🔴 The BBC has identified multiple cases of “serious editorial malpractice” following the introduction of a new internal whistleblowing policy, The Telegraph can disclose
What is going on in this world.
Staff have just received instructions from Southeastern railway company to stop saying. Good/morning/afternoon/evening ladies and Gentlemen. Apparently because some men wear dresses and pretend to be women, I now have to say, Everyone.
Kinell – excellent idea – as moderator I may declare that this site will be strictly gender neutral and fully respectful to queers , sodomites and chaps in dresses as well as non chaps in suits … or maybe we will stick with being free and if anyone is offended – grow up – get a life …
Quite a long time ago I was coming back from London on a Thameslink train. I got blocked in at a table seat by a couple of big blokes in dresses.
This was long before the current politicisation of such things. At the time I thought what a couple of bruisers, Sweet must have re-formed!
That’s not a reasonable excuse because evenwere it true some men wear dresses they still want to be regarded as ‘ladies’. More likely this is the 5 million genders brigade who can make up their mind what they want to be.
“SNP under fire after failed candidate ‘tried to cancel Christmas’ in town
Falkirk Council’s equalities and human rights officer, Farah Faranza, suggested staff substitute the phrase “merry Christmas” for “happy holidays” in a message sent on a council-only platform but seen by the Scottish Express.
Stephen Kerr, Scottish Conservative MSP for Central Scotland, blasted Humza Yousaf’s party, saying: “The SNP are wasting taxpayers’ money on hiring people to try to police the language people use.
“When Falkirk Council is considering closing school swimming pools, recreation centres, and community halls, how can it be right for the council to employ people who tell people not to use the word ‘Christmas’?
“Rather than try and make 1984 a reality, the SNP should get back to basics and properly fund the services that actually improve people’s lives.”
The SNP currently leads a minority administration at Falkirk Council.”
You are right, as always. Nothing to see here. Definitely not a case of a muslim trying to make traditional British ways bend to her belief system. No, not at all.
Thank you for correcting us. Who should I believe, you or my lying eyes?
“Humza Yousaf told ‘focus on bin collections’ after blasting RAF airstrikes. Despite British servicemen and women, as well as commercial shipping, being attacked by the weapons sent from Houthi forces, Mr Yousaf said the UK did not have a “good track record when it comes to military intervention”.
Humza Yousaf has been told to focus on local issues after he blasted the UK Government’s strikes in Yemen.”
A woman in Gaza stands in front of the camera to complain about the “Israeli bombings” while in the background behind her Hamas is launching rockets at Israeli civilians.
Hamas has fired tens of thousands of rockets at Israel since October 7.
This could be one for BBC Verify with expert input from JezBo, JonDon, Lies, etc.
Though their history of nothing rockets right behind them has been historically sketchy.
On another note, this section of town looks rather untouched. Might it be the bit where those trails originate looks like the scenes local ‘journalists’ prefer to share having shovelled a few moppets in, and blue touch paper martyr copses out?
Looks like Iraq is being used for missile target practice- mossad building hit – Iranian building hit US base hit ….. is this allowed in the game ? Or something for VAR….?
Poor David Lammy – heckled x3 by Palestinian Hamas terrorists at a Fabian do – all Labour Party members ? They sounded white and seemed to have left their suicide vests at home this time ….
So the flood the tunnels with sea water has now gone to gassing – which I put up here about a month ago – I don’t think the IDF could do it even if they wanted to – hostages …
aye – v.poor comment from that account (has previous) but Soros hamming it up with Varadkar makes me wonder if the lad is just showing off one of his father’s pets… or is Varadkar slime-ing around looking for cash? – or both?
I.m not anti vaccination but I had not seen this in the context of the vaccination fanboys all over the media last week….
Well the answer is that widespread measles vaccination began in the UK in 1968 (although a vaccine was licensed in 1963 and so small numbers may have received one before then).
What can we conclude from this information and this graph? 1. Vaccination could not have been…
My graph has verifiable provenance – do us a favour and show yours.
If you’re going down that route – you might also dig out the complications from measles infections – no?
And yes – vaccine fanboys are a thing – some seeming to believe that a vaccine for a novel pathogen can be dialled up in a few months, or even more absurdly that you can have a vaccine before you’ve characterised the bug involved, it being unknown ….
maxincony, OK, then just show it, you know how a screen cap works ?
Care to comment on what looks like an 80 year trend while population has mushroomed?
23 deaths over 3 years, from measles or things that weren't measles, added together, and it's a cause for panic. I had measles as a child. It was unpleasant but it didn't kill me or anyone I knew, and left absolutely zero after effects.
#1 The original tweeter’s second tweet points out that there is a difference between DEATH patterns and CASE patterns
he says the vaccine introduction seemed to reduce cases.
#2 It’s not true to say cases never fell before the vaccine and never rose after.
Individual years showed great variance sometimes
year … cases … deaths
1954 146,995 45
1970 307,408 42
A very narrow definition of ‘people’ is being used here i.e. BBC woke types and selected friends (selected on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion etc). But, if people are uncomfortable with Rule, Britannia! (the bit about ruling the waves doesn’t apply to the Channel), then they should avoid venues and events where it is played. I avoid rap ‘music’ (sic) on the same principle.
Wrong headline BBC. it should be:
‘Democrats caught on CCTV ballot-stuffing’
Democrats caught cheating in an election. How dreadfully inconvenient.
The BBC spend a lot of column space trying to convince it’s not so bad without going near the huge elephant in the room that it means they most certainly did it in the last election.
The BBC report claims that it’s called “Ballot Harvesting” and says that it’s an accepted practice without explaining what it is.
It appears that there are pressures from the Democrats in the USA to extend and open up voting from a straightforward one day, in person vote. This is mirrored in the UK with Labour wanting to extend the vote to sixteen year olds. Postal voting in the UK is wide open to abuse and the loosely compiled Electoral Roll is full of non existent voters and people not entitled to vote. I reckon Labour will want votes for Asylum seekers, I joke?
“MG500 For the purposes of this policy, visa residents are defined as migrants who have a non-visitor visa, do not have settled status and are not British citizens.MG501 All visa residents will have the right to vote in all elections and referendums.”
MG310 Visa applications from specific individuals may be rejected on grounds of public safety.
These grounds are restricted to serious crime and threats to national security.
I bet they support the past exclusion of political Righties on frivalous grounds
“Outrage as Brit jailed for trying to join ISIS is freed: Wannabe Jihardi Shamim Ahmed yelled ‘give me 20 years, I’ll come out the enemy’ to as judge as he was locked up and branded a danger
Shamim Ahmed, 30, freed from prison after six year sentence runs out
Mr Ahmed has been described as still radicalised and ‘dangerous’ ”
Context “She can think freely wherever she wants, just not outside an abortion clinic.
Her prayers would be just as effective wherever she prayed, but she insists to do it where it causes distress to vulnerable women.”
Yes of course the same laws should be applied to a crowd of Muslim protesters when they cause distress to the vulnerable outside a school etc.
In other news, turns out the single student managing to deny the entire rest of the school a top class education was suspended for embracing cultural norms.
Here is an illustration of the intricate layout of the tunnels, whose only purpose was to attack and kidnap Jews.
Millions of your taxpayer dollars have been invested in its construction.
EU accounting systems on aid?
Seems odd all those bbc ringe… journalists missed these.
These are the people that can, and will, rape, burn, decimate you, your children, babies and families without a second thought, then dance in the street, as had been demonstrated to the world in Israel.
And will run crying to the world if you dare retaliate, as again, has been demonstrated to the world.
What’s good about that is anyone criticising it is saying we SHOULD allow Islam to dictate what goes on in our schools.
Reminds me of an interview with Ronnie Barker who said they were safe doing the thicko country-bumpkin characters because nobody would complain that as a bumpkin themselves, they were offended.
These days of course we have the idiot Left who would be offended on their behalf.
Only read this to see if the BBC mentioned the extremely relevant fact that the people of Hamas will not accept a two state solution. They only possible outcome as far as they are concerned is the complete annihilation of Israel.
And of course – entirely as expected – they didn’t.
Jim Dale, the self declared “Global Metereological/Climatological Expert” (source: his Linkedin) regularly appears on GBNews, I’ve no idea if he appears on other channels. He was on GBNews this morning and said he had a Thai wife, make of that what you will. A Google search reveals he is working the internet with a program of intense self promotion.
I notice that he is registered as an expert witness in meteorological and climate matters in the event that organisations and people want a green zealot to present evidence for them in Legal disputes.
He is the oracle of climate alarmism.
I think he is to be the definition of a narcissist who craves attention and has found a way to achieve it.
I notice Anne Diamond is sold on man made global warming. It might be that Jim Dale has convinced her.
Locally and nationally, the Net Zero agenda has managed to fuck up everything it's touched. It's sucking the life out of the economy, killing jobs, and making everyone poorer.
I’m sure the 2800 newly unemployed will be eager to spend their NetZero redundancy packages on heat pumps and electric cars.
A non-bBC thought occurred to me as the news comes out that we are getting rid of the blast furnaces and our ability to make iron from raw materials.
Then I remembered that EVEN the Pitcairn Islanders had been able to fashion iron implements made from the iron rich soil on the Island. That is 50 or so people able to get iron from iron ore! This tells me that the destruction of our industrial base is deliberate. Outside or inside agents, who knows!
Royal Exclusive… Harry’s selfie with fake prince – but not a word for his sick dad (Mail on Sunday); Harry’s get well soon message to King and Kate (Sunday Mirror); Harry’s speech blasted… Royal expert attacks him for not mentioning Charles or Kate (Sun on Sunday); Harry’s get well message for Royals… Sussexes ‘support’ King and Kate after health scares (Sunday People)
Fake prince…? Fake news…? Some might – with some legitimacy (a bold word in Harry’s case) plausibilty, then – put this dichotomy of message reporting down to the news print exigences of the time of going to press. But one can’t help but note that it is the lefty-leaning tabloid titles that tend to give Harry & Meghan the positive write ups – the other red top titles less so.
The sleepy mildly conservative broadsheet Telegraph might be bothered to fiddle a bit while Rome burned – it may foresee the coming disaster – exclaim woe is me – but would probably just stick the lyre away on a shelf, sit back, grumble a bit and watch from the comfy couch on the sidelines before nodding off to sleep. And then get bought out by the arabs…
The Fragile Firm How Sussexes’ vanishing act has exposed the monarchy’s weakness (Sunday Telegraph); Heseltine: UAE should not be allowed to buy Telegraph (Sunday Telegraph)
The Persuaders! was a British action comedy television series starring Tony Curtis and Roger Moore first aired in 1971
The Sunday Times does the public service bit normally reserved for our BBC: The legacy of vaccination scares: a third of under-16s at risk of measels… NHS plans new drive to persuade parents to take up jabs… – gosh, I wonder what prior NHS drive to persuade parents of the efficacy of a supposed vaccine may have backfired and had the unpleasant side effect on the public of a sharp injection of herd immunity to such public health messaging?
You push an experimental ‘vaccine’ that hardly worked for those in the parental age group – and was frankly pointless for children – and then you marvel at the fact parents are suddenly leary of the whole idea of vaccination.
Once our media find a trope that suits they tend to flog it to death. Echoes of ‘Partygate‘ still titilate the Labour-supporting Sunday Mirror this morning – and when the favourite trope can be combined with playing keepy uppy with the current big thing – the Post Office scandal story – then you’ve a playbook play pen as big as the Hillsborough Stadium and as tall as Grenfell Tower: New Horizon Outrage… Post Office chiefs partied as they fought victims
There was a time when a rather more libertine left fought for your right to party – not so much these days: Bosses danced to Pixie Lott while sub-post masters battled for justice… Boogie night Vennells was filmed singing along to Pixie – hardly the last days of Rome… but then nor was Boris awkwardly cradling his slice of fuitcake as civil servants quaffed prosecco and took turns at the karoake
Pixie Lott – there’s one for teenagers
The Sunday Times does that lefty newspaper thing of publishing a mosaic made up of multiple photos of victims on the frontpage: Today we picture just some of the sub-post masters, including some spouses… Post Office victims who didn’t live to see justice
Like the stranded on a remote island Japanese soldiers who don’t know or accept that the war ended the Guardian on Sunday that is the Observer joins with London mayor little man Khan to bash Brexit: Free our young from Brexit work and travel ban, says Khan… London mayor backs pro-Europe deal – because, presumably, prospects for housing and employment for our young in our own capital are so shite they’re gonna want and need to go off to work on the continent?
EU youth also benefit from ‘mobility’ plan (Observer) – always the open borders, eh?
One recalls one’s own offspring excitedly informing how a new girl and a new boy had joined their class at school. He was from Norway and she was from Hollland, apparently. That’s nice, what are their names? Fatima and Mohammed. Oh, really, and teacher says they are Norwegian and Dutch? Yes, that’s right.
In further night-mayoral news
The weekend Rishi lackey loyalist news sheet that is the obsequious His Master’s Voice Sunday Express provides the (metaphorical) drawing pins with which Number 10 posts its increasingly desperate PR notes to the public noticeboard: HS2 Back On Track… Rival mayors team up to breath new life into axed rail link – can trains do U-turns?
Private firms to pay bulk of bill saving taxpayers billions (Sunday Express) – and if you believe that I’ve got many a bridge, tunnels and a fast one railway to sell you. Pull the other one… it’s either got bells on… or it’s the emergency communication chord!
These ‘private firms’ doing this out of the generosity of their hearts are they? British ‘firms’ are they? Or foreign investment corporations? Can you even begin to imagine a non-public subsidised cost of a ticket from Brum to Manchester on this new HS2?
Read the small print and I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts the public purse is underwriting this project in some sense – be it a revamped version of Blairite PPF or some such mortgaging of taxpayer debt to future generations.
After all that bad news we need a lift – but the weather forecast won’t provide it: Storm Isha: All UK to be hit by rain and gusts of up to 80mph (BBC) – yes, it is winter and we do get wind and rain. Can the BBC find a new since records began superlative somewhere with which to impress us?
Well, here’s a bit of a superlative: The Met Office said it was “relatively rare” for the whole of the country to be affected by storm warnings. (BBC)
Shall we phone the Guinness Book of Records with a ‘relatively rare’ ? One suspects Roy Castle and the McWhirters (god bless ’em) would think we were taking the rise…
Speaking of which…
Nudists’ rise in members (Daily Star Sunday) – what, in this chilly weather?
Asiseeit – nice to be informed about Harry Windsor – I see he ‘lost’ a defamation case last week – complete with a £750k lawyer bill ….
The papers can’t leave the loser alone …
Watch thievery expert ‘When I told the BBC the gangs come in from overseas : Somalia and Albania, the BBC suddenly went cold on me’
quote “It wasn’t politically correct enough for them”
The start of the video explains how he was asked to help with a BBC doco
which when aired turned out to be drama show where they put his words into the mouths of actors pretending to be watch thieves.
So not everyone who died is a woman, a child, a baby, or a journalist…
But our media keeps telling us tall the dead are innocent civilians
I am shocked I tell you, shocked…
Before the photo ops, maybe they shunt the bearded blokes with guns in the mass graves, and swap them for kids who were trying to escape?
A happy almost BBC free day … but I heard the 0700 radio news which featured one ‘Nicky Haley ‘ – a Republican contender for the presidency – questioning the mental ability of President Trump – this featured bigly on the BBC – but wot ? No mention of the dementia suffering current false president .
Why Haley wouid want to ‘go big ‘ on this is pretty sad . Her people must be desperate to undermine President Trump – so she will demean herself or do whatever it takes to undermine him .
Tricky for the msm because if they accuse mr trump of mental issues – it’s only a step away from the dementing Joe Biden
I suppose the Obama people will use the same technique as used in the stolen election – no live press conferences – no off the cuff moments – no campaigning ….
All of the above shows the conspiracy of Obama and the msm – no one criticised bidens non appearance – and certainly not the BBC ….
No doubt if the ‘trump vote ‘ in New Hampshire is less than Iowa the MSM BBC will be screaming about failure and ‘it’s over ‘….
Seems Cameron took his begging bowl to Davos – empty suitcases capable of carrying cash … now he is off to china where there must be plenty of lucrative deals – and afterward I wonder if he’ll get on the board of Fujitsu ….
I see a troll has been visiting again – and although I don’t really read comments by trolls I do look for references to the BBC . There never have been any .
I have – in the past issued a warning about being deleted it there is never a BBC reference – but I haven’t acted on it .
I notice – too – that some posters have responded to the troll which must give it great comfort that its’ existence is being affirmed …
I often do when it deserves to know some home truths about itself, but the topics it stuck it’s head out of the sewage for today were so pathetic, I think it was at least drunk but more likely been popping it’s stuff earlier in the evening and was on another downer.
It never pipes up for any of the important stuff. Which speaks volumes.
JohnC – I also become repetitive about seeking out those who can defend the BBC … or indeed talk about anything of value …
… well I found something worth listening to – currently on R4X – the story of Ian Fleming – far more to the man than jimmy bond …
IMHO this government defends the BBC eg., the continuation of the unfair, “telly tax”.
It should be funded by adverts or by subscription like the rest of the media.
Humza doesn’t speak for the wider British Muslim community, and where was Humza when Putin murdered Muslims in Syria? Where was Humza when Palestinian children where murdered by Assad.
Will some save us from this performative bullshit
Plus BBC propaganda edit.
“Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf says he believes the lives of Palestinians and Muslims are not valued as highly as others”
Translation: blonde bbc propagandist at ‘work’ using idiot Minister.
Other hairstyles available:
“ A principal offender has been the Today programme presenter, Mishal Husain. Interviewing the Defence Secretary Grant Shapps on Monday, she unleashed a barrage of distorted and out-of-context quotes to demonise Israel as a bloodthirsty aggressor.”
It really bugs me to see that smug utterly criminally incompetent vile muslim racist on the BBC but hey this is the reason we go on and support this site.
I agree with him. Muslims are not valued in our society. We would pay handsomely for them to be removed back to where they feel at home. They are a negative asset in accounting terms.
Comrades, the hated Drumpf thinks he’s winning, despite all signs pointing to him being totally finished, like his wafer thin “win” in Iowa. This is a problem for our journalists because reasons.
Democracy is too precious to be allowed out of the care of propaganda ideologues trained by the bbc.
Grant Shapps, Yvette Cooper, Humza Yousaf, the BBC, and the hail clanjamfrie of the Establishment are all “disappointed” with Netanyahu. Shapps says the Palestinians “deserve” their own state.
Idiots, the lot of them.
What would you do with a troublesome neighbour who had been telling you for 75 years that he wanted not just to turf you out of your house but that he wanted to kill you? The last thing you would do is to say he could stay in your spare room.
The Israel/Palestinian situation is exactly like that. Shapps and our whole political class are a bunch of Polyannas who understand nothing and think there is a nice, fair, cuddly solution to every problem. Sometimes there isn’t.
Apparently some coloured kidult has called for a tune to be banned from the proms . This is an excellent idea and takes that self censorship culture to a higher height .
Maybe a list of banned tunes should be composed to prevent any one being offended or upset – let me start with the ‘birdie song ‘ which often makes me thing life is not worth living when I hear it …
I wonder what the coloured kidult snowflake makes of it …
Or maybe he might like to find a better country closer to his own …’heritage ‘….
Britannia Rules the waves alludes to the British Navy’s track record of dealing with attacks from amongst others our “white” neighbours including France, Spain, Holland, Germany etc. and has absolutely nothing to do with persecuting black slaves.
It would seem that if history doesn’t comply with the idea of British oppression of black people then history must be re-engineered to make it so in order for it to be castigated.
It really makes me wonder what garbage history teachers in this Country are churning out these days!
So many white Western feminists spoke out loudly in favor of women’s rights, and against (undeniable) misogyny and oppression, in Iran.
Wonder if they’ll have anything to say about this.
Wonder if Laura is a white western feminist, or one that just covers certain aspects?
A sign of the time that broadcasters refuse to broadcast the speeches of people ( trump ) they do not like . They will do anything to stop him – anything ….
Is it too harsh to expect the larcenous fines to be subtracted from TfL executive remunerations after tax?
Pour encourager les autres?
Loopy but lucrative? TfL's ULEZ checker automatically assumes compliant vehicles non-compliant because of age. Issues with private plates. 128,000 fines had to be dropped. One driver had to get 10 fines cancelled.
Yes a lovely heart-warming read reminding us of a time when people were happy, kind easy going and none judgemental unlike nowadays.
Particularly enjoyed the section on classic cars as I had a succession of Morris Minors in my teens and twenties, starting with a black saloon which I passed my test in, followed by a “woodie” traveller that covered many Miles camping in Wales, Cornwall and Devon and finally a lovely convertible which I loved to bits and turned out to be a real babe magnet into the bargain! I’ve Had lots of differing more modern cars since but none have proved anywhere near as enjoyable or trouble free as those string of lovely moggie minors!
Mine was a green Beetle – with pedals that were pushed back, not down, and other Beetlers would give a little wave when passing. Great car, then it was a pale blue and white Herald that could turn on a sixpence, but God, the times it had to be pushed to get started.
From limited exposure to junior family peer groups, such ‘young people’ are possibly more appealing within the confines of a bbc green room bonding session post RuPaul’s Ceebeebies Strictly special.
I wonder if BiasedBBC will give some free PR to activists opposing Lincolnshire oil fields like Biscathrorpe ?
… TOM HEAP is just stepping up to this plate on Countryfile
WPC 0502 British Transport Police – clueless – and in desperate need of training . 15 minutes of embarrassment .i watch mr Kavanagh on his YouTube site from time to time .
He regularly gives free shows at King’s Cross station new the Eurostar bit – and gets a good reception .
I glad he stood his ground here – but the film ended before she called for ‘back up ‘ so that he could be fitted up with a ‘public order offence ‘ – bail imposed not to go to King’s Cross and go away a die .
What happened to plod ?
Every day there are horrible discipline cases of various trash wearing a police uniform …
There are many different types of Chinese
The behaviour there sounds like Hong Kong Chinese
The Black Belt Barrister confirms Kavanagh was right
and that public place you do not have a reasonable right to privacy.
GB News campaigning against Trump. What will Trump supporting Nigel make of this?
‘Any UK politician wouldn’t get away with what he’s doing!’
Anne Diamond and @StephenGBNews slam Donald Trump for ‘hypocrisy’ amid his campaign to be re-elected as President, and question why US journalists don’t hold him to account.
I’m truly amazed at the stupidity of those two. They are wrong on so many counts, which I don’t need to spell out on this site.
The good news: the hundreds of replies on Twitter are unanimously critical of the two clowns, as are the many more on YouTube.
Hopefully they’ll both get sacked soon.
Just been watching 60 minutes of a dumbed down BBC documentary about the nuclear clock . Very blue Peter – concentrating on state produced nuclear weapons – nothing about dirty bombs or Islamic groups who would use them if they had them – I was waiting for Corbyn to pop up but curiously no politician was put up either ….just the usual CND nut jobs … Very very poor … an hour wasted ….
Didn’t say Ukraine stupidly gave up its’ nuclear weapons and got invaded …
New thread time ..( apologies for the early timing but I’m in a nicer warmer time zone )
I noticed that at 9:00pm last night we were generating 21.6GW of wind power. Now that we have storm WosErName raging all over the UK that at 8:00pm today we are only generating 17.06GW of wind power. More wind less power generated?
Well worth taking a look at the ‘past week’ option on the above iamkate website.
For example, not very windy last Monday was it?
Thank goodness for gas powered power stations, without which we would be dark and cold.
An inconvenient truth the BBC and ecoloons somehow fail to mention. Whereas, if there is a ‘record’ wind power day, it’s headline news.
taffmanMar 3, 16:21 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 What happened to “Stop the boats and crush the gangs”? Anything on the BBC News ? Zilch. Does our ‘PM’…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 16:17 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “As of December 2024, France’s debt was €3.3 trillion, which is about 112.32% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP).…
Fedup2Mar 3, 16:10 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Excellent news -cost of UK and other European failed states increasing as markets figure how much the Marxists will touch…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 16:08 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Foreign Secretary announces £20 million in additional funding while visiting the Adré on the Chad-Sudan border.
MarkyMarkMar 3, 16:07 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 I know believe – thankyou! “MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE Trailer (1986) Stephen King Horror”
moggiemooMar 3, 15:58 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “…You see, is it just me or does that headline imply some automotive murderous intent on the part of the…
MarkyMarkMar 3, 15:57 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 650 MPS and 800 Lords grab guns and march off to Ukraine to defend the UK against the Russians. [img][/img]…
NW NinepenceMar 3, 15:53 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 Hi Eddy I simply can’t stop going back to watch this – It’s wonderful!
MarkyMarkMar 3, 15:48 Start the Week 3rd March 2025 “Ramadan: how to fuel exercise while fasting” “How to drive and keep on the roads during …. “
🔴 The BBC has identified multiple cases of “serious editorial malpractice” following the introduction of a new internal whistleblowing policy, The Telegraph can disclose
Thing is, how could anyone tell?
Got to cherish a good love story.
NYT on the Fani Willis/Nathan Wade Scandal: “An Office Romance”
Maybe the bbc can turn it into a romcom? Starring An old Dr. Who and a new lesbian?
Fani by name, fani by nature.
‘Our lovely school turned into one that was quite horrible.’
By intimidation. From protected minority thugs.
Sounds like a few entire countries.
Modern School Register:
“Ali Bin Ahmed”
“Inam Abwmgen”
“Amal Son Ahbwamir”
“Janikav Kziminski”
“Ali Son Bakeer” Nothing. “Ali Son Bakeer”, “Ali Son Bakeer”
Then a Red headed girl stands up and says. “I keep telling you it’s Alison Baker and yes I am here”.
What is going on in this world.
Staff have just received instructions from Southeastern railway company to stop saying. Good/morning/afternoon/evening ladies and Gentlemen. Apparently because some men wear dresses and pretend to be women, I now have to say, Everyone.
Kinell – excellent idea – as moderator I may declare that this site will be strictly gender neutral and fully respectful to queers , sodomites and chaps in dresses as well as non chaps in suits … or maybe we will stick with being free and if anyone is offended – grow up – get a life …
From today I am a cat, so there.
I’ve put rat poison in the bird seed feeders and shat in the corner of the lounge.
I tried to lick my balls but put my back out, the vet charged a fortune and I got into a fight with a whippet in the queue.
What a great day so far.
I’m going to sleep for 20 hours now on top of the wardrobe after knocking everything off the shelves.
Quite a long time ago I was coming back from London on a Thameslink train. I got blocked in at a table seat by a couple of big blokes in dresses.
This was long before the current politicisation of such things. At the time I thought what a couple of bruisers, Sweet must have re-formed!
…and then I woke up …
That’s not a reasonable excuse because evenwere it true some men wear dresses they still want to be regarded as ‘ladies’. More likely this is the 5 million genders brigade who can make up their mind what they want to be.
I’m surprised that there’s still a ‘King Street’ in Brighton…
There is definitely a Queens Road in Brighton.
And King’s Road leads to Dyke Road doesn’t it?
The true face of UK muslims:
SNP muzzie tries to cancel Xmas:
“SNP under fire after failed candidate ‘tried to cancel Christmas’ in town
Falkirk Council’s equalities and human rights officer, Farah Faranza, suggested staff substitute the phrase “merry Christmas” for “happy holidays” in a message sent on a council-only platform but seen by the Scottish Express.
Stephen Kerr, Scottish Conservative MSP for Central Scotland, blasted Humza Yousaf’s party, saying: “The SNP are wasting taxpayers’ money on hiring people to try to police the language people use.
“When Falkirk Council is considering closing school swimming pools, recreation centres, and community halls, how can it be right for the council to employ people who tell people not to use the word ‘Christmas’?
“Rather than try and make 1984 a reality, the SNP should get back to basics and properly fund the services that actually improve people’s lives.”
The SNP currently leads a minority administration at Falkirk Council.”
“The true face of UK muslims: SNP muzzie tries to cancel Xmas”
Classic rage-bait. From the original ‘report’;
“She messaged staff suggesting they substitute ‘merry Christmas’ for ‘happy holidays’ in some circumstances”.
That’s it. That’s the whole story. Pitiful.
And why didn’t she say similar about rama bleeding dam then ?
D’you mean The Ram Jam Band
Fabulous song!
Gibson and Marshall, a match made in Heaven.
You are right, as always. Nothing to see here. Definitely not a case of a muslim trying to make traditional British ways bend to her belief system. No, not at all.
Thank you for correcting us. Who should I believe, you or my lying eyes?
SNP more concerned about muslims in muzzie land:
“Humza Yousaf told ‘focus on bin collections’ after blasting RAF airstrikes. Despite British servicemen and women, as well as commercial shipping, being attacked by the weapons sent from Houthi forces, Mr Yousaf said the UK did not have a “good track record when it comes to military intervention”.
Humza Yousaf has been told to focus on local issues after he blasted the UK Government’s strikes in Yemen.”
Not sure if already highlighted here but……………..
Humza Yousaf is apparently asking for his extended Palestinian family/in-laws etc recently evacuated from Gaza, to be permanently resettled in the UK.
Did they not go there against advice?
Pity we cannot send useless and his extended family to Gaza on a permanent secondment.
A woman in Gaza stands in front of the camera to complain about the “Israeli bombings” while in the background behind her Hamas is launching rockets at Israeli civilians.
Hamas has fired tens of thousands of rockets at Israel since October 7.
This could be one for BBC Verify with expert input from JezBo, JonDon, Lies, etc.
Though their history of nothing rockets right behind them has been historically sketchy.
On another note, this section of town looks rather untouched. Might it be the bit where those trails originate looks like the scenes local ‘journalists’ prefer to share having shovelled a few moppets in, and blue touch paper martyr copses out?
They continually defy belief with their lies and crap that comes out of their mouthes
Looks like Iraq is being used for missile target practice- mossad building hit – Iranian building hit US base hit ….. is this allowed in the game ? Or something for VAR….?
Poor David Lammy – heckled x3 by Palestinian Hamas terrorists at a Fabian do – all Labour Party members ? They sounded white and seemed to have left their suicide vests at home this time ….
Lammy is surely enough on his own for anyone with the slightest intelligence not to vote Labour.
We are in for a real treat with a different sort of thick from the blue labour lot … it’s gonna be like 500 kamela s …
The Duran
“Six-legged dog named Ariel is abandoned outside B&M store – as unique pooch captures hearts of hundreds who now want to adopt her”
I knew a farmer who had six legged chickens, I asked him what they tasted like but he said he hadn’t managed to catch one yet.
Coat, gone
Claim by mother of captive IDF soldier:
So the flood the tunnels with sea water has now gone to gassing – which I put up here about a month ago – I don’t think the IDF could do it even if they wanted to – hostages …
Chuck some bacon rolls down there
I don’t approve of the Downs syndrome comparison but the juxtaposition of these two … bleugh…
Tomo – on that – I don’t think that tweet is worthy of republishing – but if that’s what you wanna do ….
aye – v.poor comment from that account (has previous) but Soros hamming it up with Varadkar makes me wonder if the lad is just showing off one of his father’s pets… or is Varadkar slime-ing around looking for cash? – or both?
Varadkar ought to know you are allowed to try jackets on before buying them.
Maybe he has a friend in there?
Chuffing Nora is nothing sacred! Now the bBC are after our bananas:
Trying to create a shopping hysteria because of a supposed worldwide disease in bananas.
I.m not anti vaccination but I had not seen this in the context of the vaccination fanboys all over the media last week….
“vaccination fanboys”.
Context: Whilst measles deaths fell before vaccination; measles cases did not…
My graph has verifiable provenance – do us a favour and show yours.
If you’re going down that route – you might also dig out the complications from measles infections – no?
And yes – vaccine fanboys are a thing – some seeming to believe that a vaccine for a novel pathogen can be dialled up in a few months, or even more absurdly that you can have a vaccine before you’ve characterised the bug involved, it being unknown ….
“My graph has verifiable provenance – do us a favour and show yours.”
Why are you asking me this? It’s the exact same provenance:
Paid your television licence yet maxincony, or do you get it free?
maxincony, OK, then just show it, you know how a screen cap works ?
Care to comment on what looks like an 80 year trend while population has mushroomed?
Hey Marxi
Tell them about the Thimerosl (murcury based preservative) they put in the children’s vaccines.
ISBN-13: 978-1-5107-6696-9
#1 The original tweeter’s second tweet points out that there is a difference between DEATH patterns and CASE patterns
he says the vaccine introduction seemed to reduce cases.
#2 It’s not true to say cases never fell before the vaccine and never rose after.
Individual years showed great variance sometimes
year … cases … deaths
1954 146,995 45
1970 307,408 42
Feds racking up weekend overtime
I quite enjoyed his purple silk quilted imperial jacket – he’s not got that out of the closet for a while.
I can’t remember anyone voting for him to be a “trustee of the future”. And what’s happened to the white cat?
The BBC are at it again ! One for maxincony I think?
“Sheku Kanneh-Mason: Rule, Britannia! makes people uncomfortable”
…makes people uncomfortable…
A very narrow definition of ‘people’ is being used here i.e. BBC woke types and selected friends (selected on the basis of race, gender, sexual orientation, religion etc). But, if people are uncomfortable with Rule, Britannia! (the bit about ruling the waves doesn’t apply to the Channel), then they should avoid venues and events where it is played. I avoid rap ‘music’ (sic) on the same principle.
What is it with stroppy Blacks inventing faux-aristocratic double-barrelled names?
Trump helped a vote scandal go viral. What really happened?
Wrong headline BBC. it should be:
‘Democrats caught on CCTV ballot-stuffing’
Democrats caught cheating in an election. How dreadfully inconvenient.
The BBC spend a lot of column space trying to convince it’s not so bad without going near the huge elephant in the room that it means they most certainly did it in the last election.
The BBC report claims that it’s called “Ballot Harvesting” and says that it’s an accepted practice without explaining what it is.
It appears that there are pressures from the Democrats in the USA to extend and open up voting from a straightforward one day, in person vote. This is mirrored in the UK with Labour wanting to extend the vote to sixteen year olds. Postal voting in the UK is wide open to abuse and the loosely compiled Electoral Roll is full of non existent voters and people not entitled to vote. I reckon Labour will want votes for Asylum seekers, I joke?
There will be millions of Mohammeds, and Mohummeds etc etc hanging found the voting stations all with their faces covered.
Green party manifesto, I do not joke:
“MG500 For the purposes of this policy, visa residents are defined as migrants who have a non-visitor visa, do not have settled status and are not British citizens.MG501 All visa residents will have the right to vote in all elections and referendums.”
GreenParty is for 99.9% open borders

Right at the end they add a small caveat
MG310 Visa applications from specific individuals may be rejected on grounds of public safety.
These grounds are restricted to serious crime and threats to national security.
I bet they support the past exclusion of political Righties on frivalous grounds
“Outrage as Brit jailed for trying to join ISIS is freed: Wannabe Jihardi Shamim Ahmed yelled ‘give me 20 years, I’ll come out the enemy’ to as judge as he was locked up and branded a danger
Shamim Ahmed, 30, freed from prison after six year sentence runs out
Mr Ahmed has been described as still radicalised and ‘dangerous’ ”
First they came for…
It is who they leave free, or protect at the same time that intrigues.
Context “She can think freely wherever she wants, just not outside an abortion clinic.
Her prayers would be just as effective wherever she prayed, but she insists to do it where it causes distress to vulnerable women.”
Yes of course the same laws should be applied to a crowd of Muslim protesters when they cause distress to the vulnerable outside a school etc.
In other news, turns out the single student managing to deny the entire rest of the school a top class education was suspended for embracing cultural norms.
Will BBC Cover go near?
Some people are more equal than others.
Can’t manage crime in London yet…
“Sadiq Khan says re-entering Custom Union trade alliance ‘should be on the table’ when Brexit deal with the EU comes up for review next year”
I think Noel Gallagher had it right, Khan really is a “weasel faced c*nt”.
Here is an illustration of the intricate layout of the tunnels, whose only purpose was to attack and kidnap Jews.
Millions of your taxpayer dollars have been invested in its construction.
EU accounting systems on aid?
Seems odd all those bbc ringe… journalists missed these.
GB getting it about, well, varied.
One for the cubicle gardens?
Imagine a bunch of Beeboids in the cubicle gardens are emailing OFCOm about that one.
This is the Prime Minister we could have had.
Thank you for coming to Birmingham Jeremy ✊🏼✊🏽✊🏿
These are the people that can, and will, rape, burn, decimate you, your children, babies and families without a second thought, then dance in the street, as had been demonstrated to the world in Israel.
And will run crying to the world if you dare retaliate, as again, has been demonstrated to the world.
The Israelis know this beyond doubt, (as do other arab nations who refuse to allow them in) thus these peoples hatred and fear of Israel.
What’s good about that is anyone criticising it is saying we SHOULD allow Islam to dictate what goes on in our schools.
Reminds me of an interview with Ronnie Barker who said they were safe doing the thicko country-bumpkin characters because nobody would complain that as a bumpkin themselves, they were offended.
These days of course we have the idiot Left who would be offended on their behalf.
Israel-Gaza: Netanyahu defies Biden over Palestinian state
Only read this to see if the BBC mentioned the extremely relevant fact that the people of Hamas will not accept a two state solution. They only possible outcome as far as they are concerned is the complete annihilation of Israel.
And of course – entirely as expected – they didn’t.
Jim Dale, the self declared “Global Metereological/Climatological Expert” (source: his Linkedin) regularly appears on GBNews, I’ve no idea if he appears on other channels. He was on GBNews this morning and said he had a Thai wife, make of that what you will. A Google search reveals he is working the internet with a program of intense self promotion.
I notice that he is registered as an expert witness in meteorological and climate matters in the event that organisations and people want a green zealot to present evidence for them in Legal disputes.
He is the oracle of climate alarmism.
I think he is to be the definition of a narcissist who craves attention and has found a way to achieve it.
I notice Anne Diamond is sold on man made global warming. It might be that Jim Dale has convinced her.
Diamond geezers all.
Seems they crunched very few numbers. Good enough for Anne.
The Jim Dale weather corporation has 4 employees
Jim, his son, a Thai lady, someone else
Gone !
Steel stolen from Great Britain and taffland – A major part of our defence assets , a strategic industry . The Tory Government has a lot to answer for ………….
Mass invasion and the failure to defend our once , great nation .
IMHO we are run by an incompetent government that is not patriotic .
Vote for Reform next time, what they promise ……
A non-bBC thought occurred to me as the news comes out that we are getting rid of the blast furnaces and our ability to make iron from raw materials.
Then I remembered that EVEN the Pitcairn Islanders had been able to fashion iron implements made from the iron rich soil on the Island. That is 50 or so people able to get iron from iron ore! This tells me that the destruction of our industrial base is deliberate. Outside or inside agents, who knows!
You pays your money, you takes your pick…
Royal Exclusive… Harry’s selfie with fake prince – but not a word for his sick dad (Mail on Sunday); Harry’s get well soon message to King and Kate (Sunday Mirror); Harry’s speech blasted… Royal expert attacks him for not mentioning Charles or Kate (Sun on Sunday); Harry’s get well message for Royals… Sussexes ‘support’ King and Kate after health scares (Sunday People)
Fake prince…? Fake news…? Some might – with some legitimacy (a bold word in Harry’s case) plausibilty, then – put this dichotomy of message reporting down to the news print exigences of the time of going to press. But one can’t help but note that it is the lefty-leaning tabloid titles that tend to give Harry & Meghan the positive write ups – the other red top titles less so.
The sleepy mildly conservative broadsheet Telegraph might be bothered to fiddle a bit while Rome burned – it may foresee the coming disaster – exclaim woe is me – but would probably just stick the lyre away on a shelf, sit back, grumble a bit and watch from the comfy couch on the sidelines before nodding off to sleep. And then get bought out by the arabs…
The Fragile Firm How Sussexes’ vanishing act has exposed the monarchy’s weakness (Sunday Telegraph); Heseltine: UAE should not be allowed to buy Telegraph (Sunday Telegraph)
The Persuaders! was a British action comedy television series starring Tony Curtis and Roger Moore first aired in 1971
The Sunday Times does the public service bit normally reserved for our BBC: The legacy of vaccination scares: a third of under-16s at risk of measels… NHS plans new drive to persuade parents to take up jabs… – gosh, I wonder what prior NHS drive to persuade parents of the efficacy of a supposed vaccine may have backfired and had the unpleasant side effect on the public of a sharp injection of herd immunity to such public health messaging?
You push an experimental ‘vaccine’ that hardly worked for those in the parental age group – and was frankly pointless for children – and then you marvel at the fact parents are suddenly leary of the whole idea of vaccination.
Once our media find a trope that suits they tend to flog it to death. Echoes of ‘Partygate‘ still titilate the Labour-supporting Sunday Mirror this morning – and when the favourite trope can be combined with playing keepy uppy with the current big thing – the Post Office scandal story – then you’ve a playbook play pen as big as the Hillsborough Stadium and as tall as Grenfell Tower: New Horizon Outrage… Post Office chiefs partied as they fought victims
There was a time when a rather more libertine left fought for your right to party – not so much these days: Bosses danced to Pixie Lott while sub-post masters battled for justice… Boogie night Vennells was filmed singing along to Pixie – hardly the last days of Rome… but then nor was Boris awkwardly cradling his slice of fuitcake as civil servants quaffed prosecco and took turns at the karoake
Pixie Lott – there’s one for teenagers
The Sunday Times does that lefty newspaper thing of publishing a mosaic made up of multiple photos of victims on the frontpage: Today we picture just some of the sub-post masters, including some spouses… Post Office victims who didn’t live to see justice
Like the stranded on a remote island Japanese soldiers who don’t know or accept that the war ended the Guardian on Sunday that is the Observer joins with London mayor little man Khan to bash Brexit: Free our young from Brexit work and travel ban, says Khan… London mayor backs pro-Europe deal – because, presumably, prospects for housing and employment for our young in our own capital are so shite they’re gonna want and need to go off to work on the continent?
EU youth also benefit from ‘mobility’ plan (Observer) – always the open borders, eh?
One recalls one’s own offspring excitedly informing how a new girl and a new boy had joined their class at school. He was from Norway and she was from Hollland, apparently. That’s nice, what are their names? Fatima and Mohammed. Oh, really, and teacher says they are Norwegian and Dutch? Yes, that’s right.
In further night-mayoral news
The weekend Rishi lackey loyalist news sheet that is the obsequious His Master’s Voice Sunday Express provides the (metaphorical) drawing pins with which Number 10 posts its increasingly desperate PR notes to the public noticeboard: HS2 Back On Track… Rival mayors team up to breath new life into axed rail link – can trains do U-turns?
Private firms to pay bulk of bill saving taxpayers billions (Sunday Express) – and if you believe that I’ve got many a bridge, tunnels and a fast one railway to sell you. Pull the other one… it’s either got bells on… or it’s the emergency communication chord!
These ‘private firms’ doing this out of the generosity of their hearts are they? British ‘firms’ are they? Or foreign investment corporations? Can you even begin to imagine a non-public subsidised cost of a ticket from Brum to Manchester on this new HS2?
Read the small print and I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts the public purse is underwriting this project in some sense – be it a revamped version of Blairite PPF or some such mortgaging of taxpayer debt to future generations.
After all that bad news we need a lift – but the weather forecast won’t provide it: Storm Isha: All UK to be hit by rain and gusts of up to 80mph (BBC) – yes, it is winter and we do get wind and rain. Can the BBC find a new since records began superlative somewhere with which to impress us?
Well, here’s a bit of a superlative: The Met Office said it was “relatively rare” for the whole of the country to be affected by storm warnings. (BBC)
Shall we phone the Guinness Book of Records with a ‘relatively rare’ ? One suspects Roy Castle and the McWhirters (god bless ’em) would think we were taking the rise…
Speaking of which…
Nudists’ rise in members (Daily Star Sunday) – what, in this chilly weather?
‘He was from Norway and she was from Hollland, apparently. That’s nice, what are their names? Fatima and Mohammed.’
He wants to be a heavy water engineer and she a far right farmer’s wife?
Asiseeit – nice to be informed about Harry Windsor – I see he ‘lost’ a defamation case last week – complete with a £750k lawyer bill ….
The papers can’t leave the loser alone …
Watch thievery expert ‘When I told the BBC the gangs come in from overseas : Somalia and Albania, the BBC suddenly went cold on me’
quote “It wasn’t politically correct enough for them”
The start of the video explains how he was asked to help with a BBC doco
which when aired turned out to be drama show where they put his words into the mouths of actors pretending to be watch thieves.
You’d think he’d give her the helmet and flack jacket?
At least she is behind him.
20-30% of Hamas fighters have been killed?
So not everyone who died is a woman, a child, a baby, or a journalist…
But our media keeps telling us tall the dead are innocent civilians
I am shocked I tell you, shocked…
Before the photo ops, maybe they shunt the bearded blokes with guns in the mass graves, and swap them for kids who were trying to escape?
@GW, first link,
Is that the dolls house behind, delivered by Evri ?
(I had a similar experience with Evri and a framed mirror)
A happy almost BBC free day … but I heard the 0700 radio news which featured one ‘Nicky Haley ‘ – a Republican contender for the presidency – questioning the mental ability of President Trump – this featured bigly on the BBC – but wot ? No mention of the dementia suffering current false president .
Why Haley wouid want to ‘go big ‘ on this is pretty sad . Her people must be desperate to undermine President Trump – so she will demean herself or do whatever it takes to undermine him .
Tricky for the msm because if they accuse mr trump of mental issues – it’s only a step away from the dementing Joe Biden
I suppose the Obama people will use the same technique as used in the stolen election – no live press conferences – no off the cuff moments – no campaigning ….
All of the above shows the conspiracy of Obama and the msm – no one criticised bidens non appearance – and certainly not the BBC ….
No doubt if the ‘trump vote ‘ in New Hampshire is less than Iowa the MSM BBC will be screaming about failure and ‘it’s over ‘….
Seems Cameron took his begging bowl to Davos – empty suitcases capable of carrying cash … now he is off to china where there must be plenty of lucrative deals – and afterward I wonder if he’ll get on the board of Fujitsu ….
Moderator note
I see a troll has been visiting again – and although I don’t really read comments by trolls I do look for references to the BBC . There never have been any .
I have – in the past issued a warning about being deleted it there is never a BBC reference – but I haven’t acted on it .
I notice – too – that some posters have responded to the troll which must give it great comfort that its’ existence is being affirmed …
It’s a difficult one whether to respond or not.
I often do when it deserves to know some home truths about itself, but the topics it stuck it’s head out of the sewage for today were so pathetic, I think it was at least drunk but more likely been popping it’s stuff earlier in the evening and was on another downer.
It never pipes up for any of the important stuff. Which speaks volumes.
JohnC – I also become repetitive about seeking out those who can defend the BBC … or indeed talk about anything of value …
… well I found something worth listening to – currently on R4X – the story of Ian Fleming – far more to the man than jimmy bond …
IMHO this government defends the BBC eg., the continuation of the unfair, “telly tax”.
It should be funded by adverts or by subscription like the rest of the media.
Blonde moment.
Humza doesn’t speak for the wider British Muslim community, and where was Humza when Putin murdered Muslims in Syria? Where was Humza when Palestinian children where murdered by Assad.
Will some save us from this performative bullshit
Plus BBC propaganda edit.
“Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf says he believes the lives of Palestinians and Muslims are not valued as highly as others”
In Beebubble, ‘belief’ is all they need.
She actually sets up the SNP Hamas apologist for a bbc quote farm.
Defence Sec says Netanyahu’s resistance to a two state solution is ‘disappointing’ – translation of govt diplomatic language, he believes it’s wrong
Translation: blonde bbc propagandist at ‘work’ using idiot Minister.
Other hairstyles available:
“ A principal offender has been the Today programme presenter, Mishal Husain. Interviewing the Defence Secretary Grant Shapps on Monday, she unleashed a barrage of distorted and out-of-context quotes to demonise Israel as a bloodthirsty aggressor.”
Israel, Palestine and the mirage of a two-state solution
A mirage pushed onto only one side by the BBC and their brown eyed Gazan Braveheart.
It really bugs me to see that smug utterly criminally incompetent vile muslim racist on the BBC but hey this is the reason we go on and support this site.
Anything to distance him from domestic matters.
The BBC and Labour have links to folk called Williamson.
Tenuous? But that is all required… allegedly.
I agree with him. Muslims are not valued in our society. We would pay handsomely for them to be removed back to where they feel at home. They are a negative asset in accounting terms.
Money well spent on single tickets ..
Strumpet spelling Sopes.
Comrades, the hated Drumpf thinks he’s winning, despite all signs pointing to him being totally finished, like his wafer thin “win” in Iowa. This is a problem for our journalists because reasons.
Democracy is too precious to be allowed out of the care of propaganda ideologues trained by the bbc.
Grant Shapps, Yvette Cooper, Humza Yousaf, the BBC, and the hail clanjamfrie of the Establishment are all “disappointed” with Netanyahu. Shapps says the Palestinians “deserve” their own state.
Idiots, the lot of them.
What would you do with a troublesome neighbour who had been telling you for 75 years that he wanted not just to turf you out of your house but that he wanted to kill you? The last thing you would do is to say he could stay in your spare room.
The Israel/Palestinian situation is exactly like that. Shapps and our whole political class are a bunch of Polyannas who understand nothing and think there is a nice, fair, cuddly solution to every problem. Sometimes there isn’t.
Hamas Must Be Destroyed.
Apparently some coloured kidult has called for a tune to be banned from the proms . This is an excellent idea and takes that self censorship culture to a higher height .
Maybe a list of banned tunes should be composed to prevent any one being offended or upset – let me start with the ‘birdie song ‘ which often makes me thing life is not worth living when I hear it …
I wonder what the coloured kidult snowflake makes of it …
Or maybe he might like to find a better country closer to his own …’heritage ‘….
It’s very difficult to make gourds sound like a cello!
Britannia Rules the waves alludes to the British Navy’s track record of dealing with attacks from amongst others our “white” neighbours including France, Spain, Holland, Germany etc. and has absolutely nothing to do with persecuting black slaves.
It would seem that if history doesn’t comply with the idea of British oppression of black people then history must be re-engineered to make it so in order for it to be castigated.
It really makes me wonder what garbage history teachers in this Country are churning out these days!
“It really makes me wonder what garbage history teachers in this Country are churning out these days!”
It really makes me wonder what garbage history is being taught to our student teachers by lefty professors in the “yoonies “?
Yes Taffman it appears that the education system is rotten to the core now!
Sometimes stuff that the BBC ‘is told’ smacks of an over eager #prasnews intern pitching a profile wheeze to a dim minor celeb.
Cattle Weasel getting selective using Sky.
So many white Western feminists spoke out loudly in favor of women’s rights, and against (undeniable) misogyny and oppression, in Iran.
Wonder if they’ll have anything to say about this.
Wonder if Laura is a white western feminist, or one that just covers certain aspects?
Hasan was a BBC staple once. Now they have Humza.
We’ve investigated ourselves and found no problems.
Very BBC too.
In addition to self investigation, there is hooking up with trusted partners.
A sign of the time that broadcasters refuse to broadcast the speeches of people ( trump ) they do not like . They will do anything to stop him – anything ….
Is it too harsh to expect the larcenous fines to be subtracted from TfL executive remunerations after tax?
Pour encourager les autres?
What a wonderful article:
I have many fond memories of agricultural shows in Scotland and England.
Yes a lovely heart-warming read reminding us of a time when people were happy, kind easy going and none judgemental unlike nowadays.
Particularly enjoyed the section on classic cars as I had a succession of Morris Minors in my teens and twenties, starting with a black saloon which I passed my test in, followed by a “woodie” traveller that covered many Miles camping in Wales, Cornwall and Devon and finally a lovely convertible which I loved to bits and turned out to be a real babe magnet into the bargain! I’ve Had lots of differing more modern cars since but none have proved anywhere near as enjoyable or trouble free as those string of lovely moggie minors!
Mine was a green Beetle – with pedals that were pushed back, not down, and other Beetlers would give a little wave when passing. Great car, then it was a pale blue and white Herald that could turn on a sixpence, but God, the times it had to be pushed to get started.
What was it about the flamboyant, irritating young ginger that first attracted BBC producers?
The BBC claim that they did this to appeal to a more youthful audience.
BBC! Young people don’t watch these types of shows anyway, they are simply not interested, so what you have created is actually a lose, lose!
Keep it up and see your audiences continue to wither away!
From limited exposure to junior family peer groups, such ‘young people’ are possibly more appealing within the confines of a bbc green room bonding session post RuPaul’s Ceebeebies Strictly special.
Owain Wyn Evans definitely not known for ‘stopping cocks’.
Harry Krishna
Qualifications? Knocked a few back doors in!
Expect I’ll have the thought police on my case tomorrow.
BBC local news “Lincolnshire Police say speculation about their role in the Bronson Battersby child death is unhelpful”
Hang so many libmob new stories ARE speculation about the roles of non-libmob folk
It seems to be another one of those “It’s OK when we do it ”
eg the way police have banned TR from London, because they feel something MIGHT happen
I wonder if BiasedBBC will give some free PR to activists opposing Lincolnshire oil fields like Biscathrorpe ?
… TOM HEAP is just stepping up to this plate on Countryfile
but Egdon Resource man is giving strong pushback
then some local residents too”
The police service again covering itself in glory.
Do these clowns not get any training in law?
Kerry should become a bbc editor… all you need is an ‘allegation’.
Except when the footage is available for people to make their own minds up.
WPC 0502 British Transport Police – clueless – and in desperate need of training . 15 minutes of embarrassment .i watch mr Kavanagh on his YouTube site from time to time .
He regularly gives free shows at King’s Cross station new the Eurostar bit – and gets a good reception .
I glad he stood his ground here – but the film ended before she called for ‘back up ‘ so that he could be fitted up with a ‘public order offence ‘ – bail imposed not to go to King’s Cross and go away a die .
What happened to plod ?
Every day there are horrible discipline cases of various trash wearing a police uniform …
There are many different types of Chinese
The behaviour there sounds like Hong Kong Chinese
The Black Belt Barrister confirms Kavanagh was right
and that public place you do not have a reasonable right to privacy.
The YouTube has hit 1 million views …
Who writes these things ???
just bought a new iron, checking the manual out of curiosity, wish I hadn’t
such gems as
“”Do not iron clothes whilst wearing them”
“children shall not play with the appliance”
I am only surprised it does not say
“be careful if the phone rings whilst using the appliance “
GB News campaigning against Trump. What will Trump supporting Nigel make of this?
I’m truly amazed at the stupidity of those two. They are wrong on so many counts, which I don’t need to spell out on this site.
The good news: the hundreds of replies on Twitter are unanimously critical of the two clowns, as are the many more on YouTube.
Hopefully they’ll both get sacked soon.
Even worse than the GB News Twitter clip above, is the headline under the same vid on their YouTube channel:
‘US teeters on the edge of FASCISM as Trump rhetoric echoes Hitler’.
Just been watching 60 minutes of a dumbed down BBC documentary about the nuclear clock . Very blue Peter – concentrating on state produced nuclear weapons – nothing about dirty bombs or Islamic groups who would use them if they had them – I was waiting for Corbyn to pop up but curiously no politician was put up either ….just the usual CND nut jobs … Very very poor … an hour wasted ….
Didn’t say Ukraine stupidly gave up its’ nuclear weapons and got invaded …
New thread time ..( apologies for the early timing but I’m in a nicer warmer time zone )
I noticed that at 9:00pm last night we were generating 21.6GW of wind power. Now that we have storm WosErName raging all over the UK that at 8:00pm today we are only generating 17.06GW of wind power. More wind less power generated?
Clearly we need to get bBC verify on the case.
Well worth taking a look at the ‘past week’ option on the above iamkate website.
For example, not very windy last Monday was it?
Thank goodness for gas powered power stations, without which we would be dark and cold.
An inconvenient truth the BBC and ecoloons somehow fail to mention. Whereas, if there is a ‘record’ wind power day, it’s headline news.
Desantis has dropped out of the Republican racs and endorsed …. Trump …. BBC response – look over there – squirrels ….