BBC bias can be seen across their output . But it’s most clearly seen in editorial values – such as the treatment of people who are ‘disapproved ‘by the BBC . Donald Trump will feature bigly in 2024 as fear of his re election mounts . Watch ( or not ) and see ….
Start the week 22 January 2024
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The ‘Brendan’ piano at St Pancras has been cordoned off and guarded by two stasi officers:
The piano was donated by Elton John to St Pancras station. Elton’s signature is on the piano.
I guess the bBC can not cover this story as it would upset their marxist paymasters.
Dr K Vs. The Chinese Communists – Interview On TalkTV
No idea what he’s on about, some Chinese incident…
I love the smell of enrichment in the morning.
Notice the BBC make the story about the victim, not the killer, thereby obviating the need to show his photo on the front page of their webshite, but only way down in Regions, and only way down the page.
It took the disgusting BBC nearly 5 minutes of reporting on the 6 pm news to show this picture .
He was of course non-British but with ‘settled status’.
Another triumph of open door immigration which shows the Border Farce at its finest.,
Air strikes on the Houthis seem to be having only limited effect so far. Since Biggles, Albert Ball, Douglas Bader, Guy Gibson and Arthur “Bomber” Harris are no longer with us, can anyone suggest a Living Legend of Aviation we could call on for advice?
Richard Branson and the RyanAir chappie always seem available to offer thoughts.
I know just the man: comes armed with a blue todger, locked and loaded.
You could try Harry ‘Windsor’, as he’s supposed to be someone with some sort of yank medal…
Breaking: Hamas refuses Israel’s offer for a 2-month ceasefire in Gaza in exchange for the release of all hostages.
Seems newsworthy.
Or for that matter Bowen, Lies, etc, and all those inspired students at Sundance they reach?
GW, Gullibles Travails at the BBC. The BBC believe what Hamas tell them without question. Meanwhile, the BBC question Mark Regev and any other spokesperson for the Israel Government or IDF rigourously, interruptingly and disbelievingly. I think Marianna Spring should be sent to Gaza to verify.
I have just listened to “Sniggering”evan Davies, on the BBC P.M. programme (I tune in for the headlines, to hear what the BBC put front of house and which subjects never get a mention).
What I find interesting is the attitude of this person to the Scottish Covid enquiry revelations, no outrage at the SNP s tactics to seemingly cover up their infringement of the Covid rules and the lies and advice on rule bending. Let alone the deleting of all those messages.
How very different to the coverage of Boris and Cummings and all the”” how shocking etc, etc,hysteria”. Far from it , just one of those things , huh.
But rest assured this has no bearing on bbc impartiality.
The BBC is to Restore “Trust”
The BBC lead “Trusted News Initiative” is to help the World Economic Forum to restore trust in the governments of the World.
More than sixty heads of state from around the world flew in to Davos to blather about why they deserve more trust and deference from the people they plunder and oppress.
The WEF seeks to “restore trust,” by “crushing dissent”. The WEF has proclaiming that the greatest peril humanity now faces is “misinformation, disinformation and malinformation.”
The WEF’s latest Global Risks Report warns, “Some governments and platforms…may fail to act to effectively curb falsified information and harmful content, making the definition of ‘truth’ increasingly contentious across societies.” In other words, governments must suppress “falsified” information to save truth.
The WEF presumes governments are founts of truth and anyone who manages to capture political power with a gun or a ballot automatically becomes trustworthy and deserves deference.
People who make money from farming or fishing are as guilty as people committing “mass murder and genocide.” So the elites will try to stop farmers from farming and fishermen from fishing, so that by the year 2030 they will own nothing and be happy.
Trust will also be restored using digital identification, Central Bank digital currencies and vaccine passports for global bio-security and happiness.
The role of the BBC is to force “Trust” using “Propaganda and Censorship” and manufacture “truth” in the Newspeak sense of the word, and to ban Comedians and Cartoonists who mock important people in authority on social media.
People must understand that the BBC & the World Economic Forum are irredeemably benevolent and the two most important fountains of “Truth”.
Well, well, it seems one of the cute Chinese ‘piano’ girls hobnobs with some top politicians.
Honey trap?
Maybe that’s why they were so touchy about being filmed.
Rough rule of thumb: assume any Chinese working, studying or even just visiting our shores has some sort of connection with the CCP. After all, it owns or controls practically everything in China and, increasingly, abroad.
(P.S. Doesn’t Hunt look pleased with himself?)
Awful Chinese spies
hunt would appear to be quite keen on the old oriental poontang
Another one from the telegraph – this time it is by Danny cohen – a former BBC boy – we can assume he won’t be collecting any BBC pension when the time comes
When do individual errors add up to something more? When do “mistakes” become a clear pattern of institutional bias? These are questions the BBC must answer when it comes to its reporting of Israel’s conflict with the terrorist group Hamas. They are questions that are occupying the Government too, with both Rishi Sunak and Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer commenting on BBC “bias” this week.
We all know mistakes happen, particularly in large institutions. But when they keep happening, they reveal something more. They tell us that the BBC is being undermined in its duty to impartiality by institutional bias, anti-Israel sentiment and, in some cases, racism against Jews.
Since the pogrom in Israel on October 7, the Jewish community has been shocked by the number of times the BBC has made reporting “errors” and breached its obligations to impartiality when it comes to Israel.
So is the BBC just unlucky that this keeps happening? The answer is no. The sheer volume of these incidents instead tells us something highly significant about institutional bias at the corporation and its management’s failure to get to grips with it.
If you are in any doubt that there is a problem, here are 10 examples of BBC bias and breaches of impartiality since the Hamas attacks on Israel in October. Each is serious in its own right. Collectively, they form an undeniable and frankly scandalous charge sheet.
October 7: The BBC refuses to describe the massacre of children, the rape and sexual mutilation of women, the mass murder of young people at the Nova music festival, and the taking of hostages, including babies and Holocaust survivors, as a “terrorist attack”. This is despite this language being used on multiple previous occasions in BBC reporting of terrorist attacks not related to Israel.
October 17: A BBC News reporter blames Israel for a rocket attack on a hospital in Gaza before any evidence emerges to prove this was the case. It is quickly established that the rocket was fired by terrorists from within Gaza.
October 30: The BBC’s reporting of a mob attack on Jews in Dagestan describes the incident as simply “anti-Israel”. The fact that the mob had chanted “We are here for the Jews … We came to kill them with knives and shoot at them” did not appear to qualify as a clear enough statement of racist intent to be reported as such.
October: The BBC’s diplomatic correspondent, Caroline Hawley, uses social media to repost messages and photographs from Gaza without context or any apparent attempt at basic journalistic verification. Her online feed barely mentions the October 7 massacres or the plight of the Israeli hostages held by Hamas.
October: The BBC’s Arabic Service fails to maintain standards of impartiality in its reporting of the Israel-Hamas war. Among those failing to meet these standards is BBC reporter Rami Ruhayem who blames “Western media for being complicit in Israel’s attack”.
October: Presenters working for the BBC Asian Network use social media to accuse Israel of genocide, ethnic cleansing and war crimes. To make matters worse, senior BBC managers are warned about these posts but they remain online until being highlighted by this newspaper. Why the posts were not removed earlier is a question that has not been answered.
November 14: A BBC executive responsible for the flagship documentary strand Storyville lends warm public support to a Palestinian film-maker after he makes an anti-Israel speech that includes genocidal statements. The BBC’s kneejerk response is to defend its reputation and excuse its executive’s behaviour. One Jewish employee of the BBC has since commented: “Working at the BBC at the moment is soul-destroying. It is a very hostile and difficult environment.”
November 15: A BBC newsreader twice claims that Israeli forces were “targeting medical teams and Arab speakers” at Gaza’s largest hospital. This was a gross distortion of the facts, apparently based on the BBC’s misinterpretation of a Reuters’ report.
December 24: The BBC reports unverified claims by Hamas that the Israeli army was carrying out “summary executions” of Palestinians in Gaza. The report is aired six times on BBC Radio 4 and the BBC World Service before being pulled. It takes over two weeks for the BBC to acknowledge that what it had reported was not true.
January 13: The BBC’s highest-paid presenter, Gary Lineker, having shared material on social media that accuses Israel of genocide, reposts a call for the racist boycotting of Israel. It clearly breaches the BBC’s social-media guidelines, but BBC leaders claim Lineker’s latest output was a “mistake”.
In all honesty, can the BBC’s senior management look at a list this long, with this many egregious issues and not admit they face a serious problem? Far harder but absolutely necessary is for the BBC to confront the institutional bias and anti-Semitism that has become evident in the corporation and take meaningful steps to address it. It is a mission it cannot afford to fail. ENDS
Robin Aitken – another ex bbc. Bod – in the DT
The Department of Media Culture and Sport this week unveiled its mid-term review of the BBC Charter and to call it a “damp squib” would be dangerously overselling it. There is nothing – absolutely zilch – in these proposals that will do anything to ensure that people who complain about bias at the BBC will get satisfaction. Instead, the review will reinforce a cosy internal mechanism which is all about protecting the BBC’s reputation; after this, the Corporation can confidently proceed according to its own ideological lights without bothering about complaints.
Critics of the BBC, like myself, have been waiting a long time for this review; it was supposed to be published last May. What I, and others, had hoped for was that complaints about bias in BBC coverage would be scrutinised by an independent panel, standing completely outside the Corporation and who would bring a genuinely independent viewpoint to proceedings. But what has limped out of the DCMS is the feeblest of remedies amounting to this: the BBC board will now be “legally obliged to oversee the complaints procedure” (whatever that means) and Ofcom will now have oversight of the BBC’s online offerings and its social media channels.
Big deal. The BBC could hardly have wished for a better outcome. Once again a Conservative government has sold the pass in a way which will ensure that the BBC remains true to its left-liberal worldview, untroubled by a complaints procedure with teeth.
Last spring, in anticipation of the review being published, I wrote in these pages a detailed analysis of a complaint of my own about the BBC’s political bias leading up to the 2019 General Election. I will not again rehearse the details (much too tedious!) but suffice it to say that the BBC and Ofcom sat on that complaint for nearly four years before, in the end, dismissing it on the technical grounds that it had been submitted a few days late. My complaint was based on meticulous monitoring of the main BBC news outlets in the pre-election period. The resulting statistics clearly indicated a striking bias against Brexit (and hence against the Tories then under the leadership of Boris Johnson).
There are a couple of important things to note about this episode. Firstly Ofcom was involved then – and proved singularly toothless by spinelessly agreeing to the BBC’s objections. The substance of my complaint was never formally considered. Secondly, mine was a complaint about systemic bias. This was not a one-off complaint – for example when someone complains about foul language (the BBC is sometimes content to rule against itself in such matters) – this was about an underlying, consistent and persistent political bias across many programmes across many weeks. The BBC said it did not accept complaints of that type; under the new rules, it still won’t. If this is a step forward I fail to see how.
It is quite possible – as the organisation News-Watch UK has demonstrated – to take BBC output over a period of time and subject it to proper analysis. At its very simplest this might mean that on any given subject you count-up the minutes given to the “pro” and ‘anti’ sides and see if each gets a fair hearing. If you do this on any number of subjects – Brexit, climate change, Black Lives Matter, Donald Trump, etc – you will find that BBC coverage comes nowhere near the 50/50 division which ought to be the goal of “impartiality”. Instead, the Corporation always lines up with whatever “progressive” politics dictates. So it is anti-Brexit, pro-climate change catastrophism, pro-BLM and anti-Trump.
Does any of this matter? Some sophisticates argue that as the BBC has always been Left-leaning; this is just a fact of national life which we have accommodated ourselves to. Even if the BBC is biased, they say, it hasn’t stopped the country voting Tory. That is true, but it misses the crucial point which is – as Dominic Cummings rightly identified 20 years ago – the BBC stands opposed to everything that real Conservatives believe. Cummings set reform of the BBC as one of the important goals for any Conservative administration and here we are, coming to the end of a long period when Tories have been in government, and absolutely nothing has been done to challenge the BBC’s outrageous ideological unfairness.
The BBC is important because it conditions our entire political discourse. It has groomed the nation, over a period of many decades, to accept its priorities regardless of what ordinary citizens may feel and think. Our politicians have proved themselves abject in the face of BBC disapproval and are all too eager to dance to its tune. The Corporation has foisted on the country progressive notions about feminism, sexuality, gender, race and a host of other important topics. In doing so it has explicitly failed to live up to its creed of impartiality; the BBC’s idea of impartiality is fake and phony and now another Tory administration has failed to bring it to book.
In my piece last spring I wrote: “…this mid-term review is the last chance a Tory government will have to impose meaningful reform on the Corporation. We’ve had Tories in government for 13 years now and the BBC sails on, completely unreformed, completely opposed to everything conservatives think important and hold dear. What a missed opportunity it will be if the Tories end their period in office having done nothing significant to remedy the long-standing scandal of political bias at our National Broadcaster which so brazenly advances the cause of the progressive liberal-left.”
I should have known better than to hope for anything much from this Tory government. As it stands the BBC Charter mid-term review adds to the growing list of failures by the Tory leadership to do anything remotely conservative.ENDS
I wonder why the author describes the current regime as ‘Tory “ when it is blue labour – send it down the sewer …
Reading the Daily Wail earlier this evening I came across an article about a fellow living in his car and saying he needed a council house so that he could care for his wife who has cancer.
The said blokes name was Muhammad Ali.
Says it all really, how could he afford a car?
UK Public sector finanaces for December 2023 for anyone whose interested, £2.7 Tn in debt now
Thoughful – I was trying to find out how much tax money was used to pay the national debt interest in 2023 – I have it at £110 billion … is that right ?
in 2022/23 it was £112 billion so it’s probably going to be around that amount
Thoughtful – thank you – a number hard to imagine ….
New thread time ….
In the letters to the editor section of DT today. I found this little gem, which may help some of us facing the wrath of BBC demands for payment… it may be not a strong case… courts are now challenging BBC claims.
Have you been harassed about paying for a TV license and you do not watch live broadcast TV?
I was until I told their collection agents about a case in the Court of Appeal which found British Gas guilty of harassment for continuing to bill a customer when they owed nothing.
British Gas tried to defend themselves by saying the bills were computer generated but the Judges did not agree this was an excuse and punished them with a fine and costs.
If you are a victim of harassment write to them and say you will issue a County Court summons for harassment in accordance with Ferguson v. British Gas and you will claim damages and costs to be assessed. Allow them 14 days to respond and let them know your letter is an official “Letter before action.” Ask for the name and address of their solicitors willing to accept service of proceedings on their behalf.
Ferguson v. British Gas “)
Phillip – thanks – nice to know – if anyone wants to see the full judgement ( free ) look up the Excellent BAILII website for a riveting read leading to British Gas getting screwed …
Just wanted to make folk aware of two more looting scams:
1) DART crossing. The Missus pays for crossing on line and enters AYO8… instead of AY08… So along comes the fine which then gets appealed with proof of payment via a bank statement. The appeal is rejected so the fine is then for a data entry error not for lack of payment.
2) Train ticket brought online with phone but then the phone is lost. New phone supplied is able to prove ticket purchase but the fine and court harassment fires up. Six court summons which get cancelled at short notice. Final court appearance cancels fine but a day off work and expensive travel costs. Heard this one via a friend.
And another piece from the DT – this is from Ruth Deech – now a barones on the corrupt BBC complaints regime
The BBC requires a “fearless” independent ombudsman to handle complaints because Ofcom is filled with former BBC staff, a former governor has said.
Baroness Deech, a crossbench peer, criticised the BBC’s current complaints procedure as “arcane and secretive”.
She was a BBC governor from 2002-06 and said an outsider is needed to oversee the system.
Writing to the Telegraph, Lady Deech made reference to the Balen Report, an internal report on anti-Israel bias which was compiled in 2004 but has never seen the light of day. The BBC has spent £350,000 in legal fees fighting to keep the content secret.
Lady Deech said: “I was a governor of the BBC from 2002. Complaints are seen by the BBC as a very sensitive matter, threatening the independence of the editors: witness the lengths to which the BBC has gone to keep secret the Balen Report.
“The procedure is arcane, only a minuscule number succeed and corrections are not given the appropriate publicity.
“From that day on I have maintained that the best way of handling complaints would be by an independent ombudsman from outside the media industry, supported by experts on the topic in issue.”
The Government announced this week that Ofcom will police the BBC’s website and social media channels. The regulator already covers complaints about BBC programmes but only if the complainant has been through the broadcaster’s three-stage complaints process first.
Lady Deech, however, said: “Ofcom is heavily staffed by former BBC and media professionals who may be as touchy as their current counterparts at the notion of bias at the BBC.
“Moreover, Ofcom does not have the in-house expertise to judge on complex issues such as the Middle East.”
She said the ombudsman should be “a person of distinction with no further career ambitions, with their own staff, who can afford to be fearless.
“The BBC handles the most important questions in our national life. In my view, their perspective on these issues can only fairly and acceptably be considered by an outsider with a track record of expertise and judgment, not Ofcom.”
An Ofcom spokesman said: “Nobody should doubt that Ofcom acts with complete independence, and we apply our rules fairly and equally to all broadcasters. Industry experience is vital to strong regulation and Ofcom has skilled experts from right across the TV and radio sectors. We also regularly survey viewers and listeners to understand their needs and expectations.”ENDS
All these pieces in the telegraph will be described by the Left as an obsession and vendetta against the BBC .
But I think it reflects the rapidly growing concern that the BBC Just . ain’t Right . And I don’t mean right wing – I mean it has lost its way and been taken over by a Marxist / Islamic evil …
I’m still thinking about some interview I heard on R4 today – it suggested that there will be a peace keeping force to separate Israel from Gaza … and the only country able to do it is the UK .
It seems the US is too near to Israel and no eu nato state can do it . Whoever was suggesting this – I retired diplomat I think – had been on the sherbet early in the day . HM forces can barely put ships in the sea yet alone a military peace keeping outfit ….
Even the thought leaves a shudder ….