How will the BBC react to the Israeli Army taking on Hamas ‘fighters ‘ in their territory ? This may be an episode that exposes the BBC as an alien organisation in the country that is forced to fund it – with politicians continuing to refuse to control it .
Start the Week 16th October 2023
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Look at me !
Anyway, enough gloating.
Poland’s ruling party set to lose power – exit poll
The article has a jubilant mood and I wondered why:
‘The right-wing populist Law and Justice party is on course to win most seats in Poland’s general election, an exit poll suggests, but may struggle to secure a third term in office.’
‘Known as PiS, it is set to win 36.8% of the vote, with the centrist opposition on 31.6%, says the Ipsos poll.’
So PiS got the most votes then.
But then:
Donald Tusk’s Civic Coalition is aiming to bring an end to eight years of PiS rule under leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski.
‘And if the exit poll proves correct he may have a greater chance of victory.
“Poland won, democracy has won. This is the end of the bad times, this is the end of the ruling party, PiS,” he told a large crowd of jubilant supporters in Warsaw.’
And it seems that even though they got the most votes, they won’t be able to form a coalition to take government. But the various other parties can.
And that’s ‘Democracy has won’ ?.
Whatever is going on, the BBC are clearly very happy about it !.
Fat lady hasn’t sung yet
Stew, how dare you refer to Brissles as fat!
something to do with 1991 and the Gulf War if memory serves – the Palestinians aligned themselves enthusiastically with Saddam Hussein
and why are the MSM so quiet about Argentina?
presidential election is soon : first-round October 22
Current President is Alberto Fernandez, who took office on 10 December 2019.
(under heavy influence of Vice President and former President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner)
Kirchnerists are Centre-left to left-wing other parties are more right wing
the 2019 BBC election story was all about how the left could cure the inflation of the pre 2019 government
The above graph shows they gave it some stability from when they took office in 2020 for 2 years then it went wrong .
Andrew Doyle’s GBNews show tonight making some good points
#1 Australia’s voice referendum was about not allowing majority democratic votes to make big changes
instead their should be special RESPECT to the indigenous MINORITY
so there should be a second stage where the decision is run by them
One guest said “we could do that in the UK
Doyle ” but it’s different cos white people are a MAJORITY in the UK”
Guest “Not in London”
So that is an interesting idea that to respect traditional British culture, the panel of indigenous British should be able to veto the mayor.
#2 Sadiq Khan is actually the London establishment’s man
His job is to approve things they want
eg like more and more construction
super tall buildings etc.
Yes I think that’s true
He shouts ULEZ is stopping this little street
Yet OK’s huge project which must have #1 an air pollution impact
#2 a CO2 impact .. #3 a natural resources impact
The Shard is 72 stories of office space
when in fact the UK has a surplus of office space
I checked who gave planning permission
“Despite this, in 2003, Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott announced that planning permission had been granted”
“Disused office space in the English capital is up from 16.9 million square feet in 2020 to 20.2 million square feet at the end of 2021 “
If the tiny sample of Aussies I know is anything to go by, the simple prospect of yet another government body to “look after” the indigenous peoples was a step too far….
UK office space ? In my neck of the provincial woods, edge of town offices on “nice” industrial estates are being converted into accommodation – locals wryly observe that the occupants will likely be on benefits as there’s few jobs – ditto for the acres of high density housing being thrown up on green field sites.
I think I recall you’re from my ‘neck of the provincial woods’, here in the Wilts/Somerset/Dorset region Tomo?
If so, all I’ve seen in recent years are the locals being swamped under a tide of incomers from London, who have far more cash to spend, and the greenfields being concreted over with overpriced and crappy ‘executive housing’ at an alarming rate to house them all. Very few of the green spaces I knew as a kid, growing up around here, are anything other than housing estates now, and there is no sign they’re going to stop building row after row of those ridiculous, identical, and characterless rabbit hutches, or the estate agents aren’t going to keep selling them up in London for £££££ before they’re even built.
No work – exactly, unless you want the long commute to London on the overpriced, and unreliable trains.
And just take a close look at these generic hutches on housing estates. Have you SEEN the size of the windows? Little more than arrow slits in the walls. Compare them to the big picture windows of the 60s and 70s which let daylight flood in, and little wonder there is an increase in mental health issues when folk are literally living in the dark !
Windows are another means of escape in an emergency, but God help anyone who is well endowed with a bum, boobs and belly, they wouldn’t have a cat in hells chance of squeezing through these dolls house windows.
Anyone who can afford to buy a new property on an estate could surely afford to buy something a bit older with decent size windows, but it’s something to seriously consider.
That’s a good point Brissles.
The green brigade are after smaller windows to ‘conserve energy’, and want all those expensive bolt-ons like heat pumps chucked in to appease the LAs.
One issue I’m strongly against, is that in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty, (AONBs), the LAs are still letting housebuilders run riot, demolishing everything that has been exemplifying the values of such a pleasant place, so eventually, there’ll be nothing left as ‘beautiful’, so the definition will become redundant!
Tunbridge Wells is pretty good at destroying what’s left of some lovely villages, and also areas closer to the town, but I guess that every council is doing the same in some way or other…
yep – not far from that epicentre of “urban flight” Frome!
Me too, Tomo… I read somewhere – the Guardian? – a rather optimistic article by some young London ‘artist/refugee’, who unable to afford one of those des-res old weavers’ cottages on Catherine Hill, had bought in Trowbridge instead, and was insisting it was destined to be the ‘next Frome’.
Bradford (upon Avon) is full of ‘white flight’ victims too, those too ‘impoverished’ to afford Bath prices. I recall visiting the annual fair there a few years back and being amazed not to hear a single worzel accent, plenty of lower middle class home counties drawl, and cockney cobblers though! The prices they wanted for the tatt on the stands was appalling… that reminds me got to get some of the crap out of the shed for the Frome ‘Christmas Fayre’… “That old leaky metal watering can? It was my grandfather’s, I think, yours for £50… yes, cheap at twice the price, thank you sir!”
Little chance of my kids ever buying a place of their own in the region.
I’ve been thinking about that quote by Niemoller, “First they came for the Socialists”. I am not sure quite where we are. But first they came for the young girls of Bradford, Oxford, Rotherham etc and the police did nothing and we didn’t speak loud enough (except for Mark Steyn, Maggie Oliver and the exceptional young woman on Mark’s programme).
Now the same people are arrogant in their hatred for the Jews in the UK. And the BBC won’t acknowledge it, the CEO of Westminster Council won’t allow the Israeli flag to fly in case it triggers his staff, and Gary Linekar and Emma Thompson are nowhere to be seen. So who will those supporters of Palestine come for next? Perhaps Queers for Palestine or the Corbynites? Their time will come.
Spot on Deborah.
It is one of the world’s mysteries to me why gay folk and feminists , plus many who have strong Christian faith and of course some of the Jewish faith , but surely very few now, support Muslim causes. Surely they can see that adherents of Islam regard them all as enemies and will not tolerate them whenever and wherever they have power.
Is it that these groups just don’t know what would/ will happen to them as Islam takes over or do they practise some form of very powerful cognitive dissonance which prevents them from thinking about what they know to be true? Perhaps ordinary Brits think that Muslims take their religion as lightly as they do, it’s just something for weddings , funerals and a couple of holy days a year. They don’t understand that Islam dictates everything that a Muslim does and even thinks. They are in for a very nasty shock.
But as Islam takes ever greater hold in the UK there will come a point when the Muslims don’t require the support of these groups and they will be hunted down. They should be very frightened.
Very true Double. Next time we have a terrorist atrocity committed on these shores by an Islamist, will the pro-palestinians be out in force then ? Quick re-wind, perhaps they will if they are made up of others of the Islamic religion. Stop the boats NOW !
Just watched Neil Oliver show with Darren Grimes in the chair , on catch up. Some woman , an ex Labour advisor ,, saying 98% of Muslim in UK abhor what Hamas did! All the polling after past Islamic terror attacks show overt support at over 30% , with even more tacit support amongst UK Muslims. We all know that she is either deluded or lying.
Memo to Brits do something very soon or go buy a prayer Matt and a copy of their foul book.
“…….saying 98% of Muslim in UK abhor what Hamas did! ”
Could that be the junior savages that met up outside BBC and other locations on Sunday?
2016 … And in your opinion, should any publication have the right to publish pictures which make fun of the Prophet? Yes 1% // No 87%
Islam means “submission” and its followers all appear to be joyless, humourless individuals. Not many of them wish to assimilate. I wish the Muslim women would at least rebel against the tyranny of their religion and align themselves with western values.
How about ;
Europe takes all the Israelis/ Jews living in Israel/Palestine
All Palestinians / Muslims go and live in Palestine/Israel .?
As far as I can see, Israel is pretty much part of ‘Europe’ – they seem to have some nice housing, good roads, a working sewage system, proper, dependable power supply, well tended and productive farms, nature reserves, preserved history, generally peaceful and educated citizens, modern technology…
Palestine, on the other hand…
Nibor, when Israel last had control in Gaza (2005) there were large glasshouses left behind. It was hoped the Palestinians would use them to produce food. They didn’t, they just smashed them up as soon as the Israelis withdrew. If the Israelis withdrew from their land, there would just be one large wrecking ball and nothing would be rebuilt.
Deborah and BigBC
I was a bit tongue in cheek . I wondered how many would want to go and live in a Hamas state .
Has the BBC asked them ?
Nibor, I did realise but I will take an opportunity to highlight the charms of Hamas.
I recall some quite incredible tales of corruption in the Palestinian government too – essentially operating protection rackets – the one I heard people often talk about was the cement business and other construction related stuff. Gaza has sucked in an awful lot of foreign aid with it seems – bugger-all to show for it?
Sounds like a good plan to me. I would happily see all the radical Muslims in Europe go to live in other Muslim countries, there are plenty of delightful places to choose from: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Nigeria, Malaysia, Indonesia, Uzbekhistan, Libya, etc. No shortage of places for them to go.
‘Intelligentsia’ implies some degree of intellect, which clearly isn’t present, and doesn’t go with ‘unthinking’ and ‘ignorant’, which seem more appropriate.
It’s a bit like the term ‘elite’ – as defined by whom, themselves?
I’d place our smug left, anti-Semites below the Islamic anti-Israelites. I don’t agree with their methods, but at least there is some rationale to those followers of Islam who despise Israel, our smug lefties are just useful idiots, if they think the Islamic Fundamentalists are their friends, they’ve got a hard lesson coming some day.
Far be it from me to put words into Mr Durkin’s mouth – I suspect Martin is aiming at liberal lefty academia and the Guardian reading chattering classes – hence “left-intelligensia” – who like to think of themselves as smarter than everybody else… Of course the Venn diagram includes most of the BBC.
As far as unthinking is concerned – if anything, the control freaks in some modern Moslem groups overthink a lot (obsessively) and want to interpose themselves into every corner of believer’s (and unbeliever’s) lives.
$7 a gallon for gas,….. wow …. As for those US politicians – fruit cakes ….at least Tucker can sound grown up all of this …
If I understand things correctly regarding Palestinian ‘refugees’. When the state of Israel was created the Arab states refused to take the Palestinian people because they believed it legitimised Israel, and from that time to today they remain a refugee people.
If today they offered asylum they would not only be going against the forebears of the 1940s but also every other Arab state and so they cannot agree to take the Palestinians unless all of them do.
This is an example of countries being bound by decisions made decades ago, none of them able to lose face with their neighbours.
If I have misinterpreted this in my Sunday evening haze perhaps someone would correct me ?
There is considerable prejudice in tha Arab world towards the Palestinians from 1991 and the Palestinian pollies siding with Saddam Hussein.
I was out there through a lot of that and iirc the Gulf states unceremoniously ejected most all peeps with Palestinian travel credentials – never heard how the Iranians reacted but guess the mullahs were unimpressed.
But now that the Palestinians can fly like the birds, is it not just the case of taking them near to a suitable border and then deploying the para-glider?
This would make everyone happy because they are the same religion. Many of the surrounding countries have loads of money to look after the refugees since they spend so much on rockets.
Looks like a kettling thing – I do sincerely hope that whoever has to do it does a humane and magnanimous job dealing with winnowing out the nasties from innocent poor sods who’ve endured Fateh, civil war and then Hamas.
The East Germans deployed 60,000 scatter guns to ‘protect’ their former borders.
Can you imagine the outcry from the liberal bedwetters if shrapnel was sprayed over all those ‘freedom fighters’ crossing the borders to Egypt or Israel?
The Union Jack carrying man charged with racism at anti-Israel march.
The Met Police tweet says they had no problem with the flag, it was something else.
Anyone know what he said ?
Free Tibet ?
Remember they got arrested .
youBet you are surprised that 7 BBC Arabic workers would endorse pro Hamas tweets ?
“Six reporters and a freelancer – including a senior broadcast journalist – have been accused of anti-Israel bias with the taxpayer-funded corporation already confirming one would no longer work for the BBC
some of its journalists working for its Arabic service after they appeared to back Hamas and called the attacks on Israel ‘a morning of hope”
BBC are so dumb they didn’t anticipate the pro Israel org would check BBC staff tweets.
Copied from Saturday night’s
Wanna play a game ? Well listen to bbc journos talking about the ‘hate England party ‘ conference taking place today – sorry – i mean the SNP and tick off every time that Nicola surgeon and corruption is mentioned .
They did one gig early in the show and neither got a mention – will the big interview with someone called brown – who maybe white – and is the deputy leader of the Hate the English Party is interviewed at 08 10…
I guess the reason the leader isn’t popping up is that he might shout ‘ victory to Islamic Hamas ‘…..
Russell T Davies: I want to write a darker LGBTQ+ drama
Of course he does. He’s gay and doesn’t understand anything else.
Stuff your staff with minority groups and all they want to write about is their own interests.
Eventually you end up with an outfit that churns out masses of rubbish the vast majority are not interested in.
Force that majority to fund it all and you get the BBC. This cancer has now infested every corner of the organisation. They do not represent (or care about) the vast majority of the British population any more.
JohnC – there’s nothing stopping Russell is there? – is he saying he wants commissioning to write it? (as in paying extra)
After so long on the payroll he can likely do what he likes – like feeding his credulous colleagues idiotic puff pieces like that to rally the flag wavers and victimhood foot soldiers?
Is Russel throwing a creative hissy fit that he hasn’t had a script commissioned?
Toady 2
Meesh hasn’t got to the Gaza border yet – and sounds pretty peed off that Israel as shown restraint in not going into Gaza yet – the 24 hour ultimatum has now passed 48 – and ‘some might say ‘ that if they Gaza / Hamas supporters haven’t gone by now they never will .
I really wonder if the ultimate show down between Iran – the source of evil – and Israel will take place this time …..
… meanwhile in Ukraine ? Who cares ….
While fog of war ‘n all … the Israelis do have much smaller precision guided munitions – the only scenario where these might be used would be to kill a high value target like a Hamas commander and they seem reasonably careful to do that – collateral propaganda damage being something that they’ll obviously swerve if possible and if the target is eliminated they’ll usually take the credit.
Last Saturday after BBC Any Questions – the news update claiming “airstrike” that was ham-fistedly removed from BBC Sounds tells it’s own story ?
Hamas attack: ‘80% of bodies’ found including children were tortured
What these terrorists did is shocking : they tied groups of children together then burned them alive.
Meanwhile the BBC are simply not interested in proper journalism like that. They want to show you pictures like this instead:
And tell you stories like this in which one paragraph of ‘news’ is loaded with as much empathy as possible into a lengthy piece.
‘Khan Younis: A Gaza city on its knees, now with a million mouths to feed’
I really don’t have the words to described how much the BBC disgust me these days.
I’ve worked with literally dozens of people whose families were part of this and have family members affected by it.
Germany was remodeled…. as were other parts of Eastern Europe – something that garners little attention at the BBC and Guardian.
Turks expelling Greeks who had been living in Asia Minor for thousands of years and on and on…
Toady 3
Ok – I will put my objective hat on – amol doing a demolishing job on the hapless deputy leader of the ‘hate the English ‘ party ….
Sturgeon didn’t get a mention – nothing about dodgy ferries … but when asked why life expectancy in Scotland was falling more than anywhere else – in UK ? Europe ? The deputy SNP leader blamed ‘Westminster ‘ ( they cannot say England or UK )
I think he might go off to a darkened room for his daily showing of Braveheart …. Or worship his statue of Sean Connery …
Toady 4
Meesh interviews the Israeli ambo to Blighty . She cited the RAF bombing of German cities as justification for what Israel will be doing to Gaza in a while . I’m not so sure that’s a good parallel . But I might be wrong ….
Faking images for empathy? The very idea.
The BBC monitors its competitors for verity, and yet…
Hamza Yassin admits wildlife scenes are faked to gain viewer sympathy
JezBo briefing the lads in Gaza on making sure the shrouds don’t twitch.
The BBC have absolutely no problem using fake images.
Most of the Getty stuff they use is totally staged to fit the agenda. The BBC would argue it’s acceptable because ‘they capture the sentiment’.
But of course they also carefully capture the message as well.
I think my favourite deliberate attempt to mislead was the schoolchildren fleeing down a corridor in a recent story about the concrete problem. Obviously meant to make us think the buildings were actually falling down around them.
This is what they are reduced to.
Climate crisis: Coca-Cola trial to make bottle tops from carbon emissions
Pure #prasnews preceded by propaganda.
Shazam hard at work.
Be interesting who for mostly.
No firm conclusions, but remarkably quick out of the traps denials and yet more fun with flags
Our BBC are excited to turn the spotlight they like to term: BBC Verify on to the: Strike on civilian convoy fleeing Gaza
In our present times of much fog-of-propaganda-war – resulting from false-flag plausible deniability (see Shelton Cooper’s Fun With Flags presentations) and blue-on-blue friendly fire incidents, such: What we know from verified video BBC reports – might be somewhat of a boon.
Yet plough all the way through the BBC’s report and you may be disappoined to find that for all the efforts of legion BBC boys and girls beavering away (or should that be googling away: Using freely available satellite imagery… reverse-image search on certain keyframes… Finally, we used online tools that identify the angle of sunlight and length of shadows) at their computer screens there are at last no hoped for concrete conclusions under: Concluding thoughts – which turn out to be about as reliably concrete as: What is RAAC concrete and why is it a safety risk? (BBC)
BBC Verify will continue to monitor the situation and report any updates. – well at least our BBC will be doing its bit to keep the media graduate unemployment figures down.
One thing is for sure about the present media fog of propaganda war – it’s obscuring reports of this: Ukraine war: Russia attacks Avdiivka stronghold in eastern Ukraine (BBC)
Perhaps BBC Verify will get around to turning their: What does the footage show? efforts in the direction of: Up to 1,500 cars in Luton airport fire ‘unlikely to be salvageable’… Airport says it is working with insurers to see if any personal items can be saved from destroyed vehicles (Guardian); Range Rover fire which sparked Luton airport car park collapse comes six years after Land Rover destroyed Liverpool’s Echo Arena car park – and six months after 4×4 recalls (Daily Mail); Video shows burning car that may have sparked Luton Airport inferno (Telegraph)
For whatever reason – remarkably quick out of the traps: Investigators believe the blaze was started when a diesel Range Rover suffered an electrical fault or leaking fuel line. (Daily Mail); Luton fire not caused by electric car, emergency services say (AFP Fact Check)
Our granny bought herself an electric lithium ion battery runabout. We knew she was wary of spontaneous combustion as she started writing her shopping lists on tin foil.
Diesel hybrid or simply dodgy diesel as the cause of the Luton conflagration we note the anxious media denials as significant.
And speaking of quick out of the traps denials and fun with flags: Man charged over racist comments at pro-Palestine rally… The Met said on X, formerly Twitter: “The man was in possession of a UK flag. This was in no way the reason for his arrest and forms no part of the charges against him.” (BBC)
So emergency services suspecting a diesel leak or electrical fault. Well as far as I know, diesel fuel is nothing like as likely to self combust as petrol due to a leak.
I personally suspect big EV players and a cover up are deep into squirrels on this one. Quite possible that the green Globalists have moved in to shut the story down.
The blaze was both horrific and massive yet the media have lost interest much too quickly to be a coincidence so possibly someone big has had a word.
After all if it transpired that it was due to a faulty EV battery vehicle how many people would start to think twice before buying one? Especially if they live in a house with a car port under the bedrooms etc. Many huge blocks of tower flats now have ground floor covered car parking right under the flats!
Seems like until one of these are involved with major loss of life it will be untermench!
its going the bbc’s way
Polish election: Right-wing ruling party to lose majority – exit poll
What is Huw viewing there?
On second thoughts, I think I’d rather not know.
It’s strange how the BBC refuses to use the term ‘terrorists’, yet regularly smears as ‘far-right’ anyone who (for instance) opposes mass immigration and lockdowns, mask mandates and dangerous experimental ‘vaccines’.
It’s almost as if the BBC is a far-left propaganda outfit. 🤔n And their chums.
bbc reports, its those muslims again
Ugandan police foil plot to bomb churches – Museveni
Ugandan police foiled a bomb attack on churches by a notorious Islamist militant group, President Yoweri Museveni has said.
Not looking good in the future for Christian society
Ambulances to drive at 20 mph to save the planet.
HS2 to travel at 20mph to save the planet.
Remove the last leg to be NET ZERO.
8am Radio Lincolnshire news opened with a crafted montages
Woman “Furst water I have had for 3 days”
Newsreader “Israel is blockading food and medicine”
They omitted the. context that water is back on in the south.
newsreader “Israeli RETALIATION airstrikes” have already killed twice the number Hamas attacks kilked’
Why characterise all them as RETALIATION ?
Taking out a commander may seem like that
but surely many airstrikes are STRATEGIC and defence, like taking out missile sites and explosive storage buildings.
Ah, Lincolnshire – where woman from Lincoln, in the past, said you should wear a hijab to end Islamophobia – they never say wear a cross!
We are living in interesting times.
My first problem with numbers of deaths and injuries reported coming out of Gaza is that the figures will be provided by Hamas. Of course numbers reported will be higher than the numbers murdered by Hamas in Israel. They just have to give the BBC and other news outlets the propaganda the left want to publish.
Counter terror police investigate..
News from Hartlepool- one stabbed to death, another stabbed, large bloodied knife pictured at scene.
You would think the purpose of a news report would be to report the available information. Omitting available information reduces the size of the report, gives the reader little to go on, and helps the incident disappear from collective consciousness with rapidity.
Here is the BBC version..
No mention of a knife, “assaulted” rather than stabbed, a vague death..
Other versions..
Mail story updated to state that the incident started at a migrant hostel, before expanding to the street..
I’m hoping this is a fake?
Monday morning ? Wanna be depressed ? Then go to YouTube and watch the first 30 minutes of ‘the maverick of Wall Street ‘ who does a pretty comprehensive global roundup of the current state of the Israel / Hamas situation …. Briefly fill up the tank, buy bottled water …..
He reasons that the US is sending a message by moving 2 carrier ‘battle groups ‘( lots of big boats) into the Med …ugh
Polish referendum .
According to Wiki
99% (98.6) voted to not allow illegal immigrants into the country .
Are they all far right , BBC ?
Britain had evacuations in WW2 . It`s war .
Strike on civilian convoy fleeing Gaza: What we know from verified video
Been looking at this a bit and I have to say it is the most shameful article I have read on the BBC for some time.
Throughout the article, ‘BBC Verify’ do not go near the most significant and obvious thing. It was a bomb on the truck. There was no missile and no aircraft. The explosion was from right in the middle of it.
It’s perfectly obvious that there is no way Israel could have planted it so deep in Gaza. And why would they bother to take all that risk to put it on one old truck ?. The only credible explanation is that the bomb was by Hamas or someone who was safe in that area.
And what motive would Israel have ?. None that I can see – whereas Hamas most definitely don’t want civilians moving out and leaving them in a kill zone.
So the 60 strong ‘BBC verify’ team do not even consider any of those blatant facts. That in itself is evidence they know it could not have been Israel.
And how do they conclude their article ?.
‘The Palestinian Health Ministry says 70 people were killed at the scene, and blame Israel for the attack.
The IDF says it is investigating – but says its enemies are trying to prevent civilians leaving the north.’
If ever a ‘without providing any evidence’ was warranted for such a heinous act, it was in first accusation.
This is the BBC at it’s most dirty. Pushing their agenda in the midst of such evil acts.
TOADY Watch #1 – whatever the weather
The Met Office and the BBC have a new useless male weather forecaster. Can’t remember his name now, busy morning, but he spent the first part of his forecast telling us what the weather is now. We know! It is jolly cold. My GCH fired up on a setting of 8°C this morning.
Then, in addition, iirc and my ears do not deceive me this lad missed out a forecast for London and the South-east where the bulk of the population live and work. Completely useless, just like the BBC who gave him airtime.
Hi Up2
As far as I am aware, the BBC gave the Met Office the boot in 2015. After “competitive tendering”. It was met with huge negativity at the time.
They now use the services of a private but EU based outfit called Meteo.
I noticed the drop in the quality of weather forecasting by the BBC at that time. We also began to notice a change in the temperature colour coding on the maps so that what were say “green” areas from the Met Office became yellow or orange tinted for the same temperatures. I remember posting on this at the time.
One has to suspect a plan was put in place to bolster the doomsday output from the EU masters such as WHO, UN and Davos re the upcoming push for climate change alarmism that we now see only too clearly.
digg, I think that is correct but I originally thought it was for on-line only. Apparently, some of the weather forecasters are also not ‘scientists’ at all e.g. Louise Lear and Owain Wyn-Evans. Tomasz Shafernaker is a proper, qualified, Meteorologist and is ex-Met Office with a degree in the subject. Despite that he still sounds like he’s making it up as he goes along.
Apparently the Met Office only provide the Shipping Forecast now to the BBC and that is read by Neil Nunes or Viji Alles or AN Other.
“One has to suspect a plan was put in place to bolster the doomsday output from the EU masters such as WHO, UN and Davos re the upcoming push for climate change alarmism that we now see only too clearly.”
And also hear only too clearly. The Met Office are now totally signed up to AGW and CC/CE since the death of Philip Eden who was their only dissenting voice.
Pondering why the BBC is so keen to winkle out what they call disinformation, Even creating special teams and figureheads to push their BBC verify.
Crusading for the truth?
Methinks it is more likely that their push to censor their news to fit their mantra has in fact created a lot of space for people or organisations who want to simply report what the BBC try to hide or suppress.
Thus the BBC begins to lose its moral authority and they will fight tooth and nail to protect their edifice.
Disinformation then becomes any report that the BBC for whatever reason don’t want broadcast for their own ends explaining their zeal to try to cancel it.
Orwell’s writings become more percipient by the day.
Freedom of speech ….. “Ofcom’s Director of Online Safety Supervision has been posting anti-Israel content on her private Instagram this week. Fadzai Madzingira, who was hired by Ofcom in May, describes herself as “a Zimbabwean, a Black Feminist, a student of decolonization” and was previously Director of Ethical and Humane Use of Technology at Salesforce. BLM posts liked by Madzingira argue that the government’s support for Israel is a “vile colonial alliance” and that navy ships in the Middle East are participating in “ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians“.”
If that is all true no wonder the BBC feel fireproof when it comes to OFCOM – I suppose if she has to ‘leave ‘ OFCOM there’s always a warm welcome in BBC Rhodesia …
Not BBC, MM and Fed, but on my way to a Memorial Service today – for a Christian Jew(!) – I came across a whole bunch of police Patrol Cars that I guess were pulling up motorists for vehicle inspections. Assume that is far easier than arresting anti-Israel/pro Palestinian demonstrators. Harrrumphh!
Exactly Dickie, disinformation at its finest.
“The Electronic Intafada” eh?
What’s your opinion of the video Dickie?
Just been spot-checking a few of the reporters from Gaza serving up large helpings of ’empathy’ with small pieces of news and it strikes me that they seem to ALL be actually from Gaza.
In what world are we supposed to believe that what they write will be in any way ‘impartial and unbiased’ ?. These are their family and friends who are suffering because of the actions of Hamas – though I’m sure they ALL blame Israel.
No wonder the BBC is coming under so much fire for being biased.
I wonder if the reason is that anyone NOT from Gaza is not safe in the country. Even their No.1 fan at the BBC – Jeremy Bowen – seems to be reluctant to go there to do his job at the moment.
Which is a news story about Gaza all of it’s own. But like so many things at the BBC these days, they won’t go there.
Peter Bone: Tory MP facing suspension after bullying probe
Now of course, if was a Labour MP you would have to read all the way to the bottom of the article to find mention of the political party. They really are something else.
I wondered….
So I tried a search and found
Now if 10 BBC/Sky/ITV peeps were abducted ?
Send in the SAS – or are they all in prison for hate speech?
“An SAS unit stopped a potentially deadly ISIS truck bombing by weeing into the fuel tank to disable the vehicle and bring their targets out to kill. By BELINDA ROBINSON
12:33, Sun, Feb 19, 2017 | UPDATED: 14:08, Sun, Feb 19, 2017”
And in yet another triumph for our NHS heroes we have this extremely disturbing story.
‘North East Ambulance Service patient declared dead woke up in hospital’
An ambulance trust has apologised after a patient who was declared “dead” later woke up in hospital.
Do try not to get ill, everyone.
You know it makes sense.
NHS can bring back the dead. Send more money.
Bill Johnson and Bethel, where are you?