Start the week 4th March 2024

Busy week coming – MP for Hamas being sworn in Monday – Super Tuesday – Budget Wednesday – plus ‘events ‘ – so much for the BBC to show its’ verified bias .

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347 Responses to Start the week 4th March 2024

  1. Zephir says:

    It’s simple

    1. Place some unburnt security jackets on the wreckage of a terrorist car bombed by Israel

    2. Pretend Israel “martyred” 9 humanitarian aid distributors



  2. Ian Rushlow says:

    According to the BBC, the most important ‘news’ item on its website this morning is that a ‘Teen girl restrained and stripped twice by male prison staff, inspectors say’. Complete and utter hypocrisy: if the prison staff had been trannies – men pretending to be women – the BBC would be all over themselves asserting the ‘rights’ of trans-women (sic) to strip teen girls. In the same manner that the left enthuse over the ‘rights’ of biological males in wigs to serve their sentences in female prisons, especially if they are sex offenders.

    BBC: hypocritical, disgusting, morally bankrupt, at war with normality.


  3. MarkyMark says:

    Welby to knock on Rome’s door for a free hand out … “Britain was part of the Roman Empire for over three and a half centuries. From the invasion under the emperor Claudius in AD 43 until rule from Rome ended in the early 5th century, the province of Britannia was part of a political union that covered most of Europe.”


  4. MarkyMark says:

    “Sinead O’Connor’s estate asks Donald Trump not to use her music”

    Sinead O’Connor turned Islamic, Islamists hate music so should not be bothered!


  5. Guest Who says:
    In a 2016 BBC Newsnight documentary on ‘Refugees’ they portrayed Omar Badreddin as being the victim of a young white girl who made up accusations against him as a ‘racist’
    Omar Badreddin has just been jailed for 18 years on 5 counts of rape of a 12 year old white girl

    Time to get the old gang… Sopes, BS, O’Brien… Beech… back again?


    • StewGreen says:

      UNN have the Newsnight video after he was cleared at the 2016 trial
      The gang were convicted in 2023 and have just be sentenced

      original Newsnight tweet has a video ..


    • StewGreen says:

      impartial Newsnight tweet

      That link is dead, on account of the BBC page being deleted
      There is another link to a YouTube version. it was not deleted, they made it private instead


  6. Foscari says:

    Whilst having breakfast just now. I heard 10 minutes of
    what turned out to be one of the most hilarious
    comedy sketches I have heard on seen on the BBC for a long time.
    As we know because they have lost most of their live
    major sporting events . And that is going to include the FA
    Cup soon. The BBC is concentrating on women playing sports .
    Mostly football, rugby , netball, cricket.
    For 10 minutes Sally Nugent was having a conversation
    with two “experts” on how girls should feel comfortable
    wearing hockey shorts. The analogy of watching paint dry
    comes to mind. . BUT the punchline came when Sally
    asked a number of girls if it was important to them what
    they wear when playing sport. They all said ” NOT REALLY
    as long as they were warm.”


  7. MarkyMark says:



  8. StewGreen says:

    For 4 days YouTube has been pushing this video at me
    but I ignored it cos it’s from an MP


    • Fedup2 says:

      A little dip in to hear how the BBC narrative is preparing for superrr Tuesday . I’m guessing they’ll go big on a couple of loonylefty states staying democrat — California comes to mind …
      But there was the ritual exchange between our Justin and a democrat mouthpiece – usually an ex Obama droid but in this case Clinton .
      They are scheming the next ‘block trump ‘ scheme . This one is that although the Supreme Court has put trump back on the ballots of. Democrat infested states – a democrat House of Representatives could block a newly elected trump from office on the insurrection gig ….
      Even the Clinton mouthpiece pointed out that the USA would be a ‘laughing stock ‘ if this happened ….

      … funny how they use this smokescreen to pretend the Obama Biden fix isn’t already in ….


    • tomo says:

      The overweight blue haired tattooed twits with Edna Everage specs at YouTube (in my imagination) curation department are getting bolder in pushing their agenda and cluttering feeds with abject tosh.


      • StewGreen says:

        em, no in that video she talks like Tommy


        • tomo says:

          For clarity – I didn’t mean that video – it was a general observation that I’m seeing lots of partisan stuff, mostly from the left. Maybe because my profile attracts it but it goes through surges.

          I *very* rarely get presented with anything like Rachael Maclean’s piece there.

          The categorization and silo-ing of users seems pervasive.


  9. tomo says:


  10. Guest Who says:

    That chap with the stickers is not my cup of tea, but free speech is free speech… until it stops being free speech.


  11. tomo says:


    • Fedup2 says:

      You are awful – but I like you – lucky dick emery isn’t about now …


      • moggiemoo says:

        There would be no need for him now, this country is funny enough already. In a tragic sense.


  12. andyjsnape says:

    ‘I earn £1,600 a month and two-thirds goes on bills’

    “People still need help with their energy bills, says Joe Makin” – yes, the energy companies must continue to make Billions in profits!


    • StewGreen says:

      I don’t think they do make billions in profits from UK retail
      They make it from oil/gas fields and global operations.
      Lots of UK energy retailers went bust cos profits are so small.

      The BBC article deliberately misleads by failing to give a cost breakdown
      “Maybe £1,000-£1,100 of that goes on rent and bills,”
      His rent could be £800 or something


      • tomo says:

        The Marxist / leftoid reality distortion goggles are standard issue in our Anglophone MSM.


        “food” delivery and waste removal tubing comes later – better be careful about the connections…


  13. JohnC says:

    BBC front page headline:
    UN says rape likely committed in Hamas attack on Israel

    Just rape and only likely BBC ?. Why have you just singled out that ? – you have deliberately tried to make it sound like a regular crime which could happen in the house next door.

    It was MUCH more than that. They were mutilated as part of that rape and then they were murdered. Sometimes during the rape.

    And then we also have:
    ‘In the report, the UN said it had “found clear and convincing information that sexual violence, including rape, sexualized torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment has been committed against hostages”.’

    And then you dare to give this a prominent position in the report:

    ‘The UN report also described reports of sexual violence against Palestinians in Israeli custody, including “unwanted touching of intimate areas” and “prolonged forced nudity”.’

    In a cynical attempt to create some kind of equivalence when they are in no way comparable as what those terrorist animals did.

    F*ck you UN. F*ck you BBC. You disgust me beyond words.

    Keep going IDF until you have wiped these scum off the face of the Earth.


  14. tomo says:

    US spooks / swampers protect Chinese People’s Liberation Army operative….


  15. Fedup2 says:

    I was watching the George Galloway show in the US senate on YouTube …. But then it was ‘suggested’ that I watch a segment of Galloway getting dismantled by Christopher Hitchens .. at the end .. it turned out to be sponsored by ‘blue labour – previously known as the Conservative Party ….are they so worried about one man ?


    • tomo says:

      Galloway handed the quite awfully briefed and astonishingly ignorant US politicians their collected arses on a plate with garnish and some panache….


  16. tomo says:

    320,000 flown into regional airports to reduce border pressure? phew!


  17. Fedup2 says:

    Danny cohen – previously a BBC lefty – now criticising the BBC for its ‘ output – enjoy

    STARTS Last year, the BBC announced a major new journalistic initiative with much fanfare. BBC News CEO Deborah Turness said that BBC Verify would “pull back the curtain” on the work of the organisation, producing “radical transparency”.

    Unfortunately, the curtain being pulled back on BBC Verify itself only serves to highlight the consistent and consequential failures of the BBC’s reporting on the Israel-Hamas war.

    I first noticed BBC Verify shortly after the terrorist massacre of October 7. A few weeks into the war I wrote in these pages about the BBC’s diplomatic correspondent, Caroline Hawley. This senior journalist’s Twitter feed read like a series of press releases from Hamas, with Hawley reposting propaganda from Gaza without context or any apparent attempt at basic journalistic verification.

    Shortly afterwards, Hawley was chosen to present a BBC Verify report on the very conflict she had just been exposed as demonstrating a lack of impartiality on. This smacked of a management showing stubborn disregard for compelling evidence of journalistic bias. To make matters worse, Hawley did not refer to Hamas as a proscribed terrorist organisation in her report.

    It was claimed by staffers that BBC Verify would be a “new team of investigative journalists with years of experience in verification work and forensic journalism”. The reality appears to be that this new brand is instead a major contributor to the damage being done to the BBC’s reputation and its commitments to impartiality and accuracy. The most recent example of this is perhaps the most damning.

    Last week the BBC published a Verify-branded report on the tragic circumstances that surrounded the deaths of Palestinians at an aid convoy in Gaza. The reporting was based partially on the account of Mahmoud Awadeyah, described by the BBC as a “journalist”.

    Thanks to the work of researcher David Collier, we know a lot more about the source that the BBC relied on for its supposedly forensic reporting. Awadeyah reportedly works for the Tasnim News Agency, which is associated with Iranian Revolutionary Guard. In other words, it appears that the BBC’s source is on the payroll of a country committed to the genocidal destruction of the Jewish State, one that uses its media proxies to promote its murderous ambitions.

    Unfortunately, it gets worse. Mahmoud Awadeyah’s social-media timeline is filled with pro-terrorist and anti-Semitic material. BBC Verify’s source appears to be a man who celebrates the deaths of Jews. Last year, as seven lay dead after a terror attack on a synagogue in East Jerusalem, Awadeyah took to Facebook to describe his feelings: “A state of rejoicing, exuberance and mosques filled with exuberance. Revenge for the fetus”. And this apparent glee at the violent deaths of Jewish people was not an isolated occurrence.

    In the summer of 2023, he posed in front of a mural depicting what seemed to be an Islamic Jihad rocket strike on an Israeli apartment building. Eighty year-old Inga Avramayan, who had been trying to assist her paralysed husband to a shelter, was killed in that attack. Yet as well as posing in front of the mural, Awadeyah promised more, writing: “Always rest assured that what is coming is more beautiful. God willing”.

    Awadeyah’s social-media posts are publicly available for any journalist to see. Yet BBC Verify appears to have failed in the most basic of journalistic practices: checking one of their key sources. How could this have possibly happened?

    The BBC has developed an apparent habit of accepting at face value what it is told by people presenting as Palestinian civilians or civic officials. It either doesn’t understand or doesn’t care that in too many cases these people turn out to be representatives of, or sympathetic towards, terrorist organisations.

    It also appears to be increasingly the case that stories BBC reporters receive from Palestinian sources align with their negative assumptions about Israel, and that the corporation’s journalists don’t challenge or robustly investigate accounts that come from highly flawed and disreputable sources.

    The failure of BBC Verify’s reporting on such a high-profile and emotive conflict is not just a profound journalistic failure. The stakes are regrettably much higher than that. ENDS


    • tomo says:

      A Beeboid fashion victim collides with reality


    • Foscari says:

      I don’t think you are being fair. the BBC is all but the media partner
      of Hamas in the UK. Fed Up what do you expect them to tell
      us? OK if the same lot at the BBC were around in 1940
      and the Nazis had succeeded in occupying the UK. I expect the
      BBC would have let the Jews in the UK know what were
      the train times from Liverpool Street station to take them
      to Harwich . And onwards to Auschwitz.


    • StewGreen says:

      As ever MSM they are a false mirror
      instead of a mirror showing reality they portray the world that confirms their own biased internal narratives
      That Tommy is a baddie
      and Hamas re freedom fighters


  18. JohnC says:

    Super Tuesday: Four things to watch out for as Americans vote

    That would be:

    1.Biden stands effectively unopposed and wins 99% of the vote.
    2.All the ‘if’s and ‘maybe’s we are told by the BBC which ‘might’ let Hayley win turn out to be complete lies and wishful thinking.
    3.Hayley is humiliated but she puts on her plastic smile and pretends she isn’t and will keep on going.
    4.The BBC find something to claim that she did better than expected at something which means she might beat Trump next time.

    I did enjoy the negativity towards Trump from Lurch in this classic BBC piece.

    But what has been standing out to me since the start is: Where is the Democrat opposition ?. It seems that Biden is the only candidate except for the odd complete no hoper.

    Are the Democrats really so bereft of competition ?. Because at the moment, it looks like something straight out of Putins handbook.

    Couple this with the other thing I commented on where I see every single democrat voting on party lines on every important vote (ie not one with a conscience or courage to make an ethical vote) with usually a few Republicans voting ‘the other way’ that it reminds me a lot of Thailand when Thaksin was in power. Nobody DARE vote against what he wanted.

    The Democrats look a LOT like a dictatorship from where I’m watching. And I have never seen that point picked up in any BBC article.


  19. tomo says:

    Seems unlikely to get any attention from cubicle warriors in W1A


  20. Zephir says:

    Unbelievable, or maybe not in this day and age, Hamas supporting nazis in action:

    “Moment lone Jewish man confronts pro-Palestine mob after activist threatened to ‘beat the f*** out of’ him in London – while Met Police are seen watching on”


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      I know this guy (but not personally). He is an activist on Jewish issues (nothing wrong with that). I used to come across him when speaking on Men’s issues at Speakers Corner. He would ask questions/heckle and steer the subject onto Jewish issues (again nothing wrong with that, heckling is always good if you want to have an audience at SC). I would often advise that I was only speaking about Men’s issues. Sometimes at an opportunist moment he would whip of his hood revealing a kipur on his head underneath. After some time he became friendly with us, maybe realising that support for men and the family was in line with traditional Jewish values.

      I support and salute his bravery in the above video. I suspect he was speaking at Speakers Corner. I have to say that the behaviour of the rabble at Speakers Corner is unacceptable especially the cowardly WPC’s. The Islamists are pretty bad too. I have seen them surround an elderly Christian preacher and pull his beard and push him off his stool. These people are only brave when in a mob.

      Wishi Washi Stop The Boats


  21. Zephir says:

    Video above worth watching as he confronts the cowardly mob:

    “The mob call him a ‘f***ing Jew’ and a ‘terrorist’ before shouting ‘f*** you Israel’ and chanting ‘Free, Free Palestine’.”



  22. andyjsnape says:

    The easiest way to make a simple white loaf

    Think making bread is “time consuming” and complicated

    Step Seven – Buy from the local shop, while your already there, far quicker, less hassle


  23. Fedup2 says:

    Not really about bias but I listened to a bit of the world at one with a defence expert describing what sounds like the coming end of the Ukraine war because the EU – Germany – is not delivering of promises to supply kit .

    It seems Germany is still very much under Russian control – which suggests that when putin takes on a NATO member he is going to be on solid ground as NATO falls apart – so he can hide his time and take his pick …..

    I can imagine Ukraine being a very dark place once putin takes the bits he wants ….


    • Eddy Booth says:

      I’d counter that west Ukraine will be the dark place when the war finishes, probably with EU membership and the residents enjoying having LBGT teachers at their children’s school, 3rd world enrichment etc.

      Meanwhile the BBC immediately runs a story of the Russian naval ship sunk, by a NATO boat drone whatever they are called.

      But BBC can’t update their “Ukraine in maps” – now over 3 weeks old – which would show steady Russian gains, and more significance to the war than a patrol boat.


  24. andyjsnape says:

    Toxic culture of fear in swimming systemic – review

    Honestly! bbc get a life

    Must again be a VERY slow news day, surely something import to report on


  25. Eddy Booth says:

    Latest BBC sob stories about people wanting more government hand-outs,
    rather than addressing the reason why housing is so expensive.

    “Aga Szedzianis, in Newham, east London
    She and her husband, who are both associate architects, earn just over £50,000 each.
    we can’t afford holidays anymore.
    The two main things Ms Szedzianis would like to see in the Budget are income tax thresholds going up, and an increase in the tax-free childcare allowance.”


  26. Doobster78 says:

    BBC off to the Food Bank in Rutland for comment on the budget and how a cut in NI wont help the poorest.

    BBC have a obsession with Food Bank usage soaring.

    It has sweet FA to do with the cost of living crisis, its because people have cottoned on to the fact there is FREE FOOD going begging !! It used to be that you had to have a referral from the Council / Social Services to be able access them but not any longer …. ANY Tom , Dick or Harry can go.

    Keep the family Netflix, Apple, SKY, Disney subscriptions , enjoy a few beers and nip to the local Foodbank for the essentials..

    Just another aspect of the joke this country has become. I reckon 75% + using the Foodbank dont actually need it. Get the BBC outside one and ask the users if they have all the above subscriptions and if they have, tell them to Foxtrot Oscar


    • MarkyMark says:

      Rules around food banks are driving some people away from asking for help because of the “sense of shame”, new research suggests.

      Cardiff University found having to prove you are struggling to get a voucher for food creates more stigma.


      • Fedup2 says:

        I think on my area they deliver along with the take aways


      • Up2snuff says:

        Doobster and Marky Mark are going to have to fight it out whether there are rules for food banks or no rules for food banks. I suggest Marquess of Queensbury rules, OK?


    • Zephir says:

      @ Doobster

      You are absolutely right, our neighbour ( a Philipino lady) is part of a scheme and every weekend puts out a table of food from local supermarkets available to anyone for free.

      I frequently cannot park near the house due to bloody great new SUVs stopping and taking handfuls of stuff


  27. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – BBC rattling the collection tin on behalf of Local Authorities
    TWatO Watch #1 – BBC rattling the collection tin on behalf of Local Authorities

    This morning right from the outset TOADY was pleading the cause of Local Authorities, especially Birmingham. What a shame the Iron Lady was not a bit more flexible in 1990 about the Community Charge (a.k.a. the Poll Tax) we might have had sensible people becoming Local Authority councillors and we would not have had the every increasing Council Tax imposed on us by the Labour Party and other Lefties.

    It was largely adult students who were worried about paying the Community Charge and if Margaret Thatcher had met them or their representatives and offered a suitable discount on the charge that would be falling on working people we would, I think, not be in the mess we are in now with Local Authorities spending their taxpayers’ money on daft things and then going bust.

    Not so much coverage on the World at One.


    • Fedup2 says:

      The ‘leader ‘ of Birmingham council being repeated caught being ‘economical with the truth ‘ as to why they’ve run out of taxpayers’ cash – he got let off pretty easy really ….but it’s good to see they are cutting ‘adult care ‘ meaning old people can go and die to save the council money for diversity managers …..


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, I did hear the Birmingham Labour Council leader mention his underpaying ‘wimmin’ for years who work for the Authority. What?!!! Underpaying ‘wimmin’? How dare he! Most unLabour-like.

        He will have his pips cut off and his Lefty membership card torn up.


      • tomo says:

        Getting increasingly obvious that many local taxpayers aren’t getting *any* value out of their council – time for a tax strike….


  28. tomo says:

    It’s OK when we do it….


    • MarkyMark says:

      As early as 1979, a local underground magazine, the Rochdale Alternative Press, alleged that in the 1960s Smith had spanked and sexually abused teenage boys in a hostel he co-founded.[1] The story was repeated by the magazine Private Eye.[2] After his death, the allegations were denied by his family. The Press Office of the leader of the Liberal Party, David Steel, commented, “All he seems to have done is spanked a few bare bottoms”.[3] After his death, formal allegations of child sexual abuse were made against him, leading authorities to conclude that he was a prolific sex offender.[4][5]


  29. Zephir says:

    “Israeli hostages held by Hamas are being subjected to rape and ‘sexualised torture’, according to UN report that describes ‘cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment’

    The UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict and her team visited Israel and the West Bank from January 29 to February 1”


  30. Zephir says:

    “Hamas terrorists were raping corpses during October 7 and carried out ‘sexualised torture’ – but infamous claim that a pregnant woman was cut open and her foetus stabbed is unfounded, UN report says

    UN said there was ‘clear and convincing’ information to show conflict-related sexual violence was committed by Hamas terrorists in Israel on October 7”


  31. Guest Who says:

    BBC cubicle gardens get a tip off press release from the ‘hood.

    Run it.


    There is nothing about that post that has any value, and a lot covering up stuff to create division.

    BBC Islam is beyond saving.


  32. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    I’m hearing that Talk TV is finishing and will only be available on YouTube.
    That will leave GB News as the only non left wing TV channel.
    It’s a pity because they have some decent people on there and it’s always good to have an option when some of the rubbish people come on GBN (and they have plenty of those)

    I hope the likes of Alex Phillips and Mike Graham can get on GBN.


    • vlad says:

      Hopefully, Talk TV will continue to thrive as a live streaming channel.
      And hopefully GB News will benefit from having less competition as a terrestrial tv channel?

      May they both prosper and one day bring down the BBC.


    • moggiemoo says:

      I wasn’t even aware they are on TV, I’ve only recently started watching them, but online.


    • StewGreen says:

      BBC news about TalkTV has been disinforming all day.
      Not once did I hear them mention the obvious reason.

      If you go online only, then you are no longer regulated by BiasedOFCOM

      Dan Wootton has just announced he’s going online only cos of Ofcom


  33. tomo says:

    The bonehead biased bint “at it”


  34. Guest Who says:
    Maria Polachowska was one of the BBC Newsnight producers on the 2016 story of now convicted child rapist Omar Badreddin as you can see on her public Twitter profile.
    Badreddin was found not guilty of child sexual assault in 2016 as he claimed the white girls accusing him were racist as well as numerous failures by the Police.
    The BBC piece sympathetically showed Omar and how he felt betrayed by the new country he came to.
    One of the responders described the BBC piece as a ‘really heartbreaking story’.
    Badreddin went on to rape, humiliate and abuse 12 year old girls in Newcastle City Centre.

    O’Brien, Sopes, Maitlis era?


  35. Guest Who says:
    Chepstow: Naked swimming club may close over cut in hours

    Lovely pair of pins featured.

    Prepared to bet that reality is a bunch of wrinkly lardbergs getting off on flaunting their bits.


  36. Guest Who says:
    The BBC News CEO Deborah Turness is absolutely delusional here. She says the BBC is unbias but on too many occasions, what Hamas reports has been reported without question. These errors always benefit one side & helped fuel antisemitism. Unforgivable.


  37. StewGreen says:

    Dan Wootton has just announced he’s going online only cos of Ofcom


    • StewGreen says:

      the domain was registered 153 days ago on 5th October 2023,
      two days before his Telegram group was created

      Says the anti GBnews account trolling him


  38. StewGreen says:

    And another Ofcom-free channel from Calvin and Lozza Fox


  39. atlas_shrugged says:

    All future free speech will be samizdat.


  40. StewGreen says:

    Ofcom’s tweet got ratioed just

    And quite a few mocked their hypocrisy.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think when red Labour get in all those parents of dead ( suicide ) teenagers will be used to inflict even more regulation on the internet – I know of one red labour girl,who wants everything on the internet licenced – or no access …. Inevitable that freedom is crushed …


  41. Foscari says:

    Hold the front page ! BIG BROTHER head of diversity at the BBC
    is shitting “itself” over the affront of the proposal
    of the government to inform local bankrupt councils such
    as Birmingham to stop employing diversity professionals
    £100,000 a year to explain in Urdu how to use correct
    pronouns when talking to transexuals !


  42. Guest Who says:

    Doubtless Debs and team would dub them ‘mostly peaceful’ ceasefire rockets?
    NEW: Hezbollah launched a large attack against northern Israel, firing dozens of rockets over the border


  43. taffman says:

    Why aren’t the Tories defending Great Britain and its borders . Is it deliberate ?
    Stop the Boats! We are being invaded.