TWatO Watch #1 – questions not asked Sarah …. why …. you are a mother, Sarah, have you no heart?
The sad tale of Bronson Battersby was on TWatO this lunchtime. There was a troubling question not asked by the BBC in general and Sarah in particular. Sarah was on the phone to, or actually had someone from Lincolnshire Social Services in the BBC studio. It was criminal not to ask why the mother was not taking care of the two-year old if the father had a dodgy heart. It was criminal not to ask why was the mother not at home, why the relationship had broken down.
I hope someone complained to the Director General and OFCOM.
Up2- I listened to that – it went on for 18 minutes – I was waiting for real news instead of false grief …. Why was the kid of interest to the social ? Where was the mother ? Grandparents ? Neighbours ? – such incidents are inevitable when ‘relationships ‘ are shallow or non existent .
The bbc woman was desperate to blame someone – and it looks as though plod is in the frame … the almighty State is to blame – not the kids’ relatives …..
Fed, … lessons to be learned …. is all that will emerge from this sad and sorry tale of the effects of ‘do as you please’ Britain since the 1960s. The effects of 1950s/1960s Socialism will be and should be writ large over the grave of Bronson Battersby.
I refuse to go through the ritual of ‘tragedy ‘ and ‘tragic ‘ and the even more vacuous ‘thinking of ‘ ….. I am old school – I believe that stable male / femail families is the default – with some form of legal marriage – with or without god – ie state sponsored ….
Everything else should be discouraged – not banned – I’m not for banning –
But I confess – I perversely enjoy the blame game now . The biggest one at the moment is the post office horror –
In this one it looks like social services are in the clear – having informed plod and run away . Their leader has been on the radio and TV unusually quickly on this one .so now it is with plod to wriggle out – workload – training – miscommunication – one of those boxes will be ticked .
The ‘mother ‘s legal team will be demanding compensation . Then there will be ‘my sadness – by ‘mum ‘ in a week end paper – £50k?- the funeral – will be full on with a cast of thousands of vicarious grief stricken – with a ‘the sun ‘-provided teddy bear – maybe the PM and starmer will turn up if there are votes in it ….
I’m still waiting for the ‘mum ‘ story – you know -the mum who didn’t see her 2 year old for a week – unless there was a court order of course ….
He remarks here the often heard phrase from the USA left in regards to Donald Trump that no one is above the law, until it comes to the corrupt Biden family, of course:
During the Rwanda vote this evening, GBNews broadcast kept dropping out, at times for about a minute. The blackouts seemed to be regular, the Freeview transmission itself was OK, but the studio output was interupted. Was it my imagination? The blackouts seemed to cut off when a right wing guest was speaking. Anyone else see them?
Tessa Dunlop, a leftist joke.
I suggested a few months ago that a mole was at work in the GBNews operation.
yes I saw them
strange how the HQ feed was always on, but the studio feed kept cutting then coming back
If they were using a Westminster studio they would have been competing with other TV networks for bandwidth.
An online sex guide offers a glimpse at a possible solution to our little ‘Davos problem’:
“but these signs are in fact a consequence of the presence of hydroelectric power plants further upstream that may discharge large amounts of water without warning”.
And here we have yet another story from the BBC which accuses Israel of something then uses Muslim witnesses as their evidence.
Three things I am certain of:
1) The Palestinians will lie freely and without conscience.
2) If Israel are attacked, they will hit anyone nearby who looks suspicious. 7 men grouped around a fire for example.
3) The BBC will reword snippets of whatever they are told by the Palestinians themselves into more convincing English.
We are told:
‘Seven men – four of them brothers – were killed in an Israeli air strike early on 7 January, as they sat around a fire next to the road through al-Shuhada village’
Then we get:
‘Some of the brothers had been going to work, their mother said, while Hazza had been heading to an early morning dialysis appointment at Jenin Hospital.’
So these 4 brothers and 3 members of their extended family all happened to be on their way to work or the hospital at the same time and all 7 stopped to sit by a fire ?.
Just look at this in the BBC report:
‘The paramedic, Khalid al-Ahmad, said that after 20 years working in Jenin, he was used to scanning trauma sites for weapons or explosives, as a basic safety routine.’
‘”I would tell you if there were weapons there,” he said. “Honestly, these were civilians.’
Another one whose English is so good, it says exactly what the BBC want.
Would al-Ahmad be a Hamas supporter do you think BBC ?. What about the 7 who were killed ?. The possibility isn’t even considered.
You won’t get a more lopsided report based almost entirely on the most biased witnesses possible than this.
And it doesn’t just stop after the story is told. It goes on and on with pure empathy from people who knew them. None of it is news or relevant.
The BBC have spent a LOT of time investigating this event. It’s exactly like an episode of Panorama where convenient facts are told, inconvenient facts are omitted then the whole thing is swamped with irrelevant empathy.
Since when was that the job of the BBC covering this war ?. It’s pure activism.
Sir Tony Blair was warned the Horizon IT system at the centre of the Post Office scandal could be flawed before it was rolled out, a document shows.
A handwritten note from the then-Labour PM, published by the public inquiry on Friday, suggests he raised concerns after being warned the system was “possibly unreliable”.
But he said he gave it the go-ahead after being reassured by others.
Among them was Peter Mandelson, who was then his trade and industry secretary.
There was no indication at this stage that the Horizon software would lead to wrongful accusations of theft but there were concerns about its reliability and ballooning cost.
In a letter dated 10 December 1998, Lord Mandelson said he believed the “only sensible choice” was to proceed with Horizon.
He warned that cancelling the contract would cause “political fallout” from post office closures and damage relations with Fujitsu, which he described as a major investor in the UK.
The letter, and the submission to Sir Tony, were both previously shown in hearings at the inquiry, which was launched in 2021, but have now been published in full.
In 1998 Horizon was being developed by a firm called ICL, owned by Fujitsu, as a way of paying welfare benefits through Post Office counters using a swipe card.
Ultimately this element of the project was dropped and the system was rolled out in 1999 for tasks like accounting and stocktaking instead.
More than 900 workers were prosecuted after the faulty software wrongly made it look like money was missing.
from the BBC here which seems to have got lost in the blizzard of CYA – BS misdirection about the Post Office executives antics.
Perhaps if the “bag of shit” quote from a senior developer had got to Blair’s desk he might’ve paid attention….
“Open the pod bay doors, HAL.” “I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
A bit of pushback towards over-promoted and dim grifter Van der Leyen and her totalitarian mates
France is leading a 11-country alliance against the EU’s renewables target for 2030, insisting that the choice of energy mix is a matter of national sovereignty under EU treaties as it looks to promote nuclear and ignore the EU’s renewables goals.
“DR MARTIN SCURR: I had to do 13 courses in being a woke doctor to rejoin the NHS… but that’s NOT the reason I’m going back to private GP practice
I am a retired GP and I’ve been wanting to rejoin the NHS to help to tackle its current crises. But after passing the obligatory 13 return-to-practice courses in equality, diversity and human rights and handwashing – I kid you not – I’ve decided I just can’t go back to the NHS as a family doctor.
It’s not the courses in being a woke doctor that ultimately put me off – though having to sit through hours of ‘training’ on the new requirements for functioning in our modern world was pretty frustrating.
For of course, ensuring that everyone is fully informed about everything and gives proper consent – one of the 13 courses – is important, but we’re meant to do this anyway. But as for how to lift patients safely, fire safety, or health, safety and welfare, infection control, resuscitation (yes, basically teaching doctors how to do CPR) and so on – really?”
Just watched a rerun of the ever excellent Michael Palin’s Sahara – first aired in 2002, and how the world has changed in just 20 years. A jaunt into Libya while Gadaffi still ruled, a trip into Sousse, Tunisia where 13 years later many holidaymakers were slaughtered on the beach, followed by a tentative journey with bodyguards across Algeria. But it was the visit to Ceuta that was interesting – a tiny strip that is Spanish ruled and just 9 miles across the Straits from Gibraltar. Palin spoke to many Africans who were corralled in a centre waiting for asylum claims, so they could cross into Europe. They had tavelled across the Sahara from Nigeria and the rest of Aftica, and had paid traffickers an average of 1500 dollars to get there, in order to cross into Europe.
We can faff and fart about forever with the migrant issue, but in reality the illegals have won the war. Nothing will stop them, short of blowing up each boat as it starts to leave the French coastline. It’s empty rhetoric to say the traffickers gangs “must be stopped” oh yeah, whose going to do that then ?
Islam has won the day. So prepare your granddaughters that their Saturday night clubbing days will be something thats consigned to history, and full body dress will be required by sharia law. I can’t see the future being different sadly.
The future will be different when the money runs out for the welfare – there’s migrants turning up in provincial small towns – and in the one where I live – very, very few of them are employed …
“Independent Wales viable, says Welsh government report”
Wishful thinking by the BBC?
IMHO , whoever wrote that report is deluded.
We taffmen have already witnessed the mess that the Welsh Assembly/Welsh government have made since it was formed and is continuing to make !
20 MPH, need I say more ?
As a former politics student (a long time ago) I asked Plaid Cymru what legislation would be required in the HoC and Senedd to achieve a binding referendum. The answer I received suggests they do not know, and do not know how it would ever be achieved.
The percentage of former is going down daily, but there used to be conviction politicians rather than politicians with convictions.
Beyond venal there are the grasping, greedy, etc.
But the most prevalent breed is the downright thick.
Not so thick that they can’t see a cushy number ahead preying on the empty brain bans of the even thicker and diminishing tax revenue capacity of the actual working class, using posh champagne socialists in media to ease their ambitions along.
A cause of celebration and jubilation at the BBC it seems. They deliberately chose this picture. It is from Getty and has no relation whatsoever to the actual attack.
‘Biden administration officials denied that the new terrorist designation was an acceptance that the air campaign may not deter further Houthi attacks.’
You know when someone is desperate if they make a sentence so complicated for no reason. No question about whose side the BBC are on. The Muslim terrorists. Again.
“Pictured: Andrea Mairs, teacher who accused colleagues of ‘blackophobia’ after they complained they were too scared to use the word ‘black’ in her presence – as her mother says tribunal win is ‘no cause for celebration’
Andrea Mairs was let go from her job of 20 years at Kings Road Primary School in Stretford, Manchester, in 2022 after six of her fellow staff claimed her ‘relentless complaining’ about racial issues in the classroom left them feeling ‘intimidated’, an employment tribunal heard.
In one instance, Miss Mairs objected to a visiting magician referring to pupils as ‘little monkeys’ – which resulted in any reference to the word being banned from the school.
Subsequently, library books were removed, art displays were taken down and the nursery and reception classes were forced to stop singing a song called ‘Five Little Monkeys’ as a consequence, the tribunal was told.
The tribunal heard that during her 20 years of employment, the teacher had raised complaints over nine members of staff as well as flagging several incidents which she viewed to be ‘micro-aggressions’.
On one occasion, the teacher raised an issue after she saw a photograph in an art display which showed a black student wearing a label that read ‘blackcurrant’.
Miss Mairs told headteacher Darren Morgan she thought it was inappropriate for a black child to wear a sticky label that said blackcurrant as it could be ‘misconstrued’ and asked the staff to be sensitive about labels.
The panel heard that following her monkey complaint, Miss Mairs was blamed by staff for the decision to ban the word which created ‘tension’ amongst her colleagues.
On another occasion, Miss Mairs was asked to work on black history month despite the school having a dedicated history coordinator.
The teacher felt that asking a black teacher to deliver black-related content was a ‘micro-aggression’.
As part of this, she accused the senior staff of ‘blackophobia’.”
Not much news of value today – apart from – hopefully – a war between Iran and Pakistan … but at the moment they are only lobbing missiles at each other – come on guys – get it on …
…. But there is a case in court at the moment between a Muslim schoolgirl and her school – it’s about a policy introduced by her school to ban all religious practices – hence – it is claimed – unfairly affecting Muslims .
The school – you will note – is the high achieving high discipline one run by Katharine Birbalsingh – the acclaimed head mistress .
The Muslims will win . No doubt about it – but I hope the case will go from the High Court up to the Supreme Court – the Muslims will win each time – and show non Muslims who still live in Britain who is in charge now …..
This story doesn’t seem to have featured much on the BBC and certainly not Toady – the Muslims running the BBC see to that ….
Well yes, it’s called supply and demand. But modified by artificially created shortages through the actions of spivs, speculators, crooked auctions such as the European Energy Exchange and Dutch TTF Natural Gas Daily Futures. It is also driven by strategic US goals to totally dominate the European energy market as a means of exercising political control, along with the profit motive (“Hey Europe, why have cheap Russian gas when you can buy LPG from us at four times the price?” “Hey Germany, you don’t need a manuacturing industry that competes with us do you?” “Hey Britain, you sure you don’t want to join us in wars against Iran and China?”).
Comrade Robinson interviews a labour lord called Carlisle – he now sits as a cross bencher … Carlisle spouts the usual legal crap about the blue labour regime trying to do anything – anything – about reducing illegals immigration .
Carlisle clearly cares less about towns being overwhelmed for third world young men – all he cares about is the ‘reputation ‘ of ‘the law ‘ overseas ….
Well mr Carlisle – there are more important things than your lawyer mates – he’d probably keel over if we withdrew from any treaty facilitating such an invasion – and he’d die if my solution was used – pulling those boats back to France or sinking them – and taking any survivors back to France .
It would stop then ….
If nothing is done – the continuing impact on thousands turning up year on year will destroy what is left of the original Britain and it will become the even worse 3rd world already happening ….
A former top FBI official who led the agency’s New York counterintelligence division, and played a key role in the Trump-Russia collusion probe, has been sentenced to 4 years in prison for colluding with Russia – and he may face an even longer sentence under a second indictment for hiding $225,000 in payments from a former Albanian intelligence officer
This news review enjoys the occurance of those awkward little juxtapositions of news items or headlines – call them anti-serendipitous if you will – from the point of view of the mainstream narratives.
Charles Dickens invented the character Uriah Heep – I refer not to the long-haired 1970s rock band. Instead the novel David Copperfield and our eponymous hero’s clerk who pretends to be ‘humble ‘ and wants to serve him well, but in reality cheats him.
‘Yes, Master Copperfield,’ says Uriah… ‘Oh, indeed, Master Copperfield’… “Oh, no, Master Copperfield,” returned Uriah, shaking his head, “I am much too umble for that!”… “I am well aware that I am the ‘umblest person going”
And so we turn to the Rishi lackey loyalist – the so vewwy ‘umble – obsequious Daily Express being busy mind you with Royal health news as its top story nevertheless presents us with the frontpage sub-header: Rishi wins the day as rebellion melts away – poets and they don’t know it.
Juxtaposed just below the masthead (formerly united with the people of Ukraine) we read: Esther: I might not live long enough to see assisted dying debate
Well, that was your Tory voluntary suicide debate, luv
Kudos and credit where credit is due for the Daily Mirror and its succinct summing up: Crazy Rwanda Bill gets nod after Tory civil war
BBC Radio 1 has appointed Peter Gillibrand as broadcast journalist at BBC Newsbeat. Peter joins from his journalist role at BBC Newsnight. He previously served as a reporter and a presenter at BBC Wales and worked as a broadcast journalist with Global radio stations.
How can you have a role as a journalist from Newsnight? headed the right way, mind.
I was struck by a comment by one of our politicians regarding the invasion by illegals. Something along the lines of…”France will explode at us if we try to drop migrants back on the beaches”. The comment makes me wonder why we aren’t exploding at France for allowing illegals to cross the channel.
I think we are going to have to take a hard line, the only solution to the problem is in fact to do just that, tow the boats back and destroy them. There are risks, any illegals jumping overboard to be recovered by a following boat. What France has to understand is that it will also solve their problem.
Flotsam – anyone who lands up in the water will be taken to a French beach and put there – it should be treated as a war ….
‘Our international reputation will suffer ‘- no it won’t – but if it does – good – who cares – an ‘international reputation ‘ does nt pay the cost of these parasites …
How about stopping the licences of the French fishing boats for every invading boat that lands on our shores ?
Much cheaper and much quicker.
We voted for Brexit in 2016 to stop this nonsense, but the EU still holds the reins via the ECHR, that’s why I am of the opinion that the pantomime will go on and on …………
On the bBC World Service some girlie was ovulating about an Irish Band called ‘kneecap’ who have just made a film.
They rap in Irish/English with a mural of a burning Landrover. They insist that appearing in a balaclava was just for reasons of anonymity. They have lovely songs full of drug references.
They sound such lovely boys. Just the sort for a bBC program and to read stories to our children in libraries.
BBC going on about Northern Ireland being on strike today .. I seem to recall that The State is the biggest employer in NI with 22000 in the civil service alone .
And that when it comes to re unification with the south there would be ‘problems ‘ because the south as plenty of public servants too …
Nothing was said on the BBC about the numbers – with a ‘classroom assistant ‘ moaning that her kid got paid more than her for working in a fast food cafe … I was shouting – why not get a job there then ? … but then there’s that pension …..
Kinda hoping the Iran/Pakistan war kicks off and their brethren here decide to up sticks and go and fight as they did in the 2 Gulf wars. Perhaps our foreign office departments there could assist with flights etc.
Eddy not for me… my corner of Sadiqland has in the last 5 years turned into Little Tehran. On the plus side they’ve thus far been less interested in fighting than drinking coffee and competing with each other to see who can have the biggest, blackest Mercedes.
Full Fact needs money because ‘politicians are listening’.
At the end of last year, we wrote to the leaders of UK political parties setting out how they can provide leadership for an honest general election.
We’re pleased to announce that three of the parties—the Green Party, the Alliance Party, and Plaid Cymru—have agreed to commit to the standards we set out for honest campaigning during the next election, so that everyone can make an informed decision when they vote on polling day. This is a great start.
Blackophobia. hmmm just imagine if it were whites doing this to a black victim
“Footage reveals dementia-stricken grandmother’s shocking abuse at the hands of cruel carers after family hid Fool Me Once-style secret camera in a photo frame when they noticed bruises on her body”
And I wonder if those two black carers were here as a result of the migrant recruitment programme for social care. Ive witnessed first hand the abusive treatment of an elderly white dementia patient by black carers – it’s heartbreaking. It’s slmost as though they have a mindset of being in a position to dish out white punishment to the vulnerable.
Let them take care of their own migrant patients, there’s plenty of them, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Iran v Pakistan. I see the muslims are at it again. Attacking one another is a pastime for them. They simply enjoy it: War. Has been for centuries. I suppose at the least the advantage may be that they leave ‘Whitee’ / the West alone. Oh! hang on though, what’s that you say? The UK has imported millions of them! Oh well the outcome in the UK is absolutely predictable then (an it aint living harmoniously with them!)…………..
Bangkok Post is reporting claims of vaccine injury:
“Long Covid-19 infections and multiple Covid-19 vaccinations might let hidden diseases surface, weaken immunity and lead to cancer and brain disorders […] Prof Dr Thiravat and Mr Panthep stated that there were efforts to conceal data about the people affected and killed by vaccinations, and the official number of people affected by vaccinations was thus unrealistically low […] They also said that the mortality rate of Thais rose from its levels before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.”
The king’s daughter suffered a brain aneurysm in 2022 and there was even talk of Thailand cancelling their contract with Pfizer. The Post is a major paper for Thailand and they look like being more alert to the problem.
Rich Sunak lies again about “clearing the backlog of asylum claims”. No, no. He’s simply “getting with the programme” i.e. preparing to hand over eventually to a muslim PM and, in the process, changing religion. Taqiyya anybody?
DT is reporting that the Reform Party now has 12% of the vote – …. A record high . I wonder of Farage would add to that number ?
Perhaps people are looking for anyone but labour or blue labour or the liberal rabble …. No need to waste time campaigning really ….
The BBC will be using a bigger hatchet very soon ….
G.W.F.Mar 3, 19:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Ramadamalinglong at Windsor Castle.
atlas_shruggedMar 3, 19:06 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 The 24 year-old afgee was the Munich car driver rammer – it could be his twin brother I guess.
MarcoMar 3, 18:24 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so is Europe ,the loons in parliament are all deluded and all…
JeffMar 3, 18:23 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Yes, I agree, but… Within a couple of generations the native British will be a minority in our own homeland.…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 18:19 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Sorry Fed in response to your earlier comment, Posted this a few times. (Have it on a poster behind my…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:18 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 X misinformation prize winner – claim that the car which killed at least 2 people was driven by an afgee…
Fedup2Mar 3, 18:14 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Richard – always on the pulse – I think withdrawing from NATO completely would be extreme – but certainly cutting…
Richard PinderMar 3, 18:09 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Trump will probably say: (1) We will withdraw from and stop funding the NATO Military Command Structure and bureaucracy, but…
MarcoMar 3, 18:08 Weekend 1st March 2025 No more wars please we are broke and so are Europe ,the loons in parliament are deluded and I am…
There’s a F you WEF video being posted
The community note says it’s satire.
TWatO Watch #1 – questions not asked Sarah …. why …. you are a mother, Sarah, have you no heart?
The sad tale of Bronson Battersby was on TWatO this lunchtime. There was a troubling question not asked by the BBC in general and Sarah in particular. Sarah was on the phone to, or actually had someone from Lincolnshire Social Services in the BBC studio. It was criminal not to ask why the mother was not taking care of the two-year old if the father had a dodgy heart. It was criminal not to ask why was the mother not at home, why the relationship had broken down.
I hope someone complained to the Director General and OFCOM.
Up2- I listened to that – it went on for 18 minutes – I was waiting for real news instead of false grief …. Why was the kid of interest to the social ? Where was the mother ? Grandparents ? Neighbours ? – such incidents are inevitable when ‘relationships ‘ are shallow or non existent .
The bbc woman was desperate to blame someone – and it looks as though plod is in the frame … the almighty State is to blame – not the kids’ relatives …..
Fed, … lessons to be learned …. is all that will emerge from this sad and sorry tale of the effects of ‘do as you please’ Britain since the 1960s. The effects of 1950s/1960s Socialism will be and should be writ large over the grave of Bronson Battersby.
I refuse to go through the ritual of ‘tragedy ‘ and ‘tragic ‘ and the even more vacuous ‘thinking of ‘ ….. I am old school – I believe that stable male / femail families is the default – with some form of legal marriage – with or without god – ie state sponsored ….
Everything else should be discouraged – not banned – I’m not for banning –
But I confess – I perversely enjoy the blame game now . The biggest one at the moment is the post office horror –
In this one it looks like social services are in the clear – having informed plod and run away . Their leader has been on the radio and TV unusually quickly on this one .so now it is with plod to wriggle out – workload – training – miscommunication – one of those boxes will be ticked .
The ‘mother ‘s legal team will be demanding compensation . Then there will be ‘my sadness – by ‘mum ‘ in a week end paper – £50k?- the funeral – will be full on with a cast of thousands of vicarious grief stricken – with a ‘the sun ‘-provided teddy bear – maybe the PM and starmer will turn up if there are votes in it ….
I’m still waiting for the ‘mum ‘ story – you know -the mum who didn’t see her 2 year old for a week – unless there was a court order of course ….
Biden family corruption… ?
He remarks here the often heard phrase from the USA left in regards to Donald Trump that no one is above the law, until it comes to the corrupt Biden family, of course:
“A felon showing everyone he has a gun and drugs live on the internet and he hasnt spent one day in jail.Its outrageous.”
A good segment on UK defence capabilities and capacity at the beginning
During the Rwanda vote this evening, GBNews broadcast kept dropping out, at times for about a minute. The blackouts seemed to be regular, the Freeview transmission itself was OK, but the studio output was interupted. Was it my imagination? The blackouts seemed to cut off when a right wing guest was speaking. Anyone else see them?
Tessa Dunlop, a leftist joke.
I suggested a few months ago that a mole was at work in the GBNews operation.
Maybe BBCOFCOM have their own on / off button …or intern ..
yes I saw them
strange how the HQ feed was always on, but the studio feed kept cutting then coming back
If they were using a Westminster studio they would have been competing with other TV networks for bandwidth.
An online sex guide offers a glimpse at a possible solution to our little ‘Davos problem’:
“but these signs are in fact a consequence of the presence of hydroelectric power plants further upstream that may discharge large amounts of water without warning”.
Clueless is an understatement
Whenever the Socialist Wan*ers Party goes out on a demo all these pine trees have to be chopped down to make the posts for the banners.
Why has the bBC not asked the wood owls how they feel about this?
Gaza gets invaded again, and then ‘oh sh1t’ there goes our homeland again say the wood owls.
But, crucially, posh.
Speaker at the WEF says that farming and fishing is “ecocide”.
The elites consider humans to be a disease of the anthropocene.
Noticing more and more young BBc ‘reporters’ are not in fact ‘of colour’, but easy on the eye, often well spoken, thick as mince bimbos.
Using democracy against the host Nation. This has been planned for decades.
It’s our own liberal elite who have facilitated and allowed it.
As Ms. Birbalsingh and the majority of her charges are finding.
West Bank strike: Israel accused of targeting civilians in deadly attack
And here we have yet another story from the BBC which accuses Israel of something then uses Muslim witnesses as their evidence.
Three things I am certain of:
1) The Palestinians will lie freely and without conscience.
2) If Israel are attacked, they will hit anyone nearby who looks suspicious. 7 men grouped around a fire for example.
3) The BBC will reword snippets of whatever they are told by the Palestinians themselves into more convincing English.
We are told:
‘Seven men – four of them brothers – were killed in an Israeli air strike early on 7 January, as they sat around a fire next to the road through al-Shuhada village’
Then we get:
‘Some of the brothers had been going to work, their mother said, while Hazza had been heading to an early morning dialysis appointment at Jenin Hospital.’
So these 4 brothers and 3 members of their extended family all happened to be on their way to work or the hospital at the same time and all 7 stopped to sit by a fire ?.
Just look at this in the BBC report:
‘The paramedic, Khalid al-Ahmad, said that after 20 years working in Jenin, he was used to scanning trauma sites for weapons or explosives, as a basic safety routine.’
‘”I would tell you if there were weapons there,” he said. “Honestly, these were civilians.’
Another one whose English is so good, it says exactly what the BBC want.
Would al-Ahmad be a Hamas supporter do you think BBC ?. What about the 7 who were killed ?. The possibility isn’t even considered.
You won’t get a more lopsided report based almost entirely on the most biased witnesses possible than this.
And it doesn’t just stop after the story is told. It goes on and on with pure empathy from people who knew them. None of it is news or relevant.
The BBC have spent a LOT of time investigating this event. It’s exactly like an episode of Panorama where convenient facts are told, inconvenient facts are omitted then the whole thing is swamped with irrelevant empathy.
Since when was that the job of the BBC covering this war ?. It’s pure activism.
Well done Lucy:

Here’s some other reports pulling this Hamas supporters work to pieces:
Post Office again …
from the BBC here which seems to have got lost in the blizzard of CYA – BS misdirection about the Post Office executives antics.
Perhaps if the “bag of shit” quote from a senior developer had got to Blair’s desk he might’ve paid attention….
“Open the pod bay doors, HAL.” “I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that.”
A bit of pushback towards over-promoted and dim grifter Van der Leyen and her totalitarian mates
Dr Peterson might be annoyed?
@ Tomo
It is not just Canada, it’s over here too:
“DR MARTIN SCURR: I had to do 13 courses in being a woke doctor to rejoin the NHS… but that’s NOT the reason I’m going back to private GP practice
I am a retired GP and I’ve been wanting to rejoin the NHS to help to tackle its current crises. But after passing the obligatory 13 return-to-practice courses in equality, diversity and human rights and handwashing – I kid you not – I’ve decided I just can’t go back to the NHS as a family doctor.
It’s not the courses in being a woke doctor that ultimately put me off – though having to sit through hours of ‘training’ on the new requirements for functioning in our modern world was pretty frustrating.
For of course, ensuring that everyone is fully informed about everything and gives proper consent – one of the 13 courses – is important, but we’re meant to do this anyway. But as for how to lift patients safely, fire safety, or health, safety and welfare, infection control, resuscitation (yes, basically teaching doctors how to do CPR) and so on – really?”
Zephir, I was taught how to do CPR and deal with an on-street heart attack by a visiting St John Ambulance man at my Primary School in the 1960s!
Mind you, we had a proper education in the 1960s and 1970s.
Just watched a rerun of the ever excellent Michael Palin’s Sahara – first aired in 2002, and how the world has changed in just 20 years. A jaunt into Libya while Gadaffi still ruled, a trip into Sousse, Tunisia where 13 years later many holidaymakers were slaughtered on the beach, followed by a tentative journey with bodyguards across Algeria. But it was the visit to Ceuta that was interesting – a tiny strip that is Spanish ruled and just 9 miles across the Straits from Gibraltar. Palin spoke to many Africans who were corralled in a centre waiting for asylum claims, so they could cross into Europe. They had tavelled across the Sahara from Nigeria and the rest of Aftica, and had paid traffickers an average of 1500 dollars to get there, in order to cross into Europe.
We can faff and fart about forever with the migrant issue, but in reality the illegals have won the war. Nothing will stop them, short of blowing up each boat as it starts to leave the French coastline. It’s empty rhetoric to say the traffickers gangs “must be stopped” oh yeah, whose going to do that then ?
Islam has won the day. So prepare your granddaughters that their Saturday night clubbing days will be something thats consigned to history, and full body dress will be required by sharia law. I can’t see the future being different sadly.
The future will be different when the money runs out for the welfare – there’s migrants turning up in provincial small towns – and in the one where I live – very, very few of them are employed …
Tusk must cooperate or compromise … but Brussels is pushing him to shove his opponents off the playing field and imho – maybe even lock them up?
Unt you vill move zee German troops into Poland
“Independent Wales viable, says Welsh government report”
Wishful thinking by the BBC?
IMHO , whoever wrote that report is deluded.
We taffmen have already witnessed the mess that the Welsh Assembly/Welsh government have made since it was formed and is continuing to make !
20 MPH, need I say more ?
As a former politics student (a long time ago) I asked Plaid Cymru what legislation would be required in the HoC and Senedd to achieve a binding referendum. The answer I received suggests they do not know, and do not know how it would ever be achieved.
The percentage of former is going down daily, but there used to be conviction politicians rather than politicians with convictions.
Beyond venal there are the grasping, greedy, etc.
But the most prevalent breed is the downright thick.
Not so thick that they can’t see a cushy number ahead preying on the empty brain bans of the even thicker and diminishing tax revenue capacity of the actual working class, using posh champagne socialists in media to ease their ambitions along.
Wales had a marvelous natural resource, the best coal in the world, but I don’t think an “independent Wales” would think of using it.
“Stop the boats”
It will be Kicked the down the road again by the Tories .
Just stop the boats !
Yemen strikes: Houthis hit US-owned ship after ‘terror’ designation
With picture on the BBC world-news, front-page:

A cause of celebration and jubilation at the BBC it seems. They deliberately chose this picture. It is from Getty and has no relation whatsoever to the actual attack.
‘Biden administration officials denied that the new terrorist designation was an acceptance that the air campaign may not deter further Houthi attacks.’
You know when someone is desperate if they make a sentence so complicated for no reason. No question about whose side the BBC are on. The Muslim terrorists. Again.
And now the BBC’s ‘Matt Murphy’ is using this stock Getty pic in the article:

Muslim terrorist, child murdering, rapist supporters on the UK streets:
“Shocking moment masked mob targets Jewish youth group for inviting British IDF soldier to host talk”
“We should get a tax refund for paying for a police force that doesn’t protect us”
“Pictured: Andrea Mairs, teacher who accused colleagues of ‘blackophobia’ after they complained they were too scared to use the word ‘black’ in her presence – as her mother says tribunal win is ‘no cause for celebration’
Andrea Mairs was let go from her job of 20 years at Kings Road Primary School in Stretford, Manchester, in 2022 after six of her fellow staff claimed her ‘relentless complaining’ about racial issues in the classroom left them feeling ‘intimidated’, an employment tribunal heard.
In one instance, Miss Mairs objected to a visiting magician referring to pupils as ‘little monkeys’ – which resulted in any reference to the word being banned from the school.
Subsequently, library books were removed, art displays were taken down and the nursery and reception classes were forced to stop singing a song called ‘Five Little Monkeys’ as a consequence, the tribunal was told.
The tribunal heard that during her 20 years of employment, the teacher had raised complaints over nine members of staff as well as flagging several incidents which she viewed to be ‘micro-aggressions’.
On one occasion, the teacher raised an issue after she saw a photograph in an art display which showed a black student wearing a label that read ‘blackcurrant’.
Miss Mairs told headteacher Darren Morgan she thought it was inappropriate for a black child to wear a sticky label that said blackcurrant as it could be ‘misconstrued’ and asked the staff to be sensitive about labels.
The panel heard that following her monkey complaint, Miss Mairs was blamed by staff for the decision to ban the word which created ‘tension’ amongst her colleagues.
On another occasion, Miss Mairs was asked to work on black history month despite the school having a dedicated history coordinator.
The teacher felt that asking a black teacher to deliver black-related content was a ‘micro-aggression’.
As part of this, she accused the senior staff of ‘blackophobia’.”
We need a new word.
How about ‘Negritophobia’ to go along with all the fake phobias the Left have conjured up. And this one really is a phobia:
‘The irrational fear of talking to black people in case they choose to take anything you say as racist even though you didn’t intend it.’
Not much news of value today – apart from – hopefully – a war between Iran and Pakistan … but at the moment they are only lobbing missiles at each other – come on guys – get it on …
…. But there is a case in court at the moment between a Muslim schoolgirl and her school – it’s about a policy introduced by her school to ban all religious practices – hence – it is claimed – unfairly affecting Muslims .
The school – you will note – is the high achieving high discipline one run by Katharine Birbalsingh – the acclaimed head mistress .
The Muslims will win . No doubt about it – but I hope the case will go from the High Court up to the Supreme Court – the Muslims will win each time – and show non Muslims who still live in Britain who is in charge now …..
This story doesn’t seem to have featured much on the BBC and certainly not Toady – the Muslims running the BBC see to that ….
Octopus Energy: Bills will fall in April, says boss
All these energy companies taking the p, high prices when you need the energy, lower the prices when you dont!
1st January we were starting again to be ripped off, now talking about lowering in April in the summer months – disagrace
Well yes, it’s called supply and demand. But modified by artificially created shortages through the actions of spivs, speculators, crooked auctions such as the European Energy Exchange and Dutch TTF Natural Gas Daily Futures. It is also driven by strategic US goals to totally dominate the European energy market as a means of exercising political control, along with the profit motive (“Hey Europe, why have cheap Russian gas when you can buy LPG from us at four times the price?” “Hey Germany, you don’t need a manuacturing industry that competes with us do you?” “Hey Britain, you sure you don’t want to join us in wars against Iran and China?”).
I thought they were using the missile thing to put prices up so in April prices will go up for victims of gas use …?
WEF and censorship
Not really about BBC – but about peers
Comrade Robinson interviews a labour lord called Carlisle – he now sits as a cross bencher … Carlisle spouts the usual legal crap about the blue labour regime trying to do anything – anything – about reducing illegals immigration .
Carlisle clearly cares less about towns being overwhelmed for third world young men – all he cares about is the ‘reputation ‘ of ‘the law ‘ overseas ….
Well mr Carlisle – there are more important things than your lawyer mates – he’d probably keel over if we withdrew from any treaty facilitating such an invasion – and he’d die if my solution was used – pulling those boats back to France or sinking them – and taking any survivors back to France .
It would stop then ….
If nothing is done – the continuing impact on thousands turning up year on year will destroy what is left of the original Britain and it will become the even worse 3rd world already happening ….
It’s funny, because it’s… actually funny.
This is the worst & most blatant piece of social engineering I’ve ever seen….
This episode was good though.
‘I’m not working class because I don’t work “ … priceless 😎
‘Lower Class’ is often a more appropriate description.
A product of edoocayshun, edoocayshun, edoocayshun.😂😂
Probably a future politician.
UK weather: Warnings in place after sub-zero temperatures across country
hint, hint, hint, climate change:-
“On Tuesday night the mercury fell to -14C (6.8F) in Dalwhinnie in the Scottish Highlands,making it the coldest January night since 2019”
Only 2019
Quite a lot of rewrites…
Nothing to see… move along
A former top FBI official who led the agency’s New York counterintelligence division, and played a key role in the Trump-Russia collusion probe, has been sentenced to 4 years in prison for colluding with Russia – and he may face an even longer sentence under a second indictment for hiding $225,000 in payments from a former Albanian intelligence officer
This news review enjoys the occurance of those awkward little juxtapositions of news items or headlines – call them anti-serendipitous if you will – from the point of view of the mainstream narratives.
Charles Dickens invented the character Uriah Heep – I refer not to the long-haired 1970s rock band. Instead the novel David Copperfield and our eponymous hero’s clerk who pretends to be ‘humble ‘ and wants to serve him well, but in reality cheats him.
‘Yes, Master Copperfield,’ says Uriah… ‘Oh, indeed, Master Copperfield’… “Oh, no, Master Copperfield,” returned Uriah, shaking his head, “I am much too umble for that!”… “I am well aware that I am the ‘umblest person going”
And so we turn to the Rishi lackey loyalist – the so vewwy ‘umble – obsequious Daily Express being busy mind you with Royal health news as its top story nevertheless presents us with the frontpage sub-header: Rishi wins the day as rebellion melts away – poets and they don’t know it.
Juxtaposed just below the masthead (formerly united with the people of Ukraine) we read: Esther: I might not live long enough to see assisted dying debate
Well, that was your Tory voluntary suicide debate, luv
Kudos and credit where credit is due for the Daily Mirror and its succinct summing up: Crazy Rwanda Bill gets nod after Tory civil war
How can anyone take the bbc serious with “reporters” like this
BBC Radio 1 has appointed Peter Gillibrand as broadcast journalist at BBC Newsbeat. Peter joins from his journalist role at BBC Newsnight. He previously served as a reporter and a presenter at BBC Wales and worked as a broadcast journalist with Global radio stations.
How can you have a role as a journalist from Newsnight? headed the right way, mind.
“Views not my employers”
Yeah, right.
I was struck by a comment by one of our politicians regarding the invasion by illegals. Something along the lines of…”France will explode at us if we try to drop migrants back on the beaches”. The comment makes me wonder why we aren’t exploding at France for allowing illegals to cross the channel.
I think we are going to have to take a hard line, the only solution to the problem is in fact to do just that, tow the boats back and destroy them. There are risks, any illegals jumping overboard to be recovered by a following boat. What France has to understand is that it will also solve their problem.
Have the boats stopped?
Next time vote UKIP or Reform.
You know it makes sense .
Flotsam – anyone who lands up in the water will be taken to a French beach and put there – it should be treated as a war ….
‘Our international reputation will suffer ‘- no it won’t – but if it does – good – who cares – an ‘international reputation ‘ does nt pay the cost of these parasites …
‘We will make them Fishers of Men’
French Fishermen to be paid £1M for each boat full of invaders to be towed back into a French port.
Note to self: I must stop this hopeless dreaming.
How about stopping the licences of the French fishing boats for every invading boat that lands on our shores ?
Much cheaper and much quicker.
We voted for Brexit in 2016 to stop this nonsense, but the EU still holds the reins via the ECHR, that’s why I am of the opinion that the pantomime will go on and on …………
Sources have said this is the new bbc news theme, Tumbleweed by Toni Price.
On the bBC World Service some girlie was ovulating about an Irish Band called ‘kneecap’ who have just made a film.
They rap in Irish/English with a mural of a burning Landrover. They insist that appearing in a balaclava was just for reasons of anonymity. They have lovely songs full of drug references.
They sound such lovely boys. Just the sort for a bBC program and to read stories to our children in libraries.
BBC going on about Northern Ireland being on strike today .. I seem to recall that The State is the biggest employer in NI with 22000 in the civil service alone .
And that when it comes to re unification with the south there would be ‘problems ‘ because the south as plenty of public servants too …
Nothing was said on the BBC about the numbers – with a ‘classroom assistant ‘ moaning that her kid got paid more than her for working in a fast food cafe … I was shouting – why not get a job there then ? … but then there’s that pension …..
Kinda hoping the Iran/Pakistan war kicks off and their brethren here decide to up sticks and go and fight as they did in the 2 Gulf wars. Perhaps our foreign office departments there could assist with flights etc.
It’d be mint if the combat spilled over here – weekly battles in Trafalgar Square, with viewing from a local bar. 🍺
Eddy not for me… my corner of Sadiqland has in the last 5 years turned into Little Tehran. On the plus side they’ve thus far been less interested in fighting than drinking coffee and competing with each other to see who can have the biggest, blackest Mercedes.
Have the Pakistanis attacked the londonistan iranian embassy yet ? Is there going to be a siege ?
Fedup keep me posted on upcoming demos, I need to sort my flag drawer out, it’s a mess these days.
Full Fact needs money because ‘politicians are listening’.
At the end of last year, we wrote to the leaders of UK political parties setting out how they can provide leadership for an honest general election.
We’re pleased to announce that three of the parties—the Green Party, the Alliance Party, and Plaid Cymru—have agreed to commit to the standards we set out for honest campaigning during the next election, so that everyone can make an informed decision when they vote on polling day. This is a great start.
Yeah, right.
Blackophobia. hmmm just imagine if it were whites doing this to a black victim
“Footage reveals dementia-stricken grandmother’s shocking abuse at the hands of cruel carers after family hid Fool Me Once-style secret camera in a photo frame when they noticed bruises on her body”
And I wonder if those two black carers were here as a result of the migrant recruitment programme for social care. Ive witnessed first hand the abusive treatment of an elderly white dementia patient by black carers – it’s heartbreaking. It’s slmost as though they have a mindset of being in a position to dish out white punishment to the vulnerable.
Let them take care of their own migrant patients, there’s plenty of them, and we’ll take care of the rest.
Iran v Pakistan. I see the muslims are at it again. Attacking one another is a pastime for them. They simply enjoy it: War. Has been for centuries. I suppose at the least the advantage may be that they leave ‘Whitee’ / the West alone. Oh! hang on though, what’s that you say? The UK has imported millions of them! Oh well the outcome in the UK is absolutely predictable then (an it aint living harmoniously with them!)…………..
Bangkok Post is reporting claims of vaccine injury:
“Long Covid-19 infections and multiple Covid-19 vaccinations might let hidden diseases surface, weaken immunity and lead to cancer and brain disorders […] Prof Dr Thiravat and Mr Panthep stated that there were efforts to conceal data about the people affected and killed by vaccinations, and the official number of people affected by vaccinations was thus unrealistically low […] They also said that the mortality rate of Thais rose from its levels before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.”
The king’s daughter suffered a brain aneurysm in 2022 and there was even talk of Thailand cancelling their contract with Pfizer. The Post is a major paper for Thailand and they look like being more alert to the problem.
Humza Yousaf not ‘comfortable’ with SNP’s name
National Express Coaches? Offensive and far-right
He wants nationhood to apply to Palestine, just not for Scotland.
I am not happy at having a vile muslim racist supposedly in charge.
Rich Sunak lies again about “clearing the backlog of asylum claims”. No, no. He’s simply “getting with the programme” i.e. preparing to hand over eventually to a muslim PM and, in the process, changing religion. Taqiyya anybody?
What is it about Asians and truth?
DT is reporting that the Reform Party now has 12% of the vote – …. A record high . I wonder of Farage would add to that number ?
Perhaps people are looking for anyone but labour or blue labour or the liberal rabble …. No need to waste time campaigning really ….
The BBC will be using a bigger hatchet very soon ….