The current ‘culture secretary ‘ apparently for ensuring the BBC is unbiased is Lucy Fraser . Fraser has announced another ‘review ‘ of BBC bias. There have been 9’culture secretaries ‘ since 2017 None have done anything .Thats what this campaign is up against . If you want to complain about the BBC where do you go ? You have to go to the BBC ! With other broadcasters – you go straight to OFCOM – hence the number of complaints against certain broadcasters . How can that be right ?
Midweek 24th January 2024
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The BBC report on the Nottingham killer, who was charged with mere manslaughter (instead of murder) and given a hospital order. They also report on the failures of various authorities to detain him earlier.
In other words, the story is all about him, and yet the BBC focus on the victim family’s anger, thereby avoiding having to post his picture on the Home page of their webshite.
Of course, if a white man had killed a black woman, his mugshot would be plastered all over the rotten Corporation’s website.
Bias takes a thousand forms.
@ F2
Since we are advised by the Govt that conscription is a possiblity, when are you going to start recruitment for the Biased bbc Dads Army ?
I am already far ahead of you and working on an anti Russian device in case of invasion.
It involves some fireworks, velcro, chicken wire and dog shit, I just need to iron out some niggles.
All bbbc patriots should now be working on similar ideas and getting together to test them.
Anyone out there with a butchers van ?
And can we borrow your shed Scroblene ?
I could get Senora O’Blene to knit you a tank cosy, if you buy the wool!
Zephir – you may be ahead of your self – perhaps it would best to start digging for the Anderson Shelter – as the hypersonic missile always gets through . …
.. I was thinking of popping into the Russian embassy to give a lengthy target list should the big day / minute come ….
The British army.
Latest figures.
Size of army 72,000 approx.
Female soldiers 16,700
Unfit soldiers”non-deployable” 14,700
Whatever happened to the reservists? You remember the 30,000 that were going to fill the gap of all those other troop reductions?
I think the simple answer is ..nothing happened.
But.. anyone thinking this pathetic situation will get better under Labour…prepare to be disappointed .
friend of yogi bear
Forget Labour and the Conservatives, as you are voting for “two cheeks of the same…..”
Reform or UKIP are the only two that could be the salvation of Britain now.
Yes to me it’s the same as voting for none of the above – I’ll vote reform – perhaps Farage is looking at the polling before returning ….
650 MPS and 800 Lords to go to the front line!
> Female soldiers 16,700
16,699 sexual harassment complaints.
I still have great respect for all branches of the military, but why would anyone fight and die for a country that has so lost its way?
I really think the ‘ruling class ‘ – such as that idiot general – has no conception of how peed off people are with 12 years of failure …. They can’t even secure the border and expect people to take the kings’ shilling ? Really ?
In my londonistan borough an ibis hotel is meant to be emptied of the 400 four hundred vermin dinghy parasites by tomorrow – it seems they won’t go – …..I bet they land up staying there – moaning about the wi fi …
I think you have just hit on something that would be more of a deterrent than Rwanda. No wi fi.
– I checked again – there are 400 in that hotel – enough for a full battle …
> enough for a full battle …
Zulu 2.0?
Atlas – perhaps Friday brings’ the battle of the walthamstow ibis ‘- but if it happened – we’d not hear of it ….
“but why would anyone fight and die for a country that has so lost its way?”
Because your homes and the lives of your families are at risk . Simples .
I pledge my alligence to Vladimir Putin.
Russians have more dignity than the shower ruling over us.
I wouldn’t lift a finger for this shell of a country.
How does fighting for your country work when it’s your country that’s the enemy?
No borders = no country. Ergo nothing to fight for. We’ve brought mass quantities of every other ethnic group onto these little islands. It would be downright “racist” to reject Russians.
I’d rather brush up on the Cyrillic alphabet than Sharia Law.
“Because your homes and the lives of your families are at risk . Simples .”
Naturally, you are referring to the threat of the current blue labour government and future red/communist version later in the year? Aren’t you?
They can become nuns and wear wimples instead.
“That needs to change”… Do you hear the threat?
“need to” a favourite of female bullies in the workplace.
I worked on a temporary short contract at TfL and one of those who was not even in charge started on me with words like that telling me what I “need to do” until I sorted it.
She then decided to reorganise and relocate some files I put on the intranet without my permission or knowledge so no one could find them.
Also, it was the dreaded “hot desking” anyone could sit at the desk I usually worked at, including her, leaving hair and crumbs of food on the keyboard, until I sat at the one she usually worked at and suddenly it was not hot desking anymore…she “needed” to work next to a certain person etc etc
And another one who ambled into work at 10 am and started slurping her breakfast at meetings. turned up to work dressed like she was going to Woodstock, and, with purple hair.
Worth a read ……..”Valdo Calocane: What do we know about the Nottingham attacks killer?”
Why does the government push the so called multiculturalism idea? How many illegal criminals have the Tory Government deported so far?
I bet the families believe in the death penalty now …
This should be shown in every school and college in the UK
“The October 7 ‘genocide’ video evidence in full: Civilians are slaughtered and mutilated, terrified families rounded up like cattle and Hamas terrorists ring proud parents to boast of atrocities in footage presented by Israel to ICJ ”
Ah, the Daily Mail. That bastion of impartial reporting of truth.
What ?
It entirely consists of bodycam footage, did they fake that then Mr Dickie ?
Like the moon landings ?
“This is the horrifying footage of innocent civilians slaughtered and mutilated by Hamas terrorists which Israel presented to the International Court of Justice.
MailOnline has exclusively obtained the sickening video as judges are due to make an interim ruling on alleged genocide by Israel on Friday at The Hague.
It shows terrified Jewish families rounded up like cattle and Palestinian extremists ring their parents to boast of committing atrocities on October 7.
The graphic footage is 7.10 minutes to mark the date of the massacre and mainly comprises of CCTV and images Hamas broadcast off its own body cameras.
It says Hamas ‘slaughtered, tortured, raped, burned alive and mutilated over 1,200 people including infants, children, the elderly and people with disabilities, and kidnapped over 250 people into Gaza’.
Footage then shows Jihadis hurling explosives and screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’ as they break through the border fence on the morning of October 7.
Under the title ‘Invasion’ they are seen speeding into Israel in pick-up trucks and firing rocket propelled grenades at civilian cars.
One motorist is shot at point blank range while another is seen sprinting away from the terrorists before he is gunned down, his blood turning the pavement beneath him red.
Much of the images are too graphic to publish including that of a crazed extremist decapitating a civilian with a shovel.
Young Israelis at the Nova music festival are seen dancing at sunrise unaware of Hamas hand gliders looming overhead.
The footage then moves on to a scene titled ‘slaughter’ that shows the terror rampages at the Kibbutzim.
Bodycam footage shows terrorists gunning down unarmed civilians in their own homes and rounding up mothers and their children.
A terrorist gleefully sets a property alight in one clip before a dog is seen running towards a militant in another where it is brutally gunned down.
An audio clip plays out of a Hamas militant calling his father to boast: ‘Dad, I’m talking to you from a Jewish woman’s phone. I killed her and her husband. I killed 10 people with my own hands!’
He implores his father to ‘open WhatsApp and see how I killed’ before adding: ‘Put mum on.’
The most disturbing scenes are titled ‘mutilation’ and ‘brutally raped and burned’.
They show female bodies with huge gashes taken out of their limbs and their underwear removed.
It skips to the charred remains of those burned alive in their cars trying to flee the onslaught, and haunting footage of a man being decapitated.
‘Sexual violence, mutilation and torture’ shows more attempted beheadings, bodies burned, and sexual violence.
Hamas militants parade the body of 22-year-old German-Israeli Shani Louk into the war-ravaged territory where it is spat upon by locals screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’.
Naama Levy, 19, is seen in blood-stained pyjamas, pulled by the hair and loaded into a 4×4 in Gaza by gun-touting extremists.
The video states: ‘Over 130 hostages are still being held in Gaza, including infants, the elderly and the sick.
‘Some hostages have been executed. Others are being tortured, according to testimonies by released hostages.’
Oy Vey. Harrumph, Harrumph.
Don’t rise to the bait Zephir. Dickie is acting like an anti-Semitic troll- proven by his use of the term “Oy Vey” which you will find those thinking they are clever using all the time on sites inhabited by professional Jew Haters. You can’t win with them in the same way you can’t win in an avalanche of diarrhoea. However he is insignificant compared to the BBC and their influence.
Who are you working for ?
Boris Johnson described as utterly incompetent and a “[expletive] clown”, in WhatsApp messages from Nicola Sturgeon
What the bbc latches on to is… unsurprising.
Clear case of it takes one to know one.
Dead people voting
6:25pm BBC1 a 3 minute advert for a BBC show
“Now tomorrow night is the final episode of this series of Traitor .. and into a feature about it”
I only switched over to the excrement that is the BBC News at Six cos to escape the Green Party Broadcast on ITV that cut 5 mins off the ITV local ITV news show.
Breaking news from BBC Scotland
More PRasNews for a BBC TV prog
Bloody shameful that this corrupt idiot is even nominally in charge
I wouldn’t use the name Claudia Winkleman and fashion in the same sentence.
Death warmed up as she rises in the morning from her crypt……..
She describes herself as a “personality vacuum” in a TV advert. No chance of breaching the Trades Description Act then!
Fourth incidence of BBC promoting the Traitors
Sixth Radio4PM at 5pm
The real truth:
“The powerful jet stream, a high speed current of air around five to nine miles up in the atmosphere, charges towards us from North America bringing weather events in its wake.
Met Office scientists explain this dominant current of air is the chief driver of how many storms the UK suffers. Met Office Meteorologist and Presenter Annie Shuttleworth, said: “While we have had some drier and calmer interludes, the stormy nature of the UK’s autumn and winter so far is chiefly dictated by the position and strength of the jet stream, which is a column of air high up in the atmosphere.
“The jet stream greatly influences the weather we experience in the UK and during recent months this has largely been directed towards the UK and Ireland, helping to deepen low pressure systems. These systems have been directed towards the UK and have eventually become named storms due to the strong winds and heavy rain they bring.”
The Met Office said climate projections indicate that winter windstorms will increase slightly in number and intensity over the UK as a result of climate change.
However, there is medium rather than high confidence in this projection because some climate models indicate differently.”
Matt Le Tissier. @mattletiss7 tweeted
So the BBC misrepresented, aka lied,
about the covid risk early on in the so called plandemic
to boost lockdown support from the public,
another reason to defund the lying treasonous pedophile protecting corporation
Stew – the problem would be that the BBC will have been told to big up the threat by the nut nut regime . I think the whole policy was based on the images from that overwhelmed Italian hospital which everyone saw – and nut nut would do anything to make sure it didn’t happen here – add batches of untried defective jabs and an insane demand for PPE – the fraud attached to it as well as furlough and there is a disaster ….
Not to mention the snowflakes having mental breakdowns
Khant ….
Vital that BBC resources were used yesterday, for this important story.
I haven’t visited this site (BiasedBBC) for sometime but I still monitor the BBC webside on an adhoc basis. I notice the BBC have been heavily promoting this show “The Traitors”. I haven’t yet looked into it but I know that the BBC are never neutral in the pushing of their various agendas.
With regard the Traitors i am wondering whether they are pushing the idea that the people of Britain should be watchful of their relatives, friends, work colleagues and people they come in contact with because they may be Traitors to New Britain and the Woke Agenda and that they must report them to the authorities for isolation and reprogramming.
Another grossly racist and sexist picture from the BBC.
Of all their ‘qualities’, I think their double-standards are the worst. They are the ultimate hypocrites.
Putin has paid a visit to kaleningrad to stick it to NATO. It sort of reminds me on the summer of 1914 when everyone could see the ingredients for war but thought it wouldn’t come ….
Perhaps Putin is thinking nato states have more to lose than Russia – particularly if munitions have been depleted more in nato than in Russia ….
Don’t worry – I’m only playing armchair ignorant general and Britain will be protected by the hundreds of thousands lining up to join the army ….
NATO (US Military Foreign Policy) are winning. They have pushed onto the Russian border and have instituted several color revolutions in former Soviet States including into parts of Russia itself (provinces). The US NATO push East began in 1991.
Putin and his Government have been powerless to stop it until now when it has arrived on their border. Putin has been surprised how resilient the Russian economy has coped with the destruction of its instrastructure (Russian pipelines), the freezing of Russian assets, the thirteen rounds of Western Sanctions – cutting it off from the dollar world trading system.
Of course don’t expect any truth to emerge from the BBC which has been paid tens of millions of pounds by the UK government to counter “Russian propaganda”.
According the independent military assessors NATO is on the brink of falling apart, and this is a desperate attempt by the top brass to prove they still have some relevance.
NATO has lost in Ukraine, lost badly, half a million men lie dead, and God alone knows how many women and children. The worst intelligence service in the world, the CIA have been played for fools by the Russians and have made some appalling mistakes, the US military advisors made disastrous strategic mistakes.
We know that Ukraine is a massively corrupt country and that aid money is being laundered through Cypriot and Israeli banks, much of it going back to the Corrupt Demonrat party.
You are correct, the BBC is not going to tell the truth because it wants to keep the ‘unique way’ they are funded.
I think it needs to be remembered that half a million dead Ukrainians is of no concern to the US led NATO. As you say much of the several hundreds of billions of dollars that have been given to Project Ukraine has been funnelled through the western military industrial political complex – with many people profiting from it. Meanwhile look how unified they have got the media into promoting Putin bad – give us your money, don’t be a putintard traitor otherwise we will have to cancel you – message.
I forget which Demonrat it was who said that Ukraine was money well spent and that no US personnel had died, however there’s probably around 500 US advisors, trainers, special forces dead in Ukraine.
Believe it was the neocon Republican Senator Lindsey Graham you are referring to.
Lindsey Graham = more dementia
Perhaps the idea is that with the state of many young blokes in the UK that might end up on the front line, the Russians won’t be able to decide whether to shoot at them or chat them up.
Russell Brand on that virus
Only Khant’s crew could cause a flood *on* a bridge
I really hope that some inspired SPAD in Shapps team thinks to steal the star of this “Professor Potato” campaign from Gretchen Whitmer to be a modern day Kitchener recruitment poster equivalent here.
We will not tolerate abuse of the immigration system said a Tory spokesman although he added under his breath,”unless it’s us who are abusing it!”
British people get a shitload of crap for being intolerant of other races in this Country.
Considering the number of towns and cities in the UK that are sporting newly built Mosques how about we have a massive crowd fund to build a shitload of Christian Cathedrals and Churches across let’s say Pakistan and see just who is the intolerant party in this?
There would be blood running in the street!
Our political leaders know this but are too flimsy to say it like it is.
However they will not be able to “manage” the issue forever and it must end in violence as it grows and when people have had a bellyfull of forced diversity at their expense.
Robbed Twice….
this for me sums up the state of play and where we are
a ridiculous fuss about bugger all that threatens to put 4 men in prison with the maximum sentence being 4 years
seriously wtf is this all about
Squirrels – it’s about squirrels
Just follow Shakespeare’s Dick The Butcher advice and the whole problem goes away:
“The First thing we do, let’s k**l all the l*wy*rs”
The grey squirrel is a North American species that was first introduced to Britain in Victorian times, to decorate the gardens of large stately homes. They soon expanded their range, completely replacing red squirrels in most of England and Wales, and many parts of Scotland.
Interesting play by Tucker Carlson
That’s going to agitate Turdeau – the BBC will put the news telescope on the eye-patch no doubt.
This is a few weeks old, but it gets truer every day.
You’re Not British Anymore.
Nottingham attacks: Families’ anger as triple killer gets hospital order
One would normally expect such a headline to have the picture of said killer right at the top of the article.
Nope. Not on the BBC. You have to scroll a long way down to the bottom before you see it.
And of course the BBC surround it with mass-empathy for the victims. This kind of thing is not news reporting. The BBC use it regularly to distract attention from the killer and the crime when it’s bad for the agenda.
‘Some had their heads bent, some were crying and some had to leave the room.’
‘Afterwards, people hugged. People sobbed. The red eyes were clear to see.’
‘Then came the family statements outside court. The raw emotion of the words of James Coates, Emma Webber and Sanjoy Kumar was felt by all in the media scrum.’
An unasked question is how did his family get into the UK ?
An unasked question is how did his family get into the UK ?
Is the answer: With great ease?
We don’t know. However, it is reported that the family is originally from Guinea-Bissau. Guinea-Bissau was a Portuguese colony. The Portuguese have been very generous in handing out passports to citizens of their former colonies. These passports give freedom of movement within the EU, and when Britain was still within the EU this meant they could move here. That’s how many Angolans, Mozambiquans, Indians (via Goa) and even Brazilians got here. All perfectly legal at the time, if morally repugnant.
Tucker Carlson going after Turdeau
Ladies and gentlemen I give you a piece from the Telegraph today – the views of the repulsive jimmy naughtie – a full on BBC £ production company £ come liberal far left mouthpiece -about his fear of the growing GB news –
STARTS The rise of GB News has presented the head of Ofcom with “the biggest problem he’s ever faced”, according to Jim Naughtie.
The BBC Radio 4 presenter said the emergence of partisan news channels in the UK was a “worrying” development, making reference to Fox News’s support for Donald Trump.
“Oh, it’s worrying. And I think anybody who looks at what has happened in the States, if they do care about the free flow of information and proper debate, would have to be worried about it,” Naughtie told Roger Bolton’s Beebwatch podcast.
“Comparing GB News and Fox isn’t entirely fair. We’re not in that situation yet. But I do think Ofcom has now got a situation that it’s never faced before: not a complaint about a particular programme, a particular presenter, [but] a general kind of balance issue running up to an election when the rules become extremely tight.
“There are legal obligations on people who have access to the public airwaves to behave in an impartial way.
“GB News are open about it; they say, ‘Look, we’ve got an agenda, this is what we believe, and too many people are not getting our point of view so we’re going to give it to them. We’re not much bothered about anyone else’s point of view.’”
‘People just aren’t going to watch it’
The former presenter of the Today programme said that GB News has obligations as a public broadcaster, unlike “some nutty podcast from a bedroom in Colchester”.
“Not an absolute duty to have two minutes of one side and two minutes of the other, that’s the kind of impartiality that doesn’t make sense, but an obligation across the piece to be fair-minded,” he added.
Lord Grade, the media veteran, is the chairman of Ofcom and Naughtie said: “I think this is one of the biggest problems that he’s ever faced and I think it’s extremely important that it’s grasped.”
Ofcom is investigating several impartiality complaints against GB News. Last year, it ruled that a programme in which Tory MPs Esther McVey and Philip Davies interviewed Jeremy Hunt, the Chancellor, breached guidelines.
Naughtie said most viewers do not want to see politicians being interviewed by representatives of their own party.
“I do think the common sense of the viewers will kick in here. Of course there will be partisans, doesn’t matter if it’s Right or Left, who would want to see that kind of thing but they’ll always be a minority.
“I think the idea that you could sort of pull the wool over the eyes of the population at large by saying – ‘We’re going to have a proper political discussion of this, the only thing is that the four people involved in it all have the same view’ – I mean, people just aren’t going to watch it.”ENDS
if only he knew how stupid he sounds …
He’s obviously never watched it.
Of those 4 people, Benjamin Butterbum often one of them. And he’s as far Left as you can get. He’s calling everyone else racists before the first question comes out. It’s genius because Benny makes a complete arse of himself and his cause with it.
And he should watch Farage interviewing Ken Livingstone if he wants to see a REAL interview. He let crackpot Ken have his say without interruption then politely told him that his disagreed with everything he just said. Unlike the vile Maitiliss and Keunessberg who are snapping out interruptions as soon as they don’t like the answer.
But this is the BBC and the Left for you. They have the most extreme of double standards and I’m not 100% sure they even realise.
I think if you’re on £350,000 a year, you don’t have to even think what there is to realise, John.
The public money-pot, having been filled by the private sector, is always being handed out willy-nilly, to people like the BBBC without a care in the world!
The obligation to be impartial surely only applies to the BBC, the State Broadcaster, funded by taxpayers and possibly Channel 4. The status of privately funded GBNews is similar to that of the newspapers who are politically aligned. People will buy a newspaper that accords with their political views and now you can watch TV likewise. You can even buy an overtly Communist newspaper, the Morning Star. You can watch GBNews if you are patriotic and the BBC if you enjoy left wing nonsense.
What a hypocrite.
BBC news always run a story with a newsreader, then go to their “so and so” Senior Correspondent (presumably having many layers or ranks internally within 22,000″journalists”) for the BBC slant on things, never a balanced view.
All their Palestine reporters range from the slightly antisemitic to the full blown Jew hater. Never any empathy with Israel.
Imagine being any poor Jewish or Catholic person working for the Beeb.
In the comments section some said just replace ‘GBnews” with BBC …. Also – all ‘journos ‘ employed by the BBC are members of the NUJ – which is affiliated to the Red Labour Party ….
Truly – the monster BBC fears any competition – even a slight change of narrative is a threat which must be removed .
“Imagine being any poor Jewish or Catholic person working for the Beeb.”
Wouldn’t / couldn’t happen in AVIVA…………….
Killers – it doesn’t like the lives of killers in the US being ended – this time with gas – but is ambivalent about third world killers in Nottingham .
I’m pro death penalty – so the vermin multi killer in Nottingham wouid be dead by 2025 in my world – not allowed a ‘diminished ‘ by a weak system .
There is to be a ‘review’ of the sentence of a nice hospital order and probable release in – maybe 5 or 10 years – but it will be a rubber stamp confirmation when no one is looking …
More Post Office
Seems like we’ve yet to see / hear “peak Post Office”
BBC News – nice bit of omission over trade deals . The Canada deal being negotiated has been stopped . As a result the cost of English cheddar has a 200% tarif added to to – cheers Canada … but in passing it mentioned that a trade deal with America has been ‘put on ice ‘… without mention that Biden Obama has put us at the end of the queue – and to use it as a weapon to help Irish Republicans – and their terrorist friends –
Not one for BBCOFCOM of course…
The bbc paper ‘review ‘ which is another vehicle for pushing the approved ‘message ‘ mentions a cartoon in the house newspaper – the guardian – with a lot of killer knifes with an axe in the middle with the word ‘austerity ‘ on it – suggesting an excuse for the third world vermin killing others ….
But I wonder what past ‘hard times ‘ wouid show ? Once upon a time the murder of – say – a 14 year old child would be major news – today it might make the regional section … and what has changed ?
The third world arrived .
Let’s just consider…
I know others have made the point that the bbc “news at six”spent several minutes advertising it’s latest “tremendous hit programme” Traitors and why it’s just so brilliant and seeking to understand just why so many people are obsessed with it etc,etc.
The BBC news at 10p.m. repeated the hysteria this programme allegedly is generating outside the BBC.
This is a measure of how grim the reality of BBC viewing figures more generally are.
A basic bit of research reveals that, for example Crackerjack…
( I can’t help but mention its Friday) regularly had viewing figures of nearly 9 million. And Tomorrows world regularly pulled in up to 12 million.
So yes ,Traitors and it’s audience of 3.8 million requires an enquiry into just how could it possibly be so bloody wonderful.
morning friendof,
The only thing I know about “traitors” is that it is a far more suitable name for the “organisation formerly known as the british broadcasting corporation”
Mick – yes I’m with you – I understand it is some sort of reality tv thing for people without lives -…. I assume they’ve got the diversity quotients right ( no pictures please ) …
Gaza war: ICJ to rule on call for Israel to stop military action
‘The UN’s top court is to decide whether to issue emergency measures ordering Israel to halt its operations in Gaza.’
I guarantee 100% they will not simply say ‘It’s not genocide’.
It will be a load of waffle saying how it very nearly is but it isn’t and Israel should stop all the attacks in case they change their mind.
No civilised Western country is backing it except those who are scared their Muslims will get violent.
I half hope they say it is genocide and unwittingly stick their necks on the chopping block.
What a total joke the UN has shown itself to be. Another Leftist infested globalist gravy-train that needs burning down and rebuilding. I bet the corruption in there exceeds even that of the EU.
They’ll say it’s genocide – they’ll take the Arab money – in the same way South Africa did to bring to case . I mean South Africa ? A place on its way to becoming a failed state like the UK – tribal and lawless …. Complete with corrupt government …and no press freedom …. And failing public services ….
And of course Israel will carry on exactly the same whatever they say.
Because they know there is only one way to stop Islamic terrorists. Send them to rape their virgins.
RE Genocide:
Did people rely on Goebbels for details on German casualties in WW2 ?
2014 … Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Disability TRUMPS Ability.
Now all Amir Ali Majid’s 20 years of cases and immigration cases need to be reviewed … Blind immigration judge ‘had no idea of the law or his own powers’ says panel after 12 out of 13 appeals against his rulings succeed
When you give people special privilege above the law, you get no law and 1400 raped and tortured children over 16 years … ‘In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that at least 1,400 children, most of them white girls aged 11–15, had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013 by predominantly British-Pakistani men.’
Synchronised Periods!
“North Korean army training ‘so tough women stop having periods’
Sexual violence also widespread, claims defector
Jon Sharman
Tuesday 21 November 2017 13:49 GMT”
Good name for a girl band ..
Blood Bath Battalion!
UNBIASED £3.5bn news agency …
These ignorant eejits get totally disproportionate MSM coverage, Lucas being a BBC fave…
Green party = Water Melons
They ain’t Green – they’re RED.
Today let’s think of Charles windsors’ prostate operation … or maybe best not …. ( prostate checks for all chaps – by right ) .
Keir Starmer says women have a prostate – BBC verified.
Anyone ask the UN for the location of the graves of the supposedly 25,000 civilian dead. By my conservative calculation there ought be around a total of 15 miles of graves, about a metre wide. Should be pretty obvious.
Or around 30 miles of trench graves 6 feet each
That policy is conducted now by media mob is no longer in doubt, as is the position of most msmedia on too many crucial areas of policy. So credit to the current crop of spineless pols when they appear resistant to what can often be a coordinated campaign.
My interest is the truth, and the media’s role in utterly compromising it as its contribution to coherently getting there and/or holding anyone to account over it.
It has been a few days, but I am none the wiser about the facts of the apparent death of one, or more, supposedly innocent civilians in the war zone du jour. The BBC looks to have steered clear so far, which is a hint of ‘something’, especially when its usually active verify crowd are also less visible.
What I do know is at the time a few days ago I saw the claims in question, and asked ITV and ex BBC gob Peston what the context and confirmations were. Seemed important as it got picked up pdq:
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been questioned over an ITV News video which shows a civilian being shot dead while waving a white flag in Gaza. The shocking images have sparked war crime accusations, and Sunak was challenged to give his reaction on Wednesday. ITV News at ten.
Credit to ITV for posting the full thing
The blonde’s script is more circumspect. But is already very dubious in sourcing under the ITV fold. I use this clown above as lies are all around, matched only by twitter trolls. And excitable anchors.
“What I don’t think is wise… is for politicians to sit looking at clips… forming instant judgements about whether it’s a breach of this law or that”@Peston asks @Keir_Starmer about @ITVNews footage in which a civilian is shot dead while carrying a white flag in Gaza
Thing is, Pesto doesn’t ASK anything. He flat out makes a statement claim that, to the best of my knowledge, is in doubt and still unverified. He does this a lot, based on dubious sources.
Which then gathers momentum.
.William Dalrymple
The most heartbreaking photograph… The bare feet, the entwined bodies of two small kids… Take a moment to consider what the IDF sniper has done… This is a massacre of innocent civilians that your blank cheque to the most right wing, pro-Settlement anti-Two State government in Israeli history is funding @Keir_Starmer @RishiSunak @POTUS @grantshapps @DavidLammy
This then get ramped up by equally dubious sources to pressurise hapless pols ‘too busy’ to find out anything before commenting they don’t know.
And so it goes on.
Quds News Network
Israeli snipers shot and killed two brothers in Khan Yunis yesterday. Nahid Adel Barbakh was shot by an Israeli sniper while evacuating Khan Yunis; his brother Ramiz tried to help him but was also targeted.
Israeli snipers shot anyone who tried to rescue them, both were pronounced dead at the scene.
Meanwhile, some facts that the insane media/political obsessions of establishment bodies now rammed with Islamic obsessives, continues to dominate.
Rachael Swindon
This is how you do a front page.
Say it @Keir_Starmer
– shooting an unarmed man under a white flag is a WAR CRIME.
Via, Humzah’s organ of the SNP.
Ash Sarkar
Did the IDF kill another Israeli hostage? One man’s mother thinks so. Reporting is from Haaretz, an Israeli newspaper.
Did the IDF kill another Israeli hostage? One man’s mother thinks so.
‘Thinks’, via ‘reporting’, from an ‘Israeli’ paper.
Plus ex BBC panel ‘cattle’ islamist gob in the USA.
Mehdi Hasan
Important questioning of the Biden administration, from ITV’s
@robertmooreitv, after the UK TV news org filmed a Palestinian man with a white flag, Ramzi Abu Sahloul, being shot dead by the Israelis in what was supposed to be a ‘safe zone’ in Gaza.
A deeply inadequate response
What’s more inadequate is ITV have yet to reply to many asking pertinent questions about this footage, still doing the rounds gaining traction.
These questions seem valid enough to warrant explanations. Why are they slow in coming still?
Too many KNOW already.
I will be the first to say anyone shooting an unarmed civilian holding a white flags needs being held to account, though in this conflict context is often suppressed as much as editing is deployed to make even that tricky.
Who actually did the shooting? Why? Peston appears to know with the certainty of Donnison already. Is this justified? Does he get a slap wrist until next time too?
Here, the US… it is a death spiral of misguided information.
“…even accepting the Hamas casualty figures (tainted and inflated numbers in which there are no terrorists, only civilians, and fighting age men are really children) as the media does, this is still probably one of the least violent conflicts in the region.”
Some checked. Others left to flop about. Why?
Many have been shot dead in the UK. In fact thousands have. This after they were given a shot that we know can be lethal.
Only a handful of MPs care about this and the bBC do not report on this at all. Shocking.
Go Bridgen.