Open Thread

Looks like time for another of these as the BBC pushes hard for another referendum….we can expect many a lurid tale of apocalypse in the following weeks as the BBC tries to paint a picture of utter disaster and chaos ‘due to Brexit’ and the need for an emergency rethink in the interests of ‘peace and stability’.  The floor is yours.


Referendum sabotaged!! Let’s have another.


“There is not one story on any election anywhere in the UK that the BBC will not spin into a problem for me. It is obsessive beyond belief. They are obsessed with trying to damage the leadership of the Labour party and unfortunately there are people in the Labour party that play into that.”

“How shallow, facile and ill-informed many of the supposed well-informed major commentators are in our media”,  shaping a debate that was “baseless and narrow”.

Jeremy Corbyn


The BBC are pushing the story, from ‘sources’, that Labour deliberately sabotaged the Remain campaign…

Corbyn office ‘sabotaged’ EU Remain campaign

Documents passed to the BBC suggest Jeremy Corbyn’s office sought to delay and water down the Labour Remain campaign. Sources suggest that they are evidence of “deliberate sabotage”.

One email from the leader’s office suggests that Mr Corbyn’s director of strategy and communications, Seumas Milne, was behind Mr Corbyn’s reluctance to take a prominent role in Labour’s campaign to keep the UK in the EU. One email, discussing one of the leader’s speeches, said it was because of the “hand of Seumas. If he can’t kill it, he will water it down so much to hope nobody notices it”.

Now I’ve read that quote from Milne somewhere before, a while back now, unfortunately can’t find the link…anyone find it?  Post below.  Why is there not more of that quote with the context that is needed?  What is he trying to ‘water down’?

Why is the BBC pushing this now if the quote and Corbyn’s coolness about the EU were out pre-referendum?  Are they trying to cobble together a case to say the referendum was illegitimate and a ‘fraud’ and so should be rerun?

Why not publish this before the referendum?  Did they not want Labour voters to now that Labour didn’t really support the EU?  If so who is committing the fraud here…Labour, the BBC or both?

No surprise perhaps that the author of the BBC story is Laura Kuenssberg….is this merely a revenge hatchet job after tens of thousands of Corbyn fans signed a petition calling for her to be sacked over her reporting.?….



Milne is a supporter of the EU, in principle, just not in its present form which he believes is run by aristocrats and big business…would he seriously be trying to kill Labour’s support for the EU?

In 2013 he said this…

The nationalist right has long set the agenda. Labour should back a referendum and make the progressive case for chang.

The modern EU [ has given us] a failed neoliberal model of capitalism the force of treaty, entrenching deregulation and privatisation and enforcing corporate power over employment rights.

The EU’s profoundly undemocratic and dysfunctional structures have been brutally exposed by the eurozone crisis and the devastation wreaked by Troika-imposed austerity.

The fallout from that crisis means the EU will in any case have to be restructured. Given those circumstances and the Tory commitment, it would be both wrong in principle and politically foolish for Labour not to back a referendum.

What would be fatal would be to allow the nationalist right to continue to dictate the EU agenda and wrap itself in the mantle of democratic legitimacy. The terms of debate have to change – for the sake of both Britain and Europe.


In 2015 he said exactly the same thing…..the EU needs reform but is good in principle….

The case for radical change in Europe can’t be left to the nationalist right

For the true face of the European Union, look no further than the war now being waged on Greece by its troika of euro creditors. No people have suffered more from the eurozone crisis than the Greeks. The victim of rapacious European banks, a corrupt elite, and a half-baked, lopsided currency union, Greece has paid a pulverising price for the financial crash and eurozone meltdown.

The Greek radicals hoped they could change Europe. But their experience has underlined how deep is the elite’s resistance to genuine reform.

Far from bringing people together, the eurozone is driving Europeans apart.

If radical progressive change were on the cards in Britain – or any other European state, for that matter – the EU treaties enforcing free markets, privatisation and corporate privilege would be a serious obstacle. As it is, British governments have consistently used their influence in Brussels to intensify corporate “liberalisation” and protect the City interests which played such a central role in bringing the economy to its knees in the crash of 2008.

It’s essential that the case for radical change in Europe – and a break with its anti-democratic, corporate-controlled structures – is not abandoned to the right. The experience of Greece and other troika-blighted eurozone states has hammered home how far the EU is from the benign oasis of progressive internationalism its supporters claim.

As things stand, however, voters in Britain will next year be offered the choice of a yet more corporate-controlled EU, shorn of social protections – or withdrawal on the terms of the nationalist right. In the interests of both Britain and Europe, that needs to change, and quickly.

Not sound like a man intent on burying the EU but one intent on radical reform on hard core socialist principles.

So just why is the BBC saying he sabotaged Labour’s Remain campaign when this quote was about a single Corbyn speech.

This is the closest I can find to the story…and its from the 5th June…and look who’s to blame…

Fresh Labour row as Jeremy Corbyn accused of watering down pro-EU letter

Jeremy Corbyn has caused a fresh row with his MPs after appearing to water down a letter setting out Labour’s commitment to the EU.

The letter, which was signed by around 200 Labour MPs, said the party was “united in arguing that we are better off remaining in the European Union”.

But Mr Corbyn’s office yesterday demanded that line be changed to say that Labour “overwhelmingly believes we are better off”.

One party source told PoliticsHome: “They literally went to all 200 MPs and said ‘Jeremy is changing the letter – here’s the new version, you’ve got an hour to say you want to unsign it or your name is remaining on it’. It is disgusting behaviour. People are very angry and a lot of them think Jeremy is actively sabotaging the Remain campaign.”

Mr Corbyn has faced criticism after a poll last week showed that half of Labour voters do not know where the party stands on the EU referendum.

Although he had been opposed to the EU throughout his political career, Mr Corbyn said he supported it after becoming Labour leader last year.

But he has been accused of not being vociferous enough in making the case for Britain to stay in the EU.

A spokesman for Mr Corbyn said: “Jeremy agreed one letter and that went out signed by the MPs.”


We’ve known for a long time that Corbyn was somewhat cool about the EU, why is it now that the BBC recycles an old story in such lurid terms as ‘sabotage’?  They are peddling the language and narrative of Corbyn’s enemies within the Labour Party.

Not often we ‘support’ the likes of Milne or Corbyn here but as always said this site is about BBC bias and here they look to be taking sides and spreading ‘propaganda’ from the anti-Corbyn camp.  Nick Robinson must be having puppies.  [Maybe as a closet BBC Tory he wanted Corbyn to remain in power as a surefire vote winner for the Tories! LOL]





Civil War, Little Hitlers and Little Europeans


Youth unemployment in the UK?  13.4%

Youth unemployment in Europe..…from 6.9% in Germany, 24.6% in France, to 48.9% in Greece….mostly nearer the latter figure.

So just how is the EU good for the Young?

Or for anyone……

The Times quotes a senior EU diplomat on the imploding French economy…..

“The beating heart of European integration is the Franco-German [not British?] relationship, but the situation in Paris raises the spectre of a cardiac arrest.”

Where is the BBC explanation of all this to the ‘angry youth’ in the UK?  Where is the explanation of what staying in the ever expanding, ever more constrictive, EU would mean as Britain was forced into the Euro and a closer political and economic union?  Where is the explanation that the undemocratic EU will self-destruct if it keeps on going the way it does ignoring the wishes of the increasingly discontented populations across Europe and that this will result in far more terrible things than having to do a bit of paperwork to get that job in Berlin?

No explanation.  Just BBC journalists encouraging the ‘youth’ to feel betrayed and angry when what we have had is one of the most democratic votes in UK history which has resulted in a vote to leave the EU.  This was a vote far more democratic than the last general election.  The referendum had a 75% turn out with over 50% of the voters in favour of Brexit whereas the government is in power on the basis of 36.9% of the vote on a turn out of 66.1%  And yet we are told Brexit is undemocratic.  Since 1945 no party has had over 50% of the vote.

Another paradox is that the jumped up Scottish National Socialist leader tells us that because so many in Scotland voted to remain in the EU Scotland must go its separate way…and yet conversely she says that, despite the majority, in this non-party, non-national vote, for Brexit, she will undemocratically block it.  Democracy eh?  Only when it suits….and let’s note that the National Socialists in Scotland took a mere 4.7% of the British vote…UKIP 12.6%.  Who has more legitimacy across the UK?  UKIP.

Of course the BBC has been happily cheering on the SNP and the terrorist mouthpiece, Sinn Fein, as they try to destroy the United Kingdom. Have you ever heard the BBC seriously challenge the logic or legitimacy of their rhetoric?

Have you heard the BBC challenge the rhetoric of the young Remain voters which it floods the airwaves with?  We have looked at this earlier and David has pointed out another article on it but it needs emphasising even more.

What the BBC is up to is nothing less than an attempt to overturn the democratic vote by stirring up hate and anger in the hope that if enough discontent and street fighting can be incited that will force politicians to ‘rethink’ Brexit ‘in the interests of peace and stability’.  A peace and stability destroyed by the BBC itself as it backs the tearing apart of the United Kingdom and the rise of civil strife.

We already have Labour’s David Lammy demanding that the Brexit vote be cast aside….which goes to show just how out of touch Labour is with its voters….and note this quote from a Labour MP, Julie Elliott, in Sunderland which voted to leave….“We need to be out there talking to people to understand what’s going on in the northeast.”  Bit late eh?

As I have always said the greatest danger to democracy is the BBC itself as it supports the Islamist terrorists and their causes and now, as always, the violent forces of leftwing political sabotage….just as they gave such fulsome support to Occupy.

Ignore or brush Brexit aside and carry on as if it never happened and I can see a very violent reaction to take back a democracy denied.  So much for the BBC’s supposed obligation to promote civil society and seems to do everything it can to do the exact opposite and create divison, fear, hatred and violence.

Clearly the BBC, those politicans who want to pretend there was no vote, the ‘young’ who think this is all about them, the commentators who tell us the Leave voters were racists, bigots and fools who didn’t understand what they were voting for, have no idea, or bury their heads in the sand, as to the reason for the vote…people are fed up with being ignored, their beliefs and values demeaned and mocked.  What is the BBC’s et al’s reaction?  To ignore, demean and mock those who voted for Brexit.

You couldn’t make it up.

Jon Pienaar was onto the subject of the ‘youth anger’ (around 11:50)….David Starkey up against George Parker.  Pienaar argued against Starkey but never once contradicted Parker who told us that his kids cried on hearing the result of the vote…he said they may not actually understand what the EU was but it was all about a ‘state of mind’…that lovey-dovey hippy feeling that the EU engenders apparently with its human rights and the heart of democracy that it is….whilst the Leave campaign ran a campaign based on hate, an ugly campaign…Pienaar stop him there?  No.  Oh, and apparently it is a terrible imposition to expect the young to actually attempt to learn about the democratic system…they must be spoonfed it….Parker thinks it is shockingly patronising to say that if they couldn’t be arsed to vote it’s their own fault they didn’t get the result they wanted…it is society that has failed them by not educating them on how to vote.  The ‘Old’ have stitched them up, the bastards.

Hmmm…the UK parliament is the ‘mother of Parliaments’.  The democratic nations around the world owe it to Britain for their democracy and human rights.  The EU did not invent those rights and values….perhaps Parker should teach his kids a bit of history instead of feeding them leftwing fairytales.  Starkey said Parker was patronising [He was], Parker’s response was to blame Starkey for having driven him to it..says it all really….classic ‘never my fault…I’m a victim’.  No wonder his kids were in tears…they think life owes them a living.

The BBC followed up Pienaar with a programme based around that ‘youth anger’ but did nothing to actually educate that youth and challenge their perceptions.  We had a musician come on to tell us how the youth have been abandoned and their futures destroyed……but no explanation as to exactly how that comes about. Then the BBC wheeled on an apparently regretful leave voter, Barbara, who we were told only voted leave as a protest vote, but not what she was protesting about, and that she hadn’t understood what she was voting for…and if she had realised the terrible consequences of a Brexit vote she would have voted differently.  No proof of course that she was genuine…but she apparently was there to represent all Brexit voters in a long clip that the BBC decided was important to reveal to us.

So here we have the BBC narrative, a young generation betrayed, a generation whose lives have been destroyed…by voters who were fooled and misled by the liars and bigots of the leave campaign, and who didn’t understand what they were voting for.

Is the BBC trying to generate the idea that the vote was illegitimate, a fraud based upon lies and stupidity?  That it should be cast aside or rerun?

We also heard that banks are ‘possibly’ going to shed jobs ‘due to Brexit’.  Again ‘hmmmm’.  The banks have been shedding jobs for years and will happily use Brexit as the excuse rather than the more ruthless, capitalist motive of saving money which the BBC would normally be aghast at….now they are in cahoots with the banks blaming Brexit for everything…never mind all these reports about job losses around the world…

Deutsche Bank to cut up to 35,000 jobs

Italy’s biggest bank to cut roughly 1,000 jobs in Germany

Barclays to shed 30,000 jobs

JPMorgan to cut up to 17,000 jobs by end of 2014

HSBC to Close Half of India Branches in Digital Banking Push

The BBC rents its clothes and gnashes its teeth in anguished pain at bankers losing their jobs and yet not so when it is as a result of ‘good’ government policy, policy that the BBC and the Left supports...such as bank levies and increased capital reserves…

HSBC is cutting up to 8,000 jobs in Britain and slashing the number of branches as part of huge global restructuring plans.

The banking giant – which employs around 48,000 of its 258,000 global staff in the UK – revealed it is axing 25,000 jobs worldwide in a bombshell announcement this morning.

The head office of HSBC’s UK retail bank is being relocated from London to Birmingham by 2019 amid the new ring-fencing rules and HSBC is said to be considering a sale of the business.

It added that it wanted to return the global banking and markets division to profitability – an area which has become more expensive for banks in the tougher regulatory environment since the financial crisis.

The HSBC strategy update comes a day ahead of George Osborne’s Mansion House speech, with reports suggesting the Chancellor will signal a review of the bank levy in an attempt to prevent major banking players such as HSBC from relocating their headquarters away from Britain.

The BBC seems to be trying to incite a civil war and the overturning of democracy.  Careful what you wish for is my advice.  Broadcasters are always the first victims as the peddlers of propaganda.






BBC stirs the pot

Country Ranking 2014 Ranking 2013 Ranking 2012 Ranking 2011 Ranking 2010 Ranking 2009 Ranking 2008
Australia 1 1 2 3 1 3 n/a
Canada 2 2 1 2 2 1 1
UAE 3 3 9 10 6 10 6
Singapore 4 7 10 10 9 11 9
China 5 11 12 12 11 10 n/a
New Zealand 6 5 3 2 3 1 2
South Africa 7 4 4 5 8 8 n/a
Hong Kong 8 12 11 11 12 12 n/a
USA 9 6 5 8 5 9 n/a
France 10 8 7 4 4 4 n/a
Spain 11 9 8 7 7 7 7
Portugal 12 10 9 6 6 5 3




The BBC tried its hardest, along with the electoral commission, to martial the troops and get the young and the expats out to vote…..both being pro-Remain according to legend….even now the BBC are stirring the pot….thanks to Denton for this…

‘What have we done’ – teenage anger over Brexit vote

Apparently the young have been deprived of their future by the leave vote….they are going to be angry and disenfranchised for a generation I’ve just heard from a BBC presenter.  What future was that then?  The ability to travel or work in Europe?   Is that now an impossible dream?  Should it be the dream?

Odd that 1.2 million Brits have managed to export themselves to Oz, 250,000 to New Zealand, 800,000 in the US and nearly 700,000 in Canada and do you know what…the top destinations for Brits are not in Europe at all….the Far East, including China, are top of the tables….the world is open for business and life….stop being little Europeans!

The NatWest Quality of Life Index, carried out by the Centre for Future Studies, also revealed a seven-year shift in the best expat destinations, with a rise in the East and decline of the West.

China, Singapore and Hong Kong have soared up the league table, while European countries have been shifted to the bottom.

The BBC is not encouraging a modern, adventurous, outward looking youth…instead they seem, for political reasons, to be inciting the young to be insular, inward looking ‘Europeans’ whose only reference and ambition is a job in Berlin or a holiday on a Spanish beach.  Clearly getting a job and a new life in another, non-European country is just impossible,  right?..shame the BBC seems reluctant to highlight the possibilities in this debate.

Of course you might suspect that the youth whose opinions the BBC so assiduously courts are not the ones in Australia, China and Singapore who might have a different view on the brave new world of Brexit and the possibilities of that world unencumbered by the EU apron strings.

Not saying the BBC rigs its vox pops…but it does….simplistic Vox pops that Roger Mosey complains about…

This fetish for the vox pop too often squeezes out the space for analysis.

Classic ‘The little people know not what they do’ from the BBC



Roger Mosey, now ex-BBC so can speak out, tells us that the Broadcasters must take the blame for the poor standard of debate as they essentially tabloidised their reporting and failed to do the proper analysis going for the headline-making trivia of the insults and alarmism instead.  A classic example of this comes out today…from the ‘let ’em all in’ Mark Easton whose ‘analysis’ is completely wrongheaded and shaped by his own prejudices with this entirely patronising and sneering look at who voted ‘Leave’ and why they did so….

He starts with what is now becoming the highly political BBC narrative of a broken United Kingdom, but that is a narrative that only suits IRA terrorists and the SNP…and the EU itself of course….the BBC seems keen to encourage and incite the break up of the UK and see parts slip off back to the EU…divide and conquer……

The EU referendum has revealed an ancient, jagged fault line across the United Kingdom. It is a scar that has sliced through conventional politics and traditional social structures, and it is far from clear whether the kingdom can still call itself united.

He then comes up with this patronising gem…

The referendum was ostensibly about membership of the European Union. But voters took it to be asking a different question: what kind of country do you want Britain to be?

Yesterday seemed to offer a fork in the road: one path (Remain) promised it would lead to a modern world of opportunity based on interdependence; the other (Leave) was advertised as a route to an independent land that would respect tradition and heritage.

Actually it was about membership of the EU and taking back control, it is membership of the EU that shapes our country, therefore in or out shapes our’s not some esoteric, philosophical question…it’s simple.  People who voted for Leave are not stuck in some nostalgic hark back to a golden age of the past, they are looking to engage with the world and make innovative and exciting new relations with the rest of the world that the EU stymied.

It is in fact the Remainers, clue in the name, who seek the comfort and ‘safety’ of  ‘interdependence’ and EU ‘heritage’…Interdependence which actually meant Germany and the UK coughing up large sums of money to keep other EU countries on the road with large amounts siphoned off to keep the EU bureaucrats in the style to which they still desperately want to be kept in.  Here’s a question for Sturgeon….will the German public want to pay for your economic failures as the oil price tumbles and eventually the black gold dries up and Japanese whiskey outsells the homebrew?  The irony of Germans paying for ‘British welfare’?  Nein.

Have you ever heard anything more patronising than this?…

City dwellers are generally more comfortable with globalisation and diversity. Country dwellers are more traditional in their outlook.

Successful cities are places in flux, constantly evolving to remain relevant in a rapidly changing world. A city without cranes is a city that is moribund.

But in market towns and rural villages, it is the opposite, with a focus on protecting heritage and celebrating history. It is a more conservative outlook that can see modern life as a threat, often nostalgic for a simpler, bucolic order.

That’ll be why Birmingham voted Out….and why all the race riots are in cities.

Mosey said that we need more analysis that sheds light on the issues….

A senior presenter is despairing about the daily agenda: “Balance has too often been taken to mean broadcasting televised press releases . . . Instead of standing back and assessing arguments, we have been broadcasting he says/she says campaign pieces, which rarely shed any light on anything.”

But when you look at the analysis that the likes of Easton provide you have to be rather grateful that you are left to your own devices and resources to do the analysis yourself.  BBC ‘analysis’ comes in only one flavour…an intolerant liberal progressiveness, pro-Europe, pro-immigration, anti-Israel, anti-Trump, pro-Muslim, pro-Marx.



Seeing but not believing…or caring



From the Mail…

We’re out of touch with ordinary, ‘ghastly’ Britons, says ex-BBC chief: Leaked email says it ‘ignores and despises’ millions because they do not embrace liberal views

The BBC ‘ignores and despises’ millions of Britons because they do not embrace the liberal views of a metropolitan elite, a leaked memo has revealed.

The Corporation was said to be ‘completely bewildered’ about how to respond to the concerns of ‘ghastly’ ordinary people.

There would be no end to the issues facing the broadcaster until the ‘London bubble’ had burst, said a report by David Cowling, former head of the BBC’s political research unit.

Sensitive subjects that worried households were barely acknowledged by the political class, his analysis claimed.

Although he did not name specific issues, Mr Cowling would almost certainly have in mind mass immigration – routinely among the biggest fears of voters – and the way foreign arrivals have changed communities in the UK.

For decades, politicians and the BBC have been accused of censoring debate, branding as ‘racist’ those who voiced concerns about the perceived erosion of our national identity or the pressure on jobs, housing, schools and healthcare. Fury at being overlooked for so long has led to vast numbers of Britons – many casting a ballot for the first time – to vote to quit the EU in a howl of frustration at the political elite.

Mr Cowling, a former special adviser to a Labour Cabinet minister in the 1970s, made the withering assessment in an internal memo that was leaked on the internet.

His words are damning because the BBC’s political research unit provides extensive background briefings for journalists and programme-makers.

But his findings appear to have been dismissed amid fears at the Corporation that it may be perceived as a Right-wing political agenda.

Mr Cowling, who is now a visiting senior research fellow at King’s College London, wrote: ‘It seems to me that the London bubble has to burst if there is to be any prospect of addressing the issues that have brought us to our current situation.

The article goes on later to suggest some thought the BBC’s coverage of the referendum was even-handed…have to say I disagree…certainly there were many balanced reports…but there was a definite undercurrent of pro-Remain comments from presenters, guests who were encouraged to tell us what they thought about the referendum, the BBC knowing full well that they supported Remain, so much targeting of known Remain voters such as ex-pats and the young, one sided interviews from Remain supporting companies susch as Siemens and whenever a Leaver came up with their reasons the BBC would instantly counter that with something they hoped would prove the Leave case was nonsense.  Cameron was allowed to wriggle out of the difficult questions…his first interview way back when with Humphrys was like water off a duck’s back for him whereas Gove was roasted, the last one on Wednesday started well with Humphrys grilling him on immigration but Cameron bluffed and intimidated Humphrys into backing off and Humphrys failed to challenge the stats used by Cameron…such as two thirds of new jobs went to Brits…not true, and that the EU economy is bouncing back.  Then there was the BBC’s Reality Check….little reality and certainly not a check on Remain’s case….their economic projections, guesses, were apparently slightly exaggerated but otherwise sound economics.  No, they were just guesswork.  Where is the BBC reality check on what remaining in the EU will mean?  The BBC dismissed all concerns yesterday…no Turkey won’t join the EU, trade will fall, regulations don’t come from the EU, Cameron’s negotiations have dealt with immigration.  And on ‘More or Less’ they wheeled in Andrew Lilico from the Leave camp to talk about immigration…why him?  Because he is a well known advocate not for less immigraation but for more….why did the BBC pick the person who must be one of the very few in the Leave camp to want more immigation to represent Leave on this subject?  The also had on Peter North who damned Leave….no surprise there…he is strongly opposed to Leave despite being a Europsceptic….so of all the Eurosceptics the BBC could choose they picked the two who would damage Leave’s case…and yet the BBC didn’t tell us about Lilico’s and North’s personal positions.  Why not?

The BBC countered Leave’s claim that we couldn’t deport criminals with a claim that we were extraditing foreign criminals back to their own countires…but that was a false argument, extradition has nothing to do with deporting people from our shores…extradition is a response to requests from other countries to send to them people who have committed crimes in those countries not in the UK.  Deporting them is the British government’s decision on our own national security grounds.

The BBC dismissed claims that the EU is responsible for making large numbers of our laws….telling us that many were minor, trivial laws…such as regulating the curvature of bananas…which is curious as the BBC has spent years trying to dismiss that ‘myth’ as nonsense and on the other hand has been telling us that we just can’t leave the EU because it is responsible for so much or our health and safety laws, worker’s rights and human rights, climate change and enviromental laws and so on……it seems the BBC wants it both ways.

The BBC, as you might expect, has in no way been impartial….an amount of impartial interviews and reports along with an underlying pro-EU narrative that doesn’t argue strongly against Remain’s case but forensically examine’s Leave’s case does not mean the BBC is balanced and impartial.  It’s still biased.

I imagine the BBC thought process was that in the last week if they pushed hard but subtly for Remain and the result went in their favour it was job done and there would be no going back even if the BBC could be proven to have been pro-Remain.  There wouldn’t be another vote so a smack on the wrist for the BBC would be worth the risk to keep Britain in the EU.

Reputation wise they probably think the Leavers are all anti-BBC anyway and those who vote Remain will cheer them on…so life goes on as normal, no damage done.

Up Yours Delors

Brexit door opens with EU referendum set to deliver a Leave vote


Happy Independence Day. [Still some results to come in]

A day of infamy says Keith Vaz, a catastrophe for Britain…we must respect the wishes of the people but……

Do politicians really understand the feeling in the country?  The BBC asks.  LOL. Perhaps the politicians have been telling the people what to think about Europe not listening to the people? The BBC asks.  LOL.  Not just the politicians eh?

We’re out of touch with ordinary, ‘ghastly’ Britons, says ex-BBC chief: Leaked email says it ‘ignores and despises’ millions because they do not embrace liberal views

Have to say was surprised at the initial ‘exit polls’ that said it was a done job for Remain as everyone I knew wanted to leave.

Champagne on ice at the BBC once again.

Trump for President anyone?







Choking on their skinny lattes



This must make the no-borders, hate-the flag, hug-an-Islamist BBC choke on its own sanctimonious humbug…



We’ll have none of that at the BBC thankyou…we have several concerns about such rampant nationalism….we don’t want to upset those who hate the flag and England…ironically the same people we always tell you love Britain the most…more than the natives (if we can use that word)…….so…..

Is it wrong to dress as a crusader for an England match?

We think so here at the BBC.  The not-so-British Broadcasting Corporation.

Viva the EU!