids – I think I detect a pattern of red goggle wearing, Corbyn hats and weekend Keffiyeh wearing.
I’ve been threatened (in blood curdling language) by mullahs for being an infidel (without any evidence beyond my appearance).