How will the BBC react to the Israeli Army taking on Hamas ‘fighters ‘ in their territory ? This may be an episode that exposes the BBC as an alien organisation in the country that is forced to fund it – with politicians continuing to refuse to control it .
Start the Week 16th October 2023
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She must have one hell of a CV ….
There is only one F in Ofcom.
But 2 in F’ Off-com.
Surely there are 3?
atlas, does the one ‘F’ in OFCOM stand for Failure?
Anyone at the BBC talking about HAMAS surrendering?
To try to save innocent lives?
No, I thought not.
Australian referendum.
Hurt ripples in wake of indigenous voice vote, is the headline by BBC journalist Tiffanie Turnbull. ( Not my spelling).
If you want to read the piece it’s on the world tab on the BBC front page.
In my opinion totally biased in favour of the yes side.
Sumfink to take your mind of the senseless things going on around us (just for a few minutes)
Extracts from letters sent to a council housing office – Part 1
These are genuine extracts from letters sent to a council housing office. There are double entendres galore but the senders wrote their words in all innocence.
Lady tenant complaining about DIY repairs next door:
“He has got this huge tool that vibrates the whole house and I just can’t take it any more.”
Problems with the garden foliage:
“My bush is really overgrown round the front and my back passage has fungus growing in it”
Noisy neighbours:
“… and their 18 year old son is continually banging his balls against my fence.”
Kitchen furniture problems:
“I am still having problems with smoke in my new drawers.”
Repairs needed:
Send a man round with a big tool to finish the job and satisfy my wife.
“I have had the clerk of works down on the floor six times but I still have no satisfaction.”
Extracts from letters sent to a council housing office – Part 2
“I wish to report that tiles are missing from the outside toilet roof. I think it was bad wind the other night that blew them away.”
“My lavatory seat is cracked – where do I stand?”
“The toilet is blocked and we cannot bath the children until it is cleared.”
“Our lavatory seat is broken in half and is now in three pieces.”
“This is to let you know that our toilet seat is broken and we can’t get BBC2 television programs.”
I am writing on behalf of my sink which is coming away from the wall.”
“It is the dog mess that I find hard to swallow.”
“50% of the walls are damp, 50% have crumbling plaster and 50% are plain filthy.”
“Will you please send a man to look at my water; it is a funny colour and not fit to drink.”
“Our kitchen floor is damp. We have two children and would like a third, so please send someone round to do something about
Funny Letters To A Pensions And Insurance Office
This time we have extracts from genuine funny letters sent to a Pensions and Insurance Office:
“I cannot get sick pay. I have six children. Can you tell me why this is?”
“This is my eighth child. What are you doing about it?”
“Mrs. Brown has no clothes and has not had any for a year. The vicar has been visiting her.”
“In replyto yourletter. I have already co-habited with your office, so far without result.”
“I am forwarding my marriage certificate and two children, one of which is a mistake as you will see.”
“Sir, I am glad to say my husband, reported missing, is now dead.”
Unless I get my husband’s money I shall be forced to lead an immoral life.”
“I am writing these lines for Mrs. Green who cannot write herself. She expects to be confined next week and can do with it.”
“I have enclosed my marriage certificate and six children. I have some and one died, which was baptised on a half sheet of paper by the Rev. Thomas.”
“Please find out if my husband is dead, as the man I am now living with won’t eat or do anything until he is sure.”
“In answer to your letter I have given birth to a little boy weighing ten pounds. Is this satisfactory?”
“You have changed my little girl into a little boy. Will this make any difference”.
“Please send my money at once as I have fallen into errors with my landlord.”
“I have no children as my husband is a bus driver and works all day and all night.”
“In accordance with your instructions I have given birth to twins in the enclosed envelope.”
“I want money as quick as you can send it. I have been in bed with my doctor all week and he does not seem to be doing me any good.”
“Milk is wanted for my baby as the father is unable to supply it.”
“Regarding your enquiry the teeth in the top are alright but the ones in the bottom arehurting terribly”.
The things thatmedical staff write in letters.
The medical profession may be known for their bad handwriting but their letters and notes aren’t too good either. Just look at these funny quotes from the UK medical staff.
She has no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night.
Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.
The patient has no previous history of suicides.
Between you and me, we ought to be able to get this lady pregnant.
Patient was seen in consultation with Dr Smith, who felt we should sit on the abdomen, I agree.
On the second day the knee was better and on the third day it disappeared.
By the time he was admitted, his rapid heart had stopped, and he was feeling better.
The patient was to have a bowel resection. However he took a job as a stockbroker instead.
Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation.
Rectal examination revealed a normal sized thyroid.
The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1997.
Patient has waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch.
She is numb from her toes down.
While in ER she was examined, X-rated and sent home.
The skin was moist and dry.
Patient has left her white blood cells at another hospital.
She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life until she got a divorce.
Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.
The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.
The pelvic examination will be done later on the floor.
When she fainted her eyes rolled around the room.
Patient has two teenage children but no other abnormalities.
And to think we rely on these medical staff to make us feel well. Their funny medical quotes help though! And in most case we can see what they were trying to say
Years ago and wasn’t it Jasper Carrot who used to read out letters to an Insurance company
, in a similar vein ?
Jasper Carrott Insurance Claims … English and Australian ….
Anyone surprised by the sheer scale and ferocity of recent pro-Hamas demonstrations hasn’t been paying attention.
For decades, the woke, neo-Marxist Left has been pursuing its Long March through the Institutions.* (see link below)
Today, the Left has infiltrated, if not completely taken over, the media (notably our very own BBC); most branches of government, not least the Civil Service; academia at all levels; the justice system; the police; Social Media and Big Tech; business (particularly the DEI, ESG* and HR departments); the Church; Banking and so much more – even branches of the Women’s Institute and the National Trust!
Worse still, the same Left has formed an unholy alliance with Islamists.
Result: the combined forces of Leftism and radical Islam (some might say, just Islam) can call out onto the streets hundreds of thousands of their black-shirted stormtroopers at the drop of a hat.
Thank you, BBC, for your part in destroying our country.
*Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
*Environmental, Social, and Governance
Perfect post.
2023 …. Bradford, City of UK Culture … biggest mosque in Europe …
April 26, 2014 …. A reader in Bradford recalled asking a West Yorkshire officer on the street that day why the various “Muslim community leaders” weren’t being arrested for incitement to murder. The officer said they’d been told to “play it cool”. The calls for blood got more raucous. My correspondent asked his question again. The policeman told him to “F— off, or I’ll arrest you.”
How are the X-formerly Twitter posts showing up here these days?
Religion of pieces.
Excellent – now number 10 is telling the BBC that calling terrorists – terrorists – does not breach OFCOM ‘guidelines ‘.
But it doesn’t matter . The BbC is bigger than you me number 10 – OFCOM – parliament – UK law -and if it could get away with calling Islamic Hamas ‘freedom fighters ‘ – it would ….
The BBC is bigger than The UK or the World of Space or God – just ask John Simpson – or any other of the group think Hamas supporters in the BBC ….
Sooner or later they’ll pay a price …
“Sooner or later they’ll pay a price …”
Not with my money.
Rishi Sunak has announced at least 6 Britons have been killed in Hamas’ terrorist attacks in Israel, with 10 still missing. Eight flights evacuating around 500 people have flown out of Israel so far. Sunak opened his address to the Commons by calling the attacks “a pogrom”, adding he is “sickened” by the rising antisemitism since last week.
The government is also sending an additional £10 million in aid to Palestinians, with Rishi saying “we mourn the loss of every innocent life“. The UK will “use all the tools of British diplomacy to sustain the prospects of peace and stability in the region”…
Israel – $30K per missile to defend Israel.
UK – The cost of housing migrants in hotels has risen to £8 million per day.
“….6 Britons…..” Yeah ! Right !!
If they are not holidaymakers what are they?
Not BBC – but writing as a fully qualified ‘keyboard warrior / armchair general ‘ pictures of Israeli tanks with a sort of umbrella welded to the turret to stop drone bombs says just how quickly warfare develops – apparently it is used in the Ukraine war .
I’m sure that if Blighty had tanks which faced such danger the Mod would set to up a committee – spend a month on the terms of reference – break for Christmas hols – examine costs and options and tenders -obey Procurement rules – commission a ‘pilot ‘ report findings and recommend one that doesn’t work by summer 2025 as a matter of urgency ….
– they can move faster than that especially when there’s a chance of getting shot / blown up by your own troops.
– although I did hear od an RN 2 day conference where nearly the entire first day was given over to what colour the stationery should be.
Anti-grenade mesh on a British tank in WWI. Same sort of thing.–british-tanks-british-army.jpg
Or those shopping trollies that used to beat RPG hits …
Fedup2 – You should have been a MOD civil serpent😂😂😂
Dickie – in one of my previous lives I had direct exposure ( 77 brigade note to file )
What’s all this with people wanting Israel to be ‘proportional’ when they go after Hamas.
Given that Russia’s population is about 4 times that of Ukraine does that mean Ukraine is allowed to kill 4 times more Russians.
If not then Ukraine cannot ever win because when they run out of people Russia will still have 100 million left.
‘Proportional’ is the lefty virtue signallers way out when asked what Israel should do.
EG – and if putin was looking for a way to divert munitions away from Ukraine he just found one –
Citibank wins case after sacking banker over two-sandwich lunch claim
Has anyone ever seen a more trivial, pointless waste of license-fee payers money than this ?.
575 words and some cash to Getty for another stock image for the following story. It literally is just this:
A man got sacked from Citibank because he took his wife on a business trip with him and claimed her sandwich+coffee on his expenses.
Another fine example of ‘nothing better to do’ for a BBC clone:
You know why they are reporting it because when bbc employees go out they claim for there whole family and they are against this as it’s there right to claim large amounts on expenses and it not Fair on the employee that he was sacked
They were after him for something ….
lol, I forgot the golden rule. Never assume the BBC are telling you everything.
Title things properly
“analyst specialising in financial crime sacked for LYING about his expenses”
Mr Fekete, had worked at Citi for seven years in that job
What else did he lie about ?
Joseph Czuba: No bail for suspect in killing of Muslim boy in Illinois
Goodness : my surprise that the BBC ran this story as a front-page headline when they don’t even report Muslims being stabbed to death here at all sometimes seems to be premature ! (though it is usually other Muslims who do it here, not whitey).
It seems we are going to get daily updates for the case !!.
Good old BBC. The agenda is far more important than anyones lives.
Farage GBNEWS is covering live a large Jewish protest outside the BBC building.
The same streets on Saturday were crammed with pro Palestinian demonstrators
but since the streets are quite small
you can’t say that either demo is huge huge.
The Ofcom official suspended
Rather makes you wonder how they got so elevated in the first place,
She has deleted her entire Twitter account now.
Strange that 18 months ago she was described as a Zimbabwean executive at Facebook
“Facebook Content Policy Manager”
How come poachers get appointed so quickly as gamekeepers ?
Under what circumstances was she hired ? Who hired her ? Where does she live ?( oops didn’t ask that one) is she ‘in a relationship ‘with a BbC employee . Does she have a UK passport ?
Just a few questions for ms Dinage ( 77brigade ) to be getting on with – eh luv?
That info is from a newspaper quoting her SkyNews interview
Not bbc
The current narrative of events seems to be ( happy to be wrong ) – Israel lays it down to Gaza … 24 hours – blinken goes and tells bibi – give it more time cos otherwise you will have a two front war – Iran / hezbullar –
Israel turns a few taps back on …. But Israeli public opinion – rightly – wants revenge – so it’s gonna be a few more hours – maybe 48 before those tanks roll in – and stay ….
The BBC (and much of the MSM) constantly refuse to draw the glaringly obvious link between Hamas / Hezbollah and Islam.
So it is refreshing to read this in the Sunday Express:
“Hamas is not a liberation movement. It is a hardcore Islamist terrorist organisation which is the latest incarnation of the oldest hatred – anti-Semitism.
Hamas’s founding charter is clear about its purpose – the elimination of Jews.
It quotes the Islamic hadith (saying) in which Mohamed prophesies the annihilation of the Jews: “The Day of Judgement will not come until the Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jews will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say, ‘O Muslim, O servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.’ ”
Could it be any clearer?
Guido’s post
This really should be a HUGE story and one which a Conservative government would / should go to town on .
1 it’s not conservative
2 it’s female
3 it’s coloured
4 it’s of Rhodesian ‘heritage ‘
Therefore … there will be no examination of how it got a job in OFCOM – nor what it has been doing – nor who it’s ‘ ‘friends ‘ are ….
….. maybe more influential organisations might push the ‘culture secretary ‘ on this – and how many other members of BBCOFCOM have anti Israel views …?
No wonder the bbc thinks it’s fireproof over what organisation is – and isn’t -ma terrorist one ….. the longer this rolls the weaker the DG will appear and become ….
… but from our position … it’s all good ….
Funny how events bite – back post 9/11 I thought the US wouid finally go for Iran … but instead it went for Iraq . At the time I thought George Bush had just got them mixed up and went for the wrong one . I still think that… but sooner or later Iran will have to be dealt with ….
Don’t be silly: 1) Zimbabwean, 2) Black, 3) Feminist, 4) Student of Decolonization, and (presumably) 5) Far-Leftist?
There’s a headline in the londonistan evening news which says –
‘Americans are more interested in Kier Starmer than any other Brit ‘… a laugh out loud moment ….
Here’s something to warm the cockles of the heart of every red-blooded Englishman (and woman)…
The indomitable Mahyar Tousi (frequent recipient of death threats) at an anti-BBC protest.
Where is Ofcom ?
Where is Ofcom ?
One imagines scrabbling like crazy with the rest of the ideological nut job civil service, quango and NGO community to cover up the rest of their infestation of faith based idiots not stupid enough to post their true aims publicly.
Perhaps BBCOFCOM -should be as bigger target for us as the BBC itself . It is noticeable that if you compare the ‘activism ‘ with which BBCOFCOM approaches – say – GBnews – versus the BBC – there is a big difference there that anyone can see .
Yet where does BBCOFCOM get examined ? How are staff appointed ? What are its ‘ ‘guidelines ‘ how many staff are directly or indirectly connected to the State Broadcaster ?
Not much is being said about the Islamic Hamas sympathiser currently suspended after being so thick as to publicly ‘show her hand ‘… how much of BBCOFCOM infested by Islam ?
Or any state or state related entity. Including the upper echelons of government.
The bbc flat out practices discrimination to rig its next gen intake, and is allowed to by….?
belgium terrorism hmmm
join the dots
Belgians can get very passionate about their football. So can Swedes. Could be either side, in my opinion.
thats true cant work out which league ISIS play in though
Coming our way thanks to our Home Office and its Border Farce ?
Indeed, the contrast is revealing.
Among other things, the Islamic Broadcasting Corporation states: “A video posted on social media of an Arabic-speaking man claimed he carried out the attack in the name of God.”
– An angry Mormon perhaps?
Mmm, I wonder if he really said ‘God’? Or was it rather, Allah? (Yes, I know, Allah is God in Arabic, but the devil is in the detail, literally, and the BBC knows it)
According to the Mail, and some French language commenters, he said “in the name of Isis”.
Translation: The Islamist, who goes by the name “Slayem Slouma” on his Facebook page and who has just killed two people at point-blank range in Brussels, claims responsibility for his action, proclaiming his membership of the Islamic State and rejoicing in having killed “Swedes”.
“Islamist attack in Brussels:
In a video broadcast by the assailant, the Islamist claims to belong to the Islamic State and boasts of having killed miscreants. He claims to have killed to “avenge Muslims and that we live and die for our religion”.”
Labour PPC or OFCOM board?
Seems like a slam dunk for a successful asylum claim…….he absolutely must have ‘mental health issues’ as any number of taxpayer-funded lawyers will no doubt attest………
Filthy Scum!
And I don’t understand why so many educated middle class people in this Country are so determined to stand up for absolute vermin like this.
Wake up Britain…..
Wonder what Linekers response would be to this.
This is just one case, what about the others we dont hear about. Since we’ve taken in refugees after the second world war, its like existing in a land full of Jimmy Saviles with these migrants. I don’t care if they’re professional health workers, students, taxi drivers, car wash workers, if they’re foreign of a different culture and religion, and have a penis, I don’t want them here.
Men from the 3rd world and places in Eastern Europe treat their women worse than animals, and we expect them to be different once they arrive here ?
Have just read the nauseating, sick-inducing so-called report on the BBC webshite about the terrorist attack in Brussels.
It reads as if it was an angry football supporter, rather than the Muslim terrorist we all know it to be.
The Islamic Broadcasting Corporation are the pits.
They are so confident in their duplicity they don’t even care about their lies.
Testing to see if image posts
The red and white flag looks Polish, the orange white and blue looks Dutch. But I’m going with Poland as the Dutch authorities wouldn’t allow such a demo for 5 minutes!
(And the architecture looks Stalinist-brutalist)
Neither will Poland if Tusk does form a government.
BBC returning to what it does best: showing it’s well heeled viewers what they can snap up worldwide.
France and Belgium tightening their borders. Britain on the other hand still having Border Force patrols entering French waters to pick up more potential workers as cheap labour.
E45 cream tv commercial featuring around 6 young fit looking attractive black people and right at the end one overweight pudgy white bloke.
Need I say more about this racial profiling?
Even Hitler didn’t attain this level of visual propaganda.
It’s relentless and has a very dangerous divisive message.
Virgin Airways has an advert showcasing it’s diverse and varied crew to virtual signal their inclusivity, all to the background music of ‘I Am What I Am’ .
Except the type of people who invented and built the plane.
I spent over 30 years travelling the world before this crap. I would now make a serious effort to avoid flying with this bunch if there was any chance of having to meet these woke freaks.
BBC didn’t show these video scenes from Saturday
Of course the BBC didn’t.
Muslims already act like they own this country, and march through London like the violent thugs they are. The pusillanimous police do nothing, of course.
Things will only get worse as their numbers grow with immigration and high birth rates.
The speaker says: I’m not sure there’s a future for Jews in this country.
He’s right, of course. My worry is, there isn’t a future for the English in this country.
In any sane world he’d still be tormenting patients at Durham Hospitals Radio?
The above shows the actually killing ( from what I see ) .
Will we find out the circumstances of these murders ? Or the origin of the killer ? No …
The standout part is where he goes back to doubletap and make sure the completely innocent victim is dead.
That is hate on a scale we simply cannot understand. And these are the people the BBC are protecting.
JohnC’s remark about the BBC slithering “like eels in a bucket” comes to mind
Brussels shooting: ‘Europe shaken’ after two Swedes shot dead
‘Two Swedish nationals have been shot dead and a third person injured in Brussels, in an attack which prosecutors are treating as terrorism.’
This article tells us nothing much about the gunman but attempts to create empathy for the fans with another Getty/BBC speciality:
Of course we can’t even be sure that’s a genuine picture and not staged like all the others the BBC use from Getty. They are not witnessing the attack or it’s aftermath : it happened 5km away (not reported). The only link is that the people he shot were supporters.
The detail on the gunman seems very vague so I checked around to see what the BBC was do it’s usual lie by omitting something important.
Sure enough I discovered:
He was a member of ISIS and most important of all:
‘it was claimed that he carried out the incident to avenge the death of the Palestinian child killed in the USA.’
Well – that’s a hugely important link you didn’t tell us BBC. Where’s all the comment about ‘hate-crime’ for this one ?. Seems like you want to hide that until it dies down a bit.
There’s even a video of the scum doing the shooting which would be very relevant to this article. Seems the BBC don’t want us to see it.
(Same video as tomo posted above)
And as expected we have a third day of headlines about the Muslim boy who got stabbed:
‘Wadea al-Fayoume: Last words of knifed US Muslim boy were ‘Mom, I’m fine”
Of course they were. The objective here is to make us sympathise with the Palestinians against Israel.
And in another lengthy, 100% heart-rending piece by the BBC. Just look at what they have filled it with:
Mr Hannon said Wadea “loved his school, loved his teachers, loved his mother”.
“He loved life,” he said. “He was acting like a normal six-year-old child, always with a smile.”
I wonder if the BBC realise that by running these total empathy pieces about selected victims, they are actually causing murders like this shooting. The terrorists get their news the same as we do.
I look forward to similar attention for the victims of the shootings in Sweden who I strongly suspect the BBC are in part responsible for. Of course it won’tt happen.
I wonder if we are going to get similar long pieces about each of the children murdered by Hamas. With daily updates of course. Especially the ones burnt alive.
Of course we won’t. Because the BBC are racists.
Here’s where I found the information:
Hello John C
The answer is more concerts, and lighters to be flashed in the air
Western way of life is done for
Hi andy,
What I cannot fathom is why the Left is so absolutely on the side of the Muslims. They are always the most nasty and violent agressors in a group. They look down on infidels as inferior and are quite prepared to cheat/lie/threaten when it suits them. The video posted by Stew earlier shows that clearly. They are extreme racists, mysogynists and homophobics.
Yet the Left ignore all of those things and only portray them as victims. Can they really be such immense hypocrites to do that just to be able to use them as ‘victims’ against the Right ?.
I know – just like every society in the world – they have good and bad people the same as everyone else. But I take the worst 25% as an indicator of the calibre of people the culture produces – and they are about 300 years behind the rest of civilisation. I just read the last Hilary Mantel book about Thomas Cromwell and Henry VIII where people were executed / burned on a regular basis – and they were far more civilised than what I see in Palesteine.
As you say, we are self-destructing. It’s too far gone now. What has surpised me is that after the horrific Hamas terrorist attack, I would expect a huge backlash against Muslims. Instead we’ve got a huge backlash against Jews by those same Muslims.
Hello John
I cannot either mate, its so upsetting what the left is trying to create
I remember years ago when the BNP said we would be the minority by 2010, they weren’t far off wrong, maybe 2020 but it has happened
Enoch Powell, the bbc turned the public against him
Discussing with my uncle the other week and said as a kid it was rare to see someone in foreign dress, now the country is just a mish mash of foreigners and the neighbourhood spirit has gone. No idea what it means to be British anymore
My grandad fought Rommel for this, and all those families that lost fathers, brothers, mothers etc, i’m shaking my head!
Ditto from me guys. I have always found them arrogant and intolerant. I had one bugger turn up for an interview and before we had even started he was demanding that he would need an empty office at lunchtime to pray to f***** * mecca! Needless to say we showed him the out door ASAP.
we used to have three fully clad pillar boxs set up prayer mats in a wide corridor everyday and pray to the giant computers through the eastwards glass windows
obviously they were making a doubly ostentatious statement as the prayer room was in the attached building next door literally 60 seconds away
Not the steam off my time of day …
Hartlepool: Man charged with murder by counter-terror police
‘Ahmed Alid, from Wharton Terrace, has been charged with murder and attempted murder.’
This article stands out not only by the ‘bland’ headline but also by the fact it’s another brief, basic facts only report.
The only part of it of it which ‘stands’ out is the omission of how he was killed. Usually we are told if they are stabbed or shot. This one seems to specifically omit it.
In contrast to the lengthy THIRD empathy-laden article about a Muslim boy who was stabbed in a completely different country. Which – in the context of what has happened – is yet another needle in a haystack being pushed as big headlines by the BBC for agenda reasons.
Ahh – a bit of research tells us what they are hiding:
‘Passer-by stabbed to death outside migrant hostel in Hartlepool is named by police as 70-year-old Terrence Carney who ‘had recently used a cash machine’ – as counter terror cops quiz ‘asylum seeker’ over attack that left another man injured’
bbc worries and reports on this:-
Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith ‘healing relationship’
I’ve been tele tax free for years now, and I will never fund the likes of the bbc again
‘She explained: “He can’t be this perfect idealised husband. I have to be able to accept him for the human he is.’
Which means he is a total a-hole. As we all strongly suspect already. But he’s rich and famous, which gives him unconditional admiration and wet panties from all the BBC luvvies.
I can’t imagine anything worse than living my life in the midst of all the lies, hypocrisy and pathetic attention-seeking shallow narcissistic neurotics which showbusiness and places like the BBC attract.
She is not much better. They deserve each other.
other than poor old will getting a bit touchy about anyone mentioning how cucked he is and cant really emotionally cope with it
I dont really see where she gets off with such statements
bbc page heads on their website
Cost of living “Crisis”
War in Ukraine
Then finally after the above lectures, it reports what the average person needs/wants to know
Re Cost of living “Crisis” – all gone quite, very little on the page which is upto date (reports going back to 29 March) – why is this page still there, other than to force up prices with the bbc’s promotions for different companies
The bbc is delighted that an 80 year old white man is going on a trip to the Middle East . One of the man’s employees is already there and has done a deal with Israel about how it is to ‘react ‘ to an ‘alleged ‘ attack by Hamas ‘militants ‘- to quote the BBC …..
……….no doubt the 80 year old Biden will announce Money and kit and ‘peacekeepers ‘ in return for Israel not flattening and digging up Gaza ….
On the other hand the mad dogs of Iran might do anything ….
….bbc Arabic – seemingly the propaganda arm of Islamic hamas – is in trouble again – but no doubt BBCOFCOM will ignore what it is doing ….
This unholy axis of Iranian thugs and Marxist psychopaths is an enemy of Muslims too
A good article explaining the background and politics for what is going on in Israel.
I remember Stew had a link to be able to read it from behind the paywall – maybe he could link to this so everyone can appreciate just what dirty politics have led to this.
And a stack of sensible comments too for a change : the Leftist and Ukranian troll farms aren’t interested in topics like this.
Our BBC likes the Financial Times for top spot in their online review of the frontpages. Not exactly concise or to the point FT headlines do nevertheless reliably conform to an internationalist left-leaning bent: US-led push to open Gaza crossing falters as Biden weighs Israel visit
Why stuff two non-dependent clauses into one headline, making it read like something akin to a cryptic crossword clue?
And how come the confusing, unfamiliar and imprecise verbs falter and weigh?
The pretentious: Foreign nationals trapped in enclave (FT) – together with the inflamatory: Six Brits dead, 10 missing in Hamas ‘pogrom’ (Daily Express) and the emotive; Teenage sisters among Britons missing in Gaza (Times) – simply reveals the growing extent of overseas travel to likely hotspots, dual nationality and passport shopping these days.
Remember this folks – when some British teenaged girls were slaughtered in Manchester and many more sacrificed on the alter of community cohesion closer to home we were advised not to look back in anger.
UN and EU press for aid deliveries (FT) – the inevitable appreciative nod to the supranational agencies so beloved of the pink paper. Heaven forfend it ever admit the UN’s refugee policy has rather nurtured Palestinian grievance over the decades or that some EU aid funding may have ended up in the pockets of arms dealers supplying Hamas. Arms caches accessed either via the corruption black hole that is Ukraine or kit simply abandoned in Afghanistan.
The FT firmly nails its pro-EU colours to the masthead: Ben Hall Democracy is making a stand in Poland…(FT) Poles vote in droves to salvage their democracy… Poland’s democratic health appears better than many feared (Twitter ‘X’ (?))
Ben Hall has been appointed political correspondent of the Financial Times… Hall joined the paper in 2000, before which he was research director of the Centre for European Reform (PR Week)
CER is a former member of the Stockholm Network of neoliberal think tanks… The CER seem to have both UK and US intelligence connections… Peter Mandelson speaks frequently at their meetings… Thought of as a ‘New Labour think tank’… CER’s office was 29 Tufton Street, Westminister, which they shared with the Tory Reform Group which contains: Michael Heseltine, Kenneth Clarke, Lord Hunt, Lord Hurd, Chris Patten, Sir Malcolm Rifkind, Sir Tim Sainsbury and a host of other top Conservatives (Powerbase, public interest investigations)
Meanwhile the Rishi lacky mouthpiece Daily Express – really only of interest because it is what it is – a Rishi lacky mouthpiece: Prime Minister’s ‘heavy heart’ as he reveals toll of ‘barbaric’ attack – and presumably awaits his orders from the US State Department over whether we have to get involved in something daft like bombing Tehran?
That’s after the faltering Biden has presumably had his options weighed for him by whoever is really running the US.
Poor meesh still stuck in the UK – no Gaza border for meesh… in a preamble to a chat with Jeremy ( love me ) Bowen she referred to ‘the war between Israel and Gaza ‘ – a slip of the tongue …. It’s Islamic HAMAS love – not Gaza … unless … of course they are one and the same .
They had the plebgate minister – that Andy Mitchell – MP for south Gaza on – he has a plan to bomb Gaza with taxpayers ‘ borrowed money and recycle dinghies held in Dover ….
Andy really wants a Job with the UN next year when voters throw him out of office ..
Meesh, JezBo and Toenails (yawn) all get a mensch.
TOADY Watch #1 – whatever the weather, with you: Pt 2
Another useless forecaster, new to me, Elizabeth Rezzini. All over the place with her forecast and again forgets where the mass of the UK population live and work and needs to know what the weather will be like.
ER is Frank Gardener’s squeeze.
For months and years post covid it was obvious she delivered the weather from home. How so? Because she was always strongly lit from the side a La Rembrandt or Vermeer. Same way every time.
Now she has to turn up in the studio she is lit full frontal, so to speak.
Just listening to the tone and approach Mishal Hussain adopts with a Tory MP like Andrew Mitchell pushes the story that the BBC favours HAMAS over Israel . There is little or no condemnation of the slaughter or the hostage taking – it’s all about cutting off the water supply .
Even when the wet Mitchell explained that water pipes have been used as missile tubes by HAMAS she quickly moved on . Maybe she should take her family and go live in Gaza …