Do you remember the story about the Pyramids being closed on 11.11.11? Must admit I just glanced at it but turns out that even when the BBC reports seemingly innocuous stuff, it ain’t necessarily so. So…from the BBC report;

“Egypt has closed the Great Pyramid outside Cairo after rumours that groups would try to hold special rituals on 11 November at 11:11. The rumours sparked an internet campaign to stop any ceremonies. However the head of Egypt’s antiquities authority said the pyramid had been closed until Saturday morning for “necessary maintenance” only. The Great Pyramid houses the ancient tomb of the Pharaoh Khufu. Two nearby pyramids and the Sphinx remained open.”

But what were “the rumours” and “special rituals” and which group was alleged to be preparing to commit them?

“Egyptian media reported that some Egyptians feared that the event would be used by Jewish Masons to reclaim the Pyramids as ancient Hebrew structures, denying Egyptians their claim to the pharaonic monuments. One SCA employee claimed that a crew of 1,200 Jews were planning to attend the event, crowning the mightiest of the three structures with a Star of David in order to assert the claim that Jewish laves built the pyramids, and not the ancient Egyptians, Egyptian daily Al Ahram reported. Former SCA Secretary General Abdel Halim Noureddin told Al Ahram Jewish Masons have been trying to cap the Great Pyramid since 1931 with the Jewish emblem, so this instance should not be surprising.”

So, vile anti-semitic rumour mongering from the newly liberated Egyptians. And the BBC fails to share the details? I am indebted to B-BBC reader Martin for pointing out the amazing sanitising on behalf of the Jew haters in Egypt.


I suggest you might give this interview concerning the Leveson Inquiry on Today a whirl if you get a moment. Contrast the treatment of Roy Greenslade with that of Trevor Kavanagh. I was pleased when Kavanagh actually kicked back at the tangled Webb but it is a scandal that an interviewer takes such a blatantly biased position in the first instance. I’ve done a few debates with Greenslade myself on the BBC and he is treated as a real hero by them, no interruptions allowed.


I was reading this item by Nick Robinson. In essence, he argues that the Coalition is using the Eurozone crisis to cloak a failure in its own policies for conjuring up “economic growth”. Robinson parrots the ludicrous Labour attack line with delight and I was amused by his suggestion that…

“When I put it to George Osborne last week that the eurozone crisis was politically convenient for him, he replied vigorously to the effect that nothing could be less true. His eyes told a different story. The chancellor knows that were it not for the crisis in Athens and Rome he would now be facing questions about the failure of the private sector to replace the jobs being cut from the public sector and demands for a plan for growth.”

What cuts in the public sector, Nick? And why has the private sector any obligation to provide “growth”? The BBC is constantly repeating the meme that Private enterprise is failing to step up to the plate and create employment. Just listen to THIS interview on Today earlier, again a relentless repetition of theme. Wonder why the BBC never wonders if increased taxation combined with increased red tape bureaucracy on business might be a restraining factor in “growth”? The BBC seems wistful for the golden days when Gordon was in power and all was well with our economy, I understand tractor production was at an all-time high.


Limmy apologises for controversial tweets as Tory MP Louise Mensch gets involved

Is Brian “Limmy” Limond worthy of a BBC license payer funded pay cheque?

“Scottish comedian Brian ‘Limmy’ Limond has apologised for controversial Twitter messages about Prince William and the Conservative Party, after calls were made to sack him from the BBC, which also came to the attention of Conservative MP Louise Mensch this morning. Last night, Limmy, turned his attention to Prince William’s involvement in the FIFA Poppy ban on the England team’s shirts, which drew the eire of members of the Conservatives, who called for him to be sacked from the BBC. The BBC subsequently released a statement stating that he did not work for the organisation and that his comments were his own. This morning, Limmy continued to provoke the Conservatives, members of which, it is understood had contacted the BBC to complain about the comments, by adding an avatar of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher with the words ‘Die Now’ written in red over it.”

Thoughts? I see he has wiped out the offending tweets although if you read some of the subsequent ones, I struggle to understand why the BBC, or anyone, bothers with his clown.

Hat-tip to Ryan


Mark Mardell

Mark Mardell is a busy chap these days. One moment is his salivating at Rick Perry’s 53 seconds of forgetfulness during the latest GOP debate (It’s finished Perry, reckons Mardell, and Republicans simply must support Romney, this years Dem/BBC approved John McCain) the next he is grimly pointing out that the only person that can beat Obama in 2012 is..yes, Angela Merkel. I believe that is called the assumptive close. Gosh, things must be getting serious.


Well. it looks like Berlusconi is following Papandreou out through the exit door, as demanded by Merkozy. This morning, the BBC pondered the future for Italy. Naturally, they push the “tighter fiscal and political union” fantasy of Barroso and his pals. They are also fixated on the personality of Berlusconi.They might do better to listen to the markets, now factoring Italy’s 10yr bond rates at 7%. That’s immediate bail-out time, and this time, not enough cash in the coffers to bail Italy out. So why does the BBC not discuss the central issue here – namely Euro-Governments spending more money than they have? The impossibility of such diverse economies as Germany and Greece? The hubris of the European elite who have ignored the profound schisms that now threaten to engulf the Eurozone? Why is the substance of the debate always so restricted?


I’m sure you will have been following the BBC coverage of the “Open Borders” issue. Now like everyone else, I expect that UK borders are securely guarded and I have grave doubts regarding Theresa May’s abilities anyway. HOWEVER, the BBC is clearly pursuing a conquer and divide approach to this story, as is all too evident in this coverage;

The suspended UK Border Force chief Brodie Clark has been treated with “contempt” by Home Secretary Theresa May, his union officials have said. The First Division Association’s Paul Whiteman said: “It is astonishing the home secretary [declared] him guilty before he had a chance of responding.”

The BBC is giving full spin benefit to those Trade Unionists who are out to get the head of May and save that of Clark. There is the continual meme that May has failed, that she was secretly behind the neglect of duty, and May must go but I don’t quite recall the same BBC focus given to spectacular failings of successive Labour Home Secretaries who presided over vast numbers of illegals getting into our country.