Excellent dissection of BBC bias against Israel here.

Writing for the BBC, freelance travel writer Matthew Teller veered sharply off-course in his article, “Jerusalem Tram Offers View of Other Side of Tracks” about Jerusalem’s light railway. The author demonstrates his shocking ignorance about the history of Jerusalem, about international law, and about present-day Jerusalem with passages that alternately suggest that Israel seized, settled and segregated Jerusalem.

Give it a read, it is a very good read. 


Wondering if any of you have had the chance to look at the report from St. Pauls Institute that has come out today? I am on BBC 5 Live later this evening on the Tony Livesey show. Any feedback is appreciated. The bit of the report that entertained me was that some 41% of those interviewed believed on God. So, more than in the COE! Comments/points?


A Biased-BBC reader notes with regard to the BBC’ s “Any Answers” broadcast on Saturday 5th Nov;

“Did anyone notice that the first subject: the Unions strike for Nov 30. All the callers, around six, were on the side of the unions There were none against, even though the majority of the population feel that civil servants are being much better treated that those of the private sector. Did the BBC recieve no calls against the strike?”


There’s nothing like a biased intro to a BBC debate Can Capitalism have a heart? – asks Sarah Montague on BBC Today. She interviews the Church of England appointed Ken Costa, who seems a reasonable chap,  but almost entirely from the perspective of Swampy and his pals. Not a word of the disgraceful behavior of those protesters who have turned Wren’s masterpiece into a public latrine, whose excrement has to be cleaned from the very steps of St. Paul’s. The BBC, like the COE, collude with Big Sloth, to undermine the very system that allows them all to operate.  Sickening.


I am sure you will have noted the FIFA ban on the England team wearing poppies at the weekend friendly against Spain. I tuned in to the BBC’s Nolan show this morning (Stuck in traffic and I’m a masochist!) and who was the guest expert commentator? Why none other than my old pal from the Sunday Morning Live green room, the former Biship of Hulme, Stephen Lowe. (You will recall my slight verbal altercation with him yesterday in connection to the wearing of poppies, he being somewhat conflicted about whether to wear a Red Poppy.) Can you guess the view the former Bishop was advocating to the fury of quite a few listeners? Yes, that’s right, he heartily approves of the FIFA ban on the England players and feels that the Poppy is somehow devalued if everyone wears it. He also made a passing reference to the “Empire” origins of the Poppy. Now, I have no issue with this socialist cleric holding the views that he does, after all we live in a democracy. But I do wonder WHY the BBC seems so keen to provide him with platform after platform? Is it because his views resonate with them in the same way as my views appall them? Where is the balance?


Well, I didn’t make it onto Sunday Morning Live. I was the “stand by” for Angela Epstein. Angela was able to make it so that was fine. However I was present in the Green Room with the former Bishop of  Hulme, Stephen Lowe. Had an interesting exchange with him. He is the guy who is “not sure” if this is an afterlife, he is the guy who defended Druid William’s “Sharia” comments. He is a proud socialist, Labour Party member, and he wears the Red Poppy because, as he put it to me. he lacks the courage to wear the White Poppy. I suggested he should wear a white feather. The atmosphere rather cooled! 😉 but my coffee was hot.


Talk about groupthink. I tuned in to the repeat of The News Quiz on BBC Radio 4 this lunchtime. Presided over by Sandi Toksvig – who herself is quite leftist albeit with a lesbian twist – Jeremy Hardy and Andy Hamilton provided all the appropriate “jokes.” So, there was much praise for Rowan Williams, much castigation for George Papandreou and the predictable attacks on capitalism. (Do these comrades not get paid for their appearances?) This programme is an extended 30minute left wing whinge with very little remnants of humour. Pity, once upon a time I used to like this programme but it’s now part of the hive, better ignored. Next week, the NOW show returns..aaaargghh!


Well it looks to me that the BBC is dismayed that Greek PM George Papandreou is still in office. For the last week or so they have been claiming that he would resign/lose the vote of confidence/walk away/be pushed. Naturally, they got that wrong and yet even after his victory in the Confidence vote last night, they are still pushing the idea he will yet fall and that their designated favourite, the Finance Minister Venizelos, will replace him a “Government of National Unity” – despite the fact the Nation is not allowed to speak to determine what the politicians should unite around! All the BBC glitterati were flown out o Athens for the vote …. from John Humphyrs to Stephen Nolan. It’s funny how the BBC choose not to pursue the validity of a Government ignoring the will of the people, yet I suppose when the aim of the BBC is to propagandise for the EU, maybe we should not be that surprised at this?