OFCOM is meant to ‘regulate ‘ broadcasters. But when it comes to the State Funded BBC there doesn’t appear to be much control – for instance there is no comment about the refusal of the BBC to call Islamic HAMAS a terrorist group even though it carries out terrorist attacks and is legally a terrorist gang in UK law .
So who is OFCOM ? Does it need to be ended like the BBC? Will any politician fix it ?
Midweek 18th October 2023
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Dame£ Kirsty Wark £ to stand down as anchor or something called Newsnight . Will anyone notice ? Poor Classic FM – another £ refugee £ …
I wonder if the BBC have offered the job to Katie Hopkins which would, I am certain, result in a real big boost to Newsnight viewing figures. Never mind that the viewers would no doubt be consumed with rage and hatred for the lady they would still be compelled to watch because they don’t know when to use the OFF switch.
Mind you I harbor serious doubts as to whether or not our Katie would wish to muddy her hands by joining such an incestuous club.
Being unapproved is a professional death sentence – I just hope those labelled have sufficient resources to fight the sentence the MSM imposes on them . Who needs courts ?
UNAPPROVED?? Unapproved by whom exactly?
Joined by fellow ex bbc juveniles Pesto, Sopes, etc.
Maybe Timmeh! is trying to head off the fallout from Simpo/JezBo/JonDon trashing the corporate rep even more?
“I explain the cowing/capture of the BBC by Tory/Mail/Telegraph attacks & appointments in my new book, How They Broke Britain. Out Nov 2. Pre-order in my bio. Remember, if Johnson had got his way Charles Moore would be chairman now & Paul Dacre at Ofcom.”
How They Broke Britain. Out Nov 2…..
Something has gone really wrong in Britain.
Our economy has tanked, our freedoms are shrinking, and social divisions are growing. Our politicians seem most interested in their own careers, and much of the media only make things worse. We are living in a country almost unrecognisable from the one that existed a decade ago. But whose fault is it really? Who broke Britain and how did they do it?
Bold and incisive as ever, James O’Brien reveals the shady network of influence that has created a broken Britain of strikes, shortages and scandals. He maps the web connecting dark think tanks to Downing Street, the journalists complicit in selling it to the public and the media bosses pushing their own agendas. Over ten chapters, each focusing on a particular person complicit in the downfall, James O’Brien reveals how a select few have conspired – sometimes by incompetence, sometimes by design – to bring Britain to its knees.
TWatO Watch #1 – Sarah is leaving Jerusalem and returning to the UK …
…. before she does she wants another chance to get people to say how bad it is that they have a far right, hard right, Premier leading the right-wing Government in Israel. So Sarah travels north to beyond Tel Aviv to Jaffa but picks the wrong community. She goes to Palestinians in a mixed community and talks to a woman there who when she is with other women from the community she feels ‘their looks’, that I assume are on a par with the late Alan Coren of BBC’s R4 News quiz fame. Alan Coren memorably recounted a tale, possibly from his British Army days, “I gave him one of my looks.”
This woman was obviously a ‘soft’ target, for the Far Left Montacutie from the Far, Far, Hard Left BBC, so I was left wondering did Sarah ask for volunteers or did she interview people first and just select this woman to be on air. No doubt Far, Far, Hard Left BBC once they had departed that mixed community left it more divided than ever.
How is the blame-switching going, Marianna, on the Al-Ahli Hospital ‘explosion’?
The common excuse that blue labour have is that their voters stayed at home and didn’t come out to vote for them.
The obvious question to ask them is Why?
How many times do they need to be told they are just the same as red labour now so what’s the point in voting.
Let’s hope the stay away voters all go to Reform because blue labour are falling apart with only a few Conservatives remaining in the Party.
EG, who posted this?
“On the two by election results.
If you add the blue labour and the Conservative (Reform Party) votes together then blue labour would have held on to both seats.” ?
Here’s a bit of a poser for you from the BBC News page…
Six men are being sought after a suspected homophobic assault in East London. Two men in their twenties were approached at about 17.30 on 1 October. The six men were being abusive and made threats. One of the victims was punched in the head and needed hospital treatment.
For some reason the Beeb haven’t given us a description of the assailants. It’s just those “men” again. Hmm…
Must be an oversight…
Oh, there are images even.
Best to stick with just ‘men’.
Perhaps it was too dark to recognize any of the six😂
Heroes don’t always wear capes…
Anyone warned NCP Bradford?
BREAKING: Hezbollah targets multiple sites in Israel with guided missiles
with guided missiles as opposed to the normal ones?
Iran-backed Hezbollah said it targeted multiple sites in Israel with guided missiles, according to the militant group’s Al Manar TV. The Israeli military reported about 20 launches into Israel from Lebanon, as well as several anti-tank missiles fired at military posts near the border. It reported no casualties and responded with artillery fire.
Rishi to stop heating his swimming pool to save Israel!
If ‘normal’ means landing just about anywhere, including hospitals, yes.
A basic fact going back years most in media choose to ignore.
Media like the bbc. Who go further.
Genuinely, the BBC has forfeited the right to be supported by the state.
If it can’t distinguish between objectivity and neutrality, & if it can’t apologise quickly and properly for what was, in truth, utterly irresponsible, why are we paying the salaries?
They do not have “guided missiles”. They have something like a giant firework which lands where it lands.
Just seen footage of the ballistic missiles Iran is moving on the highway to Qom, and dear God, think of biggest missile you’ve ever seen, an articulated lorry with a huge hydraulic platform abnormal load size, the missiles covered with camo tarp.
Then the coaches for the million + Jihadis moving to attack Israel. We all know how self destructive some Jews can be, but if Nettanyahu doesn’t handle this situation carefully he is going to destroy Israel and possibly the rest of the world into the bargain.
Deeply worrying times people, stay safe as you can.
‘According to the latest published estimates, Hezbollah has about 150,000 missiles and rockets. The majority have a range of several tens of kilometers, but according to various reports, a significant proportion of them have a range of hundreds of kilometers.’
‘According to a recent publication by the Institute for National Security Studies, Hezbollah has about 40,000 short-range Grad rockets, about 80,000 Fajr 3 and 5, mid-long-range Habar or Raad rockets, and about 30,000 long-range Zilzal or Fatah 110 rockets.’
‘According to the publication, Hezbollah also received a limited number of Scud C and D missiles from Syria. “Several hundred Fatah 110 projectiles, which carry about 500 kg of explosives, are equipped with precise GPS-based navigation mechanisms and have considerable potential for accuracy and destruction.”‘
You are confusing Hezbollah with Iran although they might be backed by Iran they are not the same.
“We all know how self destructive some Jews can be”
Do we ?
Bring it on Iran! Let’s see who wins.
Better have the war now than in the future.
Israel should have made friends with Russia, when they started denazifying Ukraine .
Yes they certainly should have done but Biden either persuaded or bribed or both them and they decided to send Mossad along with much ammunition to Bidens corrupt war in Ukraine.
Bring it on Iran, and Turkey? Lebanon, Syria, Iraq maybe Egypt Libya Algeria Jordan and several others?
We also have the issue of the little rocket man offering one or two of his little nukes as well.
There are a lot of festering sores looking for some payback and Israel might be the place to do that. Bidens Demonrats will all be safe in crazy horse mountain, but you and I will be left to fend for ourselves.
Yes – not so sure about the self destructive bit – but the pressure on the unity government to get revenge is overwhelming – and even if the consequences are seen to be dire action will be demanded bigly ….
… ladies and Gents – I’m with Thoughtful on just how ‘on the edge ‘ the world is – with Gaza added to Ukraine added to the South China Sea added to North Korea every day of ‘normality ‘ is a real plus now …..
I know it seems constant doom and gloom but even looking back in recent history we are really close ….
Perhaps all the weapons should be pointed at the UN and WHO.
Journalists keep posting Starmer’s new interview, claiming that it’s a clarification of his earlier words.
It isn’t a clarification. He is lying. It is a straightforward lie.
Can’t stand the selective, hypocritical, rabble-rousing little weasel, but just who might fall under his collective term for what now passes for journalists?
Don’t worry, our new overlords will deal with Owen when the time comes. He seems to be looking forward to it.
Labour wins Tamworth and Mid Beds by-elections after winning over voters with key policies of not being the Tories, not being the Tories, and not being the Tories.
Thing is Ian, they didn’t win anyone over.
In one of them they only had a few hundred more votes than previously but the Tory voters didn’t show up. Why would they?
When digging a hole, dig deeper.
It has come to my knowledge that the stuffed animal shown in my earlier post can be interpreted as a symbol for antisemitism, which I was completely unaware of. The toy in the picture is a tool often used by autistic people as a way to communicate feelings.
We are of course against any type of discrimination, and condemn antisemitism in all forms and shapes. This is non-negotiable. That is why I deleted the last post.
Someone’s stylist team is in deep doo doo.
Rob in Cheshire answered a post much earlier, but I want to put my reply down here where it may be seen a bit more…
Well said, Rob!
Senora O’Blene and I utterly despair about the ineptitude of the party we always voted for in national elections!
The ‘conservative party’, have really lost their way now – their values are meaningless! They do bugger all about the real issues that haunt us, like the hideous influx of nasty, felonious illegals from other shitholes, they ignore the hatred of fanatical muslims we pay benefits for, they fart about with the stupidity of letting ‘trans’ people take over the agenda, they walk on by ignoring the cheating of the police who let us down if the theft is only a few quid and so much more!
And while all this is going on, they let the disgraceful BBC spout their tax-paid leftie bias ad infinitum and like above, do bugger all about it!
I’m voting for next door’s cat next year, I’ll get a better response…
(Please forgive the late rant Rob, you really did spark this)!
Well said Scrob. I can’t bring myself to vote for the Tories or Labour- those choosing Labour will soon regret it when they see the encouragement of yet more migrants to these shores by the Left. This worries me the mist.
Whether it’s a wasted vote or not, but if there is a Reform candidate then they get my X
Another problem that the Tories face must forever remain unspoken in our wondrous multicultural age. Many naturally conservative voters with modest, unassuming lifestyles who are white British and largely Christian in outlook, will wonder why on Earth they should vote for a fecking Hindu billionaire to be Prime Minister.
Being a Hindu would not stop me from voting for sunak . But there is a bigger test – it is competency – and for me he completely fails .
Only this week the covid inquiry has been looking at is conduct in that ‘go out to restaurants ‘ crap he put out . It seems there as no scientific advice – at all – about it ….. just a gimmick …..
The only thing I think he achieved was furlough – with any anti fraud measures thrown out the window – he has wrecked the economy and to me the self serving public sector is out of control .
He and his party are toast – I put a huge bet on it long ago – £5 – and might put even more – maybe another £1.
Yes, I was once tempted to cast my vote for next door’s moggie but then I remembered that the little sod has a habit of losing his deposit – on my f—–g lawn!
I can only apologize! But I find it helps to get it off your chest.
Rob, I always like your posts – they really do chime here..;0)
Just obey !! And get house insurance!
Residents in Breachin were warned/advised /told to evacuate their homes as extreme flooding was likely. Most did except 60 families, and now they’re crying on camera about having to be rescued and not being insured
. Oh dear.
(Hope the skies don’t open later, am off to a 60s night and I dont want to arrive as a soggy flower power hippy – (to wear the white boots and mini I actually wore back then would have been a crime against age, fashion and dignity)
Brissles, thank you, and I’d crawl naked across two-hundred yards of broken glass to enjoy a single second of seeing you in white boots and a mini, especially if everywhere was wet through…
Seriously, (not much – Ed), you’re right about voting.
Labour are on course to rape this country, and normal, decent citizens will have no power to do anything about it for many years!
“Ooooh, Matron!”
Uppers, don’t underestimate the power that Brissles exerts among us…
She’s the real thing…
Well, in the event of a Marxist takeover of England perhaps we should take a few lessons from the Leftists in the art of protest and take to the streets. But Conservatives do not indulge in street brawls and the Leftists know this and take full advantage of the privileges granted to them by a Capitalist Democracy.
Another important factor is also that if conservatives were to take to the streets like the leftists ALL of the mass media would brand them as at best right wing nutcases or else out and out Nazis.
Stalin would have approved.
Also conservatives tend to have jobs and cannot go on demos at the drop of a hat.
Too right, Rob in Cheshire! And thank you others who bothered to read the ramblings of an ageing Scrobs…
After three more glasses of red, my realisation that we are all doomed for the following rest of my 76 years plus (but I don’t look it…), and Starmer’s bunch of inarticulate kids will create a maelstrom of incababilty for governing this once-proud country, so, as long as the pension I’ve, and so has my wife, strived to maintain, lasts that long, I, and Senora O’Blene can be reasonably happy in our dotage…
It’s a shame that my kids and grandkids will undoubtedly suffer from the pecunuiary excesses of the next labour government, but their parents should have realised sooner! Many of them aren’t that bright!
OH! to be 76 again you young whippersnapper.
Spoken with a mouthful of teeth, Lefters!
TWatO Watch #2 – naughty, Ed, naughty you know you shouldn’t do that.
Ed Stourton was presenting on TWatO today as I assume Jonny Dymond will do TWoTWeeee on Sunday and the Montacutie will be back on Monday for her usual Mon-Thurs stint on TWatO. It is a grand life presenting BBC News Progs on radio: vast salary and you don’t even have to look good as you do on TV.
The subject under discussion: the Tory losses in the by-Elections. Who does Ed bring on? Pippa Crerar, the well known destroyer of democracy, now Political Ed of the Grauniad. Didn’t the gel do well on the back of Partygate, admittedly with the help of Laura K of the BBC and of blouse/shirt forgetting photos fame. If I was complaint minded and with the time to do it, a stiff note on a piece of cardboard as my former colleagues would say, would be winging its way to OFCOM and the D-G’s office right now.
XS deaths debate in parliament today:
Move to 14:30pm when Bridgen starts speaking
Note the cheering from the public gallery when Bridgen starts speaking.
More shocking news. worth a watch to get accurate news the media won’t tell you.
The BBC has finally said more than a few words about not calling Hamas a terrorist organisation . A half explanation was given so that those that are criticising it a left in no doubt that they do not understand and are wrong . A panel and audience present cheered them on to emphasise that the corporation is impartial and intelligent people would realise this if they would only accept the half truths .
The explanation was given and will be repeated on…not Newsnight ,,not Panarama , not WATO ,,PM ,, Today prog ,, File On Four ,, Analysis,,Cause For Concern ,,
but on a so called comedy .
The News Quiz .
Radio 4 today at 6.30pm repeated tomorrow at 12.30 pm .
So there . You’re tellt . Now leave them alone .
Greta puts her foot in it… I wondered at the disappearance of the tweet I linked earlier 🙂