The BBC does not seem to enjoy having complaints about it being made public. Yesterday, I blogged the genuine concerns of a B-BBC reader and license payer; here is what he received back this morning from the BBC. In my view, a Public Broadcaster should have nothing to fear from frank and honest examination of complaints, don’t  you think?

From: NewsOnline Complaints <>
Date: Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 8:40 AM
Subject: RE: Your complaints
To: xxxxx
Mr X,
Complaints handlers would have no knowledge of whether or not you had taken your concerns to the BBC Trust. If you have issues about this decision you may take them to the Trust, as you may any about the handling of the process.
The BBC does not oblige its staff to give their names in such correspondence to prevent advantage being taken of such information. We note you have chosen to make this private exchange public.
BBC News website

My italics. Guess who reads Biased BBC?

Here’s an invitation from me to the BBC Complaints Department. If you seek to have those of us who pay your salary to better understand you and your ways, be transparent. If you think I am being unfair, please feel free to comment here and put your case. I won’t ban you for two years…


Here is a tale of how the BBC treats those who raise genuine concerns. I am sharing the email exchange for your interest with the permission of the person concerned. Have to say I was stunned by the decision made against the license payer concerned; Your views?

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: NewsOnline Complaints <>
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: Your complaints

Mr X

We have been considering the various complaints you have submitted in recent weeks – more than 20 in the past two months alone to the News website and more to our central complaints handling unit.

Looking at your recent correspondence to the News website, most are commenting, disputing or debating detailed and often minor points, contesting that they constitute left-wing bias on the part of the BBC.

BBC News does not, as you suggest, adopt a particular standpoint or take views about the events it reports. Many of the points made in your complaints take issue with language that we maintain is factual and neutral and overlook balancing comments included in reports. The language used in our reporting, examples of which you have disputed, is governed by our published Editorial Guidelines. We cannot agree that any of the examples you have raised in these many complaints shows clear evidence that these guidelines have been breached.

You also complain about bias in articles that are clearly marked as viewpoints and about stories reported in other media that have apparently not been covered by the BBC.

As an illustration, we have reviewed some of your recent complaints.
In this story – – you complain that the headline “Bank of England injects further £75bn into economy” conveys support for their action, but we believe it is a perfectly neutral term. You also say there is no alternative view when we had included a comment about the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) calling for an urgent meeting with the pensions regulator to discuss ways of protecting UK pension funds from the negative effects of QE.

“Quantitative easing makes it more expensive for employers to provide pensions and will weaken the funding of schemes as their deficits increase,” said Joanne Segars, chief executive of the NAPF.
You asked why we did not carry a comment from the Telegraph on trader Alessio Rastani when we have made clear that we have carried out our own investigation into his credibility.

You claim that this article – – which states that “the English riots were ‘sparked by the police shooting of a black man in north London” paints a picture of the rioters as being motivated by a sense of injustice. It is simply stating a fact but you appear to wish to interpret it as a political comment. You further say that the article “also tells us that the rioters were ‘venting their fury’ at ‘high unemployment and painful austerity measures’. In fact, that is clearly a reference to factors behind protests in other countries.

It was a long, hot spring and summer on the streets of Greece, England and Madrid, as protesters and rioters vented their fury at high unemployment, painful austerity measures and following a fatal police shooting in London.

You complained that this article – – “referred to firms ‘overcharging passengers and ripping off customers’. That is emotive language, and shows left-wing bias.” You would not accept our explanation that the comments were clearly attributed to Ed Miliband.

About this report – – you wrote: “As happened during the recent riots in the UK, the BBC is using the word ‘protestors’ rather than ‘rioters’, thereby giving the criminals legitimacy.” In fact, the article does refer to rioters.

You complained that this report – – did not include other “politically incorrect” explanations for the riots, which you list. However, the article makes clear that it is examining theories put forward in the media, not seeking to posit its own explanations.

In our view, this correspondence therefore now represents a disproportionate use of BBC staff time and consequently of our increasingly limited licence fee resources.

In accordance with the BBC’s framework for handling complaints, we must inform you that the BBC’s expedited complaints handling procedure will now be applied to any complaints you make citing further examples to allege left-wing bias in BBC news coverage.

For the period of two years from the receipt of this email, we will continue to read any complaints you submit, whether directly to production teams or via the central handling unit, but they will not be investigated unless “they appear to raise a substantive issue or disclose a serious prima facie case of a breach of the Editorial Guidelines where there is a significant prospect that the complaint might be upheld”.

Full details of the procedure can be found here:
Should you wish, you may write to the BBC Trust within 20 working days to request an appeal against this decision.
Best wishes,

BBC News


As a bit of a veteran of BBC radio debates, I can tell you that one of the biggest challenges is the way in which the host can limit your ability to react and respond to whoever you are debating with. This can be really frustrating and when one holds views that do not synch with BBC- as  is the case with myself -it is also very predictable. You are told not to interrupt, your mic voice is turned many ways to keep you in your box. It is against this factual background that I invite you to listen to THIS interview on the BBC earlier today between Professor Lisa Jardine of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and Dr David King of the campaign group Human Genetics Alert. Funny how Lisa gets to bully, hector, interrupt and contradict the polite Dr King. I felt sorry for Dr King – but then again if he will insist on holding views contrary to BBC group think, what can he expect?


I blogged on this over on A Tangled Web but I have to admit I was HORRIFIED by the way the the BBC ran it earlier today. In true totalitarian style, the idea that the old should be “encouraged” to swap their property with our booming younger population (Demographics suitably opaque)was posited with little sense of alarm. In fact. it all made such good sense. All the State needs to do is “encourage” those who are 45yrs+ living in houses with bedrooms that they do not use to sell up and move into a nice comfy inner city multi-storey flat. What could go wrong?


I make no comment, I simply report;

Rangers Football Club is withdrawing all co-operation with the BBC as of today. The decision has been taken due to the repeated difficulties the Club has encountered with the BBC this season.
The Club was forced earlier in the season to suspend co-operation with the BBC over its serious misrepresentation of the Club manager’s position on violence and sectarianism. There have also been other instances where the BBC’s reporting on the club’s affairs has been neither accurate or fair.
Furthermore, over the last few weeks the BBC has been involved in making a documentary about the Club which appears to be little more than a prejudiced muckraking exercise. Efforts to ensure that reporting of the Club’s affairs should be balanced and fair appear to have been in vain.
The Club believes that the BBC has on a number of occasions now demonstrated a pre-determined negative attitude towards Rangers and its fans and its journalism has fallen well short of acceptable standards.
The decision to end co-operation with the BBC has been taken very reluctantly but the Club feels it has been left with no other option.

And in case anyone is wondering, I am NOT a Rangers fan!


I’ll be honest and state my own prejudice. I am pleased that Gilad Shalit is being freed today but I TOTALLY oppose the swap on the simple principle that rewarding terrorism usually ensures you get more of it. But it’s a big day for Israel and also for Hamastan.

I was surprised to hear the BBC refer to Shalit’s five year incarceration as “detention” this morning. Detention, eh? Even after all these years they just cannot bring themselves to admit that Shalit was kidnapped and then held hostage by Hamastan. Nor do they mention that two of Shalit’s colleagues were murdered by the same loathsome Hamas killers.

The BBC also seems a bit coy about the nature of those Palestinian “fighters” being released, almost as if their convictions for terrorism against Israel has no meaning. Similarly, the comment “Those released will return to armed struggle. It is a great national achievement.” by Khaled Mashal, Chairman, Hamas Political Bureau, Damascus, Syria, seems to have been missed by the world class BBC.

The BBC will record the jubilation amongst Palestinians as they celebrate their hatred of Israel and yet I suggest it will do everything possible to sanitise the blood lust on display, I will leave it to you to determine why.


It looks like Paul Mason’s witterings on the #Occupy movement are causing lots of concern. Here we have a take on his latest pronouncements from B-BBC’s Alan…

“Paul Mason is quite scary…this man is the editor of Newsnight…supposedly a flagship BBC current affairs programme, and yet the editor is reliving his student days….romancing the revolution.

The sheer idiocy of what he says is in fact probably beyond even what many a student drunk on Che Guevara and cheap beer would dare to utter. His main problem is that he believes the MSM doesn’t understand the protests….really? They understand all too well…they are the usual raggle taggle mob that appears to have a go at the ‘Man’ and whose agenda is pure anti-Establishment without any ideas of their own on how to put the economy back n the road.

‘My generation of radicals and breakers-down never found anything to take the place of the old virtues of work and courage and the old graces of courtesy and politeness.’ ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Mason tells us that…

‘Though the place was swarming with media, including a hilarious spoof of a Fox News reporter wearing a flak jacket, the main complaint is that the media is ignoring them and does not understand them. This latter point I think is largely true.’

Mason likes to compare the protestors to the ‘Arab Springers’….what’s that old saying? ‘Careful what you wish for’ as the Egyptians and Co are finding out.

He also suggests this is all because of the internet encouraging a lovey dovey world harmony and single global ‘mind’…’But these protests are a powerful signal worldwide. Their mere existence shows that people are determined to “think globally” about routes out of this crisis – at a time when economics is driving politicians down the route of national solutions. However marginalised they are politically – and in some countries, above all America and Greece, they have broken out of marginalisation – it is still a fact: in 1931, as the remnants of Globalisation 1.0 collapsed, there were no mass international protests against austerity.’

For a Newsnight editor to have never heard of International Communism is strange….especially as so many of his work colleagues are advocates for that ideology….and has he not heard of the IMF etc?

It’s a new democratic movement…for the people by the people….four legs good two legs bad type of thing.

‘What is absolutely clear however, is what they are determined to do: it’s much bigger than any single-issue campaign or cause. They mean to limit the power of finance capital and build a more equal society, while rejecting the hierarchical methods of the parties that once claimed to do so. In this sense the movement is a kind of replacement social democracy; a mirror image of the besuited young people who populate the think tanks of Labour, the SPD, the US Democrats etc.’

and its interesting his final take on the situation…it’s the Banker’s fault, all of it…..’It poses the question “who pays for the banking crisis” very acutely. And large numbers of people are now realising it is going to be them, and more painfully, their children. ‘

No mention of Labour’s huge public sector job creation scheme which put millions on the government payroll and paid them out of borrowings which would be paid off by their children who will also be paying their parent’s, possibly grandparent’s, pensions as well as trying to make a living for themselves.

 As to politicians failing to make things more equal….well the facts tell a different story….

Here in an interactive graph at the end of the report, the BBC’s very own anti-Tory exocet missile Mark Easton, self destructs and reveals that the evil capitalist Tories presided over a time when income began to be far more fairly distributed amongst the population…..


Biased BBC contributor Alan writes….

“The Today programme interviewed Phil Bentley from British Gas and Chris Huhne the energy and climate change minister this morning.

Prices are rising and the Today programme wants to know why. The government also wants to know why.

‘David Cameron calls for action to cut energy bills.  The government needs to work “harder and faster” to bring down energy bills, the prime minister has said ahead of a summit on gas and electricity prices.’

Throughout the interview the ‘inconvenient fact’ of ‘why’ is skirted around with euphemisms and wilful blindness.The prices are rising so dramatically because of government green policies….that is to pay for all the massive subsidies to build wind farms and to handsomely reward wealthy farmers and landowners to allow these unwanted intrusions in the landscape onto their land.

Naughtie uses every phrase he can dream up to avoid using ‘carbon tax’ or ‘green tax’….he tells us that price rises are to pay for energy from ‘different sources’ or that they are to ‘secure energy supplies’ or ‘government policy in all its forms’ will increase prices but eventually he raises the subject but only tentatively and only once and fails to chase Huhne as he sidestepped it…’a commitment to a reduction in emissions means prices will go up will it not?’.

Huhne dodges the question and claims prices are rising to secure supplies and er…to protect us from price rises… does that work? ….presumably build a windfarm and charge us the earth up front in subsidies to these energy companies and then keep charging us that rate but don’t increase prices unless ‘unusual circumstances’ dictate a rise.

Isn’t that just like the shop that raises prices just before a ‘sale’ and the sale price is actually the same price on the sticker before the ‘sale’? Why is the BBC so reluctant to mention green taxes?

Does it not want the public to know just how much of their money is being ploughed into this unproven theory and lining the pockets of already wealthy people, especially in times of economic crisis.

Does it think people might object and start looking even more closely at the realities of climate?