What a world – a British government signalling support of Islamic Hamas terrorists – a US Left Wing Presidentisl candidate with no policies and a German political party being compared to nazis . All this and Two Tier Keir too …
Midweek 4th September 2024
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Remarkably useless interview by Barnett this morning with Rayner….not the usual aggressive, hostile and in your face style Barnett usually uses…and the questions were few and far between….and not particularly insightful with Rayner allowed to bat away and waffle to her hearts content…..and why was she asking a question that she knew would interfere with the legal process as she asked Rayner if she thought people should be in prison….clearly with legal proceedings ongoing that cannot be answered as it would be prejudicial [not something Jeremy Bowen bothers with as he declares the Jews guilty of war crimes]…and anyhow…is it Rayner’s position to cast judgement on particular cases? Barnett went on to ask if Politicians should be jailed….a dangerous route to take given, for example, the throwing open of our borders has led to many more deaths, injuries and serious criminality on our streets than happened in the Grenfell fire…should politicians be held legally responsible for their decisions in that case? Please ask BBC.
Rayner barely broke sweat and wafted through the interview unbothered by any rigorous questioning.
BBC ‘reporting’
Ex BBC. Also… propaganda.
Andrew Marr.
“… and mould the whole of Europe into a copy of Germany …. a good place to start is to ditch the easy historical comparison (ignore history and you will repeat it) … because Angela Merkel is a figure of our here and now and it’s vital to understand her better because she (Merkel) matters more to our future (UK) than, what, 95% of British Politicians.” – BBC’s Andrew Marr 2013
“The Making of Merkel with Andrew Marr BBC documentary 2013 about Angel Merkel imp politician” {youtube}
– Reply to MarkyMark on previous page –
Morning MM,
This is all getting a bit pathetic (Not you, I mean this sort of reporting). When the Russians hit a military academy recently, it was initially described as a school. I think it was between a women’s refuge and a donkey sanctuary.
By the time the truth replaces fiction, it’s off the front page.
It took me a while to realise that gaza is comprised entirely of children’s hospitals.
A little bias can fool the masses. The reports are now so one-sided that the truth jumps off the page.
Gaza – more hospitals than NHS!
“A little bias can fool the masses.”
Why ‘nudge’?
It is called ‘nudge’ after the book by Richard Thaler (who went on to win the Nobel prize in economics) and Cass Sunstein which set out how people are not the rational economic actors beloved of conventional economic theory – but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
but can be influenced by “choice architecture” into making better choices in their own interests.
making better choices in their own interests – WHOSE INTEREST?!
Morning micknotmike – what a year to be alive!
2024 watching men beat women up as a sport!
Breaking: something, uncertain if terror related, happening in Munich outside Israeli Embassy.
BBC to recall senior managers from hols to discuss lines to take.
Police shoot ‘suspicious person’ outside Israeli embassy in Munich Updated 17 minutes ago
Security guard avoided Manchester Arena bomber ‘for fear of being called racist’
This article is more than 3 years old
Kyle Lawler had a ‘bad feeling’ about Salman Abedi but ‘did not have anything to justify that’
Sorry… Nazi documentation centre. Apparently.
Date and location mean nothing.
Mental Lone Wolf (number 666)
I think it’s quite clear that most ‘journalists’ haven’t read the Grenfell Inquiry report in detail and are winging it using the executive summary as the basis for their reporting and interviews.
For example Barnett this morning thought that perhaps we should go back to ‘pre-1984’ prescriptive regulations and this would solve everything..however the report stated that what replaced prescriptive regulation was something that required ‘functionality’ in each cricumstance to be considered rather than a one-size fits all regulation. The inquiry noted that companies and planners actually ignored the functionality requirement and instead used other regulatory guidance as ‘prescriptive’ and thus considered that the ‘law’…thus ‘prescriptive’ was in fact more harmful.
‘On any view, that created a deeply unsatisfactory position for at least two reasons: first, because following the guidance is evidence of compliance with the requirements of the Building Regulations and, secondly, because although the contents of Approved Document B are no more than guidance, their detailed nature encourages people in the construction industry to treat
them as prescriptive and not to pay sufficient attention to the functional requirements themselves.
It does not seem to have occurred to anyone in the department that many in the industry were treating the guidance as prescriptive and that the warning in section 13.7 was insufficiently clear.’
The BBC, and others, also focus on the Tories [2010 and beyond] and their aim of reducing redtape as a cause of the fire. The Inquiry does indeed mention this in particular….buuut…where’s the evidence that any such drive to reduce redtape at that particular time led to Grenfell? There is none…in fact the report states that regulations referencing fire safety were specifically excluded from the redtape reduction drive…not only that but Labour had done similar…in fact reading the whole report you can see throughout the decades regulations had been changed and often reduced….
One of the principal policies of the government that came to power in May 2010 was deregulation. The idea was not new and indeed the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 is an example of an earlier initiative of a similar kind. …the Housing Standards Review, which explicitly excluded standards relating to safety (including Approved Document B).1066 A Red Tape Challenge for construction was launched in 2012.1067 The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 was excluded from the Red Tape Challenge by ministers in 2012.1′
In 1991 the word ‘adequate’ was removed from regulations and requirements made more stringent…
‘In the case of functional requirement B4, the word “adequately” was removed, so that it read “The external walls of the building shall resist the spread of fire …”’
Then, under Labour, in 1999 ‘adequate’ was put back in as a standard for fire protection…
‘Building Regulations (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1999, which introduced into functional requirement B1 a requirement for the early warning of fire (a change which brought the provision of fire detection and fire alarm systems within the scope of the Building Regulations for the first time),104 and reintroduced into functional requirements B2, B3 and B4 the word “adequate”. Functional requirement B4 therefore restored the qualifier, eliminated in 1992, that external walls “shall adequately resist the spread of fire over the walls…”.’
Which is open to considerable interpretation.
It’s quite clear that much of the ‘analysis’, including the conclusions of the inquiry, are more political than fact…why does the inquiry specifically target the post 2010 governments when de-regulation was a process that had been ongoing for decades with most changes being made many years before…and no actual examples of post 2010 deregulation being given other than broad, sweeping statements of condemnation?
‘We [the Inquiry] accept that the government’s enthusiasm for deregulation after 2010 made it reluctant to receive advice that the regulatory regime was inadequate,’
But fire regulations were exempt from deregulation and the redtape reduction drive….and on what basis does the Inquiry ‘accept’ that claim? And thus on what basis does the BBC et al repeat it as fact?
Click to access CCS0923434692-004_GTI%20Phase%202%20Volume%201_BOOKMARKED_0.pdf
The basic issue is that cladding was a nonsense green crap non solution to a non problem and that the cladding created external chimneys for fires to spread.
It is a total failure of common sense, you could throw all the qualifications that the participants possess in the bin. Green crap ruled.
Surely irrespective of laws , huge numbers of people know that once ignition temperature is reached aluminium is a FUEL that burns, whereas steel isn’t.
I expect a lot of industry people walked past that building and thought “that’s a bit risky cladding a building in fuel”.
Does the report say how ignition temperature was achieved ? Surely you need quite a raging kitchen fire before flames out the window are hot enough to ignite the aluminium.
African hot sunny days!
Steel does burn but would have been less of a risk. The fact is that pretty much anything will burn given a high enough temperature after that it’s a case of assessing risk when choosing what to use.
“The collapse of 7 World Trade Center, a 47-storey skyscraper in the vicinity of the Twin Towers, has attracted many conspiracy theories, some of which were trending on major social networks on last year’s 9/11 anniversary.
This building – containing offices of the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the Office of Emergency Management – collapsed hours after the Twin Towers without being hit by a plane or directly targeted.”
Of course the ignition temp of steel is much higher than aluminium
The steel shell of of a car is still there after a fire whereas an aluminium one probably wouldn’t be.
I was just making a scientific point. I think that given the configuration of the cladding, ie tall chimneys, and what was contained the fire would have progressed fatally whether steel or aluminium.
Wonder how they were tested?
Pug – as i said yesterday – who could find the time to read that report. I read some of the LFB stuff yesterday and was surprised they had a problem witj badics such as water pressure .
If its stuff you do every day wouldnt things like water pressure be fully understood? Seems not .
The control room was going through continuous change so a lot of training effort was going into new IT when basic stuff such as response to a tower fire wasnt there.
Will anyone learn and do something ? Only if there is a benefit to them
Stop trying to confuse us with the facts. All that matters is that Grenfell was the fault of Thatcher and the Tories.
Who does not trust and admire BBC ‘analysis’?
Vladimir Putin has just publicly backed Kamala Harris in the US election.
But…and it’s a big but…
The Kremlin will know very well: these days any public endorsement by Moscow for a US presidential candidate will do that candidate no favours in an election.
Which is probably why it previously backed Joe Biden, and now Kamala Harris.
Flashback … Portland had proper riots.
The word “riots” has been constantly thrown around by media about events after the Southport murders.
But they were just not at the same level .
The government is using laws about violence intended to overthrow the state, against people who were doing hooliganism.
Sure I empathise with the 2 or 3 people who got their car’s burnt as well as the handful of shops that got looted..was it 3 ?.
It’s language trickery just like US Democrats flagrantly used the word insurrection to describe people who had mostly peacefully walked into the Capitol through open doors.
Fiery but peaceful.
So 2TK and his team want water bosses to be jailed for e.g. sewage overflow. Here is a better idea:
Jail 2TK
1) For the promotion of a substance (mRNA) now Known to be a poison without due diligence, or informing for consent.
2) Encouraging illegal invaders which will increase the strain on our sewage system resulting in overspills.
3) For the clear interference in our prosecution system by defamatory and discriminatory comments on national media before arrest or trial. Contempt of court, Hatred of a group such as English football supporters.
4) For two tier justice against his parliamentary oath (without fear or favour). For example stealing from UK pensions to pay the extra pensions of Train Drivers.
5) For racketeering and the establishment of criminal cartels to rip off the British consumers e.g. GB Energy
6) For benefiting his own group (i.e. lawyers) by calling for, or setting up lucrative public enquiries.
“2TK and his team want water bosses to be jailed”
1400+ raped kids = 0 arrests at the top – including CPS !
Munich shooting near Israeli consulate:
On the anniversary of the 1972 Olympic massacre
Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei dies days after being set alight by ex-boyfriend
‘Olympic athlete Rebecca Cheptegei has died days after being doused in petrol and set on fire by a former boyfriend.’
An excellent example of why we are so against mass immigration.
It’s not the people we don’t want, it’s the culture they bring with them.
Which – according to the BBC and other extreme-left activists like maxi – makes me a far-right racist just for saying it.
Murder probe after Bury woman dies from severe burns
Just take a look how short the BBC article is for such a heinous crime. And they 100% hide the fact she was a muslim and that she was murdered by her family. Her name was Sarah Hussein.
Coming soon to a street near you.
Q.1) Are all cultures equal? YES|NO
Q.2) Should Charles James Napier have let India’s Suttee to continue – widows jump onto fires when their husbands die to kill themselves? YES|NO
Q.3) Do you still believe all cultures equal? YES|NO
Q.4) If Charles James Napier had NOT stopped India’s Suttee and it cotinued in 2018, would you allow Indians moving to Britain to still practice Suttee as part of their culture in 2018?
Q.3) Do you still believe all cultures equal? YES|NO
“Be it so. This burning of widows (India/suttee) is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”
– Charles James Napier
(c) CANE Project 2018 – Cultures Are Not Equal Project
John right from the start the BBC had put the athlete killing into their ‘gender violence’ activism box. No mention of cultural factors. Gov and BBC are probably looking at banning running, petrol and men.
“If it saves one life…”
“‘So many warning signs’: asylum seeker posed as child before murdering aspiring Marine
Lawangeen Abdulrahimzai, who was 19 when he arrived to the UK, told Border Force officers he was 14”
The Home Office has been spared an inquest into how a violent Afghan asylum seeker entered the country before murdering an aspiring Royal Marine
About us
The first duty of the government is to keep citizens safe and the country secure. The Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security and economic prosperity of the UK.
Home Office plays a fundamental role in the security
Occasionally you come across those lists of odd medieval crimes like blowing your nose in public or wandering aimlessly at night, and have a laugh at how backward and superstitious was the legislature of the time.
I note the photo caption’s use of ‘hurl’ which must surely warrant a stiffer sentence than mere chucking or lobbing… intent be damned.
Burn her at the stake!
MM burning a woman to death is gender violence, but the state will allow it in this case because far-right dairy products were involved.
Halal Certified EGGS!
Islam’s Ethical Approach to Animal Welfare, Harmony with Science
Islam, as one of the world’s major religions, offers a comprehensive ethical framework that extends to all aspects of life, including the treatment of animals. Rooted in the Quranic teachings and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islamic principles emphasise compassion, mercy, and stewardship towards all creatures. This article explores the Islamic perspective on animal welfare, highlighting its intersection with scientific understanding and ethical considerations.
ARREST the chickens!
Arrest the eggs that might produce far right chickens who will produce far right eggs!
erm… don’t give them ideas!
Goodness me.
We need to preserve that article as evidence of just how ridiculous the BBC have become in their bias against anyone on the Right who does anything wrong.
A BAME in Londonistan can murder someone and the BBC don’t even report it. And when they do, it’s usually a much shorter article than that one.
It’s colossal double-standards which OFCOM are fine with. How do you fix something when the organisation set up to regulate them are just as morally corrupt ?. This is the stuff of 3rd world shitholes.
“Payment: £6,667 as a further advance for writing a book.
Received on: 27 October 2023. Hours: no additional hours.
Ultimate payer: Hodder & Stoughton Limited, Carmelite House, 50 Victoria Embankment, London EC4Y 0DZ”
Rachel Reeves
The Chancellor of the Exchequer
We can, I feel – assume that a ghost writer is involved there?
Spooky tomo!
200 researchers from China!!
An Evening with Jess Phillips
Politics &
EconomicsOn the integrity deficit facing British politics and what the new Labour government should do about it
At 14, Phillips left the Labour Party after Tony Blair’s invasion of Iraq. In 2016, she was a vocal critic of former leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn and resigned in protest over his leadership. Most recently, in late 2023, she quit the Labour frontbench over Keir Starmer’s stance on Gaza. She has never played it safe.
Reeves simply can’t have the time to write a book, even if she might be capable of it, which I frankly doubt.
“Four-year-old Sandhya was sleeping outside her mud hut (PARENTS SAFE INSIDE?!) in India’s Uttar Pradesh state on the night of 17 August when a power cut plunged the village into darkness.
“The wolves attacked within two minutes of the lights going out. By the time we realised what was happening, they had taken her away,” recalls her mother, Sunita.”
“The animal lunged from the shadows. I screamed, ‘Leave my son alone!’ My neighbours rushed in, and the wolf fled,” she recounts.
What marvellous English she has for someone who lives in a mud-hut in India.
Or maybe the BBC hack just made it up like they do for the people in Gaza when the BBC pretend they are demanding something in line with the BBC anti-semetic agenda.
article notes “Such attacks on humans are extremely rare and most involve wolves infected with rabies”
I wonder how often it was really the wolves
Sometimes the child could have died from accident or murder ..and it’s convenient to blame it on wolves.
It’s difficult to judge foreign countries by UK standards, cos they can have completely different thinking.
It’s not uncommon for people to sleep outside in very hot countries
She returned to work this month, just in time for yesterday’s 3-hour meeting of the GLA Economy, Culture and Skills Committee meeting on the capital’s night-time economy. And yet Lamé was – you guessed it – not present…
Amy Lamé
Building a safe, fair, prosperous 24hr London with
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Agent- info@noelgay.comlinktr.ee/amylameJoined February 2009
13K Following
“Today is my birthday and I’m currently wafting around the flat in a silk kaftan listening to Kraftwerk and just about to pop open a bottle of champagne. Being 50 feels pretty darn fabulous so far! 🍾✌️”
✅Culture & creative industries contribute £10.8bn a year to the UK economy
✅The sector contributes £2.8bn a year to the Chancellor’s Treasury via taxation
✅It generates a further £23bn a year in revenue and 363,700 jobs.
✅We are viable”
on winning an historic third term as
!🌟 I’m proud to serve as London’s
– there’s so much to look forward to in the next 4 years! 🎉💪🏽❤️”
The rumour that she’s being stalked by a Japanese whaling fleet is simply not true.
Just checked the BBc UK home page and it struck me just how many stories are pointless, agenda-based pap which belongs in those brain-numbing aeroplane in-flight magazines.
From the pictures they show, I count 3 BAME males, 3 BAME females and 6 white female faces along with 2 white males.
If the BBC were not racist and sexist and chose the articles at random, it would mean that the population of the UK is 50% BAME, 75% female and 16% white males.
I have done this several times before here and always with similar results.
So we can conclude that the BBC is indeed 100% racist and sexist when deciding what to show us as stories.
In flight magazines?
When bored I used to annotate them with juvenile remarks in black sharpie and replace them in the seat back – BA’s literary efforts I find particularly awful.
Obviously the BBC is not depicting Britain as it is, but as they want it to be.
.. and as it is in their office Rob.
I remember they openly admitted they deliberately misrepresent blacks in Dr Who with the intention that it might change the world to be how they think it should be.
I wonder who gave them a mandate to intentionally lie about history in order to try and engineer society according to their far-left ideology.
Hoo-ray for Elon
All four involved in this story…
Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour: ‘We’ve forgiven Keir Starmer for jailing our son Charlie’
So no more moaning or naughty letters?
Free Pink Floyd signed album?
Addicted to immigrants
is a point Lucy here seemed to make
And it does seem to ring true of any metroliberal politician
“Yeh, I could close them borders any time I like, I am going to do it right soon
we just need a few more people for the NHS .. then I’ll close them
.. oh we just need to let in a few more ,, to be in the army then we’ll stop”
They are OpenBorder smackheads
80K uk standing army.
40K uk terrorists.
Why doesn’t one of the TV presenters find out a direct comparison of the carbon footprint of a ton of steel made here in UK and a ton produced in India which is shipped here.
The government keeps going on about green targets and is buying steel (and other stuff) made abroad and shipped here.
If a presenter had the facts showing how much more pollution etc was caused by importing this ton of steel they could ask the government person how this is helping the planet.
It may decrease our net zero number but it increases the World net zero number by a significant amount considering India will be using fossil fuels to make the steel and oil fuel to ship it here.
We often hear some passing comment about this but if they are confronted with facts such as ‘it takes twice as much of these pollutants to produce a ton of steel abroad so how is this reducing the overall carbon footprint’, how can they give an answer defending our governments claims of going green.
Confront them with facts.
Cheaper in INdia as India are buying Cheap Russian Oil!
Harking back to an earlier time.
Her, leaning against a brick wall, next to a sign.
The first thing TTK done was stop the Rwanda plan.
The excuse given was “It would not work”
I think the real reason it was stopped so quickly was in case it DID work and enrichers would be sent there by the plane load.
TTK wouldn’t want that.
Sometimes something worthwhile happens in parliament
Why didn’t he say this all before? HA HA HA HAH!
2 points for leadership!
Never enough points … the dead party still standing .
No point getting the Christmas pudding out at Easter.
A bit late now, you Tory mugs.
Next week, they’ll be arguing for better working conditions for the kids in our mills. Or a tuppence ha’penny rise on the cost of firelighters.
Apparently there is to be a vote in their parliament next week over TTK wanting to freeze old people to death this Winter .
If TTK loses I wonder if he will do a Cromwell and bring his New Model Army in to dissolve his parliament . I use this language because it hasn’t represented me since I voted for the Thatcher Government ….
Keir says he will solve the pension pot crisis in January – hold his beer for a few months.
Der Starmer will want a 3 line whip on freezing OAPs to death.
They are useless eaters after all.
It will be interesting to see who in the scum far-left thug party rebels.
If the government lose the vote, he’ll just use the pensioners as compost to help the planet.
Allegedly etc.
I wonder how Germany will react to the Islamic terrorist at the Munich Israeli embassy – it seems he was shot dead by x5 police .
If it happened here Hamas and the religious police would be climbing all over Whitehall in ‘protest ‘…
As long as they kneeled prior to the shooting!
Name of donor: Green Finance Institute Ltd
Address of donor: International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London, EC1A 2BN
Amount of donation or nature and value if donation in kind: Providing policy support on the Labour Party’s National Wealth Fund, with a taskforce reporting jointly to me and another MP, value £99,000
Donor status: company, registration 11963728
Ed Miliband
The ‘throat-slit’ Far left Labour councillor Ricky Jones will be at court tomorrow.
Expect to see a legal acrobatics to implement the 2T justice.
I think he’ll get a suspended sentence.
My prediction is he’ll be saying he was emotional due to the ‘racism’ against his community and has suffered ‘racism’ all his life.
Expect the word ‘racism’ a lot in defence.
Let’s see.
After the suspended sentence today for the brown fella they might be getting everyone ready for this one.
I’m just keeping calm and making sure my money and everything else goes one way as much as is possible from now on.
BBC you lying gits!
In this article, regarding the ‘riots’, they state this (non white) gent has gone to prison for 2 years in the first paragraph.
Scroll down and you’ll read it’s a suspended sentence (9 months,) with some communidee service (turn up at his local mosque a few days a week to watch telly and socialise…I mean ‘clean’ the place?)
He threw a can at the crowd. It doesn’t say if it was full or empty, but I guess a squashed empty can flung like a frisbee could do serious damage? But they don’t say, so I’ll just assume the worst case scenario then, BBC.
No ttk shenanigans by the judge here, of course.
Just stop Just Stop Oil.
Paid weekly in cash by billionaires
Devalued so parents can hang it in their living room
Bea Swallow the reporter seems fresh of journalism kinder garden
and writes strange headlines
ee’s at it again….
“This Government won a mandate for the first publicly-owned national energy company in 75 years. ”
“It will be owned by you” (paid by you, not owned)
Firm behind 2,000 acre Lincolnshire solar farm backed by Ed Miliband is allegedly ‘linked to Chinese slave workers’
By Martin Beckford
Published: 22:56, 15 July 2024 | Updated: 23:08, 15 July 2024
“the first publicly-owned national energy company in 75 years. ”
Doh, what happened to ALL the publicly-owned REGIONAL energy companies ?
They went bust and energy prices went up to bail them out
‘I take responsibility for Robin Hood Energy’ says former Nottingham City Council leader Jon Collins
By Joe Locker -Feb 9, 2024
Jon Collins also acknowledged “in hindsight” the council should not have set up the firm – but has spoken out in detail on why he led the decision to go ahead with the company when it was founded.
A one man wrecking ball.
Cover Parliament and every 650 MPs house with them first…..
Kamalla Harris…..described as Black and Indian….but here she’s mostly black….the BBC reports….
‘The many identities of the first woman vice-president’
‘Here is a look at Ms Harris’ career, the events that have shaped her life, and how she became the first black female presidential nominee….She later became the first woman and the first black person elected to serve as California’s attorney general, the top lawyer and law enforcement official in America’s most populous state.’
Hmmmm……black black black so far….ah but…
‘Born in Oakland, California, to two immigrant parents – an Indian-born mother and Jamaican-born father….Her biracial roots and upbringing could make it easier to engage with and appeal to many Americans.’
So…black with biracial roots….yeah, OK, she’s a bit Indian the BBC has to admit.
Let’s do the maths.
Kamalla’s mum was 100% Indian. Kamalla’s father was, erm, ‘Jamaican born’…..soooo…what percentage black? Turns out the BBC is being a little coy here…..Kamalla’s grandfather, Oscar Joseph Harris, was half white having had a white father….…her grandmother black. Thus Kamalla’s father was a good portion white as obvious from the photos.
Why would the BBC not mention that identity in their glowing report on her ‘many identities’?
Harris is a lot less black than Indian and a fair bit white…but mostly Indian. Why does the BBC insist she is ‘black’ in its report?…her triracial roots.
I quite enjoy Kamala’s ludicrous switches of accent – although Spike Milligan did it better.
The woman with so many identities and accents but no personality…she literally drains the atmosphere out of any event…she does not draw your attention, you have to force yourself to listen to her….Clinton may have been a nasty one but at least she had some punch love her or hate her…Harris just seems like a girl out of her depth gushing and giggling at the prom.
The lady on YouTube has her to a T – but won’t be seen on the TV – no approved …
Elizabeth Warren apologizes for calling herself Native American
Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Tuesday that she was sorry that she identified herself as a Native American for almost two decades, reflecting her ongoing struggle to quiet a controversy that continues to haunt her as she prepares to formally announce a presidential bid.
TTK Railway – re-nationalised?
I’ll eat my entire collection of headwear
Virgin Trains is celebrating Pride Month – and one member of staff had a brilliant response for a man who said he found the event “bizarre”.
£150 billion, but most of that would be wasted on non stop pay rises for TTK’s train driver sponsors.
We’ll be crammed in like sardines with the remaining budget (when the greedy gits are not on strike for another 20% pay rise) on old 1980s ‘football specials’ paying £20 to travel a couple of miles.
Coventry-based transgender train driver celebrates 40 years on the railway
“Coming out as transgender on the railway has not been an easy thing to do, as it’s very male-oriented”
Man in dress complains about men!
Trains were always nationalised in reality….the franchise system was a clever ploy to get private companies to cough up investment with some subsidy from the taxpayer…but nowhere near as much as past and future costs were and will be for us. As we saw government could move in and take over if necessary…so still ‘nationalised’ really.
Even the bog standard bullitt in Japan are first class luxury in comparison to our cattle trucks. The onboard train guard might look like a Ruritanian sentry but he bows when entering and exiting the carriage, and with these peoples politeness and manners are second nature.
UK to pay extra £44.5m for Calais security in Anglo-French deal
This article is more than 6 years old
Funds to be announced along with plans to revise Le Touquet accord on asylum seekers
The extra cash will go towards fencing, CCTV and other detection technology in Calais and other ports, possibly including Dunkirk. It will also be used to help relocate migrants from the port towns to other parts of France.
Dover MP Natalie Elphicke told the Commons that the BBC’s “shocking report” contained the “breath-taking” disclosure of free French public bus services being used to ferry migrants from camps to Dunkirk beaches.
That ‘compliment’ potrays Starmer as a devious, sneaky b@stard.
Obviously has lots in common with Barnier.
EU corruption scandal: MEP denies Qatar bribery after €1.5m seized
13 December 2022
A clever little opportunist who keeps his friends close and his enemies closer…and then takes their job….basically how he won, stole, the election…..played it clever hiding his real intentions…and sadly 20% of the electorate fell for it.
And Tom Baldwin…always a Labour stooge as he planted pro-Labour stories in the Times for Blair.
Sue Gray – the real PM …
The world just gets funnier and funnier….the AFD must surely now be considered Far-Far-Right as the German government starts to get real…..and is now Far-Right as it cracks down on immigration and savagely cuts funding for Ukraine….the two things that apparently mark out the AFD as Far-Right in particular….
‘Germany is considering deporting migrants to Rwanda, where it could use asylum facilities paid for by the UK.
Joachim Stamp, Germany’s migration commissioner, proposed using Rwanda as a third party country for migrants amid growing pressure on the coalition government to restrict and deter asylum seekers from entering the EU.
He suggested it could be part of a wider move by the EU to use existing asylum facilities in Rwanda, initially intended for Rishi Sunak’s scheme to deport illegal migrants to the East African nation.’
” asylum facilities paid for by the UK.” – why not send them to empty Chinese cities?
Tricky – the Reich using a British ‘publicity stunt ‘ – according to the great leader … I really hope they use the facilities the UK taxpayer funded ….
…last week the great leader went to the Reich – then to the surrender monkeys ( France ) and now barniere is French PM … what does it all mean ?
Oh….those Nazis eh?
‘An armed man has been shot dead by German police near the Nazi documentation centre and Israeli consulate in the southern city of Munich.
The man, identified by police as an 18-year-old Austrian national, was hit during an exchange of fire with officers.’
A clue that all may not be as the BBC don’t report…
‘Police in Austria said that the 18-year-old from Salzburg who was shot was investigated last year on suspicion of being radicalised. Austrian news agency APA reported that propaganda from the Islamic State group had been found on his mobile phone. ‘
An Austrian national eh? No name, no actual origin?
Yet another Islamist attack and nobody is supposed to think twice about it.
Deport then investigate – the Red Queen was right, said Alice.
“Sentence first, verdict afterwards”
Baseless claim about Harris crash spread by mysterious website
Another farce from the ‘staff-nobody-else-wants’ at BBC verify.
Basically they want to make sure you do not believe it and that you blame the far-right for doing it.
Just look how many times they use their ‘without providing evidence’ trick – which is exclusively reserved for claims by people on the Right:
‘Baseless claim about Harris crash..’
‘..after it made a baseless claim that..’
‘It claims, without providing evidence, that..’
‘BBC Verify has found numerous false details indicating it is fake’
‘There is no evidence to confirm her identity or whether she is paralysed’
‘, again without providing any evidence, that the person who hit her was Kamala Harris.’
‘No evidence of the incident occurring nor the involvement of Ms Harris are provided.’
And then they go on to tell us why it is fake by employing some ‘expert professor’ whose opinion is the treated as 100% fact. When he could not find evidence of digital manipulation in the video, he said:
‘“I think it is most likely that this is an old-fashioned (and not particularly well executed) cheap fake that is simply staged,” he said.’
‘BBC Verify’ have completely lost the plot with this one : they are like excited children desperate to prove a point. They use the word ‘fake’ alone 10 times.
Then of course we get this in there:
‘Some online posts by right-leaning users citing the story have been viewed millions of times.’. Without ‘BBC Verify’ providing any evidence, but they don’t have to do they ?.
It took 3 idiots to spend all this time and money on a story which is just one of many lies infesting the internet. I get spammed with all kinds of them. But of course this is all part of the BBC’s election campaign for Harris.

Here they are:
and ‘Shayan Sardarizadeh’ wherever he came from:
Like I said, BBC verify is clearly the dumping ground for people the real departments don’t want.
That’s an interesting theory that VERIFY is the dumping ground for the most useless staff … I found that every organisation has a place where they dump the harmfully useless – usually HR …
And then they go out and recruit more people just like themselves.
How odd the BBC doesn’t spend anytime at all investigating the ‘Russia Hoax’ and the dodgy dossier….probably because the BBC itself played such a large part in ‘authenicating’ and giving ‘credibility’ to that rubbish…in essence the BBC worked for the Russians helping to spread the black propaganda and disinformation worldwide to discredit Trump…..the BBC in its one and only acknowledgement that the dossier was a hoax blamed the US media and somehow forgot to mention itself…
‘The document was held up by Democrats to paint Mr Trump as a Russian puppet, a narrative amplified in a feedback loop by most US media for much of the president’s four years in office.’
SpringtimeforHitler[she always and only goes for Far-Right targets] will probably be rewarded with a nice flat in Moscow next to Snowden if she wishes to get closer to the heart of darkness and see all that propaganda being generated first hand.
Of course they will only “verify” things that are false AND which meet their agenda. They won’t “verify” stuff that supports, say, Trump. So, like their “news” reports, it’s what they omit which is significant.
As the BBC helpfully show photos of those who died in the Grenfell Tower fire, I can count 14 white people. Out of 72.
The enquiry has run 6 years. The council, originally financially well run, is now a basket case. Millions have been spent. The survivors and the families of the deceased clearly hope for a big payout ( where there’s blame there a claim) to a level most of them they would never have seen in their ancestral country.
Is this just another mass scale example of the Far Left rubbing everyone else’s noses in diversity?
And does anyone have the guts to call it out.
It’s ALL about the payout Sluff.
That’s what they actually mean they say ‘justice’. They are all briefed by greedy lawyers on what words to use and which ones not to use.
Yes…would have thought the real purpose of any inquiry would be to inform how to stop the next one…..all cladding must be fireproof, residents must leave the building as soon as the alarm goes off, effective fire suppression systems and an external fire-escape…that’s fire-proof….and no idiot residents blocking fire escapes and piling up flammable material in corridors.
That’ll be £200 million thanks.
Simon Jenkins in the Guardian gives his opinion on the usefulness of our inquiries….too slow, too expensive and serve a dubious purpose in reality…
‘ The “judge-led” public inquiry has become an embedded institution in British democracy. By postponing blame, it somehow softens the guilt and gets a generation of politicians and regulators off the hook. When the Institute for Government (IfG) in 2019 looked back at the 68 public inquiries held in the previous 30 years, it found they had cost a total of £639m.
Since then, they have gone into overdrive. The state-owned Post Office has so far spent £250m in external lawyers’ fees as a result of the Horizon scandal, including in the ongoing public inquiry. The inquiry into the 1970s infected blood scandal, now 50 years old, has cost £140m, with compensation payments still to be finalised. Various nations faced with the same scandal sorted it out in the last century. The seven-year Chilcot inquiry into Britain’s disastrous involvement in the Iraq war was even told to suppress delicate evidence, a scandal in itself.
As for the ongoing Hallett inquiry into Covid, it has already consumed £94m and is likely to reach £200m by 2026. Other European countries set up inquiries into the pandemic and learned its lessons as a matter of urgency. Sweden’s commission into its handling of the pandemic published its final report in early 2022.’
Anyone listening to the Covid inquiry knows it more about posturing, amateur dramatics and theatrics and judge-led egotism and not a little political back-stabbing and agenda setting by the inquiry head….as with the claim of ‘institutional racism’ in the Met and the invention of ‘Islamophobia’ and the use of the covid inquiry to bash Brexit…..they’re set up to find something and they damned well will…however much bollocks it is….if they said ‘oh…nothing to see here’ they know they will get ripped a new one by the BBC et al and so invent something to look good and worthy.
I take it no one has done a model tower block and set fire to it in their garden … again … have they made a film of it yet with white people playing the parts of the coloured folk ….?
… and the 999 operator putting people on hold ( your call is important to use – abusive language will not be tolerated )
Londonistan evening standard – plod releases cctv picture of coloured folk wanted in connection with a mostly peaceful Notting Hill ‘carnival ‘ murder ….
Then there is ‘personal trainer ‘ Tikquaan Walters – shot dead in county Kilburn Wednesday night…. police have declared that a TTK operation is in place …
.. more uniform officers will be patrolling to take and share pictures of victims
The Telegraph…
‘Gunman at Israeli consulate in Munich ‘was known Islamist’’
‘Austrian media named the gunman as Emra I. They described him as an Islamist extremist who was known to police, hailed from Salzburg and had Bosnian roots.’
Washington Post
‘In neighboring Austria’s Salzburg province, police said the suspected assailant, an Austrian with Bosnian roots, had come to authorities’ attention in February 2023. They said that, following a “dangerous threat” against fellow students coupled with bodily harm, he had also been accused of involvement in a terror organization.
There was a suspicion that he had become religiously radicalized.’
‘Armed man shot dead in Munich near Israeli consulate’
‘An armed man has been shot dead by German police near the Nazi documentation centre and Israeli consulate in the southern city of Munich.
The man, identified by police as an 18-year-old Austrian national, was hit during an exchange of fire with officers.
Police in Austria said that the 18-year-old from Salzburg who was shot was investigated last year on suspicion of being radicalised. Austrian news agency APA reported that propaganda from the Islamic State group had been found on his mobile phone. Prosecutors in Salzburg did not confirm the report.’
Why won’t the BBC tell us he had Bosnian roots…ie he’s of migrant heritage? Why do they not state specifically that he is an islamist rather than say ‘radicalised’ with some Islamic state propaganda on his phone?
The BBC always very slow to reveal the true identity of Muslim and migrant criminals…whereas if this had been a whitey we’d already know he was ‘Far-Right’, his sexual proclavities, his reading material and any, however remote, links to Tommy Robinson, his dog’s name and the books on his shelves, posters on his walls and the fact he’d been in the BNP for a month in 1997.
Well said Pug…
You’ll never get the real truth from the Cubicles these days, they’ll always plant their agenda on their – rather late and biased ‘stories’, which have been approved by Cnn snd Wapo, so we are expected to believe their dross.
Beeboids! Up there with the insulated civil service to do absolutly nothing for UK Inc!
Simon Webb from History Debunked draws attention to this Hate Not Hope article which supposedly defines ‘Far-Right’…
‘Call Them What They Are: The Importance of Using the Term Far Right’
It is pretty unintelligible, muddled and baseless slanders and you’ll be absolutely none the wiser as to what Far-Right means…however we learn Fascism is worse than Far-Rightism even though Fascism is a political ideology and isn’t intrinsically violent or racist, the Tories are in fact Far-Right as is Reform and Nigel Farage….well…just about anybody can be Far-Right….Hate Not Hope denies it as it says it’s true….
‘The claim that the parameters of the term have been significantly broadened is the result of these individuals being ignorant of how far right is actually defined and the incorrect perception it should only be used to describe fascists and nazis.’
Laughably Hate Not Hope suggest this…
‘Much of the radical right can also be described as “populist” which Mudde defines as “a (thin) ideology that considers society to be ultimately separated into two homogeneous and antagonistic groups, the pure people and the corrupt elite, and which argues that politics should be an expression of the volonté générale (general will) of the people”. ‘
Er…isn’t that in fact the definition and basis of Marxism and Communism?
Also the Far-Right reject democracy…hmmmm well, that’d be Muslims and the Left then…Islam and Communism are not democratic.
And….‘nationalism can be steeped in a sense of superiority. ‘…yeah….all those illegal migrants flocking here because they live in a shithole and want to come to somewhere vastly superior….Bloody Nazis….not wrong though…we are superior.
Er….‘over the last 25 years we have seen an increase in the targeting of Muslims and Islam more generally.’…..em…is it not that Muslims have been targeting us? Do I need to list the huge number of Muslim terror attacks, and attempts to Islamise Europe, that have occurred in the last 25 years and longer?
Pretty sure Farage could sue for this…
‘The final issue muddying the waters is that all but the most extreme elements of the movement adamantly reject that they are far right. At its most opportunistic are figures like Nigel Farage, who has fancifully claimed that he has, “done more than anyone else to defeat the far right in Britain….part of the reason that figures like Farage can vault the cordon sanitaire so often and so easily is because many, perhaps even most, deny that he is a far-right figure. One of the main reasons for this is because too many journalists and media outlets refuse to accurately describe him and Reform UK as such.
When someone is far right, call them far right.”’
libmob DO what they ACCUSE others of
.. ie they are anti-democratic and racist
They are Woke-supremacist, Green-Supremacist, London-Supremancist
They reckon they know better than the little people , and lord it over them// always imposing rules and restrictions on them.
Pug – I’m taking it that was written in an A level politics essay by an 18 year old looking for an A plus . Maybe they need to examine why – exactly – the Far left need to use the undefined term ‘far right ‘ at all . If they see ‘far right ‘ as nazis – why not stick to ‘nazis’ ?
Also – ‘populist ‘ is seen as derogatory – as though only politics l elites have legitimacy – not a sniff of democracy in there though …
FU2…probably more an AI level essay….computer generated bilge that draws on so many sources and tries to tie them together in a coherent whole and fails spectacularly to great hilarity and not a little bemusement….much like that royal photo.
Some crazed American feminazi has just woken me up on Times radio.
The item was the killing of the Kenyan female Olympic athlete by some man. [we know, we know]
Why did this crazed feminazi not also bang on and on and on and on about the wimmin that stabbed a load of people on a bus in Germany? This was also ‘gender based violence’. That news item will vanish from biased media such as the bBC and Times Radio as quick as a flash.
Western media seems to need to scour the whole world trying to find a wimmin victim and this is the cue for some crazed feminazi to unleash a torrent of abuse about men, literally stirring up hate.
Why are these feminazis always American? They are overbearing, overweight, and worst of all over here.
Insomniacs edition here:
Gates of Vienna website is reporting this of the Munich attacker of the Israeli consulate:
Hellequin GB writes:
According to the Bild newspaper, the attacker is Emra I., who was born in Austria in 2006. The man with Bosnian roots is said to have come to the attention of the police in 2023 for spreading ISIS propaganda and is considered to be part of the Islamist scene.
Can these Bosnians not just flipping behave? Two centuries of mayhem, WW1, Yugoslav war, now some ancient blunderbuss with a bayonet in Munich.
Well done the Polizei.
And, to absolutely no-one’s surprise except perhaps the morons at the BBC, the Munich killer was an islamist.
Apropos poverty / vulnerable / elderly / energy allowance.
Um, it’s not escaped my notice that whenever interviewing Joe public needs to be done or school results need to be opened on air, the BAME section of the population is positioned front and centre.
HOWEVER, the recent furore of stripping the pensioners of the energy allowance has not seen any BAME pensioners being interviewed.
Certainly not hajib wearers – possibly not learnt English yet as they’ve only been here 50 odd years, never have to worry about finances as the old man sorts out the benefits and credits, and are never lonely as the extended families all pile in to help out. The black community won’t answer on camera and are permanently wrapped in black duvet coats anyway so never feel the cold.
Old, vulnerable and poor seems to be the domain of white northern ladies, according to TV interviewers anyway.
Seems Labour ( Sue gray) has issued a press release saying pixie ( Evette cooper balls ) is to hold a big meeting about ‘dealing with ‘ people smuggling gangs ….
… but there’s still no one in charge of the ‘border command ‘
I’ve got a suggestion – buy the gangs – bribe them to stop and give them monopoly control of the French coast – ‘dealing with ‘ anyone trying to get into the French channel …
Pay fishermen in France to become ‘Fishers of Men’
Cavalier architects and really insulting in this Friday edition in which we debut a new feature to run alongside the long-running calm down dear and the popular how’s that Net Zero workin’ out fo’ yer.
Mr AsI enjoys those little awkward juxtapositions of proximate yet contradictory headlines that crop up now and again. These are our little glitches in the matrix, as the kids would say. The inconsistancies that put the lie to the prevailing narrative messaging.
The midly conservative Telegraph, our remnant broadsheet, still yet maintaining a vaguely illiberal editorial line, is a rich source of review subject matter hereabouts – if only for the fact that its cover page supports more than two or three different news reports. A veritable gushing cornucopia of news in comparison with the limited two- to three-way spigots which are the increasingly twinned in style, content and outlook Guardian and Times.
And so it is today that the Telegraph delivers two juxtaposed awkward bedfellows top-to-tailing it: Labour urged to raise sugar and salt taxes – British Salt Tax? That would have Mahatma Gandhi spinning in his loincloth. There’s one for the historians.
… the latest “nanny state” measure… to persuade people to eat more healthily – sits unabashed beside the next Telegraph report, which reads: Fury at medical issue in Grenfell report… Heart disease and high blood pressure have been listed as additional causes death casting fear over the success of manslaughter charges… The decision was criticised as “really insulting”… the wording could be taken to suggest some died because of their health, rather than the fire
Oh, and as if those two stories were not contradictory enough: Gargle with salty water to cut childhood colds by days… a study presented. (Times) – better stockpile your salt supply quick parents – before the government starts taxing it… in the interests of our health.
Mr AsI has a little joke he likes to tell himself about the outlook and dreams of our utopian leftists – which goes “I dream of a world where everyone is wearing everyone else’s glasses” – think of that old saw about “Walk a mile in someone else’s shoes”
So it is that today we have the reality in the borderless internationalist one-world globalist utopian project where at last, soon enough we will have reached that landmark point where everyone is serving porridge in everyone else’s prisons…
Prisoners could serve their time in Estonia… Plans to ease crowded jails – as Germany says it may use Rwanda facilities for migrants (Telegraph); About one in eight prisoners in England and Wales is a foreign citizen… 9% of the general population and 12% of the prison population (Full Fact, October 2016); There were 10,422 foreign nationals in jails in England and Wales at the end of March this year (Telegraph, July 2024); Rwanda’s back – but it’s Germany planning to use it… And they want to put migrants in facilities Britain paid for (Daily Mail) – use it or lose it, as they say.
Surprisingly (perhaps) this notion of shipping out our old lags to the Baltic – formerly the favoured haunt of many a boozy batchelor party weekender and source of fitted kitchen fitters – is not a new new Labour new idea: Press release. Foreign prison rental to ensure public protection. The Justice Secretary Alex Chalk has announced new measures that will allow the government to rent prison cells overseas to ensure dangerous offenders can be locked up for longer. (Gov.UK, October 2023)
This was published under the 2022 to 2024 Sunak Conservative government – insists the official government web site.
It’s almost as though politicians were interchangeable, we were run by a uniparty and policy were driven by the deep state civil service. Remember folks, it’s not a conspircay theory if it’s true.
Norman Stanley Fletcher, you have pleaded guilty to the charges brought by this court, and it is now my duty to pass sentence. You are an habitual criminal, who accepts arrest as an occupational hazard, and presumably accepts imprisonment in some emerging eastern european republic statelet in the same casual manner. We therefore feel constrained to commit you to the maximum term allowed for these offences: you will go to Estonia for five years.
The day I discovered my mum was a dominatrix (‘i’) – calm down dear.
Which brings us to Mr AsI’s new feature – You guessed it, he’s black – which could become a regular spot – do let me know which recurring themes hereabouts you enjoy and which are a bit ‘meh’, as the kids would say?
Explorer Dwayne Fields named as chief scout (BBC) – you guessed it, he’s black.
And sticking on the theme of you could have knocked me down with a feather… our gynaeceum that is the BBC news staff – out of force of habit – pick the Guardian for their number one spot in their online press line-up.
No justice for the Grenfell tragedy ‘until next decade’ (Guardian)
The Times mimics if not directly reflecting the Gruan: Firm behind Grenfell refit blocked from closing down… ‘Cavalier’ architects await blaze investigation
Firm behind… ooo er missus. Titter ye not – as Frankie Howerd was apt to say
Considering adjectives one might pair with the word architect – one can’t help but recall that TV advertising copy from the Rover 800 Fastback circa 1986 – as one cool German corporate suit tells another “Britischer Architekt”
As for Cavalier, I’m inevitably put in mind of the foppish figure of Prince Rupert, all lace cuffs and big floppy hat and curls, going into battle with the roundheads on horseback, stroking his toy poodle.
What has the new scout – Dwayne diddly- explored I wonder . Sounds like he is well on track for the approved path to that so desired peerage … what happened to the bear one? Scandal – fall from grace? – actually care less … I hated the scouts .
BBC teams up with a HoP snot and has an X bash.
I love our “busy now, check back later” infinite loop 😂
Have to admire Musk.
No bbc for me
So I go to X to see if Elon is continuing to defend us – but I get that Noel Edmond’s is ‘trending ‘ – and those who have looked to see ‘why ‘? Think he is either dead of in a scandal .
But no
He is trending because he is trending …. Internet can be strange sometimes …..
…. I saw that the Uk maybe shipping convicts to Estonia – or is that Australia ? Never been done before …
.. but if 10000 of the 90 000? Convicts are foreign nationals – why not start with exporting them first – and cancelling British passports of Muslim terrorists …
So what she is saying that abducting children and putting them into harms way via crazed marxist feminazies is very expensive. Who knew?
New report illustrates financial benefit of better supporting reunification of children
A study undertaken by Prof Lisa Holmes in the School of Education and Social Work has illustrated the stark contrast in cost to the public purse of supporting children back into their family units (reunification) versus the costs associated with children returning to care due to failed reunification – and it is over four times less
The bBC is bound to pick up this little gem – NOT.