Interesting set of headlines from the BBC this morning on the deal passed in Congress last evening. Today informed me that it was “Game, Set and Match” to Obama; it also added that “Obama has won” and  that “Obama would not be compromising in two months time of spending cuts”. I wonder if the Democrats just send the BBC press releases to read out as “news”? Incredible pro-Obama headlines from the strictly impartial  State Broadcaster.


Interesting report here from the BBC. It informs us that seven charity workers, six of them women, have been shot dead in north-west Pakistan. Clearly a terrible act of savagery but who could have been responsible? Well, no one is quite sure….but the BBC helpfully ads…

 “No group has claimed responsibility for the attack although militants in the conservative Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province oppose female education and have attacked female students and their schools.”

“Militants”…..”conservatives”…..mmmmm. Hang on, do you think the BBC is trying to tell us that these killings were carried out by Islamic Taliban terrorists do you think? After all, they rather dominate in this region….


I’m not sure if Mark Mardell and Jonny Dymond spotted the four horsemen of the apocalypse over Washington but the tone and content of their Fiscal Cliff has certainly been full of doom and gloom and worst of all, in my opinion, wilful exaggeration.

Mardell in particular has been to the fore in alleging that IF a deal was not to be done by Jan 1st then massive tax hikes will descend upon the American people. Not so. US Tax returns do not even have to be until end of February, as I recall, and it would take some time for the necessary tax adjustments to be made assuming nothing was to happen politically in the intervening months. It could well be seen that Mardell was simply hyping the whole issue and painting Obama and the Dems as voices of  calm responsibility seeking to do a deal whilst the bad recalcitrant GOP refuse to pay ball.  No mention  from Mardell of the $16 TRILLION debt bomb that Obama has racked up, or the $87 TRILLION in unfunded liabilities. Instead plenty of hype about the £1.2trn cut in Goverenment spending OVER ten years. Shouldn’t the BBC provide the FULL fiscal picture rather than a skewed version seen through an Obama prism?


Wanting to take a moment and wish you all for a very HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks for your endless support for the site over the past twelve months! We’ve had a few tricky moments this year, particularly on the server issue and a other few technical fronts but we will be here in 2013 as determined as ever to hold the State Broadcaster to account. This site will continue to focus on demanding balance from the BBC and our greatest asset remains all those very committed readers who come here every day.


I’ve taken a bit of a break from the BBC over the holiday period but I had the misfortune to tune in to Today this morning. Oh what joy! The guest editorr was Benjamin Zephaniah.  Poet Benjamin is much loved by the BBC, often appearing on Question Time to dazzle the nation with his wit and wisdom. In a way Zephaniah and the BBC are the perfect match – hard left and unforgiving. I turned off quickly.


The US “Fiscal cliff” stand-off is now firmly embedded as part of the Panto season. BBC has been covering  it but only from the usual pro-Obama sycophantic mode. Were one to take what the BBC reports one would assume that Obama has not played any role in creating the circumstances leading to the fiscal crisis that now confronts the United States.  Instead he is portrayed as “deus ex machina”, bravely abandoning the lure of  Hawaiian golf courses to save the Nation in time for 2013. I also LOVED the way the BBC portrayed Harry Reid as IF he were also a neutral!!!


The BBC seems to think SOME stories from the Irish Republic are of great interest. For example, take this story from yesterday. It concerns calls for a road upgrade in Donegal following a car accident. Hardly scintillating BUT they did seem to catch it so one assumes so one was paying attention. But ODDLY enough, this story gets no publicity whatsoever. It concerns the allegation that a senior Sinn Fein member of the Irish Parliament has been “forensically linked” to the murder of FIFTY people. I suppose it’s about newsworthiness….right?