The BBC is happy – its’ new government loves it – the state broadcaster will be an even better propaganda outlet for it . We could play a game – when will anyone at the BBC criticise its’ Far Left Daddy ?
Start the Week 8th July 2024
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First of the dingy’s coming over after news of a Labour win
I hope that someone is keeping a tally from the Starmer Day 1.
The population need reminding regularly.
Please give a % breakdown of people who don’t pay the tell tax .
EG ,
Single mothers
Travellers and gypsies
Illegal immigrants
White males .
Please explain your reasons for the percentages .
Nibor – that’s an interesting one – I think I saw some TV licencing stats for the type of people prosecuted – which seems to be women who are stupid enough to speak to the licence inspector and ‘just sign this piece of paper ‘….
If the reds touch the licence at all I guess they’ll give it free to those of the usual benefits – and maybe for a bit of easy popularity – the over 75s …. For people who work and pay taxes – they’ll up the cost of the tax to pay for the changes …
The over 75 thing would attract the new ‘culture secretary ‘ as it would make her popular for small cost – right Lisa ?
Elsewhere I’ve been reading an account of the difference between the Blair landslide of 1997 and the current one – so much difference – starting with having to pay £110 billion to service the National Debt racked up by the blues ….
Yet alone the quirk which gave them a big majority without a lot of people voting for them …
I think if you apply the test is 5 years time whether the quality of life is better after 5 years of reds – the answer will be ‘no ‘ … and begging for another 5 years to ‘get the job done ‘ might not work either …
Fed ,
Indicative of the blue labour ; the consultation about the BBC and telly tax they instigated, then petered out .
There used to be sayings such as as useless as a chocolate teapot/ fire guard, as an ash tray on a motorbike – now we can add as useless as a Tory party in power .
What have you done France !!!
Looks like the EU have managed to manufacture another result in their favour .
There is clearly an appetite both here and France for something a bit more Right but it would seem impossible due to left mobilising the troops to vote tactically, aided and abetted of course by the beloved BBC MSM
It’s going to take some push to break the barricades. Hoping to high heaven Nigel can stick at it . He really is our last hope
Wherever you look, its the same. US and so on. As before, this is a giant Worldwide war, when whittled down / distilled, it is Left against Right.
Problem is, they both play by different rules.
What have you done to France?
Smarmer visits Scotland, a warm welcome for the man that will fill their begging bowls with our money in exchange for the votes
I guess a visit to Wales will work for him along the same lines.
Unlikely, our Vaughan is usually on holiday.
No conflict. All the same philosophy.
Not my quote. I don’t know whose it is but it’s very relevant to today
‘We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended’
Often wrongly attributed to Dostoyevsky
Actual source is unknown but a Sky news Australia presenter used it in2021
Middle class white people evict an Asian family.
Still wearing the glasses ! (As advised by his PR team – more statesman like y’know ! )
Bloody hell .
I shouldn’t cast aspersions about someone’s appearances but talking about an egg head . Or flat top . Has a plane landed on his bonce yet ?
A lot of young taffmen are supporting Mr Nigel Farage.
Look out BBC , I think your end is nigh .
Let’s all hasten it – Stop paying the telly tax!
The OP says he forgives the MP for catfishing him
He looks like he’d need to call the fire brigade out to help him open a jar of marmalade.
Masses of dinghies are leaving the French coast bound for England tonight.
Early reports indicate they are full of French people.
BBC is pleased as punch that Paris is on fire and another Western election has been fixed.
“French people reject the far right —again”
Never mind the Palestine flags & swastikas on the Champs Elysees. This is the image they choose-
The French have said it again: they do not want the far right in power.
They gave them a big win in the European elections; they gave them a big win in the first round of this parliamentary election.
But when it came to a vote that really counted, just as in the presidentials, they drew back from the brink.
“This surprise upset which has reduced the National Rally (RN) to third place – with perhaps 150 seats compared with predictions a week ago of nearly 300 – is due entirely to voters turning out in large numbers to stop them.
The RN will argue – with some justice – that this was only possible because the other parties came together to play the system.
They note that the disparate parties of the left all suddenly forgot their differences to form a new anti-RN coalition; and then that the Macronites and the left forgot their differences too.
They note that nothing unites these politicians (from Edouard Philippe on the centre right to Philippe Poutou of the Trotskyist left) except their opposition to the RN. And that this lack of agreement bodes ill for the future.
Nonetheless, the fact remains. Most people do not want the far right – either because they oppose its ideas, or because they fear the unrest that would inevitably attend its coming to power.”
Loaded headline there
“French people reject the far right —again”
Le Pens National Rally party took 143 seats out of 577
ie 25% of the seats
The National Rally and allies got 37% of the vote
National Rally 32% + Union of the Far-Right 5% = 37
(First round The National Rally and allies got 33.21% of the vote
National Rally (9,379,092 votes).. 29.26% + Union of the Far-Right 3.96% = 33.21)
Democrats weigh risks and rewards of losing Biden
… and here we go again with the BBC attempting to use their huge global influence to influence elections.
The BBC have decided Joe must go – so they are doing the same trick they have been using since they got away with it against Boris. They are running a new headline every day on the flimsiest of stories then repeating and rehashing all the old stories to keep them current.
For this one, some people had a meeting and Joe was mentioned. Then it’s just as many suitable quotes the BBC could find to pad the whole article out to say what they want it to say. It does their usual trick of including both views, but the balance is heavily tilted to the BBC agenda – which is to stop Trump at all costs. There is no actual news here at all.
I am getting the impression the BBC want Kamala Harris to run !!!. Anyone who speaks well of her is almost guaranteed to be quoted.
Another from this clone:
Clearly directed what to write of course by the commissars. All the articles are far too similar in style and content to be anything else.
The missing pic
Vacuous looking, but quite attractive….but has she got Marianna’s rack?
It sounds like they have been given their orders, who to promote.
When you start to follow some BBC ‘agenda’ topics like Gaza and Trump, it gradually dawns on you that it is all very carefully choreographed.
It doesn’t matter who writes the articles, they are all very similar in style and wording. Certain words are never used (such as ‘dementia’) and others are suddenly used by everyone (such as ‘unhinged’ for Trump to deflect criticism of Joe before they ‘came out’). And it’s amazing how often someone living in Gaza uses them. The most trivial of stories can appear day after day yet others, far far more significant, are not reported at all.
It’s clear to me that there is some individual or small group are defining exactly what news we get told and the words used to tell us it. That/those person/s have a publicly funded, multi-billion pound global news platform at their disposal yet we have no idea who they are or how they are chosen.
Just like who is actually in charge of the USA now.
This is just how the Left like it. And they say that Trump is the threat to democracy. The most blatant case of left-wing ‘projection’ I’ve seen.
The need to Worldwide, ‘Wallpaper over the cracks’ for the public to feel comfortable and not threatened seems the prevalent modus o. Massaged to destruction.
Quite G : they whole purpose of BBC news is to condition society. AKA social engineering. And not just the UK, they want to do it to the whole world.
This is the root of why they won’t call Hamas terrorists. They want to stay friendly with all the 3rd world shitholes so their people can be fed the proaganda.
It’s just amazing what the BBC do not report. I occasionally check the news in Londonistan and every single time I find the BBC have ignored something which could be headline news in other circumstances.
Here’s one:
Dagenham man raped and beat woman after she rejected his advances
This is right on the bullseye for the BBC’s misandrist and feminist agenda. The man in question is every vile thing they loathe about men. But it’s not even reported.
Why?. You know why. Here he is, Oladip Oshodi:
And another man was mugged by a gang to steal his phone in a particularly brutal attack:
Man in his 30s suffers ‘potentially life changing’ injuries in Soho phone robbery
It sound like he was so severley beaten, he may have brain damage.
Another story extremely relevant to society because it could literally happen to anyone.
Yet again not reported on the BBC and despite the polcie appealing for witnesses, they don’t give any CCTV or other pictures of who did it.
Which of course means one thing. They are black.
No question about it : our society is now racist. Certain groups are protected.
BBC Dagenham page
Lot of twee stories
It does have an fgm crime story
The stabbing murder in londonistan on Saturday got mentioned nowhere …
@SkyNews tweeted 17h ago
“Man, 33, stabbed to death in ‘violent attack’ in Waltham Forest, east London, as murder investigation launched by Met Police”
BBC story same time
“Man fatally stabbed in east London”
But that didn’t even make it onto the England news page.
John C
But hey-ho, the commies now in power are debating the issue of early prisoner release to make room. Will that be the old British lag who has been in and out over the decades multiple times? or…………………….The Blacks. I’d bet on the blacks so they can continue their, ‘good work’ with minimal inconvenience.
bbc “reports”:-
Cooper sets out plan to tackle small boat crossings.
Home Secretary Yvette Cooper has set out the first steps towards setting up a UK “border security command”, which the government hopes will reduce small boat crossings in the English Channel
Another name for Border Farce? bbc/labour Border Force already exists, use them correctly! Instead of a posh name with adding Command on the end, as if this will deter anyone, and costing more by employing even more people
And at 5.22,
…we have Guy Thermostat and George Gollyway celebrating Diane Abbott’s election to the Greens in Hackney Parish Council.
bbc is REALLY keen on Labour, so much positive reporting going on
Just so the public doesn’t get the wrong idea:-
This wasn’t the social media election everyone expected
by Marianna Spring
Disinformation and social media correspondent
The incident never happened!
No bad words to say about Labour, I wonder when that will change
“ Earlier in the election campaign, I had investigated this network – a group of left-leaning activists who had shared several other deceptive clips smearing not just Streeting, but other Labour politicians and some from Reform UK too.”
Our Marianna of The Rack investigating left-leaning activists?
Heavens to Betsy, and they say Al Beeb is biased!!
Excommunicated archbishop rails against the forces of darkness:
Seems to be a pattern here. Take a stand against the globalists and your job gets terminated. Hmmmm.
BBC news about the new excommunication by the Pope
BBC BIGOT Nihal Arthanayake @TherealNihal parades his bigotry by asking questions in bad faith.
See how he asks a question, but has already made up his mind.
“It is probably a bit of a problem that I don’t think I know anybody who voted Reform.
I’d like to understand why they did.”
Part 2
“I think it is less to do with the BBC and more to do with having friends in creative industries outside of the BBC.
Also a diverse set of friends who are not obsessed with immigration”
People voted Reform for a lot of reasons besides immigration
eg to stop Labour
eg to stop crazy fake green policies etc.
eg anti-wokesupremacy etc.
How can he have a “diverse” set of friends and not one, who voted the same way as 1 in every 7 people ?
Jul 6
“Is there anyone, other than Liz Truss, still willing to defend Liz Truss.
I’d love to meet that person”
Nihal is always sticking his nose in some of the dross in the Waitrose freebie rags.
One of the reasons I don’t spend much there now, we don’t need his opinions, or any other tosh he mutters…
Scrobs You don’t want this site to expose and log BBC bias ?
Stew having a bad day again – ? We have a long 5 years before any prospect of getting the BBC changed or destroyed .
As for ‘content ‘ -as long the site doesn’t become a battle ground for the anti Israel set ( the departed ‘thoughtful ‘) ( thank god ) then on we go ….
I’m going to go back to my current objective – spotting the labour lies – such as appointing more peers using the PM patronage … and once a peer always a peer ….
I think the new MPs turn up today – that Koran is gonna be busy – I wonder who will wave the Hamas flag in the chamber ..?
Fed, I don’t have moods, I am like Spock.
Why have a pop at scrobs then ? I’m interested in Waitrose – although I am too poor to use it … ditto m and s …. I’m also a bit frugal so when I see you can buy a cooked jacket potato to micro wave for a £1? I wonder ….
… a thought for all those MPs who lost their seats last week – almost all deserved it – but the likes of mr Bridgen didn’t ….
They’ll be collecting their expenses and golden good buy cheques courtesy of taxpayers …
Fed I didn’t “have a pop at scrobs”
I stayed on topic and pointed out the irony of him wanting exposure of BBC bias kept off this website which is about BBC bias
Hellfire, I didn’t expect the Spanish Inquisition!
All I wanted to say was – er – exactly as I did, that an arch-beeboid is getting dosh from Waitrose for his leftie opinions, and as it pisses me off, that all these so-called minor faces on TV get traction in places where they’re not welcome, I’ll take our pensions and spend it in Tesco!
Stew, I don’t mind one bit chatting with you! Beeboids are creeping into much of our lives these days, the worst being Linker, and a few others of course, but thereby stands the issue! These people are getting attraction from citizens via their appearance on the awful BBC, and citizens shouldn’t have to subsidise the egos of these people as well as their income from limpid firms who employ them for advertising.
Thanks Fed, I just wanted to put my record straight, on the turntable, of the gramophone which I haven’t got any more…
Live long and prosper
I hope he does, Lucy!
I went to Hull once, to drum up some business for my firm, and the trip over the bridge was stunning!
We don’t have sights like that in Kent, just inflatable rafts.
Monday morning after the night before in this surprise surge edition
It’s a veritable calm down dear day today
Rachel Reeves’ vow as she exposes Tories’ £58bn ‘lost’ tax take – enthuses the Labour-supporting Mirror
It is sadly axiomatic of voters that they will enjoy promises of ever more gimmes from government and that they will expect someone else to pick up the tab and to pay the extra tax required. Talk of supposed loopholes in the tax system are a ruse cherished by politicians for threading that needle. Then it turns out this supposed £58bn is a highly notional figure: Chancellor is to reveal the Tories left public services £58bn short by failing to boost growth (Mirror) – let me guess, someone’s been doing some whacky computer modelling on her behalf?
Let’s be generous and assume there really is a massive tax windfall available (which maths whizz Rishi couldn’t find) if only she simply shakes the magic tax tree – despite the present economic doldrums
Meanwhile: Kyiv awaits €40bn pledge… Nato leaders are expected to make… commitment of support … this week (FT) – there goes that notional windfall, luv – still, the FT measures it in Euros so you might think the UK has an opt out.
Sobering up: The facts – this is not economics but a feature about alcohol from the mildly conservative Telegraph
Home counties LibDem flirtatious Torygraph readers are perhaps being advised not to get themselves sloshed – just so as to take their minds off: Reeves will overhaul planning rules… will reinstate compulsory house-building… fears that Labour will push councils to build on greenbelt land (Telegraph); Reeves: I’ll rip up rules on planning within days (Daily Mail)
15 of my female friends have walked out on their marriages. And every woman will understand why (Daily Mail) – you can calm down too, dear
Margot shows off her striking midriff… Holiday look: Margot Robbie relaxing in Italy (Mail); Smacker for Saka… girlfriend Tolami Benson, with his trophy (Ooh-er missus – but that’s the closest he’ll get to a trophy Mirror); Drink’ll shrinkle winkle… Blokes are being warned to lay off holiday beer to stop their winkles shrinking (Daily Star)
Now then children, your auntie BBC wants you to be good boys and girls and to sit down quietly so it can read you a little history story. Once upon a time: Seaside city’s secrets hidden in underground tunnels (BBC aimed at reading five-and-a-half): The steps down to the toilets beneath the station meant they were not accessible to all people, so they were moved upstairs 19 years ago… The Victorian people had to dig the sewer tunnels by hand – One thing is for sure: Professor David Starkey didn’t write that one.
Queen Cnut’er Cooper promises to stem the tide in the Channel
Cooper sets out plan to tackle small boat crossings (BBC) – tell us how so, luv?
Yvette Cooper has set out the first steps towards setting up a UK Border Security Command… Work to recruit an “exceptional leader” to head the body will begin on Monday… The Home Office says the command leader… (BBC) – watch out for the fullpage ad in the public sector employment section of the Guardian
Just possibly the civil service might be induced to actually work for a Labourite government.
At least this lady is remaining calm…
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you
[Rudyard Kipling]
Ms Le Pen said her victory had only been “deferred”…blamed on an “alliance of dishonour” between the Left and Mr Macron (Telegraph)
Times and Financial Times get into it, trading left/right, hard and far headlines…
Far-right party thwarted (FT); Hard-left leader claims victory in French election shock (Times)
Naturellement…! – as Basil Fawlty was once moved to exclaim – it is the Guardian that impresses the gynaeceum that is the BBC online press pickers for their top spot – plus ça change moins ça change
Surprise surge for left pushes French far right into third place (Guardian)
Let me translate: Surprise surge for
lefthard left pushes Frenchfarright into third place (Monsieur Comme Je Le Vois)22 likes
Just brilliant!
Chapeau…et cigare!!!
I’m wondering how Rachel Reeves can “expose” anything so quick – given she’s only had the job a matter of hours – and celebrating til the early hours, sleeping it off, then doing the Saturday shop, church and family on Sunday, so when….. ?
Patriot Front always remind me of the Chicago Nazis in The Blues Brothers movie.
#1 Incident occurred June 2023
#2 Apparently it’s not the Feds but a breakaway group
Looks like Labour is out if the blocks like a rabbit trying to spend everyone’s money to virtue signal, Starmer is trying to strike a deal with TATA to save the jobs of some Welsh steelworkers who are surplus to their Indian owned company. That means we will all end up paying them to do nothing. Secondly the new Labour education minister is to recruit 6500 new teachers, once again guess who is paying for this. I guess it means many more can do their three day week working from home
The fact is that the UK is now effectively run by the unions so expect much more of these madcap schemes until the Country goes bust again like last time Labour ran the shit-show.
As the Iraqi reply asks… – what’s Mad Al doing in Istanbul?
shocked /sarc
“A recusal is appropriate when a conflict of interest exists between an employee’s job duties and financial interests (including interests in future employment) or certain business or personal relationships or outside activities. Employees are strongly encouraged to document their recusals in writing.”
The sooner the country takes up the offence of Treason as a hanging offence again, the better.
Bliar, Treason May, Brown, Cameron, Johnson…………….. etc.
As far as I see Le Pens alliance got MORE votes than Starmer
37% Vs 34%
Le Pen’s party alone got 32%
Yet BBC headline used “rejected”
Yet with UK Labour result the BBC narrative was “landslide”
(Len Pens alliance Despite 37% of the vote, they got only 25% of the seats )
FPTP compared….
– gaming strategies not really covered?
Good day to avoid the BbC / Today – and politics in general ….
So my attention strayed to the conspiracy theory that the moon landings never happened . That coupled with fixations about 9/11 – titantic – JFK- are just methods of rehashing and rehashing versions of the ‘truth ‘ to sell books .
My question is always – if ‘they ‘ covered something up – how has it never leaked ? But then the theft of the 2020 US election was a huge successful conspiracy … so if ‘they ‘ managed that – Msybd no one ever landed on the moon …
Meanwhile – the pixie home sec is to appoint someone to run the new ‘border command ‘ … it won’t be plod as they are too thick – mind you – that might be an advantage – she’ll need someone to fire as the invasion speeds up – with a media blackout of course ….
The blue commies tried the Royal Marines and that, no doubt, resulted in hearing what they did not wish to hear. Ditto again unless all recruits sign up to agree to the assertion: “Refugees Welcome”
A good headline:
The independent review into
the application of sharia law
in England and Wales
Presented to Parliament
by the Secretary of State for the Home Department
by Command of Her Majesty
February 2018
Click to access 6.4152_HO_CPFG_Report_into_Sharia_Law_in_the_UK_WEB.pdf
Archbishop of Canterbury says Islamic rules are incompatible with Britain’s laws which have Christian values
Justin Welby said Sharia law should never become part of the UK legal system
His predecessor Lord Williams had said Sharia law could be incorporated
Welby said British law had ‘values and assumptions’ rooted in Christian traditions
PUBLISHED: 23:28, 23 February 2018 | UPDATED: 10:04, 24 February 2018
If every you worried about our streets being less safe, or crime not being detected, or the loss of free-speech. This may have something to do with it. Thames Valley Police has other priorities:
And in an Aylesbury police station this text snippet was up:
” … Most of our LAGLOS are LGBT or allies, and for me, it is ALL ABOUT HELPING EACH OTHER, just by knowing that we are NOT a minority. I am so glad that this has now been made mandatory to talk about in British schools”.
It is the word MANDATORY that does it for me.
BBC: hoo-ray the glorious left has vanquished the hated far right…. !!
– oh…
Jews caught between far left and far right in French elections
The election could see a wave of immigration from France to Israel, experts say
JULY 01, 2024 14:34
How relieved we all are to be assured that Mr starmer has changed the labour party beyond recognition, dealing with all its problems and making it electable.
So within hours an announcement regarding the return of Jacqui Smith, this time appointed to the Lords. Jacqui Smith …might ring a few bells… yes Jacqui Smith , who couldn’t quite understand those irritating rules about expenses and where on earth ,she lived, which was her main residence , etc, etc, what she could and couldn’t have paid for at taxpayers expense. Well she did resign because of it, so the penny must have dropped at some stage.
Jacqui Smith ….home secretary at the time of the Asian male grooming outrages in Rochdale and a reluctance to spell it out as such or do anything much about it. Jacqui Smith who famously was so very lowly regarded by her colleagues that barely half of them thought her able to do her job.
Jacqui and her husband have presumably talked through his issues with pornography and we can only hope he learnt that the taxpayer shouldn’t pay for his needs.
Well the best of luck to her in her new role and let’s hope she can bring her much needed expertise to it ..whatever that may be.
For the rest of us ….we can marvel at starmers success in changing the labour party. Ho-hum.
BBC Red-io Humberside news is massive PR for Labour of course
One headline “Many MPs have that new job feeling, like the new Grimsby MP Melanie Onn”
..FFS what did the item omit ?
That of course it’s not a “new job feeling” for Melanie Onn
She was the Grimsby MP until 2019 then defeated she became head of the LOBBY GROUP Renewables UK, and now she’ll be back in parliament deciding UK energy policy
Talk about conflict of interest.
BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – Lies on behalf of the Labour Government, BBC?
The BBC claimed that “shares and the pound Sterling were up after the Labour victory on Thursday 4th July” except they were not. The FT-SE 100 which is the usual measure of share trading showed a loss and it has opened down again this morning. It was only the FT-SE 250 that showed gains.
It was true that the pound was up against the dollar by a few pennies but not by much. It strengthened again by a few pennies against the Euro. Over the weekend where markets were open out East, the pound lost ground against all currencies but is stronger today against the dollar but only by pennies but is down against the Euro. In markets, BBC please note, positions constantly change by a small percentage margin.
I can only conclude that the BBC were being economical with their truth about economics to be kind to the new Government of Keir Starmer. I am surprised – not one bit!
I listened to Mosley preaching this and that to live longer – bloody awful green tea cures every thing apparently – but to end up dying on a beach in 40 degree dehydration shows God has a sense of humour – still sad though … but I guess it’s one of those ‘lives well lived ‘ jobs …
Wonder if the vaccines he pushed helped do for him ?
As we have a shortage of doctors did he ever do surgery days ?? Or were the stipends from endless magazine articles and TV appearances enough of an income?
Michael Mosely studied medicine as a second degree, ie paid the fees himself, and never practiced after qualifying.
His wife was a very respected and liked NHS GP local to me who retired a couple of years ago in her sixties.
I often hear people FALSELY say that Mosley was not a qualified doctor. but @Khaa2091 adds important context he was never a practising doctor.
I previously pointed out that Mosley sometimes said quackish things in his shows, so I cannot support him.
The Wiki CV adds further context
“Mosley attended boarding school in England from the age of seven.[8]
After attending Haileybury College,[9] he studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at New College, Oxford,
before working for two years as a banker in the City of London.
He then decided to move into medicine, intending to become a psychiatrist, and studied at the Royal Free Hospital Medical School
He became disillusioned with psychiatry after a placement in the specialty during his degree course and decided not to practise medicine after passing his final examinations in 1985”
Well what do you know . BBC Radio 2 news at 10am
Found 3 people in France to tell us how pleased they are with the result, saying France isnt and never will be a Racist country.
The word Racist is just pointless now, thrown around so much with Fascist they have just become irrelevant.
Those people celebrating in France, are soon going to have a big shock coming their way but they are so blinded by the hatred of the Right, they cannot see it.
“Moshe Sebbag, a rabbi for the Synagogue de la Victoire, told The Times of Israel that “it seems France has no future for Jews,” and said he advises young French Jews to leave for Israel.”
4747 jobs found for liaison and diversity (IN THE NHS)
“Farage supports Putin” is the new narrative ordered to be banged on about is the new order from the libmob Nudge Unit
yesterday on GBnews Malcolm Rifkind said that
an then this morning on GBNews for some reason they had a long session with Denis MacShane (tricky spellling)
and he said “Corbyn and Galloway are extremists they both support Putin like Farage does”
The hosts failed to call him out on the false slur
so loads of viewers complained
They thenn went on to talk about Law and Order
It was not mentioned that Denis MacShane served prison time for false parliamentry expenses
Wiki ” 2013, he pleaded guilty to false accounting at the Old Bailey, by submitting false receipts for £12,900.
was sentenced to six months in prison
served four months of his sentence and the rest by wearing an electronic tag.”
he was also the Rotherham MP who did nothing about the Pakistani groomers.
Others use colonial references: “Sunak: Ex-India Company set to run Britain,”said The Telegraph, alluding to the firm that controlled large parts of India with its mercenary forces. Dainik Bhaskar, a Hindi-language newspaper, ran the headline: “Another Diwali gift to the nation, Indian-origin Rishi to rule the whites”.
“Farage supports Putin” is the new narrative ordered to be banged on about by order from the libmob Nudge Unit
A glance at viewers noticed the presenters didn’t intervene
about #DenisNoShame’s false smear against Farage
Yesterday Malcolm Rifkind made the same *false smear*
At least 20 dead in Russian attack on Ukraine cities
The article tries hard to convince me otherwise, but only 20 dead from 40 missiles tells me that Russia hit what they were aiming for – and it wasn’t civilians.
The BBC won’t tell you that Ukraine are housing soldiers in civilian areas. They have to otherwise they would be blown up very quickly. Russia will be doing the same. Everything is being hidden like that because knowing where something is in this war means it gets destroyed.
I see from elsewhere that very often attacks like this hit something or someone extremely significant. But again, the BBC won’t tell us unless it’s common knowledge.
I see the phrase ‘falling debris’ – which was used in every article at one time – has been removed from the word list now. As has the propaganda from Ukraine that they shot them all down – because they want to use it to get more stuff.
“Reviews of greenbelt boundaries to go underway.” – they will be removed to save the planet?
Naga (real name: Subha Nagalakshmi Munchetty-Chendriah) on R5 just now was sounding quite chipper discussing the building over of greenfield and brownfield to meet Labour’s targets.
More departments … HAH HA HAH!
“Growth Mission Board” to meet before end of July.
“Growth Delivery Unit” in Treasury established.
“300 new planning officers to be appointed.”
“Next steps for Mark Carney-led national wealth fund project to come shortly.”
“..I think you (Mark Carney) have become politically involved (UK’s EU Referendum), in a way, you have quite clearly said you would not in a General Election…” – Jacob Rees-Mogg – {independent – may2016 @0:50}
“I don’t think it’s worth a reply.” – Mark Carney’s response
old post
A national wealth fund could turn the tide. One of Labour’s most radical manifesto pledges is the plan to create a national wealth fund. To help drive the green transition and create 600,000 green jobs, the fund aims to raise £3 of private investment for every £1 of government money put in.28 Jun 2024
Anyone remember Labour’s earlier ill-advised direction of pension fund investment.
Forgotten nowadays but undoubtedly the precursor to pension fund liability driven investing which, strangely enough, caused Liz Truss’s downfall, albeit not directly her fault.
Tories win = Massive cyber Russian interference.
Labour win = No interference.
Strumpet and Sopes. What… a team.
How did the bbc ever let such analysis go?
Of course, they all move in the same circles.
“Just landed in Istanbul to a wave of relief seeing the result in France”.
Campbell thinks this a normal thing to say and can’t see the absurdities or the dangers.
Globalist ideology in a nutshell.
One born every minute and the bbc decide to humiliate them:-
Scammed by the fake Chinese police
Her daughter listened patiently and explained it was a scam. Helen’s bank eventually refunded her money, but her ordeal could easily have had a bleaker ending: “For two weeks I hardly slept. How can you sleep when somebody is monitoring your phone?”
“Rishi Sunak walks away from leadership pledge to close China-backed Confucius Institutes. Government spokesman says it would be “disproportionate” to shutter the education centers.17 May 2023”
concreting over the green-belt for new housing is A DECLINE IN LIVING STANDARDS
“A further 21% would consider making the change. Worryingly, the research shows a slight increase in these changes, compared to the previous year when 18% had already or planned to switch to artificial grass and 25% had changed their garden into a non-permeable driveway.13 Jun 2024”
Mexican concrete ticks all the boxes:
Number 1 must be diversity and DEI top marks.
Number 2 must be the extermination of UK concrete making facilities so reducing our own carbon emissions.
Darrrr Dahhhh
“How fetching water is holding back India’s women”
Re: Starmer’s prison plans which could see 40,000 released early —
One of the early signs during covid that the govt response wasn’t to do with health was a similar decision in the US where inmates were released en masse under the guise of public health. I remember at the time this was a very odd measure that didn’t stack up with the clinical picture. Since then the policy has continued.
And a reminder of the Cloward-Piven strategy (1966):
“It is the strategy of forcing political change leading to societal collapse through orchestrated crises. The ‘Cloward-Piven Strategy’ seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, amassing massive unpayable national debt, and other methods such as unfettered immigration thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse by overwhelming the system.
Michael Reisch and Janice Andrews wrote that Cloward and Piven ‘proposed to create a crisis in the current welfare system – by exploiting the gap between welfare law and practice – that would ultimately bring about its collapse and replace it with a system of guaranteed annual income. They hoped to accomplish this end by informing the poor of their rights to welfare assistance, encouraging them to apply for benefits and, in effect, overloading an already overburdened bureaucracy.'”
Hire 6000 offices release 12000 prisoners! HA HA HA HAH A!
All going to plan then.
Just a note . Loads of comments on Twitter saying bbc biased to tories because questions asked of incoming government and complaining good journalists like Sopes etc no longer on bbc. the left still in total panic even though they have control????
I’m wondering if 77th Brigade have moved in on ‘Only Fans’ – getting lots of ‘cop an eyefull’ likes and follows on a certain category of posts….
John Bercow
Former Speaker of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom
“ohn Bercow is the former Speaker of the UK House of Commons, known for his booming voice, sharp wit, and ability to keep order during raucous parliamentary debates. Fans frequently request Bercow to deliver encouraging ‘pep talks’ for life milestones like birthdays, weddings, and exams, often including a playful nod to his signature call of ‘Order! Order!’ Many customers also ask him to roast their friends or colleagues in a lighthearted way, capitalizing on Bercow’s reputation for no-nonsense straight talk. Whether it’s wishing someone a happy birthday or giving a motivational message, Bercow’s personalized videos are sure to delight with their perfect blend of British charm and parliamentary flair.”
Bercow is rewarded by BiassedBBC with a large role in the BBC American version of Traitors
“Traitors US season two cast includes Ekin-Su Culculoglu and John Bercow”
Thoughtful would think he’s worth it .