If you don’t want to read the full post let me sum it up for you…..if you want to control immigration you are somehow morally deficient, lacking in compassion, honesty and intelligence and you are a racist. There should be no difference between economic migrants and asylum seekers and even confirmed terrorists should be allowed sanctuary here. Hislop’s whole argument is based upon his intepretation of the Victorian attitude towards immigration…
Britain was such a marvellous country that unfortunate people from countries that were not so marvellous (because they were run by foreigners) might well end up being forced to leave them.
Britain, as the moral as well as the political leader of the world, would therefore welcome these refugees in and trust them to contribute to their new home in a way that would make it even more marvellous.
The real world doesn’t seem to impinge upon Hislop’s utopian idealism at all. Just the usual smug, patronising elitist take on immigration the BBC has peddled, unsuccessfully, for years…not helped by the use of someone like Robert Windour, the author of Bloody Foreigners, who appeared as an anchor voice commenting on immigration…but again hardly the voice of the common man, as his superior smugness radiated from the screen.
Who are the real extremists, the racists, the immoral ideologues for whom rabid dogma and intolerant and prejudiced ideology trump common sense?
The BBC wants you to believe it is anyone who dares to raise the suggestion that immigration should be controlled, but in fact the real extremist and manufacturer of immigrant hysteria and racist propaganda is the BBC, the BBC that shouts down anyone who wants to control immigration as racists, immoral and stupid little Englanders, the BBC that demands an open door policy allowing in unlimited numbers without regard to their effect on society or indeed if they harbour extreme and violent intentions towards it. The BBC that pumps out endless pro-immigration propaganda that tries to portray mass immigration as a moral duty that to turn our back upon would reduce us to the level of Nazi barbarians.
Ian Hislop takes up the baton for the BBC as he is given licence to front a programme that is pure propaganda, sanctimonious drivel that has been produced by the BBC in order to influence the Brexit negotiations…highly politicised, partisan misinformation manufactured and shaped to alter your opinions about immigration and thus about the EU which the BBC hopes we will still remain a member of as it also works to undermine Brexit and the referendum vote. Hardly fulfilling its obligation to be impartial, accurate and honest.
Ian Hislop sinks ever further in my estimation as he sells himself cheap to produce this dishonest and extraordinarily one-sided rant in favour of immigration. The BBC’s use of Hislop shows they did not have any intention of a proper debate. Hislop is well known as being pro-immigration and pro-EU and so they knew he would produce a programme that would be ‘on-board’, and such was the case.
Hislop had two weapons…the first, the adoption of the moral high ground, an idealistic hubris that gathered around itself a righteous superiority that declared those who want to welcome all are moral and decent human beings whilst those who seek to slam shut the doors are morally deficient and inhumane racists. Look at how he talks to the ‘controversial’ Katie Hopkins [about 38 mins in] as he snears and grimaces as if there is bad smell and refuses to accept her language or the truth behind the language she uses that is an all too honest portrayal of the immigrant situation in some cases…..’cockroaches’, ‘feral’ and ‘festering sores’…they all sound prima facia tasteless and improper and yet in context they are not…Hislop wants Hopkins to wrap her allegedly unwelcome ideas in more pleasant, ‘acceptable’ language that doesn’t offend…or tell the truth. Classic BBC. The same BBC however that is prepared to label you a racist, a Nazi, an ignorant, bigoted little englander and who said Tommy Robinson was ‘polluting’ the public’s mind and that the ‘Christian’ DUP were ‘backward and unpleasant’ due to their religiously based views… apparently strong and ‘offensive’ language can be used depending upon who is saying it and who the target is.
His second weapon is of course the usual BBC one of omission, omission of uncomfortable facts about immigration such as crimes, terrorism, the negative effects upon schools, the NHS, housing, traffic congestion, and cultural take-over and suppression. Hislop only really told us of the supposed benefits of immigration missing out the huge amount of evidence that mass immigration and the inevitable lack of integration leads to separation, alienation and eventually conflict….welcome to now. He concentrated on a comparison from the past which he thought a golden age of immigration and upstanding moral behaviour…claiming that Victorian England would have welcomed in anyone in any numbers and if we lose this welcoming attitude towards immigrants we sink into some immoral cesspit. Naturally that is nonsense, we have always defended ourselves against invasion and defended our sovereignty and culture…the Victorians would not have allowed millions of highly alien immigrants to flood in who had no intention of integrating and whose own ideology set them against the host nation. Any sign of an intent to convert Britain to their ideology by subterfuge and force would have been met in return with massive force and crushed…and the guilty parties expelled.
Hislop’s take on immigration is just the usual simplistic, patronising, moralising, extremist open-door immigration puff that we come to expect from the BBC.
He ends with a somewhat pompous and smug moral lecture that said that what we need is facts [lol], less Press hysteria, less political bandwagons, less racism, less dishonesty…more compassion, more idealism, more common sense, a more open mind…and of course…a more open door immigration policy.
It is quite clear this was not an honest debate about immigration, it was itself a vehicle for hysteria, of those who panic at the first sign their East European nannies and plumbers may get more expensive, it was a racist tract that denounced anyone who opposed mass immigration as racist….the BBC always defaults to the idea that it is white little englanders who oppose it and do so because of skin colour [those black Muslim Poles….so many of them flood in here!] As for common sense, that was distinctly lacking.
Baroness Warsi of course finds her way into a BBC programme…in this case being held to account for her election leaflets that said we must control immigration, she naturally defends her position and then says however it is the racist arguments of the BNP and UKIP that we must not condone or pander to and that we mustn’t try to portray immigrants as ‘the other’ who don’t belong here….and at the beginning of the programme we get this clip of her….
Baroness Warsi: “How long before migrants stop having to take the loyalty test?”
Well in her case I’d say never…the woman whose loyalty is clearly for Muslim extremists first having resigned her government job in a show of support for the terrorists of Hamas whilst demanding Israel be disarmed and Hamas armed. The woman who is essentially a mouthpiece for the radicals in the UK, a woman who does all she can to thwart and undermine the government anti-terror programme, a woman who demands those radicals be included in talks about how Islam should be dealt with in society and seen as part of the solution…and terrifyingly she has been asked to join a government commission on countering extremism…be afraid.
Might suggest it is some immigrants who themselves decide to live completely separate lives and want nothing to do with ‘the other’ mainstream population.
Note..the foreign born population of the UK was relatively minute for centuries until after WWII….