OFCOM is meant to ‘regulate ‘ broadcasters. But when it comes to the State Funded BBC there doesn’t appear to be much control – for instance there is no comment about the refusal of the BBC to call Islamic HAMAS a terrorist group even though it carries out terrorist attacks and is legally a terrorist gang in UK law .
So who is OFCOM ? Does it need to be ended like the BBC? Will any politician fix it ?
Midweek 18th October 2023
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One of those days when comrade Robinson brings a box of tissues to work ….
……yes – the Nadine Dorries legacy of … er … nothing but hot air washed away in an autumn storm – I love the prediction that if repeated in a general election reds would have 500 – blues wouid have 50?
It’s sad . I am of The Right – I’m not a conservative as the brand claims today – I don’t like socialists winning – but it is inevitable now that the tories will be wiped out – deservedly .
These elections showed that blue supporters didn’t bother turning out . If the reds stay quiet this will be repeated next year .
Today it’s easy for the BBC because it is what it is ….
Meanwhile …
The president of Israel has suggested banning the bbc ….
A high ranking Islamic Hamas BBC spokesman has almost admitted being ‘wrong ‘ about the hospital explosion
A programme on the BBC aimed at younger footy types has been dumped ( suggesting the chase for young viewers isn’t working ) …
The so-called “Conservative” party seems to be in the hands of the woke left-wing blob. The prime minister was elected by no-one. They still profess to believe in “Net Zero”, which is impossible and ruinous. Am I meant to be grateful that they are “only” banning petrol cars in 2035 instead of 2030?
Now Sunak’s idiot new ideas are to ban smoking and mess up A Levels. Give me a break.
I see that votes for Reform UK cost the “Conservatives” both by-elections. Good. It might knock some sense into them. If it doesn’t, they will get what they deserve.
Israel Gaza: Community frozen as Hamas atrocities continue to emerge
A harrowing article which highlights exactly why Israel have gone to war with Hamas.
It’s written as if it’s new information – but much of it has been known for days to my knowledge (such as children being tied together and burned alive). For some reason, the BBC are only reporting it now.
I would expect such revalations to be headline news as they are the whole justification for what is happening.
So why is it a small article tucked right down at the bottom of the page (even though it’s only 3 hours old) and if you go to the new ‘Israel Gaza’ news section, I challenge you to even find it at all.
Clearly it’s all so the BBC can show they reported it to counter all the claims of bias. But they are doing their best to make sure nobody sees it. And why didn’t they report it when it really was ‘news’.
Surprised it is anywhere on a bbc platform, but they need something for Clive as the next Culture Sec.
The origins of the latest conflict have now all but been erased as the usual suspects who screamed inaccurately at the start are quietly reinstated by producers who need gobs to say what their stations cannot overtly as yet, even with OFCOM in the bag.
Meanwhile Clive, Nadia etc want to inspect the bogs of a floating hotel with a media circus in tow.
The Economist – Only America can stop a bigger catastrophe in Israel and Gaza
Not with the guy they and all BBC TNI partners installed as figurehead in chief, as the sheer magnitude of their mistake sinks in.
The comments he and Sunak have issued are as student level cringe and inflammatory rather than statesmanlike in face of the psychotic rhetoric from ‘the side’ they appear to feel is playing to the rules of some game.
Afghanistan was a success according to Biden and Boris … the most successful retreat in history.
3:28 P.M. EDT
THE PRESIDENT: Last night in Kabul, the United States ended 20 years of war in Afghanistan — the longest war in American history.
We completed one of the biggest airlifts in history, with more than 120,000 people evacuated to safety. That number is more than double what most experts thought were possible. No nation — no nation has ever done anything like it in all of history. Only the United States had the capacity and the will and the ability to do it, and we did it today.
Eric Cantona – the singer: ‘The Rolling Stones should support me’
Another free advertisement money could not buy from the BBC luvvies to one of their idols. Not sure why Eric deserves it – but he clearly does. It’s nothing less than bare-faced promotion for his upcoming ‘UK tour’. I suppose he’s special because he isn’t white English male scum.
Clearly a money grab. I simply cannot begin to imagine just how bad his ‘show’ will be. Anyone going ?.
“I have a deep need of expressing myself” – Cantona’s two childhood passions were football and art
… more talking than singing ….
Eric Cantona – The Friends We Lost (Official Music Video)
Wonderful. Haven’t laughed so much for ages.
Wow 30 seconds before the ‘stop’ button …
30 seconds too long! Try harder!
Skip forward – it gets even better.
The Friends We Lost Lyrics
Watch the trees when the others fall
The hall of love is much too small
Watch yourself into the mirror
Someone you hate, someone you love
Bet and cry with the worst devils
The friends we lost the time we waste
Some of us have to pay the bills
In peace our ennemies can rest
Like a red snake in the water
In mind a winning number
Listen the silence over the fear
The deep ocean that we can’t hear
Laugh and drink with the vampires
The friends we lost the time we waste
The blood of our lovely flowers
In peace our ennemies can rest
Might this offer a clue behind the BBC’s support?
Cantona He took a wonderful moral stance by supporting the Palestinian cause and rejecting Israeli terrorism
His cover of Boom, bang a bang set to win Eurovision!
At about 0740 comrade Robinson and our Justin have an unscripted exchange about the BBC saying Israel dropped a rocket on a hospital – I only had my head on ‘background ‘ but by the tone Robinson was doing the usual slime non apology and their BBC is never wrong …. Keep digging boys – go destroy yourselves …. Cancel your licence ….we will win .
Cancel your licence and the far Left Tories will simply force you to pay by including it in the council tax
T, during ‘the-cost-of-living-crisis’ ? No chance.
BBC Moaning Emole
Labour hails ‘phenomenal’ election wins
‘Historic’ too, apparently.
Clearly awaiting a pollster to provide ‘unprecedented’ in quote.
Democracy is dead. Folk have given up voting as there is no point.
All that is left is the left, overseen by Beff, Pesto, Toenails (yawn), Amol, Brando, etc.
Everything is fine – the blue labour government only borrowed £80 billion in the first 6 months of 2023 – the ONS predicted it was gonna be £100 billion . Total government debt is at £2.6 trillion – whatever that number is – but it sounds big innit ?
And apparently – because HMG ‘only ‘ borrowed £80 billion in 6 months there can be an election give away in the budget ….
Insanity stalks the world …..
What is going at the BBC and Israel/Gaza ?. The whole subject seems to have turned into looney-tunes.
US warship intercepts missiles fired from Yemen ‘potentially towards Israel’
This is a BIG story. The USA are now directly involved and it indicates a big escalation of the war. Why is this article just a small pane right at the bottom of the page ?.
Ooh-Ahh Cantona going out singing gets a higher billing.
And look at this meaningless rubbish the idiot author wrote:
‘There are various US bases in the Middle East, with warships, troops and fighter aircrafts.’
Another masterpiece by this one again:

Something odd is going on at the BBC over this war. They seem to have thrown away all reason and have spat their dummy out.
Trousers that look as though they’ve had a row with the socks edition
Party leader Sir Keir Starmer said the historic results in the safe Tory seats showed “people overwhelmingly want change” (BBC)
Change, he says. Won’t a Labour-flavoured government simply bring us an awful lot more of all that stuff the Tories are already doing that we don’t like or want? No wonder the none of the above stay at home vote won.
Or does he only mean change as in swapping a blue tie for a red one?
There appears to be a good deal of political flexibility leftward in our Sir Keir considering not so long ago he would have had us endure Jeremy Corbyn as PM.
And if he was just pretending back then and was actually planning some post-election Blairite New Labour coup against PM Corbyn and the marxist crazies – then what a snake he is.
Responding to the Tamworth defeat, a Conservative spokesman said: “This is a difficult result on much-reduced turnout. But it’s important to see it in context. The government of the day rarely wins by-elections and there were specific reasons around the nature of the departure of the previous MP.” The seat’s former MP was Chris Pincher, who resigned after drunkenly groping two men. (BBC) – you really couldn’t make it up.
And therein, my friends, lies the emblematic root of the sad moral decline of our so-called Conservative party. Since it was Blairite-Tory David Cameron who brought us what I like to call the pantomime marriage act, then how come Mr Pincher MP didn’t think to offer the objects of his manly desire an honest proposal of wedlock?
One peruses the BBC online news website for a simple statement of the vote count result – but one gives up after being overwhelmed by over much analysis, comment and reaction.
Anyway, Rishi’s days as PM are quite obviously numbered. Seat-warmer for Starmer, as one rather mildly likes to taunt him. Whereas our BBC today goes for the jugular and enjoys taunting him with: Covid inquiry: Sunak called Dr Death by top scientist (BBC)
There was a time when it was the mad scientists who tended to own the nicknames such as Dr Death
Let’s take a glance at the Rishi lacky lickspittal loyalist Daily Express – to see with what pithy zinger the Downing Street press office comes back with?
Forget the pandemic. Forget the United With The People Of Ukraine. Today it’s a bolster to Rishi’s lame peace initiative with a resounding think of the children: In the name of god… save the children… Dr Halma Begum, chief executive of the charity ActionAid UK… (Our Daily Express now: United with the
peoplechildren ofUkraineGaza?) – and which god would that be? I know Dave Allen liked to say “May your god go with you” but are we talking Allah or Yahweh? Or just that vanilla chap – or possibly woman (?) – occasionally mentioned in our sparcely attended churches here on a Sunday?“More popular than Jesus” is part of a remark made by John Lennon of the Beatles in a March 1966 interview in which he argued that the public were more infatuated with the band than with Jesus and that Christian faith was declining to the extent that it might be outlasted by rock music (Thank you Wiki)
The joke was on John Lennon, since realistically what we knew as rock music is all but dead these days: Chart of the Day: What’s bigger, porn or music? The adult entertainment industry may be the biggest business you’ve never thought of as a big business… (CNBC)
Why else the obsession with our long past rock glories? Mick Jagger On the new Stones album and missing Charlie Watts (Guardian); Secrets of a rock biographer (Times 2)
Do your bit to ease Israel crisis, Sunak urges Saudis (Times) – I’m mildly fascinated by the large format photograph on the frontpage of the Times. Specifically the footware. Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, sitting comfortably in some overly opulently furnished palace in Riyadh, smiling like the Sphinx of Giza in full arab garb (anagram, almost) before a furled green Saudi flag – with the sword of Allah prominent (cf Fun With Flags) he sports natty brown polished leather, no doubt hand-crafted bespoke, sandals (no socks)
Whereas our Rishi, tight-lipped, big eared, looks concerned – with his socks on full display. Our diminiative little manlet in a too big armchair. Yes, the Union flag is there draped (or should we say drooped these days) behind him – that flag no doubt a cause for a chuckle back there at Broadcasting House). And of course he’s wearing that suit seemingly borrowed off his smaller younger brother. His trouser bottoms half-way up his calves. As my old mum used to say “His trousers look as though they’ve had a row with his socks”
Don’t it make you proud to be British?
Saudi Crown Prince affirms unwavering support for Palestinian rights
Mohammed bin Salman warned of damage to Saudi-UK relations if Premier League refusal not ‘corrected’
Boris Johnson plans Saudi Arabia visit to seek oil supply increase …
MPs voice deep concerns over trip after mass execution by regime and its continuing role in Yemen war
Thank you sir.
C.J. always had a big picture of himself on his desk in ‘Reggie Perrin’!
I prefer your description!
Makes we wonder why Rishi does not wear his traditional costume?
Rishi Sunak, practicing Hindu, sports sacred Hindu thread ‘kalawa’ during first speech as UK PM – PIC
‘Ivd got a suitcase of reddies for you to take back to your king “
Asiseeit – I think you are being far too kind – it’s an achievement that green card got to meet with the big bosses – I bet they were looking at their watches with more important things to de that meet some yank stooge who hasn’t got an army or navy or airforce to speak of – with those few tanks now blown to pieces in Ukraine …..
I reckon when this Middle East kicks off they’ll be no one to stop it ….
You’d think a man with his money could afford a tailor to make his suits. The Norman Wisdom look is not working.
Tamworth, new Labour MP Sarah Edwards
Edwards previously worked as a governor for the National Health Service.[3] She has served as a Unite union official, and previously worked for the charity Oxfam.[4]
Edwards was elected to represent Tamworth in Parliament at a 2023 by-election, following the resignation of Conservative MP Chris Pincher.
Another member of the Blob who has never had a real job. People did not vote for this, they stayed at home because the “Conservatives” are not worth voting for.
And here we are – wear the new hijab to fit in with our future leaders …

2017 France’s Le Pen refuses headscarf to meet Lebanon’s mufti
Oh dear – our Justin interviews the ‘independent reviewer of terrorist legislation -‘ a KC ….. at the end the said KC has a pop about the BBC refusing to describe terrorism as terrorism even though any right minded person would see the Islamic Hamas attacks as that …..
Can you guess what came next ?
The weather ( in Scotland ) – it’s autumn – it rains – it gets windy – time for a weather warning …yawn
So, as expected, the “Conservatives”? got trounced by Labour in… somewhere or other…and the luvvies are crowing. Honestly, I couldn’t give a flying fig…
We’ve not had a conservative government, other than in name only, since these useless blighters got in 13 bloody years ago.
High tax, high spend, no borders, mass immigration, collecting the dinghy dodgers mid channel and putting them up in 4 star hotels and their absurd obsession with net zero. Who in their right mind would vote for them?
We’ve already got Labour, Liberal and Green parties, we need a party that is truly conservative.
And it ain’t this lot…
You are so right !
“Stop the Boats” and stop the Border Farce and the pull factor of 4 Star hotels for the ‘queue jumpers’ .
Boris’s “Red Wall” is collapsing.
The Reform Party are the new Conservatives .
“Boris’s Red Wall is collapsing.”
Boris did not care – words = money.
For someone as mouthy and useless as Nadine Dorries – I thought we might have heard more about the loss of her seat – although one might suspect her constituents were an inconvenience rather than something of value . I think she didn’t get the peerage either ….
… and it seems a blue labour candidate at the bi election went off in a huff as soon as it became clear he was toast . I like that . Why wait around for the pantomime?
The joy expressed by comrade Robinson at these results came right out of the radio – not the words – the happiness .
But imagine a red labour 200 plus majority ? In thr face of the coming economic catastrophe – even worse than now – so much trouble – so many schemes and splits – the good old days ….
Free owls for all!
I read in the D Mail today that the PBC have published in its clarifications and corrections strand that they were wrong to assume ( and broadcast) that the Gaza hospital attack could have been from anywhere but Israel.
Strangely I can find no example of this apology coming first headline in any BBC news bulletin. They were rather less cautious with the original story of course.
You might think the PBC are geared up to headline every conceivable action against Gaza, and each and every civilian casualty, and belittle any atrocities and rocket attacks on Israel. I couldn’t possibly comment.
If it’s possible to repair potholes in the road in a war zone, at the Egyptian entrance to Gaza, ……….then why cannot the UK government do the same in this country, instead of prioritising a load of totally useless cycle lanes that almost no-one wants and even fewer actually use?
One of the problems with cycle lanes (as someone who used to rely on his bike to get around a lot) is that in this country they are virtually all completely useless – too short, wrong places, going nowhere useful – typically into a main road without any space for cycles, or a muddy field.
To work, roads and infrastructure really need to be built with bike users in mind (AND pedestrians AND vehicle drivers too!), cf. Holland, otherwise, why bother, they just ruin roads for vehicles.
The BBC ‘Live Update’ propaganda technique is doing it’s job just fine.
Every time I check their news, it has a different big banner headline telling me a new way in which Labour are great.
I did catch a glimpse of Sunak in another article earlier : they were calling him ‘Dr Death’.
Who funds the BBC ?
I would bet many readers of this site, including a few Tory voters ?
“freeing employees (LOSING JOBS) up to better deliver (BUYING CHINESE SHIT) for our customers (CONSUMING SHIT)”.
Amazon trials humanoid robots to ‘free up’ staff
Emma Raducanu: British tennis star says ‘provoking’ questions have contributed to turnover of coaches
“I ask my coaches a lot of questions,” she told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.
“On certain occasions they haven’t been able to keep up with the questions I’ve asked and maybe that’s why it ended.”
Good old BBC. Never the woman’s fault. No hint anywhere that it might just be her awful personality.
She sounds like a complete f*cking nightmare to me.
“I ask my coaches a lot of questions,” – is mohammed good for marrying a child aged 6?
Strange. Periodically I listen to leading tennis stars being interviewed. What they all possess is a monotone delivery. All. No matter where they come from. Murray being the worst. I have to turn the appliance off when they reply otherwise I would scream.
Not the sort of people you could engage in conversation.
Please don’t criticise my going to sleep compilation – 10 minutes of Murray and the one hit wonder always sends me off ….😎
Drakeford’s crew do a budget and I’m wondering how much does England subsidize this madness?
Looking back, it is sure a shame that she became a megalomaniac towards the end of her reign.
Where are those cnuts in Ofcom when you need them? These two reporters should be fired for misinformation and the lying bBC held to account.
The Welsh “Government” is a White Elephant and should be abolished.
I’d just make them use their own tax base *in* Wales – after all that’s what it says on the tin.
On the two by election results.
If you add the blue labour and the Conservative (Reform Party) votes together then blue labour would have held on to both seats.
I just wish Israel would throw the BBC out – all of them – then maybe the attitude and record of the BbC might be examined a bit closer by ‘the international community ‘…. Israel would be criticised – but it has a war to fight …
Greta’s PR folk handling BBC too?
The young lady at left clearly not aware of how this started.
Why are they sitting down if they stand for something? I’m very confused.
Never been to work in their whole life … Today we strike in solidarity
“Week 270. Today we strike in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza. The world needs to speak up and call for an immediate ceasefire, justice and freedom for Palestinians and all civilians affected.”
#FreePalestine #IStandWithPalestine #StandWithGaza #FridaysForFuture
Do The Racist Accent
BBC WEB-SITE & VERIFY Watch #1 – the BBC are so desperate …
…. to prove that it was an Israel air-strike on the Al-Ahli Hospital.
“An explosion at the Al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza on Tuesday evening is feared to have killed hundreds of people.
It is still unclear exactly what happened. BBC Verify’s Merlyn Thomas examines the video we’ve been able to verify to unpick what we know so far.”
and yet there is a sound match of Hamas rockets on a BBC video here and also a sound match to an Israeli air strike:
Funny that BBC Verify cannot match those sounds digitally? Or maybe the BBC do not want to?
The BBC don’t want to hear that Up2, so they’re not listening – a practice they share with toddlers, teenagers, and my dog when he’s chasing a squirrel.
BigBro, if it is a grey squirrel you need to encourage your dog to ‘get him’. I’m told that grey squirrel if cooked correctly makes a good meal and ‘tastes like chicken’. If it is a red squirrel, you need to call your dog off, chastise him severely, and put him back on his lead straight away.
Only grey squirrels around here Up2, the reds were driven out long before my time, by the more vicious, quicker breeding, disease carrying, greys. Someone introduced them for a bit of diversity, only they got out of control and wiped out the native reds, I think I read?
There are supposed to still be red squirrels on Brownsea Island and the Isle of Wight, but despite numerous visits to both, I’ve never seen one … I’m beginning to wonder if there are any left, actually.
Red squirrels are regular visitors to my bird feeders on the Island……more interesting than watching the BBBC !
Over 20 years now with out a TVL …..pure bliss look at the money I’ve saved !
It’s going to be grim for us indigenous British when Labour take over with the Muslim Invasion continuing as it is !
Jews cause climate change?
That demented moron Thunberg needs to be in jail or a secure mental health facility.
Only it’s not her per se – is it?
The doom goblin is a team, a brand – I’d guess of ca. 20 scriptwriters and PR peeps with tight relationships to news desks and middle managers in the media.
I’ve met one senior staff environment journalist for a major German news organisation who seemed to think she was more important than any politician.
Pretty much anything she does, anywhere she goes is scripted street theatre.
You are likely correct, and if so, a pretty dumb move.
It undermines both activist areas as much as JSO switching to floating hotels wearing the same kit.
That said, Surkeer has been called out on a blatant lie by Owen Jones, but doesn’t care as he knows he just has to keep Laura and Toenails (yawn) sweet by saying anything they expect that particular hour.
So #28Gate rules apply, and the human oil slick will soon be seen gormlessly fawning over her with previous statesweasel Milipede.
Or, like any other girl of her age, she needs to discover shagging.
I wonder if there’d be many candidates?
Campaigning against global warming not keeping her busy enough?
Strange how many seem to be ‘branching out’ into other areas of ‘popular protest’…. it’s almost as if there is a (lucrative) living to be made out of it.
I wonder how ‘green’ Gaza is. Rockets must produce quite a lot of CO2, or are Hamas reducing ‘climate impact’ by removing lots of living people off the face of the Earth? Mind you, Palestinians tend to have big families themselves, enough not to worry about a few becoming ‘martyrs’ they say.
oh, look – Greta’s deleted the Gaza tweet
– or rather her Twitter manager has – eh?
Good Evening My Fellow Americans
enough … I’ve had enough…
Biden: “Israel was born to be a safe place for the Jewish people of the world. That’s where I was born.”
The man is a fool and a compulsive liar.
sticky fingered, corrupt, nasty fractional wit / fool and compulsive liar
– fify 🙂
BBC? Masters of the omission.
Living in the middle of the red warning zone for Storm Babet, I can confirm it was completely overblown hyperbole and exaggeration for all of us except the citizens of Brechin who had the River Esk burst it’s banks. It does this every couple of years, but due to the size of Brechin and it’s relative unimportance, nothing is done in terms of flood defences. We had rain and wind, some localised flooding, and many of our pubs and restaurants virtue signalled about ‘staying safe’ and ‘doing right by our staff and customers’ by closing early. But nothing I hadn’t seen maybe last year. Not sure why this happened, but suspect there might be govt money for such emergencies.
We had what used to be called in the olden days “rain”.
It seems the Yanquis are going to have to be careful with their ammo in the eastern Med and elsewhere.
I’m seeing what I think are high numbers of insiders from the pointy end elaborating shortages across all categories of munitions…. – due in large part to Ukraine.
Could be an elaborate ploy to embolden Iran … but somehow, I get the feeling that isn’t the case – the Biden crew’s incompetence is proven
HA HA HA! Adults told not to be children whilst being children! HA HA HA A……
Every Halloween, celebrities love to show off their elaborate costumes, often based on hit TV shows and films.
But this year, things will look a little different after actors were warned that dressing as characters from major shows and movies would break the rules of the ongoing Hollywood strike.
When is a joke not a hate crime? …..
Ryan Reynolds responded on X, formerly known as Twitter, by joking that he would “look forward to screaming ‘scab’ at my eight-year-old all night”.
He added: “She’s not in the union but she needs to learn.”
Lord Dubbs – a Jew who came to the UK as a refugee in the 1930s – and had a far left career in labour – wants a plan to import Palestinian ‘refugees ‘ from Gaza …
….. he is also concerned about the rise of anti semitism in the UK …. But perhaps I read it wrong ….
Lord Dubbs… another turkey.
I have to assume some of these do gooders, the ones that may have initially thought the surprise slaughter was a bit off and actually said so, are well meaning but dumber than a Hamas rocket programmer.
What do they think is going to happen? If there is a ceasefire those that have stated Israel needs obliterating with every Jew in it just secure another breather to keep on trying.
And it seems Israel is at the limit of tolerating death by a thousand cuts, and is past hoping anyone in the West might see what they see down the line, and the hell with the protests at the UN or outside other seats of supposed government.
A few wiser heads might have finally got through to the upper echelons of a few governments, but with the media suppressing anything ‘at home’ to worry Mehdi Hasan’s cattle classes, their ‘too little too late’ grasp of reality points at a cluster-FUbAR globally, bar Russia and China, awaiting the moment to scoop up what’s left.
Lord Dubs is living proof that no good turn goes unpunished.
With regard to these great arbiters of true facts that the esteemed BBC Verify represent I would love to know the following.
On what planet do these kidults reside ?
What are their educational qualifications (if any)?
I would trust nothing coming from Spring since it just parrots the official BBC view.
In my view anyone with internet access is therefore qualified to search on google.
I suppose young female and access to a selfie phone is adequate to be in this unit.
I would also love to know what vast sum of money the BBC pays this useless group.
As the notional Head of the BBC’s department trusted to get to the bottom of things, Springster has seen blow after blow.
Despite this sucking, credibility wise, her star has soared within W1A to heights unseen since Ms. Harris found herself VP of the USA.
So whatever band she is now at, the rewards will be signification for her service.
DT writes that people voting ‘reform ‘ at the 2 bi elections ‘split the Right vote . ‘
It amazing that the DT sees the blue Labour Party as ‘Right ‘… when in fact the red and blues are cheeks of the same socialist bottom , ….
The blues just deserve to lose … and so do the reds ..
Today at 2:30pm ish
Andrew Bridgen’s debate today about excess deaths:
Yesterday he spoke with Dr John Campbell about this debate:
I wonder if BBC Parliament will cover it?
BBC webshite.
Bad weather, live text stream
‘Is Storm Babet linked to climate change’?
Never mind the rain, feel the agenda.
I recall a report yesterday saying the East coast of Scotland was about to experience its strongest storm and levels of rainfall in “HISTORY” or “EVER” or words to that effect….
Of course that was just a precursor to being able to use it to blame climate change which it seems quite a few zealous BBC-ites can’t wait to shoe horn in to the conversation at any chance they get.
Needless to say the BBC Armageddon turned out to a be a bit wet and blowy, like most autumn days in fact so was put back in the squirrels cupboard at the BBC.
In fact I saw this shit coming down the pan as soon as the activist weather bods gave a bunch of passing clouds a stupid bloody name!
In a recent article, Melanie Phillips exposes the BBC’s glaring anti-Israeli bias, most recently evidenced in their shameful treatment of the Gaza hospital story.
Her facts are irrefutable, my only quibble is with her title: The West’s Fifth Columnists.
It’s not a column, it’s whole divisions!
Tamworth and Mid Bedfordshire by-elections ‘one of worst nights any government has endured’
Ahh – I do enjoy it when I get affirmation of my assesment of the BBC and it’s dirty trickery. It ressures me that it’s not me, it’s them.
This topic has indeed been opened for HYS and the top comment is predictably spiteful and a personal attack on the Tory:
‘I see Andrew Cooper who mocked poor people didn’t even have the grace to stay and listen to the winner’s speech. He flounced out, basically. Such a poor loser.’
With 642 upvotes to 45 downvotes.
How about this intellectual gem ?
‘Bye bye Tories.’
363 upvotes, 56 downvotes.
Totally out of line with general HYS voting. 100% certain it’s the spiteful idiots from the Lefty troll farm. With the BBC complicit of course.
Where’s Marianna for the REAL important fakes like this ?. They are basically trying to rig an election. Is she even still active after being exposed as a liar herself ?.
I think I should win a coconut !.
Dumb Britain.
Cars are shown in Brechin submerged by the floods.
But they have warned about this for two days.
And the actual flood area as defined by SEPA is quite small.
So it would have been very easy to move a car down the road, away from the river, to higher ground.
But …..doh! It didn’t happen.
Maybe they just fancied a new car, paid for by insurance.
Dear Marianne Spring of bBC Verify
Will all these underwater electric cars make Oxygen and Hydrogen and could I use this to reduce my fuel bills?
A Pur Wee Pensioner
The BBC are just so thick it boggles the mind.
Grumbling on and on about the NHS waiting list and some poor chap who has had to fork out £15K for a private operation but completely unable to see any link with their beloved open door immigration policy.
They are infuriating.
NHS has not debt – What the £13bn debt write-off means for the NHS
MM, Just a slight ammendment:
“What the £13bn debt write-off means is that our antiquated inefficient wasteful operations can continue unabated and unhampered until Kingdom Come and we can strive toward another £13bn (or more) future write-off”.
After all, its only the public money in taxes we are squandering.
Why not cancel all debt and give them unlimited credit?
They will not change our way of life … oh wait …
“”With thousands of lives already lost, it is a moment of mourning.
“Given the volatility of world events, we have decided not to move forward with the 2023 MTV EMAs out of an abundance of caution for the thousands of employees, crew members, artists, fans, and partners who travel from all corners of the world to bring the show to life.””
Bi election excuses – lesson 1
Governments don’t win bi elections
It was on local issues
They didn’t win it -we lost it
The turn out was small
It’s an opportunity to kick the government
Chose the wrong candidate
We didn’t really fight it
It’s not on our target list
The weather
Voters didn’t turn out
People didn’t know about it
The vote was split
People are fed up with politics
It was never a safe seat
Corbyn – we won the argument not the vote.
out of touch ?
in denial ?
“In the immediate aftermath of the blast, correspondent Jon Donnison said it was ‘hard to see’ what else it could be other than an ‘Israeli air strike’.”
Obviously I dont have the nous to be a journalist as my first reaction
was 50/50 did Hamas blow it up by accident or on purpose
Sadly being able to follow a Twitter thread is necessary here.
Truth on Palestine was delivered, as usual, with an Irish accent
Not sure how this bloke appeared on my timeline, but he was eulogising a BBC QT audience member. And again one has to wonder by what process out of so many such a creature gets in and gets called to…. screech.
Of course FiFi did try at the end to clarify the number of angels now dancing on a pin head, but the crone had got it all out.
Interestingly few in the audience were too thrilled. Sadly the clown on the panel was, as ever, useless in counter.
If you can, follow the comment thread; a few worthy efforts.
But again the BBC strives and achieves heat over light.
Let us liberate the city of Braford from the colonises!
A truly occupied territory.
Amazing isn’t it : they haven’t mentioned encouraging peace talks in Ukraine on the BBC one single time. And hundreds of thousands are dead over there.
The Left are the absolute pinnacle of hypocrisy. You can never predict their response to be based on right or wrong or any kind of reasonable logic. It depends solely on their far-Left agenda. People being killed doesn’t factor into it at all if it doesn’t suit them.
That chap with the blond hair – so full of hate – so glad people don’t bother with it –