“HAMAS – which some western governments describe as a terrorist group “ – but not the BBC .. which lost its’ moral compass years ago. Defund it . Don’t pay their licence . Meanwhile … a national election in Poland and an Australian referendum on Aboriginal’rights ‘ – all fresh meat for the Far Left BBC ..
Weekend 14th October 2023
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I was just reading through the biased BBC reports on the Australian referendum.
The Aussies voted NO, I would imagine much to the BBC’s disgust.
The part of the report that most struck me was the fact that Aboriginals make up just 4% of the population but 32% of the prison population. Astonishing.
I think its one of those ‘metro’ liberal ideas with woke having too much time on their hands meeting the reality of the aussie national population …
With echoes of brexit . Then NZ and tomorrow Poles goving the finger to the godless EU …
According to this year’s Wimmin’s World Cup, I think NZ is now called . . . Aotearoa New Zealand.
Rings a bell!
BBCnews bulletins these days appear stuffed full of spin and deception by omission
as if they are a lefty student group operation
The 6pm R4 bulletin failed to give any percentages about the vote.
Ukraine war: Russia attacks Avdiivka stronghold in eastern Ukraine
Luckily Gaza provides an excellent excuse to bury news the BBC don’t want to tell us.
The kidults in the BBC act like they are in a news sweetshop – russell brand – dangerous dogs – ukraine – gaza is the new favourite sweety …
Lots of dead children Fed. The BBC love that. Unlimited empathy and the chance of an award at the next company bash.
Times like these, I’m glad my money isn’t funding the BBC
Saving 43pence a day to spend on something worthwhile is always the best bet, Althers!
I spent mine on just a quarter of a bottle of McEwens Champion Ale, as it was on offer in Tesco!
Very agreeable result too, unlike watching the dross on the failing Beeboid’s comedy of errors!
Hamas NEED the Palestinian civilians as a human shield.
The IDF do NOT WANT the bad press that results from them killing Palestinian civilians.
The IDF told the civilians to leave.
Hamas told the civilians to ignore the IDF and stay where they were.
The IDF gain nothing by attacking this convoy and lose from it.
Hamas might gain something, and lose little (if they can blame the IDF).
Ergo, I know who I’m inclined to blame for this attack.
Big Bro, It was good to hear Mark Regev again on R4 this week. He used to be Israel’s Ambassador to London but is now an advisor to Bibi Netanyahu’s Government. He made those points quite forcefully one day this week on R4. I think you are right to know who to blame.
At the opening of Any Answers 14:00 today Radio 4 announced that the convoy attack was an airstrike inferring but *not* claiming it an IDF attack – as JohnC has said slithering like eels in a bucket.
It’s my recollection that there was a news update between Any Answers and the following “Barista” piece – but it isn’t there in the online archive – there, Any Answers jumps (oddly) straight into “Barista” – that news update said that the airstrike had been verified by “BBC Verify”.
Nitpicking maybe … but does anybody know if there’s independent recording of broadcast output that I can go listen to the end of Any Answers?
– the jump edit into the next program is just enough to cover the news “update”…
– be nice to catch them with their hand in the cookie jar.
ITVnews used the phrase that “Israel TARGETED the vehicles”
That is a big claim
a few scenarios are possible
– The arrogant Israeli military screwed up a precision attack on another target
– That it was a Hamas rocket falling short
– That Hamas staged a fake scene and brought the media down
I don’t see a scenario where the Israelis actually targetted trucks with civilians on
Maybe it was a diesel Range Rover?
As I said earlier, it’s got Hamas written all over it.
But you can be sure the BBC will not go near telling us. The giveaway is when they don’t directly blame Israel in the reports.
The scumbags know.
Some girlie in the russian parliament banging on about getting russian women to have their first child when they are 19 years-old. Presumably there is a real need now to feed the russian meat-grinder in Ukraine – with the lives of so many of their men having being snuffed out in a senseless war.
Watch at 6:00 into this video:
Personally I think they should send only feminists into war until the same number have lost their lives as men did in both world wars – it’s only fair.
Not for Ukraine : to replace the men they are losing for the immediate future.
Because they know as well as the USA does – war with China is almost inevitable. If it is 15-20 years away, these replacements will be ready to fight.
War with China is only inevitable if corrupt politicians are allowed to gain office.
Wars under Trump 0
Wars under Biden well it’s growing by the day.
The reason for the antipathy towards Trumps is down to him stopping the money flow to the corrupt, but the US is bankrupt, War with China is only inevitable if the corrupt control the money. China doesn’t want war, corrupt politicians do
Israel and the BBC…..
What we have learned so far…
The BBC are working as hard as they can to make the Israeli Government’s task of ensuring their innocent citizens never again suffer a bloodthirsty incursion by a foreign force of thugs and murderous terrorists as hard as possible.
There is little doubt that the BBC hate Jews and try to enlist as many people as possible to agree with them.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #2 – never let an opportunity for some misandry pass by
“Male trainers at SOE often underestimated the female agents, according to Clare Mulley, who has written several books about women agents in World War Two.”
I was just watching a revealing piece on You Tube from an earlier interview on GB News. They were discussing those protesters who are demonstrating in London and are revelling in the massacre of Jewish children.
Apparently, a number of this third world vermin have set fire to the Israeli flag and the question was asked, should such an act be illegal?
Well, let’s think about this and try to be fair and balanced…Just a few months ago an autistic schoolboy (seemingly accidentally) scuffed a copy of the Quaran. You would have thought he had committed mass murder and broken every one of the ten commandments. There was all Hell to pay.
The police were called in. The poor kid’s mother was paraded in front of a group of these backward bearded elders, who gave her a ticking off and she had to offer a grovelling apology. For a minute I thought I was living in Afghanistan.
But this scum can celebrate the mass murder of children, burn the flags of the nation they have attacked and it’s…”Well, we’re living in a liberal democracy. I don’t like it but, what can we do?”
I’ll tell you what we can do. We can start by kicking this scum out of our country.
I’d vote for that…
I remember the Union Jack and American flags being burned in every muslin enclave in this country when The Satanic verses was published, and Rushdie had to go into hiding. This is what happens when we allow the 3rd world cross our borders – now they’ve given us bed bugs !!
BBC: “Pro-Palestinian march draws thousands in London with protests across UK.”
Thousands indeed. But how many more thousands of muslims are quietly celebrating at home?
London antisemitism noise…..
When any area reaches a critical percentage of non-indigenous groups, those groups will have a twist on the voice of that area even if it is at odds with the Country as a whole as long as it resonates with being “involved” ….. London is now not an English city and therefore will reflect the voices of the biggest or loudest political mouths in the area at any given time.
The big problem is that our young are being swayed by this shit and we now see university level students in this Country who follow the mad herd and who can no longer distinguish between evil terrorists and normal people, so intent are they to be right on and “protect offended groups” even if those same groups in time would happily chop off their heads.
Think Oswald Mosley in the 1930’s
“……and we now see university level students in this Country who follow the mad herd….”
Thanks Bliar !! First on the gallows if I had my way.
Almost a nightmare getting any artisans to do any work for you.
The BBC Dogs dinner ‘entertainment’ channel.
I am sure you all will be please to learn that Mark Thompson former DG at the BBC who claimed Jimmy Saville was a ‘national treasure’ has been accepted as the New CEO of America’s ”CNN” public TV channel. Coincidentally because – the CNN has as it motif – its ‘world news output mirrors is almost identical to the BBC – i.e. all (US based) liberal progressives, soft socialist with overtones of global ‘Trotskyism’ as a social virtue), is as biased as the BBC and strongly claims to be biased, it is 100% Biden. No coincidence. The US the CNN can be partial. In the UK the BBC cannot by law.
Still the BBC is abuses this everyday as its has a Charter which enables Billions of funding to be spent on ‘global pursuits’ and as ‘entertainment’. Courtesy of the UK taxpayer who no longer want to pay for it.
Mark Thompson has form, he was swiftly made the new head of the New York Times, after the ‘Saville’ child sex disclosures and police operation Yew tree was started to interview each and every BBC presenter current and past for child abuse allegations that the BBC basically ignored at will.
They still deny Saville was ‘employed’ by the BBC and even when his BBC chauffeur was arrested for similar ‘copycat’ crimes, the BBC did not admit any liability, and still does, despite many high profile presenter were charged and locked in in Jail, not just in the UK but with International Warrants. The former head of Radio 2 was a prolific pedophile, many Radio and TV presenters have appeared in the UK Courts of indecency charges, which they admit.
Mark Thompson denies any of it. He of course thought it normal, as indeed it is at the BBC to have equal diverse perversions as a UK (or ECHR) human right. Maybe a global one, if they had the influence of ISLAM. He also refused to be interviewed in the UK by the UK Police under operation Yew tree. He refused to answer question as he had moved to the US and declared he was beyond the remit of the UK Police. The Police had to travel to see him investigating past crimes of former presenters. Many of them very well known at the time, within the BBC which also linked past BBC Directors as well as BBC (so called) ‘Stars’.
All in all 150 were questioned under operation yew tree. Many were jailed both before and after Operation Yew tree. Some are still in Jail on current charges.
When the sale of the inquiry were known the BBC packed Mark Thompson off to the US where he could not be questioned, he was then found at top job (CEO) Chief Editor at the New York Times and started to criticise the UK (through the New York Times), the UK Police, the Conservatives, Brexit, and praised the Labour party for Ed Milliband and Co.).
The cream of the liberal establishment allways rises to the top. The BBC has an annual income of £7 Billion per annum (£4.8 Billion from the license fee alone). The rest is make up from ‘license’ agreements with the likes of CNN and few are in Canada under subscription channels. It also has several (UK) FREEVIEW channels – all paid for by UK advertising (despite the BBC claims of the TV license) and its own (subscription only) iPlayer.
And still the BBC claim that the TV license is TOTALLY necessary because it ensures the BBC is totally ‘unbiased’ and is ‘trusted’ across the world for its ‘professional standards’. and (most important INFLUENCE0 its is able to deliver to ‘GLOBALISTS’ who give the BBC ‘top up’ funding for programmes likely to support ‘climate change’,(amongst other BBC claims to be ‘expert’ in.
I seriously doubt any of that is true, And Mark Thompson knows its all bull when he was at the BBC defending the same. Now the BBC claims its the world most trusted News provider, despite is openly supporting HAMAS.
Of course the BBC will be supported by the CNN and The New York Times.
9:45pm GBnews Mark Dolan brings her on Kim (The cleaning celeb) Woodburn , a weekly guest cos she is bitchy and that makes good TV
So he asks her “What do you think about Holly Willoughby ?”
Kim delivers the controvery saying “She’s a bitch, a bitch” and starts explaining
And I’m like “that’s interesting, see how a woman can slag off another woman, by calling her a bitch
.. but the same TV station fired Laurence Fox for his bitchy comment, saying he wouldn’t “shag” a particular bitter lefty woman
So Kim Woodburn continued for 60 seconds and then Dolan had second thoughts
and starts saying bitch is an expletive … and he’s sorry.
.. No it’s an expletive in the US but not in the UK
I guess he realised ITV lawyers would say she is a target of an alleged assassination plot
Then Dolan ties himself in knots saying he is not cancelling Woodburn , but he’s going to cut her off anyway.
What a surprise : the Egyptians don’t want the people from Gaza either.
How long before we start shipping them here ?.
Maybe that’s what the US and UK naval ships are for…
That aside, from the telegraph comments, I’ve never seen such a majority outraged about the situation Britain now finds itself in.
“Watch: How Hamas co-ordinated huge Israel attack
How did the militants manage to carry out last Saturday’s brazen operation? The BBC’s security correspondent Gordon Corera looks at Hamas’ own videos, to find out what it tells us about the shock attack”
It’s been a week so a good excuse for the BBC to roll out some more praise for the terrorists attack .
Hamas animal thugs enter Israel and murder and abduct thousands of innocent Israelis, including women, old people and children. Yousef disgusting twat in Scotland thinks that fine…. Corbyn disgusting twat thinks that’s fine. Lilly liveried Labour Party under two-faced Starmer are silent… The BBC disgusting twats thinks that’s fine…. Nasty birds of a feather, all left wingers…..We need these twats gone!
Digg, I hate the way Scotland First Minister Hamas Useless is representing my country. I see lots of surprise and horror on social media from places like America. They must be getting the impression Scotland has fallen and is now part of the Ummah.
The Islamist/Leftist/Woke/Celtic Fans/Stupid Brainwashed Young People Alliance may like him but the rest of us don’t. I hope we’re still strong enough in numbers and political will to throw him out at the next election.
I am a Celtic fan.
I stand with Israel.
Strike on civilian convoy fleeing Gaza: What we know from verified video
Another pointless bit of verification by the ‘BBC Verify’ team. Nobody could have faked that video.
What I know from your article BBC is that YOU know Israel did not do it.
I know that because you avoid the subject completely. There was no missile or aircraft : it was a bomb on the truck.
So the BBC do what they always do in these situations : they talk about the victims and anything else they can – but the only subject which matters at this point is deliberately not addressed.
Their trick is to mix this story in with all the other stories about what the IAF are doing with the intent people just assume Israel did it.
It seems BBC verify has degenerated into people browsing google earth and streetview to claim they have proved something nobody doubted in the first place.
I had to laugh at the red-paint thrown over Broadcasting House in ‘protest at the BBC’s bias’ yesterday.
Of course they are biased – but not how those Muslim’s claim. The reason they did that is because the BBC wrote anything at all negative about the terrorists. They get angry if anyone says anything they don’t like. And not just normal angry, the kind of angry that makes people want to kill other people. They are the most intolerant people on Earth.
But they have people on the ground there.
Might be worth verifying.
Not by BBC verify.
really? /sarc
It’s not just Marianne’s crew – It seems likely that somebody at R4 decided that Gaza civilian convoy attack news update segment after Any Answers on 14th Oct. went too far and snipped it out.
– a matter for Ofcom? is editing an archive post broadcast acceptable?
I wonder what the BBC web site looks like in Arab countries?
Well, quite Marianne…. methinks the lady protesteth too much.
– seems like a Newsniffer type thing is required to check the BBC’s broadcast output
Has she ventured out into social media yet. Anyone not yet banned might share the reaction to her idiotic pretentiousness.
Tweets by mariannaspring
Springy loves to talk about herself. I…I…I…I…
One reply sums her piece up well:
This is a bit of a click-baity tweet, isn’t it? Who is behind Israel/Gaza Disinformation? You have to read the article to find the answer is “I don’t know” (but it is all Elon’s fault of course).
As expected the BBC gives little or no coverage of the defeat of the Ardern Disciples in NZ – replaced by a government of sanity – nor the decision by the Australian people not to put free handouts to abo s in the constitution .
Today the Poles will vote to keep Poland polish – a policy thr BBC could never approved because it is busy turning into own country into the third world – see demos from yesterday …..
BBC ‘reporters ‘ massing on the Gaza border to emote of their Hamas freedom fighters versus the nasty Israelis – meesh must be there by now after the bee lady was withdrawn …
The Israeli response to the terrible attack of innocent civilians within Israel now appears to be collective punishment on Palestinians and ethnic cleansing of the Gaza. Two wrongs do not make a right.
I disagree
That article goes too far and gives it’s intent away when it calls Israels actions ‘genocide’. Then they try to say Israel blew up the truck yesterday which is also extremely unlikely. Hence I take the rest of it with a pinch of salt.
The question nobody is asking is what else can Israel do to prevent more attacks like we just saw ?. They will argue that restraint now just means it all happening again as soon as Hamas/Iran can manage it. Over 60% of Palestinians support Hamas so they are going nowhere unless they are forced.
I suspect it’s going to develop into more than just clearing out Hamas from parts of Gaza. I think Hezbollah really want to get involved – but they know that will mean direct intervention by the USA.
The USA moving two aircraft carriers to the eastern Med hints that there is more that we’re not being told?
From a previous engagement with their enemies . See this account by Col. Eyal Eisenberg . Unfortunately there are no photographs to illustrate it.
“In the midst of this operation, we assisted a baby being born and evacuated an elderly woman who was injured and summoned a local ambulance for her. Terrorists ran and fired from behind the ambulance. If my soldiers can assist a Palestinian woman giving birth when six of their comrades have been blown to bits in the street but, at the same time, they fire at us from behind an ambulance, you must understand that we [and the Palestinians] are at opposite ends of the scales of values.”
BBC Arabic reporters celebrated the Hamas attack
If there’s one thing in life you can rely on it’s Israel doesn’t do don’t look back in anger in this packed Sunday edition including a lot of dramatic Welsh wind baggery and footballers require the girls to sign a pre-bonk contract
The Sunday Mirror masthead motto seems to take a leaf out of the now resting Daily Express: United with the people of Ukraine playbook. But just like the statements of the Labour leader the Sunday Mirror supports there’s no specific commitment to one thing or another, just a vague catch all platitude: We Are With You
The controversialist in Mr AsI looks forward to the day when the number two main subject tab on our BBC’s online news site: War in Ukraine – tucked in as it is at present between the clickable labels: Cost of Living and Climate – is quietly edited out of existance, perhaps to be replaced with War in Gaza?
We’ve more than a touch of drama to review today
Act one, scene one: the provocation outrage performed by Hamas is now over and soon to be forgotten
Now for the science bit
Newton’s Third Law of Motion tells us that for every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction – or potentially more than equal – if like Israel you have more tanks and missiles at your disposal and have a willingness to use them.
Because in contrast to the situation following the massacre of British music concert-going young girls in Manchester, where Newton’s Law is confounded by our authorities – who persude us to light a candle, donate a teddy bear and sing Don’t Look Back in Anger [Oasis, 1995, from their album (What’s the Story) Morning Glory?]
Israel’s robust reaction is and was perfectly predictable – particularly by Hamas and their sponsors and supporters – so you might almost say the Israeli military actions happening now were planned and coordinated beforehand by the islamist faction.
Inevitably our media emphasis is now Gaza and the plight of local civilians. Exemplified by the pictures on the frontpages of our more left-leaning titles: Man flees with injured child in Khan Yunis in South Gaza strip (Sunday Mirror); A child being carried into hospital after an Israeli raid on Deir al-Balah in Gaza (Observer)
Even the vaguely and occasionally left-leaning Daily Star Sunday has a pic of a chap with two children in his arms: Gaza braced for hell – I’m left wondering has every able bodied military aged Gazan man now been issued with a seven-year-old girl to carry around in place of his assault rifle?
Insert jokes about gooming gangs and the prophet’s wife here – at your peril
To lighten the mood somewhat we shift emphasis for a moment from the bad guys to the Goodfellas: Robert De Niro on film and fatherhood ‘At my age you think more about time’ (Observer Magazine); Martin Scorsese at 80 (Sunday Times Culture) – go on, make them an offer they can’t see without putting on their reading glasses… either his signature or his dribbled drool from his ill-fitting false teeth will be on the contract
Mr AsI has to ask readers hereabouts: “You think I’m funny? Funny how? Funny like a clown? Do I Amuse You?”
Back to this week’s war zone
In contrast to the Gaza-themed think-of-the-children lefties – literally: Save the children (Sunday Mirror) our more right-leaning papers do some rather edgy reporting on the activities of our own largely recently imported local fifth column: Pro-Palestinian protest marred by anti-Semitic chants (Sunday Telegraph); You Ghouls… Despicable: Women with images of paragliders, as used by Hamas… pro-Palestine march in London brazenly revel in the massacre of dozens of young Israelis… Hatred on Britain’s streets… so why didn’t the police stop them? (Mail on Sunday) – answers on a postcard, please; Plot to attack UK firms… buildings linked to Israel was uncovered yesterday… Protest group Palestine Action has drawn up a “hit list” (The Sun)
The squishy Rishi lacky loyalist Sunday Express puff for their guy: PM: We stand by Israel… Always – or just so long as the US State Department tells us that’s our policy, eh Rishi?
And then there’s a sadly pointless political diss from the Sunday Express for yesterday’s sadly pointless lefty: As Jeremy Corbyn joins thousands of Brits marching in support of Palestine… Sunak gives a clear message – they do know Rishi is in fact not up against Corbyn but instead Keir Starmer, who’s rather sensibly lying low and keeping his gob shut this weekend, right?
In sports news
The Sun goes with: Prem Ace Secret Sex Party Legal Gag… Girls told to sign order – We’ve certainly heard of Pre Nups… but pre bonks? I guess footballers can afford some better lawyers with better advice than Russell Brand?
In theatre news
Our BBC beats about the bush and fails to explain the who, what, when, why & how of: Defunded theatre has lost its way, says writer… National Theatre Wales has lost a meaningful connection with its audience… The theatre was told in September that it would not receive any more funding from the Arts Council of Wales
What’s my motivation in this? As the actor said to the director.
After paragraph after paragraph of Welsh wind baggery one turns to the right-leaning Specator for the gen on this dramatic story: Whisper it, but it appears a national English language theatre company in Wales sticks in their throats at a time when one of their priorities is to promote the Welsh language… In more than 50 pages of waffle and politically correct zealotry there seems to be hardly a thought spared for artistic excellence. Instead those in need of cash must prove themselves worthy by passing the arts council’s ‘six principles’ test: creativity, widening engagement, Welsh language, climate justice, nurturing talent, and transformation.
The road to future conflict is sign posted for us
In a similar anti-English vein: Wrexham University lecturer ‘sacked’ after saying bilingual road signs are ‘dangerous’… said in a Facebook group that bilingual road signs contained “unintelligible information”. His honorary position as a visiting professor at Wrexham University has since been terminated. (Sky News)
Not that I’m suggesting………..
For those who vividly remember: The Winter of 1963.
Me? I was still blasting around on a BSA B31…………
If that winter was to be repeated, where would it leave the climate ‘Goons’?
Being the left-wing organisation that it is, we know where the BBC’s true allegiance lies in the Israel-Hamas conflict. If it wasn’t obvious enough, ex-employees have confirmed that they’re pro-Palestine to the core.
For a short while after the Hamas attacks, the BBC had to be seen to do a bit of hand-wringing over the thousands of dead and wounded Israelis.
But now, as the IDF begins its counter-offensive inside Gaza, the BBC will be back in their comfort zone, gleefully showing the world pictures of dead and wounded children, and calling for restraint, moderation and proportionality etc.
It’s already started, and it’s going to get a lot worse.
What will they charge him with – Displaying excessive patriotism?
attempted suicide?
Surprised the police didn’t put the flag on the floor and intentionally trample on it in their haste to get one dissenter into clink.
This is more of something I wrote the other day.
The number one fear of the government in this tinderbox of ‘enrichment ‘is unrest on the streets. They can’t go for the trouble causers because they are the violent ones and there are thousands of them who don’t think twice about stabbing somebody.
So it’s much easier to remove those who might stand against them. Hence the extreme treatment of anyone who does that – like Tommy Robinson, Laurence Fox etc etc etc.
If the crowd had descended on that man and murdered him – which is absolutely not out of the question for these people – it would be a MAJOR event and a battle cry to white English people.
So we have ended up where we are today. It’s far too late to do anything about the enrichment so they must be appeased so they don’t murder us. And as usual it’s the white majority who pay the price because they don’t go around intimidating and killing people in the name of their stone-age religion.
Outnumbered and no doubt out-gunned. Hearing stories about the gun-running imports. After all, they are people-running into the UK, why not guns and more.
Best part about it is even the laws on self-defence are heavily biased against the defender, even in a home invasion scenario. Personally, I don’t see that long off. It is almost as if the Government and their appeasers want the enrichers to invade and take over homes of the indigenous population. Now leading toward that. Woulldn’t that solve a problem? I see the police have been instructed to search for reasons to dock / take away FAC’s.
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way”
Worth visiting Joerg Sprave. Found on YT.
I think most people here are familiar with Simon Webb’s excellent podcast, History Debunked. This morning he tells of a very troubling, though hardly surprising, event that happened yesterday in London…
As we know, the pro Hamas terrorist supporters were out in force, calling for “Death to the Jews”, waving Isis and Hamas flags (both proscribed organisations) and burning the Israeli flag. Nothing happened. The police just looked on; indeed some police officers were seen shaking hands with these people. Yes, it’s extraordinary, but is anyone really surprised any more? I honestly think not…
However, the Gestapo…ooh sorry, I mean the Met’, did swing into action when one older white chap decided to wave the Union Jack and addressed the crowd…at least he tried to, via a mega-phone. He was immediately pounced on by half a dozen burly, jack-booted officers of ze law, thrown in a van and carted away.
This is London in the 21st century. My dad and my uncles all willingly went off to war, risking their young lives, to defend our country from invasion. Why did they bother? Our gutless politicians have invited third world, fifth columnists into our once green and pleasant land and turned it into the shit-hole we all know it to be.
We have a Muslim mayor and Muslims on the streets celebrating barbarism, terrorism and the butchering of babies.
When somebody causes damage such as spraying orange paint onto a School building or red paint on the bbbc hq do they have to pay the full amount to have the damage repaired and cleaned up or is it the taxpayer or someone else who pays.
The pictures of somebody freely spraying orange paint on a beautiful old building which most of you may have seen on tv yesterday made me think of the cost to remove the paint and get the building looking normal again.
The same when works of art are damaged or defaced.
I would reckon the cost of renovating the building from the orange paint could cost somewhere in a 5 figure sum and if the laughing individual vandalising the building got the bill for payment they might think twice before doing it again.
If they don’t have the money then sell their house or car, if no assets then a long prison sentence.
I sometimes catch that ‘damages’ have been part of a sentence but they usually seem very low and nowhere near the amount to restore whatever has been damaged. They usually appear to get very light sentences (if they are ever charged that is)
Forget the ‘long term prison sentence’. There ain’t no places and no building new ones. Perhaps the Government ought to invest another £25 million as they did in Jamaica and build the prison there and ship them out to save clogging the British prisons. Investment could be made in the Middle East and Africa and so-on.
The damage to the medieval college building at Cambridge was particularly painful to see, I’m not sure how easy it is to remove the paint they use (that would depend on what, exactly the paint is), but architecture like that, and some of the old works of art they have vandalised is irreplaceable and (the real definition of) a national, or even global treasure.
Like a lot of other things, this should have been nipped in the bud, by coming down hard on, and making an example of the idiots involved in the first attacks on statues and buildings. Now they know they’re beyond the law and untouchable (having cretins like Pwackum encouraging this spate of cultural vandalism can’t be helping – lock him up too!)
A Hamas chief called for a Global Day of Jihad. He could have saved himself the trouble.
According to Islam, every day is a Day of Jihad.
While most muslims ignore such nonsense, a sizeable number take it seriously. In the last 30 days, there were 79 Islamic attacks in 20 countries, in which 1699 people were killed and 4014 injured.
‘While most muslims ignore such nonsense, a sizeable number take it seriously.’
The Danes have had enough of ghettos
Isn’t there something slightly less than impartial about something called ‘BBCArabic’?
Which presumably tells its listeners what they want to hear, rather than what they should be told.
Is there a ‘BBC Hebrew’ by any chance. No. Thought not.
“THE BBC have launched an urgent probe into Hamas-supporting journalists who called attacks on Israel “a morning of hope””.
“A BBC spokesman said: “We are urgently investigating this matter. We take allegations of breaches of our editorial and social media guidelines with the utmost seriousness, and if and when we find breaches we will act, including taking disciplinary action.””
That will be the day …
The BBC Arabic ( anti Jew ) service pin up ? Meesh ..of Toady fame …. She must be in Gaza by now with Bowen doing his ‘deeply concerned ‘ act – another chapter for the book ….
…or send for Huw – oops – er – send for Clive –
Sadly Pug, I am assuming all the ‘hostages’ have already been murdered. An especially cruel thing, in my opinion, is telling the mother of the tattooed girl at the music festival/rave is that her daughter is alive in hospital in Gaza. I am willingly to be proved stupid, but any chance that girl is in a clean hospital bed, tucked up in white sheets and being tended by kind nurses, is nil. Someone is giving her mother false hope just to be extra cruel.
From what I’ve heard (and seen) Deb, they’re not going to be giving up their new ‘toys’ just yet, plenty of time to ‘play’ with them before they wind up dead (one way, or another), and to video it for the ‘pleasure’ of their families watching back home.
It is another level of barbarism entirely, and anyone who can’t see that the attack last weekend, and the taking (and torturing) of innocent ‘hostages’ is the very definition of callous and sadistic terrorism, are either utter idiots, or despicably shameless hypocrites.
Ok – not about Islamic Hamas terrorism …. I thought – stupidly – I’d go find something from the BBC pre woke – pre Far Left -past on R4extra …
A history of the tarpaulin – ok l did a bit of camping – must be of interest … right ? Oh Fedup – how naive are you sometimes –
Now what do you think “A history of tarpaulin ‘ really be about ?
Yep – propaganda for ‘refugees’ on the French coast waiting to get to the third home of GB …. Yep – off switch . I really should have known better …
…. You can play a game looking at the R4X ‘listings ‘ and spot the non woke – wimmins interest – programme – there’s a few but only those the listing department failed to wipe ….
Fed, I would have thought you were listening to the book about the Fried Bankman of Crypto on BBC ‘Noises’. I forgot to listen to most episodes (too busy, don’t know how I found the time to go to work!) and now have to catch up.
I listened to it but the language was all foreign to me . There’s a rule about not investing / gambling if you don’t understand something – eg crypto…. Which seems to be just a ponsi thing …
Good luck to anyone making actual real money in that environment
Simon Heffer today in the DT discusses the BBC language with reference to Islamic Hamas – and the apologist John Simpson defending BBC language .
The killer is that UK legislation defines Islamic Hamas as a terrorist organisation – yet the BBC doesn’t .
So what other UK laws will the BBC choose not to recognise ?
Comes to something when the state funded national broadcasters thinks itself above the State Law ….
I wonder what Islamic Hamas would have to do to be considered a terrorist organisation ? Decapitate Meshell Hussain ? Hold Orla as a hostage and murder her on camera ? ….abduct John Simpsons children …?
“Hundreds gather in London for Israel vigil”
‘Many were spotted draped in Israeli flags and posters saying “bring them home” with names and faces of hostages captured by Hamas were being handed out to attendees’
Spotted? BBC uses some weird language…
The English on the BBC website is appalling. Mine isn’t perfect, sure, but if even the likes of I can spot the issues with the language in BBC reports it must be really, really bad.
“…and letting of fireworks.” was one I spotted earlier, which had me scratching my head for a couple of seconds.
Odd reluctance to pin-point the cause of the car park inferno at the airport!
Methinks there seems to be a shhhhhh campaign…. Couldn’t have been an overheating battery could it? Cos that would put a massive damper on EV sales and greeny ambitions!
Starmer’s mate …
I thought cows were essential to ecosystems, due to their replacing the now mostly extinct ‘mega fauna’ of the past – the likes of bison, aurochs, Irish elk, woolly mammoths etc…. ?
If we get rid of all the cows, what will graze the landscape, whilst providing the plants (and dung beetles) with essential nutrients and scattering seeds in their dung?
Bill is a very strange man, back when he owned Microsoft, he was already a very strange man, but it was mostly restricted to (sometimes bizarre, and often unethical) software, now he seems more like a danger to society.
Posted at 15:57
‘US senators in Tel Aviv shelter from rocket attacks
Top Democrat Chuck Schumer, who is currently leading a US Senate delegation to Israel, has shared of photo of lawmakers gathered in a Tel Aviv shelter during a Hamas rocket attack.
“It shows you what Israelis have to go through,” the New York senator posted on X, formerly Twitter.
“We must provide Israel with the support required to defend itself.”false ‘
“false” being the title of the hyperlink button, is that normal?
The Guardian go for certainty on that “fleeing refugees attacked by IDF air assets…”
A very particular wording there…
Maybe it should use Islamic Hamas freedom fighters – Corbyn style – … friends …
I have had a genius idea:
Who can blame the Israelis from striking back hard after each outrage. The question is does it work? These proxy wars where external nations support one side or the other just fuel the misery for all the people in question.
It is very interesting that the Egyptians do not want to have Gaza in Egypt and so will keep the border closed. So say Israel invades and holds half of Gaza, what will they do with 1 million refugees? Who is going to feed and clothe that many people? These will all be doctors, lawyers, brain surgeons, and accountants after all.
So instead of Israel retaliating rocket for rocket to Lebanon, Syria, Iran etc why not send them a gift? Say 1000 doctors for each rocket strike they receive.
If the surrounding countries are so unhappy at the way Israel has co-existed with the Palestinians then why do the surrounding countries not show how wonderful they are at coexisting with the Palestinians. After all they share a common religion, so that is a good start.
My idea is Britain could transport the Gaza refugees to Turkey.
The British took Gaza from the Turks on 7th November 1917. Then after 30 years, left Gaza to Egypt on the 15th May 1948.
A shuttle service by the Royal Navy would start from the British Territory of Akrotiri and Dhekelia, in Cyprus. The Royal Navy travels 220 miles from the British Territory to Gaza to pick up the refugees. Then travels 350 miles to the Turkish port of Mersin to return the Gaza refugees back to Turkish rule. And then the Royal Navy returns the 130 miles back to the British Territory in Cyprus.
Colonial problem solved.
Interesting – but considering that judges are being instructed to delay sentencing to prison because they are full up already – might make it a bit tricky for ‘gender crimes ‘… so it will be the good old fixed penalty notice …..
… judging by the attitude of the Blue Labour lot I’d have thought they’d be as likely to introduce such legislation with some of those man hating vipers leading the charge …..nokes and Dinage ….( Mrs 77 brigade )
John Prescott and all ‘Working Class’ Hull Bus drivers will be imprisoned for two years for saying “Thanks Love” to male and female fair payers, under strict Labour Party, upper-class posh compelled speech laws.
How will they know it is deliberate?
More to the point, how will we know what the ‘correct’ gender pronoun for someone is?! Will we all need to wear big badges (for the short sighted) with our ‘preferred gender pronoun’ on the outside of our garments – front and back?!
I seem to remember John Simpleton remarking that they, the Biarsed Broadcsting Corporation, led the relief of Afghanistan. Perhaps if the asked the Israeli army if they could lead the relief of Gaza, they would let Simpleton, Orla and Jesbo lead the attack in front of the Tanks and footsoldiers.
Man charged over racist comments at pro-Palestine rally
lol – all those thousands of Muslim protestors who are as anti-Jewish racist as it is possible to be and the only person arrested for racism is that white guy with the Union Jack.
He was arrested and removed because it would have degenerated into his murder if they didn’t. And that would be bad for the agenda. THAT is the truth of it which none of our media will tell us.
Meanwhile – unreported by the BBC:
Watch: Mob of pro-Palestinian protesters chase Israel supporter until police step in
‘Vahid Beheshti, an Iranian dissident, claims one of the people who allegedly threatened to ‘behead’ him was later arrested’
Welcome to modern Britain and the abomination called the BBC.
“Khan Younis: A Gaza city on its knees, now with a million mouths to feed”
By Rushdi Abu Alouf in Khan Younis, Gaza
‘I have seen small apartments, which already housed more than they could comfortably hold, becoming “homes” for 50 or 60 people – no one can live like this for long.’
Lots of houses like that in Britain….
Getty image tagged Who ate all the pies?
Can’t Rushdi take his own photos, he’s supposed to be BBC’S journalist on the ground.
What is Hamas, and what’s happening in Israel and Gaza? A really simple guide
18 versions In 24 hours…. – maybe no so simple?
A lefty casualty of Hamas – one Steve Bell – the resident cartoonist at The Guardian – has been suspended after a dodgy cartoon which was banned as anti semitic …. Seems like his contract ends in 2024 and he is ‘done ‘.
I wonder if he will do a cartoon of himself getting the boot ?
New Thread Time … we are still here …
Steve Bell?
How sad etcetera
The SWP will scoop him up.
Lest we forget.
BBC receives millions from the Gates Foundation
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided millions of pounds in funding to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) over the years.
Despite being the United Kingdom’s public service broadcaster, the station’s international charity ‘BBC Media Action’ receives heavy funding from the Gates Foundation.
BBC Media Action covers news on poverty and health among other subjects in partnership with the BBC World Service and other local media and associates across the world.
An investigation into the matter by the Unity News Network found that the Gates Foundation has provided millions to BBC Media Action over the years.The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided millions of pounds in funding to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) over the years.”
Despite being the United Kingdom’s public service broadcaster, the station’s international charity ‘BBC Media Action’ receives heavy funding from the Gates Foundation.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has provided millions of pounds in funding to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) over the years.
Only a recently as last week the Labour party received a declaration of 20,000 Dollars (or pounds) from the same man.
Silicon valley thinks(!) they will get a better deal (rid far east competition) if they sign up to a socialist government reliant on Bill Gates Pharmacies (cue next lock-down) and who we can all enjoy his new bed bugs food additive. And then we have the very dodgy NHS procurement of failed Microsoft computers to finish off this brave new world. Face tracking, Digital ID,’s 15 minute cities and driver-less cars are all being considered under Labour who are not known for any technical ability, o financial constraint. After all, Gordon Brown set the standard for fiscal accountability (zilch).
We will be bankrupt. But who cares, there does not seem much point in any future elections if we are back to joining the EU. And that is not a good place to be, when they go broke, as Germany and Poland are less keen on funding bottomless pit.
Bill Gates is but one nerdy lefty giving it all away to left wings causes. The other one is currently being charged in the US due to the biggest financial fraud in US history.. FTX (another nerd) he was a big donator to Bill Clinton and Obama to the tune of Billions…. Crypto!
Its the biggest financial single disaster in the US right now.
And this is what its all about. Gaining influence in politics.
Sam Bankman-Fried donated $10million to Joe Biden’s campaign to gain ‘influence and recognition,’ ….