Start the week 9th October 2023

Well Guys and Gals – it’s The Reckoning – a drama about – my goodness Jimmy Saville – whose existence on the BBC has been expunged (no top of the pops repeats for Jimmy) …. What will his victims think ?

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416 Responses to Start the week 9th October 2023

  1. Foscari says:

    When I see Jeremy Bowen reporting from Israel. I
    feel like vomiting. To be honest I cant understand
    why Israel allow him into the country.
    I expect by letting him visiting the areas where
    the atrocities took place. They expect that He may show a tad of empathy for the victims of the massacre Empathy from
    Jeremy Bowen for Israel? You have got to be kidding.

    He did admit that a women whom an
    Israel spokesman had said that she had her head cut off
    by a Hamas terrorist, was dead. But Bowen said that he hadn’t
    seen her hacked off head . But she appeared to be dead.
    The word massacre was too emotive for him .
    But I suppose I have to fair to Bowen. He is not nearly as bad
    as Julius Streicher was . When it comes to the Jews of Israel.


  2. gb123 says:

    Some good news I didn’t notice. Hobbly Wobblybee has quit.
    (Not BBC but msm.).


    • Fedup2 says:

      Definately one of those momentous news items where you remember where you were when you found it . Personally I don’t know who she is or what day time show she has quit from ( from which she has quit) ….


    • Zephir says:

      Nearly “kidnapped” by a 20 stone bloke who got the sack from pizza hut.

      Yeh, right…

      Its like a dalek invasion, just walk up some stairs and you’ll be safe.


      • BRISSLES says:

        No doubt super heavyweight Hammond will literally squash all potential rivals on the sofa in her bid to become uno numero.


        • Zephir says:

          Hammond, recruited no doubt for her extensive CV and experience of TV presenting… …

          This is what makes me smile sometimes, the, no doubt liberal minded white peeps who have studied acting, been to RADA etc, the voiceover presenters etc etc

          All now rejected because they are not black or on radio, do not sound black

          How does it feel ? this digital anti white genocide ?

          Why bother studying how to elucidate the English language ?

          “Broadband, £26 a munf”

          “Forp park Carinvow”


    • StewGreen says:

      Twitter says obviously ITV sacked her before the inquiry results.
      but that the improbable kidnap plot and “resignation” lets her save face



  3. Lucy Pevensey says:


  4. StewGreen says:

    My understanding is that after yesterday in Wales at Stradey Park
    the active video protesters like Yorkshire Rose moved onto Scampton

    Then tonight’s local newsPR had “4 arrested at Scampton”
    The BBC reporter seemed desperate to say “far right”, but restrained herself to say “these new protesters were different they call themselves independent media and go around videoing everything.

    From the footage I took them to be “auditing video YouTubers”
    I generally don’t support this type of people, cos what they do is not protest, it’s obstruction
    XR get away with this, so they copy them
    but as we saw in the footage, the guards will push you and then your touching them will count as assault and they arrest you.
    That’s what happens in the first tweet video

    In the second video tweet, the guy videos the assembled MSM , the local BBC reporter is videoing but she says the cameraman next to her is BBC too


  5. StewGreen says:

    If you had a new book coming out in 6 months time in March 2024, would your Twitter timeline have 7 tweets today promoting it in October !


    • Zephir says:

      Disinformation, is the information you do not want to see, Spring

      Does this book cover the BBC photoshopping black rioters attacking police to only show police responding to lie about the situation?

      Does this book show the BBC stating that black riots in America with burning cars behind the reporter were ” mostly peaceful” lying about the situation ?

      Does this book address the BBC slander againts Jewish students celebrating in London attacked by muslims to lie to protect violent anti semitic attacks?

      If not why not, you lying little minx


      • Docmarooned says:

        She really is a pathetic poorly educated narcissist who will say anything as long as it toes the bBBC line. Would not know what disinformation is it if bit her on her fat ass. God knows who would read that shit. Waste of paper.


    • Guest Who says:

      She and Shazam and Wendy gearing up to take out Brillo?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Dear Winston Smith,

      I noticed that Jon Sopel is talking about impartial and unbiased reporting but his twitter account has three references to his book whilst using the BBC brand. Could the BBC please explain what is happening?

      1) Is BBC Jon Sopel supposed to tell us about the news or his new book?

      2) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter feed has the BBC name in it and says “Jon Sopel, BBC North America Editor. My book If Only They Didn’t Speak English is out now.” which references his book and not the fact he is an unbiased and impartial reporter.

      3) BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter’s pinned tweet is from 23May2018 and is about .. himself and his book.

      4) Is BBC Jon Sopel’s book 100% BBC approved thought and unbiased and partial?

      5) Shouldn’t BBC Jon Sopel’s twitter be about the latest news and not himself?

      6) When Jon Sopel sells a book does it go to help pay for the BBC TV Tax – to reduce it? As the BBC are promoting it – thus it is promoted by the BBC TV Tax Payer.

      “Impartiality lies at the heart of public service and is the core of the BBC’s commitment to its audiences. It applies to all our output and services – television, radio, online, and in our international services and commercial magazines. We must be inclusive, considering the broad perspective and ensuring the existence of a range of views is appropriately reflected”

      Good luck answering this one without laughing yourself silly.



  6. StewGreen says:

    A lot on Twitter say the Starmer glitter protester looked “staged”


  7. Zephir says:

    @ Guest Who

    worth putting into words:

    Unconfirmed reports that Hamas has slaughtered 40 babies, beheading some, increasingly and sadly look like being true. Major news outlets now carrying the reports. The English language does not contain the vocabulary for an adequate response to this.


    • StewGreen says:

      The place of the alleged baby beheadings is Kibbutz Kfar Aza

      If it were true surely Jeremy Bowen would have mentioned it in his new video from there

      He does do Whataboutery “What about Palestinian civilians ?”
      Despicable in front of soldiers who are moving corpses of Israelis
      However the it did give the Israeli commander a opportunity to give a strong statement back
      saying Israelis fight but keep their moral values.


      • tomo says:

        I wonder if Bowen will get asked on camera about the mutilation and tormenting of murdered civilians.

        Likely not by anybody from the BBC


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      That is what a free “Palestine” looks like.
      That is the true face of Islam.


  8. Zephir says:

    Whatever the background, or political situation their apologists may present, this particular sector of “people” are the most vicious when they have a gun in front of unarmed people.

    They show this wherever they have power, complete and utter inhumanity or empathy

    God help us in this country there are many, all sitting and waiting

    A complete return to prehistoric barbaric tribal vicousness in the extreme

    forget Islam, it is just their own justification for their sadism


  9. Thoughtful says:

    A gas and telecoms pipeline linking Finland and Estonia has been “deliberately damaged”

    No more news than that at present, but the world appears to becomming a more scary place


    • Zephir says:

      Those pipeline people need a good talking to

      Gas and telecoms ?

      Pick up the phone and it could blow the house up if you’re smoking

      And the last thing I need when doing a fry up in the morning is to hear the bloody neighbours talking to eachother about last nights Coronation Street or Emmerdale thank you


    • Fedup2 says:

      Thoughtful – I’ve always thought the Ukrainian war is a higher risk than cuba – but now add the Middle East to the equation – on top of Taiwan or Korea and surely the probability of something really Big gets nearer and nearer – so it’s a matter of looking for the best each day – assuming there is another day …. Each day …

      And on that note – a new thread ….


  10. tomo says:

    More Ardern info comes out


  11. tomo says:

    UNHCR – UN Refugee Agency renting UK barristers to argue against Rwanda scheme…

    Is there any precedent for this?

    What entitles UNHCR to meddle in our business? what is their legal standing in UK courts?


  12. tomo says:


  13. Zephir says:

    No food, no water but thousands of rockets and guns

    Just like the TV adverts for starving children in Yemen : give us your money to help them

    I ask where’s your father ? more than likely somewhere with a gun or bomb fighting someone

    how much does a gun cost ?

    And every other place in Africa, before you beg me on the TV about africans who cannot find fresh water:

    “how many houses and Bentleys and overseas bank accounts does your president have ?

    Lets start with selling these off first

    One could ask the same of Zelensky in Ukraine

    Because there is a democratically elected president of Ukraine from 2014 who did not want to join the EU, so he was “deposed” with some help from the west.

    Zelwensky loves the EU hmm, An apparent sea change almost overnight in the Ukraines position, how convenient.

    Long live democracy