The current ‘culture secretary ‘ apparently for ensuring the BBC is unbiased is Lucy Fraser . Fraser has announced another ‘review ‘ of BBC bias. There have been 9’culture secretaries ‘ since 2017 None have done anything .Thats what this campaign is up against . If you want to complain about the BBC where do you go ? You have to go to the BBC ! With other broadcasters – you go straight to OFCOM – hence the number of complaints against certain broadcasters . How can that be right ?
Midweek 24th January 2024
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From probably not the best in the world to follow the bear edition
And we’re not talking 1970s beer brand ad slogans
There’s a feeling brewing abroad that goes something like this – better the rule of law, than rule by the lawyers
PM in fresh battle with ECHR over Rwanda – observes the Telegraph: Rishi Sunak is on course for a showdown with European judges… Strasbourg’s most senior judges ruled that plans were unlawful… Deportation flights to Rwanda have been blocked since the first was grounded by a Rule 39 interim order in June 2022 – yes, that’s right folks, it really has been going on that long.
Politicians, at least pretending to represent the will of the people, finding themsleves stymied by liberal judges, appears to be very much à la mode sur le continent européen: Macron reforms setback… Large sections of Emmanuel Macron’s immigration law have been ruled invalid by a French court, a setback to the president, who said the reform was needed to protect borders (FT)
Institutionally liberal, open borders-minded, supranational legal eagles determined to protect minority group interests against the majority, representing a backstop against all and any conservative reforms are one thing – but look what happens locally where the rubber meets the road…
Families of knife-killer Valdo Calocane’s victims united in anger over his soft sentence and failures that let him cause carnage (freebie Metro)
It’s a bad day for those liberal media types who would prefer to supress all mug shots of black criminal perpetrators plastered over with a plethora of Getty image library pictures of white hands clutching the knives and the guns – in case sight of the reality gives us the wrong impression.
The giveaway Metro publishes frontpage: Schizophrenic triple knife killer to be held in hospital ‘probably’ for life – judge
Some catchy slogans, or tag lines, stay in the mind of consumers for decades. Of course one of our most famous slogans is Carlsberg’s “Probably the best lager in the world” This was originally created in 1973 and remained in constant use for more than 38 years (Business Fulcrum ‘stand out from the crowd’)
Carlsberg: We’re probably not the best lager in the world… Carlsberg has admitted its lager is “probably not the best in the world” after an increasingly negative reaction to its product and falling sales… It said that by acknowledging the “truth” about the quality of its lager up until this point, Carlsberg would hopefully be able to entice people to give the brand another shot. The new campaign replaces the original slogan… with a new advertising campaign that declares: “Probably not the best beer in the world. So we’ve changed it.” (Sky News)
Remnants of the old hang ’em and flog ’em tendency lingers somewhat in the Telegraph – at one remove – using the familiar BBC trick of quotes in a headline: ‘He has got away with murder’… Families furious at CPS ‘railroading’… – a little mugshot is provided for illustration frontpage
One suspects the point of the CPS offering the murderer’s defence team a deal where their man copped a manslaughter plea in exchange for an admission of guilt, was precisely to curtail that lengthy and embarrassing court case hitting the news headline day after day. Now that’s backfired.
So much for the legal Blob, the Times meanwhile goes after our useless Plod: Police chief has ‘blood on his hands’ over stabbings… Young victim’s mother condemns investigation – again the quote marks allow for an editorial hands-off approach
The Rishi lacky loyalist Daily Express likewise bashes our Keystone Cops: Police accused of ‘missed’ chances to stop triple killer – but the top news story Rishi’s rather unadmirable Crichton would want us to notice is: Hunt: Today’s tax cuts are ‘just the start’ – the only frontpage mugshot of a thieving perp in the Express is a small one of high tax regime chancellor Jeremy Hunt
The Lord (of the Treasury) giveth, and the Lord will taketh away: Council tax bands need overhauling, northern business group says… to fix a crisis in council funding… Conservative peer Lord Pickles, who served as David Cameron’s communities and local government secretary between 2010 and 2015, said reforming council tax would be “profoundly unpopular”. (BBC) – watch this space, folks. Starmer cometh.
Even the Labour-supporting Daily Mirror reproduces a tiny mugshot of the Nottingham murderer and advocates for the victims, although its headline rails against some vague imprecisely defined ‘system‘: They were failed… Grace, Barnaby and Ian were stolen for ever… let down by the system meant to protect us
The only perpetrator the frontpage of the Guardian wants to see jailed is of course: Trump faces Carroll in court, briefly
The Sun, again with the mugshot: Families’ fury at ‘no justice’
No justice indeed. And yet as a society we’re lawyered up to the ears
The Mail have a different black man’s mugshot featured on their cover – in one of those sad state of the nation stories: Aristocrat and her lover went on the run carrying newborn baby in a Lidl bag for life
When it comes to a succint – near poetic – condemnation of broken Britain that headline just about takes the broken biscuit.
The Lidl bag for life was a nice touch.
Proto-punk rocker Iggy Pop had a Lust for Life – here’s one for the teenagers
Well, I’m just a modern guy
Of course, I’ve had it in the ear before
Been on a lust for life
‘Cause of a lust for life
The system recognises when it has to bend…
Nottingham attacks: Triple killer’s sentence considered for review (BBC)
The US – like the past – is different country and they do things differently there: Kenneth Eugene Smith: Alabama carries out first nitrogen gas execution… He was convicted in 1989 of murdering a preacher’s wife, Elizabeth Sennett, in a killing-for-hire… The 45-year-old was beaten with a fireplace implement and stabbed in the chest and neck, and her death was staged to look like a home invasion and burglary… Last week, the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights urged a halt to the execution… under international human rights law… The nitrogen execution had been denounced by some medical professionals… (BBC)
First they came for our Carbon Dioxide and I said nothing. Then they came for our Nitrogen.
Farmers in countries from Germany to Poland have created havoc, on roads and outside government buildings as they protest against Brussels’ plans to cut carbon emissions (FT)
Time for a quick calm down dear to cheer us up
Grief, rehab and coming back from the brink Nadine Shah (Guardian)
And from probably the best lager to follow the bear…
Putin raises spectre of further war in brazen trip to Europe (Telegraph) – why would he do that, we wonder…?
The Russian president… warned the nations bordering Kaliningrad that they did not know “what would follow” their decision to tear down Soviet war memorials (Telegraph) – I say fair play to the mad lad Vlad, eh?
As military Top Brass call for a Citizen’s Army to face down Mad Vlad, 90% of us say we’d refuse to fight (Daily Star) – further comment would seem superfluous – as I like to say.
Any discussion about the poll tax – or whatever it is called now – should frighten the honest taxpayer – all those bands ready to be raided by the red labour regime – and if they don’t do it – the other lot will .
Can’t afford it ? Don’t worry – the state will put a ‘charge ‘ on your lease or freehold so that when you sell – they get their piece …
A council property I had – had a £29000 ‘improvement ‘ bill added to it . The council said – don’t worry if you can’t pay £29k – we will put a charge on your lease …..
… luckily the council was legally challenged. The fee of £29k – became …£250 pounds – corrupt labour councils indeed …
Carlsberg should have stuck to their guns. I always liked their “probably the best lager in the world” slogan. It exuded quiet confidence rather than brazen assertiveness.
Not that I ever disliked brazen assertiveness. In fact, the more ridiculous the better. I was terribly willing to believe that “Happiness is a cigar called Hamlet”. I didn’t care if it wasn’t scientifically correct to say that Mackeson Stout “looks good, tastes good and, by golly, it does you good”. I bought Bounty bars and truly believed I was experiencing “the taste of paradise”.
I won’t be drinking anything that claims to be “probably not the best beer in the world”.
“European court president warns over Rwanda rulings”
Rishii, get us out of the ECHR and “Stop the Boats”!
“Rishii, get us out of the ECHR and “Stop the Boats”!”
“Stop the Boats” repeat “Stop the Boats”!
Theresa May The Secretary of State for the Home Department 12:37 pm, 20th April 2016
The first priority of government is the safety and security of its citizens, and the Government have always made the integrity of the UK border a priority. We will never compromise on keeping the people of this country safe from terrorism, criminality and illegal immigration.
“Covid: Mark Drakeford says he did not delete phone messages”
Then who did then ?
Classic BBC ‘post’: says nothing except creates doubt to defend their boy.
BBC normally enjoy a Biden victory — doubly so if it’s over migrants. But it’s gone sour as the Texas Governor now has the support of half the country’s governors in his resistance to federal shenanigans. An excerpt of his letter:
President Biden has violated his oath to faithfully execute immigration laws enacted by Congress. Instead of prosecuting immigrants for the federal crime of illegal entry, President Biden has sent his lawyers into federal courts to sue Texas for taking action to secure the border.
President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The effect is to illegally allow their en masse parole into the United States.
Under President Biden’s lawless border policies, more than 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed our southern border in just 3 years. That is more than the population of 33 different States in this country. This illegal refusal to protect the States has inflicted unprecedented harm on the People all across the United States.
It is on the site but expect this one to be swept under the carpet. Anything on the French and German farmer protests or are they unsuitable to show the proles too?
BBC to report on BBC Children in Need and Traitors and Strickly for the next 365 days until Trump is forgotten!
“The Los Angeles Times announced Tuesday that it was laying off at least 115 people — or more than 20% of the newsroom — in one of the largest workforce reductions in the history of the 142-year-old institution. The move comes amid projections for another year of heavy losses for the newspaper.”
Woke and broke ?
“Woke and broke ?”
The WaPo idiot is still loose.
Fed up with resorting to World Service on sleepless nights. Just bought a DAB radio so I can put GB News on easy-reach.
The unequivocal genocide happened on 7 October.
It’s quite possible that alienation and racism caused or contributed to his mental illness. A good argument for controlling immigration. I’m not sure if it’s clear how he came to live here and how he obtained British citizenship.
There’s no doubt this is an appalling and tragic series of events. I understand the families anger over the prosecution and the manslaughter rather than murder conviction, however a murder charge could have failed, he was definitely very ill. Anne Widdecombe said as much on GBNews
I’m sorry but being a nutter does not and should not excuse murder. Any more than being “drunk at the time of the crime me lud” should absolve a person of a serious crime. Otherwise insanity and intoxication can become a very convenient get out of jail card.
“That look when you (RISHI SUNAK) realise the Houtis are more successfull at stopping boats.”
He didn’t become anything, the police arrested him and offered him a path to avoid a long prison sentence.
Grant Shapps has the job of defence secretary ,just at the moment.
He seems to think the solution to the Army’s recruitment problems will be , to tap into the vast resource that is the female population of these isles.
If he thinks just that is the answer to the problem, ,he has proved beyond doubt he is unfit for the task. Women definitely have a role to play in the armed forces but….The greater problem is retaining the people, male and female who already serve. (Somebody must have told him but he has perhaps ignored them)
So here’s an idea Mr Shapps , pay them more, thats both men and women, give them better accomodation , especially married quarters and generally look after what you’ve got.
Goodness knows, word might get out ,that it’s not a bad life and who knows people might join.
Grant Shapps gets ‘helping hand’ from Bill Gates in new video as they pledge to make ‘entire world’ net zero
make ‘entire world’ net zero = zero people
make ‘entire world’ net zero = zero people
make ‘entire world’ net zero NOTH CHINA
make ‘entire world’ net zero NOTH CHINA
“The time has come,” the walrus said,
“To talk of other things
Of shoes and ships and ceiling wax
Of cabagges and kings
And while the see is boiling hot
And wheather pigs have wings
Kaloo Kalay no work today
Were cabbages and kings”
Re the Nottingham murders, I noticed on Question Time last night Sonia Sodha talking about knife crime committed by “young people”. I don’t think I actually heard the word “black” mentioned. I thought one person in the audience was going to when he prefaced his remarks by saying we need to talk about the elephant in the room, but then he went on to talk about something of much less significance than an elephant.
Knife crime is committed overwhelmingly by blacks. People are afraid to point out this obvious fact for fear of having charges of racism hurled at them. And by the preposterous definitions of racism that most people believe these days, it is racist. Because if you genuinely seek an answer to why it is predominantly blacks who are committing this crime, you will come to the conclusion that it has something to do with the intelligence and the temperament of blacks. And that suggests the uncomfortable idea that the races are not equal, certainly in some characteristics. The words “superior” and “inferior” may come to mind. This idea is verboten. But it is still the truth that on average blacks are less intelligent, more impulsive, and less conscientious than whites. It is inevitable that they are going to commit more crime, and more violent crime at that. That is a thought that is unthinkable to panellists on QT. Pointing out differences between the races is itself racist, according to Islington morality. So basic facts must be ignored. The chattering classes therefore never get down to analysing the problem correctly and discussing workable solutions. They trot out the usual nonsense about banning knives, establishing youth clubs, more “education” about murder being wrong, working with community leaders, etc.. Konstantin Kisin was the only panellist who got near to the heart of the problem when he said we need to address black fatherlessness. Marriage must be seriously promoted and encouraged. Welfare benefits that enable women to live without the fathers of their children need to be cut. But these ideas are anathema to our liberal Islington overlords who are dedicated to the break-up of the traditional family and want to celebrate bohemian perversions instead.
Some blacks of course fit into white society perfectly well but most, especially young boys, need to be educated separately. Schools with an emphasis on sport and a strict moral discipline would be better for these kids.
In short, black kids need fathers, strict discipline, and a separate education system that responds to their particular intelligence levels and temperaments. We must have political and social policies that are directed towards those ends.
And I say that “racists” like me have better ideas on how to actually help young black youths than the Islington chattering classes who, in their woke straitjackets and rigid antiracist mindsets, keep churning out the same old tired ideas that have never and will never work.
Zelazek – I wonder how long your comment would last on certain ‘popular’ website – I reckon you’d be failing some ‘community rule ‘….
Anyway – have had more than a life times’ exposure to feral violent coloured vermin – so eager to ‘strike first ‘ – I have a similar view .
One reason the subject isn’t addressed is that those charged or convicted with serious violent crime do not have their identities published – you have to guess – which can lead to ‘misinformation’ because of concealed truth .
The coloured victims may be identified – or the white kid stabbed to death in a south London park last night ( not for the main news ) or the countless violent crimes not making the news .
Prohibiting knives by the likes of Idris probably makes him think he has ‘done something ‘… but the reality is no change …..
……..and with a woke ‘police ‘ can we expect much by way of protection …
….. there are plenty of monsters such as the Nottingham one who might be considered just a bad seed – beyond redemption and should be due for the hangman or some variation – but the current set up just lets them get on with their evil – with no prospect of change …
Lucky they can’t easily get hold of guns yet …
TWatO Watch #1 – you know there is a reason for that, Jonny. Are you not meant to be a journalist?
Jonny ‘Dalek’ Dymond is puzzled. He asks why it was ‘little’ South Africa that took Israel to the UN’s top court at the Hague and not one one of the ‘bigger’ nations. There’s a simple reason Jonny that I would expect a journalist, especially one who works for the BBC, to know.
It is because the government of South Africa would like to distract from its own problems at home, with rampant crime, murders of white farmers and increasing poverty of the indigenous population. President Cyril Ramaphosa wanted to look ‘big’ on the world stage, and maybe gets SA’s own back for being suspended from the UN over Apartheid many years ago.
The “New Nazis”
Very good!
China warns citizens against ‘exotic beauty’ traps of foreign spies
10 hours ago
The ministry has been posting frequent updates on its official WeChat page since it was launched in August. In the past month, it has also cautioned citizens against photographing military equipment. It also warned against organisations “recruiting aviation enthusiasts as volunteers” to transmit China’s flight data to other countries.
Labour MP received £500,000 in funding from Chinese Communist agent
Dawn and Di putting on the lippy next fact finding tour?
Big news about the King waiting for treatment, is this a prostate in waiting?
Pats himself on the back that he has raised the health issue with other men and advised they should have get it checked. Dear King Charles, please can we use your Doctor as we have a long queue to see a medic as many of us are but white plebs.
‘Tories’ beginning to panic over the rise of REFORM, long may this continue. Bill Cash (a few moments ago) trying to argue the ‘Tory’ line that voting REFORM will let in Liebour. Idiots! That train has long gone thanks to the ‘Tories’ being anything other than real Tories for many years now, and having ignored us voters and their own manifesto. Into the mix I could add national debt, crime, crumbling infrastructure, woke values, etc.
1) Unbelievable that whitey is being blamed for the guy’s madness.
2) If it’s true (which it isn’t) that’s another reason for them to stay in Africa.
3) Certain ‘communities’ seem particularly prone to psychosis.
Comic Relief to stop sending celebrities to Africa after ‘white saviour’ criticism
The charity’s approach to fundraising was previously criticised by Labour MP David Lammy.
Wednesday 28 October 2020 11:18, UK
If you are referring to my post, I’m not blaming “whitey”. Alienation is a natural consequence of people from other cultures being in a society that is alien to them. Racism is far more prevalent than is generally recognised by the liberal media. As for certain communities being more prone to mental illness, is that because they are away from their normal environment or because they are naturally more prone. I t also might have a lot to do with drug usage.
The present US Democratic Party
During that hearing, Congressman Stewart McKinney, a Republican from Connecticut, uttered the now well-known phrase: “We have a new kind of bank,” he said. “It is called too big to fail. TBTF, and it is a wonderful bank.”13 Apr 2023
Has she been bitten by a radioactive hamster?
That lady really does tempt fate . As we ve seen this week – there are enough evil vermin ready to target people – be they students on the way home – but she’s a kidult so is unlikely to recognise real danger ..
I wonder if the Nottingham nutcase was allowed to slip through the net and commit his killings because various agencies and authorities were scared of being called racist?
Let’s call it the Rochdale syndrome, so prevalent in our society, that puts certain ‘communities’ above the law.
Security guard avoided Manchester Arena bomber ‘for fear of being called racist’
This article is more than 3 years old
Kyle Lawler had a ‘bad feeling’ about Salman Abedi but ‘did not have anything to justify that’
Undergraduates’ average IQ has fallen 17 points since 1939. Here’s why.
I’m surprised to see that their average IQ is actually above the national average IQ. The ones I come across in daily life, thankfully rare, appear to be utter morons.
The North American aspect may be a factor.
Vide Trudeau or AOC.
But point taken here.
Some of the dumbest berks on LinkedIn appear to lead with their degrees.
Let us not forget a PPE snags you a role telling kids what to do with sticky back plastic. If you meet other criteria.
Earlier in the week I wrote a piece about the massive risks and consequences of the US Demonrats illegal seizure of $300 Bn of Russian owned US debt instruments, and that no one in their right mind would buy US bonds given this risk
Well this week that predicition came true with the US 7 and 10 year treasury sales experiencing one of their worst ever sales – no one wants their paper.
If this doesn’t improve and buyers cannot be found then it’s money printer go Brrrrrr and a return to 1970s levels of inflation.
Unbelievable incompetence corruption and greed on the part of the people in charge in the USA. The damage being inflicted is not going to be undoable by any future President no matter how good they are.
“Video of hostages a traumatic reminder for Israelis”
“Such videos are yet another traumatic reminder for Israelis of what they went through on 7 October – and rub sault (sic
) in the wounds of the relatives, increasingly angry with their government for, in the eyes of many, not prioritising the hostages’ release.”
Video just reminds me what lower race trash the Israelis are dealing with.
Mirrored by cross party political types like… Khan, Warsi, Yuseless…
Literally only seeing and hearing what they want, rather than what actually is going on.
With such persons snagging ever more positions, this country is well and truly screwed.
Always in one direction.
Sky News needs to get a grip. It’s now clearly more partisan than the BBC or C4. Why? When I was Chairman of Sky News it was generally regarded as the most impartial and unbiased of all the UK’s broadcast news services.
Alex Crawford makes Lies seem like Ed Morrow.
I wonder what they’ll call the peaceful non-terrorists when they start murdering BBC personnel? We all know it’ll happen. Except the BBC, apparently. I won’t applaud it when it does, but I won’t be crying into my beer either.
Their security correspondent did try and call out his affiliations, but with little helpful result, sadly for him.
I might be crying shortly after, when beer is banned in this, even now, Muslim-run country.
International Court of Justice orders Israel to prevent genocide in Gaza.
Basically it’s as close as they are going to get to saying Israel is guilty of genocide in Gaza.
The judgement is worth reading.
Did you get a cigar?
Hummer, Warsi, Khan didn’t either.
Keep going IDF…
Just an observation….
In July 1995, Netanyahu led a mock funeral procession featuring a coffin and hangman’s noose at an anti-Rabin rally where protesters chanted, “Death to Rabin”.
5 months later the deed was done.
People were talking about civil war in Israel roughly this time last year.
BBC gets in a gob.
Today on @BBCnews commenting on the @cij_icj ruling.
Israel is now officially on trial for #genocide. That means all third parties that have offered material support for this genocide, including the UK and US, are on trial for complicity. Israel is not defending itself. It is defending its 76-year-old ethnic cleaning, colonial occupation and its suppression and denial of Palestinian rights. It is we, the Palestinian people under occupation, that have the right to self-defence.
BBC edits for the cheap seats.
Israel reined in by ICJ rulings on Gaza – but will it obey?
No – they are fighting for their survival – if Islamic Hamas hides amongst civilians – Hamas bears the blame …. Let’s hope the IDF carries on and doesn’t lose more troops …
I would say the opposite it’s not Israel it’s Netanyahu, Israel is opposed to Netanyahu let’s have it right here.
The actions of the IDF have left the Muslim world outraged and they have to capability to destroy Israel.
Let me ask you a question here, a choice.
Israel or Hamas you can have both, or neither, what would it be?
Hamas does not have the capability to destroy Israel, so it’s blatantly not true Israel is fighting for its survival, but it will be if it carries on and Hezbollah gets involved.
I believe in the rule of law here, a panel of judges including from Israel reached the verdict they heard the case, We didn’t.
I’ll also ask you to justify cutting off the water to Gaza.
A vegan restaurant says it has made the ‘difficult yet necessary decision’ to start start serving meat in order to stay open. Nomas Gastrobar in Macclesfield announced the decision on social media on Tuesday (January 23), saying that in light of the ‘profound’ challenges the business had faced they would begin serving ‘high quality’ and ‘responsibly sourced’ meat and dairy.
Sky has had to apologise for the words of their anchor Belle Donati – who made comparisons with the holocaust and had a generally anti Semitic rant – she’d do well at the bBC – reminds me of that bottle blond one who used to do newsnight but now talks to herself on a blog thingy…
14 States have now sided with Texas and have offered national guard and other support, Biden and the Demonrats have a reputation of quickly resorting to violence when ever they are challenged, so this might well be the start of the US civil war.
It is also interesting to note that US States have been ‘repatriating’ their states gold reserves.
This evil party needs to be disbanded and the actors imprisoned as quicklyas possible.
“if the cap fits wear it “………….
“Nottingham killer Valdo Calocane could be eligible for release in THREE YEARS under terms of hospital order – as it emerges he was reported to police for attacking two people weeks before rampage, but was NOT arrested.
The killer had repeatedly come to the attention of the NHS, police and university officials, with at least eight missed opportunities to stop him.
It previously emerged he had attacked two colleagues at a warehouse in Leicestershire less than six weeks before his rampage.
Today, the BBC revealed the incident had been reported to police but he was never arrested.
Leicestershire Police did not explain why.
Stick your diversity where the sun don’t shine part 2
“Girl, 17, arrested after mass machete brawl at Bournemouth college campus sparked by ‘rival Afghan and Romanian gangs’
Five people were injured in the brawl involving up to 20 people on Thursday”
UN aid agency fires 12 employees suspected of taking part in October 7 attacks by Hamas
UNRWA has launched a probe into 12 employees who allegedly helped Hamas
The US said it was temporarily pausing additional funding to UNRWA
Bloody South Africa complaining about genocide ????
“Farmer killings: Farmers tortured and killed in horrific South Africa raids.
Horrific killings of farmers, where victims were sexually assaulted, tortured and strung up on poles, have sparked outrage in South Africa.”
“Is a crime against humanity at risk of unfolding in South Africa? Elon Musk, the Pretoria-born billionaire who owns X (Twitter) and Tesla, fears that there might be. Earlier this year, he wrote that he’d heard of calls for ‘a genocide of white people’ in his former homeland. Musk isn’t alone in his concerns. Steve Hofmeyr, a South African singer with a cult following, thinks that the ‘g-word’ is an appropriate way to describe what is unfolding: ‘If you think that the slaughter of South African farmers is not genocide enough, ask them about their land, language, religion, education, universities, heritage, monuments, safety, dignity and the race-based regulations imposed upon them and their children’. ”
” There’s been a murder a week on farms in South Africa this year. Now a race-baiting Marxist who loves singing Kill the Boer is set to become Vice President”
Horrific killings of farmers, where victims were sexually assaulted, tortured and strung up on poles, have sparked outrage in South Africa.
In one of the cases, a female farm manager was sexually assaulted and strangled by two gunmen at her farm.
In a separate brutal attack on a farm manager 290km away, a man was tied to a pole and tortured before being repeatedly stabbed and then strangled.
And, in a third incident, a gang of nine attackers allegedly threatened to rape a farmer’s young children if he didn’t cooperate and give them what they wanted.
Farm manager Chantel Kershaw, 44, was ambushed by two armed men as she helped load a lawnmower onto a truck, The Sun reports.
They then held her down and strangled her in the garage of her farm at Delmas east of Johannesburg and left her lying on the ground before pistol whipping her mother.
Distraught mum Greta Spiers, 65, was restrained as the farm was looted and a maid locked in a bathroom before they fled the scene in the family’s white Chevrolet station wagon.
Maybe Israel can take South Africa to the international court of whatever it feels like …. Plenty of cash I guess …
Fick Ange gets interrupted at a posh money raising do for the real side of the wealthy Labour party we never really see
Funny how they always claim to be “for the people” then hold fundraisers at prices the people can’t afford.
Thanks every one for a very active thread – can’t think why since there’s not much going on …. Time for the weekend one ..
The practice of data-rape and then issuing illegal (as per the Bill of Rights) fines has been inflicted on UK citizens for years. How come when we were in the EU that the EU never made a fuss about it then on behalf of UK citizens?