Well then, back to the fray. I tentatively turned on BBC Radio 4’s Today this morning but thought I had accidentally tuned in to Radio North Korea, such was the scale of invective against British Banks and indeed the evil concept of “Investment”. It turns out Bob Diamond, head of Barclays, is the most evil man in the world. (Oh, and it was nice to hear an “independent” financial expert tell us that the UK would really be better off within the putative EU banking union! )

By way of contrast, I also caught a sycophantic interview with IRA Commander Martin McGuinness. Turns out he is now a much loved Statesman of Arafat-esque proportions. No tough questions from John Simpson such as how MANY innocent people did McGuinness’s IRA murder under his direct command?; how many innocent people did McGuinness personally kill?; Did McGuinness give the go ahead for the Poppy Day bombing at Enniskillen? Nope – instead we were allowed to hear this terrorist Godfather waffle for all he was worth about the need to dissolve Northern Ireland as part of the “peace process”

So, in summary, Bob Diamond BAD, Martin McGuinness GOOD.

It’s great to be back.


Hello everyone, just a quick post to let you know I have returned from the land of the Magic Money Trees, la belle France. I was staying down in Menton and had a lovely spot of weather.

But tired after all the travel today but wanted to sincerely thank Alan for all his excellent posts in my absence.

I haven’t tuned into much BBC when in holidays but did see their ODIOUS coverage of IRA Godfather McGuinness meeting Her Majesty, as contrived a piece of slimy political choreography as one could imagine. Did watch Sky when away, it is also grim viewing and the only saying grace is we do not HAVE to fund the trash they produce.

Will ease myself back into the saddle over the next few days but wanted to commend THIS EXCELLENT SITE to you if you are thinking of staying in a lovely Riviera location. It’s run by a friend who ALSO contributes to some of our debates on B-BBC, as NRG, and I thoroughly recommend it to you!


Funny how certain “surveys” attract BBC attention which then presents them as hard news.

“Prejudice against people from different backgrounds has increased over the past six years, according to an Equality Commission for Northern Ireland survey. The most negative attitudes were towards members of the Traveller community, but prejudice against gay and disabled people has also risen. The survey also found that 30% of respondents felt some forms of prejudice were acceptable. The commission said it was a “worrying insight into the population’s psyche”.

Gosh, what a stroke of luck that this Commission exists to fight this rising prejudice. What a blow to those cynics who suggest that the “Equality Commission” is just a pathetic self serving bloated quango inventing prejudice through biased polls. And how KIND of the BBC to flag it all up.


Look, I am no great fan of the Olympics or indeed the organisation behind London 2012 BUT I can appreciate that coming in under budget by half a ££billion is probably not a bad result. So I was surprised to discover how narky the BBC have been about this all morning. They were bitching about it on Today and Susanna Reid was also being hostile about it on the BBC New programme. What’s the problem with this? Is it that the BBC cannot tolerate any success from this Government, no matter how minor? If only Labour were back in power and breaking through budget with every announcement..the good old days, eh?


A truly disgusting tale emerged at Burnley Crown Court yesterday concerning the alleged sexual exploitation of a 14 year old girl by a group of “men”. Here’s the link. As ever, the BBC seem petrified of pointing out that this was yet ANOTHER Muslim grooming gang. In demonstrating such wanton cowardice, they do a great disservice to all. If roving gangs of Presbyterians or Roman Catholics were engaging in such depravity the BBC would be ALL over it – but because it’s the Religion of Peace the mute button is swiftly pressed and all we hear about is “men” – most of whom seem to be called Mohammed.


In one way, Cameron deserves all gets for foolishly agreeing to set up the Leveson Inquiry. As predicted this has turned into a leftist Star Chamber with the twin objectives of  damaging the Government whilst undermining the Murdoch Empire. The BBC salivate over the daily farce and I notice that the BBC have elevated the vote of whether Hunt should “be investigated” over how he handled the News Corp’s BSkyB bid to be the  lead UK story. In their little media village perhaps this is the biggest news of the day but I don’t meet too many people who are agitated about what Hunt did when and to whom, do you?

I also think there is a more sinister edge to the issue than merely the sustained baiting of Cameron and Murdoch. Miliband gave the game away yesterday when he suggested a cap on media ownership saying he had   “no worries” about a company owning 20% of the British market but said there was a “question of between 20-30%”.  Alright then, Ed, the BBC falls into the area that you seek to question so I presume you will show consistency of principle and demand that it’s dominance be broken up, right? Thought not. It’s my view that Leveson is all about restricting our choice of media provision and in that regard one can FULLY understand why the BBC is so enthusiastic about magnifying it at every opportunity.


At a time of potential economic meltdown, you might think the BBC had other issues to devote itself to but gay marriage is so important to the BBC that it is rarely far from the headlines. Today sees the Church of England warn that Government proposals for gay marriage would dilute an institution “vastly” important to a healthy society.

Responding to a consultation on the issue in England and Wales, the Church said the legislation was “shallow”.

Well, the BBC was not going to take that one lying down, so to speak. I caught some COE cleric being given the Spanish Inquisition on BBC TV News this morning by Bill Turnbull. Bill’s ever so clever question was to demand to know where it says in the Bible that gay weddings should not be performed in Church.  The answer, as he well knew, is that does not make any reference to gay weddings since in Christian terms the concept is oxymoronic. To the BBC it is matter of faith that the State shall compel the Church to accept things which go directly against its teachings. This totalitarianism is dressed up in the clothes of equality and advanced vigorously at every opportunity by the State broadcaster.  This is all part of the danger BBC bias represents, it actually undermines vast chunks of the stuff that hold our society together.