BBC bias can be seen across their output . But it’s most clearly seen in editorial values – such as the treatment of people who are ‘disapproved ‘by the BBC . Donald Trump will feature bigly in 2024 as fear of his re election mounts . Watch ( or not ) and see ….
Start the week 22 January 2024
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Hangon Tom Heap has his advertorial for ecoloons every Sunday in Countryfile
Yet he presents The Climate Show on SkyNews too !
And Hilary Clinton
Where’s Turdeau?
– or will Castro do?
Like father, like son.
Pol Pot: Revolutionary Socialist
Stalin: Soviet Socialist
Mussolini: National Socialist
Hitler: National Socialist
Amin: Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth
Mao: Revolutionary Socialist
Castro: Revolutionary Socialist
Biden: Puppet Socialist with Dementia
Headline news in Daily Mail now: (good)
“Pianist slams ‘ludicrous’ demand from flag-waving Chinese tourists not to film them as he performed at busy London station: Musician says ‘Communists’ are trying to get his video ‘taken down’… and transport police ALSO told him not to upload it.
it raises a lot of serious issues about stupid rules, authoritarianism, and also our own British culture how we’ve got to stand up to stupidity.’ ”
Zephir – although the BBC isn’t covering this it is good that the papers are . Even more on YouTube – one site has identified the Chinese involved – the thug is based at UcL and works for the Financial Times –
I wonder how many Chinese ‘students ‘ are in the UK just to steal / but any secrets that are left . Civil servants must be pretty cheap to bribe these days ….
Not much being said about the woman plod from the transport police who needs to find a more suitable job – traffic warden perhaps …
It seems the concerns and human rights of white males in confrontations with police are bottom of the pile, just my opinion based on the last couple of years including recent protests
Now that we know there are Chinese (possibly armed) ‘Handlers’ on our streets in Londonistan here is a little list they could possibly help with:
1) Find and deal with whoever stabbed Hatun at speakers corner
2) Deliver magic ‘pills’ at high speed to the back of the neck of people selling drugs to Children
3) Take off to re-education camps islamic extremists in our capital
4) Introduce Shaghai style private schools in Londonistan – 200 UK teachers typically apply for 1 job vacancy.
5) Take all criminal invaders off our streets.
6) Stop black boys stabbing each other to death
Atlas, regarding number one on your list, I can offer some insight…
About three months after Hatun was stabbed at The Corner and her attacker escaped, I paid the old place a visit. I used to be something of a regular back in the day, but these days it seems to be wall to wall mad Muzzies screaming and hollering.
Anyway, this brave lady was back at her post. Four masked men were walking around her, getting ever closer and shouting abuse. When I say they were masked, I don’t mean that they were wearing those feeble blues things handed out for “Covid protection”. No, these were really sinister Halloween masks, that completely covered their faces. It looked really dodgy to me and went and spoke to a couple of policemen.
Honestly, these two were about as much use as Laurel and Hardy. The fat and gormless one couldn’t have been less interested. He actually turned away and watched some lads playing football. The other one was slightly keener. “You do realise she was stabbed a few weeks ago,” I explained, “and her assailant hasn’t been caught.”
With that the thinner one, reluctantly, ambled over. “I’ll keep an eye on things,” he assured me.
Perhaps if I’d said, “Quick, someone has just been misgendered…”
The Met are about as much use as in grow arse…
University College London + Financial Times?
– got a link?
Tomo – no I was looking at the comments in the YouTube thing put up by mr Kavanagh and it came up – an opposition site against the communists who had researched and identified all those involved ….
4 million views …
There is a Chinese operation at UCL apparently and that thug is a member …
Many of our Universities are infiltrated and compromised by the CCP, as well as companies and institutions.
Chinese students at Bath are v.twitchy about monitoring
UK officials probe Iran generals’ antisemitic talks to students
“..are being investigated by the Charity Commission.” – Iran’s generals must be really scarred because of the Charity Commission
The west is clueless, we import the 3rd world and expect the outcome ultimately to be great. We saw what the Palestine supporters did in london last year as they embed more into British society. For eid when Nelson column was lit up blue – we are a proud nation of our history, but slowly this is being taken away from us
Early toady
Sarah smith and our Justin sounding as though they are at a funeral talking about the prospects of nikita Haley beating president trump in New Hampshire . Thoughts and prayers … no attempt at objectivity …. The shape of 2024…. they’ll concentrate on any mistake by the Donald whilst ignoring the dementia in Biden ….
25 April 2018
Iran is promoting a domestically-produced mobile messaging app, complete with a “Death to America” emoji, in an attempt to get millions of Iranians to abandon the popular Telegram service, which it blames for promoting unrest in the country.
Among the features on new app Soroush are a series of emojis featuring a chador-clad woman clutching a picture of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, and placards wishing death to Israel, America and Freemasons.
Ukraine SITREP
Of course we need to cross-check all of these reports with google before we believe them – and it seems the last one on that site is perfectly true:
Ukraine have indeed lowered the conscription threshold to include people with disabilities such as one arm, one leg or one eye.
The BBC don’t tell you things like that.
Theresa May’s type 1 diabetes go-to was Jelly Babies
Of all the things going on the world the likes of the bbc “report” on this
Perhaps Theresa May should support Esther Rantzen:
Janet Daley on the BBC in the Telegraph – enjoy
You might have thought if you watched the heir to the throne deliver a thunderous public denunciation of the BBC over the Martin Bashir revelations – implying as he did that the Corporation’s failure of responsibility had actually played a role in his mother’s death – that this was the end. Surely no national broadcaster could come back from a condemnation by the monarchy in the person of a bereaved son.
The Corporation which had somehow managed to survive the appalling Jimmy Savile scandal would now be in such disgrace that its authority and its compulsory public funding would have to be drastically revised. Nope. What did happen was that an innocent party who had unjustly suffered career damage in the Bashir fracas was compensated to avoid any further embarrassment, and a presenter on the Today programme characterised Prince William’s furious statement as “one great British institution attacking another”.
In other words, the BBC is, in its own eyes, as fundamental to the nation’s identity as the royal family. Indeed, possibly more so since the monarchy could be seen as a relic of the past (specifically, the colonial, slave-owning past as the BBC likes to present it) while the national broadcaster is fervently dedicated to staying absolutely up to date with modern ideas and attitudes. That is the key to this. You might think when you survey the obsession with historic guilt and cultural self-abasement that dominates its programming, and particularly its digital presence, that the Corporation is shamelessly biased in favour of Left-liberal ideology.
But there is a fatal difference of opinion here over the meaning of political “impartiality”. For example, when the BBC implicitly treats that section of the population which resents mass migration simply as bigots (“far Right”) this is not, in its own terms, being partial: it is defending indisputable Virtue against Evil. It cannot actually see any legitimate scope for argument here.
The BBC is the anointed voice of enlightened social conscience. As somebody who worked as a BBC broadcaster for many years, I can assure you that what appears to be smug, arrogant political bias is truly regarded in the corridors of that extraordinarily expensive new headquarters as a sacred remit to convey the only acceptable truth.
If the occasional scandal or misrepresentation slips through, that is a minor transgression which must not be allowed to distract from the great mission of leading a benighted population into the light. The contempt for those viewers and listeners who believe that there might be two legitimate sides to some of the most contentious issues of the day is palpable. This is why the only possible response to criticisms from outside the acceptable frame of reference (which is heavily weighted toward the affluent and urban) is to reject them outright and effectively deny that any decent person could hold such views.
So the BBC will go on – and on – in its blithe contempt for vast swathes of the country and its insistence that its own voice is, not just correct, but morally necessary. This is in spite of the fact that it is alienating today’s audiences with its patronising insistence on leading public opinion rather than trying to reflect it.
Its funding model should now be seen as hopelessly out of line with modern democracy: the licence fee is not a permit to watch the BBC, it is a licence to own a television. This is rather like communist Romania where you needed a licence to own a typewriter. It should be obviously anomalous as should the social condescension and snobbery of the BBC philosophy. But nobody in power – or who hopes to be in power – is going to say that.ENDS
If I recall – Janet Daley used to feature at the token ‘right winger ‘ on the likes of Question Time – if they ever put her on again there would be an electric chair for her ….
There are many intelligent people posting on this site with significant life experience and a wide range of specialist knowledge and in depth experience on a wide range of subject matter.
No wonder they get upset, angry and frustrated by being lectured to by unqualified bbc kidults with little or no relevent qualifications or experience to pontificate and lecture the whole country as they do.
Especially those bbc staff who all live in “multiculural” cities who vastly overestimate the demography in the rest of the country with regards to minorites and allow that to temper their opinions.
An interesting take on this country I came across this morning, food for thought:
“By far the biggest single change has been the decline of both parties’ memberships. They are mere husks of what they once were, hollowed-out by a max exodus that saw 90% of members leave.
If you want to know why this matters, it affects everything:
who becomes leader
which policies are enacted
how well the government governs
A little background: in 1990, the Conservative Party still had one million members. Most of them were ‘ordinary people’. But membership fell to 172,437 by 2022. The party is just 17% of its former size.
Similarly, the Labour Party and its affiliated Trade Unions had six million members in the early 1990s. Today, the party has just 399,195 members.
What has happened is this: all the moderate members have left. This leaves only the most extreme, passionate supporters. Each party has become more and more narrow-minded and extreme. Combine this with the fact that both parties choose their leaders by a vote of the members, and it’s easy to see why things have gone so badly off the rails in the UK in recent years.
Essentially, what is happening is that both parties have been taken over by extremists, who do not reflect the preferences of the vast majority of the population. But because the leaders are chosen by these people, the policies they pursue are aimed almost exclusively at the interests of a small clique of extremists.
Whether it’s Brexit or the Rwanda policy, or schools falling down due to poor quality building materials, the result is the same. Basically, the UK is being run into the ground by special interest groups, and the ordinary people have little to no say in the matter. Needless to say, this is an absolute travesty of democracy, and the consequences have been quite clear to observe.”
Zephir – what is the source ? It is just plain wrong – the party membership has no – or little – input into what the MPs agree to – it’s why there is little between the red and blue mono party state…
But I guess the desire of the red types to take other peoples’ money remains powerful in its ‘ culture – the blue lot have learnt to do it post thatcher …
They have varying influence, labour and lib dems more than conservatives
The Conservative members were presented by their MPs with a choice off two possible leaders. They chose the “wrong” one, and she was deposed by an establishment coup within weeks.
Welcome to British democracy.
New Hampshire primary: Donald Trump and Nikki Haley to go head-to-head
Ignoring the standard BBC dirty trick of using the worst picture of Trump they can find alongside the best they have of their preferred condidate, this caught my eye as I had been researching it earlier due to suspicious BBC weasel wording in an earlier article:
‘… but because of a row between national and local party officials, Mr Biden is the first sitting president not to appear on the ballot.’
Here’s the real story you won’t get from the BBC:
‘The last time Joe Biden ran in the New Hampshire primary he didn’t stick around to see the results. ‘
‘He asked New Hampshire voters to help him flip the narrative and give him a comeback. He snarked back at critics, belittled a younger challenger and called one woman “a lying, dog-faced pony soldier” at a campaign event.’
‘Although longstanding New Hampshire law means the state has to hold the first presidential primary, Biden and the Democratic National Committee tried to change that after he became president. ‘
‘Their plans called for the first primary to be held in South Carolina, the more diverse southern state that gave Biden his first 2020 primary win and revived his White House run. Iowa was jettisoned from the first caucus slot, and New Hampshire was told it could remain an early voting state but would be moved down to sharing its primary day with Nevada. ‘
‘”It is really hard for us to continue to tell Black and Brown people that you are the core of our base, but the first two states are two of the whitest states in America,” said Michael Blake, a former DNC vice chair and Obama White House aide.’
American politics is so full of spin from either side.
Biden called a young questioner “a lying, dog-faced pony soldier”
it was clearly a joke, she was not bothered
John’s story is
Watching that video, it looks staged to me. Which would be no surpise for Biden of course considering how tightly they control all other questions he gets.
Doubt it, cos she was critical of him in a followup video
The if only edition
The flashy poundshop junior Guardian that is the ‘i’ newspaper claims the accolade of top spot in the BBC online press line-up this morning.
To borrow that notorious Mrs Merton formula, we ask: what first attracted the mid-wit climate alarmist gynaceum that is the BBC Staff – to this youth-oriented left-leaning tabloid…?
UK’s worst storms in a decade ‘will become the norm’ – so runs the ‘i’ screamer headline beneath a photo of big winter waves at a British coastal resort – judging from the tower it’s Blackpool – that’s just the sort of image reproduced by the million on Edwardian era seaside postcards: Rough Sea at Brighton; Storm at Cleethorpes; Hastings Storm View; Rough Sea Eastbourne; A Rough Sea, “The Dog Wave” Blackpool
What you have to understand about ‘woke’, our new Californian campus christened and gestated iteration of institutional leftism, is that it is a ratchet – a one way street. No woke gain is ever to be reversed, despite the Tories.
The Daily Mail’s tiny mind boggles at: Starmer wades into culture wars – on the side of woke – this reader’s only surprise is that the Blair-mentored Sir Keir said this out loud. By all means enable and promote woke quietly after you’re in power, Sir Keir – but it is a far better campaign strategy to shut up about it, for now (TM Tony Blair).
Keir Starmer was accused of ‘relentlessly politicising’ British life yesterday, as he pledged to defend organisations that go woke (Daily Mail) – you can almost hear Tony say, sure you can relentlessly politicise British life, tomorrow, Keir!
The Labour leader said the Government was engaged in a ‘weird McCarthyism’ by trying to root out ‘woke agendas’ at major institutions (Daily Mail) – if only they were, Sir Keir. If only they were! If only they had been for the last 13 or so years.
Britain and US bomb Houthis (Daily Mail); UK joins air strikes on Yemen for second time – on the subject of this shooting war – as opposed to the culture war – our piggy-eyed, personality by-pass, stuffed shirt, would-be tribune of the plebs that is Sir Keir, has nothing to say of any consequence whatever – make of that what you will.
In the colonial themed novel set in some unnamed region of Africa Heart of Darkness (1899), authored by Joseph Conrad, he relates an incident worth quoting at some length for its resonances with our latest war on the Houthis:
Once, I remember, we came upon a man-of-war anchored off the coast. There wasn’t even a shed there, and she was shelling the bush. It appears the French had one of their wars going on thereabouts. Her ensign dropped limp like a rag; the muzzles of the long six-inch guns stuck out all over the low hull; the greasy, slimy swell swung her up lazily and let her down, swaying her thin masts. In the empty immensity of earth, sky, and water, there she was, incomprehensible, firing into a continent. Pop, would go one of the six-inch guns; a small flame would dart and vanish, a little white smoke would disappear, a tiny projectile would give a feeble screech—and nothing happened. Nothing could happen. There was a touch of insanity in the proceeding, a sense of lugubrious drollery in the sight; and it was not dissipated by somebody on board assuring me earnestly there was a camp of natives—he called them enemies!—hidden out of sight somewhere.
Could we send boots on the ground in to solve this Yemen problem? No, no, no… just look how messy things have gotten in Gaza
Israeli military says 21 soldiers killed in Gaza… the deadliest day for Israeli forces since the start of their ground operation (BBC) – ‘will become the norm’ ?
The lapdog Rishi lackey mouthpiece that is the formerly united with the people of Ukrainetitle (that was when they tied a blue and yellow banner to their masthead and before that ensign went limp like rag and all went quiet about the eastern front – “You’re only singing when you’re winning” as our old football terraces chant goes) this morning pretends to be aghast: Predictable! House of Lords defies PM over Rwanda treaty (Daily Express) – if this was so predictable then why didn’t you do something about it beforehand, Rishi?
Because of course the Tories in parliament love immigration in all its forms and the Rwanda policy was and remains nothing more than a smokescreen play acting concern for the issue.
Meanwhile, as the down-market red tops concern themselves with sweary parrots and fat-busting gastric balloons on the NHS – in breaking political news: Theresa May’s type 1 diabetes go-to was Jelly Babies (BBC)
I suppose the lords will try to delay the bill until the election is called and it dies – the whole swamp – including Sunak – will be pleased with that ….pretend to be doing something …
“Stop the boats!” ?
The only thing stopping the boats and defending our nation is the weather.
Benjamin Butterbum on GBNews totally rubbished ‘i’ forever in my eyes. I will never take it seriously.
A Guardianista?
No good deed goes unpunished:
The UK has provided more than £1 billion in aid to Yemen since 2015. However, UK assistance has fallen from a peak of £260 million in 2019 to £77 million in 2022. For 2022/23, the UK has pledged £88 million compared to £87 million in 2021/22. At the UN pledging conference in February 2023, the UK was the fourth largest donor to the country, again pledging £88 million for 2023/24.
Just think how many NHS diversity managers that could pay for…
Maybe we should send them to Yemen. It would be a win-win.
NHS hires diversity managers on £77,000 a year despite ‘war on wokery’
A government review had suggested the roles should be cut back
People reached with humanitarian assistance (food aid, cash and voucher transfers) through DFID support.
Programme budget total by year approved at the Programme level to date.
Current finacial year – 2023/2024
Partner(s) Active Programmes
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 1
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) 1
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (DWCT) 1
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) 77
The Lineker and Monbiot lefty worldview that everyone trusts the BBC to be impartial, was not endorsed by 24,000 people in the Telegraph’s poll yesterday.
Looks like Monbiot has rearranged his Twitter block list – I’m not blocked anymore – it’s a disappointment.
The Islamic Hamas journo ‘meesh ‘ had a tough day defending her evil religion today – a Hamas doctor in a Hamas hospital – and better -the Hindus in India building on a mosque . She didn’t like that at all – full on popcorn as she argued with a Hindu in India…
Funny that burnt down Christian churches don’t get the same sort of attention isn’t it ?
She should be upbeat that the tally chart evened out a bit surely?
Seems many young Israelis have just lost their lives in combat with journalists, children, and Sky child journalists.
Maybe all her reliable doctors are headed here to replace the nhs shortfall?
No mention of the number of Israeli soldiers murdered by Islamic Hamas terrorists … but it looks like the IDF is gradually getting the job done …. Keep going …
Quick scan of Twitter with a fresh coffee…
didn’t take long….
Is her surname ‘Tic’?
It has always been this way …
“How do we start to decolonize science? @0:10”
1.5M views 7 years ago
I’m sure she digs a hole in her back yard whenever she needs to “use the bathroom”.
Kay rallying the girls at W1A, and the wimmin, come awards time.
“The BBC is a great British cultural institution.”
Former BBC Executive, Professor Tim Luckhurst speaks to @KayBurley on whether the BBC should be regulated by Ofcom like other broadcasters.
Tim has a significant pension to protect.
Women in power!
all available vaccines….
Former deputy chief medical officer Jonathan Van-Tam joins Moderna as clinical adviser
BMJ 2023
On BBC World Service last night, they had a lengthy programme on the apartment’s owned and occupied by Jews in Berlin leading up to the start of WW2. The reporter did not know which apartment her Grandmother had lived in but she could identify the house. There is a museum in Berlin which identifies names of people/families and attached those names to properties. All very interesting. But what the reporter revealed is the ever increasing events which almost signposted the eventual ultimate deportation of masses to their death. Innocent enough and the reporter didn’t even recognise and/or connect what she was reporting to what is slowly happening to the English element of the UK population daily in the midst of the foreign invasion and eventual takeover. For example, Hitler decided to corral the German Jews into their own ghetto. Some Jewish apartment owners were forced to take in 9/10 Jews……..
Remember this?
“Brits offered money to house Channel migrants amid record numbers and soaring hotel bills”
Eventually, forced ‘tenants’ I foresee. The writing is on the wall. Lets have a white Star of of David sprayed on schools and other buildings occupied/used by whitee. Why not?
Fall behind on council tax and …
Bankrupt a public body via colossal, repeated mismanagement and…..
No news as to how much was recovered, not much I wager. Nor how they badger someone over a penny and let those owing thousands off Scott free because it’s easier.
Fat fees and peripheral swag stolen by asshole bailiffs who all too often break the law.
In most cases it’s very easy to believe council officials and councillors think that public funds are there for their benefit / indulgence only.
Birmingham (only 40% white British) standing out again for all the wrong reasons.
First they came for free housing, free health care, freedom from oppression, the right to speak freely, and most of all for the free money, and we welcomed them and helped them because freedom, democracy, multiculturalism, and charity are good.
Then they came for our books and discarded them and, we helped them by doing nothing because they told us their books good, our books bad.
Then they came for the girl children and we helped them by ignoring it as long as we could because it was a cultural thing and we didn’t want to appear to be anti their culture, and it was only the worthless children of the white underclass who were being taken, not ours.
Then they came for the racists, and we helped them by designating Islam a race because white racism is bad and no other form exists.
Then they came for the Islamophobes, and we helped them by calling Islam a religion of peace because hatred of non-Judeo Christian religions is bad and, anyway, a phobia is an irrational fear, and as we are sublimely rational and fully understand such things. Islamophobia is obviously evil and dangerous and must be eradicated.
Then they came for the protestors, and we let them and helped them because freedom of speech, Euro-Culturalism, gender equality, racism, and Islamophobia are all bad things from our past and must be done away with so that there will be peace and harmony and nice times for all in one big, happy family.
But we were wrong, how wrong we were! Now they have come for us because Islam is in reality a nihilistic, primitive, misogynous, totalitarian political system that tolerates neither deviation nor dissent, and we are just not nihilistic, primitive, misogynous, and totalitarian enough for their requirements.
Organisers said the protest was part of a global day of action in 30 countries.
More than 1,700 police officers were on duty to manage the march from London’s commercial centre to Westminster.
Six people have been arrested for a range of alleged offences, the Metropolitan Police said.
As we all know now, the police are there to stop others antagonising the Muslim protestors – who are allowed to do whatever they like (as were the BLM protestors).
Because they get very, very angry and violent if you try to stop them.
Keir Starmer: It’s wrong to say ‘only women have a cervix’
Starmer is a prat
There’s no end to what clever people in academia find out?
“A study says”
Living causes 100% of all deaths.
To stop these deaths the Gov intend to stop living!
Does the study take into account the amount of food that is imported in the carbon footprint? Do we fully know the “conventional agricultural practices” carried out such as using CO2 in glass houses which might bump up the carbon footprint a tad. I tire of all these shallow journalist who quote stuff without looking into the details on both sides of an argument.
Typical indigenous UK resident 2030 (without the roast chicken of course)
looks like the “researchers” found some funds and are now looking for more….
Another study
Indian man to sue parents for giving birth to him
7 February 2019
The people who write this sort of nonsense don’t understand the values of allotments and home gardening, so they fiddle around with spurious statistics until they can find an ‘answer’ which suits their agenda!
Gardeners aren’t driving their cars to shops. They usually walk to their plots.
Allotment holders are protecting the ‘environment’ by recycling waste greenery’
Doctors are released from the obesity of lazy people who always buy junk food – home-grown vegetables are better than crap from Morocco.
Lorries full of said crap from Spain don’t pollute allotments, but they pollute everywhere else (hopefully France).
Plane-loads of out-of-season crap from South Africa isn’t considered or ever grown on allotments.
Islington imports 98% of all its food.
Prats writing this drivel usually go to restaurants or fast-sandwich joints and pay huge sums for dreadful grub, but think it’s nice.
Most seeds for growing vegetables in the UK are produced here, not in Somalia.
The substances (sometimes called spices), in foreign food are flown in from shitholes like India, China, Pakistan etc.
Foreigners don’t understand proper British cuisine, they prefer the slop they get from wherever they’ve come from’
Not many British people like yams or similar foreign stuff.
(To be continued)…
I’d not considered this before – but, yes …
“t’aint rite” as we say in the West Country
That is a very good point ..
HA HA HA! Who will police the police.
Wow! I’ve not seen this US response at Davos where an apparatchik is properly put in his place and told real truth as it is.
This is what any centre right British party should be like with interviewers instead of the cowardly lambs to the slaughter which they are.
Excellent !
I feel Tice going to Ukraine is a misjudged lambs to the slaughterhouse thing which will lose a lot of votes…
Beware of the ‘elensky curse. Lots of politicians get politically screwed after shaking his hands or worse, hugging him.
Kevin Roberts own tweet of his speech
He added
The hypocritical elite, private-jet environmentalists,
and genocide-adjacent humanitarians at #WEF24
wanted @Heritage’s advice on “rebuilding trust” with everyday Americans.
PJW tweeted the longer version
Session name : What to Expect from a Possible Republican Administration? DAVOS discussion.
Speakers: Walter Russell Mead, Sir Robin Niblett, Rob Portman, Kevin Roberts, Gerard Baker*, Allison Schrager
* Baker with a BBC voice asked a gotcha question , but Trump won’t accept if he loses ?
Cue all their refugees “fleeing war” to flee to the UK now.
When the fighting age male imports kick off when their welfare is cut…
Nah!! Thats a ruse. The Government just wants the newcomers to exercise their dual passport to flee Sweden. Why not? Worth a try, no ECHR, nothing.
An alternative for Aunty on TALKTV
— With news that 130 people are being prosecuted every day for not paying the BBC licence fee, our digital campaign manager, Joe Ventre, spoke to TalkTV, explaining that there is an alternative to the hated TV tax…
Joe told viewers: “What we would like to see is a complete reform of the system that jettisons the licence fee altogether – A really slimmed down BBC which retains those core BBC services that we all know… Here we are in the 2020s still clinging on to this archaic system.”
“130 people are being prosecuted every day” – BBC report that Islamists are under represented in this 130 figure.
The bBC is worse than cancer. Because of this – like cigarettes – every bBC ‘package’ should have a clear ‘Health Warning’ wrapper.
Take DVDs for example, there is no warning on the wrapper that the contents contain offensive inner bBC material. You only find this out when you open the package, having already bought the DVD.
Even worse are films at the cinema. Would I like to go and see a film about a man who rescues Jewish children from Prague – says the Missus. Only for me to bring up my dinner when the films starts with HUGE letters B*C on the screen. Imagine my distress!
bBC content needs to be treated even more seriously than pornography.
P.S The film was quite good IMHO. So they can make a good program when they want to ‘cept they choose not to.
I don’t see why we don’t do what everyone seems to be doing with cars now.
A lease arrangment where we can take the bbc for a week until there is a brick through the screen and then cancel.
And obviously, like choosing a car we can pick and choose options such as….colour….
or no sniggering Naga Munchetty in the mornings, real name Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah.
Or the popular Lineker free option.
Especially since human parasites are quite a taboo subject…
Must have been speaking to the UK MoD then.
EU state could let foreigners serve in armed forces – media.
German efforts to boost the Bundeswehr have been hampered by sluggish recruitment rates
The culture wars were not forged by the right. This bogus bemusement ignores the reality of how millions of Britons feel their values have been upended, their traditions subverted and history trashed.
Certainly the faux right political side is handing the faux left globalist side all the ammunition to pretend whatever they like, under guise of an idiot minister giving idiot media all they need too.
Chris Bryant and the BBC in perfect harmony.
It feels like today’s Tories don’t really like the UK, when one minister says the BBC is biased because that’s the perception but can advance no evidence and another thinks it’s biased because a satirical news programme was satirical about the news.
The whole media-political state is a social media insane asylum.
A policy like this in Britain would only apply to the white indigenous population, the illegals would get a free pass.
The independent review into
the application of sharia law
in England and Wales
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
by Command of Her Majesty
February 2018
Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf
Marky – beyond belief – look at the membership – which included Mohammed the false prophet – chaired by a BBC favourite – moaning sadiqui -….. must be a dame or peer by now ,……
Lost country …
Qari Muhammad Asim MBE
Qari Muhammad Asim MBE is a senior Imam at Leeds’ Makkah
mosque and a senior lawyer at a global law firm, DLA Piper. He is an
independent member of the Government’s Anti-Muslim Hatred working
group. Qari is senior editor of ImamsOnline and an executive member
of a number of national Muslim and inter-faith organisations including
British Muslim Forum, Christian Muslim Forum and Joseph Interfaith
Foundation’s Imams & Rabbis Council. He is a blogger and community
activist who has campaigned against issues such as extremism,
domestic violence, forced marriages, honour-killing and child abuse in
faith institutions. He is a trustee of a number of charitable organisations
including British Future.
Imam Sayed Ali Abbas Razawi
Imam Razawi is a theologian and Director General of the Scottish Ahlul
Bayt Society. He is an ambassador for ‘Glasgow The Caring City” and
partners with the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS).
Internationally he is a member of the global sustainability network with
a specific focus on point 8.7 of the UNDP. He is also a member of the
network for religious and traditional peacemakers and partners with UN
agencies for the prevention of genocide.
Mona Siddiqui OBE (Chair)
Mona Siddiqui, OBE, Professor of Islamic and Interreligious Studies
at the Divinity School, University of Edinburgh. She is a regular
commentator in the media and chairs the BBC’s Scottish Religious
Advisory Committee. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and an internationally renowned speaker on religion and ethics
I posted this yesterday, quite a length piece too.
Nottingham attacks: Court accepts triple killer’s guilty plea
Valdo Calocane denied murder
A blackman, maybe the bbc could do a report saying this is racist?
“Calocane’s barrister Peter Joyce KC told a previous hearing the defendant ‘does not dispute the physical facts of the prosecution’s case’ but was suffering from ‘extreme’ mental illness at the time of the incident.”
New categories of mental illness incoming.
1. According to the Macpherson report: ‘The definition of a “racist incident” will now include incidents categorised in policing terms both as crimes and non-crimes. It will now encompass “any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person”.’
I am any other person and I perceive this crime to be a racist incident. As such, I call for the accused to be charged with racially motivated murder.
2. It is reported that the killer was born in Guineau-Bissau and came to Britain at the age of 16 in 2007 (although not by the BBC it isn’t). We are told that he was suffering from ‘extreme mental illness’. Mental illness can affect anyone of course, but seems to disproptionately affect certain ethnic minorities (no guessing!) and express itself in random stabbing sprees. So shouldn’t such propensities be taken into account when determining who is allowed to live in our country?
Diced N’ Sliced by so much criminal law, any bodily movement is likely to now trigger arrest. Breathing next. Fortunately when it all ‘hits the fan’ those rising up will not give a thought about the legislation designed to restrain them. Hopefully, that will extend to stringing up some people. Let’s call it, ‘a Ceaușescu moment’. The numerically superior ‘people’ will have their way. Always the same eventually.
Bet their cost per viewer hour is way less than bloated BBC’s
➤ Gary Lineker – £1,350,000-£1,354,999
Match of the Day, Premier League, FA Cup, World Cup 2022, Sports Personality of the Year
2021/2022: £1,350,000-£1,354,999
2020/2021: £1,360,000-£1,364,999
➤ Zoe Ball – £980,000-£984,999
Radio 2’s Zoe Ball Breakfast Show, Radio 2 Terry Wogan Tribute
2021/2022: £980,000-£984,999
2020/2021: £1,130,000-£1,134,999
▼ Alan Shearer – £445,000-£449,999
Match of the Day: Premier League, FA Cup and World Cup 2022
2021/2022: £450,000-£454,999
2020/2021: £390,000-£394,999
▲ Huw Edwards – £435,000-£439,999
News at Six and News at Ten, News Channel and news specials
2021/2022: £410,000-£414,999
2020/2021: £425,000-£429,999
▼ Stephen Nolan – £400,000-£404,999
The Nolan Show on Radio Ulster, Nolan Live on BBC One (Northern Ireland), The Stephen Nolan Show on 5 Live
2021/2022: £415,000-£419,999
2020/2021: £405,000-£409,999
▼ Fiona Bruce – £395,000-£399,999
Question Time and presenting on BBC One
2021/2022: £410,000-£414,999
2020/2021: £405,000-£409,999
▲ Greg James – £395,000- £399,999
Radio 1 Breakfast Show, Radio 4’s Rewinder, Radio 1 Big Weekend
2021/2022: £390,000-£394,999
2020/2021: £310,000-£314,999
▲ Ken Bruce – £390,000 – £394,399
Radio 2’s mid morning Show, Eurovision Song Contest, PopMaster Special
2021/2022: £385,000-£389,999
2020/2021: £365,000-£369,999
▲ Lauren Laverne – £390,000 – £394,999
BBC 6 Music Breakfast Show, Radio 4’s Desert Island Discs
2021/2022: £380,000-£384,999
2020/2021: £395,000-£399,999
▲ Sophie Raworth – £365,000 – £369,999
BBC News at Six, BBC News at Ten, Sunday morning politics show, TV documentaries
2021/2022: £305,000-£309,999
2020/2021: £280,000-£284,999
▼ Steve Wright – £360,000-£364,999
Radio 2’s Steve Wright in the Afternoon and Steve Wright’s Sunday Love Songs
2021/2022: £450,000-£454,999
2020/2021: £465,000-£469,999
Where’s he been then ? It’s been known from the start that it’s been a dad and daughter outfit, started in their garden shed I believe
It’s Guardianland’s BBC
World at one – poverty –
Lady Brooke interviews disabled unemployed single mother with three offspring ?
Apparently the lady is poor as she lives on benefits – other peoples ‘ money .
Where are the fathers of the 3 kids ?
Why did you have 3 kids if you can’t afford them ?
Where is the rest of the family ( grandparents ) who should help
The above 3 questions were not asked and never will be …. And if you don’t like my attitude – tough . I pay a lot of tax – I’d like to have a view about who lives off them …
Exactly Fed.
Why should Senora O’Blene and I pay tax on pensions we saved up for over forty years, to let these parasites live off the state because they’re thick, lazy and they’ve shagged around all their miserable lives?
I really could use the several hundred pounds I pay to this useless government for their useless immigration ‘policies’, and to see these wasters on our books gets me up on my hind legs!
Reform is the next step, and I think we’ve got a candidate in Tunbridge Wells!
Fantastic news!
Hello Scroblene – I suppose whatever regime comes in next will push the state pension age up another year or two – on top of what is already planned – it’s easy money for the tax man and they’d rather older people disappear anyway ….
I really cannot see the current benefits / sick regime holding up . The unemployed – lazy – have been reclassified as ‘disabled ‘,-7 or 8 million I think – and moan the loudest – along with their charity industry …
Sooner or later the bond market is going to want higher rates of return – on top of the growing interest payment . Today was a good day – apparently because the blue labour lot only borrowed 8 Eight – billion in December – which was lower that the year of year …. 8000 000 000 in one month …..
Now they are moaning about energy bills again – put another jumper on ….
News Quiz tribe are all over Twitter sneering at a minister for daring to mention that their prog is super lefty
US migration news:
“Supreme Court allows Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire Texas installed at Mexico border. The court weighed in on a dispute between the Biden administration and Republican Gov. Greg Abbott, who installed the wire in an effort to prevent illegal border crossings.”
The invasion continues. Meanwhile a new film is out this year:
How many cervices can you spot in that picture?
Three – five – several?
Piggy, open those slitty eyes, and find out – maybe?
Eat out to help Rishi out with UK Debt!
A hotel owner has been jailed for fraudulently claiming thousands of pounds from Government schemes to help businesses survive the Covid crisis. Shahid Naseeb Ahmed, 42, tried to falsely claim around £138,840 from the Government’s Eat Out To Help Out Scheme (EOTHO) and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS).10 Nov 2023
History Debunked saying there is a lot of diversion going on
Who is to blame when people commit awful crimes?
The criminal?
Or the government and police?
A police spokesperson states:
“This is a very sad and tragic incident and our hearts go out to those affected by it. Unfortunately, we have limited resources and money and need to target our efforts accordingly. For instance, shortly after 14 December we received unsubstantiated reports of a person possibly being misgendered on Twitter in 2017 and all our officers had to work on that for the next month. I am pleased to say that no such misgendering took place, but I urge the public to stay vigilant. I am also pleased to announce that following a recommendation to the College of Policing by Stonewall, we shall be hiring 20 new Diversity officers during 2024, in addition to our support to the Climate Change & Policing Group and our new team to support the Metropolitan Police’s War Crimes Investigations Group.”
I needed a chuckle…
It would be glorious to see 20 cubic metres of well aged pigshit hosed over the woke Met.
Chinese and Russian spys must be laughing their socks off….Bidens open border, the primary role of government is to protect its people not allow any Tom, Dick and Harry to just bloody walk in….
“Growing Numbers of Chinese Migrants Are Crossing the Southern Border
More than 24,000 Chinese citizens have been apprehended crossing into the United States from Mexico in the past year. That is more than in the preceding 10 years combined.”
“The ‘walking route’: How an underground industry is helping migrants flee China for the US”
“America’s southern border has become a global crossroads
More migrants are arriving from China, India and Russia. Why?”
Elephant in the room …
was used in a popular tweet on Nov 20th
also @RepMattGaetz Jul 24, 2022
MTG in Dec 2021
oh and on a smaller scale from at least JUly 2021
According to the DT, “The Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer struggled to give specific evidence of BBC bias when she was questioned on Monday about new Government regulatory requirements…”
Well, more fool her for going in unprepared. She should have had a whole dossier of evidence at her fingertips!
Unable to provide hard facts, she then fell back on a feeble: ‘the BBC is a “fantastic public institution”, but there is “a perception of bias among audiences”‘… bla bla.
No, it is NOT a fantastic public institution and NO, the problem is not “perception” but facts.
Anyone wanting to tackle the BBC needs to be a bruiser with balls of steel. Our Cambridge-educated Lucy looks and sounds like a people-pleaser; part of the very same Establishment (some might say Swamp) as the BBC.
Blue labour air head about to lose her seat …
BBC Radio 5 Live, Wednesday 3 January 2018
During a phone-in on the programme a contributor, Danielle Tiplady was introduced as a staff nurse. We should have established and made clear on air that she was a political activist.
HA HA HA HA! They don’t want to criticise the BBC!
FROM 2018 ….
Dear BBC £3.5 billion paid under threat of prison complaints department,
Could you revisit the 2009 UK MP expenses again, I would not like to find out that MPs like Tony Blair have ran to the shredder prior to your investigations.
Here are some details, can you use Journalists who are avoiding the BBC Gary ‘£1.75m’ Lineker Pay Gap and see why an MP on £77K salary tops up their money with a job giving them £65K extra a year.
Maybe find other MPs on such amazing schemes and why they are getting free tickets to concerts when they have so much cash sloshing around in their MP expenses accounts.
Chuka Umunna MP, Streatham (tax payer pays him £77K per year) is being paid £65,040 a year Advisory Position at Global Progress (London) Ltd …
1) Look into what he produces for £65K a year.
2) Look at who owns the company and other players – Tony Blair is linked to it.
3) Find other MPs doing the same.
4) Ensure they are paying taxes on the extra money.
5) Maybe interview them and ask some questions rather than how they feel today?
For a head start you can find the details on :
Good luck and let me know how you get on,
Mr. M. H
p.s. I also see that MPs claim their MP Office BBC TV Licenses Tax on their expenses, thus the UK tax payer has to pay their own TV License and their MP’s TV License. Might want to consider stopping this for the 650 MPs.
Off topic I know but this just released, songs we all know but in amazing Imax….
TWatO Watch #1 – no poverty for BBC presenters so no pertinent questions asked …..
The Rowntree Foundation have examined the poverty gap in the UK and found that is wider than at any time in the past twenty years. Sarah Montague interviewed an unemployed disabled woman living on State Benefits. The woman had three children, only one of which was living with her. Sarah did not ask ‘Christine’ what ages were the children, whether her two boys were of working age or whether their father was working and contributing to the family or if separated from ‘Christine’ was paying maintainance for his children.
The BBC will routinely claim on air that taxes are at their highest level for 70 years (although I seem to recall that they were higher in the mid-1980s) and there is a good reason for those high taxes: Unemployment Benefits for an ever increasing population in the UK.
JRRT Board diversity audit
JRRT is committed to transparency and improving the diversity of our Board. Our current Board is constituted as follows:
Gender: Female 60%; Male 40%
Ethnicity: White: English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British 90%; White: Any other White background 10%
Disability: Yes 20%; No 80%
Age: 25-34 20%; 35-44 40%; 55-64 10%; 65+ 30%
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual/straight 90%; Bisexual 10%
Destitution in the UK 2023
This study, the fourth in the Destitution in the UK series, reveals approximately 3.8 million people experienced destitution in 2022, including around one million children. This is almost two-and-a-half times the number of people in 2017, and nearly triple the number of children. There is an urgent need for action to tackle destitution in the UK.
Frank Soodeen
Director of Communications and Public Engagement
You echo my post about this . Welfare was never meant to be a ‘life style ‘ it was meant to be a safety net before people get back to earning their keep …
Welfare dependency is the ideal for the BBC – I hate it . I’d like to know what disability this lady had to stop her from earning her keep – I guessed ‘mental ‘ which is the easiest one to get signed off ….
And as I said before – no mention of daddy x3 paying for their kids – that s the taxpayers’ job it seems …
Apologies, Fed. I had just come in from voluntary work at church and switched on TWatO. Was so exercised by this faulty interview by the Montacutie that I hadn’t read all the posts before posting mine. I had to spend a statutory period unemployed before taking ‘Maggie’s Shilling’ (a.k.a. Enterprise Allowance) in order to start my own business. I hated it. I also hated attending the mandatory lectures where the tutors told us endlessly about how well they were doing out of ‘the scheme’.
No apol needed at all – your post made me feel less hard about the view i took – being as i am – an extreme right winger in the tebbit mould
I think I’m becoming more ‘conservative’; not yet a big ‘C’ Conservative but I’m heading there. Good cartoon of Starmer by Blower in the DT today. You can see it here:
Couldn’t Sarah have spoken to the three fathers to find out the ages of the children?
Ian, she could have asked the mother. She should have done. And asked about the father, too, or maybe ‘the fathers’ plural, as you suggest.
I suspect we were had big time by that defective interview.
Do you think the BBC is biased?
The Govt says it is – with some interesting examples…
Tell us your thoughts here
#KayBurley FC
Looks like the Ministerial sacrifice was in vain.
This could be fun. You need to write to her club, apparently.
Looks like Vile’s ratings are slumping.
His other chum Dr. Shola has of course chimed in.
“The Right: Black people need to stop going on about slavery. It’s not relevant today.
Black people: Well could you stop singing about it?
The Right: HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! Songs from the Slave Trade era, about slavery, are essential to British identity! RULE BRITANNIA ! 😡
2:53 pm · 23 Jan 2024
I forgot to add that #CCBGB with a community note surely on the horizon.
Also noticing the more desperate he gets the more his Tourette’s kicks in.
Perfect Vile material.
Remain campaigner strips off in pouring rain to encourage people to register to vote
Kay still has a job? why ?
” This article is more than 2 years old
Kay Burley says she was an ‘idiot’ for breach of Covid rules last year”
Well, the use of US/UK shelling Yemen? As many have pointed out, the Saudi’s have been doing that for 11years with no finality /effect. Their cult has no fear of death when the West challenge Mo’s disciples. Just think ‘Virgins’ and off you go.
I hope the Houthis initiate their likely plan. What’s that? Well, rising up of their followers in the UK: ‘Gaza ++’ The new citizens who arrived with Government blessing (and money) and still are “Welcome Refugees!”. If that takes place, it will be a Northern Ireland all over again with no chance of a so-called, “Good Friday Agreement”. Mo’s don’t want any agreement with Crusaders.