Weekend 6th July 2024 After the Election

The red version of the uni party takes control …the BBC has achieved its’ objective of damaging the blues at any opportunity . it is safe for the next long 5 years .Our fight goes on with Reform as our friend .The targeting of Reform by the Far Left will be constant and intense because it speaks for the British people .

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240 Responses to Weekend 6th July 2024 After the Election

  1. tomo says:

    Can’t be too hard on the lad….


  2. Flotsam says:

    Life seems relatively normal in our rural Cheshire constituency. Aphra Brandreth, Gyles Brandreth’s daughter, was elected as a Tory with a substantial majority from a 71% turnout. It’s like going back to the old days:

    Brandreth, Aphra Conservative Party 19,905 (Elected)

    Davies, Steve Green Party 2,278

    Edwards, Gillian Independent 1,611

    Herd, Rob Liberal Democrats 5,430

    Langley, Peter John Reform UK 6,414

    Stogia, Angeliki Labour Party 16,848

    Angeliki Stogia is a Manchester Councillor, God knows why the Labour heads thought her a suitable cadidate.


  3. MarkyMark says:

    With its domestic fishing industry in long-term decline, the UK imports more than 80 percent of its seafood. China was the third-largest supplier in 2022, with the UK importing £278 million worth of Chinese seafood, compared to £164 million in 2012, according to Seafish, a public body.1 Dec 2023


    the UK imports more than 80 percent of its seafood
    the UK imports more than 80 percent of its seafood
    the UK imports more than 80 percent of its seafood

    HA HA HAHA !


    • atlas_shrugged says:

      I have just been over in the Netherlands. With friends in a seaport town called Scheveningen. This had two docks with many fishing boats and fish processing warehouses.

      These docks were surrounded by eating places which were packed out.

      So if NL can have healthy fishing towns how come UK towns like Grimsby went into decline? Unless of course this was done deliberately to kill off our primary industries.


  4. MarkyMark says:

    Coming home!



  5. Fedup2 says:

    Yeah come on – we all make mistakes when we are young – like helping behead hostages – joining terrorist groups – that sort of thing … bring her home so that she can celebrate – er – Christmas … er …


  6. MarkyMark says:

    Over in Germany’s top league, the Bundesliga, one team will have cardboard cut-outs of actual fans in the stands to support them when their season restarts.


    Life-size cardboard cut-outs




  7. MarkyMark says:

    David Starkey: Starmer Will Now Impose a New Constitution on Britain


    • Up2snuff says:

      MM, bad pizza government = back to bad penny blues but on a larger scale 😉 🙂 thank you Mr Lyttelton.


  8. Fedup2 says:

    Seems that Farage was right about the disrupters who tried to stop his press conference on Friday . There were seven they were actors . They were in a film called ‘the old oak ‘ by comrade Ken loach .
    It’s isn’t known whether comrade loach funded this anti democratic conspiracy – but wouid any one be surprised . The far left do ‘hate ‘ really well …

    If you saw the footage you could see each one had been briefed to leave once security got to them – no physical resistance to enable security to give them the beating they deserved …


  9. MarkyMark says:

    Comment “Good old(young at the time) Nigel, even then talking the truth and eventually stopping the gravy train
    Well done Nigel
    Lets hope you get voted in today”

    Nigel Farage EU Salary 1999

    everyone’s aware over the Arab with you
    what they didn’t want you to see in the
    offices the loot check fitting map now

    I’m not saying that all of this is wrong
    but what I am saying is that on travel
    you should have to produce receipts and
    I think it’s absolutely monstrous the
    people are being paid money way in
    excess of their genuine traveling
    requirements now that represents four
    working days and one journey 1900 it’s a

    good job that’s I’m in it I record I
    worked it out because so much of what
    you get is after-tax but if you used the
    secretary allowances to pay your wife on
    top of all the other games that you
    could play I reckon this job in sterling
    town is worth over a quarter of a
    million pounds a year that’s what you’d
    need to earn working for Goldman Sachs
    or someone like that
    everyone’s aware over the Arab with you
    what they didn’t want you to see in the
    offices the loot check fitting map now

    I’m not saying that all of this is wrong
    but what I am saying is that on travel
    you should have to produce receipts and
    I think it’s absolutely monstrous the
    people are being paid money way in
    excess of their genuine traveling
    requirements now that represents four
    working days and one journey 1900 it’s a

    good job that’s I’m in it I record I
    worked it out because so much of what
    you get is after-tax but if you used the
    secretary allowances to pay your wife on
    top of all the other games that you
    could play I reckon this job in sterling
    town is worth over a quarter of a
    million pounds a year that’s what you’d
    need to earn working for Goldman Sachs
    or someone like that


  10. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #2 – Alastair Campbell will keep turning up on the BBC like a ‘bad penny’

    I have already got the ‘Bad Penny’ Blues, thanks Humphrey Lyttleton all the same, because of the Election result. Listening to Al this morning made it worse. The pound, let alone the penny, in your pocket is probably doomed. Got a feeling that Al will be a frequent visitor to the TOADY studio. Oh woe!


  11. tomo says:


    • JohnC says:

      That would make Narinder the racist.

      ‘If you go out and meet an A-hole, you met an A-hole.
      If you go out and EVERYBODY you meet is an A-hole, it’s YOU who is the A-hole’.

      From the excellent ‘Justified’ before the Left hijacked it.


      • tomo says:

        “Big Brother contestant”


        We’re f’d aren’t we?



        • AsISeeIt says:

          ‘Fox shared the unauthorised image on Twitter (X) without her permission’

          Surely that’s simply a copyright issue?


    • MarkyMark says:

      If you read the Koran you are a terrorist? HA HA HA HA HAH AHAH!


  12. JohnC says:

    I do enjoy watching the BBC’s narrative change when their political agenda changes. It’s so obvious, it would be funny if it wasn’t such a blatant abuse of power to interfere with elections.

    Now they want Joe to step down for no other reason than to stop Trump being elected. So after years of rank hypocrisy reporting about hime where they never even mentioned his dementia, all of a sudden they are writing multiple articles with much the same content over and over again.

    Biden interview fails to quell Democrat concerns over fitness

    Yet again they take a quotation from someone else and present it in a paragraph all of it’s own with the message the BBC want to say but can’t:

    ‘She said that while she respected his decades of service, “there is simply too much at stake to risk a second Donald Trump presidency”.’

    ‘She said Trump “has openly talked about his admiration of dictators and his intention to be a dictator”.
    The beauty of this for the BBC is that they don;t have to provide context for exactly what Trump DID say. Because every single time they’ve done it, it has been completely out of context and he never said what they are trying to imply.

    It’s the same as they have done many times for Gaza. I am quite certain the BBC actually make some of these up themselves and present it as what others said. Often the English is simply far too good and incorporates specific keywords which the BBC commissars have stipulated the clones should use.

    But this caught my eye because I’ve been criticising the corrupt MSM for NEVER mentioning it and now I see it in 2 BBC articles on consecutive days:
    ‘In his interview, Mr Biden declined to take a cognitive test and make the results public to prove he was fit to serve another term.’

    Sorry BBC : 2 years too late. And you only mention it now because you want to stop Trump.

    The only good thing to come out of all this is to expose the MSM for what they are. Corrupt, partisan left-wing liars. Mostly ‘lies by deliberate omission’ which are lies just the same. And BBC are by far the worst because they have a mandate to be impartial.

    Keep going Joe : you and Kamala make a great team (for Trump). After watching Joe, I realise now that the senile old coot is being shielded from the real world by his sycophantic handlers and has been for many months. He really does think he has got what it takes. I suppose that’s the best thing abou tlosing your marbles : you are the only one who doesn’t realise.


    • JohnC says:

      The delicious irony of all this is that the fact that the BBC (and MSM) lies-by-omission in covering up Joes very obvious decline is the reason they are in this panic situation now and the end result may well be that it tips the balance so Trump is the one elected !.

      I will really enjoy watching their desperation over the next few weeks until Joes fate is decided. I guarantee their strategy is going to be to try and pull Trump down. The Left have no ethics whatsoever about going for the man instead of the ball.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Judging by the excellent tactics Obama has used to degrade President Trump ( series of show trials / ‘corrupt investigations ‘) we will see more of the same – unless they’ve run out ….

        .. meanwhile the physical method of fixing the November vote will be boosted for the next candidate – who is being portrayed as ‘unifying ‘ and announced by acclaim – Mrs Obama ….

        I’m waiting for the msm to ask ‘how did we not notice that sleepy joe has dementia ‘…. ( must look back at this site to see when we were discussing it – 2020?)


  13. JohnC says:

    Air strike on Gaza school kills at least 16 people

    ‘At least 16 people have been killed in an Israeli air strike on a school in the Gaza Strip, Palestinian officials have said. Dozens more have been injured.’
    16 children ?. 16 terrorists ?. The BBC leave it open so we assum e it’s children because of the word ‘school’.

    ‘A local source said the target was a room allegedly used by Hamas police. The BBC is unable to verify this claim.’
    What ???. Why add that bit on the end BBC ?. You never tell us you can’t verify all the other quotes you use !. How ridiculous – why not just write ‘but they might be lying’ instead. Even though we ALL know it’s true.

    And then:
    ‘The head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (Unrwa), which runs the school, described the June incident as “horrific” and said the claim that armed groups might have been inside a shelter was “shocking” but could not be confirmed.’
    Agaian BBC : ‘but could not be confirmed’. Implying it may well be a lie. The second such trick and only ever used to discredit Israeli claims. Hamas on the other hand are given a free soapbox for their most ridiculous claims.

    The worst part of this story is the BBC telling us the head of UNRWA is ‘shocked’ implying this is the first time he has heard such an accusation. The BBC seem not to realise how EVERYBODY knows Hamas use UN materials and UN sites for their own bases. It’s impossible that they don’t : those tunnels don’t dig themselves and mix their own concrete. But of course the truth is that nobody dare stop them. So they turned a blind eye. And now the BBC are covering it up for them.
    A good one for ‘BBC Verify’ to ‘geo-locate’ some of the videos of the fighting to confirm it. I wonder why they don’t …


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think the msm has got a bit bored with Ukraine / Gaza now – they need a new war with a decent hotel nearby ….


  14. Fedup2 says:

    Some election reflections –

    I think above all the election showed that if you do a bad job – however many words you use – you’ll get punished . And any politician who doesn’t realise this is dead .

    The clearest example is the SNP – which lands up with a former leader ( crankie ) as a £pundit £ on ITV being rubbished by a former best mate – the hateful Joanne Cherry – live on TV .you might remember Cherry admitted – boasted – of using every method possible to deny Brexit – the the blues – May- did that too.

    Turn out was low – with – I suggest the ‘all the same ‘ party winning a lot of votes at home – the uni party is real ….

    How could so many blue MPs not see that by not being conservative – which the voters thought they were – they were destined for the dustbin ?200 blue MPs . Forgive me about using ‘blue’ but I use this as they were not tories or conservatives – they only believed in themselves … they were largely dross – but sadly a few conservatives also died with them …

    The vote for the reds and yellows was largely half hearted – with reform splitting the blue vote in nearly 100 seats …

    Despite the msm – bbc – c4 physically attempting to destroy Reform – eg bb question time – c4 actor – the reform vote was massive . 4 million – which even after the election makes reform ‘other’ in the eyes of the BBC . The bbc cannot stand the existence of Reform .

    Starmer – who ? Can starmer develop a character which will be ‘loved ‘ in the way that – say – Boris was ? How long will people accept everything wrong is the fault of the blue party > ?I reckon 2 years .

    But something will come along which is wholely the blame of the reds . But opposition in the commons will be weak -Maude’s by comrade Hoyle in the speakers ‘ chair …. And the msm will act like the US media – covering up – providing uncritical support for the reds – particularly the BBC – the big winner ..

    PS – the other big winner was the independent Muslim vote – the shape of things to come … until they are stopped … we might need help from the IDF for that – and I write this on 7/7 – 18 years after Muslim mass murder in londonistan …. I remember … I was there ..


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fed, the Conservative Party have been ruined by Teresa May opining was it at a Party Conference that the Conservatives were seen as the ‘Nasty Party’. Since then, they have been trying to be nice to everyone, except Brexiteers of course. So ‘Call me Dave’ went for Same Sex Marriage and staying in the EU, Bojo went for environmental issue of Global Warming & Climate Change plus fixing the Care Home crisis, Truss went for being nice to the higher rate taxpayer and Rishi Sunak went for something or other. All this just to appeal to people, to appear not to be the ‘Nasty Party’.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Sunak just threw borrowed taxpayers’ money at people to pay all their wages – fuel bills – and £900 last year just for the sake of it …
        Throwing money at welfare just furthers the dependency and the furlough made the country dependent …

        £110 billion in interest payments per year …


        • Scroblene says:

          ON GB News yesterday, a panel was discussing the Reform Contract, and one member mentioned that it wasn’t far off the same as Liz Truss’s aspirations!

          I still think that she got a raw deal, because at least she was elected by ballot, not just chucked into No 10 as an also-ran, like Sunak.

          I wouldn’t be surprised if she joined Nigel Farage at some stage, and that could well make a difference – she certainly wasn’t a commercial lightweight when Trade Minister, but those around her were!

          Penny Maudaunt could also be another outsider having a chat with the proper opposition…


  15. AsISeeIt says:

    Sportingly squeezing into a semi and pulling out with a stiff wrist in this astonishing edition

    Left-leaning Sunday Times cartoonist Newman celebrates our by default, Buggins’ turn PM, stuffed shirt Sir Keir, this morning with football imagery.

    He sketches England supporters wearing anathema to recently re-elected Labour MP for Islington South and Finsbury, her ladyship Emily Thornberry, St George’s cross flag T-shirts, as they jump for joy shouting “Broken Britain – It’s fixed!” – like an impatient schoolmaster sadly and resignedly irritated by some lame classroom prank I say “It’s not funny and it’s certainly not clever”

    Mind you: Sir Keir Starmer has appointed a lawyer who has taken cases against British governments as the new Attorney General, in an apparent snub to Emily Thornberry. In a surprise move, he has given a peerage to Richard Hermer, a KC from Matrix chambers, which Sir Tony Blair’s wife Cherie co-founded. On Friday night it was not clear whether Ms Thornberrry had a role in Sir Keir’s Cabinet. (Telegraph)

    Speaking of football, our press was recently roundly chastised by our BBC for daring to present an image of a black player as somehow emblematic of England failure: Media criticised for use of Saka image in England defeat… Gareth Southgate introduced Bukayo Saka off the England bench against Iceland (BBC) – happily there’s no such risk of those slings and arrows of outrageous race-baiting this bright morrow

    Heaven Trent! Prince cheers as penalty hero blasts England into the semi-finals (Sunday Express) – that’ll be Prince William not the diminiative now demised singer, multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, record producer, actor and above all Artist, formerly know as.

    Yeeesss!!! Let’s celebrate with a giant Toblerone – exclaims the suggestive Daily Star Sunday

    Excuse me while this reviewer, despite media hype, fanfare, exhilaration and exaggerated tumescence – treat this one as merely a semi

    By the way, my brain may be in need of the sort of thoroughgoing MOT that US President Joe Biden tends to duck. My headline-addled thoughts are now pre-empting cheeky red-top tabloid humour: 5 perfect pens from Lions to beat Swiss… & we get a semi (Star)

    ‘Doctor, doctor, please help me, I can only speak in tabloid headlines’


    So we finally overcame that soccer powerhouse that is the alpine republic of Switzerland – and at the last gasp rock, paper, scissors tie-breaker at that.

    Despite Emily Thornberry, the Observer knows which side its bread is buttered emblematic imagery-wise: They’re through… England squeeze past Swiss into semis… Saka goal takes team to penalty shootout

    Meanwhile it’s a toss up between our complex nationality racket-weilding ingénue and the pale blue-blooded dure – anyone but England – saltire-waving Scot: Radacanu stuns Murray (Sunday Telegraph)

    What did they used to say in the schoolyard? Ummmm, I’m getting my mum onto you!

    Judy Murray’s jibe as Emma ends Andy’s SW19 dream (The Mail on Sunday); Judy Murray’s two-word response to Emma Raducanu’s Wimbledon doubles withdrawal… “Yes, astonishing” (Mirror)

    The gynaeceum that is the BBC online press frontpage pickers find nothing to offend their precious sensibilities in promoting the formerly Rishi lackey loyalist Sunday Express to their top spot to help the balance stats – what with: Heaven Trent! and: PM: Rwanda plan ‘dead and burried’

    Mr AsI foresees Starmer’s government promoting a scary admixture of globalist-inspired achingly PC cultural policy in the name of safety-first therapeutic one-world statism – this as his sop to the left; meanwhile lashings of corporate crony public-private finance contracts, administered with a heavy-handed managerial technocratic lawyerish, state surveillance and control apparatus to subdue potential opposition to the right.

    Blest be the tie that binds
    Our hearts in Christian love;
    The fellowship of kindred minds
    Is like to that above.

    (John Fawcett, 1782)

    The ties that bind

    See here: Labour in talks with Germany over ‘closer EU ties’ (Telegraph); Blair ally drafted in to drive NHS reform… Alan Milburn backs private sector involvement… (Telegraph); Blair tells Starmer: You need plan for immigration… Ex-leader moots digital IDs to control borders (Times)

    Our BBC no doubt will play a leading role. Such new powers held in adoration by our national broadcaster rather than held to account.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Oh Emily thornberry – such a slap – there she was kicking mud at the blues – now she sits by the phone waiting for a job offer from starmer …. Has defence gone ? Minister for white vans ? Or will she suffer the pergatory of the back benches as the surrogate mother to all those new red children …. Repulsive …

      Watching the tedious euros – at one stage woke United was to play Islam United on Wednesday – all those Turkish barbers closing early – drive by ban in N17 still in force ….

      But Jonnie Turk blew it and the wokes face Europeans …. Who played as dismally as woke United . But at least Gareth has his knighthood …


      • JohnC says:

        lol, even my huge 4K monitor can’t fit those in pug !


        • MarkyMark says:



    • Charlie Farley says:

      Microchip as with Dogs and RETURN IMMEDIATELY …….I’m obviously dreaming again . Very worried for my Grandchildrens future with this lot of idiots in Government …..thanks BBC and MSM …..but looking forwards to Nigel giving them Grief 😄 🤣


  16. tomo says:

    A credulity test less than 48 hours after a GE result?

    – must be a record


    • Fedup2 says:

      And it seems Milliband senior is back – presumably to make sure the gag doesn’t come off the tick box dolt foreign secretary ,,,,


    • tomo says:


      • MarkyMark says:

        His bills will go down – yours wont! HA HA HA H!

        Tory MP Nadhim Zahawi admits taxpayers paid power bill for his stables
        This article is more than 10 years old
        MP promises to repay the part of £5,822.27 expenses claim for second home energy bills that relates to electricity for stables



        • Fedup2 says:

          Marky – you really have to wonder at the mindset of a politician who thought it okay to use taxpayers ‘ cash to heat hs stables …
          If the corruption is as casual as that ( ok within the rules ) what else have they got away with . ?

          I’m sure we will be treated to a list of new red MPs whose heads are turned by the stuff they can claim for – as well as putting the ‘family ‘ on the pay roll …

          BTW – does anyone know if there are any new blue MPs – or just the recycled crap from the last regime …


          • MarkyMark says:

            Fedup2 … check out Rachel Reeves – if we all produce audio books we can turn the economy around …

            “Payment: £1,350 for recording an audio book.
            Received on: 28 September 2023. Hours: 12 hrs.
            Ultimate payer: Hodder & Stoughton Limited, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ”


            12hrs not doing Labour stuff – how does she fit this in with being an MP? 12hrs?!


            • Fedup2 says:

              I am curious about how the red regime is going to ‘grow the economy ‘ – other than adding another 8 million to the GDP in 5 years …
              Anyone worth their rations ( broadest shoulders ) will have to pay a’ bit more tax’ (get creamed by 60% tax rate ) and be buying single first class tickets to a better place…


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      If wind power really was 1/9 the price of gas, it would not need Ed Miliband to push it, private enterprise would be building it. But we all know the figure is rubbish, like the whole net zero agenda.


      • Scroblene says:

        Spot on Rob!

        The Milibands have always been at the forefront of spouting lies and stupidity, and this is the latest!

        Now they’re together again, in Keir’s cabal, expect havoc within the companies who have yet to gain monetarily from the devastating scramble for wind power.

        The real culprits got their money out years ago, but our grandchildren will be paying through the nose for this fatal left-wing ideal.


  17. atlas_shrugged says:

    So according to Times Radio we have Tony B Liar (who voted for him) now advising the government to have digital ID for border control. How many illegal invaders per year now?

    Does this total right arm artist not understand we don’t have any border control in the UK.

    Has he not heard of passports.

    From October the Ehuw will be introducing retina and finger-print scans at all their border controls.

    Have you heard of the Royal Marines Tony?


    • Fedup2 says:

      Atlas I think Tony wants digital ID for the voting computers they’ll introduce in 2029 for the Biden method ….


  18. tomo says:

    Not even the first week is done…


    • NW Ninepence says:

      I’ve just relented and watched the new UK MP’s inspiring first speech…well some of it… and then looked through his chosen inspiring new cabinet. – pfff

      An old adage comes to mind ——- ‘Out of the gloom a voice said “Smile and be happy, things could be worse”. So I smiled and was happy and behold – things did get worse.’

      I am absolutely elated over the win for our five Reformers who I’m certain will get much reciprocated encouragement and support from it’s millions of ardent followers, but by heavens! have they (we) got a battle on their hands.


      • MarkyMark says:

        I like that NW – ““Smile and be happy, things could be worse”. So I smiled and was happy and behold – things did get worse.’”


    • Fedup2 says:

      A frightening article . An academic who notices words and grammar … dangerous . But the stricter claim that Starmer is looking for a formal constitution … redrawing the British State ?
      I don’t think so . How could he do it ? Surely ( ugh ) he’d need a brexit style referendum to get people to vote for the abolition of the House of Lords – and as we have just seen `PMs love the Lords for all sorts of reasons ….
      I’m side tracked – but I’ve just worked out that Starmer will engineer thornberry to take ermin or mink or milk or milf and get Ashworth back into a safe seat and the cabinet by the New Year honours ….

      Anyway back to the starmer paper . From personal experience – writing long and complex reports for very senior people – they don’t actually read them – that’s the staffys’ job – the staffy then writes a single sheet briefer or tells the boss over a drink ( if they are good ) – so I reckon Starmer had no idea of the content of that document ….

      .. and as for proof reading … memories of sitting on tube trains doing my proofing and re proofing until it was making my nose bleed .

      No one proofed that – no one cared to …

      I can’t see starmer going anywhere near the constitution – his crew are gonna be far too busy trying to work out how to get re elected in 2029 …


  19. tomo says:

    A raft of warning signs bobbing about before the week’s even started….


    • Fedup2 says:

      Theyll all be exchanging body fluids at the NATO bash during next week …

      .., and today i bet the French Election has been well fixed ..,


    • MarkyMark says:

      Trudeau (I’m a feminist) hails “ (Muslim) sisters upstairs” at sex-segregated mosque

      from 2017


      • Fedup2 says:

        There should be those bubbles coming out of the mouths of the muj behind him “hey we ve got real really dumb white kaffir here …easy”


    • MarkyMark says:

      Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party has narrowly won Canada’s election, but it failed to secure a majority of seats.



      DICTATOR – “Mr Trudeau said the scope of the measures would be “time-limited”, “reasonable and proportionate” and would not see the military deployed. With no need for court orders, banks can freeze personal accounts of anyone linked with the protests. Hundreds of demonstrators remain in Canada’s capital city.15 Feb 2022″


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      To be fair, he’s half Cuban.


  20. G says:

    Just out of interest. New ways of strangling those who make a little money:

    A new pen in the milking parlour

    “The Welsh Government is planning to give local authorities the ability to charge a visitor levy on overnight
    stays. The levy will be paid by visitors and invested by local authorities in local tourism.
    If passed, each local authority will need to decide if it wants to introduce a levy. The proposal has been put
    out for consulation but it looks increasingly likely that the levy will be introduced. The Welsh Government
    estimate the earliest a visitor levy could be in place in any part of Wales is 2027. We would be required to
    charge visitors to the hostels and pass on the levy to the Council.”

    At least the levy will help to pay for the Diversity & Inclusion staff of the Council…………


  21. G says:


    “Islam is a huge problem for Europe”. (and btw, everywhere it goes).

    An insoluble problem I’d say. Well, apart from massive internal conflicts and overthrow of islam. May be the only conclusion.


    • BRISSLES says:

      The BBC won’t exist in another 75 years, not in the Islamic caliphate of these Isles. United Kingdom will not exist at the turn of the century. Mohammed will not be the top boys name as is now – it will be the ONLY name.


      • G says:

        Surely not?

        The BBC will be relied upon to broadcast each prayer time during the day, the call to prayer and to remind its listeners/viewers how wonderful ‘our’ religion is………….

        I vividly remember the monotonous dialogue spouted endlessly by the ‘State’ on tv when I lived in KSA.


  22. atlas_shrugged says:

    Unlike the bBC TCW has replaced it as a national treasure. Here a brilliant article about the bias against fathers in our family (secret) courts:



    • MarkyMark says:

      “FOR ALL the 2010 Equality Act’s great intentions, it does not protect one of the demographics most discriminated against: fathers. This is wrong. Fathers deserve equality.”

      Lammy made the same argument – that absent fathers are a ‘key cause of knife crime’ – in 2012. Lammy recorded a Channel 4 documentary for Remembrance Sunday called The Unremembered: Britain’s Forgotten War Heroes, which was broadcast on 10 November 2019.


  23. taffman says:

    Do I hear echo’s of “stop the boats”, or was it just a dream?
    Did a Tory Government actually run Great Britain for over ten years , or was that just a dream also ?
    We are in such a mess!
    IMHO, the BBC has been trying to run the country?


  24. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    GB News appears to be going more to the left.

    I wonder if this is a cunning plan.

    Just about every leftie guest they have on, you all know them, comes over as a miserable, spoilt, gobby, blinkered, deaf to any reason and very unlikeable.
    The only exception to the lot of them is Paul Embery. The exception that proves the rule?

    When we keep seeing this lot and how poor their arguments and opinions are it must make us normal people more sure that we hold the sensible viewpoints on any of the discussions they are involved in.

    The way Michelle Dewberry holds them to account (“what is far right” she asks her guests who come out with it and it stops them in their tracks)
    Nana and Patrick as well.

    We can all see Hope is a bit of a wet.

    Maybe GBN is playing a clever game. Having daft lefties on all the time.


    • Fedup2 says:

      I don’t think it makes any difference what shade of content GB news has now the very dim Lisa Nandy is now culture secretary and you can betcha all those communists ex bbc types in BBCOFCOM have files full of GBnews sins to prove to Lisa that the broadcasting licence be taken away .

      Also -betcha Murdock did a £ deal £ with starmer to get his operations filed under ‘approved ‘….GBnews cannot be an outlet for the likes of unemployed ex blue MPs like hapless mog .
      That harmless idiot wouid have been the ideal leader of the blue party ….


  25. taffman says:

    “Tata talks under way but no full jobs guarantee – Reynolds”
    And what businesses has he actually run ?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Tata – owned by India – India using Russian cheap oil to run their own industry and to sell to the EU – HA HA HAH A!


  26. Fedup2 says:

    I did chuckle watching the starmer conference on Saturday when a plucky journo asked whether the CEO of the NHS was going to be fired because ‘Wes’ says the NHS is broken …..

    …. But popcorn eaters are in for an interesting time if the reds want to take on the medical mafia . Starmer said he was going to send clever medics from st Thomas s to other hospitals to show them how to work out side 0800 – 1600 no Fridays or weekends or school holidays days – or working from home at the A and E ….
    Good luck with that as they see their taxes and investments and pensions being hit …

    On the starmer press conference- you could see how best behaviour the journos were – no frying Farage type attitudes … wonder if that will last ( it will ) …


    • MarkyMark says:

      It will last as long as they want it to – until the old man breaks on national tv – and continues! HA HAH


      President Trump’s 100 Days President Biden’s 0 Day 

      Dear Winston Smith in the Records Department of the Ministry of Truth,

      You covered President Trump’s 100 Days and then produced a Beyond 100 Days to hold power to account.

      Why have you not done the same for President Biden to hold power to account?

      ‘Omission is the greatest form of lie.’ 


      Thank you again for contacting us,

      BBC Complaints Team


  27. MarkyMark says:

    Blair right that a woman has a vagina and a man has a penis, Starmer says
    The Labour leader has hardened his position on biological sex.

    hardened his position = erect and standing to attention


    • moggiemoo says:

      At least he now has a firm opinion on something, even if it’s not his.


  28. MarkyMark says:


    Rishi says he was a success!



  29. MarkyMark says:

    “Second, the turnout of circa 60% means around 80% of the British electorate did not vote for Labour. which is remarkable. Starmer did not win by a landslide of public opinion towards his party. ”


    • Fedup2 says:

      Marky – I think the electorate ( the proles ) are far more perceptive than the political class reckon they are . They know nothing really changes whether it’s red or blue – so why bother – as long as the footy and strictly and the DWP payments keep coming who cares ?


    • kingkp says:

      This is the same in all communist revolutions. You can achieve the revolution with fewer numbers, which should give people hope. Hundreds of millions of people across the planet are aware of the criminals running their governments and the reason there is a ‘quickening’ is a direct consequence of this universal awareness. The criminals know this number will only increase exponentially as the communists begin to tighten the noose.


  30. MarkyMark says:

    “Legend has it that a double rainbow and a glowing new star appeared in the heavens to herald the LABOUR WIN BY KEIR STARMERbirth of Kim Jong Il, in 1942, on North Korea’s cherished Baekdu Mountain. Soviet records, however, indicate he was born in the Siberian village of Vyatskoye, in 1941. The people of North Korea, many of whom are reportedly battling famine, are apparently told that Kim’s birthday is celebrated throughout the world.”



  31. MarkyMark says:

    Soon “German media reported in 2007 that Kim hoped to solve the famine in his country by breeding giant rabbits. An east German farmer who bred rabbits the size of dogs was apparently asked by North Korea to help set up a big bunny farm to alleviate food shortages. To get things going, he sent a batch of 12 giant rabbits to North Korea, but was shocked to hear they were eaten at Kim’s birthday banquet that year.




  32. Fedup2 says:

    Nothing to do with anything – but hearing that the miserable millionaire – Andrew Murray has had his career ended by an ( English !?) girl who has stood him up for the mixed doubles ( matron ) – I had me a little laugh …
    Andy’s mum is on the warpath about her little son being stood up . Andy is 37 years old .


  33. harry142857 says:

    Witness left squirming when MP asks for proof of ‘institutional racism’


    • Fedup2 says:

      Just think – that is probably on £200k plus package …a bit of a Vennels moment ,..


      • Up2snuff says:

        Fed, 1. she did not look well, and, 2. was not well enough educated to know the difference between racism and misogyny.


        • Fedup2 says:

          Maybe should have chucked a Biden sickie then . If you’re gonna do that job – guess the questions – have the answers of hide in H effing R. … she’s probably a baroness now ..


      • MarkyMark says:


        Cressida Dick to leave Met police with £166,000 payoff
        This article is more than 2 years old
        Met commissioner to step down on 10 April, with search for replacement expected to take months


    • MarkyMark says:

      “It is growing (gang r*pe culture), there’s no doubt about that. A large amount of the growth in my view is about raised awareness.” – Cressida Dick @1:40 {youtube}

      “I don’t think this was a phenomena (gang r*pe culture) that was invented in the last few years. It really wasn’t. It’s been part of our society probably for centuries and centuries and centuries. It’s hard to really know exactly what is really going up and what is changing. ” – Cressida Dick @2:38


  34. Fedup2 says:

    World at one – laugh out loud – apparently it’s gonna be bad in France because macron will be weakened meaning controlling the invasion will suffer …. Ugh – … what. ..WTF … as if macron has been stopping it – he’s been facilitating it – Adler really is the worst ….

    Lot of talk about the UK in the world – Lammy as foreign sec …lol ….some Obama democrat telling us Lammy is ‘sharp ‘ – high comedy at lunchtime …


  35. Sluff says:

    Wimbledon. Sunday afternoon.
    In the Royal Box we have…

    The wonderfully incomparably great Rod Laver.
    The not quite as great but British and ex champion Ann Jones.

    And also ………..errrrrr……..on the front row…..
    BBC weather girl Elizabeth Rizzini and boyfriend part time correspondent Frank Gardner !!!!!

    FFS doesn’t begin to cover it.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Sluff, please accord the sainted Frank his official BBC title: he is the BBC’s Security Correspondent!

      Doesn’t help the nausea though, does it.


  36. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Isn’t the real reason that Biden will be kept to run for president again because those who are really running the Country with Biden as a figurehead don’t want to lose their power.

    If Biden was replaced by somebody who knew what they were doing these backroom string pullers would not be able to do as they want.

    Sleepy Joe hasn’t got a clue as to what’s going on.


  37. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    First past the post.
    If it’s good enough for Belarus ………

    Why would we want PR like the rest of Europe who are all wrong and never ever get a government (if what I hear from the anti PR commentators is correct)


    • Up2snuff says:

      Emmanuel, the thing about Prop.Rep. is that it squeezes candidates into moulds. One of the strengths of the Conservative Party was the diversity of opinion although it was their undoing during Truss’s time as PM and at the last GE. In order to get on the Party list as a candidate under Prop.Rep. is that you have to have der Partei’s approval. I feel that is kinda sinister. Mind you it happens now even under FPTP with ‘A’-lists and approval for constituency interviews. I’m feeling Prop.Rep. is wrong but ……


  38. tomo says:


  39. tomo says:


  40. tomo says:


    – a voice like a constipated tax inspector


  41. MarkyMark says:

    Labour would comply with ICC arrest order for Netanyahu, Lammy reiterates
    Shadow foreign secretary repeats belief in ‘rules-based order’ and also says UK would not seek EU membership


    Israel borer:


    UK BOrder:



    New foreign secretary wants to reset UK-EU ties

    “Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.13 Oct 2022″


  42. Doobster78 says:

    In France the people rose up and in the first round of voting put the Far Right in front .

    Now instead of the Establishment (just like in the UK) asking Why are these millions of people voting this way and what can we learn from it, their instant reaction is not that , it’s “what can we do to STOP them “

    With the rise of Reform , it’s exactly the same here . 4 million votes just cast aside as Far Right thick Racists who didn’t know what they were voting for, makes my piss boil


  43. tomo says:


    • Doobster78 says:

      But Rishi Sunak stood outside Downing Street and told us all we have to be careful of the threat of the Far Right 😂😂


  44. Fedup2 says:

    Robin Aitkin in the DT on the reds and their State Broadxaster

    STARTS They did their best to hide it, but there was no mistaking the air of quiet satisfaction (some might say smug complacency) which has infused BBC output these past few weeks. As usual, the Corporation’s weapon of choice was story selection; during the campaign, it selected for greatest prominence those stories which did the Tories (and Reform) most damage. And, having done their bit, BBC people feel that at long last the era of Tory terror is ending; in New Broadcasting House it will have been “trebles all round” when the votes were counted.

    In one way, you cannot blame them; the relationship between the BBC and recent Conservative administrations has been an uneasy one. The quite obvious anti-Conservative bias provoked a reaction – though not an especially effective one – from the Tories. The BBC was kept on short rations, the licence fee was squeezed and complaints about a lack of impartiality were loud and many. But here we are, entering a new political era and the Corporation is still standing, its prerogatives and prejudices intact, looking forward to what it hopes will be a mutually supportive relationship with a new Labour government.

    The BBC will be expecting to be enfolded in a warm embrace, and history suggests its confidence is justified. After Labour’s 1997 landslide, the BBC was one of the first beneficiaries. At that point it was operating under a five-year plan agreed by John Major’s administration which kept downward pressure on the licence fee. One of Gordon Brown’s first decisions as chancellor was to rip up that agreement and take the financial pressure off. And why not? As a loyal Labour ally, it was payback time. So maybe in the next few weeks, history will repeat itself and if so senior BBC management will heave a sigh of relief.

    But even if the new Government is feeling generous, financial largesse will not, of itself, be a permanent solution to the BBC’s troubles. Because the licence fee is running out of time; as the BBC begins a second century of existence, finding some alternative funding mechanism is becoming an urgent priority. Before the election was called, there was a working party within the Department for Media Culture and Sport (DCMS) which had been meeting for some months and was halfway through its deliberations. That work stopped immediately the election was announced, and whether it begins again will be entirely up to the new Secretary of State. If they’re wise, they should recall the committee because the BBC needs a fresh approach.

    However sympathetic the new Government is towards the BBC, there’s widespread agreement in the media that something will have to change. And there is a deadline: the Royal Charter, under which the BBC operates, is due for renewal in 2027, and by then there is an expectation that decisions will have been made about the future. Even those who would like to see the licence fee simply extended for another 10 years fear that it is not the long-term solution, for three big reasons.

    Firstly, the licence fee is highly unpopular. John Curtice, the BBC’s favoured polling guru, has tracked public attitudes and found there is a large and consistent majority in favour of scrapping the licence fee. Curtice points out that when the pollster Public First asked people, in 2021, to name the most unfair taxes, the licence fee was nominated by 33 per cent (only inheritance tax, at 34 per cent, was viewed less favourably).

    Secondly, because of its unpopularity, raising the licence fee is politically difficult for Labour. It is a regressive tax and, at £169.50, weighs heavily on the poor. Simply increasing the fee will not be popular with the new Government’s voters. And thirdly, the licence fee is no longer even providing a stable and rising revenue stream which the BBC says it needs to compete; for several years now, increasing numbers of people have refused to pay. Some of these refuseniks say the BBC is politically biased against them; others, largely younger people, don’t use the BBC much and object to what they see as an arbitrary tax.

    Taken together, these factors underline the need for a new method of funding – one which will give the Corporation the money it needs without arousing the ire of those forced to pay it. What are the options? One is to copy the Germans, who have a “rundfunkbeitrag”, which is a broadcasting tax levied on every household and business.

    Peter Bazalgette, co-chairman of the Creative Industries Council, recently wrote that because German businesses and other organisations contribute, it is “a way of getting civil society to support public service media. By this means the household licence fee could actually be reduced without damaging the BBC.” There’s an obvious problem though: throughout the election campaign, Labour promised not to increase taxes, and a new broadcasting tax, even if it was made more progressive by making business and the rich pay more, would be a highly visible way of breaking that promise.

    Many industry insiders want the BBC to embrace the subscription model; they argue that the Corporation should emulate the success of streaming services such as Netflix. David Elstein, former chief executive of Channel 5, who was a member of the DCMS panel, says the problem is persuading the BBC hierarchy: “As long as the licence fee survives, you cannot. The BBC sees subscription as an existential threat to the licence fee. If it were found to be successful as a ‘top-up’, the pressure to replace the licence fee would be irresistible.”

    Elstein believes that to bring the BBC to a point where it accepts subscription, the Government should offer a system of “split financing” under which public service output should be free to all and funded by a public broadcasting authority. Other output – drama, sport, etc – would be available only to those who paid a subscription.

    Labour will be tempted to stick with the licence fee, but Elstein believes this would be a strategic error, and would risk “killing the BBC with kindness”. The Corporation believes that it should be available to all, and there has been a refusal to trade in the certainties of the licence fee for anything else. But the moment may now be approaching where this line cannot be held.

    Of course, if the BBC were doing its job properly, were truly our “national broadcaster”, the licence fee would never have become controversial in the first place. Imagine a situation in which all shades of political opinion and all sectors of society felt they were given a fair hearing. If that were so, would there be any pressure now to replace the licence fee? At its current level it’s not an excessive price, certainly compared with the other streaming services. And you get a lot for your money – all the radio services as well as some high-quality non-news programming.

    The trouble is that, even if the Corporation now has friends in government, it has many enemies out in the country; people who believe it has betrayed its central mission by becoming ideologically aligned with elite opinion. The right way for the BBC to secure its long-term future would be by making real the impartiality it so loudly proclaims – if that could be done, maybe the clamour to replace the licence fee would subside because a properly impartial BBC would be in everybody’s interest.

    The Tory governments of the past decade promised to sort out the BBC but failed to do so (thus adding another to the long list of things left undone). A Labour government will probably take the pressure off the BBC for now, but the Corporation should understand that its long-term security relies on it regaining the trust of the whole country: it’s a long way from that right now.ENDS

    Those BBC staff and production companies must be so happy to have another 5 years on taxpayers’ money without any need to produce good stuff any more – just – the message …


    • Fedup2 says:

      I think mr Aitkin misses a few areas – for instance – why didn’t the blue regime do anything about the BBC ? Some might say the likes of the Today programme fueled the demise of nut nut through bigging up partygate –

      Then there is BBCOFCOM – a quango as corrupt as the BBC itself – and in no way independent .

      BBC complaints – no independence – makes other public bodies – eg plod – look positively squeaky clean in dealing with complaints …

      Then there is the secret side of the bbc – using the cloak of commercial sensitivity to cover up profits and where they go …

      The BBC knows it is safe – can continue with the approved message – the denegration of white Britain and its ‘ history – and effectively create a new far left third world queer ‘society ‘ of state dependence …
      What can I claim ?what am I entitled to ? Who can I blame ?


  45. tomo says:


    • taffman says:

      Tory voters & supporters should have voted ‘Reform’ .
      You reap what you sow . Another 5 years under liebour.

      The Tory government did nothing to about “stopping the boats” or stopping mass immigration.


    • Rob in Cheshire says:

      What have the Conservatives been doing? Pissing away an 80 seat majority and wondering why they have been annihilated.


  46. atlas_shrugged says:

    It would have been good when TR was raising this subject, and being attacked by the establishment, if the likes of Alex could have supported him.

    It will be difficult for the establishment to attack the likes of Alex given that she is reporting her own lived experience.

    Hopefully it wont be long before other women voters too turn on the likes of Der Starmer and his mates based on their own lived experience.


  47. Rob in Cheshire says:

    I see the fix is in, and the RN have been pushed to third place in the second round of voting in France. Sophie Rayworth could barely conceal her glee.

    The largest party now seems to be the far left/communist alliance. Sad days lie ahead for France.


  48. Fedup2 says:

    Seeing that the various factions scheming to be the next leader of the blues just re enforces the denial they are in . Apart from personal ego – why would anyone want that job ?

    I know the leader of the opposition gets the same tax free pay and pension that the PM and speaker get – but what’s the point >
    The shadow cabinet will be the dregs of the last failed blue regime – hunt as shadow chancellor – IDS at home or foreign office – but the rest ? Who cares ?

    I suppose it’s between the coloured girls who failed to stop the rot – reform won’t want to know any blues wanting to come over – far too toxic to pollute a positive – honest – yes honest brand …
    Gonna be a long 1800 ish days …. Time for a new thread …


  49. tomo says:

    “same tax free pay and pension that the PM and speaker get”

