436 Responses to Midweek 8th May 2024

  1. MarkyMark says:

    “Sharon Beshenivsky was shot dead as she arrived at the scene of a robbery at Universal Express in Bradford”

    “Piran Ditta Khan fled to Pakistan after PC Beshenivsky’s murder in 2005, but was extradited in 2023”




  2. MarkyMark says:

    Name of donor: Akhil Tripathi
    Address of donor: private
    Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Provision of air travel to multiple Conservative Party events on 28 April 2023 for me and eight members of staff, value £38,500
    Donor status: individual

    Changes to the Register of Members’ Interests
    Rishi Sunak

    . . . .

    Tory donor who funded Sunak private jet has £14.3m assets frozen in fraud case
    The Prime Minister is facing questions over the donation from Akhil Tripathi, pictured inset, who has also donated more than £150,000 to the Conservative Party since 2021


  3. MarkyMark says:

    BBC Scotland
    Radio and online, 2 & 3 April 2024

    In BBC Scotland’s coverage of the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021, reference was made in some of our output to the Act making it a criminal offence in Scotland to make “derogatory comments” based on the protected characteristics of age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex. This was inaccurate and we should have referred to the Act creating a new crime where it is an offence if someone communicates material or behaves in a threatening or abusive manner with the intention of “stirring up hatred” based on these protected characteristics. We apologise for any confusion caused and have reminded our teams of the importance of accuracy in our output.




  4. MarkyMark says:

    Developing Nation with cheap loans from IMF .. HA HA HAH A

    “China rocket blasts off for far side of Moon”


  5. StewGreen says:

    As mentioned previously
    “When the BBC bring on drag queens to give their “expert” opinion on foreign policy,
    you can understand why people aren’t happy being forced to fund it.

    Now Spiked article
    Why is the BBC so obsessed with drag queens? BBC News publishes stories about working-class drag acts, Northern Irish drag acts, drag acts running the London Marathon
    … All of dubious news value. Why?

    Every area of the Beeb’s output is saturated with content about men pretending to be women.
    Alien visitors to Earth might be forgiven for thinking that something like 10 per cent of the UK population are drag queens. After all, how else could you explain the sheer amount of airtime and column inches that the BBC has devoted to this relatively niche ‘LGTBQ+’ subculture?


  6. tomo says:


    • Eddy Booth says:

      Trump wasn’t exactly spotless though..



      • wwfc says:

        Safe and effective lol


        • tomo says:


          • kingkp says:

            You’re turning into a swivel-eyed conspiracy loon. You can’t reference links where facts and reason are used to prove there was no pandemic. You have to use emotion. As I was in the A&E today I saw a poster with a woman and a child implying if you’re not injected you are a danger to them. This is how Satanists work. Inversion. They are very good at it.
            The RKI files are just one more piece of evidence that goes to prove beyond any doubt there was no virus. There are no viruses, but most people can’t get their heads around this notion as it is drummed into them from the day they are born. Merely stating that fact makes you look like an idiot to them. Believe me, I’m no idiot.
            It looks as if they may come with the bird flu next. It’s embarrassing really for humanity that so few can see through the blatant lies. Why is it only humans were affected by the Covaids when so many primates share 98 percent of our genes? Why don’t we see monkeys dying in large numbers or bats, or any other animal like dogs and cats? Do you remember the Great Dog Plague of 1958? How about the Great Cat Pandemic of 1988? Me neither. Funny that. Dogs and cats roam through all kinds of dirt and rubbish yet they never seem to have pandemics. The reason is simple. Cats and dogs don’t watch TV.
            Germ theory is the NWO’s greatest weapon although they have many more in their arsenal, such as complete control of the money supply and war.


  7. Guest Who says:

    The BBC is closing its post of Director of Diversity. But don’t worry, it’s going to have a new Chief Talent and Inclusion Officer and also keeps its Head of Creative Diversity (she/her ofc)
    I know you’ll all be frantic with concern so I hope this reassures you


  8. Thoughtful says:

    There are reports of a number of Blue Labour ministers in talks of defection to Red Labour. When the two parties are so ideologically identical I don’t suppose it matters which party they are members of.


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