Its going to be interesting watching how the BBC deal with the building tsunami of Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants into the UK. This morning, the BBC reports that the number of Romanians and Bulgarians working in the UK rose by a quarter in three months. As we can all anticipate, this surge will grow and grow as restrictions come to an end. Always advocates of irrevocable demographic change, I suggest the BBC will seek to present this as a failure of Coalition policy (which it’s not really, it is simply a consequence of our membership of the EU) and imply that somehow Labour will be tougher!


Well, as some of us predicted, post Mubarak Egypt is a mess and all sensible people will be appalled at the loss of life on the streets of Cairo and elsewhere. However the BBC is clearly aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood, doing all it can to push the MB narrative at all times. Report after report from the BBC paints the MB as ‘victims” and I hear the BBC declare this morning that the interim government is there by virtue of a coup. It’s interesting the BBC says this because even Obama won’t quite go that for. The reality is that the BBC has been cheerleading for the MB for years now – quite remarkable given the venom that this bunch of Islamic extremists represent.


Wonder how the BBC managed to miss this one?

A POLICEMAN dealing with a 13-year-old runaway was surrounded by Asian men and subjected to racist abuse by one of them. Blackburn magistrates heard Tahir Hussain swore at the officer and told him to go ‘back to where you live’.

“Asian men”….mmmm. Oh, you mean MUSLIMS? Even the Lancashire Telegraph uses euphemisms. Meanwhile the BBC just avoids the story…



So, the Government announces an extra HALF A £££ BILLION for ‘struggling A&E”‘s in England.  Labour responds by saying this is not enough (when is it ever enough for the comrades?) and the BBC dutifully follow up by wheeling on  Dr Clifford Mann, president of the College of Emergency Medicine to inform the BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that  he had “real concerns” about how the money would be allocated.

“It seems disingenuous, and in many ways demoralising to those that managed to apparently perform satisfactorily, to understand or realise that they will benefit from this not at all,” he said. “It is a short-term fix. It does not address the underlying cause – we have a shortage of doctors.”

It is almost as if the BBC mission is to have an instant rebuttal unit that dampens down each and every initiative from the Coalition. In truth, the meme is that NOTHING this Coalition does is any good (apart from Overseas Aid and Gay Marriage). Makes you wonder if the BBC has agenda?


The BBC seems to be running a series of attacks on UKIP. The latest one uses the old “bongo bongo” riff from many years ago and does everything possible to demonise UKIP’s Godfrey Bloom. The source for the attack is the BBC’s print arm, The Guardian. One can understand WHY the BBC loathes UKIP and I am sure that ahead of next year’s Euro elections, we will see much more of this sort of thing.