Reform has published its ‘ contract . ( previously known as a manifesto ) . The contract includes an end the the BBC licence Tax. As so many respond to it on twitter ‘what’s not to like ‘ . So tell your family – friends – pets … VOTE REFORM
Midweek 19th June 2024
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Farage on the XR GreenSupremacist cult factions like Just Stop Oil
42,000 Like
Laurence Fox’s reply to Sunak’s tweet pretending to be against JSO
“Stop pandering to them with your net zero nonsense then.6,700 Likes
London University anti-Israel camp guys look very reasonable on video ….NOT
and yet … the reporting of that – comes from America….
as they say over there- go figure
I wonder how many are legitimately here and who’s funding them – they seem in lockstep with goons elsewhere – organic grass roots – NOT
When is the first debate between Biden and Trump?
So I see the first debate is much sooner than I expected. So I decided to have a look at the BBC article and see how much they are lying to me. Because I knew before I even looked that they would.
They say:
‘They shadow-boxed for several weeks, suggesting neither man wanted to debate the other.
Then, in May, Mr Biden threw down the gauntlet.’
This is an absolutely whopping great lie. Trump challenged Biden to a debate very publicly with ‘anytime anyplace’ in April:
(An appalling video which demonstrates TDS to it’s extreme)
Which was extremely embarssing for Biden. So they spent some time ditching the ‘impartial’ official venue and arranging debates at the extremely partisan CNN and ABC left-wing news sites knowing Trump had to accept.
They say:
‘These events will be based largely on ground rules laid out by the Biden campaign.’
They don’t elaborate at all why that might be. They present it as if it’s because Biden is in charge. Everybody knows it’s to prevent Joe being made a complete arse when he looks bewildered at the questions.
So I look to see what ways they are trying to cheat and how the BBC get around telling us.
We discover Kennedy is not allowed because:
‘CNN says only Mr Biden and Trump satisfied all of its requirements.’
But of course we have already been told all the rules are from the Democrats. So he’s not attending because the Democrats don’t want him to. Not CNN. That’s another lie BBC.
But it seems the main rule to help Joe is that their microphones will only be turned on when it is their designated turn to speak. So it’s not a debate at all. It’s a forum for each to independently present policy matters seperately. Each can say anything at all about the other without fear of having to respond to any retort.
And of course if CNN control whose microphone that is, you can be sure Trumps will be turned off much more readily than Joes.
Still, it should be interesting. The most interesting part of course will be the edited BBC video where Joes clear senility is cut out. I don’t recall seeing an unedited clip of Biden. Their latest trick to try and hide it is to make a ‘flash’ at the edit so we might think it was just someone taking a picture.
I hope someone monitors how much time Trump is speaking compared to Joe. That will be a giveaway to the bias.
Ponderous, disjointed failures, unable to mount a decent attack. No, I’m not talking about the Tory Party…………..
They’ve stopped taking the knee, that must be the explanation, New Zealand have the Haka, England take the knee.
I noticed how BLM has disappeared into the shadows on our media – shortly after all the truth about them came out. The blackout (pun) started just after the leader stole all that money to buy a mansion.
BLM = corrupt racist activists. Those who took the knee look complete chumps now.
Top chump here is the adenoidal Mr Starmer
I do wish Clarkson would go the full adenoidal on the leader of The Labour Party….
Trump campaign gets $50m boost from single donor
‘US media reported that Mr Mellon sent the donation the day after Trump was convicted on 34 charges of falsifying business records in his New York hush-money trial.’
Absolutely no need to re-hash the details of the trial here BBC. But you did anyway with your usual trick of trying to keep certain headlines current for as long as possible.
The BBC are just packed with small drips like this:
‘The Mellon donation has helped pro-Trump allies outspend US President Joe Biden’s allies on campaigning in recent weeks.’
Why not’ Donald Trump’s allies’ BBC ?. Why not just ‘Biden’ ?. I’ve noticed the Left have tried to make ‘pro-Trump’ into one of their labels which they cultivate to have negative connotations.
Just a small thing, but all Trump articles are littered with them at the BBC.
The left and eco nutters now seem to have a stranglehold on British Politics and Economics. The latest ruling by the Supreme Court has determined that planners in a local Council failed to take into account the climate impact of oil and gas extraction. What I find interesting is there seems to be very little said about what exactly the planners are supposed to do, it raises all sorts of other questions. Perhaps a simple statement of how many tons of carbon will be released into the atmosphere throughout the life of a well? Or will it involve all sorts of other data? How long is a piece of string? In the end how will it be judged if a project can go ahead, what criteria will be applied? it could be the case that no new oil and gas projects could go ahead in the face of net zero legislation.
Activist Judges – only we aren’t supposed to know who these shitty items are and what their track record is…?
North Korea building border ‘wall’, satellite images reveal
More completely pointless rubbish from ‘BBC Verify’ who do their best to present it as if they have made a great discovery to save the world.
North Korea are building a wall along the border. Big deal BBC. It was reported in The Guardian more than a year ago:
‘Kim Jong-un’s new border wall could be a sign that his grip on North Korea is slipping’
I can only assume that these ‘BBC Verify’ goons have been told to churn this out with lots of implied menace because the agenda today says ‘North Korea met Putin. North Korea bad.’
And ‘BBC Verify’ say they ‘commissioned’ high resolution satellite pictures of it. WTF ?. Why ?. The wall isn’t in doubt. Isn’t that the Governments job ?. And those pictures are far from ‘high-resolution’ – they look like standard Google Earth to me.
What a complete and utter joke BBC verify are. Everything they put out is like children did it.
I’m still waiting for the Saudis to build a moat across the bottom of Qatar….
The BBC Verify team are to news and analysis what Mrs Brown’s Boys are to comedy. OK, poor analogy they’re far, far worse.
Defund, salt the earth, go the full Carthage.
Having worked in a big, old-style corporation myself for a while where government funding meant nobody was ever going to be laid off, I can guarantee 100% that ‘BBC Verify’ is where departments offloaded their most useless staff.
It’s the equivalent of ‘Quality Assurance’ at BAE Systems.
Yes, I can easily imagine Marianna working at BAE …
Saw many like her tomo.
They were all in jobs where they thought they were very important but actually made no difference whatsoever to the actual project.
They spent most of their time at the photocopier or laser printer.
No John C! It IS children that did it. That is who work in verify.
BBC “Leaders” question time
From a Theresa May speech …
As Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the financial times, says: ‘The desirability of sizeable immigration is a matter more of values than of economics. It is not a choice between wealth and poverty, but of the sort of country one desires to inhabit.’
I was a Tory minister – but I think we need a Labour government
A “Tory” given a platform at The Guardian – Skidmore is quite simply filth… imho.
Loony Harridan, promoted by Twitter UK
Africa has tress and wealth as well! HA HA H!
Name of donor: John Pemberton
Address of donor: private
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: £20,000 loan for general election campaigning
Donor status: individual
Good of mucus to promote a blue advert I’d never otherwise seen – what a waste of money ….
People are dying. Afraid. Exploited and desperate.
I fully agree with Caroline. The impact on ordinary people in Great Britain of the Green Party’s lunatic eco-warrior policies could not be better expressed.
When the Berlin wall was torn down due to the total collapse of communism in Eastern Europe the mad marxists in the west had nowhere to go. These bonkers insane leftists were completely discredited. What did they do instead? They infested organisations such as the Green Party…
and the judicial system
and the bBC
and the Universities
and the main stream media
and the uncivil service
and the quangos
and the WEF
and our king Charles the Insane
and my local parish council
and oxbridge PPE
and definitely the home office
Could it be the England players are suffering from tendon damage with all that kneeling?
Al – please have some respect😎 – remember – these are the Best Players in The World – Bellingham – Foden -er – whoever …
My bet of woke United not winning the thing is looking good – I’m gonna win 20p ..!
Japan v England rugby tomorrow should provide better entertainment.
Friday edition, containing some deep fake misinformation – see if you spot it
As readers hereabouts will know, Mr AsI only tends to endorse a good conspiracy theory – if it’s true.
Any outlandish suggestion that Rishi Sunak is actively attempting to throw the general election is of course preposterous. Afterall, considering his present dire standing in the polls – why would he need to go about over-egging it?
We’ve witnessed his campaign opener – his extraordinary Gene Kelly singing in the rain performance, swiftly moving on to associate his party in voters minds with the sinking of the Titanic, pulling the national service dead rabbit out of a hat, going AWOL for D-Day, then the photo op down in Devon posing in a small boat – of all things…
The Party
I’m oddly reminded of the Peter Sellers’ brown-face movie character the hapless Hrundi V. Bakshi.
The Party is a 1968 American comedy film directed by Blake Edwards… essentially serves as a series of set pieces for Sellers’s improvisational comedy talents. Based on a fish-out-of-water premise, the film is about a bungling actor from India… (Thank you Wiki – couldn’t have said it better myself)
Tory trio ‘bet on election date’ What a flutter shambles (giveaway Metro)
Speaking of polls: Reform and Tories now neck and neck – after 5% leap for Farage… Sunak drops to -50% satisfaction rating (‘i’)
That depends whether you can trust the polls. On whether pollsters have corrected their persistent errors, for example, for the shy Tory effect? I’m guessing right now remnant potential Tory voters are not so much shy, as about to crawl under a rock and cry.
But can we really ever trust the pollsters to get their sums right?
YouGov shares plummet… The London-based polling group warned its annual profits would miss forecasts (FT)
One does like to ask – How’s that Net Zero workin’ out fo’ yer?
Are businesses giving up on green transition? (FT)
Carlyle buys into energy… The US-based fund plans to build an oil and gas group… after agreeing to buy a portfolio of sites for up to £945mn from UK’s Energean (FT)
And one is often moved to advise – Calm down dear
Bryony Gordon At 44, I’m finally happy enough with who I am to get my very first tattoo (Daily Mail) – now if that were a chap we’d smile and remark “mid-life crisis”
Cat fight? How dare my husband’s ex-wife STILL use his name… especially as she lives in the same village (Daily Mail) – I’m inclined to say “first world problem, luv” – although it does rather sound like a plot device borrowed from Midsomer Murders
Snippet of biographical detail – Mr AsI’s ancestral home is the now abandoned hamlet and former parish of Stoneleigh Puke – something unpleasant must have happened thereabouts around the time of the Black Death. Perhaps the parish wasn’t properly locked down? Maybe it was soil errosion due to over population or some such during a period of rapid climate change?
Zelenska: ‘I’m close to psychological burnout’ … trying to maintain a brave face for her children and her country (Telegraph) – one can’t help but consider the case of Eva Braun. The poor girl tried to consol the Fuhrer in his bunker, despite the threat of the on-coming Russians and the secret of his increasingly obvious drug dependency.
Disproving claims that President Volodymyr Zelensky is addicted to cocaine (France 24 Truth or Fake, April 2022); Fake Volodymyr Zelensky said in an interview that he uses cocaine (Detector Media, June 2022); Social media users are claiming a video of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy shows him saying he uses cocaine – but the clip was… (Reuters, October 2022); Pro-Russia Social Media Accounts Spread Obviously Fake Zelensky Cocaine Video Shallow fake video continues years-long smear against Ukrainian president (Rolling Stone April 2022); Fact Check: Rumors Circled That Zelenskyy Was High During an NBC Interview. Here’s the Truth (Yahoo News, Snopes, February 2024)
Well, that’s that one well and truly scotched. Scuppered, kiboshed and put to bed.
New blow for PM as former Tory minister says he will vote Labour (Guardian)
Flux of Pink Indians was an English punk rock band from Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire, England, active between 1980 and 1986… The group signed with the Crass Records label in 1981. Their debut EP Neu Smell was released on Crass in 1981… continued in 1982 with the album Strive to Survive Causing Least Suffering Possible… In an interview with The Guardian in 2016, the band was cited along with a number of other British anarcho-punk bands of the early ’80s as being an influence to the American avant-garde metal group Neurosis. (Thank you Wiki)
Asiseeit – the election is fun fun fun – with 4 dead heads doing various apologies last night while I watche Spain play like footballers ….
Meantime the only leader with presence and no apologies was not ‘selected ‘ by the BBC to tell the rest the truth – and get an apology ( another one ?) from the bbc ‘chair lady after he correctly gave some NHS figures but she denied them – and was wrong .
Will the woke team be back before the chippy SNP team ..?yawn
Can strongly recommend the Flux of Pink Indians Neu Smell EP – the main track ‘Tube Disasters’ was a particular fave of mine at the time.
“Getting a tattoo that reads ‘Dazzle’ is a reminder not to do that any more — an instruction to go out every day and be fearlessly, unapologetically me.
I’m all booked in on the morning of my birthday. I’m thinking about having it tattooed on my right wrist, but perhaps I will follow Angelina’s lead and get it on my chest. Now that would be a present for my husband.”
Meesh v Angie scum raynor
Angie has a workforce plan – it’s a plan for the workforce ( see karmela ) who I’m sure angie models herself on . The reds really sound as clueless as the blues .
The reds have to put up taxes – they might as well say so – they’ll still win bigly – but for some reason they stick to the preferred formula of either telling lies or remaining silent or diverting to talk about hospital trollies.
No mention about huge population strains of course
Putting aside that Angie sounds like a dolt her words are just dumb ….
Meesh gave her an easy time … no surprises…
At the end angie said ‘we will always follow court rulings ‘ which suggests parliament no longer makes laws – unelected judges did – it lasted 10 minutes …
Free money for everyone who votes! Yeah!
** notice they all have nice teeth and private dental care.
Did Meesh mention anywhere further than the m25, even in passing?
“Wot I’m tellin’ yew, Mistral, is wot I’m tellin’ yew…”
UK Border – too complex to protect.
Ukraine border – send billons to protect with missiles.
Israel border – send billons to protect with missiles.
HA HA HA HA HA! Old adverts ….

Nowadays it is all carried out on Twitter, using ever more cringe imagery.
The thought of these two squinting mutual brain donors in charge of anything beyond Specsavers ads is frightening.
But then…
My addition to the @UKLabour battle bus! ⚽️ 🏴
Best of luck England
Did they let her crayon the bog walls too?
These set ups are beyond silly.
HOw Modi won his election – erection ….
he official Modi campaign, despite the images going immediately viral, have quickly distanced themselves from the stunt saying that they “are not in support of such vulgar displays”. HA HA HA HA HA HAHA!
Areas of Similarity Between Conservative and Labour Party Manifestos 2024
Economic Stability and Fiscal Responsibility
Both parties emphasize the importance of economic stability and fiscal responsibility.
Commitment to supporting businesses and encouraging investment.
Support for Families
Emphasis on supporting families with childcare and educational reforms.
Focus on making life more affordable for working families.
Youth and Education
Investment in youth opportunities and education reforms.
Plans to support apprenticeships and improve skills training for young people.
Both parties propose increasing NHS spending and improving healthcare services.
Commitment to recruiting more healthcare professionals.
Both manifestos prioritize building new homes to address the housing crisis.
Emphasis on making housing more affordable, particularly for first-time buyers.
National Security and Defence
Increased spending on defence and national security.
Measures to ensure secure borders and manage immigration effectively.
Environment and Energy
Commitment to addressing climate change and supporting renewable energy.
Focus on improving energy efficiency and reducing bills for families.
Community Safety and Crime
Plans to recruit more police officers and tackle crime.
Emphasis on improving safety in local communities.
Regional Development and Devolution
Continued investment in devolved regions (Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland).
Support for empowering local authorities and regional development initiatives.
These areas of similarity reflect shared priorities in addressing key issues such as economic stability, family support, youth opportunities, healthcare, housing, national security, environment, community safety, and regional development. Both parties recognize the importance of these areas and propose various measures to improve them.
– done by ChatGPT
A Jewish man called Danny cohen – who used to be a big job in the bbc has discovered it’s biased – welcome to the party pal – here is what he writes in the Telegraph today
STARTS This week, BBC correspondent Sally Nabil appeared live on the BBC News Channel in primetime to report on the tragic death of pilgrims at Mecca due to intense temperatures.
For those unfamiliar with Ms Nabil’s work, it is worth reviewing her social media output in the aftermath of the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel. Ms Nabil has shown herself to be comfortable with sharing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, most notably the groundless claim that Jewish people were buying up land in northern Turkish Cyprus in order to seize territory for Israel.
Yet this is not the worst of it. Despite being a BBC journalist, Nabil “liked” a number of tweets that appeared to legitimise the targeting of Jewish civilians, including one that called the October 7 massacres a “morning of hope”. She also liked a comment on a video that showed footage of vehicles loaded with Jewish bodies and kidnapped civilians.
It is hard to put into words how offensive and distressing this is to many in the Jewish community, and of course, to the decent-minded majority of British people who have sympathy for what Israeli families suffered that day.
Many will consider Ms Nabil’s apparent support for a message, which described the rape, kidnap, mutilation and murder of innocent people as a source of “hope”, as tantamount to showing sympathy for terrorists at their most inhumane.
The real question here is why, eight months later, Ms Nabil is still working for the BBC, her salary paid for by us all as licence-fee payers. But she is a symptom of a problem, not the problem itself.
The fundamental issue is the failure of the BBC’s most senior executives to get a grip on anti-Israel bias and anti-Semitism in the organisation. In this case, it seems clear that senior BBC management have made the decision that it is acceptable for staff to endorse a racist massacre without any impact on their employment. Given these circumstances, how on earth can Britain’s Jewish community believe that the BBC’s leadership takes anti-Jewish racism seriously and is determined to stamp it out?
The BBC likes to hide behind “process” in situations such as this, but I believe the public interest outweighs all other considerations. It should not be possible for our national broadcaster to continue to employ someone in these circumstances without full and transparent public scrutiny.
So here are some questions that senior BBC management should take the trouble to answer directly:
How does the BBC justify employing a journalist who has shown support for the worst massacre of Jewish people since the Holocaust?
Where would the BBC draw the line, in terms of the enthusiasm journalists would need to display before they are deemed to be an unsuitable member of staff?
Why do BBC managers believe that Sally Nabil is able to maintain due standards of impartiality when her anti-Israel views are causing such great offence?
And finally, if an employee’s prejudice was instead directed at the black or Muslim community, would BBC executives be so seemingly cavalier?
The BBC’s repeated claims that they take issues of anti-Jewish racism seriously are made a mockery of by cases like Ms Nabil. Unfortunately, a pattern has emerged, and it is hard to see it ending any time soon.ENDS
imaged edited with
Apologies if covered elsewhere.
The BBC really likes its diversity when recruiting.
But it appears they have pushed the boat out too far with this one.
BBC bosses left red-faced after advertising role asking for candidates to apply if they ‘identify as DEAD’
The BBC. World class.
The role is being advertised as part of the BBC Extend programme — a ‘positive action’ scheme which is aimed at people who are deaf, disabled or neurodivergent
‘positive action’ vs discrimination?
Is the Supreme Court fielding candidates at the General Election?
Or have they just done a coalition deal with the Greens?
Key oil project must count full climate impact – court
Clearly the Supreme Court have absolutely no understanding of science or how the world works.
But they are very good at killing off jobs, investment, and tax revenue.
Unaccountable. Unelected. Yet ruling over us.
And guess what the background is of the soon-to- be Prime Minister.
The moaning Emole has…
Question Time audience tackles leaders over mistakes and trust
Love the way the BBC tries to pretend the whole thing is not rigged still.
One is sure Marky can capture the mini-Swinni being retweeted by everyone from Vile’s propaganda Sikh to Chris Bryant. Or this pointing out he was oddly shy of accurate.
The giveaway for me is the scale of the boo-ing when Sunak said he would leave the EHRC if necessary. Forget whether he actually would.
How many ordinary members of the public know enough about the workings of the EHRC to be able to boo? Boo-ing implies knowledge and opinion. Most people would be silent wondering what they were talking about.
In other words the left activists have again mysteriously been over-represented in the BBC ‘balanced’ audience.
“Our society is built on the fundamental values of democracy, human rights, equality, liberty and the rule of law. The effectiveness of our democracy depends on freedom of expression and open and robust discourse in which all members of society can participate. Political parties and candidates must be free to engage in and promote discussion and debate – even where others do not agree with, or even take offence at, the views expressed.”
recommendations and principles for respectful discourse and fostering good relations
legal considerations and limits to freedom of expression in law
We are a statutory body (an organisation created by parliament) established by the Equality Act 2006.
We operate independently of the UK, Scottish and Welsh governments.
Our funding is provided by the Government Equalities Office and we often work with government to influence progress on equality and human rights.
However, we do not carry out government business or perform its functions
Case name: Bayo v Ministry of Defence
A former soldier who faced discrimination while in the British Army, due to his beliefs as a practicing Muslim, brought a successful claim against the Ministry of Defence, with help from the Equality and Human Rights Commission.
He was periodically refused permission to fast during Ramadan; refused access to proper evening meals during fasting; served pork on multiple occasions; denied permission to purchase appropriate meals at his own expense. He was also denied adequate time or facilities to pray, endured offensive taunting from other soldiers and was being ridiculed when in prayer attire.
Case name: Bull and another (Appellants) v Hall and another (Respondents)
When a private hotel run by committed Christians refused the booking of a double bedroom by a homosexual couple in a civil partnership, we provided legal assistance and the couple successfully won their claim of direct discrimination.
Case name: Eweida and others v. United Kingdom
A Christian employee at British Airways (BA) was suspended from work for wearing a cross necklace over her work uniform. After the employee returned to work, she claimed that BA indirectly discriminated against her because of her religion. We intervened in the case to clarify the law.
Interesting comment from
“I watched a video of Farage speaking in Blackpool and it was a very impressive performance. But I still don’t understand how he proposes to stop the boats. Don’t get me wrong, I want it all stopped but the plan has to make sense.
The first thing he said was Rwanda won’t work and then talked about a Tony @bb0tt (sorry – AI censor!) style scheme. Substitute PNG for Rwanda and what’s the difference? @bb0tt’s scheme is effectively the same as Rwanda.
Then he said he’d send them back to France. Then he said if the French won’t accept that he’ll take them back to France. I took that to mean he was proposing to violate French territorial waters and risk a military clash with the French. Now I know a military skirmish with the French would delight some on here but it hardly strikes me as a viable and reliable method of sorting this out.
I think an @bb0tt scheme is the right answer but that’s what Rwanda is. Now he can say what he likes right now and it doesn’t have to make sense because he’s not going to be in a position to do anything. However there may come a time when he is and then it has to make sense”
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution.
….. UK 2021 ….
Three years ago, on 25 March 2021, a teacher from Batley Grammar School (BGS) in West Yorkshire was forced into hiding after a religious studies class he gave led to protests from Muslim parents and to death threats.
So what do you do with a chief constable who has been found guilty of gross misconduct – wearing a medal he is not entitled to and telling fibs ? ….
……. I reckon – in this day and age – nothing – when if he claimed to be as gallant at his medal – he’d have been given a loaded revolver and a bottle of whisky …
The Coronation Medal 1953? Impressive as he was 5 at the time.
Opening a tin of coronation milk MEDAL?
Cops call on ‘Commissioner Coward’ to quit: Police chief who stayed in his car during Westminster terror attack is compared online to hero officers who got stabbed taking on London Bridge jihadis
Sir Craig Mackey witnessed Khalid Masood stabbing PC Keith Palmer to death
He said he went to get out of his car but was told to ‘shut the door’ and locked it
Former detective Peter Bleksley described the actions as ‘utterly unforgivable’
Photo-shopped images mocking Sir Craig are being shared on police forums
Others have also highlighted the actions of Lisa Potts and Bernard Kenny
He said he went to get out of his car but was told to ‘shut the door’ and locked it
There was a phone in on a bbc radio programme . An employer complained that many people who came to job interviews didn’t want the job . He said one said she was only there because the job centre sent her – she preferred her benefits .
There are several points there . But the one that registered with me was the employer saying – it’s all very well job centres sending people – but very often he and his personnel manager are wasting half a day on no hoper ‘job applicants ‘…
The solution is simple – work or starve …
In another life I would love to have been a tiler – the grouting and creativity (it’s a “thing”).
Discussing this with a professional, he said he struggles to get anyone to help or teach the skill to. He had one young lad that he had to collect from home every morning – he lasted 2 weeks as he couldnt cope with the 8am start, and another wouldn’t work Friday afternoons.
I find it staggering. Growing up where parents and teachers were respected, the same went for older then me employers, it shows we have bred generations who couldn’t give a monkeys.
Brissles – I said work or starve – and I meant it – I’m trying to think of the circumstances where benefits have to be cut – where all those subsidies are ended ,…
… perhaps it is the next economic crisis where the UK can no longer pay the interest on its’ debt mountain – and someone like the IMF comes in and forces down the medicine –
But until then both the reds and the blues sing the same benefits song – a life on benefits – let some other mug pay taxes and pay me not to get out of bed – except to buy a spliff …
Transform welfare via indoor relief only. Tough love means if they want handouts they need to turn up to get it and while there provide something in return i.e. work.
Our Victorians always get it in the neck for being cruel because of e.g. the workhouse. IMHO these places were kind because they taught self-discipline.
I watch these wretches-on-welfare jacking up on my taxes in public parks and I weep for our fallen nation.
” IMF comes in and forces down the medicine”
2012 …
Quango clampdown saving billions for the taxpayer
The government is now more than halfway through the first wave of its quango reform programme, saving at least £1.4bn for the taxpayer.
Cabinet Office and The Rt Hon Lord Maude of Horsham
22 August 2012
Public bodies closed as at 22 August 2012
Click to access List-of-abolitions.pdf
DWP Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission Executive NDPB No longer an NDPB Jul
“The Post Office’s Horizon system is “very robust” and the only scandal is that the company failed to properly defend it, according to a man tasked with representing sub-postmasters.”
George Thomson, the former leader of the National Federation of Sub-Postmasters (NFSP), told a long-running inquiry: “The Horizon system is not the scandal, the Post Office stupidity on steroids handling of the situation is the scandal.”
Let’s hear it for Bardia Shojaeifard – age 15 – who stabbed another 15 year old to death ( Alfie Lewis – RIP ) .
The murder trial ended and the judge lifted anonymity on the Iranian kid … with one of the reasons being to encourage public discussion of knife crime .
Only Reform – Nigel Farage – has shown interest in the daily slaughter on British streets – partly fueled by police not having the heart for stop and search .
All good news for undertakers though ….
Vote Reform
About us (UK Home Office)
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office has been at the front line of this endeavour since 1782. As such, the Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the United Kingdom.
Nigel Farage has put a short piece on you tube haraging BBCOFCOM for failing to give Reform the attention it deserves in the state broadcaster .
The rules – it seems – favours the 2 party system – which says enough about the corruption of BBCOFCOM ….
Vote Reform
“Reform got £742,000. The Tories only managed to bag £292,000 compared to Labour’s whopping £4.38 million. And that’s before the gaffe-train really started rolling…”
Job Introduction
Transparency is an essential element in ensuring audiences feel they can trust the BBC’s journalism. There has never been a more important time to ensure news consumers understand not just what we know, but how we know it – and BBC Verify is at the heart of this as we find new ways to share more of the important, thoughtful work that goes into verifying, fact checking and sourcing our journalism. The newly created unit brings together the BBC’s best analysts, fact-checkers, data specialists and designers from across domestic and global teams with expertise in data journalism, disinformation and the latest Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and verification techniques.
BBC Verify is seeking a correspondent with extensive experience of open-source and data journalism, to work with the wider team to identify editorial opportunities to tell exciting stories using innovative and impactful formats. You will have a proven track record as a correspondent with experience of delivering on the day multi-platform journalism and a good understanding of the editorial ambitions of BBC Verify. You should have an eye for a great story that promotes innovative forensic storytelling and the ability to translate it into broadcast content for all platforms.
The role will report into the Verify management team led by the Executive Editor.
Contract: Permanent – Full Time
Location: London
Salary up to £ 69,443 plus London Weighing, depending on relevant skills, knowledge and experience. The expected salary range for this role reflects internal benchmarking and external market insights.
Top sunscreens fail protection tests look at the picture of the family the BBC chose lol
Presumably the chief constable who provided false information on his CV to get the job will now be prosecuted . But it does make one wonder whether all the other top cops have lied to get the top job – and whether anyone has checked them …
Apparently the idiot who claimed to be a Falklands veteran was 15 at the time of the war
Islamabad: The Pakistan government has cancelled the licences of 50 pilots for flying with fake credentials and authorities will probe how they obtained the certificates through unfair means, the country’s Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has informed a top court here.20 Dec 2020
There must be clowns running Police HR, they’re not doing the most basic of checks.
He’s sacked but one has to wonder what damage this man has done to people he’s had dealings with. Has he been passing information to criminal gangs or Private Investigators?
One must also wonder how someone of so obviously low intelligence has risen so high in the Force.
Climate joke:
I’m afraid that I missed the leaders debate on Question Time last night. All those soft ball questions for Labour the SNP and Ed Davey would have turned my stomach…
However, I have heard that Ed Davey, a man of honour, was outraged at the latest Tory sleaze scandal…the bets placed by Rishi’s confidantes about when the election was to be held.
Of course no one is doubting Ed’s honesty and integrity, but…this is the man who was minister in charge of the post office / Horizon catastrophe and refused to intervene. Alan Bates wanted to meet him, but Ed refused. Perhaps he was on a water chute…
Over 700 post masters were prosecuted, innocent people went to prison, four committed suicide, some have since died… but Ed didn’t feel it was his job to get involved.
And now there’s a rather tacky little betting scandal and Mr Ed is outraged.
Yes, of course he is…
Same fat PR invoices off the back of this.
Four members of Britain’s richest family given jail sentences for exploiting servants
Hinduja family members sentenced after spending more on pet dog than one of their employees
In Switzerland…..
The employees were striking for equal pay with the dog
BBC Verify Hiring Correspondent For £69,000
Tickets to Springster’s entourage do not come cheap.
I think that this little clip won’t ever get shown on the Cubiclists’ monitors ever again…
But Beeboids didn’t mind the ‘publicity’ back then did they!
Oh no! The trains and buses the next day were full of people laughing and joking!
Nowadays, they only have ‘Mrs Brown’s boys’ and childish rubbish from an odd but wasteful bunch of air-heads, led by a girl called Vera Fly or something!
Floyd song for Lucy P and all the ladies here…
(It’s quite safe, just load from here)!
Its very good but the uncut version on Tuckers website is better
Interesting that Neil Oliver realises that the parliamentary democratic system doesn’t represent the wishes of the voter .
It’s a game . This interview was made before Reform turned up . But the system is designed for either the reds or blues to win .
Whether PR would solve this I don’t know . The other thing discussed is whether the system is a friend or enemy now – taking for granted that the state- for which you pay – is there for you when you need it – and deciding that it’s not there now …
I’ve gone down the same journey as Neil Oliver – which is why Reform is so important …
BBC 30 minute interview – comrade Robinson v Nigel Farage …
The Robinson sneer is there – the interruption is there – Farage looks like he wants to deck Robinson – I’d love to see it …
Robinson doesn’t look well ….
BTW – you could see Farage wanted to say something about the BBC – but held off
Didn’t Sunny Jim Callahan punch BBC’s John Sargeant on the nose at Paddington Station one time?
Planet on fire, accelerants involved.