How will the BBC react to the Israeli Army taking on Hamas ‘fighters ‘ in their territory ? This may be an episode that exposes the BBC as an alien organisation in the country that is forced to fund it – with politicians continuing to refuse to control it .
Start the Week 16th October 2023
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You know when you read something that makes you wince ? Try the mail report on an American songstress called ‘Alicia Keyes ‘ who wondered out loud whether to take us hang gliding after seeing the Islamic Hamas terrorist attack and mass killing . Apparently she was also wearing Palestinian colours … omg …
Scotland’s biggest offshore wind farm at full power
Luckily some wind today, but tomorrow, and the day after….
One for Springster or Panorama to ‘investigate’?
Or will the BBC just keep invite idiots like Jones and Champion on anyway?
That’s Owen Jones getting burnt by community notes
after he tried to blame Hamas murderous treatment of gay, on the 1940s British.
I wonder how many employees of the BBC were at the
“protest” in support of Hamas (Isis) in London last
Isabel Oakeshott spoke very coherently on Talk TV
yesterday when she said .that protestors who believed in
their honourable causes should want to show their faces.
All the ones covering their faces were doing it because
they didn’t want to bee seen breaking the law. Or intend to
break the law, Should there be a law to stop protestors
wearing masks?
I see that the Guardian cannot hold it back any longer with
their inherent hate of Israel. I suppose its best that they show
their true colours in their abhorrent feelings towards the only
democracy in the middle east. But I suppose I must be fair
to them. They have sacked their latter day ” Die Stuermer”
We now see Jeremy Bowen getting back to his true form. That
is if he ever left it. In his repulsion for Israel. Really its not
really rocket science that the Guardian and the BBC are one
of the same identity , when it comes to Israel.
I thought I’d start to make an effort to examin BBCOFCOM . It seems a career civil servant called ‘Melanie Dawes took over in 2020 – after that Sharon White – the woman who has helped destroy John Lewis before ‘stepping £ down £ ‘….
Dawes will have approved the appointment of the zmibabian Hamas supporter now suspended from the BbcOfcom board – so is her position safe ?
I’ll answer that question as ‘yes ‘ because the culture minister is a lefty too ….
Isabel Oakshott is Richard Tice’s other half.
Foscari, wearing of masks by demonstrators could mean they are afraid of police filming the protest for future ‘face recognition’.
Oh dear, how worrying, never mind
The stock market may be waking up to the possibility that Pfizer may go bankrupt due to the upcoming Covid vaccine legal claims. Many parallels can be drawn between the corporate behaviors of Pfizer and Purdue Pharma, a pharmaceutical concern that dishonestly and aggressively marketed harmful products. Purdue Pharma went bankrupt due to the greed and depravity of its leaders, as its ‘legal protections’ evaporated. Might the same happen to Pfizer?
Old, experienced vaccine companies like GSK refused to participate in ‘Covid vaccines’ – and we now see why they may have made the right choice.
Pfizer May Go Bankrupt
Mark Steyn headline review … Mark Steyn questions if Britain on the brink … 10 months ago … has anything changed?
Brussels shooting: Police shoot man in hunt for gunman
The BBC finally catch up to everyone else.
They cut the video short so nobody dies and they quote an official to tell us ‘likely motive was the Swedish nationality of the victims.’ which is absolutely meaningless.
Brought to you by another of the BBC’s finest reporters:

Oh well one less Islamic ‘freedom fighter ‘ … but wait… did they really have to shoot him ? Did he have ‘mental issues ?’ Wasnt there a better way of treating him ? Should there be an inquiry ? Was there a cover up ? Was it a racist murder by Belgium plod ? Panorama …. Investigates ….
BTW – it wasn’t a ‘terrorist ‘ act … it was … something else …’an incident involving a ‘local man’’
BBC to create a NOT A MONSTER podcast for each one?
Of course he had mental problems. It’s called ISLAM.
(Stands for I Sure Loathe All Mankind.)
I’d rather like one of these guys not be shot but to stand trial.
Then, if we were lucky, in the witness box they would launch into a pro-Islamic anti-western society tirade which would be widely reported, except by the BBC of course. Thus any semblance of the Leftoids position would be clearly revealed for the garbage that it is – there could be no doubts. And anyone sitting on the fence would find themselves falling off.
It would be a good win for sensible folk.
How long before the bBC accuse the two dead Swedes of
causing their own deaths and the terrorist was just a victim.
” BIG BROTHER -The Belgian authorities have named
the gentleman who may of committed the collateral
damage in Brussels last night. He is a gentleman from
Tunisia . And the Belgians say he was a terrorist. How
at the diversity department at the BBC are we to
“instruct” the news department to handle it? We at
the BBC would never name him until well after the event
and hide it away somewhere, when we did.”
bbc reports:-
Biden’s Israel visit is a significant moment
Presidential trips usually take months to prepare – and only rarely do they visit a country at war to try to shape the conduct of the conflict
“country at war” ?
Interesting … Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince snubs Joe Biden’s top diplomat
Mohammed bin Salman failed to appear for a meeting with Tony Blinken on Saturday night
Rozina Sabur, 16 October 2023 • 9:53pm
Up goes the oil price …
The King can do what he pleases – our King can create coins to help the kids count.
2021 … Saudi crown prince asked Boris Johnson to intervene in Newcastle United bid
Mohammed bin Salman warned of damage to Saudi-UK relations if Premier League refusal not ‘corrected’,of%20Newcastle%20United%20last%20year.
Maybe that’s the opportunity Obama will use to ‘off him’ – ?
Not just the BBC online, but GBNews also seem to suffer from editorial incompetence and a lack of proof reading in their online reporting, which is sometimes so poorly written it’s indecipherable.
This one made me laugh:
“One armed police officer took a statement from the alleged victim at the scene”
How did this unfortunate officer hold his/her notepad and pen to take the statement?
I know it’s only superficial, but I’m struggling with GBNews as an alternative to the BBC, there are so many annoying ads on the site, reports often seem a little ‘half arsed’ (cf. BBC) and lacking in essential details, and the standard of the English is often even worse than that on the BBC site (I know, hard to imagine).
Does anyone have any recommendations for an ‘unbiased’, readable, comprehensive, and all round excellent online news provider?
No such thing as unbiased news. I just want it to have the right bias. For me, That’s Sky News Aus; Fox News on a good day; Talk TV on a good day; The Spectator TV. And for commentary, a host of YouTube channels such as The Podcast of the Lotus Eaters; The Daily Wire; The New Culture Forum, and dozens more.
GB News might still emerge as a decent news and commentary channel if advertisers stop their shameful boycott and if Ofcom gets off their back.
Apparently the outgoing UK government is to have an ‘autumn statement ‘ or budget in November . Why bother ? There’s no money . It’s gone – they are borrowing to pay their debt repayments ….. the IFS today has said the same …
……the only benefit will be for Rachel Reeve to throw crap at the blue labour front bench .. not such a bad thing though …
TalkTV is now crap a breakfast time cos its the Jeremy Kyle & Nicola Thorpe show.
but Julia HB is now on at lunchtime and afternoon
“One armed police officer took a statement from the alleged victim at the scene”
The word “armed” is superfluous
The article is about whether Crispin Blunt MP actually hit Andrew Bridgen MP
Surely it should be “An armed police officer…”, if anything? Although as you say Stew the fact he/she/shme was armed is irrelevant to the story anyway!
They could do with getting some better reporters/writers in, so could the BBC, so could most ‘news’ channels.
Vlad, the only ‘unbiased news’ is the kind that agrees with my biases, obviously! Honestly, I’d settle for less obviously biased news, all I want at the end of the day is to know what is going on in the world, not all the emotion, the opinion, the ‘perspective’, the ‘angle’, blah blah… I can provide all that for myself.
The sponsor of the bbc, Bill Gates
Bill Gates: Three things I learnt about the tech giant
“Of course, Bill has a lot more money and power”
Power? he’s a has been
bbc approve
Money makes problems go away ….
Bill Gates Met With Jeffrey Epstein Many Times, Despite His Past
In June 2015, the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and the Bill &
Melinda Gates Foundation strengthened further their ongoing cooperation on nutrition
following the Nutrition for Growth event in London in 2013.
Click to access Gates-DFID-match-funding.pdf
Brussels shooting: Police shoot dead attacker who killed Swedes.
The BBC makes it sound like tit for tat.
Best not mention the book burning in Sweden
I visited Malmo Sweden back in 1999, what a beautiful place it was
Ah you beat me
On the same thread found this
BBC/MSM do loads of GAZAlighting
BBC correspondents answer your questions on the conflict between Israel and Hamas
Experts from the bbc have all the answers
Anyone for a run?
London Marathon: International competitors to be charged climate levy
Only £26 per person to fund this
Stab-LEZ – £12.50 to carry a knife whilst running in LONDON?!
oi, pug, we are taxed already! Us OAP cyclists pay Income Tax on our pensions and some of us are car drivers so we pay insurance tax and taxes on our fuel and maybe VED, too. We also pay VAT on non-food items that we buy such clothing to keep us warm in winter and as for energy bills, we pay 5% VAT on those as well as subsidies to those useless windmill farm operators.
The BBC and other luminaries such as Obama, Khan and May are always quick to tell us – usually after some terrorist attack – that islamic terrorism has nothing to do with islam.
I’d have thought there’s a bit of a clue in the name but leaving that aside, I decided to do a bit of sleuthing.
In slightly under a minute, I discovered a list of terrorist organisations produced by the US Dept of State.
A handful were Communist / Independence movements, 0 were Buddhist, 0 Hindu, 0 Jewish 0 Sikh, 0 Jain, 0 Shinto, 0 Animist, 0 Aboriginal, 0 Taoist, 0 B’hai, 0 Zoroastrian, 0 Confucian.
Surprisingly, 0 were Mormon.
And 0 were Protestant and 0 Catholic (the IRA don’t count).
The rest had mostly Arabic sounding names and were, ahem, from the Religion of Peace.
Funny, that.
Harakat Sawa’d Misr (HASM)
Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq (AAH)
Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM)
al-Ashtar Brigades
ISIS in the Greater Sahara (ISIS-GS)
ISIS-West Africa
Hizbul Mujahideen (HM)
al-Qa’ida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS)
Islamic State’s Khorasan Province (ISIS-K)
Jaysh Rijal al-Tariq al Naqshabandi (JRTN)
al-Nusrah Front, aka Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (ANF/HTS)
— Jabhat Fath al-Sham Amendment (November 14, 2016)
— Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham Amendment (June 1, 2018)
ISIS-Sinai Province (formerly Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis)
— ISIL Sinai Province Amendment (September 30, 2015)
Ansar al-Shari’a in Benghazi
Ansar al-Shari’a in Darnah
Ansar al-Shari’a in Tunisia
al-Mulathamun Battalion, aka al-Murabitoun
Boko Haram
Ansar al-Dine (AAD)
Haqqani Network (HQN)
Abdallah Azzam Brigades
— Marwan Hadid Brigades Amendment (November 2, 2017)
Jemaah Anshorut Tauhid (JAT)
Indian Mujahedeen (IM)
Army of Islam (AOI)
Jaysh al-Adl (formerly Jundallah)
— Jaysh al-Adl Amendment (July 2, 2019)
Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI)
al-Qa’ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
— Ansar al-Shari’a Amendment (October 5, 2012)
Kata’ib Hizballah (KH)
Revolutionary Struggle (RS)
— al-Hijra Amendment (August 1, 2018)
Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami/Bangladesh (HUJI-B)
Islamic Jihad Union (IJU)
ISIS (formerly al-Qa’ida in Iraq)
— Islamic State of Iraq Amendment (January 26, 2012)
— al-Hayat Media Center and Amaq News Agency Amendments (March 22, 2019)
Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)
Ansar al-Islam (AAI)
Lashkar i Jhangvi (LJ)
Jemaah Islamiya (JI)
al-Qa’ida in the Islamic Maghreb (formerly Salafist Group for Call and Combat)
— AQIM Amendment (February 20, 2008)
Asbat al-Ansar (AAA)
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade (AAMB)
Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT)
— Tehrik-e-Tahafuz Qibla Awwal, Tehrik-e-Hurmat-e-Rasool, and Al-Anfal Trust Amendments (June 26, 2014)
— Al Muhammadia Students Amendment (December 30, 2016)
— Tehreek-e-Azadi-e-Kashmir and Milli Muslim League Amendments (April 4, 2018)
Jaish-e-Mohammed (JEM)
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
al-Qa’ida (AQ)
Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
Harakat ul-Mujahidin (HUM)
— Ansar ul-Ummah Amendment (August 8, 2014)
Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
PFLP-General Command (PFLP-GC)
Sometimes I find myself listening to the’ you and yours ‘ show on bbc r4. Today they have a queue of people saying about how expensive their energy bills are ….
… but there is no mention of green crap levies or the refusal to go after domestic gas or oil reserves or building new power stations …
Instead it’s all about the nasty government not giving out free money … very BBC ….
And no mention of the Imbecile in the White House’s catastrophic energy policies that have sent prices sky-high as well as being, directly or indirectly, responsible for the wars in Ukraine and now the Middle East which could trigger WW3 at any moment.
Oh no ! The bbc have sent Sarah montague to Jerusalem to cover the ‘war’… oh meesh – why not you ?( perhaps they really couldn’t risk the obvious bias) – anyway – she interviewed some half wit from the Arab League – go back to 1967 he says – immediate cease fire he says ….amazing what people will say when they are paid ….
Yesterday i posted the following .
Peter Bone: Tory MP facing suspension after bullying probe
Now of course, if was a Labour MP you would have to read all the way to the bottom of the article to find mention of the political party. They really are something else.
Now look today, at the headline
Denbighshire: Avoiding bankruptcy is council priority, leader says
You will do well to know its a Labour council form the article .. of course, as per the above, if it was a Tory run council the headline would be very very different
Augean stables or something – I’d wager the git is a vax maniac and has been involved in ganging up on hate speech in an academic environment with some wider cancel culture as a side dish??
Time for some of his own medicine methinks.
“Cornell University professor calls Hamas terror attack ‘exhilarating’ and ‘exciting’ via
Sure I saw another Paedo Muslim rapist being sentenced yesterday – Mohammed someone …Sheffield maybe …?
Guess plod couldn’t cover it up as usual ..
Dunno if it’s the standard Daily Mail outrage cultivation garbage or there were a significant number of calls for Ofcom to act (they seem to have “Palestinian issues” of their own at the moment).
Seems quite a mild question to me.
While you may have been distracted by various stories in the media, Parliament has been passing laws which will change the relationship between the individual and the state.
In addition, world leaders have agreed a Pandemic Preparedness Framework with the United Nations General Assembly, that will enable them to quarantine and inject everybody on Earth with whatever they say is necessary (see Page 5 of this month’s issue of The Light).
Also, the Online Safety Bill, which has just been passed under the guise of keeping the internet safe for children, obligates “private” companies to censor any content that goes against the government narrative.
So, if the state does harm to you unlawfully, you won’t be able to tell anyone about it.
Presumably once greta Thunberg is charged and convicted she will be deported ……
Preferably to the southern border of Lebanon.
Greta is the UK’s energy expert – if we all give up breathing we can save the planet.
That is actually the plan of the Malthusian WEF, or around half of us giving up breathing.
Just look up Malthus population control, or over population.
its the bbc experts
Be Scam Safe: A week of special programming across the BBC and content to cast a light on a thriving and exploitative industry
The BBC is uniquely placed to use its wide range of experts and platforms to reach and empower our audiences. It’s great to pull everything together in one place, for a whole week, as we look to arm people with the tools they need to stay safe.
“uniquely placed”
“wide range of experts”
Honestly! i’d rather ask an expert, than ask the likes of the bbc anything
Just look into the feature on the BBC website ” Tackling it
together.” It’s by BBC business reporter Vishala Sri-Pathma.
The feature and imaging is ” interesting” to say the least.
There’s an England / Italy footy match Tuesday night . After an Islamic freedomfighter ( as the BBC see him ) will there be a minute silence – will they parade the Israeli flag in solidarity with our allies …. Or will Southgate sport a Palestine waistcoat ?
( actually who cares ? Italy to win / draw …. )
The BBC describe the Muslim terrorist as ‘an attacker who killed Swedes’.
If they want to call someone a terrorist, they quote someone else doing it – usually in the headline. And they do their favourite trick of writing it like an assertion of fact but put single quotes around it meaning it’s only what someone said. Only ever used for far-Right terrorist who usually did nothing more than share something on the internet.
In their current article for the ‘attacker’, they point out it had ‘no direct link’ to the French teacher ‘attack’ which I admit I had forgotten about in all the terrorist noise. ‘No direct link’ sounds a bit odd – and it is deliberate. It means they didn’t know each other and it’s the BBC’s attempt to downplay it all. But of course their motivating force is about as direct as you can get. Orders from God.
The French teacher terrorist doesn’t even get ‘attacker’ in the headline – it’s just:
‘Teacher killed in France school stabbing’
Even though the BBC know full well he shouted ‘Alans Snackbar’ while he did it. It’s a very short article considering – but then it was written before the BBC came under fire for their pro-Muslim bias.
Nothing like the size of what they are churning out for the Muslim boy stabbed in the USA of course. I am quite certain BBC staff were very happy when they learned a whitey did it so they could plaster it on the front page every day to obfuscate what is really going on in their efforts to protect the indefensible.
Fortunately for our cause the BBC has boxed themselves into an editorial line which just cannot stand up on moral or common sense / decency grounds …
Trouble is the fear of the TV detector van is very strong
“We’ve been hearing from Ibrahim AlAgha, 38, who was on holiday in Gaza with his wife and children with the siege began. The family, who are Irish citizens and normally live in Dublin, are now stranded in Ibrahim’s parents’ house in Khan Younis.”
Israel has often responded with air strikes into Gaza. Make sure you know the safety actions that you should take if an Israeli warning siren sounds, follow advice from local authorities and stay informed of the security situation through the media and this travel advice. No warning sirens will sound inside Gaza. See Gaza
You should also exercise extreme caution when considering visiting Palestinian refugee camps which have previously been the site of violent clashes (we advise against all but essential travel to the camps in Jenin and Nablus).
An earlier post on him 14:49 says
“Ibrahim AlAagha, 38, his wife Hamida and their three young children were visiting relatives in Gaza for an extended holiday when the Israeli siege of the territory began”
What’s an “extended” holiday, maybe rent out his free council house in Dublin to someone , and just return now and then for occasional welfare payment collection?
Naturally it’s considered impolite to mention his employment status or job.
“The situation is especially difficult for the children, who are 8, 4 and 3 years old.”
Shouldn’t the 8 year old be at school in Ireland?
Isn’t it term time there.
pug, they didn’t have a decent virologist on SAGE to advise about viruses. Lockdown wasn’t a lockdown anyway because up to 50,000 disease carriers (ie. people) came in and out of the UK’s airports.
Perhaps Fed it might be an idea for a seperate Israel Gaza / Middle East thread for a major news issue which is drowning out all the other goings on?
In other news I wonder if others noted David Camerons favourite pressure group the Socialist Workers Party printed pro Palestine banners at the weekend march?
A lot of people appear to be confusing Gaza with Palestine when the two are not the same at all.
Others are saying that Gaza democratically elected Hamas, which again is untrue as Hama were partners in a government of national unity until 2017 when they siezed power and there hadn’t been an election since that time, but even if there was, after seeing what they are capable of, what sane individual would want to stand in opposition to them?
I spoke with a Muslim neighbour today & what he told me amazed me.
He told me that the Jews had no business being in Palestine that they had never been there and that they stole the land from the Palestinians, he followed that up with the British government had signed all of this off making it all possible and legal for them.
I asked him where he thought Jesus had lived, his response was “Jerusalem”, when I asked him which country Jerusalem was in at the time he suddenly realised Israel had a huge history there in the Bible and the Qur’an and that he had been lied to and manipulated.
I then proceeded to educate him on how the Romans destroyed the temple and forced the Jews out of Jerusalem, about Massada and how they came to leave Israel.
He didn’t know any of this.
It makes me wonder though what is now being taught in Mosques because it isn’t just the Jews being blamed for Israel it’s the British too for somehow creating the legal framework for formation of the state of Israel. I did tell him about the Israeli Terrorist attacks on British administered Palestine which again he was unaware of.
If the British people as well as the Jews are being placed in the cross hairs then we can expect that we will also be attacked, and one thing is for certain, the rainbow painting dance troupe we once knew as the Police will not do anything to stop them.
Good post – maybe the police can do history lessons! Kneel to receive history lesson number #1
Yeah but people will just think it’s the new general thread, and post away the usual stuff there..
I first became aware of some of the prejudicial and downright silly things Muslims are taught many years ago on a TV programme.
I’m afraid I can’t remember any specifics but a Guardian journalist was talking to a young Muslim woman and had to ask her why she kept referring to Rupert Murdoch as a Jew. He’s not a Jew, the Guardian bloke said, his ancestry is likely Scottish Presbyterian. The Muslim girl protested, “But he’s the son of Robert Maxwell!”
Fair play to the Guardian fellow, after a bit of spluttering he tried to explain to her why this was a ludicrous suggestion – they’re too close in age, one a Czech the other Australian etc.
Utterly bizarre but I remember it clearly.
pug, the female co-presenter had ‘Done a Kuennsberg’ and forgotton to put on her blouse or shirt.
As mentioned above AT 11:10 AM by @Pugnacious
ITV local newsPR seems to have daily segments about kids getting into county lines gangs etc.
Whose fault is that ?
.. ‘Evil Tories, their cuts and austerity
He’res a guy from a closed down youth centre
.. Here’s our example : a kid who died at 16’
… What his Mum’s job ? “Full time youth worker”
….. No father was mentioned
“The jailed ringleader of a child sex grooming gang faces more prison time for the rape of a 13-year-old girl.
Mohammed Imran Ali Akhtar 42, is already serving a 23-year sentence after being convicted in 2018 of raping and sexually assaulting young girls in Rotherham between 1998 and 2005.
He has now admitted two further counts of rape and two counts of indecent assault against a girl in the South Yorkshire town between August 2001 and July 2002.
Sheffield Crown Court heard Akhtar picked up the victim in his car and drove her to various locations, plying her with drugs and alcohol, before raping her”
“14 arrests as drugs and weapons seized in police operation to tackle modern slavery in Rotherham”
The actual ITV article seems big on omission.
Who were they ?
On TV they failed to mention both of these stories
and chose to do PRasNews items about charities etc.
Hangon the raid was 10 days ago.
Local paper
” saw six hand car washes visited as part of Operation Bubbles – the force’s dedicated approach to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking – with six arrested for immigration offences and ten people safeguarded and offered support as potential vulnerable victims of exploitation.”
I respect her right to say those things Dickie, but I don’t agree with her, she demonstrates little feeling for the victims of the mass terrorist attack just over a week ago, some of whom (and their families) are still left in limbo and being tortured by the heartless cruelty of Hamas, thanks to the hundreds of terrified hostages they kidnapped. She doesn’t seem to have much grasp of the cause of Israel attacking northern Gaza at all, or doesn’t care, which is even worse!
At the end of the day, the IDF have to do something following the appalling and barbaric attack they were subjected to, they don’t really have the choice not to react.
What else, could they realistically do? Light candles and sing “Don’t look back in anger”? That would be mass suicide.
The Palestinians in the north were warned to leave, the Gaza strip is not very big, even if they lived next to the northern border, and even if they had to push granny in a wheelchair they could have walked to the southern ‘safe zone’ in a few hours. There really is no excuse for non-combatants not to have left, I would have, with my family, if it was me!
There will be aid delivered to those Palestinians in the southern ‘safe zone’ soon, the world, and the UN, will not allow otherwise, and Israel will not want to be seen as unfeeling, so it will happen.
Hamas are happy to use the Palestinian civilians as an expendable human shield, however, which is, frankly, appalling. I would like to see Hamas, and ISIS eliminated without mercy (they don’t show it to anyone else, even those who support and protect them), the world will be a better place for it, and ultimately the Palestinians will be better off without them too.
GB News removed from Senedd’s televisions
Front page world news at the BBC. Who are ‘Senedd’ I wondered. Some huge provider ?.
No, it’s ‘the internal TV system in the Welsh Parliament.’.
Front page headline ???. Really ?.
And what outrageous action by GB News caused this ?.
Oh, Laurence Fox. So I wonder who was offended ?. And they fired him anyway – so why ban it now ?.
That report reads like the BBC wrote it themselves – and true to form, they re-run the original story just to keep it current.
Courtesy of ‘Elin Jones’ who Wikipedia tells me is a Welsh version of Nichola Sturgeon.
Complete leftist activist nonsense. And the BBC love it.
I wouldn’t want to ‘climb into bed’ with her either… to coin a phrase.
pug, also the BBC are The State Broadcaster. Can’t have that in the Senedd.
That Wales?

It does not appear it will be anytime soon that the left and their sympathisers will admit, Europe and the UK have let into this area a bunch of foreign invaders who have absolutely NO interntion whatsoever of adjusting to our culture or foreign policy or tolerate other religions
who rape our children
who attack jews
who confne themselves in ghettos and set up special schools to teach their hatred
and are now out on the streets of Britain and Europe now they have sufficient numbers to bully and intimidate, are openly and violently showing their hatred and intolerance in the countries that took them in.
In complete and utter defiance to the laws. cultures and policies of the countries that let them immigrate into.
whilst when they arrive illegally on our shores the far left and deluded Guardian readers are there telling them how welcome they are
I”ve noticed large numbers of BAME/”ethnic” contestants in ITV’s”Tipping Point” and “The Chase”. A higher proportion than their representation in the general population I think.
I try to avoid watching too much TV but from my limited knowledge I can never, ever, remember anyone but a white actor being cast as a REAL baddie in anything. Or have I just not been paying attention?
Tut tut Lefty you have not been paying attention. As recently as 1973 Yaphet Kotto played the baddie Mr Big in Live And Let Die. That’s a fair representation- not!
Mr Big’s bar in Harlem as described in the book: “It was hot and the air was thick with smoke and the sweet, feral smell of two hundred negro bodies.”
Ah those were the days!
The last couple of weeks has openly showed to the world the intolerant savages for what they are:
A “British immigrant”
Furious woman confronts man on London street as he writes ‘coloniser’ over posters of innocent children kidnapped by Hamas – and tells him: ‘I know people who have died’
Anyone wanting to visit the Wimpole Estate and house near Royston (Ex Rudyard Kipling) will find a large rug at the entrance.
Under the rug is a mosaic of a swastika, as Kipling knew this symbol as an ancient and cultural symbol.
No such sympathies for him, as extended to “islamic proclamations of faith eh ?
Although, after getting dragged through “Kim” by a barmy English literature teacher for a couple of years, sentence by sentence, I wish they had smothered him in a rug some Friday afternoons.
Speaking of the Swazzy’s literary connections, anyone who has read The Great Gatsby (written 1923-25) will know that the character Meyer Wolfshiem, a Jewish racketeer, fronts his activities through a business called the Swastika Holding Company.
Australia, ABC chose to offer no evidence, so lost a $390K defamation case
“Former commando awarded $390,000 in defamation lawsuit against the ABC”
In a 48-page decision, the Federal Court of Australia found guilty the 60 Minutes Australia producer Nine Network, reporter Nicholas McKenzie, and producers Charlotte Grieve and Joel Tozer of publishing and conveying seven imputations which are defamatory about Schiff and EPB. The case relates to the show’s broadcast on October 18, 2020.
“Specifically, the judge found that these defendants defamed Schiff and his bank in seven specific defamatory imputations, such as ‘permitting his bank, Euro Pacific, to be used as a vehicle for around one hundred Australian customers to commit tax evasion,’ and that Schiff, himself, ‘committed tax fraud,’” said Schiff in a statement, citing the ruling.