245 Responses to Weekend 18th November 2023

  1. Foscari says:

    A poll in the West Bank found that 84% of Palestinians
    supported the barbaric attack on i Israel on October 7th by Hamas. It
    would not surprise me if a poll was taken on
    the same subject among Muslims in the UK the
    percentage may well even be larger. And the BBC
    would be in an orgasmic state reporting it. Mehdi
    Hasan the Muslim journalist and then a TV presenter
    said 10 years ago that anti -Semitism was Muslims ” dirty
    little secret. ” With the lies the BBC are telling us about
    the war between Israel and Hamas. It could well be
    the BBC’S dirty little secret as well.


  2. Thoughtful says:

    A Heads up for the BBC Radio 3 first Sunday in Advent service:


    3rd December 1Hr 28 Min

    A Service for Advent with Carols
    Choral Evensong

    A Service for Advent with Carols, from the Chapel of St John’s College, Cambridge.

    Introit: There is no rose (Gerald Hendrie)
    Opening Sentence
    Processional Hymn: Come thou redeemer of the earth (Puer nobis nascitur, descant Christopher Gray)
    Bidding Prayer
    Carol: Deus, Deus meus (Roxanna Panufnik)

    I The Message of Advent
    Sentence and Collect
    Antiphons: O Sapientia and O Adonaï
    First Lesson: Mark 13 vv.32-36
    Motet: Vigilate (Byrd)
    Second Lesson: Isaiah 11 vv.1-5
    Carol: A tender shoot (Kerensa Briggs)

    II The Word of God
    Sentence and Collect
    Antiphons: O Radix Jesse and O Clavis David
    Third Lesson: Hebrews 4 vv.12-16
    Carol: This is the truth (Trad., arr. Vaughan Williams and Christopher Robinson)
    Fourth Lesson: Luke 4 vv. 14-21
    Hymn: O come, O come Emmanuel (Veni Emmanuel, descant David Hill)

    III The Prophetic Call
    Sentence and Collect
    Antiphons: O Oriens and O Rex Gentium
    Fifth Lesson: Malachi 3 vv. 1-7
    Motet: Fuit homo missus a Deo (Praetorius)
    Sixth Lesson: Matthew 3 vv. 1-11
    Hymn: On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry (Winchester New, descant Christopher Robinson)

    IV The God-Bearer
    Sentence and Collect
    Antiphon: O Emmanuel
    Anthem: Bogoroditse Dyevo (Rachmaninoff)
    Seventh Lesson: Luke 1 vv. 26-38
    Magnificat: The Truro Service (Russell Pascoe)
    Eighth Lesson: The Annunciation (Edwin Muir)
    Anthem: The Hidden Light (Joanna Marsh) – New commission

    The Christmas Collect
    Carol: Noel – Verbum caro factum est (Tamsin Jones)
    Hymn: Of the Father’s heart begotten (Divinum mysterium, arr. Willcocks)
    The College Prayer and The Blessing
    Organ Voluntary: In dir ist Freude, BWV 615 (Bach)

    Christopher Gray (Director of Music)
    Alexander Robson (Herbert Howells Organ Scholar)
    The Revd Canon Dr Mark Oakley (Dean)
    The Revd Andrew Hammond (Chaplain)

    Described as one of the musical highlights of the year, it’s only broadcast by the BBC, and there’s no sermon for a leftie Satanic Socialist vicar to befoul it !


    • Foscari says:

      I’m a Bruckner man myself when it comes to religious
      music. But I shall follow your advice and listen to
      your recommendation on Radio 3.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Yes – 3 December – noted – thanks for the ears up …


        • Thoughtful says:

          Because it’s broadcast from St Johns Chapel Cambridge the only input the BBC has is the microphones and the broadcast. I suppose they take the view that few people know of it so it slips the net. There are Bible lessons some very ancient carols and hymns.

          Most people don’t appear to know historically a Carol was a song with a circular dance.

          It’s a nice service to ease yourself into the festive season.


          • callinson says:

            I usually wrap my pressies to the carol service from St John’s college @ 3pm on Christmas Eve – the shops are closing and the solemn part of the Christmas celebrations are descending. It’s one of my favourite bits of Christmas and I sing along to the carols as I wrap. The turkey’s been brind according to Nigella, the veggies are prepped and the best frozen roast potatoes are defrosting. All I have to do is rest up before midnight mass when the alcoholic exuberance of the other choristers takes us along nicely to the big day.


            • Fedup2 says:

              Callinson – Christmas Eve is my favourite day of the year – I spend the day in Argos – wondering at all of those who don’t realise that December 24 is Christmas Eve and that Christmas Day – is the day after Christmas Eve … it’s similar to Black Friday – which lasts for a whole month …


            • BRISSLES says:

              Calli, sounds lovely. Room for one more and a dog ??


          • Fedup2 says:

            There are those rare times when the BBC must be the BBC -but they’ll slip a tick box in somewhere – they can’t help themselves … I heard the awful Patrick ‘paddy ‘ someone doing it during the cenotaph commentary – damn vermin


  3. Fedup2 says:

    Seems that my Lord Cameron of Clarkson Farm is off to Ukraine to tell them the party is over and don’t expect more suitcases of taxpayers ‘ cash – but it’s great to have a never ending war if someone else is paying for it …


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fed, the BBC were reporting that “Call me Dave”, our new Foreign Secretary has assured Zelensky of our unwavering support with endless bits of kit.


  4. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #1 – a very relaxed interview by BBC standards

    Jonny ‘Dalek’ Dymond was presenting but by his standards he was quite fluent for a change. A journalist for, I think, an on-line publication had been in the tunnels under Gaza, the tunnels that the BBC have been infering that do not exist. The very brave female journalist allowed a Palestinian to blindfold her and her team, they could not take cameras with them and they were also checked for tracking devices. After the blindfolds were removed they saw reinorced walls, rooms with weapons, bombs and computers, in other words a command and control centre below Gaza.

    Jonny then interviewed a retired General from the IDF and he wasn’t asked what he thought of Bibi Netanyahu which is the Montacutie’s standard approach. He was asked how far the tunnels run under Gaza and he said for miles. Jonny did not challenge the retired General, it was all very relaxed. Mind you, the BBC did get some UN and ‘anti-Israel’ propaganda in there as well. There’s no food, the people are starving, the Israelis will not allow the UN any fuel in case Hamas steal it.


  5. Deborah says:

    Charlie Gilmour, stepson of David Gilmour of Pink Floyd was sentenced to 16 months in jail for swinging on the cenotaph and other things. The crime was described as ‘violent disorder’. If it happened to Charlie, couldn’t it happen during the present disturbances? And I am not talking about those the BBC would describe as ‘Far Right’.


    • Zephir says:

      “Gilmour, of Billingshurst, West Sussex, admitted swinging from the flag on the Cenotaph although he was not charged with that. He was arrested four days after the demonstration after publicly apologising for swinging on the war memorial.

      Passing sentence, Judge Price accepted that Gilmour’s antics at the Cenotaph on Whitehall did not form part of the violent disorder, but accused him of disrespect to the war dead. “Such outrageous and deeply offensive behaviour gives a clear indication of how out of control you were that day. It caused public outrage and understandably so.”



  6. Up2snuff says:

    TWatO Watch #2 – what a bunch of snowflakes compared to women of the past

    The subject was ‘talking therapy’ for the female menopause and Jonny had to handle a spiky woman doctor who was demanding HRT and all the trimmings, not just ‘talking therapy’ as prescribed by the NHS today. The thought occurred to me that women of the past were much tougher and stronger than those of today. OK some, no doubt had a very bad time of it but they toughed it out and enjoyed greater life expectancy than mere males.


    • Fedup2 says:

      There seemed to be a theme in BBC news this week – one day it was free contraceptive pills – then it was something about cervical cancer – then HRT something – and the bestist was a cure for sickle cell jobby with a 1 million pound a shot jab – on the NHS ? And then there was talking therapy …..

      Meanwhile … a coroners ‘ report about some poor devil who committed suicide in an Asda shop who was on a talking therapy waiting list – with 4 months to go …..- subtext – men – go away and die


    • Ian Rushlow says:

      “women of the past were much tougher and stronger than those of today”

      Undoubtedly the case and ditto for men. But also the case that many women did not live long enough to reach the menopause, as average life expectancy of, say, working class women in industrial Britain was around 45 a century ago. This also partially explains the smaller numbers for diseases and conditions such as cancer and Alzheimers.


    • BRISSLES says:

      I lay the blame squarely at Davina McCalls door. She’s earned a bloody fortune in the marketing of the “change”. And you’re right Snuffy , it can be a rubbish experience for a lot, – my Mum had every symptom going, mood swings, the lot, and we went through it with her, deep joy, but I barely had a hiccup.


  7. Yasser Dasmibehbi says:

    NZ only has one news radio station free of government control.
    Sean Plunkett was for many years on the politically correct Radio NZ.
    His channel is largely concerned with sport but he does a bit of politics as well from a centrist perspective.
    Here is take on the calls from a certain demographic for the expulsion of the Israeli Ambassador.


  8. JohnC says:

    Dennis Clarke: Man sentenced for one-punch killing of 82-year-old

    So an 82 year old man verbally chastises a 16 year old in a shopping centre who then follows him to the railway station then punches him in the head. The man falls and fractures his skull and dies.

    What sentence do you think fits such an action ?.

    He got 2 years in a young offenders institution. I wonder how long he will actually serve. 1?.

    The judge said:

    ‘The judge said while Moumeche was a “young man prone to outbursts of anger”, he did not present a risk to the public.’

    Unless they say something he doesn’t like of course. Then they get attacked and maybe killed – even if they are 82 years old.

    What’s the name of this killer ? – Omar Moumeche.

    I wonder what enrichment shithole we got him from.


    • Calon lan says:

      @johnC re Dennis Clarke
      This sort of thing makes my blood boil. I wonder how this man’s family feel about the sentence. The ‘risk assessment’ quoted by the judge would have been done by a do-Gooder probably female probation officer who doesn’t have a clue about real life. You can spot the influence of wishy washy probation reports a mile off in articles about Court appearences/sentencing.


  9. Guest Who says:

    Seems the next big thing in Daily Outrage (ME Division) is the Israelis deliberately bombing martyrs’ graves, thereby presumably remartyring them and seeing a BOGOF deal on virgins (not Champion).

    Bowen and Donnison on BBC Burke and Hare Editor duty.

    One poster of keffiyehs was moved to ask where such hate came from.

    Clearly a short memory. And greater concern for dead old martyrs than live kids.


    • Guest Who says:

      The failure of Western media and the chattering classes to question the validity of anything that Hamas spokesmen claim, as well as incessant calls for a ceasefire, can only strengthen the jihadist group and their Iranian backers. Is that really what they want?

      One poster laments no one in London could have expected the Blitz, hence Hamas needed the tunnels more.

      Again, Oct 6 seems a lost memory.


    • JohnC says:

      What I like best about their paradise is that they get 72 virgin women to use and abuse as they like for the rest of eternity.

      And not a peep about that from the feminists or misandrists who regularly vent their hatred and their spite at Mr Whitey male. It is the key reason these people willing blow themselves up – but it is never mentioned.

      It’s a blissful display of their complete agenda-based double-standards. Which I now think about every time I read their rantings on the BBC and Guardian.

      They are worthless hypocrites.


  10. Sluff says:

    On ‘Pointless’ yesterday. BBC1.
    Try this question.

    Fill in the missing word.

    NHS is the National _ _ _ _ _ _ Service. (6 letters)

    12 out of 100 did not know the answer.
    My extra question.

    Is this an example of the fact that
    a. 12% of the population are unbelievably thick
    b. 12% of the population have lived off-grid for the last 50 years
    c. 12% of the population are recent immigrants who don’t yet know of this free facility.

    Answers please but not on a post card.


    • Fedup2 says:

      ‘Free’ facility ? So what is the answer ?is it “parasite” or “self serving “ or “failing “ ?


    • BRISSLES says:

      I would say unbelievably thick.

      I believe a good number in the same section couldn’t get Jailhouse ….. by Elvis !!


  11. AsISeeIt says:

    Door wide open to anyone standing in our way edition

    There’s something almost endearing about the way the left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper where the editorial line seems to be to imagine we are at present living in 2024 – and Labour are already in power.

    Tony Blair acting as Middle East broker for Starmer… Fomer PM is go-between for Labour and governments in the region (‘i’)

    Well, if Rishi, our incumbent seat-warmer for Starmer, can appoint ex-PM Dave Cameron as foreign secretary, then why shouldn’t Sir Keir have his very own Lord Tone reinstalled ex officio?

    Labour health chief tells NHS: ‘I’ll hold the door wide open’ for help from the private sector… Labour’s Plan For Power… ‘i’s new podcast reveals what Starmer’s party will do if elected to run Britian (‘i’)

    That Rastafarian-like self-reference to i gets me every time.

    Meanwhile, back from the future, so to speak: Braverman v Badenoch… Battle that will split the Tory right (‘i’) – no-holds-barred cat fight mud fight between two women of colour… is that really the Tory right’s wet dream these days?

    The Rishi lackey loyalist Daily Express channels his master’s voice: Rishi Sunak vows to end ‘legal merry-go-round’ blocking flights to Rwanda… PM Gets Punchy is the screamer headline

    Punchy : an informal word for punch-drunk (Thank you, Dictionary.com)

    ‘I’ll take on anyone standing in our way’ (Express) – do we detect a touch of little man syndrome?

    Over at Guardian we have a new movie review – rather appropriately: Napoleon The view from France.

    One hasn’t as yet seen the new Ridley Scott historical epic – all muskets and bodices – but Mr AsI will venture to predict the view from France will continue to be one of our Border Force escorted small boats disappearing over the horizon toward England, despite Rishi, despite Starmer.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Nice to have some gentle humour – Blair£ as ‘peace envoy ‘…£ ..didn’t he do it before ? – that went well – see Islamic Hamas … apart from being desperate for even more money Blair knows his soul is damned because of those killed in wars he supported … so his repentance is peace maker crap ….. no £ peerage £ for Blair – too dirty ….£


    • Zephir says:

      I believe Napoleon was average size for that era, French and UK measurements were different.

      “Nicknamed by his soldiers “le petit corporal” or “le petit tondu”, Napoleon measured five foot, two inches and three lines tall, equivalent to 1,686 metres. By today’s standards, he would be considered on the small side; however, this was not the case in his day. Then, the average height of a Frenchman was about 1.60 m. And infantry conscripts at the time were between 1.65 and 1.69 metres tall. Napoleon was therefore of average height for his time, a fact which paintings of him do not account for since he was always represented surrounded by generals and soldiers (the grenadiers of the guard were never less than 1,76 m) wearing tall hats with plumets. Neither, in his later years, would the Emperor’s expanding waistline have the effect of increasing his stature. It has to be said that his authority lay elsewhere. Napoleon knew how to dominate men without having to resort to wearing heel lifts.”


      “According to pre–metric system French measures, he was a diminutive 5′2.” But the French inch (pouce) of the time was 2.7 cm, while the Imperial inch was shorter, at 2.54 cm. Three French sources—his valet Constant, General Gourgaud, and his personal physician Francesco Antommarchi—said that Napoleon’s height was just over ‘5 pieds 2 pouces’ (5’2”). Applying the French measurements of the time, that equals around 1.67 meters, or just under 5’6”, which is a little above average for a French man in the early 1800s.”

      “So if Napoleon was of average height, where does the legend of his small stature come from? It was, in fact, largely the work of one man: the British cartoonist James Gillray (1756-1815). Gillray’s caricatural depictions of the French general were so popular and influential that at the end of his life Napoleon said that Gillray “did more than all the armies of Europe to bring me down.”

      From the start, Gillray satirized Napoleon as a thundering, boastful character, if not necessarily short. In 1798, the English Admiral Horatio Nelson destroyed the French Fleet at the Battle of the Nile. In Gillray’s cartoon, “Buonaparte hearing of Nelson’s Victory swears by his Sword to Extirpate the English from off the Earth,” Napoleon brandishes a bloody sword and boasts of the many military victories he has already carried off—so many that the speech bubble threatens to overwhelm the image. But in this image, he is more muscular than small. It was a later cartoon that ushered in the diminutive image we are so familiar with today. ”

      “Gillray’s cartoon “Maniac-raving’s-or-Little Boney in a strong fit” (1803) was a satire of a genuine diplomatic incident that had occurred on March 14, 1803, at the Tuileries palace in Paris. In front of hundreds of European dignitaries, Napoleon vented his rage at Lord Whitworth, the British ambassador:

      On the appearance of Lord Whitworth in the circle, he approached him with equal agitation and ferocity, proceeded to descant, in the bitterest terms, on the conduct of the English Government—summoned the Ministers of some of the Foreign Courts to be witnesses to this vituperative harangue—and concluded by expressions of the most angry and menacing hostility….this brutal and ungentlemanly attack… terminated by the First Consul [Napoleon] retiring to his apartments, repeating his last phrases, till he had shut himself in; leaving nearly two hundred spectators of this wanton display of arrogant impropriety, in amazement and consternation.

      Gillray’s cartoon depicts a tiny Napoleon wearing boots that dwarf him, tearing his hair out in rage. He is surrounded by overturned furniture that is as big as he is, with speech bubbles swirling around him filled with manic raging thoughts about Britain. The name “Little Boney” would stick, and Gillray from that point on continually depicted the French Emperor as diminutive, raging and boastful—like a child throwing a temper tantrum. ”



      • Fedup2 says:

        Zephir -I’m guessing wellington was a 6 footer ….


        • Zephir says:

          “Sir Arthur is handsome, very brown, quite bald and a hooked nose’ (Maria Edgeworth, 1806).

          ‘I was much struck with his countenance and his quick glancing eye, prominent nose and pressed lip, and saw, very distinctly marked, the steady presence of mind and imperturbable decision of character, so essential in a leader’ (Lieutenant Moyle Sherer in the Peninsula).

          ‘I never saw a man’s looks so altered. He is a perfect shadow and as old-looking as the ark’ (Creevey, 1823).

          ‘His very size had hitherto deceived me: he is a shortish, slightish figure, about five feet eight; of good breadth however, and all muscle or bone; – his legs I think must be the short part of him, for certainly on horseback at least, I have always taken him to be tall’ (Carlyle, 1850). “


  12. Fedup2 says:

    If you need a steer on the type of people running ‘news’ at the BBC you might note that the R4 news is carrying a ‘story’ ‘ that someone called ‘diddy P?’ Has reached a separation settlement with ‘cassie’- these are apparently coloured American pop types ….
    I suppose it connects with those reports where some unknown ‘rapper’ comes to a premature end and gives the kidults an excuse to play a crap record


  13. tomo says:

    I saw this and immediately thought of BBC3



    • JohnC says:

      lol, I see it and think ‘The BBC’ (left) and ‘The Guardian’ (right).

      In the middle we have the spot for the ‘Employee of the month’.

      This month it’s Bowen.


  14. Zephir says:

    FYI all pro Palestinian tossers in London today:

    Ceasefire was on October 6th, 2023.

    Hamas terrorists ended Ceasefire on October 7th, 2023.


  15. Sluff says:

    Here’s a less obvious example of BBC bias.

    At the suggestion that the Chancellor might announce a reductiion in inheritance tax next week, the BBC webshite have run the story and opened a Have Your Say.

    The responses, entirely predictably, were of the Politics of Envy type. Rich Tories looking after their own etc etc, in other words, a good bash at the Tories. Right on cue. An easy win for the BBC kidult lefty editors.

    Why is this biased? For two reasons. First the obvious one -the choice of subject and it’s treatment
    But second and here’s the real give away.. It’s still running on the webshite front page. And so is the Have Your Say. Still open after nearly 24 hours.!!! The first comment was before 2 pm yesterday afternoon. Over 7000 posts now. And, more than that, it’s the only open HYS.

    So it’s not news. It’s just another deliberately created BBC opening for left wing narrative.


  16. The Mouse says:

    BBC website News
    “Fewer Cousins marrying in Bradford Pakistani Community

    The original research also demonstrated that cousin marriage roughly doubled the risk of birth defects, though they remained rare, affecting 6% of children born to cousins”.

    Birth defects of 1 in 17 ?
    BBC really do you think this is rare. You are taking the Pi** out of people. This is not rare when it comes to birth defects. Still wouldn’t fit your agenda the say otherwise. This is double the birth defects reported in US where it is about 3%.


    • tomo says:

      Unusual numbers of odd shaped fingers gets me every time


    • Sluff says:

      ……and of course many of the cousins live in Pakistan. After marriage to people they may have never met, they come to the UK.
      Unfettered immigration by the back door. And almost never mentioned.


  17. Nibor says:

    BBC ; says it’s impartial, won’t call Hamas terrorists .

    BBC ; says it’s impartial, calls some attendees at the cenotaph thugs .


    • Up2snuff says:

      Nibor, “BBC ; says it’s impartial, calls some attendees at the cenotaph Far Right, Hard Right, thugs .”

      There, fixed it for you.


  18. tomo says:

    UK Politics at the moment ?


  19. tomo says:


    • Scroblene says:


      State actors (tax-paid), seem to be getting a lot of ‘work’ these days, as the Beeboids keep showing Palestinians in shock horror situations, rather like a Carry On flick with fake blood, (ketchup)!

      But there again, Beeboids only do old stuff – giving us a ‘warning’ about fuzzy-wuzzies and other crap, and any new stuff is unwatchable anyway…

      4 billion a year, and still awful!


  20. atlas_shrugged says:

    For those mistrustful of the official Lockerbie narrative. They may be interested in an up-coming screening:

    Lockerbie on Sky Documentaries and Now from 25th Nov 2023

    Dr Jim Swire has long held the view that the Pan-Am plane was brought down by a Syrian-Iranian plot and that there was a miscarriage of justice in convicting the Libyan al-Megrahi.

    DT article:

    (apologies probably behind a paywall):

    I know the awfull truth about Lockerbie



  21. tomo says:


  22. tomo says:

    A safe pair of hands?


  23. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Is tinkering with inheritance tax the best idea that the Chancer of the Exchequer can come up with to catch up with red labour in the polls?

    I could think of so many things to do and changes to various taxes which actually could bridge the gap, just as almost everyone on here could.

    If Reform manage to catch up with and pass blue labour, only 8 points in it at the moment and narrowing, would there be a sea change with masses of voters seeing Reform as a viable option.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Emmanuel, Hunt is in the wrong job and always has been since December 2019. He should be at Health where he beat the JDs in thier strike many years ago. Jacob Rees-Mogg would probably make a better Chancellor or even Rishi himself. He could do both. I seem to recall there is historical precedent.


    • Thoughtful says:

      Reform is suffering because of the ridiculous stunts of Lawrence Fox which are not helping it look like a convincing political party.

      As for inheritance tax, it is the antithesis of a meritocracy. The money inherited is largely unearned and untaxed, and has arisen as a result of the capital growth of peoples homes. It’s then passed on to others, undeserving and also unearned.

      Those who do work hard to realise their potential therefore struggle as they do not have the benefit of unearned undeserved wealth gifted to them, and can never catch up because the burden of taxation is unbalanced on earned and deserved income.

      Lowering inheritance tax cements societal position and places a block on social mobility. Those who do deserve cannot move up and those who should move down do not do so.


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        Laurence Fox is in the Reclaim Party and not in the Reform Party.
        I admit that it’s a bit Judean People’s Front and the Peoples Front of Judea and these minor Parties on the Right do each other no favours but Reform is the one which is getting most of those voters fed up with red and blue labour.


      • StewGreen says:

        #1 Rich people don’t pay inheritance tax
        Trusts and stuff are a way around them.

        #2 Reform already has an electoral pact with Reclaim and SDP, not to stand in the same seats
        Agreed months ago


    • Up2snuff says:

      Emmanuel, a much better use for a tax cut would be a gradual and constant reduction in the VAT on diesel fuel until it reaches zero. That would really hit inflation hard.


      • StewGreen says:

        That would make inflation go backwards.
        The government can’t afford that
        They like steady inflation it alone creates higher tax income
        But raises government costs too.


  24. Thoughtful says:


    • tomo says:

      The inhabitants of The Peninsular have an appetite for executing dissidents of all stripes – some times with just cause – other times not so much.


  25. Fedup2 says:

    Ok – I still listen to ‘the week in Westminster ‘ – there was a piece on GBnews – with a member of the GBnews staff versus an ex editor of sky ( so full on lefty ) … I’m sure I heard an argument from her that because GBnews doesn’t have many viewers / listeners it should be closed down ….

    BBC OFCOM Also has 15? Cases under investigation against GBNews – .. no mention was made of the daily failure of the BBC to provide balance ( see Hamas ‘ bowen as an example ) but I’m sure either the blue labour Dinage or red labour will close it anyway …


  26. tomo says:

    No stone unturned no outpost too remote


  27. tomo says:



  28. tomo says:

    Vax oopsie…..



    • G says:


      Moral of the tale?

      If you have suspicions over something like this, follow your gut feelings. I imagine most here had serious doubts after the first jab.


      • tomo says:

        I certainly had suspicions – but took the first jab because travel and employment.

        I *will not forgive* the toxic berks who made it so.


        • Fedup2 says:

          I wonder if it will turn out that various batches of jab harmed the punters – and it was luck of the draw whether it was death – long covid – or something in the future ….


      • kingkp says:

        Germ theory is BS. There are no viruses. If you don’t wake up to this fact you are toast. Read history. The pattern repeats itself. Prior to the fire of London of 1666, the city was evacuated due to a ‘plague’. Newton and the rest were forced to stay home. Sound familiar. They have been pulling this fcking stunt for centuries.


  29. andyjsnape says:

    Sudan conflict: ‘Our lives have become a piece of hell’

    Abdul-Aziz Hussein – whose name has been changed for his safety”

    Abdul-Aziz Hussein, remember in the old days when Mr Smith, or Jones had changed their name for safety reasons 🙂


  30. Thoughtful says:

    I am sure that Socialismn is the political wing of Satan, and to that end I am not surprised to see the overt worshipping of Satan amongst Socialists across the West.

    It would appear that these Satanists are now in government in the USA and are determined to bring about WWIII in our lifetimes.

    We see utterly insane people in power, there is no other way to describe them, attempting or about to engage in a course of action which will give other countries no option but to go to war.

    The first is the insane Van Der Leyden who is talking about closing the Suwalki Gap which links Russia to its exclave of Kaliningrad. There is no benefit to anyone in doing this and it is a clear provocation of Russia to defend itself.

    The second is even more insane. Given that Iran this week has stated that it has no desire to expand or widen a war in the Middle East and the waters appear to have calmed down, the Demonrats have decided to give Iran a good old poke along with China and are suggesting sanctions against the Iranian oil trade including the seizure of oil cargoes.

    These oil cargoes are most likely going to belong to China who are not going to be best pleased if their source of energy is cut off, to say nothing of how Iran would react to this blatant theft by a global thug.

    We have a situation where an out of control swamp in Washington is looking to fight the entire world, and a Europe without credible leadership simply behaving as the poodle of the USA.

    Maybe the destruction of the decadent and rotten corrupt USA would be a good thing and all the silly little children parrotting their Satanism and Left Wing hate got a major reality check.

    Christians in the USA talk of the US needing devine judgement for the sins it is indulging in, and maybe they are right.


  31. Guest Who says:

    The vile, disgusting, dishonest Media Matters is trying to take down X & @elonmusk. They cannot STAND the existence of even one platform that the hard left does not control. It’s important that X survive. Don’t fall for the MM hit job.


  32. Guest Who says:

    My guess is that the number of ‘persons of interest’ in UK, is larger than the size of the British Army #Islamism #defencecuts

    It doesn’t makes sense, which is perhaps the only way to make it explicable.

    Politicians with young families who will go to a pop concert.

    Media types who will be visiting the wrong satirical magazine office at the wrong time.

    NGOs with staff who might not look as onside to a hopped up psycho with orders to slaughter.

    They have all taken what Bliar and Mad Al created and made it a downward spiralling corkscrew of anarchy and dystopia.

    Surely they are not assuming they are not going to be collateral when the crocodile turns up for dinner?


    • G says:


      “Surely they are not assuming they are not going to be collateral when the crocodile turns up for dinner?” Yes, they are that naïve and inexperienced in life. They simply don’t realise that ‘Johnny foreigner’ couldn’t give a shit about British Laws. With a now firm liberal upbringing why would you?

      Even the 50 year old’s are going to have to go shopping somehow armed. Any thought that the public would now respect the liberals laws and refrain from serious self-defence when attacked is for the birds. A risk of dying versus locked up for GBH? l know my choice. But then, I’m not of the generation influenced by women overwhelmingly.

      I watched an interesting History Debunked video earlier in the week. Unfortunately, I cannot find it otherwise I would post a link. The video focussed on the now, overall, female dominance in schools and influentially elsewhere and Simon Webb highlights the more appeasing/non-confrontational approach of women. He postulates that this liberal approach is draining young white males of a testosterone which made earlier generations happy to go off to war.

      Found it:


    • MarkyMark says:

      UK Standing Army 80K
      Terrorist watch list 40K


      • Doublethinker says:

        The ‘watch list ‘ is a misnomer. If someone is under constant surveillance for more than a day or two it requires a team of at least 8 working shifts or 12 if it’s for weeks on end. Working from home doesn’t cut it on this type of job.
        I suspect that the total numbers involved in trying to ‘protect’ us from the terrorists is at the very most 10,000 and probably a lot less than that.
        The social media accounts of those on the watch list may be closely monitored but their face to face meetings etc will be largely unknown.
        Only a fully fledged police state could protect us from 40,000 in our midst who wish us harm, particularly when they have the support of a few million of their co religionists and plenty of resources supplied from overseas.
        There is no way of avoiding the conclusion that we are in the Pooh , put there by the policies of our insane or malevolent politicians over the past three decades.


  33. Dickie says:


  34. vlad says:

    5 minutes in office and Red Tory Cameron is already threatening to squander billions on aid to corrupt incompetent third World countries which, as we know, means poor people in rich countries giving to rich people in poor countries – who hate us anyway.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Beijing classifies itself as a “developing” country in the WTO. However, the World Bank and U.N. Development Program classify China as an “upper middle income” country, while the IMF calls the country an “emerging and developing economy.”28 Aug 2023


    • Fedup2 says:

      Inevitable – I didn’t vote for him – but – er – hang on – no one else did either – remember we live in a ‘democracy ‘ joke …


  35. Dickie says:


  36. StewGreen says:

    Trisha on TalkTV now , has the CCDH on as if he is a normal logical guy
    just like the BBC would
    ‘Look over their all the people who don’t agree with Labour and woke-supremacism are HATE and disinformation’


    • maxincony says:


      I don’t have much idea of Patriotic Alternative but they are certainly not generally people who
      are building gas chambers and are intent on killing ethnic sections of the UK population. So it is
      wrong to use poison labels like Nazi/fascist etc.



      • StewGreen says:

        What is Maxi doing there ?
        I note his point had nothing to do with my post, but is rather trolling, showing he wants to distract away from my point.

        He posted a photo of a PA guy with his one time foreign girlfriend who happened to have a swastika tattoo.
        Of course such a photo is a golden opportunity to activists.
        but it is a distortion to say it really represents the group
        That woman is either mad or it was a setup.

        Graffiti is often not a political statement, but rather often done as an act of rebellion, so the person chooses the images/words likely to provoke a reaction.


  37. Guest Who says:

    Straight up false to suggest ‘all of the Gazans voted for Hamas’ and straight up barbaric to suggest kids in Gaza aren’t ‘noncombatants.’
    Zero pushback from Cooper.

    Hasan ‘enjoying’ a resurgence in the USA.

    He’s an anchor. In a suit.

    There was a time he was a commentator, in a dish dash, opining on ‘cattle’ and ‘Kuffar’.

    Mr. Cooper might be advised not to share a rooftop.


  38. Zephir says:

    Our resident racist terrorist supporters are told not to go near London Stations, so what do they do ?

    “Far left thugs” bbc ?

    “Pro-Palestinian protesters try to storm McDonald’s in Manchester as police move in to arrest demonstrators at London Waterloo while others chant at Downing Street”



    • StewGreen says:

      Same RED activists different T-shirt
      JSO = XR = OccupyLondon = Anti-Capitalists = Marxists

      4 weeks ago JSO tried to sit down to block the coach taking dingy immigrants to Bibby Stockhoolm barge

      What cos of ClimateChange ?


  39. Zephir says:

    “The force added the group ‘is a mix of pro-Palestinian protesters and JSO activists’, saying it had arrest one ‘prominent’ Just Stop Oil member.”


  40. Fedup2 says:

    It seems that even Comrade Corbyn has now said his Islamic Hamas friends are a ‘terrorist group ‘ …. Yet the BBC – which is even further to Left than old Comrade Corbyn – still refers to Hamas as ‘fighters ‘ or ‘insurgents ‘…. On the taxpayers ‘ dime …


    • kingkp says:

      “The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals”
      The UK Govt. has murdered 200,000 UK citizens by lethal injection over the last 2 years. Hamas has killed zero UK citizens.


  41. Dickie says:


  42. Althepalerp says:

    30 YEARS AGO John Major spoke about dropping the death taxes and for wealth to cascade down the generations.
    200 million tory votes later nothing has changed.


  43. Guest Who says:

    Best get him on BBC Politics pronto, if any Labour MPs survive tonight to debate.

    BREAKING: Israeli police investigation reveals that Israeli military helicopters may have been responsible for killing Israelis at the music rave.
    Also, Israeli intelligence assesses that Hamas did not know in advance about the Nova festival haaretz.co.il/news/politics/…

    The guy is pictured on his feed having a chat with John Kerry.


  44. digg says:

    And this is why importing ridiculous numbers of immigrants from alien civilisations and allowing them to fester in enclaves in certain cities and allow them to become part of our political process was such a f*ck*ng awful brainless idea.


    I just hope the stupid people who bellowed for this are the first to feel the knife across their throat when these mediaeval twats feel emboldened enough to run amok in our population and try to take control…. Which they will when they are ready…

    They should be here because they want to be British and support British values and not for promoting Muslim causes in the Middle East.


    • maxincony says:


      They should be here because they want to be British and support British values…


      If Putins soldiers ever enter this Country, I will personally guide them to the teachers, local authority
      quangos, civil action groups, assorted bent dissident groups, religious leaders gone weirdo, etc…

      Spoken like a true patriot.


  45. Guest Who says:

    BBC coverage from Gaza in these weeks has been possible through the work of journalists like Majdi Fathi – credited in this @yogital piece on tonight’s #bbcnewsten

    Self serving emotive bs passed off as news is not working out for ‘not enough dead Jews’, especially still clinging to stringers citing the body that has Iran as chair of human rights.