Midweek 25th September 2024

How will the BBC deal with the vote by Labour Party members on the decision to freeze 4000 old people to death every winter ?( the subject will be ‘debated’ at the Conference on Wednesday afternoon after the Great Leaders ‘ Speech … please no more sausage references … oh ok then – knock yourselves out

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389 Responses to Midweek 25th September 2024

  1. JohnC says:

    They were arrested for posting during the riots – will it change anything?

    Another ultra-biased report from Mariliar Spring. This is left-wing fascism Their target here is X and Musk. There is no way this bubble-head is behind this article : it’s the unnamed far-Left activists who direct BBC policy.

    Meanwhile the 3 girls stabbed to death and the 10 others stabbed in an attempt to murder them too was dropped like a hot stone almost immediately by the BBC and any subsequent reports on events are the usual brief, basic facts only articles they use for the agenda stories when they want them under the carpet.

    This is EXACTLY how fascist states are made. It never happens overnight. They get there by inches. And now I see Starmer has transformed into a dictator as soon as he got power. He is quite openly ignoring anything anyone says and telling everyone – even his own oparty – that we are doing what HE wants whether we like it or not.

    And the BBC are absolutely fine with it. I seriously wonder of Starmer will survive his term – and I wonder what violence the far-Left will cause if any attempt is made to remove him.

    You can be sure the attitude of the BBC will be much different to those riots.


  2. tomo says:


  3. JohnC says:

    ‘Rape me, not my daughters’ – Sudan’s horrific war

    I was interested to read this article to see how the BBC portray the evil scum doing this. How can they mix their ‘All men are b@stards’ agenda with ‘All black men are innocent victims’ agenda.

    And the answer was this: They introduce the abbreviation ‘RSF’ at the start of the article then throughout the article they are simply called RSF. No pictures, no descriptions whatsoever. They could be green aliens as far as this article is concerned.

    Here’s the reason why. They are black Muslims. The most protected of all.


  4. Guest Who says:

    My government was elected to change Britain.
    Delivering on our five missions cannot be separated from events beyond our shores – Britain is stronger when we work with others.
    My message to the @UN today is this: we are returning the UK to responsible global leadership.


    If he is doing his own social media, he needs sectioning.


  5. Sluff says:

    Turned on Toady at about 0712.
    JustRemainin was having a cosy chat with one of the BBC favourites, Emily Thornberry . It was so cosy I wondered if she had joined the presenting team.

    Next up. Muslim Mischal Hussein was yet again doing yet another mournful intro for a woman in Hezbollah-dominated Lebanon who has been displaced. Get out the hankies. And the sock bucket.

    We’d had enough. Off switch at 0716.


    • JohnC says:

      I’ve lost count how often I’ve opened up the BBC news page, had a look at the headlines to see what I might check for their extreme bias and just closed it down again in exasberation and disgust.


  6. Zephir says:

    The colourless, soulless, puritanical far left fascist way of life:

    “Your future pub night out under Labour? No smoking in beer gardens, pricier booze…and don’t forget to drink up before earlier last orders”



    • Lucy Pevensey says:

      That’s if Pubs survive. It’s hard to run a business with little patronage.


      • Rich says:

        No mention of the far-too-freely available alcohol in corner shops and supermarkets?

        The closure of pubs will only reduce interpersonal social interaction in our society even further than mobiles and social media already have. No sharing of ideas, no ‘mis’ or ‘dis’ information that isn’t controlled. The increase in drink-related health issues and domestic violence hasn’t even been thought about. The public health slant is a ruse.

        A good publican manages a punters consumption of safe drink and mediates any disputes, gets rid of troublemakers, they police their pub. A decent doorman or two, and regulars with a vested interest, help. The majority of drinkers aren’t using wine bars or gastropods, they avoid places with playparks and prosecco. They drink in their family locals, even if they’ve moved away, they talk as they can’t in work or at home, they know where and who to avoid and sometimes they hold their nose a bit to be with mates. ‘Steam’ is released. ‘Spit and sawdust’ pubs still exist, scampi fries instead of paella.

        What will happen? Even more will drink at home and possibly drink more. Others will find cheap booze in lawless backstreet shebeens or vacant flats. No closing-time, open all hours. The paramilitaries here in NI have run them for years, the ones the Albanians and Eastern Europeans will run will make these look like Witherspoons. Smuggled spirits on tick, multipack cans of stolen lager cheaper than water, all other types of criminality prospers.

        Vacant apartment parties or sessions in houses, with kitchens full of knives, what could go wrong? Drunks more spread out, not in town centres or ‘pub streets’, able to drink more and harder to police.

        Levels of anti-social behaviour will increase as will rates of drink- related domestic violence. More pressure on all of our emergency services.

        People in this government live in a world far removed from reality.


  7. Fedup2 says:

    I was looking forward to seeing the pictures of president trump shaking hands with the 20% UK PM and his tick box racist foreign secretary ( certainly foreign ) .. but no pictures !

    Could it be that president trump didnt want to be in the same room as that dross ?


  8. Fedup2 says:

    IRA conference today – bring your own balaclava …


  9. tomo says:


  10. MarkyMark says:


    1st COmment “From the gravy to the pea, let the sausages go free”


  11. MarkyMark says:

    “Lifted ban on onshore windfarms, banned oil and create a GB Energy”

    “UK to become first major economy to transition to green energy by 2030”



    • pugnazious says:

      Yeah but…China is the workshop of the world and we’ve exported our manufacturing to them…so it’s our CO2…everytime you buy something from China you’re guilty.

      On the other hand Britian was the workshop of the world exporting industrial revolution goods across the globe and improving lives no end…and Britain is in fact the original sinner….we created climate change being that ‘workshop’…we invented CO2 and killed the planet….but China is entirely innocent and in fact is the world leader in going green…as the BBC is always so keen to tell us for some reason….could it be that as China pumps out so much CO2 and we pump out a neglible amount the BBC has to somehow turn us in to the villains and make China the good guy in order to justify Miliband and Co’s ruination of Britain?


  12. tomo says:

    I learned something from the BBC this morning

    Wembley stadium charges a £2.75 “sustainability fee” on every punter ticket sold.


    • pugnazious says:

      Dare I say this as someone might take it up?…there will be a DEI fee soon…a ‘reparations tax’ on all goods …like VAT….but only on white people…..hang on…we already pay that..or some do…it’s called the BBC licence fee.


    • MarkyMark says:

      £2.75 “sustainability fee”

      Where does this go?

      Elton John’s Carbon Credit?


    • MarkyMark says:

      Sustainability Fee
      A world-leading, inspirational venue

      Sustainability Per Ticket Fee

      As England ’s national stadium, we are fully aware of the impact that large scale events can have on our planet.

      So, in 2024 we will be adding a sustainability fee to the cost of tickets for events held at Wembley Stadium. The additional cost will be £2.75 per ticket.

      We are committed to delivering the highest levels of sustainability at Wembley.

      We proudly became a zero- waste-to-landfill venue in 2010 and were the first sporting venue to achieve the Carbon Trust Triple Standard in 2014. In 2018 we achieved the prestigious ISO 20121 international standard.

      All monies raised from the sustainability fee will enable us to continue with this work and deliver more sustainability projects across the stadium.

      This will ensure Wembley remains a world-leading, inspirational venue at the forefront of sustainable stadia.

      Below are just some of the sustainable initiatives we currently operate across the stadium:

      Long-term use of 100% renewable energy at the stadium
      All lighting is operated on energy efficient LEDs, including Wembley’s arch.
      We use organic fertiliser for pitch maintenance.
      To reduce plastic water bottle consumption and water use, we have installed 16 water bottle refill stations around the stadium and low-flow technologies across our bathrooms.
      We work closely with transport providers to encourage visitors to use lower impact options.


      A barber to the stars has called a Premier League ace an “idiot” for sharing a photo of an illegal haircut.

      Tom Baxter cut Newcastle United forward Joelinton’s hair on Friday. The Brazilian footballer then posted an image of the encounter on Instagram.



  13. tomo says:


  14. tomo says:


  15. pugnazious says:

    Mishal Husain, as always, gets the anti-Israel gig this morning…talking to the Saudi ambassador.

    Long chat about how terrible Israel is and how the Jews are the problem…what we need is a Palestinian state and everything will be peaceful and lovely. What was missing was the word ‘Hamas’…and of course their intention to destroy Israel and the Jews completely….which is a fly in the ointment of any plan for a Palestinian state as Hamas will not stop attacking Israel until it is wiped out. Odd Husain failed to mention that.

    What else did she fail to mention? Hmmm…oh yeah…Yemen. Given that the Saudi’s war in Yemen and the number of civilians killed there was a prominent part of BBC output campaigning against the war odd not to hear it mentioned…oh..hang on…Husain slips in a question and asks about Yemen and the number of women and children killed….Ambassador says all war is terrible but there is no comparison with Gaza…and Husain just moves on…no more mention of Yemen. One very short question.

    Hmmm…actually there is a direct comparison…from the BBC…

    ‘Saudi Arabia has led a coalition of Arab states in a war against the rebels since 2015 which has devastated Yemen.

    Tens of thousands of civilians, including more than 10,000 children, have been killed or wounded as a direct result of the fighting.

    Millions have been displaced and much of the population stands on the brink of famine.’

    And yet Husain let the ambassador get away with that lie….seems that when Jews are doing it it is worse than Muslims doing it….no comparison.

    Husain also demanded Saudi Arabia impose an oil embargo…saying ‘with so many Palestinans killed and hundreds of Lebanese [defining civilian or terrorist] when will you [impose and embargo]?’

    She committed the BBC to one side there…the Palestinian and Lebanese…or Hamas and Hezbollah if we’re honest.


  16. AsISeeIt says:

    People familiar with the matter and not for our popular media to pass judgment edition

    One can’t get enough of what the kids term glitches in the matrix – those side by side awkward little juxtapositions of narrative-busting reports which crop up occasionally in our mainstream media.

    The Guardain, apparently somewhat out of favour with the gynaeceum that is BBC News staff for top pick for their online press line-up of late, presents ‘m’learned friend’s’ case for the defence: Starmer calls row over using peer’s flat ‘farcical’

    Hardly the resourceful fact-based defence advocacy summing up speech of an ace lawyer one might expect of a Horace Rumpole or a Perry Mason

    Free-gear Keir KC might have called a good friend as a character witness – but as it turns out they’re all at it: Third minister admits using donor’s home… Wes Streeting hosted a fundraising event… raises questions about the exact extent to which Lord Alli made properties available… and Angela Rayner’s use of a flat in New York (Telegraph) – perhaps Lord Alli, given all that spare property of his, could help somewhat this country’s asylum seeker housing crisis? But we digress.

    Beside the Gruan’s rather lame and dismissive frontpage brief report summing up Starmer’s defence against the current indictment of gross and egregious lefty hypocrisy and potential graft – we have uncomfortably juxtaposed: New York’s mayor charged with taking bribes – the minutiae of the case against Eric Leroy Adams (you guessed it, he’s black) need not trouble us here, suffice to report the briber was the Turkish government and others – the bribee (a detail with which the Graun neglects to sully their frontpage report) is a Democrat.

    The facical (as Sir Keith would put it) case against Adams includes: “sought and accepted improper valuable benefits, such as luxuary international travel, including from wealthy foreign businesspeople… seeking to gain influence over him”… accepting bribes and illegal campaign contributions from foreign sources (Guardian) – thank heavens for that UK passport of your’s, eh Lord Alli? That ten-a-penny widely available on request to all and sundry little item will save our Sir Keir’s bacon.

    Speaking of which: Starmer laughs off calling Israeli hostages ‘sausages’ in Labour conference gaffe (Telegraph)

    And to think they ridiculed: [Liz] Truss probably first crossed over from political fringe figure to meme in the public consciousness with her bizarre delivery of the line “That. Is. A. Disgrace.” about the amount of cheese the country imports (Guardian)

    Our mate Matt in the Telegraph is on top form this morning as he sketches a pair of MPs crossing Westminster Bridge: “The Labour party was right all along. There is a magic money tree and it’s called Lord Alli”

    The beauty of a satirical cartoon is that it can distil into a snappy little vignette notions that take the likes of the Financial Times acres of column to express: Reeves ready to tone down tax raid on rich non-doms… Hopes fade of raising extra £1bn a year… amid Treasury fears that some of the measures may fail to raise money, according to people familiar with the matter – what, you mean Rachel (2 packs of ciggies a day voice) Reeves our first glass ceiling-breaking female chancellor of the exchequer, PPE at the University of Oxford before obtaining a Master of Science degree from the London School of Economics and worked in the Bank of England – she ain’t ‘familiar with the matter’ ?

    Budget rule change risks higher interest rates for longer, Reeves warned – the popular interest left-leaning ‘i’ there goes for the wordy style financial headline more often found in the FT. Suffice to say, as I like to say, Reeves is going on a big borrowing spree and us poor mortgage payers will pick up the tab.

    The coronaphobic ‘i’ newspaper (and our well-funded, judge-led, coronaphobic official public covid inquiry) are fighting a low level asymetric rear guard action: Covid was like a terrorist attack every day, says doctor (‘i’) – and there was me remembering it was more like a middling to bad seasonal cold for 99% of the population. Mind you, it did bust our fragile economy.

    This rear guard action will prove an ultimately doomed effort to deny inevitable eventual defeat to the overwelming (if you’ll excuse the word) encroaching force of sanity, logic and science: Whitty: Covid risk may have been overstated – and; Lockdown critics have proved right Miriam Cates – bravo the Telegraph our lone mainstream voice of sanity on this issue.

    Speaking of ultimately doomed low level asymetric rear guard actions against overwelming encroaching forces – forces with which we really ought to reconcile ourselves…

    Zelensky looks to Biden to back Ukraine ‘victory plan’ (BBC)

    Raw recruits put Ukraine’s battle plans in jepardy (FT)

    Get ready for a logic defying tour de force from the gung-ho neo-con forever-war FT… are you sitting comfortably, you armchair generals, you…

    Kyiv’s forces have inflicted huge losses on the Russian army this year but… – so we’re winning right? But there’s always a ‘but’ but the rate at which they are being killed or injured in combat has left the infantry burnt out. Seasoned soldiers are being replaced mostly by older men with no experience and in poor shape. Their average age is now 45.

    So we’ve inflicted huge losses on the Russians but our army is running out of man power? Remind you of any past conflict and the ultimate outcome of that war, perhaps?

    On a lighter note – model black woman beloved of our Guardianista class: Naomi Campbell banned from being charity trustee (BBC)

    Your Times frontpage pin-up: Dressing down The supermodel… as she was made a knight of France’s Order of Arts and Letters – well, they do say all shall have prizes.

    In a bit of welcome news for our celebs: Fat drug ok in jungle… I’m a Celeb.. get me Ozempic in here! Stars will be allowed jabs… a source said “It’s not for ITV to pass judgment” (The Sun)


    • MarkyMark says:

      Women to take up the slack?

      “Kyiv’s forces have inflicted huge losses on the Russian army this year but… – so we’re winning right? But there’s always a ‘but’ but the rate at which they are being killed or injured in combat has left the infantry burnt out. Seasoned soldiers are being replaced mostly by older men with no experience and in poor shape. Their average age is now 45.”


  17. Flotsam says:

    I was speaking with a local recently about his new self build. Apparently in order to get Planning for his house he had to jump through “Sustainable” hoops. One of them was that the heating had to be a heat pump.
    Are all new properties required to have heat pumps? This Green crap now dominates our lives.


    • MarkyMark says:

      Can an old boiler self identify as a heat pump?


      Tony and Cherie Blair saved hundreds of thousands of pounds in property taxes when acquiring a London office building from an offshore company partially owned by a prominent Bahraini minister.

      The former British prime minister and his wife became the owners of a £6.5m office building in 2017 by acquiring a British Virgin Islands (BVI) company controlled by the family of HE Zayed bin Rashid Alzayani, the constitutional monarchy’s current minister for industry, commerce and tourism.

      The deal is revealed in the Pandora papers, a trove of leaked offshore documents. They reveal Alzayani as the secret shareholder of another offshore firm that has spent more than £60m buying UK commercial property over the past nine years, including the Marylebone address sold to the Blairs.



  18. MarkyMark says:

    BOris has a new book out – which will tell you nothing of what really happened.




  19. pugnazious says:

    Liz Truss wanted to increase debt in order to increase growth…and she was absolutely hammered…and is now the de facto bad girl example of stupidity and foolishness….as the Guardian says…

    ‘Liz Truss is the gift that keeps on giving’

    Rachel Reeves wants to rewrite the fiscal rules in order to borrow big [sorry…invest] and increase growth…..and she’s applauded and lauded….even though this is a u-turn on the promise Labour made in the manifesto not to do this.

    Oddly the BBC, which absolutely went for Truss and savaged her, hasn’t reported Labour’s dodgy wheeze to cook the books…it’s not debt it’s investment….the Guardian does…

    ‘How Rachel Reeves could release billions more for investment in the budget’

    The Guardian does mention Truss….but she’s still the bad ‘un whilst Reeves is the poster girl making ‘sensible choices’…

    ‘Andrew Goodwin, chief UK economist at the consultancy Oxford Economics, said Truss had spooked markets after undermining the Treasury and the Bank of England, and by announcing large tax cuts that would have done little to boost the long-run potential of the UK economy.

    “If Reeves were to use the extra headroom to boost investment, then I think markets would view that as a sensible choice.”’

    I await with interest the BBC’s interpretation of Reeve’s sleight of hand and manifesto breaking u-turn [yet another one by Labour].

    And on that subject…lol….you may remember the huge furore that Labour set up about non-doms…another u-turn on the books now…this time the BBC is reporting it…and as always separates out the Treasury from ‘Labour’ as if there is a difference[ they did this when claiming the Treasury ‘independently’ checked the state of the economy and found that ‘blackhole’….of course it was told to do this by Reeves, the Chancellor, so hardly independent as she runs it basically]…

    ‘Treasury reconsidering Labour plan for non-dom tax status’
    ‘The Treasury is reconsidering parts of Labour’s manifesto plan for non-domicile tax status over worries that the reforms will bring in less money than expected.

    There is concern that planned changes, which aimed to raise extra money to spend on public services like the NHS, could prompt wealthy foreigners to simply leave the UK.’


    • MarkyMark says:

      Labour will save 1 billion by removing Vat on private schools.

      1 billion will be needed to build new schools for those leaving private education.

      Labour say – we found money and invested it into public schools!

      1 billion saved + 1 billion invested = 2 billion!


  20. tomo says:

    Not much hope that a similar numbers of P45s are issued to balance things up a bit?


    • MarkyMark says:


      The Ministry of Justice said 37 people were released in error on 10 September because their offenses for breaching restraining orders were wrongly logged under repealed legislation.

      One of those mistakenly released is understood to have allegedly reoffended and has been charged with ‘intentionally touching’ a woman.

      Despite the error, the Ministry of Justice claimed:

      “Public safety is our first priority. That is why we took decisive action to fix the broken prison system we inherited and keep the most dangerous offenders locked up.”

      Ironically, while they were trying to reduce overcrowding, the UK government was sending people to prison over social media posts about recent riots while releasing people convicted of far more serious offenses.

      Source: Sky News”


  21. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    Saw this on the Daily Express comments about Question Time.
    I no longer watch it so can’t confirm this.

    last night a reform panelist commentated on the audience, bruce said the audience was equal in representation, she asked reform supporters to put their hand up, 3 people did that, so biased BBC and QT


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