Smarmer, almost from the outset of the Hamas attack on Israel has been talking about two state solutions and cease fires etc. There surely should be no negotiation with Hamas, cease fire or anything until the hostages are freed. By coming out with the crap he’s doing, only to keep his Moslemistan Parliamentary seats, he’s aiding and abetting murderers and terrorists.
What a maggot Smarmer is.
Watch Melanie Philips talking with Winston Marshall on YouTube why a two state solution can never work. Her analysis on David Cameron and his hate of Israel towards the end of the video is insightful. (Sorry working off my iPad and can’t work out how to do the link).
The ‘foreign national ( unnamed ) who pushed over the danish PM yesterday has been to court and been sentenced to 12 days in prison …
… yet – throw a milk shake at a senior candidate for the UK election and you are on bail until 2nd July – giving the green light to similar attacks – and worse …. Only certain members of the political class get looked after …
Danish police said on Saturday a 39-year-old Polish man would appear in front of a judge for preliminary questioning in relation to an assault on the prime minister.
As a very long-term car driver I have been pondering for some time why so many of our roads and street are sprouting pot-holes much more than they used to!
Is it more traffic?
Is it less road maintenance?
Well I have theory… When any of my electrical equipment batteries dies I put the dead battery in a biscuit tin to take to disposal. I realised that even when only half full that biscuit tin starts to get REALLY heavy.
That led me to researching the weight of some typical EV car batteries and shock-horror. They can weight up to 750 kilos PER CAR! Or to put it another way, the equivalent of around 10 x 12 extra passengers aboard each car!
Hence my guess is that the increasing number of EV’s pounding our roads with this massive amount of dead weight onboard are probably why our roads are breaking up much more quickly than they used to!
EV weight is one problem. The other is the fashion to drive Chelsea Tractors which are much heavier than ‘normal’ cars.
Road destruction goes to the 4th power of vehicle axle weight. In plain English this means that if a car is double the weight then the road destructive power of the car is 16 times as much.
Everything the government does is to increase fuel consumption because 80% of it is taxed. Electric may be taxed less at 5% but there are massive subsidies for electric generation (via wind turbines). So again the public are being wacked with taxes for this form of energy.
The UK could switch to ultra light vehicles and with direct non-stop roads these vehicles could halve journey times and use a fraction of the energy. Damage to the road would be greatly reduced. But gov would not get much tax back so it is a no no.
The other issue is bad parking mainly by 4 X 4 SUV drivers. Instead of parking properly by reversing into a space, parallel parking. These drivers will simply drive forward up and over the kerb and swing over the pavement to usually end up a long way out from the kerb. The issue is, apart from being unsafe, kerbs and pavements are damaged, Heavy EV’s worsen the issue.
And Ive seen a lot of these drivers are young yummy mummy’s who haven’t a clue! They find parking spaces challenging so find a spot where there are 3 or 4 spaces together which they can manage. These kids and their husbands clearly have these vehicles on lease, so God knows what they pay each month ……… as they pull up outside the food bank !
Dear Brissles – it’s a diversion – but my favourite observation of motoring behaviour is the empty car park . If you park with a lot of empty parking spaces around you the next car to come and park will choose the space next to yours .
I have won millions in bets with myself about this mysterious phenomenon …. 77 brigade – can you help…
Nope, but you are sooo right it’s bloody infuriating actually. A field of parking spaces to choose from but the one next door is the juicy one for other drivers. It’s the same if you’re in a hurry, the car in front goes in your direction at 20mph.
Roads aren’t bad in my region.
There’s a lot of repair work done.
Why moan about EVs when lorries weigh much more ?
UK lorry load limit is 44 tonnes
“For operation above 40000kg, the drive axle(s) must not exceed 10500kg and have road friendly suspension OR have a maximum axle weight not exceeding 8500kg”
You make a very good point about lorries damaging roads more. I guess the amount of trucks on the road has increased. Along with this has been the explosion in delivery vans a la Amazon. This to service the work from home types. What was one commute per day may now be 4 delivery vans. With road miles and axle weight consequentially increasing.
6pm news – you can hear the editorial dismay that the Israelis have freed 4 hostages – they couldn’t wait to move on – and featured the number of Palestinians / terrorists killed . They didn’t use the world terrorist of course . For the bbc they are Islamic freedom fighters …
No doubt Islamic Hamas will execute remaining hostages …
Anyone could “stop the boats” full of males of fighting age, fleeing war in Calais.
The Chuckle Brothers could do a better job.
Anyone arrriving here by illegal means and without a passport or identity documents from a country with no war should have no recourse to public funds or housing.
It is as simple as that.
Unless of course our government does not have the authority to govern our country ?
If that is so, as seems to be openly apparent, then serious questions should be asked, and answers demanded, who is co ordinating and orchestrating this ?
Royal Navy to be ‘foremost naval power in Europe’ with new frigates and underwater vessels
THE ROYAL Navy is set to receive advanced vessels to improve Britain’s maritime military might and restore its place as “the foremost naval power in Europe”.
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Royal Navy to be ‘foremost naval power in Europe’ with new frigates and underwater vessels
THE ROYAL Navy is set to receive advanced vessels to improve Britain’s maritime military might and restore its place as “the foremost naval power in Europe”.
09:34, Mon, Mar 8, 2021 | UPDATED: 10:46, Mon, Mar 8, 2021
Royal Navy’s Cold War submarine activities discussed by expert
Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s defence upgrade will see the Royal Navy receive the new vessels as part of the Government’s defence review. UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said: “The Royal Navy gets new frigates, supply ships, and underwater surveillance vessels.”
Somebody on X the other day put up a picture of the contestants for Miss Poland asking whether anyone noticed anything ‘unusual ‘ ( clue – they were all women ) …
London protests against two-tier policing – Tommy Robinson, the far-left and media bias
I genuinely don’t understand this. A media that looks the other way when people chant for jihad or the extermination of Israel, somehow sees a bunch of Brits singing songs as the greatest evil facing our society.
“We do not tolerate or instigate any form of preaching that breaches both Islamic principles and the laws of England and Wales,” it said.
What does jihad mean?
The word “jihad” is widely used, though often inaccurately, by Western politicians and media.
In Arabic, the word means “effort” or “struggle”. In Islam, it could be an individual’s internal struggle against baser instincts, the struggle to build a good Muslim society, or a war for the faith against unbelievers.
The word “jihad” is widely used, though often inaccurately, by Western politicians and media.
build a good Muslim society
The word “jihad” is widely used, though often inaccurately, by Western politicians and media.
The Islamic Broadcasting Corporation is keen to repeat Hamas’s claims about casualties, unverified of course and no differentiation between civilians and Hamas fighters, arising from the amazing freeing alive of four Israeli hostages.
Of course, if Hamas had not taken Israeli hostages in the first place there would have been no need to kill anybody trying to free them.
An obvious fact the BBC mysteriously seem to have missed.
What’s so ridiculous is they will say ‘Israel struck a school killing 30 people’. With the unstated inference that they were teachers and students.
When in fact all 30 may well have been terrorists. But they don’t even mention it as a possibility. Deliberately grouping terrorists with civilians like that to infer they are all innocent is morally corrupt.
The latest daily mail poll is putting the blues at 39 seats . It can’t be as bad / good as that can it ? My pound for less than 50 is looking pretty good . Keep it up green card – see if you can get your entire cabinet to lose their seats- and you …
.. more seriously – I don’t think there is any one in the blue party – apart from lord frost – who has any clue as to why everyone hates them …
The last Tory – Lord Frost on BBC Lies / verify -enjoy ( from DT)
STARTS If you spend any time with members of our new establishment – academics, quangocrats, the BBC – and especially if you conceal your identity as a Telegraph reader so they speak freely, you will learn something rather strange. They are obsessed with misinformation and disinformation.
I assure you, people like this genuinely believe that in the new social media world the ill-informed populace is easy prey to false beliefs, conspiracies, and malign state interference. They believe that you are too stupid to make your own mind up about things or distinguish between the true and the false. And they think it’s the government’s job – or perhaps theirs – to do it for you instead.
One obvious problem with this thesis is that in recent years an awful lot of misinformation has come from governments themselves: Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia, the view that an economic crash was inevitable if we voted to leave the EU, the refusal to countenance the lab leak theory about Covid, and the reluctance for a long time, in the teeth of obvious evidence, to drop the belief that the Covid vaccine stopped transmission of the virus.
Perhaps sensing this, the authorities have smiled instead on the growth of so-called “fact checking” outfits, the best known of which is BBC Verify, ubiquitous on the BBC nowadays. Their self-regarding takes on the news may seem merely comic, but they are actually dangerous, and especially so during an election campaign – for in trying to convey an authoritative view they are more often, as Orwell once put it, giving “an appearance of solidity to pure wind”.
Take Friday night’s 7-sided “leader” debate, fact checked live by BBC Verify’s Ben Chu. What’s wrong with that, you might ask?
The problem is that they aren’t checking facts; they are also checking opinion. They can’t be experts in everything, so they have to go to other sources of authority, other supposed experts. But these people are often not neutral either. BBC Verify fact-checked Nigel Farage’s views on net zero on Friday by reference to the views of the Climate Change Committee. But anyone who knows anything about net zero knows that, while the Committee’s views may be received wisdom amongst much of the establishment, they are definitely controversial. They have to be open to debate. You can’t say that Farage’s views are just comment but the Committee’s views are fact.
Similarly, a month back Ben Chu looked on X at the UK’s post-Brexit trade performance, pointing to the OBR’s estimate of a 15 per cent fall in trade to make his argument. But that estimate is itself based on other estimates, now dated, and themselves questionable. It isn’t a fact: it’s a view, and one that can and must be debated.
This matters because very often in politics the facts only take you so far: it is the interpretation that counts. It’s a fact that net immigration to the UK in 2023 was 685,000 people. Is that good or bad? It depends whether you think it contributes to economic growth or not (which is controversial); on how you value social cohesion against the economy; and on how you value moral obligations such as taking in refugees. None of this is objective fact. It’s all open to interpretation and debate. That’s what an election is about.
That’s why the whole BBC Verify programme is based on a fallacy. On most political issues not only is there simply no authoritative interpretation of the facts, but what a fact tells you depends on the interpretation you bring to it. The only way to reach an outcome is to have free debate, allow all to make their case, and see who wins the argument.
So BBC Verify should confine itself to clarifying the issues, and then let people make their own mind up. But surely that is what the BBC should be doing anyway. So why do we need BBC Verify at all? Maybe we don’t. ENDS
( I wonder who was the government for the last 10 years – the one in charge of the BBC ?)
I have a confession to make.
I watched celebrity gogglebox.
What an absolutely sorry lot these ‘slebs’ are.
All far left and woke as can be.
They had a section on President Trump and every one of them was virtue signalling for all they were worth.
Their hate streamed out from the tv.
During the whole programme I think every sentence they spoke contained swear words with effing this and eff that all the time, some were parent and son or daughter sitting together watching tv.
I wouldn’t dare to have used this language in front of my Parents and I never heard them use it.
Do these slebs think it makes them sound clever or something?
These same people get really upset about words when it suits them and get offended, often on other people’s behalf, by some word where they can find some connection to it being insulting, however tenuous the link may be. Something like “She’s tall (or short)” which is fertile ground for the wokies to show how considerate they are by being offended for the tall/short girl making them a better person than you and me.
EG – I worry whenever anyone comes on this site and says they have ‘a confession’ .. is it a dark secret like still watching Question Time or Newsnight ? Ugh . There can be no absolution for such sins .
Can’t say anything about ‘gogglebox’ as I’ve never seen it – and I am so pleased – smug – about the number of seemingly dire output output these days ….
…. And then there is ‘Sunday ‘ – is ‘wokeness a religion ?’ Followed by ‘crickets ‘drinking culture makes it a cold house for Muslims ‘…. Off switch … nausea …
You will find that whether it is the “civilian” or “celebrity” Gogglebox, all of them are unanimous in their opinion of Trump. It is almost as if they have been told what to say. Maybe they just “know” that if they want to keep the gig, they have to hate Trump. They never say why they hate him, of course. It is just the hive mind at work, from Clare Balding to Shaun Rider!
Me too. Both SillyGrandma and myself turned on the TV and Celebrity Gobshite was on (by chance) and it’s that precise moment was Babatun whatever his name is and Mo Glumagain discussing ’Canal Boat Diaries’. Babawhatshisface pipes up immediately with “Aww we’ve got some white middle class stuff ere….” Now correct me if I’m mistaken but were the people living on boats over100 years ago middle class? Not to mention a lot of people who live on middle class people living on canal boats now as they can afford a mortgage! Pure utter nonsense and just an example of the mentality of such people who unfortunately DO get the airtime.
Hey ho.
PS. In my defence I the TV was on the channel as I had previously been watching PopMaster TV. Another product of the BBC taking a massive dump on an icon who at the time of leaving was the highest listened to show.
Listening to some intellectuals on @BBCRadio4 today discussing significance of 1984, assuming it's a warning against populist revolts, expressed with all the unironic disdain they can muster, it's clear they rather missed Orwell's point.
Although a great admirer of 1984 – or ‘84’ for short – I couldn’t bring myself to listen to a modern iteration … because I know – know the BBC would insert ‘the message ‘ somehow….
I wonder if these still have ‘84’ on school reading lists – ?or is it banned as it was in other states similar to the UK such as the USSR … ?
No she didn’t. She was pushed hard but not even enough to fall over.
This is a straight lie to create some kind of injury in order to infer equivalence with Fico who was shot by a left-wing activist.
Isn’t amazing how big a story gets when it’s a Lefty who is the victim ?. This story is hardly even news, let alone worthy of daily headline updates.
This is what the BBC said about the murder of Jo Cox:
‘Batley and Spen MP Ms Cox was killed by far-right terrorist Mair in June 2016.’
This is what they said about the man who shot Fico:
‘man, who faces a lengthy prison sentence for attempted murder’
Why is HE not a terrorist BBC ?. Why is he not ‘far-Left’ BBC ?. I’ve read his attack may be part of a bigger left-wing group which absolutely does make it an act of terrorism.
This far-Left activism and extreme double standards totally disgust me. Please someone get rid of this filthy BBC and OFCOM farce.
Loads of elections in Europe Sunday – just how Fedup will the voters be ? Hopefully they’ve had enough of importing the third world and having crap governments destroying their way of life and elect sensible people who care about Them – and not the vermin being imported ….
The current narrative is that Europe is heading Right whilst the UK his heading wrong – sorry – Red .
If the former bit is right the BBC will be less than approving ..
I think you’ll find that is ‘far-right’ Fed.
‘right’ does not seem to exist any more. We just have 3 positions now: centre-left, centre and far-right.
If the ‘far-right’ make gains, the BBC will cluck like angry chickens about how wrong it is and blame people like Trump and Farage. It seems they don’t care much for democracy when people don’t vote how THEY want them to vote.
JohnC – that term should be banned here – but unlike the BBC I’m not too fond of ‘banning ‘ although trolls need not apply .
…. In the DT Sunday a lady called Lucy denyer? Has done a long – very long interview with comrade Robinson . I got to about paragraph 5 before I realised that Lucy loves Nick ❤️
The piece goes on for another 50 paragraphs or more of Love , Not for me – and the ‘comments ‘ reflect this .
Robinson apparently is doing 60 minutes with each ‘leader’. Of those 60 minutes 57 will be comrade Robinson talking over unapproved – with fawning interviews of His mate starmer and the nationalist rubbish being 60 minute party politicals … so not for me … some say …
This is proper hybrid warfare that Western observers struggle to come to terms with. Combatants are also civilians, journalists, doctors and religious authorities, sometimes working for international agencies, providing ‘aid’, acting as experts, etc.
LBC clearly needed to up their O’Brien desperation.
‘How many have to die?’
‘The civilian to militant ratio is a one to one.’
‘I’ve never heard that before…’
As rescued Israeli hostages are said to be ‘in good condition’, @EinatWilf is reluctant to tell @Matthew_Wright ‘how many more Palestinians need to die’.
You know that feeling of election promise fatigue and how in the face of all those weasily-worded headline pledges you begin to experience difficulty understanding what they’re really on about?
Starmer’s ‘triple-lock’ pledge on not hiking tax (Sunday Times)
Well, I’m told the countryside is racist and they desperately want to get more ethnics out there – but I hadn’t realised there was actually a tax on NOT hiking… still, it’s good to know Labour won’t be putting up the rate of the not hiking tax
Of course the BBC will tell me it’s a levy… not a tax – despite the fact levy sounds a bit jewish.
Lib Dems propose three new national parks (BBC) – but who’s going to pay for all the new rural mosques that will need building out in the wilds? I jest of course. The Saudis will be more than willing to supply the funds.
‘Sensitive’ UK terror funding inquiry may never be published… Investigation into foreign funding and support of jihadi groups operating in UK understood to focus on Saudi Arabia (Guardian, This article is more than 7 years old)
Mr AsI tends to give Newman, the Times in-house cartoonist, a lot of stick for the poor quality of his left-leaning unfunny satirical skits. Today he draws a worried-looking politician sat at his computer up late into the wee small hours working on his manifesto – as he complains “I’ve got writer’s block – I’ve run out of empty promises” – more by luck than judgement, I’m guessing, this cartoon representation is of a pale-skinned politician wearing a red tie – so we have to assume by process of elimination it is Sir Keir.
The Radio 4 Today crew are out in force doing side hustles for the Sundays.
Mishal Husain On Today and her extraordinary family history (Observer); Nick Robinson If I broadcast like Farage, I’d be fired (Sunday Telegraph) – write your own rejoinders there.
Just me, or is Rishi doing everything he can to throw the election? Tories in despair as Sunak D-Day gaffe ‘destroys’ election hopes (‘i’); I can’t look you in the eye and say we’ll win Jacob Rees-Mogg (‘i’)
We collect awkward juxtapositions of clashing headlines and sometimes those headline writers hang themselves up on a particular word – the word is finance: Michael Mosely, who has gone missing while on holiday, began his tv career after working in finance (BBC); ‘I’m not actually looking for a man in finance’… Megan’s viral TikTok has been remixed by DJs including David Guetta, who’s releasing a version on Friday… “I’m looking for a man in finance…” That’s the viral song sample poking fun at the concept of an “ideal man” she recorded back in April that’s taken over TikTok in the weeks since. (BBC) – as with all BBC reporting of strictly online social media viral news – if I were really interested and knew what it was they were on about – I wouldn’t require the BBC reporting it all back to me.
The female interest only Saturday Times frontpage went with: Mordaunt hits out at ‘completely wrong’ PM; regime asset Taylor Swift is the big photo feature pin-up: Era-defining Taylor Swift – why is she always pictured performing in her sparkly undies? Then there’s the somewhat more mature allures of: Naomi Campbell Becoming a mother in my fifties – and despite (or as I’d like to think – because of) all Mr AsI’s banging on about the budding Times/Starmer bromance: Step forward Lady Starmer The woman behind Keir (Times)
Stop moaning Times reading chaps. You’ve got your: Euro 2024 Your 20-page guide to the tournament
Make the most of your window boxes – advises yesterday’s Guardian – why? Well: Labour will ignore Nimbys and build prisons to fix crowding crisis (Sunday Telegraph)
Best European campsites this summer (‘i’) – write your own gags about Calais migrant tent city in response to that one.
There’s precious little you can absolutely rely on these days. Other than our dedicated Remainer media mounting their familiar hobby horse for yet another gallop around the Sunday paper paddock: Brexit silence Nothing has left a wound as gaping yet neither Sunak nor Starmer have mentioned it Andrew Rawnsley, p43 (Observer) – page forty-three! Are there really 43 plus pages to the Observer? Thank Christ I only concern myself strictly with the contents of the newspaper cover pages.
And in exasperation having taken the Lord’s name in vain there – for balance… (as the BBC might like to say): I called my son Lucifer… What the hell… a mum who called her son Lucifer reckons the name is great and she doesn’t deserve taunts from cruel trolls (Daily Star)
Tomo – I think the foreign section of the Israeli government website puts some stuff out – such as the names of dead IDF soldiers – something you’ll never see on the anti Israel MSM ….
Randomly googling bbc news a few minutes ago, here is what is defined as the ‘latest from’. There are three slots available.
1. India v Pakistan – New York fixture in 1989 prompted gravest crisis.
2. LGBTQ+, South African artist brings exhibition to Tate Modern
3. Methodist church in Ireland apologises to LGBT community.
What are the chances of that? Two items out of 3 related to just 3% of the population. On the BBC of course, very high. They are totally obsessed with the favourite topics of their editorial team.
PS I’m no statistician but I think the answer is 0.27%. Better buy some lottery tickets.
The same filth that thought William Wragg a shoo-in as a senior politician in a responsible post are in panic… Iain Martin in The Times, saying Farage could be a ‘disaster for democracy™’.
A tried and tested recipe from the pharma marketing repertoire exposed … the MSM make no mention of the monopolisation moves in NHS supply with the shutting down of generics suppliers…
It clrealy shows, every day, bbc muuzzies posing as “jounalists”. (ask question yet igonoring and interrupting any responses.
Seemimg repeatedley acting openly as propogandists for their rar right, fascist, racist, sexist, homophic agendas.
I challenge the use of the word “always”. I last watched Dr Who when Patrick Troughton was chasing yetis around Goodge Street station on the Northern Line. I do not recall it being LGBT friendly at all, just getting on with the job in hand.
Ahhh good old Patrick, those were the days..Personally I loved Whirlygig with Cowboy Hank and Mexican Pete !! But in todays world there’d be questions about their relationship, as they did with Noddy and Big Ears sharing a bed ! I’m surprised the Lone Ranger & Tonto haven’t been got at – kimasabi !
The compete and utter ignoring of the invasion of Isreal and the gang rapes and murders, the hostatage taking of young female civilian hostages and their ” treatment” regularly afterwards does not get a mention from the bbs muzzies.
If anyone does not realise we are at war with these sub human savages, including even at speakers corner in Hyde Park then they are sadly disilusioned,
The most breathtaking sentence imo is this one.
On Saturday Israel’s forces, backed by air strikes, fought intense gun battles with Hamas around the Nuseirat refugee camp to free four hostages.
End quote.
Here’s an idea not considered by the BBC. Hamas could have just handed the hostages over.
But no. Paragraph after paragraph about the beastly Israelis killing Palestinians. The blood soaked hands of Hamas get no comment at all.
Absolutely disgusting.
Syed probably dislikes Farage as his father is from the old country, like Hussein.
He started writing for my local paper, the Reading Chronicle when he was quite young and a table tennis champion.
Is our Government storing up a pile of Chinese manufactured boats , if so what are they doing with them ? Sending them back to France , empty? “Follow the money.”
When the bbbc reports that 4 Israeli hostages have been ‘freed’ it sounds like Hamas have let them go free as opposed to the real story which is that the IDF have rescued them from Hamas.
This is the cunning way the bbbc use words to distort the truth.
Pug – sometimes one get get too much of Farage – I stopped watching / listening to his GBnews show even though he got better at it … but he has my full support – they will probably fix clacton using the Biden method – red and blues United to keep him out of the Commons – but the fight will go on …
… meanwhile – Galloway . Where is George ? Is the MSM avoiding him because we will be overtly anti semitic – overtly anti Israel ?
Have I just missed him ?
Apart from Farage he is – I think – the only politician able to speak to people without cue cards ( see angee scum ) .. anyway it just dawned on me that there’d been nothing about him …
I wonder what the mentality / atmosphere in the number Ten bunker is like now ? Is it a re run of ‘downfall ‘ as they can hear the red guns getting nearer ? Will there be rishi parodies of his rant about D Day and bad advice …?
The twitter is talking about him resigning now – but can anyone see that ? I can’t – I don’t even know if a leader can be replaced mid campaign … but who cares ? They are dead anyway …
It seems plenty of the celebrity medical mafia pushing the covid vaccines were taking money from the pharma companies …
Should this be a surprise – the medical mafia is very motivated by money – not so much inconvenient hours or working practices ….
I had a chat with a career pharma sales guy last week – he said that in the last three years that the UK NHS pharma business sector has been in turmoil with smaller wholesale and retail suppliers being bought+closed, generics market eviscerated and prices for stuff being raised all over the shop….
Sharp business practices at levels he’d not seen before – he’d decided to retire.
I was just reading on Daily Sceptic about tv doctors receiving between £10,000 and £22,000 from Astra Zeneca. They all promoted the Covid vaccine.
Just what did these doctors think they were receiving the money for?
Why did some get double what others received?
And the big question… much money are they receiving for other pharma products alongside their NHS salary and their pay from BBC and ITV (other tv companies are available).
Micknotmikes bbc bias example #1 :-
Could I make an observation about a story which has been at the top of the bbc agenda for the last few days? A bbc presenter, who I’ve never heard of, was on holiday on a Greek island, wandered off, and, pending identification, has now been found dead.
I couldn’t give a rat’s arse. Tragic for the family, but I didn’t know the bloke and I can probably think of half a million more important things that the bbc should be covering. They did the same thing with the Derek chap. He got covid complications, suffered massive damage to his organs, including his brain, clung on for a year, and the bbc never shut up about it.
The bbc honestly believe that they are more important than any world events. Enough. Stop this faux mourning and do something useful, like reporting the news.
Please don’t tell me not to be so heartless. You didn’t know him either.
Mick – you are heartless ( me too ) – I have a sick sense of humour – I have also seen more death than I would want to ( and I’m not an undertaker ) so the death of this doctor – who made a living telling people how to live longer has a certain …. I don’t know …
Assumptions are being made that there is no sinister aspect to the death and he was killed by something heat related … but who knows …
.. but to the point – I’ve always thought that when ‘your number is up – it’s up ‘ – yes you can drink green tea – eat a Mediterranean diet – cut the red meat booze fags fried food and anything else nice – but when it’s time it’s time .
You’re right about the matter being private – but it can’t be because it’s a tv personality … one of their own …
BTW – riding my scooter – I’ve had 2 attempts to do me harm / kill me in the last 2 weeks – which is the norm ….
Rishi Sunak and his “stop the boats” promise .
Has he stopped any ?
Remember this when you vote next and pay your tax to fund and house foreign criminals in 4 star hotels .
Gay pakis might want to an article in the DT about homosexual s in Paki land
STARTS A Pakistani man who tried to set up the country’s first gay club has been detained in a mental hospital by local authorities.
The man, who chose not to give his identity in an interview with The Telegraph, had filed an application to set up the club in Abbottabad, the conservative northern city where Osama bin Laden was found and killed.
In the application filed to the deputy commissioner (DC) of the city, the man said the club was to be a “great convenience and resource for many homosexual, bisexual and even some heterosexual people residing in Abbottabad in particular, and in other parts of the country in general.”
Gay sex is illegal in Pakistan and can be punished by two years up to life in prison. The conservative religious culture also makes it difficult to be openly homosexual, although in practice the laws are rarely applied.
Displays of affection are also frowned upon among heterosexual couples, with fornication before marriage a crime.
The application stated that in “the envisaged gay club, tentatively to be called Lorenzo gay club, there would be no gay (or non-gay) sex (other than kissing).”
“A clearly visible notice on the wall would warn: no sex on premises. This would mean that no legal constraints (even obsolete ones like [anti-sodomy] PPC section 377) would be flouted on the premises”.…..
I read somewhere that it’s not considered ‘homosexuality’ (haram and forbidden on pain of death) if one of the partners is beardless, hence it being quite okay to abuse ‘young’ boys in some (most?) Islamic nations, so long as they’re wearing women’s clothes and don’t have a beard.
The big, err… lass there doesn’t appear to be entirely ‘beardless’, but then again, there are ladies, and… ladies…
Yes, we know … but Simon takes time to lay it out….
When ratings plunge, double down… I saw (last week) Russel T Davies was handed a loudhailer on the BBC web site to rave on about Dr. Who’s wunnerful LGBTQIA+ engagement.
At the risk of appearing a little dark humoured, I cannot help but notice the great irony that sometime BBC presenter Michael Moseley, a doctor and fitness/ diet advocate, has died at the ripe old age of …..66. It reminds me of a line by Bernard Manning, famously obese and a diabetic who pointed out that Leonard Rossiter, super-fit and a squash player, dropped down dead at the age of 47. ‘You can’t treat your body like that’ quipped Manning.
However I digress. Because the BBC coverage of his death seems to place this ex- doctor on a pedestal only slightly below Churchill, Mother Therese, and Einstein. They are doing one of their increasingly common ‘live coverage’ routines, creating pages and pages of copy with little or no actual news.
An amazing over-reaction revealing yet again the biased BBC’s self-importance and total lack of judgement.
In other news. Rishi Sunak has stubbed his toe on an uneven pavement slab. The BBC have a full programme on an in-depth investigation of government underfunding of local council highways departments.
I just made that up. But then again……….
Atlas – looking at the comments in the newspapers – that range from adulation to abuse over his attitude to the Chinese virus vaccine .
It shows how people react to those they have never met and don’t know .
Kingkp ,
One of my neighbours Died Friday at home 52 …….husband told me she had another Covid jab 2 weeks ago …….why ?
Very sad as always , never had any health problems till that happened , will be interesting to see if the medical mafia are going to be honest about the autopsy .
“… understand that Clacton-on-Sea is going nowhere. Its voters are going nowhere, it’s rather sad, and there’s nothing more to say. This is Britain on crutches. This is tracksuit-and-trainers Britain, tattoo-parlour Britain,…
The vile parris has got his money in the bank and his boyfriend s so he can afford the sneer . I suppose the guardian will pay for him to go back and abuse the plebs again …
“If I walked into the Palace dressed like an extra off the set of Black Panther, people might be curious where I’m from too.
Can we just be balanced please!?”
Check this out. Be quick before it gets deleted.
Ex footballer Alan Hansen is reported as being seriously ill in hospital. The BBC cover this, and then highlight one of his greatest faux pas.
There is a Have Your Say. CCBGB doesn’t cover it.
Here’s the current top rated comment
BBC should be ashamed putting the “kids can’t win anything video”
Pathetic idiocy by the editorial team here.
Insensitive and arrogance personified by those in charge.
The guy’s ill so leave it out.
Thoughtless beyond belief.
For some reason the telegraph has given a job – column – to that useless BBC droid kamel Ahmed – presumably it’s colour tick box thing …
Anyway today he says that if conservatives ‘move to the right ‘ they’ll be out of power for 20 years . Ok I only read the headline and a bit of his ridiculous comment – because it is pure lefty talk
The reality is that voters wanted a Conservative Party which would provide efficient smaller government and fairer lower taxes – instead it got blue labour RIP – actually – blues – burn in hell ..
Nigel Farage is wrong: If the Tories move Right, they will be out for 20 years
The Conservatives cannot afford to turn Faragiste. As Labour learnt to its cost, elections are won from the centre
BBC to help students identify ‘fake news’
6 December 2017
Kamal Ahmed and Tina Daheley will help mentor students
From March, up to 1,000 schools will be offered mentoring in class and online to help them spot so-called fake news.
BBC journalists including Kamal Ahmed, Tina Daheley, Amol Rajan and Huw Edwards will also take part in events aimed at helping students. (spot fake news – HA HA HAH AHAH)
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Awwwwwww….. bless. Cheek to cheek.
She’s begun her UK tour but what makes Taylor Swift such big news?
It’s a mystery.
Smarmer, almost from the outset of the Hamas attack on Israel has been talking about two state solutions and cease fires etc. There surely should be no negotiation with Hamas, cease fire or anything until the hostages are freed. By coming out with the crap he’s doing, only to keep his Moslemistan Parliamentary seats, he’s aiding and abetting murderers and terrorists.
What a maggot Smarmer is.
Watch Melanie Philips talking with Winston Marshall on YouTube why a two state solution can never work. Her analysis on David Cameron and his hate of Israel towards the end of the video is insightful. (Sorry working off my iPad and can’t work out how to do the link).
“United Nations And Hamas Are In Bed Together” Melanie Phillips | The Winston Marshall Show
Thanks Marky, that’s the one.
Wow that was an interesting listen. Thank you Debs. Winston has an interesting Wiki that, if accurate, implies he is a Jewish Christian.
The ‘foreign national ( unnamed ) who pushed over the danish PM yesterday has been to court and been sentenced to 12 days in prison …
… yet – throw a milk shake at a senior candidate for the UK election and you are on bail until 2nd July – giving the green light to similar attacks – and worse …. Only certain members of the political class get looked after …
Al Jazeera reporting:
Danish police said on Saturday a 39-year-old Polish man would appear in front of a judge for preliminary questioning in relation to an assault on the prime minister.
As a very long-term car driver I have been pondering for some time why so many of our roads and street are sprouting pot-holes much more than they used to!
Is it more traffic?
Is it less road maintenance?
Well I have theory… When any of my electrical equipment batteries dies I put the dead battery in a biscuit tin to take to disposal. I realised that even when only half full that biscuit tin starts to get REALLY heavy.
That led me to researching the weight of some typical EV car batteries and shock-horror. They can weight up to 750 kilos PER CAR! Or to put it another way, the equivalent of around 10 x 12 extra passengers aboard each car!
Hence my guess is that the increasing number of EV’s pounding our roads with this massive amount of dead weight onboard are probably why our roads are breaking up much more quickly than they used to!
EV weight is one problem. The other is the fashion to drive Chelsea Tractors which are much heavier than ‘normal’ cars.
Road destruction goes to the 4th power of vehicle axle weight. In plain English this means that if a car is double the weight then the road destructive power of the car is 16 times as much.
Everything the government does is to increase fuel consumption because 80% of it is taxed. Electric may be taxed less at 5% but there are massive subsidies for electric generation (via wind turbines). So again the public are being wacked with taxes for this form of energy.
The UK could switch to ultra light vehicles and with direct non-stop roads these vehicles could halve journey times and use a fraction of the energy. Damage to the road would be greatly reduced. But gov would not get much tax back so it is a no no.
The other issue is bad parking mainly by 4 X 4 SUV drivers. Instead of parking properly by reversing into a space, parallel parking. These drivers will simply drive forward up and over the kerb and swing over the pavement to usually end up a long way out from the kerb. The issue is, apart from being unsafe, kerbs and pavements are damaged, Heavy EV’s worsen the issue.
And Ive seen a lot of these drivers are young yummy mummy’s who haven’t a clue! They find parking spaces challenging so find a spot where there are 3 or 4 spaces together which they can manage. These kids and their husbands clearly have these vehicles on lease, so God knows what they pay each month ……… as they pull up outside the food bank !
Dear Brissles – it’s a diversion – but my favourite observation of motoring behaviour is the empty car park . If you park with a lot of empty parking spaces around you the next car to come and park will choose the space next to yours .
I have won millions in bets with myself about this mysterious phenomenon …. 77 brigade – can you help…
Nope, but you are sooo right it’s bloody infuriating actually. A field of parking spaces to choose from but the one next door is the juicy one for other drivers. It’s the same if you’re in a hurry, the car in front goes in your direction at 20mph.
I think it is some primitive protection thing – or that maybe their car won’t be broken into – the other one will …
Roads aren’t bad in my region.
There’s a lot of repair work done.
Why moan about EVs when lorries weigh much more ?
UK lorry load limit is 44 tonnes
“For operation above 40000kg, the drive axle(s) must not exceed 10500kg and have road friendly suspension OR have a maximum axle weight not exceeding 8500kg”
Routine road maintenance simply is not being done for the most part.
Much money is being spent locally on the fortification of town centres and LTN-ing of the ‘burbs.
What’s very obvious is that works are glacial and imho deliberately obstructive + over-staffed.
You make a very good point about lorries damaging roads more. I guess the amount of trucks on the road has increased. Along with this has been the explosion in delivery vans a la Amazon. This to service the work from home types. What was one commute per day may now be 4 delivery vans. With road miles and axle weight consequentially increasing.
6pm news – you can hear the editorial dismay that the Israelis have freed 4 hostages – they couldn’t wait to move on – and featured the number of Palestinians / terrorists killed . They didn’t use the world terrorist of course . For the bbc they are Islamic freedom fighters …
No doubt Islamic Hamas will execute remaining hostages …
Keep going IDF –
Anyone could “stop the boats” full of males of fighting age, fleeing war in Calais.
The Chuckle Brothers could do a better job.
Anyone arrriving here by illegal means and without a passport or identity documents from a country with no war should have no recourse to public funds or housing.
It is as simple as that.
Unless of course our government does not have the authority to govern our country ?
If that is so, as seems to be openly apparent, then serious questions should be asked, and answers demanded, who is co ordinating and orchestrating this ?
And the same applies to the USA southern border.
Royal Navy to be ‘foremost naval power in Europe’ with new frigates and underwater vessels
THE ROYAL Navy is set to receive advanced vessels to improve Britain’s maritime military might and restore its place as “the foremost naval power in Europe”.
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by Taboola
Royal Navy to be ‘foremost naval power in Europe’ with new frigates and underwater vessels
THE ROYAL Navy is set to receive advanced vessels to improve Britain’s maritime military might and restore its place as “the foremost naval power in Europe”.
09:34, Mon, Mar 8, 2021 | UPDATED: 10:46, Mon, Mar 8, 2021
Royal Navy’s Cold War submarine activities discussed by expert
Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s defence upgrade will see the Royal Navy receive the new vessels as part of the Government’s defence review. UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said: “The Royal Navy gets new frigates, supply ships, and underwater surveillance vessels.”
Bit like the NHS: Bereft of medical staff/(good)GP’s. They can say and do all they want but the shortages hole the NHS beneath the waterline.
RN? Bereft of crews for warships and Fleet Auxiliaries.
Somebody on X the other day put up a picture of the contestants for Miss Poland asking whether anyone noticed anything ‘unusual ‘ ( clue – they were all women ) …
@ MM,
at last, at long, long last, a different picture posted.
You can repeat that one.
(do they do windscreen cleaning over here ?)
London protests against two-tier policing – Tommy Robinson, the far-left and media bias
I genuinely don’t understand this. A media that looks the other way when people chant for jihad or the extermination of Israel, somehow sees a bunch of Brits singing songs as the greatest evil facing our society.
“We do not tolerate or instigate any form of preaching that breaches both Islamic principles and the laws of England and Wales,” it said.
What does jihad mean?
The word “jihad” is widely used, though often inaccurately, by Western politicians and media.
In Arabic, the word means “effort” or “struggle”. In Islam, it could be an individual’s internal struggle against baser instincts, the struggle to build a good Muslim society, or a war for the faith against unbelievers.
The word “jihad” is widely used, though often inaccurately, by Western politicians and media.
build a good Muslim society
The word “jihad” is widely used, though often inaccurately, by Western politicians and media.
build a good Muslim society
The Islamic Broadcasting Corporation is keen to repeat Hamas’s claims about casualties, unverified of course and no differentiation between civilians and Hamas fighters, arising from the amazing freeing alive of four Israeli hostages.
Of course, if Hamas had not taken Israeli hostages in the first place there would have been no need to kill anybody trying to free them.
An obvious fact the BBC mysteriously seem to have missed.
What’s so ridiculous is they will say ‘Israel struck a school killing 30 people’. With the unstated inference that they were teachers and students.
When in fact all 30 may well have been terrorists. But they don’t even mention it as a possibility. Deliberately grouping terrorists with civilians like that to infer they are all innocent is morally corrupt.
The latest daily mail poll is putting the blues at 39 seats . It can’t be as bad / good as that can it ? My pound for less than 50 is looking pretty good . Keep it up green card – see if you can get your entire cabinet to lose their seats- and you …
.. more seriously – I don’t think there is any one in the blue party – apart from lord frost – who has any clue as to why everyone hates them …
The last Tory – Lord Frost on BBC Lies / verify -enjoy ( from DT)
STARTS If you spend any time with members of our new establishment – academics, quangocrats, the BBC – and especially if you conceal your identity as a Telegraph reader so they speak freely, you will learn something rather strange. They are obsessed with misinformation and disinformation.
I assure you, people like this genuinely believe that in the new social media world the ill-informed populace is easy prey to false beliefs, conspiracies, and malign state interference. They believe that you are too stupid to make your own mind up about things or distinguish between the true and the false. And they think it’s the government’s job – or perhaps theirs – to do it for you instead.
One obvious problem with this thesis is that in recent years an awful lot of misinformation has come from governments themselves: Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia, the view that an economic crash was inevitable if we voted to leave the EU, the refusal to countenance the lab leak theory about Covid, and the reluctance for a long time, in the teeth of obvious evidence, to drop the belief that the Covid vaccine stopped transmission of the virus.
Perhaps sensing this, the authorities have smiled instead on the growth of so-called “fact checking” outfits, the best known of which is BBC Verify, ubiquitous on the BBC nowadays. Their self-regarding takes on the news may seem merely comic, but they are actually dangerous, and especially so during an election campaign – for in trying to convey an authoritative view they are more often, as Orwell once put it, giving “an appearance of solidity to pure wind”.
Take Friday night’s 7-sided “leader” debate, fact checked live by BBC Verify’s Ben Chu. What’s wrong with that, you might ask?
The problem is that they aren’t checking facts; they are also checking opinion. They can’t be experts in everything, so they have to go to other sources of authority, other supposed experts. But these people are often not neutral either. BBC Verify fact-checked Nigel Farage’s views on net zero on Friday by reference to the views of the Climate Change Committee. But anyone who knows anything about net zero knows that, while the Committee’s views may be received wisdom amongst much of the establishment, they are definitely controversial. They have to be open to debate. You can’t say that Farage’s views are just comment but the Committee’s views are fact.
Similarly, a month back Ben Chu looked on X at the UK’s post-Brexit trade performance, pointing to the OBR’s estimate of a 15 per cent fall in trade to make his argument. But that estimate is itself based on other estimates, now dated, and themselves questionable. It isn’t a fact: it’s a view, and one that can and must be debated.
This matters because very often in politics the facts only take you so far: it is the interpretation that counts. It’s a fact that net immigration to the UK in 2023 was 685,000 people. Is that good or bad? It depends whether you think it contributes to economic growth or not (which is controversial); on how you value social cohesion against the economy; and on how you value moral obligations such as taking in refugees. None of this is objective fact. It’s all open to interpretation and debate. That’s what an election is about.
That’s why the whole BBC Verify programme is based on a fallacy. On most political issues not only is there simply no authoritative interpretation of the facts, but what a fact tells you depends on the interpretation you bring to it. The only way to reach an outcome is to have free debate, allow all to make their case, and see who wins the argument.
So BBC Verify should confine itself to clarifying the issues, and then let people make their own mind up. But surely that is what the BBC should be doing anyway. So why do we need BBC Verify at all? Maybe we don’t. ENDS
( I wonder who was the government for the last 10 years – the one in charge of the BBC ?)
Some journalists are getting a bit more daring with their reports
I have a confession to make.
I watched celebrity gogglebox.
What an absolutely sorry lot these ‘slebs’ are.
All far left and woke as can be.
They had a section on President Trump and every one of them was virtue signalling for all they were worth.
Their hate streamed out from the tv.
During the whole programme I think every sentence they spoke contained swear words with effing this and eff that all the time, some were parent and son or daughter sitting together watching tv.
I wouldn’t dare to have used this language in front of my Parents and I never heard them use it.
Do these slebs think it makes them sound clever or something?
These same people get really upset about words when it suits them and get offended, often on other people’s behalf, by some word where they can find some connection to it being insulting, however tenuous the link may be. Something like “She’s tall (or short)” which is fertile ground for the wokies to show how considerate they are by being offended for the tall/short girl making them a better person than you and me.
EG – I worry whenever anyone comes on this site and says they have ‘a confession’ .. is it a dark secret like still watching Question Time or Newsnight ? Ugh . There can be no absolution for such sins .
Can’t say anything about ‘gogglebox’ as I’ve never seen it – and I am so pleased – smug – about the number of seemingly dire output output these days ….
…. And then there is ‘Sunday ‘ – is ‘wokeness a religion ?’ Followed by ‘crickets ‘drinking culture makes it a cold house for Muslims ‘…. Off switch … nausea …
Occasionally… I review what I’ve missed.
– usually, followed by a short “Victor Meldrew moment”
Unremittingly awful is the general impression.
The audience numbers must still be heading south big style.
You will find that whether it is the “civilian” or “celebrity” Gogglebox, all of them are unanimous in their opinion of Trump. It is almost as if they have been told what to say. Maybe they just “know” that if they want to keep the gig, they have to hate Trump. They never say why they hate him, of course. It is just the hive mind at work, from Clare Balding to Shaun Rider!
Me too. Both SillyGrandma and myself turned on the TV and Celebrity Gobshite was on (by chance) and it’s that precise moment was Babatun whatever his name is and Mo Glumagain discussing ’Canal Boat Diaries’. Babawhatshisface pipes up immediately with “Aww we’ve got some white middle class stuff ere….” Now correct me if I’m mistaken but were the people living on boats over100 years ago middle class? Not to mention a lot of people who live on middle class people living on canal boats now as they can afford a mortgage! Pure utter nonsense and just an example of the mentality of such people who unfortunately DO get the airtime.
Hey ho.
PS. In my defence I the TV was on the channel as I had previously been watching PopMaster TV. Another product of the BBC taking a massive dump on an icon who at the time of leaving was the highest listened to show.
Tip ,
How to improve Question Time, Any Questions and other BBC shows .
Superglue the audience’s hands together.
And that, folks is BBC Radio 4 these days.
Although a great admirer of 1984 – or ‘84’ for short – I couldn’t bring myself to listen to a modern iteration … because I know – know the BBC would insert ‘the message ‘ somehow….
I wonder if these still have ‘84’ on school reading lists – ?or is it banned as it was in other states similar to the UK such as the USSR … ?
Danish PM suffered whiplash in street attack
No she didn’t. She was pushed hard but not even enough to fall over.
This is a straight lie to create some kind of injury in order to infer equivalence with Fico who was shot by a left-wing activist.
Isn’t amazing how big a story gets when it’s a Lefty who is the victim ?. This story is hardly even news, let alone worthy of daily headline updates.
This is what the BBC said about the murder of Jo Cox:
‘Batley and Spen MP Ms Cox was killed by far-right terrorist Mair in June 2016.’
This is what they said about the man who shot Fico:
‘man, who faces a lengthy prison sentence for attempted murder’
Why is HE not a terrorist BBC ?. Why is he not ‘far-Left’ BBC ?. I’ve read his attack may be part of a bigger left-wing group which absolutely does make it an act of terrorism.
This far-Left activism and extreme double standards totally disgust me. Please someone get rid of this filthy BBC and OFCOM farce.
Loads of elections in Europe Sunday – just how Fedup will the voters be ? Hopefully they’ve had enough of importing the third world and having crap governments destroying their way of life and elect sensible people who care about Them – and not the vermin being imported ….
The current narrative is that Europe is heading Right whilst the UK his heading wrong – sorry – Red .
If the former bit is right the BBC will be less than approving ..
I think you’ll find that is ‘far-right’ Fed.
‘right’ does not seem to exist any more. We just have 3 positions now: centre-left, centre and far-right.
If the ‘far-right’ make gains, the BBC will cluck like angry chickens about how wrong it is and blame people like Trump and Farage. It seems they don’t care much for democracy when people don’t vote how THEY want them to vote.
JohnC – that term should be banned here – but unlike the BBC I’m not too fond of ‘banning ‘ although trolls need not apply .
…. In the DT Sunday a lady called Lucy denyer? Has done a long – very long interview with comrade Robinson . I got to about paragraph 5 before I realised that Lucy loves Nick ❤️
The piece goes on for another 50 paragraphs or more of Love , Not for me – and the ‘comments ‘ reflect this .
Robinson apparently is doing 60 minutes with each ‘leader’. Of those 60 minutes 57 will be comrade Robinson talking over unapproved – with fawning interviews of His mate starmer and the nationalist rubbish being 60 minute party politicals … so not for me … some say …
So. Much. Explained.
Yasmin’s name in newspaper bylines was one of those that made me feel journalism could be for me. Thank you so much for this 🔽
Pity meesh doesn’t take her family on a single ticket to the home country …
Luckily BBC N. America can still run a Sopes pleaser.
Black support for Trump overstated, Charlamagne says
I was asked at @bbc whether the @idf should have warned Palestinians before launching the rescue operation today. What do you think?
At most generous, she is ‘very bbc’.
Very bbc.
This is proper hybrid warfare that Western observers struggle to come to terms with. Combatants are also civilians, journalists, doctors and religious authorities, sometimes working for international agencies, providing ‘aid’, acting as experts, etc.
LBC clearly needed to up their O’Brien desperation.
‘How many have to die?’
‘The civilian to militant ratio is a one to one.’
‘I’ve never heard that before…’
As rescued Israeli hostages are said to be ‘in good condition’, @EinatWilf is reluctant to tell @Matthew_Wright ‘how many more Palestinians need to die’.
The UN’s Frank E. Al Banese digs the brand a deeper hole.
Quite amazing the media still accord that den of vipers any credibility still.
After this, Frankie going to Hollywood?
Abusing your UN mandate to regurgitate Hamas propaganda is a gross violation of the UN Code of Conduct, as exemplified in the following five distortions.
Or BBC N. America? Maybe to do an Americast with Mehdi.
You know that feeling of election promise fatigue and how in the face of all those weasily-worded headline pledges you begin to experience difficulty understanding what they’re really on about?
Starmer’s ‘triple-lock’ pledge on not hiking tax (Sunday Times)
Well, I’m told the countryside is racist and they desperately want to get more ethnics out there – but I hadn’t realised there was actually a tax on NOT hiking… still, it’s good to know Labour won’t be putting up the rate of the not hiking tax
Of course the BBC will tell me it’s a levy… not a tax – despite the fact levy sounds a bit jewish.
Lib Dems propose three new national parks (BBC) – but who’s going to pay for all the new rural mosques that will need building out in the wilds? I jest of course. The Saudis will be more than willing to supply the funds.
‘Sensitive’ UK terror funding inquiry may never be published… Investigation into foreign funding and support of jihadi groups operating in UK understood to focus on Saudi Arabia (Guardian, This article is more than 7 years old)
Mr AsI tends to give Newman, the Times in-house cartoonist, a lot of stick for the poor quality of his left-leaning unfunny satirical skits. Today he draws a worried-looking politician sat at his computer up late into the wee small hours working on his manifesto – as he complains “I’ve got writer’s block – I’ve run out of empty promises” – more by luck than judgement, I’m guessing, this cartoon representation is of a pale-skinned politician wearing a red tie – so we have to assume by process of elimination it is Sir Keir.
The Radio 4 Today crew are out in force doing side hustles for the Sundays.
Mishal Husain On Today and her extraordinary family history (Observer); Nick Robinson If I broadcast like Farage, I’d be fired (Sunday Telegraph) – write your own rejoinders there.
Just me, or is Rishi doing everything he can to throw the election? Tories in despair as Sunak D-Day gaffe ‘destroys’ election hopes (‘i’); I can’t look you in the eye and say we’ll win Jacob Rees-Mogg (‘i’)
We collect awkward juxtapositions of clashing headlines and sometimes those headline writers hang themselves up on a particular word – the word is finance: Michael Mosely, who has gone missing while on holiday, began his tv career after working in finance (BBC); ‘I’m not actually looking for a man in finance’… Megan’s viral TikTok has been remixed by DJs including David Guetta, who’s releasing a version on Friday… “I’m looking for a man in finance…” That’s the viral song sample poking fun at the concept of an “ideal man” she recorded back in April that’s taken over TikTok in the weeks since. (BBC) – as with all BBC reporting of strictly online social media viral news – if I were really interested and knew what it was they were on about – I wouldn’t require the BBC reporting it all back to me.
The female interest only Saturday Times frontpage went with: Mordaunt hits out at ‘completely wrong’ PM; regime asset Taylor Swift is the big photo feature pin-up: Era-defining Taylor Swift – why is she always pictured performing in her sparkly undies? Then there’s the somewhat more mature allures of: Naomi Campbell Becoming a mother in my fifties – and despite (or as I’d like to think – because of) all Mr AsI’s banging on about the budding Times/Starmer bromance: Step forward Lady Starmer The woman behind Keir (Times)
Stop moaning Times reading chaps. You’ve got your: Euro 2024 Your 20-page guide to the tournament
Make the most of your window boxes – advises yesterday’s Guardian – why? Well: Labour will ignore Nimbys and build prisons to fix crowding crisis (Sunday Telegraph)
Best European campsites this summer (‘i’) – write your own gags about Calais migrant tent city in response to that one.
There’s precious little you can absolutely rely on these days. Other than our dedicated Remainer media mounting their familiar hobby horse for yet another gallop around the Sunday paper paddock: Brexit silence Nothing has left a wound as gaping yet neither Sunak nor Starmer have mentioned it Andrew Rawnsley, p43 (Observer) – page forty-three! Are there really 43 plus pages to the Observer? Thank Christ I only concern myself strictly with the contents of the newspaper cover pages.
And in exasperation having taken the Lord’s name in vain there – for balance… (as the BBC might like to say): I called my son Lucifer… What the hell… a mum who called her son Lucifer reckons the name is great and she doesn’t deserve taunts from cruel trolls (Daily Star)
Pols, luvvies and media.
The brilliant @AnnieLennox is spot on.
At least one leg of the stool collective can be got rid of.
Anybody know if IDF are doing battle damage / casualty assessments that are for public consumption?
– what’s the Israeli media saying?
I can imagine the answers are no and not much – but I’m fed up with the constant relaying of every Hamas claim.
Tomo – I think the foreign section of the Israeli government website puts some stuff out – such as the names of dead IDF soldiers – something you’ll never see on the anti Israel MSM ….
Randomly googling bbc news a few minutes ago, here is what is defined as the ‘latest from’. There are three slots available.
1. India v Pakistan – New York fixture in 1989 prompted gravest crisis.
2. LGBTQ+, South African artist brings exhibition to Tate Modern
3. Methodist church in Ireland apologises to LGBT community.
What are the chances of that? Two items out of 3 related to just 3% of the population. On the BBC of course, very high. They are totally obsessed with the favourite topics of their editorial team.
PS I’m no statistician but I think the answer is 0.27%. Better buy some lottery tickets.
The same filth that thought William Wragg a shoo-in as a senior politician in a responsible post are in panic… Iain Martin in The Times, saying Farage could be a ‘disaster for democracy™’.
more here:
A tried and tested recipe from the pharma marketing repertoire exposed … the MSM make no mention of the monopolisation moves in NHS supply with the shutting down of generics suppliers…
It is not facsinating.
It clrealy shows, every day, bbc muuzzies posing as “jounalists”. (ask question yet igonoring and interrupting any responses.
Seemimg repeatedley acting openly as propogandists for their rar right, fascist, racist, sexist, homophic agendas.
Why has Doctor Who always been so LGBT-friendly?
I challenge the use of the word “always”. I last watched Dr Who when Patrick Troughton was chasing yetis around Goodge Street station on the Northern Line. I do not recall it being LGBT friendly at all, just getting on with the job in hand.
Ah, but was the sexuality of the Yetis revealed? Perhaps they were gay.
Ahhh good old Patrick, those were the days..Personally I loved Whirlygig with Cowboy Hank and Mexican Pete !! But in todays world there’d be questions about their relationship, as they did with Noddy and Big Ears sharing a bed ! I’m surprised the Lone Ranger & Tonto haven’t been got at – kimasabi !
The compete and utter ignoring of the invasion of Isreal and the gang rapes and murders, the hostatage taking of young female civilian hostages and their ” treatment” regularly afterwards does not get a mention from the bbs muzzies.
If anyone does not realise we are at war with these sub human savages, including even at speakers corner in Hyde Park then they are sadly disilusioned,
If ever there was a story which revealed the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation in its true colours, this surely is it.
Palestinians describe chaos and carnage in hostage rescue operation
The most breathtaking sentence imo is this one.
On Saturday Israel’s forces, backed by air strikes, fought intense gun battles with Hamas around the Nuseirat refugee camp to free four hostages.
End quote.
Here’s an idea not considered by the BBC. Hamas could have just handed the hostages over.
But no. Paragraph after paragraph about the beastly Israelis killing Palestinians. The blood soaked hands of Hamas get no comment at all.
Absolutely disgusting.
Syed probably dislikes Farage as his father is from the old country, like Hussein.
He started writing for my local paper, the Reading Chronicle when he was quite young and a table tennis champion.
I’m tired of the bland grey and black inflatable boats crossing the channel – it’s about time they were upgraded to a full pride colour scheme?
ditto RNLI
Are the French Government manufacturing them and supplying them ?
If so, have a word with them .
As I heard it last year, most boats are of Chinese manufacture.
The politicians and public servants refusing to deal with it are only storing up a pile of resentment which is going to be released in part at the GE
Is our Government storing up a pile of Chinese manufactured boats , if so what are they doing with them ? Sending them back to France , empty? “Follow the money.”
In 2026 all new US cars sold will be fitted with a kill switch for remotely stopping a car.
Could they do the same with outboard motors?
“….a word with them.” Only comes with a £million or so price-tag. They are French and hate the British.
When the bbbc reports that 4 Israeli hostages have been ‘freed’ it sounds like Hamas have let them go free as opposed to the real story which is that the IDF have rescued them from Hamas.
This is the cunning way the bbbc use words to distort the truth.
Biased Broadcasting Corporation .
Pug – sometimes one get get too much of Farage – I stopped watching / listening to his GBnews show even though he got better at it … but he has my full support – they will probably fix clacton using the Biden method – red and blues United to keep him out of the Commons – but the fight will go on …
… meanwhile – Galloway . Where is George ? Is the MSM avoiding him because we will be overtly anti semitic – overtly anti Israel ?
Have I just missed him ?
Apart from Farage he is – I think – the only politician able to speak to people without cue cards ( see angee scum ) .. anyway it just dawned on me that there’d been nothing about him …
I wonder what the mentality / atmosphere in the number Ten bunker is like now ? Is it a re run of ‘downfall ‘ as they can hear the red guns getting nearer ? Will there be rishi parodies of his rant about D Day and bad advice …?
The twitter is talking about him resigning now – but can anyone see that ? I can’t – I don’t even know if a leader can be replaced mid campaign … but who cares ? They are dead anyway …
It seems plenty of the celebrity medical mafia pushing the covid vaccines were taking money from the pharma companies …
Should this be a surprise – the medical mafia is very motivated by money – not so much inconvenient hours or working practices ….
Don’t forget to clap …
I had a chat with a career pharma sales guy last week – he said that in the last three years that the UK NHS pharma business sector has been in turmoil with smaller wholesale and retail suppliers being bought+closed, generics market eviscerated and prices for stuff being raised all over the shop….
Sharp business practices at levels he’d not seen before – he’d decided to retire.
Why didn’t you warn your enemy about your surprise attack?
I was just reading on Daily Sceptic about tv doctors receiving between £10,000 and £22,000 from Astra Zeneca. They all promoted the Covid vaccine.
Just what did these doctors think they were receiving the money for?
Why did some get double what others received?
And the big question… much money are they receiving for other pharma products alongside their NHS salary and their pay from BBC and ITV (other tv companies are available).
Micknotmikes bbc bias example #1 :-
Could I make an observation about a story which has been at the top of the bbc agenda for the last few days? A bbc presenter, who I’ve never heard of, was on holiday on a Greek island, wandered off, and, pending identification, has now been found dead.
I couldn’t give a rat’s arse. Tragic for the family, but I didn’t know the bloke and I can probably think of half a million more important things that the bbc should be covering. They did the same thing with the Derek chap. He got covid complications, suffered massive damage to his organs, including his brain, clung on for a year, and the bbc never shut up about it.
The bbc honestly believe that they are more important than any world events. Enough. Stop this faux mourning and do something useful, like reporting the news.
Please don’t tell me not to be so heartless. You didn’t know him either.
Mick – you are heartless ( me too ) – I have a sick sense of humour – I have also seen more death than I would want to ( and I’m not an undertaker ) so the death of this doctor – who made a living telling people how to live longer has a certain …. I don’t know …
Assumptions are being made that there is no sinister aspect to the death and he was killed by something heat related … but who knows …
.. but to the point – I’ve always thought that when ‘your number is up – it’s up ‘ – yes you can drink green tea – eat a Mediterranean diet – cut the red meat booze fags fried food and anything else nice – but when it’s time it’s time .
You’re right about the matter being private – but it can’t be because it’s a tv personality … one of their own …
BTW – riding my scooter – I’ve had 2 attempts to do me harm / kill me in the last 2 weeks – which is the norm ….
If only he’d stayed on the beach and had a few beers he’d have been fine. There’s a moral there.
Rishi Sunak and his “stop the boats” promise .
Has he stopped any ?
Remember this when you vote next and pay your tax to fund and house foreign criminals in 4 star hotels .
Gay pakis might want to an article in the DT about homosexual s in Paki land
STARTS A Pakistani man who tried to set up the country’s first gay club has been detained in a mental hospital by local authorities.
The man, who chose not to give his identity in an interview with The Telegraph, had filed an application to set up the club in Abbottabad, the conservative northern city where Osama bin Laden was found and killed.
In the application filed to the deputy commissioner (DC) of the city, the man said the club was to be a “great convenience and resource for many homosexual, bisexual and even some heterosexual people residing in Abbottabad in particular, and in other parts of the country in general.”
Gay sex is illegal in Pakistan and can be punished by two years up to life in prison. The conservative religious culture also makes it difficult to be openly homosexual, although in practice the laws are rarely applied.
Displays of affection are also frowned upon among heterosexual couples, with fornication before marriage a crime.
The application stated that in “the envisaged gay club, tentatively to be called Lorenzo gay club, there would be no gay (or non-gay) sex (other than kissing).”
“A clearly visible notice on the wall would warn: no sex on premises. This would mean that no legal constraints (even obsolete ones like [anti-sodomy] PPC section 377) would be flouted on the premises”.…..
There’s groups of street ladyboys in Pakistan’s cities – I were rather surprised to see them in Karachi….
The crew I saw were similar but much scruffier – more Terry Jones-y
I read somewhere that it’s not considered ‘homosexuality’ (haram and forbidden on pain of death) if one of the partners is beardless, hence it being quite okay to abuse ‘young’ boys in some (most?) Islamic nations, so long as they’re wearing women’s clothes and don’t have a beard.
The big, err… lass there doesn’t appear to be entirely ‘beardless’, but then again, there are ladies, and… ladies…
“I met her in a club down in Old Soho…”
I’m sure there were thousands of mahmoods storming the beaches on 6 June ,,,
Yes, and they’re getting their own statue when the Tories get re-elected… what?
Obscure engleesh language
Dog whistle
Pork barrel
Gone viral
When you have think what they mean it means they won’t last long … groovy daddio…
Yes, we know … but Simon takes time to lay it out….
When ratings plunge, double down… I saw (last week) Russel T Davies was handed a loudhailer on the BBC web site to rave on about Dr. Who’s wunnerful LGBTQIA+ engagement.
I really wish you hadn’t …
I can understand that.
It’s almost as if Russel T Davies has a bit of a bee in his bonnet, sort of an ‘agenda’ even… has anyone else noticed, maybe?
At the risk of appearing a little dark humoured, I cannot help but notice the great irony that sometime BBC presenter Michael Moseley, a doctor and fitness/ diet advocate, has died at the ripe old age of …..66. It reminds me of a line by Bernard Manning, famously obese and a diabetic who pointed out that Leonard Rossiter, super-fit and a squash player, dropped down dead at the age of 47. ‘You can’t treat your body like that’ quipped Manning.
However I digress. Because the BBC coverage of his death seems to place this ex- doctor on a pedestal only slightly below Churchill, Mother Therese, and Einstein. They are doing one of their increasingly common ‘live coverage’ routines, creating pages and pages of copy with little or no actual news.
An amazing over-reaction revealing yet again the biased BBC’s self-importance and total lack of judgement.
In other news. Rishi Sunak has stubbed his toe on an uneven pavement slab. The BBC have a full programme on an in-depth investigation of government underfunding of local council highways departments.
I just made that up. But then again……….
He was a keen vaccinator.
Of course, it was climate change that got him and Astra Zeneca played no role in his demise.
Dr Michael Mosley:
Myth 5: The jabs were developed too quickly
Atlas – looking at the comments in the newspapers – that range from adulation to abuse over his attitude to the Chinese virus vaccine .
It shows how people react to those they have never met and don’t know .
Kingkp ,
One of my neighbours Died Friday at home 52 …….husband told me she had another Covid jab 2 weeks ago …….why ?
Very sad as always , never had any health problems till that happened , will be interesting to see if the medical mafia are going to be honest about the autopsy .
I think the good doctor had been promoting talks, books etc on how to live longer (including one on how to live to 101).
I found the pothole that Rishi stubbed his toe on ..
Parris, snooty much?
The vile parris has got his money in the bank and his boyfriend s so he can afford the sneer . I suppose the guardian will pay for him to go back and abuse the plebs again …
“Deplorables” (c)Hillary Clinton
tomo – this lady is funny.
“If I walked into the Palace dressed like an extra off the set of Black Panther, people might be curious where I’m from too.
Can we just be balanced please!?”
Check this out. Be quick before it gets deleted.
Ex footballer Alan Hansen is reported as being seriously ill in hospital. The BBC cover this, and then highlight one of his greatest faux pas.
There is a Have Your Say. CCBGB doesn’t cover it.
Here’s the current top rated comment
BBC should be ashamed putting the “kids can’t win anything video”
Pathetic idiocy by the editorial team here.
Insensitive and arrogance personified by those in charge.
The guy’s ill so leave it out.
Thoughtless beyond belief.
For some reason the telegraph has given a job – column – to that useless BBC droid kamel Ahmed – presumably it’s colour tick box thing …
Anyway today he says that if conservatives ‘move to the right ‘ they’ll be out of power for 20 years . Ok I only read the headline and a bit of his ridiculous comment – because it is pure lefty talk
The reality is that voters wanted a Conservative Party which would provide efficient smaller government and fairer lower taxes – instead it got blue labour RIP – actually – blues – burn in hell ..
Nigel Farage is wrong: If the Tories move Right, they will be out for 20 years
The Conservatives cannot afford to turn Faragiste. As Labour learnt to its cost, elections are won from the centre
. . . . HA H AHA HA ….
BBC to help students identify ‘fake news’
6 December 2017
Kamal Ahmed and Tina Daheley will help mentor students
From March, up to 1,000 schools will be offered mentoring in class and online to help them spot so-called fake news.
BBC journalists including Kamal Ahmed, Tina Daheley, Amol Rajan and Huw Edwards will also take part in events aimed at helping students. (spot fake news – HA HA HAH AHAH)