But a few days ago, BBC presenter Justin Webb was engaging in wild speculation concerning the motivations that lay behind the killings in Toulouse. Here, B-BBC contributor Alan captures his thoughts.

20th march 

Justin Webb

‘There are some who wonder that some politicians,including perhaps Mr Sarkozy must bear some responsibility, not necessarilyfor what happened, but for the context in which it happened. They are accused of creating a climate of suspicionabout, possibly even hatred, of minority groups.’

Agnes Poirier:

‘We couldn’t make a link between the killing of thesoldiers and little kids…what is emerging is that these are the faces ofdiverse France and obviously it becomes then extremely apparent that the killershould want to assassinate diverse France.’


‘That is the point…do we accept it is possible at leastthat this killer seemed to be motivated by wanting to attack the way thatmodern France looks and that of course has been part of the presidentialcampaign. French Interior Minister Claude Gueant became a verycontroversial figure a few weeks ago when he said ‘For us not all civilisationsare of equal value.’ Do you think these kind of remarks should not havehappened? Is it acceptable for people to talk about subjects ofpolitical controversy?’

Agnes Poirier;

‘The constant stirring of stereotypes is unhelpful and isan unhealthy debate in France.’

Interesting that Webb thinks any talk of immigration andintegration makes for ‘controversial politics’….and perhaps should not bespoken of….but that has always been BBC policy and look where such lack ofmoral fibre and backbone and failure to challenge cultural beliefs andactivities leads us:
‘The British public have not got their teeth into any ofthis, not least because it is so hard for the full facts to be put tothem…..vested interests discourage too close a scrutiny of the evidence.
It is a matter of the gravest concern that Westerndemocracies are not only failing to monitor properly the activities of radicalimams but allowing the Islamic studies centres to mushroom, totally out ofcontrol. They are making radicalisation and ideological transfer easier, notharder, and increasing the security risk rather than containing it. In Britain, it is actually official government policy toexpand the teaching of Islamic studies so that every single Muslim student inthe UK will be able to take this subject. Wherever Islamists go on the attack, all are driven bythe same malign and violent hatred of the West and its current foreign securityinterests.’


Say it isn’t true?

“More than 300 staff at the BBC avoid paying income tax, an MP has revealed. Tory MP David Mowat, who represents Warrington South, said he discovered 320 “non-talent based” employees earning more than £50,000 avoided income tax. Mr Mowat said it was “not acceptable”, adding it was the BBC’s Newsnight programme which had sparked the row about senior civil servants avoiding tax when it revealed head of the Student Loans Company Ed Lester had been paid via a company.

And the BBC response?

“A BBC spokesman said: “These individuals are not permanent members of BBC staff so do not have their tax deducted at source in the way the vast majority of employees would. “In the main they are hired to do specific jobs for a fixed period of time such as directing, editing and other craft skills. When a person is contracted in this way it is their responsibility to organise their tax arrangements directly with the HMRC. “This is entirely in keeping with HMRC regulations and is standard practice across the broadcasting and many other industries.”


Biased BBC’s Alan suggests…

“The BBC approvinglyquote Sarkozy demanding we don’t demonise Muslims for the action of one’deranged Islamist’ as the BBC might put it. However isn’t it true that the ‘deranged Islamist’ killed these Jewish schoolchildren and their teacher precisely because organisations like the BBC haveconstantly demonised Israel and dehumanised Jews and incited anger andresentment towards Jews around the world.

BBC News kills Jews.

Can there really be any doubt about that?”


Look, I am not a fan of the Coalition, and I am far from impressed with David Cameron, but even I feel a little sorry for the PM, and his Chancellor,  having listened to the BBC post Budget analysis. Osborne was on the Today programme and did OK, I suppose, but the entire ethos of the interview was to suggest that the Budget was really a sop to the rich and an attack on the elderly. It doesn’t matter that it was neither, it is the suggestion that counts, and across the UK the BBC has been to the fore in the past 24 hours in doing everything to make the Budget seem downbeat, unfriendly and so very different from those nice sunny uplifting Budgets delivered by Brown and Darling. Ed Balls was interviewed waffling about how there “was not one single item in the Budget that did anything for jobs”. He was not challenged. Shortly thereafter, the BBC announced the GlaxoSmithKline were investing £500m in the UK and creating 1000 new jobs. I also note the language the BBC use – for example the Chancellor “gave” millions to “the rich”.  Surely what the meant to say is he allowed them to keep more of their income, not quite the same thing but if you are a wealth redistributionist favouring broadcaster, I suppose that is more easily explained.


The BBC were very active pushing the story about Conservative Mayoral candidate Boris Johnson “hijacking” the London Mayors twitter account. Yet, when it comes to Labour Mayoral Ken Livingstone, there appears to be a studied silence over his declaration that he wants London to be “a beacon for Islam” and also that “Jews are too wealthy to vote for him”.  Not really on narrative, is it?


I have been listening to the sneering tone from the BBC this morning as regards the imminent Osborn budget. Even Davies was tweeting that “I wonder if an aspirin can help protect people from the Chancellor”? earlier this morning.I cannot recall any of the Labour budgets being undermined in this fashion but it seems the BBC just cannot help themselves when it is a Conservative Chancellor. Stephanie “Two Eds” Flanders was speculating that an increase in stamp duty on property over £2m was not really adequate and that maybe in the future there should be some annual additional charge on property! It strikes me that instinctively the BBC want to see some of that redistribution of wealth that excites them so.


Well well. Turns out that the vicious assassin of those young Jewish children and their teacher, along with the French soldiers, was a Muslim called Mohammed who claims to be associated with an Al Queda affiliate. (It seems his brothers have also been arrested in connection with the killings) The BBC seem crestfallen given that THEY have been expounding the killer was most likely some sort of far-right neo-Nazi extremist driven to crime by a lack of respect for multiculturalism. I listened to Today between 7 and 7.30am and not a whisper of this story, I assume the narrative was being recalibrated. The BBC seem stunned that this killer did not conform to THEIR fantasy and instead, and so wearily predictable, was just one more Jew hating Islamic lunatic.


I spotted this remarkable tweet by former Question Time producer, James Macintyre

BBC leftwing a myth. Just like “anti war”–academic studies showed BBC gave more coverage to pro war case than anti.
And then,…
That the BBC is leftwing is one of the biggest myths in British public life. Only helps Murdoch in the end.

Not sure if he is for real or just a spoof? Do have a look at his Twitterline, surreal.


There is a definite BBC agenda in play with regard to the murders in Toulouse and Biased-BBC’s Alan notes;

“The BBC have rushedto judgement on those responsible for the shootings in France….they have evennamed a French politician as prime suspect for his ‘inflammatory’ comments onimmigration.

However if you wanted to rush to judgement other facts might point in anotherdirection and not towards a far right extremist trying to stir up a race war(though of course no one knows yet)…

Three soldiers were sacked from the French army for photographing themselvesgiving a Hitler salute whilst wrapped in a Nazi flag…..These three soldiers were cashiered from the 17th Parachute Engineer Regimentin 2008. 

The soldiers who have been murdered recently are also from the 17th ParachuteEngineer Regiment.

If you wanted to jump to conclusions you would surely think the killer wassomeone who hated white nationalists and Jews. Perhaps someone from the Left or one of those who cannot be mentioned? After all it was Left wing terrorists that have predominated in Europe fordecades”