Weekend 4 November 2023

How will the Far Left Islam Supporting anti Judeo Christian BBC report on the pro – Hamas terrorist supporters ‘demonstrating ‘ this and next weekend ? Indeed – how will the disfunctional failing police ‘service ‘ deal with this threat ? I think we can guess …..

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282 Responses to Weekend 4 November 2023

  1. Dickie says:


  2. G.W.F. says:

    Patriots arriving to protect the Cenotaph. Can the plod stay away?


    • MarkyMark says:

      1938 … History Book written and Islam complains.
      1989 … Novel written and burnt in the streets of Bradford under Police Protection.
      2017… 22 Murdered 14 years earlier, labelled as LOST and not mentioned.

      A little known historical precedent which dates back to August 1938 unsettles the perception that the Rushdie affair was the starting point of a series of challenges to creative freedom in the UK. Members of the Jamiat-ul-Muslimin, a British Muslim organisation whose members were predominantly working-class South Asians, gathered at one of their regular meetings in King’s Hall on Commercial Road, east London. Here, according to the Guardian of 13 August 1938, they ‘ceremoniously committed to the flames’ a copy of H. G. Wells’s A Short History of the World because of references to the Prophet Muhammad which they considered offensive. This was followed by a protest march by members of the organisation to India House, Aldwych, which accommodated the Indian High Commission in London’s West End. Contrary to the public perception that Britain’s Muslim minority began to find a voice of dissent only as recently as the 1980s, here we have evidence of a group of working-class East End Muslims marching west into the heart of London to assert their rights as Muslims and plead their cause with government officials.

      A Short History of the World, first published in 1922, promised to be a concise form of world history for the general reader. In a chapter entitled ‘Muhammad and Islam’, Wells makes several disparaging remarks about the Prophet Muhammad, pronouncing him a man of ‘very considerable vanity, greed, cunning, self-deception and quite sincere religious passion’. Although he states that Islam was an empowering and inspirational religion, he makes sweeping generalisations about the religion. Wells’s view of the Qur’an was no less damning: for him it was ‘unworthy of its alleged Divine authorship’.

      Muslims Protest Against H. G. Wells Book in 1930s Britain


  3. MarkyMark says:

    2014 … A Muslim community leader in Bradford has accused the local MP, George Galloway, and the Israeli embassy of creating “disharmony” in the city after they became embroiled in a public spat following Galloway’s declaration of Bradford as an “Israel-free zone”.



    Bradford is UK City of Culture 2025.


    2014 “Israel-free zone”.
    2023 City of UK Culture.


    But rather than close, Bradford Reform Synagogue’s future is brighter than ever after the intervention of Bradford’s Muslim community, which according to the 2011 census outnumbers the city’s Jews by 129,041 to 299.


    Sheffield Link FM radio station faces sanction over ‘Jihadi’ chant
    In a report, Ofcom, the broadcasting watchdog, said Link FM had broadcast a chant called “Jundallah” or “Soldiers of Allah”.


    • Docmarooned says:

      Galloway has long been a psychopathic pro-hamas nut job. His rabid views are well on display in main cities in Britain.


    • digg says:

      Why does this nation get the flack from so many irritated twats from elsewhere in the World every time something kicks off in the Middle East?

      Because we (by we I mean certain twats in this country) gave them an open invitation which they took up with gusto and repay with hate and division.

      I say get back to the problem areas you bloody came from and frigging sort it out it’s F All to do with us!


  4. Sluff says:

    Why oh why does Final Score have to have a woman pundit. That’s 50% of the pundits , to talk about the men’s premier league, championship and, today, FA cup????

    Apart from the BBC’s crackpot, clueless, ridiculous, woke feminist equality agenda, that is.


    • Nodding Dog says:

      ITV are just as bad or even worse! I dipped in and out of the Sheppy v Walsall match on ITV4 yesterday evening and at half time it was two woman and one man discussing the match.The Sheppy and Walsall fan base can’t be that big so most viewers would be general football fans and would guess the vast majority would be male.

      Whoever did the pundit bookings did slip up though as all three were white.I would hazard a guess though that atleast one of the woman was a lesbian.


  5. Dickie says:


  6. Dickie says:


    • Doublethinker says:

      These people are either very stupid or mentally ill. Please go and talk to Hamas about peace and justice . If you succeed and they lay down their arms there will be peace immediately.


  7. Doublethinker says:

    Article in the Spectator by Matthew Parris , a well known Remainer and dripping wet Tory, on Israel/ Hamas. The just is that it will be for the best if Israel stops the fighting and seeks reconciliation and that we ought not to take any measures against pro Palestine demos here because they are not support for Hamas but demos for peace. In any case he argues how can we intervene against hundreds of thousands of protesters?
    Yes he is fool. But he all the other drips in the MSM like him are dangerous with their heads in the sand and willingness to appease the growing danger of Muslim extremism in our own country. At least when Chamberlain et al appeased Hitler it was over an issue ‘in a far away country of which we know little’ . This is about the here and now in Britain.
    One ray of good news is that 99% of readers comments were totally against his don’t upset the Muslim approach and saying that it was the time to make a stand.


    • DYKEVISIONS says:

      Just been reading the speccie this rainy day.

      Matthew Parris also having a go at Douglas Murray for sticking up for Israel. One line caught my eye.
      ’Jihad is ‘just’ a word, a stupid word, meaning more, or less depending on whose mouth it’s in.’

      Tell that to Jewish customers in a restaurant when Tea towel adorned gentlemen also shouting ‘Ali Akbar’ storm in. I think most would hit the floor or run for cover rather than ask them in for tea..

      Parris needs to get off the fence and face reality and horror what has happened and is happening.


    • Dickie says:

      Bet the 99% of readers all voted for the same old parties who whilst in government let them all into this country.


  8. Zephir says:

    I see the mad mullahs are on the streets shouting and complaining again. Something about a cease fire in Trafalgar Square ? didn’t realise there was a war in London, but hey ho.

    What about a “cease peado gang” protest ? No, thought not.

    It seems it’s all they do, like its born into them.

    Coming of age at 16 do they get their first placard ?

    Even the wimmin, many showing their faces, they will be in for a good whipping when they get home.

    Meanwhile Rotherham and other schoolgirls breath a sigh of relief.


  9. Richard Pinder says:


    Best Behavioural Change (BBC): The BBC is impartial. The BBC is not biased. The BBC does not censor scientific facts. The BBC tells the truth. The BBC has confirmed with Islam that Hamas are not terrorists, this is not a lie. The BBC has confirmed with Pfizer that Covid vaccines are safe and effective, this is not malinformation. The BBC has confirmed with MI6 that Trump really is a Russian agent, this is not misinformation. The BBC has confirmed with BBC Verify that Transwomen are Women, this is not disinformation.

    Your duty as a viewer is to remain in fear, suicidal, hypnotised and brainwashed by the BBC.

    Brigadier Alexander Turner, Chief Useful Idiot of the British Army.


  10. Thoughtful says:

    Free Palestine! – With every box of Cornflakes !

    Yes it’s an old joke, but it once was a graffiti all over the place, when the Left demanded free something or other all the way back to the 1970s some wag intolerant of the horrible Left would paint the withering response underneath it, turning the po faced Lefts demand into something humerous, which they hate.


    • TrickCyclist says:

      My favourite rejoinder to a bit of graffiti was on a London Underground platform.
      Somebody had scrawled “Meat Means Murder!” on the wall. Underneath in felt tip it said “Beanz Meanz Heinz.”

      “Free George Davis!”


      • Thoughtful says:

        The cowardly elites caved and they freed George Davis and what happened ?
        He went on to plead guilty to armed robbery for yet another bank robbery.


      • Charlie Farley says:

        Free the ” Renault 4 “….. 🚗


  11. Guest Who says:

    Why the bbc runs these is a mystery.

    Gaza mother: ‘I’m not able to hug my children’

    Presumably they rally the troops a bit, but rather emphasise to those not utterly deranged who did what to mothers and kids to kick all this off.


  12. Guest Who says:

    Bit awks at the Newsnight Xmas alumni party.

    Appalling disloyalty to Vote Leave’s personal stenographer, Laura Kuenssberg

    JO’bsworth not someone anyone should allow behind them.


  13. Guest Who says:

    The appeal of young women like this to bbc producers escapes me.


    What did Bliar unleash?


  14. Dickie says:


  15. Dickie says:


  16. BRISSLES says:

    So, planned protests for the Remembrance weekend will surely go ahead.
    More evidence for me that white activists should be ashamed of themselves, and ask what the hell their descendants fought for, and the rest being Muslims who have no allegiance to this country at all and had no relatives who served this country in WW2, so Remembrance Day to them is of little consequence.

    If a terrorist atrocity happens here it won’t surprise me in the least, and those whites who are protesting should be interviewed for their comments. So thick if they believe that anyone will listen to little old UK in trying for a ceasefire. Get real.


    • Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

      Yes, Brissels. The protest seems to be going ahead, that is unless Sunak finds a spine. I think he is worried about ruining his chances in the ‘Wimp of the Year’ awards.
      Now the Telegraph has revealed that Lawyer Attiq Malik who chairs an official advisory body for Scotland Yard was the person who lead the “From the Mountains to the sea…” chant.

      What is happening over there? How can you stand it?
      I was relieved to see a post by Guest Who which showed a group of concerned people getting in place to defend the cenotaph.
      It was good to see though it did look a bit as if the chaps from Walmington-on-Sea are going to have to take on the Muslim hordes alone. I hope they get a bit more support on the day.


  17. digg says:

    The West is about to reap the benefits of importing millions of Muslims for years….


    If you think it will stop there in your leafy shire towns you lefty well heeled southern twats, think again.

    This will now go on into our future and we can blame the stupid brainless lefty warped useful idiots who have encouraged and campaigned for this.

    Forgive them they know what not they do?

    Now millions of innocent children in the West will have to pay the price for this idiotic mania of leftie zealots.

    These despicable people coming to the West have no morals, no code of reasonable behaviour and just want to dominate the West.

    Many of our Northern Cities are filled with this evil scum and London is more or less lost to them.

    They will soon act as if they are the masters and then maybe the truth will dawn to all the stupid idiots who encourage them.

    They simply want to dominate and will do so if we don’t silence the twats assisting them.


  18. Eddy Booth says:


    “Death of Archimedes: The Left-Islam Alliance
    By Gary Gindler”


    Article about how the left had entered into a marriage of convenience with islam, and

    ” Israel is at war with Gazans, one third of whom marry their first cousins. Due to traditionally high inbreeding levels, their average I.Q. is about 68.”

    I’m not convinced it’s that high!


  19. Zephir says:

    “PETER HITCHENS: What the disdain for a brave scientist tells us about the great Covid-19 whitewash

    It is perfectly obvious that they are not interested in any serious consideration of the possibility that the whole thing was a ghastly mistake, made in a condition of outright panic by people unqualified to run a parish council.

    How do we know this? We know it because of the inquiry’s treatment of Professor Carl Heneghan, one of the few courageous and uncrushable scientists who stood out against the national closedown policy at the time.

    Prof Heneghan is a practising GP, closely in touch with the actual daily workings of the NHS, as well as being a distinguished academic.

    In 2013, the Health Service Journal listed him as one of the 100 top clinical leaders, which its editor described as ‘a list of people who excel in their own professional specialism but whose impact extends beyond their immediate sphere’.

    Yet during the long months when fanatics and zealots demanded the stoppage of the entire country on the basis of what are now obviously false assumptions, Prof Heneghan’s distinction counted for little.

    You might think that the Covid Inquiry would treat him as something of a star turn, ­someone to be listened to with care and respect.

    But no, as he himself puts it in a rather frightening article in The Spectator: ‘I gave evidence at the inquiry last week.

    ‘I had submitted a 74-page statement on what I thought it should discuss. Instead, the main topic was rude words in old WhatsApp messages.’

    He described how ‘the KC questioning me launched into an attack on my credentials. I’m a clinical epidemiologist and author of 450 peer-reviewed publications’.

    The minds which were closed at the start of the panic are still as closed as ever. The establishment, which turned a drama into a crisis, which bankrupted the country, wrecked the education of millions of children and students, mangled the NHS and launched the biggest attack on personal freedom in modern times, has learned nothing and remembered nothing from the disaster.

    Quite soon, they will do it all again. It will not be exactly the same, but very similar. For it will be based on the same impulse, to distil fear into power.”



    • Dickie says:

      Well don’t vote for the buggers.


      • Zephir says:

        We don’t get to vote for judges and civil serveants.

        The Right Honourable Baroness Heather Hallett DBE
        Inquiry Chair, Baroness Hallett was called to the Bar in 1972.

        Ben Connah, Ben is a senior Civil Servant who reports to the Chair and works for the Inquiry


  20. Zephir says:

    Let us wait for the bbc’s “mostly peaceful”

    “How ‘Day of Action’ turned ugly: Dismayed poppy sellers surrounded by pro-Palestinian protesters, a crowd chanting ‘shame on you’ at child leaving McDonald’s and tube passengers shouting ‘smash the Zionist state’ – as Met makes 29 arrests

    Veterans minister slams pro-Gaza activists over ‘intimidating’ poppy sellers
    Family hounded by pro-Palestine activists who smirk as they chant slogans

    Videos shared on social media of activists travelling to Trafalgar Square – where largely peaceful protests gave way to ugly scenes of fireworks being hurled at police – showed protesters chanting to ‘smash the Zionist settler state’.

    And families leaving a McDonald’s in the capital were hounded amid a row over Israeli franchised restaurants giving free and discounted food to IDF soldiers. Other franchises in the Middle East have distanced themselves from the stunt.

    The Metropolitan Police says it has arrested 29 people in connection with crimes ranging from terrorism offences to breaching a dispersal order that was enacted by the force after fireworks were hurled at officers, injuring four.

    Elsewhere, grinning pro-Palestine activists could be seen laughing to themselves as they hounded families leaving McDonald’s on Saturday.”



  21. Zephir says:

    “Scotland Yard chief won’t stop ‘hate march’: Backlash after Met boss refuses to block ‘provocative’ rally through the capital on Armistice Day

    Sir Mark cannot cancel a march himself, but must apply to the Home Secretary. Mrs Braverman effectively invited him to do so yesterday by setting out the mechanism on X, formerly Twitter. She posted a link to a 2011 precedent when the police applied to the then Home Secretary Theresa May to ban an English Defence League march, which she agreed to.

    A No10 source said: ‘The PM has made it very clear he believes the Met has the power to stop protests that seriously disrupt or intimidate, and now it’s a decision for the operationally independent Met.’”



    • Sluff says:

      Compare and contrast.

      Provocative Anti-Semitic hard left rallies in London.
      Police take no action.

      Bob Stewart MP tells a bloke aggressively heckling him to go back to Bahrain. Gets a fine for racism.


    • Docmarooned says:

      Do the government not tell the police to do as they are fucking told. Arrest the bastards or better send the army in.


  22. taffman says:

    So much for Multiculturalism ? Will Border Force start to defend our borders now ?


  23. Thoughtful says:

    Remember, remember!
    The fifth of November,
    The Gunpowder treason and plot;
    I know of no reason
    Why the Gunpowder treason
    Should ever be forgot!
    Guy Fawkes and his companions
    Did the scheme contrive,
    To blow the King and Parliament
    All up alive.
    Threescore barrels, laid below,
    To prove old England’s overthrow.
    But, by God’s providence, him they catch,
    With a dark lantern, lighting a match!
    A stick and a stake
    For King James’s sake!
    If you won’t give me one,
    I’ll take two,
    The better for me,
    And the worse for you.
    A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope,
    A penn’orth of cheese to choke him,
    A pint of beer to wash it down,
    And a jolly good fire to burn him.
    Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring!
    Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King!
    Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!


    • Zephir says:

      Is THAT what all the ceasefire sh@t was about yesterday ?

      They don’t like bonfire night ?


  24. JohnC says:

    Pro-Palestinian protesters occupy railway stations

    I notice that the BBC have completely stopped telling us Hamas are terrorists now.

    They did it for a few days so the boss could say they didn’t hide it when they came under a lot of criticism – but I haven’t seen it recently.

    There is no doubt which side they support. You would think the Palestinians and Hamas are the good guys from that report.

    ‘The retaliatory strikes came after Hamas gunmen killed more than 1,400 people in Israel on 7 October.’

    Almost sounds respectable when you write it like that. No hint that it was terrorists murdering women and children.


    • Guest Who says:

      ‘Are you suggesting the media should never hold power to account?!’
      After insisting that the bombing of Gazan ambulances complied with international law, ex-IDF commander Amir Avivi tells @SangitaMyska the media isn’t going far enough to condemn Hamas.

      One of the more bizarre aspects of this cluster-FUBAR started by old men in Qatar, now ignored by young women everywhere, is the fact of flak jacket clad blondes ‘reporting’ whilst dodging unguided missiles in the Middle East, while Islamic harpie groupies in studios in the West make asinine comments like this to try and deflect.


  25. AsISeeIt says:

    We’re presented with a veritable flock of sheep jokes this morning. I don’t refer to the 90% of the British electorate still duped by the combined Labour and Tory party deceptions, or anyone still paying for a BBC tv licence… that’s all of those sheep… baaaa none.

    Our media of course references this story: Resc-ewed: Britain’s loneliest sheep saved from shoreline (BBC)

    On a morning when our favourite pictorial gag-ster, Matt in the Telegraph, misfires off an uncharacteristic damp squib, etching for us a seasonal tableau of Guy Fawkes discovered beneath the Houses of Parliament by soldiers accusing: “We’ve seen your messages, Mr Fawkes. You described the King as a ‘useless f—pig’ and a ‘moron'”

    I do see what Matt was going for. Heaven knows the Covid-19 Inquiry is ripe for satire. But that joke didn’t land.

    As for parallels between 17th century religious fanatic terrorist gang member Guy Fawkes and his timely discovery by soldiers in his underground hidout beside tons of explosives – and the contemporary Sunday Times frontpage feature photograph captioned: Troops of the Israeli 460th Brigade in northern Gaza… Israeli Defence Forces… said they had… found tunnels and weapons

    Lingering momentarily on the frontpage of the Sunday Times one likes to award credit where credit is ewe… I mean due…

    In-house lefty comic wolf, in supposedly Tory broadsheet clothing, Newman, hits a rare bullseye with his sketch of the recently christened Fiona the sheep perusing a newspaper headlined ‘war flood crisis’ and commenting: “I was better off in isolation”

    If it’s news gags you want, go to the main source… the mint sauce? Our jokey blokey Daily Star Sunday, where the sub-editor has apparently pulled out all the christmas cracker gags early this year: Greatest resc-ewe baaa none… The Lamb Shank Redemption

    In a week when Elon Musk suggests: AI will create a world ‘where no job is needed’ (Fortune.com)

    Our PM in waiting Keir Starmer reckons AI can even pay our taxes for us: Labour mulls ‘robot tax’ for firms replacing staff with AI (Sunday Telegraph) – same old Labour… you name it, they’ll tax it.

    I’m afraid we have to mention the war: The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says more than 9,400 people have been killed in the Strip since 7 October (BBC) – and apparently not a single one of them a terrorist – in the opinion of both the Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza and of our BBC

    And on a day when the Sun on Sunday’s top football story reports on: Arteta’s VAR rage – let me explain – arab-owned Newcastle United have beaten Arsenal in consequence of a decision of the Video Assistant Referee

    Well, we mentioned one war – in for a penny, in for a pound…

    So meanwhile, on a day of odd parallels, the latest over-reliance on televised footage over human knowledge, experience and good judgement – is also upsetting that chap managing our: Ukraine war: Zelensky says Israel-Gaza conflict taking focus away from fighting (BBC)


  26. Zephir says:

    Even Starmer can see it:

    “A ceasefire always freezes any conflict in the state where it currently lies,’ Starmer calmly explained to the assembled audience of international policy gurus and journalists.

    ‘And as we speak, that would leave Hamas with the infrastructure and the capability to carry out the sort of attack we saw on October 7. Attacks that are still ongoing. Hostages who should be released – still held. Hamas would be emboldened and start preparing for future violence immediately.’

    The reaction from Starmer’s opponents on the Left was instant. Leading pro-Palestinian activist and Guardian columnist Owen Jones branded the speech ‘racism’ and condemned Starmer as ‘a war crimes apologist’.



  27. Zephir says:

    “London jihad demo leader whose double life as a suburban GP was exposed faces General Medical Council investigation

    Dr Wahid Shaida, 55, was exposed as leader of extremist group Hizb ut-Tahrir
    The group called for jihad against Israel on the streets of London last month
    Dr Shaida praised Hamas terrorists as ‘brave mujahideen’ after October attacks”



  28. Dickie says:

    Government advice from the Intel agencies.. Let’s get the media to stir the Israel/Palestine pot and get the plebs at each other’s throats. We can then bring in more legislation to control said plebs. Oh, and by the way, we should also arrange a false flag incident just to encourage compliance and agreement for said legislation. The WEF says that’s a great idea. Go ahead and do it.




  29. Zephir says:

    Lest we forget, like the racist arabs with their white stoodent moron mates yesterday:

    ‘I hid in a skip under my boyfriend’s body as Hamas slaughtered everyone’: Israeli model reveals how she watched her partner die and had to play dead for two hours surrounded by a pile of corpses during horrific music festival massacre

    Noam Mazal Ben-David was shot in the hip and foot but miraculously survived



  30. pugnazious says:


    William Crawley on Sunday asked ‘Is the Bible being weaponised?’ in relation to anti-Semitism in Britain today. He then went on to discuss the rising tide of Anti-Semitism in universities and schools….but nowhere did he mention who, who, might be the source of this anti-Semitism.

    No mention of Muslims nor the Left. Indeed no further mention of the Bible or explanation of his initial comment….tellingly there is no mention of the ‘Far-Right’, undoubtedly they are in the mix somewhere but it is by far largely a Muslim and Left-wing ‘pogrom’.

    Presumably we are meant to be left thinking that it is Bible-bashing Christians who are behind these anti-Semitic attacks….you can guarantee if it actually were the BBC would be at the forefront of the condemnation….but Muslims and Lefties? Not a mention….the irony….if we tell you Muslims are being anti-Semitic this will increase Islamophobia and we can’t have that…so we’re gonna hide the truth…as with Rochdale and Rotherham and all the other towns. As for the Left….well, that’s ‘us’….not gonna condemn ‘us’ are we?

    Why does he not ask if it is the Koran or Das Kapital being weaponised here? Might get a better insight into what is going on if he had.


  31. pugnazious says:

    Peter Hitchens notes the BBC’s lefty propaganda…lies….

    ‘Meet the only woman to be jailed for ‘fiddling the lecky’

    There is a collective swoon, among reviewers, about the BBC’s new prison drama Time, in which former Doctor Who actress Jodie Whittaker plays Orla, a single mother of three small children, and so automatically a national heroine of the Blairite state.

    She is cruelly thrust into prison for ‘fiddling the lecky’ – that is to say stealing electricity to keep her brood warm – so let’s all sympathise.
    In fact, since 2018 hardly any women have even been charged or tried for that crime, let alone locked up.

    I also checked the Sentencing Council’s guidelines for the offence of ‘abstracting electricity’.

    They actually say: ‘For offenders on the cusp of custody, imprisonment should not be imposed where there would be an impact on dependants which would make a custodial sentence disproportionate to achieving the aims of sentencing.’

    Which seems to me to mean that the offence would have to be extra serious for the bench even to consider sending a mother of three young children straight to prison.

    So the whole thing is propaganda designed to give the entirely false impression that we have a stern and unbending criminal justice system.

    I asked the BBC to explain why they had done this misleading thing. They said, ‘This is a fictional drama series’, to which I say, ‘So what?’

    TV fiction is incredibly influential, often more so than documentaries.

    Britain is bad in many ways, and plenty of people get into trouble who deserve our sympathy.

    But this is propaganda, not drama, and neither you nor TV reviewers should be fooled by it.’

    Classic BBC…..’68 lives on in their hearts…..must be an election looming.



    • JohnC says:

      Russell T Davies confirms that Doctor Who Series 14 will be rebranded Season 1

      ‘Davies added that he expects the Season 1 rebrand to prove “controversial” with the Doctor Who fanbase, while also indicating he isn’t worried about the potential backlash.’

      That’s the problem with the BBC and parasites like Davis right there. They are making the programs THEY want to make, not what the people who fund them want to watch.

      I guarantee 100% the ‘controversial’ bit will be big chunks of far-Left agenda.


      Gay black Doctor with female companion. Written by gay writer. Whitey male gone completely. What could possibly go wrong ?.

      I can’t wait to see what a complete turkey they will serving up this time. And you thought Jodie was bad ….


    • JohnC says:

      And I can’t see anything about that on the BBC. I would be headline news in other circumstances.

      They are waiting for clashes with whitey so they can blame the far-Right again.

      Ethically barren activist scum.


  32. tomo says:


  33. tomo says:

    Dropping by Kiev on his trip is he?



    I hope he went by Easyjet / Ryanair and didn’t use official transport?


    Saudi Arabia of Wind?

    The deluded shallow lying twat should be banished to a tepee in a foggy bog somewhere in mid Wales “powered” by wind and solar with his idiot missus, the kids and the dog – supporting them by writing articles for the local paper (in ancient Welsh).

    not a fan


    • taffman says:

      Hey, why pick on the taffs and our ancient British language ?
      There’s not many bogs in Wales, its mainly hills . BoJo is not even a taffman. Have a word with his wife.


      • tomo says:

        Sorry, not all taffs obviously – gross exaggeration

        – decades ago I visited a mid Wales tepee “hippy” encampment that was damp (squidgy underfoot – muddy), foggy, lit by candles, heated by burning green logs(smoky) and exceedingly “basic”.

        I’d say “Old Welsh” would be a suitable medium for BoJo to communicate in.

        – just the ticket for the ex PM


      • harry142857 says:

        BoJo ought move to the US and run for President. New York should take him back.


    • Docmarooned says:

      He is probably charging a fat fee to bluster and woffle absolute shit with no real thoughts of compassion for the Israelis. Absloute waste of space and a total failure.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Nut nut must smell cash …


  34. tomo says:


  35. pugnazious says:

    Nothing to see here.

    Russell Brand is accused of some sexual assault long ago in the US and it’s a big BBC story.

    A Muslim boy gets murdered in the US due to events in the Middle East and it’s a big BBC story.

    A French Jewish woman gets stabbed in an anti-Semitic attack…..and it’s not a story at all.

    A Jewish Synagogue leader in America gets murdered and it’s barely a story with any suggestion that this might be an anti-Semitic attack suppressed despite there being no other motive suggested. The BBC would have instantly labelled this as a ‘probable’ Islamophobic attack had the victim been Muslim but here they are happy to shut it down and not speculate despite the very suggestive circumstances and world events.

    One rule for Muslims, another for Jews. The BBC that didn’t report at all the slaughter of the Fogel family by a Palestinian in a foreshadowing of the recent slaughter methods, but will report at length the death of any Palestinian….’militant’ or otherwise.


  36. pugnazious says:

    Lyse Doucet blubbed her way through a piece on Friday as she told us how terrible it all was in Gaza and that it must end!

    Very Barbara Plett and not at all the unbiased, neutral, balanced facts we pay for.


  37. vlad says:

    The BBC crows: “Blinken meets Palestinian leader in West Bank as he pushes for pause in fighting.”

    First the inept Biden causes the Hamas terror strike against Israel by his catastrophic policies; now the inept Blinken makes the situation worse by preventing the IDF from getting the job done of destroying Hamas.

    Bring back Trump, under whom the war would never have happened.


  38. tomo says:

    ABSOLUTELY one for @BBCverify


  39. pugnazious says:

    Got to laugh at how the BBC always tries to weasel out of taking responsibility.

    When criticised for the content of programmes, in particular educational programmes or resources, the BBC will claim ‘nothing to do with us guv’….the programmes are produced by independent programme makers and it is up to teachers to judge for themselves if the content is appropriate.

    So the programmes could say absolutely anything and the BBC would deny all responsibility and lay it all at the teacher’s doorstep……hmmm…the same BBC that spends so much time berating social media platforms for not policing content and weeding out inappropriate or illegal content.

    The BBC also lies….it tell us….

    ‘A spokesperson said ‘Kate’ had not claimed there were ‘hundreds of genders’, but that she had ‘come across more than a hundred different terms people use to describe their gender identity’.’

    Just not true as you can hear……she distinctly says there are 100 genders or more….

    ‘ ‘There are so many gender identities. So we know we have got male and female, but there are over 100 if not more gender identities now.’


    Rather than pushing poisonous and dangerous trans ideology the BBC might want to tell kids the truth…..

    ‘Trans ideology is messing with children’s minds’
    ‘It should come as no surprise, then, that rates of anxiety and depression in children have skyrocketed in recent years. They simply don’t need to have additional burdens about ‘gender identity’ heaped on them.

    I’d hate for any of my unique and precious granddaughters to be influenced by this pernicious ideology. And the fact is, no matter how hard parents try to counteract this at home, children are still at risk of being influenced at school. This talk of over 100 genders should have no place in the classroom.



    • Fedup2 says:

      Perhaps the BBC wants to ‘educate ‘ the young to both amoral and sexually ‘confused ‘ …they are forever going on about higher and higher levels of mental illness in the young – and obviously blame the government for failing to address it ( how ?) …
      The education mafia can’t be trusted to vet the poison being thrown out by the BBC because they are too busy outwoking each other and therefore agree with gender crap .


  40. pugnazious says:


    Fo the BBC ‘authority’ junks facts when facts do not match their theories.

    The BBC’s ‘authority’ derives from the historic respect and trust it has built up since its creation…..respect and trust it ironically uses to tell the biggest and most dangerous lies….and of course uses to present itself as the arbiter of ‘Truth’…witness its ‘Verify’ sham-scam which is designed to demonise and discredit those who do not follow the BBC orthodoxy on so many issues using that ‘authority’ to junk the facts or inconvenient questions in favour of its preferred narrative.

    We know this is true…even the BBC’s finest know it is true…and admit it.

    Here’s Roger Mosey admitting the BBC shapes the news to suit its audience[hence they refuse to use the correct term ‘terrorism’ in order not to offend Muslims and Hamas/Nazi supporters….like, ironically, Lineker who is apparently so opposed to ‘1930’s’ sentiments]

    ‘For the BBC, this muddled approach to language has been further complicated by the botched merger of its News and World News channels earlier this year, which has injected more international news into the channel’s output.

    Roger Mosey, former head of BBC News, says the broadcaster’s coverage has been “generally pretty fair”, but adds that the merger has made things harder.

    “You could argue that for very good reasons to do with international audiences, you then have to adjust what you do in the UK,” he says.

    “I can see the argument for consistent guidelines, but the fact is that the BBC’s primary accountability is to its UK audiences.”



  41. vlad says:



  42. taffman says:

    Any one think that the BBC are more concerned with Gaza than Great Britain ?
    IMHO, bites the hand that feeds it . Check its site ?


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      I have often wondered if some sort of super-hacker could interrupt their satellite link. Jam their signal so to speak. I don’t have the technical knowledge or the Elon Musk level of independent wealth that would likely be required. So it’s pure fantasy.


  43. Foscari says:

    I thought it would take four generations for the Islamists
    to take over the UK. How wrong I was. It is happening
    now with the BBC and Guardian as their media outlets.
    Is there no one to stop them. There are not 30 million
    of them yet . That will take four generations. The
    police, if Sadiq Khan has anything to do with it ,
    wont stop them in London. The Red Line so far as I am concerned
    is next Saturday November 11th .
    Germany, and France would stop the marches supporting
    Hamas. Is there anybody with spine in the UK to stop
    this racist disgrace?


    • taffman says:

      I am afraid we are being defended by a reactive government, not a proactive one . Hence the Border Farce .
      We have been invaded !
      Change our “government” for a coalition of The Reform Party and UKIP before its too late .


    • BRISSLES says:

      The only way the government – this lot and the potential red bunch next, will take the feelings of the country seriously is for massive civil unrest. People have had enough of Islamists in their thousands crossing the Channel, now we have them protesting on our streets, are sick of multiculturalism shoved down are throats with ALL the ads claiming mixed marriages are the norm, and Christmas households with half and half racial mix. Well, not and never has or will be in my household – or anyone else I know. If I’m considered racist then so be it, and in which case so must be most of the population.


  44. TrickCyclist says:

    On BBC2 at the moment, MOTD Live: Women’s Super League with Arsenal v Manchester City.
    Is it my imagination or do the BBC show a lot of Arsenal Women’s home matches? I ask because their ground, Meadow Park, is literally across the road from the BBC Elstree Centre.
    Zero-effort programming from the ‘world’s finest’ broadcaster.


  45. Lucy Pevensey says:

    Hamburg Airport shutdown. Hostage situation.

    “Hamburg airport closed after man ‘with hostage’ drives onto runway and fires shots into air”
    According to ITV News

    Reading the details, it was about 8pm last night. No one was hurt as the airport was evacuated. The “35-yr old man” was in a car with a child. The mother had previously contacted the police.

    “Police also said that a psychologist was talking with the man.”

    That will teach him.


  46. pugnazious says:

    Another BBC ‘nothing to see here’.

    A woman is shot by a police officer in the US and the BBC totally ignores it. She’s Hispanic and so is the officer.


    If she’d been black it would be frontpage news….even though the officer isn’t white…the BBC then revert to ‘police brutality’ rather than race as they did when there was a spate of shootings and initially the BBC reported them as ‘racist’ only for the narrative to be overturned as most of the cops were black, hispanic or asian….suddenly it was ‘a culture of police brutality’….and of course as when 5 black cops beat up a black man it was due to ‘white cop culture’ forcing the black cops to ‘act white’…even though the force was mostly black.

    The BBC spins a dangerous lie and not just about US cops but cops here as well.


  47. Fedup2 says:

    Trick – I think it’s cheap because it’s so inferior that even sky won’t bother buying it – and it’s a couple of 2 hour filler … the viewing figures must be so low as to be non countable …

    … elsewhere – I haven’t been a bbc ‘customer ‘ very much recently – but I thought I’d give the world at one a go ….

    … the BBC – not designating the Islamic Hamas group as terrorists – even though it is designated as such by UK law – places it on a morally same level as the democratically elected nation state of Israel ….

    And listening to Jonnie druggy diamond – one might wonder – for the first 10 minutes at least – why Israel is ‘attacking ‘ Gaza – the slaughter gets a passing mention at the end …. But I get a feeling I am listening to the Hamas broadcasting corporation …
    After what Hamas did I think Israel deserves applause for its’ restraint …

    I know the mindset of the BBC – it’s the same as in the Falklands – or Northern Ireland – or countless other places where despite the evil / wrongness – it treats parties with moral equivalence –
    I m sure that if current thinking was set at 1939 it would fully support mr hitler’s peacekeeping operation in Europe as ‘bring countries together ‘ for the benefit of all …

    I find it more and more difficult to listen too – and it seems millions of others are in agreement . It is a national enemy


    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      Arab News;

      RIYADH: Saudi Arabia’s flag carrier Saudia has been acknowledged for its commitment to sustainability in the 2nd annual Sustainable Flight Challenge organized by the global aviation alliance SkyTeam.

      At an award ceremony held in Atlanta, Saudia was recognized for “Most Innovative Ground Operations” and “Best Employee Engagement and Collaboration” in the management of flights across short, medium, and long-haul routes. This victory marks the airline’s second consecutive win in the challenge.

      Saudia said it remains dedicated to implementing measures that boost the reduction of carbon emissions, preserving the environment, and exploring alternative fuel sources.

      The airline was also nominated for the “Greatest Carbon Reduction” award in the medium-haul flights category.

      It’s amazing what money can buy.