What a world – a British government signalling support of Islamic Hamas terrorists – a US Left Wing Presidentisl candidate with no policies and a German political party being compared to nazis . All this and Two Tier Keir too …
Midweek 4th September 2024
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The story I’m hearing from people connected to housebuilding is that there’s a landgrab going on and Barratts are resisting ….
gawd…. what a clueless prat.
Green = Expensive
What does *your* money matter when it’s Ed’s delusion of renewables that matters?
No-one is naturally this stupid. I think he had to work at it, but he got there in the end.
11 million homes for 11 million small boat people?
I think Smarmer is responsible for the Channel deaths. He has encouraged them to cross by withdrawing the Rwanda Scheme and allowing all of the illegal immigrants to make fake Asylum applications.
Can we sue Soros’s European Court of Human Rights for the total cost of invaders since it is directly or indirectly their decisions that promote illegal immigration? Same for the UN.
Lets face it. The Grenfell deaths can be laid at the door of the Green Zealots.
Just another example of unscientific loony policies adopted by woke Government.
Yes, Grenfell Tower as designed was perfectly safe. Covering it with flammable panels to appease Gaia, not a good idea.
My thoughts exactly flotsam. But that particular bit of 100% truth and clarity will never see the light of day!
If they had never f**cked about with the tower in the interests of “greening” it none of those people would have died.
There are too many self important bigwigs involved in the greening industry to even think about any kind of reckoning for their blind and brainless stupidity.
I’ll go back further than that. Shelving the Clerk of the Works on public building construction started the rot. That independent, powerful voice on a construction project helped avoid many later disasters.
I was listening to the great leader trying to turn the fire into some race thing – no one says how can 90%? Of those who died be foreigners ? Is londonistan not England ?
From what I understood at the time, a lot of subletting went on to migrants so no one had a clue how many or who lived there! – despite many now talking about their “relations” who died – how can it be proved if they really were relations ? Or more like jumping on the compo bandwagon.
The findings into Grenfell were exactly as I predicted. I’ll say no more on that. But expect 24/7 gnashing of wall-to-wall teeth from the BBC (should be changed to TTK TV)..
Who was head of the CPS when countless police forces were getting cases on Jimmy Savile? I believe this individual stopped the prosecutions going ahead. Also all those grooming gang cases ignored. Gosh, now who was that? Must be inept or evil,in the eyes of some perhaps?
How many children were raped, and in some cases, murdered after those dreadful decisions?
If that was on me, I don’t think I could sleep at night.
In other reports on the interwebs, that Tory councillor’s wife had a baby die in recent times in NHS care at the hands of ‘diversity’. Allegedly according to quite a few reports.
I don’t see any mitigating factors or understanding for her though. What she said was wrong, but it was said in the heat of the moment. I felt rage too, but managed to stop myself saying anything online as I could see where it might go. I said some things in private of course, like millions would have. No, I could never say those things here. She couldn’t restrain her emotions. Daft, but to ruin her life like that and take a mum away from her kids?
Hasn’t this woman suffered enough? I thought her husband didn’t come across well. He should’ve been more supportive and fucking angry when interviewed. If my Mrs showed me the same public ‘support’ in such circumstances, I’d be getting a divorce
This government is a disgrace though. I hope there is a (peaceful and democratic) redress of their commie bullcrap and lies.
Vegetable rights and peace.
If regional devolution inEngland happens , regardless of the extent of devolved powers , which are going to be much less than the NI, Scottish or Welsh equivalents , it will almost certainly be an election based on some form or other of PR.
Reform must mobilise and squeeze out every last vote because there will be a real chance of winning the driving seat in some regions . Even if they are locked out of power by a LibLabCon coalition it will be a demonstration that the electorate prefers Reform to the rest which will be very useful come the next GE.
On the contrary. I don’t think PR will feature at all.
The Labour City Mayors are obviously first past the post as it’s a simple run off against individual candidates.
The danger I see in regional assemblies is that they will be dominated by the vote from larger Cities and towns and will almost all be Labour.
You are right. We got rid of Greater Manchester Council, but that tool Osborne brought us a mayor and a “combined authority”. In other words, Labour rule forever. Thanks Gideon.
Our far-left and anti free speech government is preparing to introduce new laws that will make it illegal to post or retweet anything remotely critical of the murderous Religion of Peace.
Below are a few websites that tell the truth. They may not be there for much longer.
Think I’m exaggerating? Muslim MPs have long called for the Gates of Vienna site to be closed down, while US bloggers such as Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer have been banned from entering the UK.
While we’re on the subject, in the last 30 days there were 113 Islamic attacks in 24 countries, in which 910 people were killed and 807 injured: https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/attacks/attacks.aspx?Yr=Last30
Not to worry, the left will eat itself, it always has!
At what cost?
Not to forget the Afghans by the thousand still being flown into the UK regularly. It would be interesting to research the number of British troops serving in Afghanistan compared with their, Afghan ‘helpers’. It may be discovered that the ‘helpers’ vastly outnumber the British troops who served there.
TWatO Watch #1 – end to end Grenfell ……
The Montacutie was all over the report of the enquiry Chairman, Martin Moore Bick, labouring it for all it was worth. I seem to recall that the EU’s mucky fingers were involved in testing the cladding and mandating it as safe for tower blocks. Or am I mistaken in that regard. The EU got its mucky fingers in all sorts of legislation. Ted Heath; you were very wrong to sign us up for that life time of servitude.The Montacutie suggested the fault with UK Governments went back only as far as 1990!
[Written on a slow ancient laptop but its the only way I have to access the internet at present.]
Grenfell seems to be like Hillsborough – a tragedy highjacked for political purposes
Beware the night-time knock on your door by Khan’s Cops.
In this case for objecting to Palestinian flags all over your streets.
Bit of a lesson in how not to deal with plod – although it’s good they recorded it . Elon will love it .they really are the Religious police now ….that guy presenting the video must be high on the target list …
Posting 10 month old videos, without mentioning that they are 10 month old is misleading
I did search at the time to see if that had been any charging or court case .. nothing came up
.. https://x.com/visegrad24/status/1719510893979988110
Stew – I agree with your comment – and realised it was old after I commented .
Vlad – marky – others – if you do not tell us the origins of your video posts – like this one – I will take them down – people on this site deserve better than what you have done .
Someone named him as “John A ” and spoke about bail conditions
I guess the police decided to drop the case .. not sure
The location is not Bethnal Green but rather Bethnal Green Rd
But sad that pritti useless patel has been eliminated from the race to lead the dead party – please someone tell them all they are dead .
‘She was so proud to live in Grenfell Tower’: The 72 people killed by the fire
And they told us for years that immigrants don’t get priority for the highly sought after, super cheap local authority housing in central London.
Guess they’re still hiding the ID of the newcomer who started it with his dodgy appliances in his probably overcrowded apartment.
Anyone contributing to the debate over Grenfell must use the word ‘community’ at least three times in every sentence.
nauseating posturing ain’t it?
Well that inquiry chap listed a lot of Muslim names …
All that fraud has been airbrushed as well …
,,, wonder if they’ll do the same for that dinghy yesterday ? They do like their inquiries
What huge coverage the BBC are giving Grenfell – again. Yet another ‘live update’. God knows why – it’s not an ‘ongoing story’. It’s just the report.
The last ‘big live update’ fever was the jailing of the ‘protestors’ for insulting police dogs and whatnot. I can’t imagine why they would single this one out as well considering all the other big news they sweep under the carpet. The murder of the 3 children by the son of Rawandan immigrants for example.
So why is this one such big news ?.

Here are the victims:
Any ideas ?.
And WTF is going on the with the ‘silhouette victims ???. Was it a set of triplets and 2 sets of twins ??.
Of course the rest of us know this enquiry was always going to have this outcome. The pressure of the far-left activists such as the BBC made sure of that. Nobody dare say anything else.
Remember the daft ‘exploding fridge’ theory?
Much more likely is a ramadan fire. This is such a well-known phenomenon that even our various fire departments warn about it (links below).
And remember, diversity is our strength.
“Cooking safety advice during Ramadan”:
We could do with a few Kevin O’Learys this side of the pond
Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary, known by fans as “Mr. Wonderful,” gave CNN’s audience a dose of economic reality they desperately needed to hear; that blue states are increasingly becoming uninvestable.
“I don’t put companies here in New York anymore or in Massachusetts or in New Jersey or in California. Those states are uninvestable. The policy here is insane. The taxes are too high,” O’Leary said,
“New Jersey, what a mess. New York, uninvestable.”
When the CNN panel inquired about why New York was investible, and if it just had to do with tax policy, O’Leary pointed out that it’s much more than that; “The regulatory environment is punitive. Thousands of jobs coming out of that… that’s New York. Uninvestable,” O’Leary said, while referencing a recent case when a global data center project he was part of near Niagara Falls moved to Norway due to the business environment in New York.
O’Leary said last year of that project “I had a project in upstate New York behind the grid in Niagara Falls for electricity – a global data center we were building. Eventually it got so bad with the politicians in the local region and the state policy, we moved it to Norway… and all the jobs. Norway has it now. Thousands of jobs coming out of that!” It certainly says a lot about the regulatory environment in New York when a nation known for having taxes among the highest in the developed world was preferable to do business in.
‘Fact Check’ by the Counter Disinformation Unit: “Eric Blair not George Orwell wrote 1984”
‘Fact Check’ by the National Security Online Information Team: “The CEO of BT, Allison Kirkby, has not been arrested for allowing criminals to speak to each other on the phone”
Family’s ‘hearts broken’ after park attack death
It seems to me that the murder of this 80 year old man by some youth has appeared on the BBC front page as much as the murder of the 3 girls and attempted murder of 10 others by the son of Rwandan immigrants.
No mention at all about the youths (in Leicester) who did it. It’s the old BBC ‘mass empathy for the victim’ trick to distract us from even wondering about it. No doubt it’s the same reason as we have seen so many times now.
Amazing what gets such high priority and what goes under the carpet at the BBC. The casual observer might think the BBC has some kind of bias towards certain groups and extreme bias against others.
BBC obsessive over Olympics, while the world has moved on and is watching different sports, mixed martial arts bout here from last night.
Muscular Canadian in blue vrs curvy Venezuelan – who is the huge underdog.
125 pounds.
Fight starts at about 2 minutes.
A rant over the fire report ….
.. I’ve been looking at the report website . The report is huge .its wonderful – if you be got nothing to do apart from read reports .
Will any one read it ? Act on some of the stuff in there . The London fire brigade is depicted as living in the dark ages – not having a clue about what to do if buts of londonistan catch fire ….
More distressing is the failure to learn and act upon previous disasters – ranging from 9/11 to 7/7 where communications failed …. If events like those didn’t cause some improvement what would ?
There is now the sniff of personal and corporate manslaughter in the air . Will the Met deliver ? Or too busy going after internet users ?
Will there land up being an inquiry about the Met inquiry ?
I go back to my theme – what do these reports change ? Does the LFB go around looking at places to work out what to do if they catch fire ? Or are they all doing diversity training ?
I’m not sure what other inquiries are going on – but I bet there’ll be another 1000 page job coming along pretty soon …
ITV local newsPR. .opening is a long advertorial piece from the people against the anti-open border people
#1 Here’s this lovely lady from Sudan who’s come to Hull 3 months ago 3 months ago with her kids, she’s a doctor you know.
Hmm why no explanation of her route and I doubt she is actually working for the NHS already
#2 “They were race riots ..hmm no one was killed 2 different immigrants suffered cars being burnt out ..Yet main shops damaged were national chain shops
#3 They said the demo organiser , who did no violence is EDL
..em EDL hasn’t existed for 10 years
Now an item ostensibly anout Humber oyster befs is morphing into PR for offshore windfarms.
Met Office forecast
“There will be a bit of rain at 10 and ending at 11am”
Doh I’m soaked cos the rain didn’t stop until 6pm
Not only BBC all over Grenfell like a rash, so is GBN.
I still can’t understand how migrants / foreigners / whatever, can afford accommodation in London, how do they get council homes when whites haven’t had the right criteria for years to be selected. I assume that those working in local government in the London boroughs are of foreign heritage themselves so they see their own get to the front of the queue.
Yes what social housing is doing in Chelsea and Kensington is .. weird .. wonder if they’ve got any now…. I wonder how many right to buy there were …?
I switched the bBC radio 4 5.00pm narrative programme today.
In fairness there was balance on Grenfell in the headline, but then TTK’s statement. He was concerned about the apparent two tier lifestyles in the RBK&C.
A great opportunity to talk about UK’s two tiered society – sadly as ever missed by the bBC (or did I switch off too quickly?)
Royal boro of Kensington and Chelsea – it took me 30 seconds brain work to decode – thanks for the exercise …
There was an interesting chap from Migration Watch today on GBNews commenting on the lack of action by the French against cross channel dinghies. He knows that Labour won’t be doing anything to stop it. He also said something I’ve always thought, that if we were to send the illegal immigrants back to France then they would cease to be a plague on Northwest France. Looking at that dinghy being launched today with scores of migrants running around, the situation for the residents looks really bad.
So why doesn’t France take the illegals back and indeed appear to facilitate the launchings and escort them over for them to become our problem? After all, the trade would cease and Calais etc would become civilised again.
I think the reason is that the EU have told France to make sure they get to Britain as part of the post Brexit aggravation plan. It will force us to negotiate with the EU and agree to take the illegals. Smarmer’s declared Policy is to agree with the EU to take 100,000 a year? Funny that.
Maybe if the Uk had a policy of sending the drowned ones back to France they might care more… it’s being ‘repatriated ‘
Something about the BBC – apparently programmes are to be replaced by ethnic managers – enjoy – from the DT
START The BBC has confirmed plans to cut dozens more jobs in its local news operations even as bosses pledged to spend an extra £80m on diversity programmes.
The BBC will cut around 115 editorial and production roles as it battles to plug a black hole in its finances, equivalent to 3pc of the division’s workforce. Further cuts are planned in operations departments.
The public service broadcaster has previously said it will slash roughly 500 roles by March 2026 amid wider plans to make £500m of savings. In March this year Tim Davie, the director general, said he was seeking to save an extra £200m amid uncertainty over future funding.
But the heavy cutbacks to services such as local radio have sparked anger among audiences and politicians.
The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) warned that the fresh round of cuts left the broadcaster in a “perilous state”.
Michelle Stanistreet, the NUJ general secretary, said: “Coming on the back of a painful cull across BBC Local, these latest cuts across its regions and nations will further hollow out local news provision at a time when resources are stretched to breaking point.”
BBC spokesman said: “We have been clear that the significant funding pressures we face means that every division in the BBC needs to make savings. In July we said that we expected to see an overall reduction of around 500 BBC public service roles by March 2026.
“While challenging, we aim to make these savings – as far as is possible – through voluntary redundancy and we can confirm that we expect to deliver the changes without closing any major services. In addition, there will no programme changes or savings impacting on BBC Local Radio output.”
The latest cuts come as the BBC separately unveiled plans to invest a further £80m per year as part of a fresh diversity push.
Bosses said the investment was aimed at improving off-air representation in senior production roles and leadership within production companies, as well as on-air diversity.
The new commitments will also see the broadcaster increase its representation targets for ethnicity, disability and socio-economic diversity from 20pc to 25pc across all production roles.
The measures, which follow a review by the Sir Lenny Henry Centre for Media Diversity, form part of a broader effort by the corporation to ensure its programming is “authentically reflective of audiences across the UK”.
The BBC has spent £243m on improving diversity and inclusion both on and off air over the last three years – more than double its original target.
The funding push has helped spawn a raft of successful shows, including Dreaming Whilst Black, Man Like Mobeen and We Might Regret This.
Alongside the funding pledge, the BBC also outlined new production principles that will come into effect from next month to ensure an inclusive culture on all its programmes.
The broadcaster said its productions will provide specialist hair and make-up stylists to work with afro textured hair and a variety of skin tones.
Bosses also pledged to improve accessibility on its productions, including the hiring of access coordinators to ensure all set locations and post-production houses are suitable for all staff.
Charlotte Moore, the BBC’s chief content officer, said: “We are committed to backing British storytelling and I recognise the important role diverse-led indies play in telling these authentic stories.
“By increasing our investment in diverse content and enhancing our off-screen diversity targets, we aim to create a more inclusive environment that authentically represents and resonates with all audiences.”
It comes as the BBC gears up for negotiations with the Government over the future of the licence fee after the end of the current charter period in 2027.
Lisa Nandy, the Cultural Secretary, has expressed support for the licence fee but hinted that all options are under consideration, including a potential shared ownership scheme.ENDS
Fed, rather like a drug addict who is killing themselves with their habit but instead of stopping the substance abuse, increases their dosage.
Even the uber-liberal Swedes and Germans are saying: No more immigrants. Only UK ignores the problem, and persecutes and prosecutes those who protest.
Imagine if whites were pouring into some African country and destroying its culture until the locals said: no more. All the same woke libtards who are screaming for diversity here would be screaming their support for that African country halting immigration.
Dutch MP Geert Wilders declares: “Islam is evil.”
In this country, he’d be locked up.
Repair Shop…. It looks like the very English leather lady expert is being “rested” along with the very English bloke who knows a lot about clocks, but never mind we have a new Muslim lady to fill the gap who knows a lot about repairing paper things… it’s bloody relentless….
You mean the white middle aged brother and sister?
The film 1984 is on amazon . Ive seen it before but now it may be viewed as a training film for the TTK New Model Army – im guilty of thoughtcrime and must denounce myself
Long live the Great Leader
Just keeping the tower block issue on the boil:
Philip Hammond firm that worked for Saudi declares £600,000 dividend
This article is more than 8 months old
Matrix Partners, which former chancellor set up after leaving office, makes pre-tax profits of £2.5m since 2020
China can still do business ….
China is Driving a Boom in Brazilian Mining, but at What Cost?
July 5, 2017
China and Brazil individually made a cooperative deal that would focus on several economic sectors, including infrastructure development, financial services, and tourism. In 2017, $20 Billion US Dollars focused on infrastructure development in Brazil had been placed into action, to which China will pay 75% of the fund.
100,000 boat people per year for how long ? In perpetuity? A million extra in 10 years then without all the other deadbeats arriving from all over the globe. In 20 years there won’t be a blade of grass left here.
I’m sick of hearing that the UK doesn’t take in as many migrants as Germany or France, but look at the size of us compared to them!!! It’s not beyond the wit of man to know they have far more land space to accommodate more people. The situation is dangerous here.
If England had the same population density (number of people per square mile) as France the population of England would be about 24 million.
Interesting. Yet this is never discussed or debated in tv conversations only the fact that we dont take our “share”.
Population limits is a subject that strongly divides people. Green Partys were advocates of it when they first emerged but dropped it once the social justice warriors took over.
I left the UK in 1968 when to me as a teenager it seemed the entire British people saw no danger in continually increasing the population.
I see nothing wrong in stabilizing population at a replacement rate. Unless it is done forcefully of course. What is happening in the West is that birth rates have dropped below replacement and no efforts are being made rectify that problem other than bringing alien races to do the breeding for them. Look how that’s worked out.
I used to be jeered at when I was sixteen but I’ll say it again, the country needs a population policy.
They know they are wrong to take any and we are wronger to take any too …
No more blades of grass. I remember a sharp deep cut caused by a blade of grass. A paper cut?
I’ll immediately inform the Home Office to create legislation to ban paper and blades of grass as, potential, “offensive weapons”. Cos. they’re at the bottom of the barrel in their search for ‘offensive weapons’ to protect the preferred demographic when they take power.
“UK become a net exported of electricity.” (c) Rishi Sunak
The BBC chooses to blame the Tories/coalition for Grenfell as it names and blames them first in its report….practically top of the report…
‘The damning report sets out a “path to disaster” at Grenfell stretching back to the early 1990s over how fire safety in high-rise buildings has been managed and regulated.
The coalition and Conservative governments “ignored, delayed or disregarded” concerns about the safety of industry practices, the inquiry said.’
Why did the BBC not choose this summary by the inquiry which spreads the blame more evenly and honestly?….
‘We conclude that the fire at Grenfell Tower was the culmination of decades of failure by central government and other bodies in positions of responsibility in the construction
industry. ‘
We know the BBC’s focus is a disingenuous accusation given that governments, both Labour and Tory, had done little to solve the problem for decades….as the BBC eventually notes a long, long way down the piece…..
‘Experts warned of the risk of cladding fires in 1992, the year after a fire at the 11-storey Knowsley Heights tower on Merseyside and again in 1999 after a fire at Garnock Court in Scotland, after which MPs said only non-combustible cladding should be used on tall buildings.
In 2001 a series of large-scale fire tests revealed “striking results” in which cladding “burned violently”, but the rules still weren’t tightened by the government and the results of the tests were kept confidential.
A fatal fire at Lakanal House in South London in 2009 prompted a coroner to order a review of building regulations, but this was “not treated with any sense of urgency.” ‘
So Labour just as much in the frame but the BBC chose to specifically target the Tories…even though the inquiry only mentioned ‘the government’….
‘According to the report, there were “many opportunities for the government to identify the risks posed by the use of combustible cladding panels and insulation… and to take action”.’
The BBC added in ‘coalition and Conservatives’ for their own reasons.
The report itself states….
Click to access CCS0923434692-004_GTI%20Phase%202_Report%20Overview_E-Laying_0.pdf
‘In the years between the fire at Knowsley Heights in 1991 and the fire at Grenfell Tower in 2017 there were many opportunities for the government to identify the risks posed by the use of combustible cladding panels and insulation, particularly to high-rise buildings, and to take action in relation to them.
In particular, it failed to heed the warning of the Environment and Transport Select Committee in December 1999 that it should not take a serious fire in which people were killed before steps were taken to minimise the risks posed by some external cladding systems.
The department also failed to pay due regard to the striking results of a large-scale test in 2001 involving aluminium composite panels with unmodified polyethylene cores, which
burned violently.
The review of Approved Document B carried out by the department between 2005 and 2006 provided an opportunity to clarify the guidance on compliance with functional
requirement B4(1), but the language used was vague and ill-considered words were added at a late stage in the process without proper consultation.’
The BBC can’t avoid mentioning the ‘decades’ of blame but still try hard to pin the blame on the Tories alone.
“Ceasefire” “stop the genocide” blah blah blah.
Israel’s Ch4 News; (Google Translate)
Israeli hostage Eden Yerushalmi, 24, was found to weigh only 36 kilograms at the time of her death, having been starved by Hamas terrorists before being murdered last week.
Yerushalmi and five other hostages were found dead on Saturday in a tunnel in Rafah, in southern Gaza. They had been shot in the head shortly before their bodies were discovered.
This is chilling. And it will affect all of us who post here.
Yasser – thanks for the post – I got to 7 minutes before I had enough . It’s possible that the Great Leader could completely adopt the definition and bung it in some public order act .
I think he is capable of anything . He is clearly deranged as evidenced by the mad winter payment decision and his speech about the burnt council block yesterday …
BTW – the mirror today reports the spectacle of hundreds of MPs walking out of the commons before the great leader did his ‘sorry’ speech . They realised how poor and tedious it was going to be .
It was his first big opportunity as PM to sound serious and stateman like but he blew it . Rachel – sitting next to him – sat stoney faced through it and PMQs . Perhaps she has realised the mistake over the winter payments .
Even the evil Sue gray has realised this and leaked market sensitive data about inflation by saying the state pension will rise by £400 next year – to deflect on the government troubles.
Anyway – back to the Islamophobia thing – in a way it might help accelerate the resistance to the advance of the evil way of life – whatever repressive laws the great leader passes – it won’t end well …
Wouldn’t it be something if NATO had to send peacekeepers to the UK to stop a civil war …. ? Even as I write that it sounds mad …
“Wouldn’t it be something if NATO had to send peacekeepers to the UK to stop a civil war …. ? Even as I write that it sounds mad …”
It’ll start with/from, the cosying up too the EU first. “Joint defence strategies” is the clue.
Heartily agree with the use of the word deranged Fed, Driving to Lincolnshire I picked up a news segment which announced that the Government are proposing that water company employees could get 2 years jail if found guilty of being in a command level post during episodes of water pollution.
This can only ever have been tabled by an out-of-control lawyer on a power-trip to impress the green loonie brigade.
This childish knee-jerking, napoleonic posturing will go tits up in due course!
Racism, misogyny, lies: how did X become so full of hatred? And is it ethical to keep using it?
BBC Co-Buttok Graun unleashes Zoe, Goes, poorly.
Junaid Hafeez, a university lecturer in Pakistan, had been imprisoned for six years when he was sentenced to death in December 2019. The charge: blasphemy, specifically insulting Prophet Muhammad on Facebook.20 Feb 2020
Getty to the rescue.
AI’s solution to the ‘cocktail party problem’ used in court
Secret same-sex relationship shaped singer’s award-winning film
Um, ok.
Toady watch
How is that propaganda show getting on ? I’m pleased to be avoiding it . I’d rather stream my own tunes than listen to meesh or comrade Robinson sing their Far Left uni stuff ..
Wonderful glimmer of hope and Servant of the People party edition
You join us this morning on what can only be described as Grenfell Day
The gynaeceum that is BBC news staff like the giveaway Metro for their top pick of our national press frontpages for their online news – but they’re all much of a muchness, as my old mum used to say. Her other rather memorable quip on hearing the TV news headlines was “Here’s another cause for concern”
Grenfell the 26-year countdown to disaster (freebie Metro) – in case you were wondering about the 26 years – that’s not the time taken for the official inquiry to deliver its report.
If only we had an official inquiry to look into the inordinate time taken for official inquiries to conclude.
The FT handily encapsulates for us the paradoxical official thinking on this one: Official failings and industry deceits led to Grenfell tragedy, inquiry finds – that’s the bold print headline – whereas in the small print caption to the Towering Inferno movie-like photo on the cover of the FT we read: Inferno: 72 died after a fire that started in a fridge on the fourth floor…
I’ve not heard of many fridge fires before but should we not be warned about the make and model? Oughtn’t there to be a general recall of the type?
One can’t help but note the increasingly performantive nature of our judiciary: Inquiry chair Sir Martin Moore-Bick [a retired judge] concluded by reading out the names of the victims of the disaster (BBC)
With about the same proportion of British names included as the average Premier League football side tends to field these days.
Manchester United 1 (Rashford) v Liverpool 3 (Mac Allister, Robertson, Alexander-Arnold) – that wasn’t the match score last Sunday, that was the total number of non-foreign – sounding – names among the starting 22.
The left-leaning ‘i’ newspaper delivers for us the quintessentially fabulous liberal media take: Everyone failed them – and we could leave it there…
However, the Guardian has a more grown up and focused leftist view: Grenfell: a disaster caused by ‘dishonesty and greed’
And as we’re coming to expect these days the Times increasingly apes the Gruan in headlines and editorial outlook: Killed by greed and a culture of dishonesty (Times)
‘It should never have happened’ Country failed to protect residents of tower block, PM tells Commons
Our 2TK obviously not particularly concerned how such performative penitent remorse and self-reproach in support of this particular Grenfell ‘community’ might go over in lesser regarded poor white communities still smarting from his brutal clampdown reaction to their recent summer outburst of disatisfaction at his continuing hyper-immigration policy.
And we will leave it there before we say something arrestable.
Incitement to homicide, anyone?
Esther’s plea to our MPs… Terminally ill like me want the wonderful glimmer of hope a vote on assisted dying gives (Daily Express)
France sees Channel migrant deaths as a problem of Britain’s making (BBC) – this’ll be fascinating… our BBC reporting how the Froggies are already casting doubt on Yvette Cooper’s laying of the blame squarely on ‘The Gangs’ – the ‘Smashing’ of which will apparently solve all our problems?
France’s interior minister, Gerald Darmanin… focused his comments on Britain’s job market instead of smuggling gangs… He did condemn the smugglers, but most of his comments focused on the lure of what he views as Britain’s loosely regulated job market, that acts like a magnet, drawing young Eritreans, determined Sudanese, Afghans, Syrians and Iraqis to this coastline, convinced that they if they can just make it across this last, short stretch of water – or even half way across – they’ll end up in a country where they can find work, even without the right paperwork (BBC)
But I do like the phrases young Eritreans and determined Sudanese.
How’s that Net Zero workin’ out fo’ yer?
Volvo scraps EV target… dropped its ambitious target to sell only electric cars by 2030 after a global fall in demand for battery-powered vehicles as its rivals slash EV goals (FT)
Volvo gives up plan to sell only EVs by 2030… blamed changing market conditions for its decision to give up a target it had announced only three years ago (BBC)
And finally, news of a night of the long knives just in from the eastern front: Ukraine’s foreign minister resigns as government reshuffle expected… part of a wide-ranging reshuffle of the Ukrainian cabinet… leader of the ruling Servant of the People party said half of the cabinet would be changed… absence of parliamentary or presidential elections which have been suspended due to martial law (BBC)
I think it is wonderful to see woke commercial enterprises which follow dumb governments setting up mad target dates (2030) to switch to dodgy technology in the name of dodgy climate theories come up against Reality ..( longest sentence ever written )
The panic in these green crap worshippers – do they really think a few million people being punished for using petrol is going to change anything when the third world has billions consuming more ( quite rightly ) ?
I’m toying with getting a car as people keep trying to kill me when I’m on the motor bike … but a hybrid ? What’s that ? Ev? What’s that ? Plugging the thing in ? Nah ….
Although the French interior minister, Gerald Darmanin, criticised Britain’s ‘loosely regulated job market’ – we note he didn’t mention Britain’s loosely regulated social housing cf. Grenfell’s illegal sub-letting.
People who were unlawfully subletting flats in Grenfell Tower will not be prosecuted if they come forward with information about who was in their properties at the time of the deadly fire, the government has said (Guardian, 2017)
Question from David Kurten, to the Mayor, London Assembly, 2017: I note that in your interview with LBC on 22 June 2017 you called on the government to ensure any illegal immigrants who lived in Grenfell Tower are protected. Whilst I have nothing but sympathy for those who died and experienced the loss of loved ones in this tragic event, would this course of action encourage other people to break the law?
Answer, Sadiq Khan:
I have backed calls for an amnesty on anybody coming forward who was a resident at Grenfell Tower at the time the fire took place or has information about the victims. No action must be taken against anybody who comes forward. There may be some people who are sub-letting, breaching their tenancy agreement. There may be people who have got friends and family visiting, who may be worried about reporting them because they haven’t got immigration status. It is crucial that people should feel confident that if they come forward and speak to the authorities, that no action will be taken.
German shock at car exhaust tests on humans and monkeys
29 January 2018
The German government has denounced experiments funded by German carmakers in which humans and monkeys reportedly inhaled diesel exhaust fumes.
German media say the health impact research was done by EUGT, a body funded by Volkswagen, Daimler and BMW.
BBC ‘news’ this morning – “Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei has died days after being doused in petrol and set on fire by a former boyfriend, Ugandan official says.
The 33-year-old Ugandan marathon runner, who competed in Paris, had suffered extensive burns after Sunday’s alleged attack, the doctor treating her had said.”
Quick Starmer, get him on the next plane or boat to Blighty, his human rights in an African country may be threatened. We need him in one of our ‘free’ hotels with some of the others who you haven’t got a fxxxxxxing clue about. May you personally reap what you sew.
New girl interviews Angee .
I tried – I tried – to get past my prejudice over angee doing her gracy fields thing talking about the fire report – of which she admitted only reading the exec summary ….
I felt sorry for the spads trying to explain to her what it was all about and what she could and couldn’t say . Apparently the great leader is gonna look at the cladding thing and maybe do something after March 2025 – what – she doesn’t know .
She made a valid point about reports – too big – too long – contaminated blood took for ever – post office – for ever – this fire – 7 years – 7 years ….
Surely – 6 months inquiry – deliver basic improvement recommendations and get on with it – eg – getting cladding off buildings which can catch fire if you barbecue a goat or set up a drugs factory …
But angee? The British equivalent to karmela …? Please …
… just to add – interesting that new girl didn’t ask about labour wanting to freeze pensioners this winter – omission is sometimes hard to spot …
… but somehow I reckon there was an ‘agreement ‘ not to ask about that subject – after all – the bbc cares less about the old – unless they are wise enough to cancel their TV licence – which wouid account for almost 60% of the winter fuel payment …
“of which she admitted only reading the exec summary”
Questions are now sexist … see how we can’t even talk about problems … “When it comes to sexism, some Sky news presenters need to look at themselves to. (I’m a victim) ” {youtube – @2:23 – Emily Thornberry}
What really upsets (emotion) me, about your attitude to me (asking a question), you do this with me (victim). I don’t remember you doing it with anybody else you know (I’m a victim)” {youtube – @0:19 – Emily Thornberry}
At first blush, holding to account…
‘Will you reverse the cut to winter fuel payments?’
Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner was asked on #BBCBreakfast about plans to scrap winter fuel payments for millions of pensioners
However, question not answered and ‘previous government’ edited in front and close.
All from a brain as blank as Big Ben Tower’s clockface.
Enjoy the golf, Naga.
Jack draper – white – male – English – tennis player doing well in the US – some how I don’t think the bbc will worship him due to his ‘ethnicity ‘…. ( personally I care less ) …
South Wales Argus has Getty Premium sub.
Clearly only one in four children in Wales is white.
Very poor method of grooming for the removal of the white race from the UK …. Demographics killing us …
“1,000,000 people in India are Anglo-Indians and 700,000 United States citizens are living in India. They represent over 0.1% of the total population of India. Overall, only the continent of Africa exceeds the linguistic, genetic and cultural diversity of the nation of India.”
Toenails is asking questions, holding power to account, getting in special guests… bbc style.
Should @IsraeliPM face trial for war crimes? That’s the decision facing the judges of the International Criminal Court. The ICC’s prosecutor – @KarimKhanQC – is my guest on a new series on Political Thinking
I thought the BBC’s Jeremy Bowen had already pronounced judgement several times….the Jews are guilty as charged…by Bowen.
Tony Blair – “US aircraft hit a Red Crescent maternity hospital in Baghdad, the city’s trade fair, and other civilian buildings today, killing several people and wounding at least 25, hospital sources and a Reuters witness said.”
Israel is all the msm have left.
Look at this exact repeat, where an ex Labour Minister prompts a Labour front bench brain donor to intone what she has been told.
And, again, no challenge or coherent reply.
How Toenails, Pesto, Sopes, O’Brien ever walked past that quote on W1A without blushing….
Regarding the selling of EV’s and the limited sales allowed of petrol cars before fines apply.
What if the car manufacturer only makes petrol cars. Something like a small Company, a Morgan type of car builder.
It cannot supply their dealer with EV’s so what happens.
Do the dealers close?
If not, the coming shortage of petrol/diesel cars because of the governments barmy green policy is a golden opportunity for a car manufacturer to only make petrol/diesel models.
Volvo are cutting back on EV’s
Why not stop building them altogether.
People want petrol/diesel, they don’t want EV’s.